diff options
authorAlan Alpert <>2010-11-26 01:22:04 (GMT)
committerAlan Alpert <>2010-11-26 01:22:04 (GMT)
commitdda88f1bf0b02cfb0307686afdf8a3bf1e7824bd (patch)
parent6dc29b3a2f93936aa5a3eecb336631485c5195b8 (diff)
parent2c0c3a213d44ad53023a507e19d18d1e5d359aec (diff)
Merge branch '4.7' of into 4.7
8 files changed, 159 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 522d1fb..6b83585 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Where supported options are as follows:
[-s|stub] = Generates stub sis for ROM.
[-n|sisname <name>] = Specifies the final sis name.
[-g|gcce-is-armv5] = Convert gcce platform to armv5.
+ [-d|dont-patch] = Skip automatic patching of capabilities and pkg file if default certificate
+ is used. Instead non-self-signable capabilities just cause warnings.
Where parameters are as follows:
templatepkg = Name of .pkg file template
target = Either debug or release
@@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ my $stub = "";
my $signed_sis_name = "";
my $onlyUnsigned = "";
my $convertGcce = "";
+my $dontPatchCaps = "";
unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install,
'p|preprocess' => \$preprocessonly,
@@ -135,7 +138,8 @@ unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install,
'o|only-unsigned' => \$onlyUnsigned,
's|stub' => \$stub,
'n|sisname=s' => \$signed_sis_name,
- 'g|gcce-is-armv5' => \$convertGcce,)) {
+ 'g|gcce-is-armv5' => \$convertGcce,
+ 'd|dont-patch' => \$dontPatchCaps,)) {
@@ -343,9 +347,13 @@ if($stub) {
&& !@certificates
&& $templatepkg !~ m/_installer\.pkg$/i
&& !$onlyUnsigned) {
- print("Auto-patching capabilities for self signed package.\n");
my $patch_capabilities = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($0), "patch_capabilities");
- system ("$patch_capabilities $pkgoutput") and die ("ERROR: Automatic patching failed");
+ if ($dontPatchCaps) {
+ system ("$patch_capabilities -c $pkgoutput") and print ("Warning: Package check for self-signing viability failed. Installing the package on a device will most likely fail!\n\n");
+ } else {
+ print("Auto-patching self-signed package.\n");
+ system ("$patch_capabilities $pkgoutput") and die ("ERROR: Automatic patching failed");
+ }
# Create SIS.
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 994d493..df71339 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -63,8 +63,11 @@ sub Usage() {
print(" symbian-sbsv2 platform, 'target-platform' is REQUIRED. ***\n\n");
print(" *** NOTE2: When patching gcce binaries built with symbian-sbsv2 toolchain,\n");
print(" armv5 must be specified as platform.\n");
- print("\nUsage: pkg_filename [target-platform [capability list]]\n");
+ print("\nUsage: [-c] pkg_filename [target-platform [capability list]]\n");
print("\nE.g. myapp_template.pkg release-armv5 \"All -TCB\"\n");
+ print("\nThe parameter -c can be used to just check if package is compatible with self-signing\n");
+ print("without actually doing any patching.\n");
+ print("Explicit capability list cannot be used with -c parameter.\n");
@@ -86,6 +89,14 @@ if (@ARGV)
# Parse the first given script argument as a ".pkg" file name.
my $pkgFileName = shift(@ARGV);
+ my $justCheck = "";
+ my $msgPrefix = "Patching:";
+ if ($pkgFileName eq "-c") {
+ $pkgFileName = shift(@ARGV);
+ $justCheck = true;
+ $msgPrefix = "Warning:";
+ }
# These variables will only be set for template .pkg files.
my $target;
@@ -123,15 +134,22 @@ if (@ARGV)
if (($pkgFileName =~ m|\.pkg$|i) && -r($pkgFileName))
print ("\n");
- print ("Patching package file and relevant binaries...\n");
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ print ("Checking");
+ } else {
+ print ("Patching");
+ }
+ print (" package file and relevant binaries...\n");
- # If there are more arguments given, parse them as capabilities.
- if (@ARGV)
- {
- @capabilitiesSpecified = ();
- while (@ARGV)
+ if (!$justCheck) {
+ # If there are more arguments given, parse them as capabilities.
+ if (@ARGV)
- push (@capabilitiesSpecified, pop(@ARGV));
+ @capabilitiesSpecified = ();
+ while (@ARGV)
+ {
+ push (@capabilitiesSpecified, pop(@ARGV));
+ }
@@ -139,11 +157,15 @@ if (@ARGV)
my @binaries = ();
my $tempPkgFileName = $pkgFileName."_@@TEMP@@";
- unlink($tempPkgFileName);
- open (NEW_PKG, ">>".$tempPkgFileName);
+ if (!$justCheck) {
+ unlink($tempPkgFileName);
+ open (NEW_PKG, ">>".$tempPkgFileName);
+ }
open (PKG, "<".$pkgFileName);
- my $manufacturerElseBlock = 0;
+ my $checkFailed = "";
+ my $somethingPatched = "";
# Parse each line.
while (<PKG>)
@@ -155,66 +177,19 @@ if (@ARGV)
if ($line =~ m/^\#.*\((0x[0-7][0-9a-fA-F]*)\).*$/)
my $oldUID = $1;
- my $newUID = $oldUID;
- $newUID =~ s/0x./0xE/i;
- $newLine =~ s/$oldUID/$newUID/;
- print ("Patching: UID $oldUID is not compatible with self-signing! Changed to: $newUID.\n");
- }
- # Patch embedded sis name and UID if UID is in protected range
- if ($line =~ m/^@\"*(.*\.sis).*\((0x[0-7][0-9a-fA-F]*)\).*$/)
- {
- my $oldSisName = $1;
- my $oldUID = $2;
- my $newUID = $oldUID;
- $newUID =~ s/0x./0xE/i;
- $newLine =~ s/$oldUID/$newUID/;
- print ("Patching: Embedded sis $oldSisName UID $oldUID changed to: $newUID.\n");
- if ($oldSisName !~ m/^.*_selfsigned.sis$/i)
- {
- my $newSisName = $oldSisName;
- $newSisName =~ s/\.sis$/_selfsigned\.sis/i;
- $newLine =~ s/$oldSisName/$newSisName/i;
- print ("Patching: Embedded sis $oldSisName name changed to: $newSisName.\n");
+ print ("$msgPrefix UID $oldUID is not compatible with self-signing!\n");
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ $checkFailed = true;
+ } else {
+ my $newUID = $oldUID;
+ $newUID =~ s/0x./0xE/i;
+ $newLine =~ s/$oldUID/$newUID/;
+ print ("$msgPrefix Package UID changed to: $newUID.\n");
+ $somethingPatched = true;
- # Remove dependencies to known problem packages (i.e. packages that are likely to be patched, too)
- # to reduce unnecessary error messages.
- if ($line =~ m/^\((0x2002af5f)\).*\{.*\}$/)
- {
- $newLine = "\n";
- print ("Patching: Removed dependency to sqlite3.sis ($1) to avoid installation issues in case sqlite3.sis is also patched.\n");
- }
- if ($line =~ m/^\((0x2001E61C)\).*\{.*\}$/)
- {
- $newLine = "\n";
- print ("Patching: Removed dependency to qt.sis ($1) to avoid installation issues in case qt.sis is also patched.\n");
- }
- # Remove manufacturer ifdef
- if ($line =~ m/^.*\(MANUFACTURER\)\=\(.*\).*$/)
- {
- $newLine = "\n";
- print ("Patching: Removed manufacturer check as it is usually not desirable in self-signed packages.\n");
- }
- if ($line =~ m/^ELSEIF.*MANUFACTURER$/)
- {
- $manufacturerElseBlock = 1;
- }
- if ($manufacturerElseBlock eq 1)
- {
- $newLine = "\n";
- }
- if ($line =~ m/^ENDIF.*MANUFACTURER$/)
- {
- $manufacturerElseBlock = 0;
- }
# If the line specifies a file, parse the source and destination locations.
if ($line =~ m|^ *\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\-\s*\"([^\"]+)\"|)
@@ -231,16 +206,20 @@ if (@ARGV)
$sourcePath =~ s/\$\(TARGET\)/$target/gm;
- # Change the source file name (but only if not already patched)
- my $patchedSourcePath = $sourcePath;
- if ($patchedSourcePath !~ m/_patched_caps/)
- {
- $newLine =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)(.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2$3$4/i;
- $patchedSourcePath =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2/i;
- copy($sourcePath, $patchedSourcePath) or die "$sourcePath cannot be copied for patching.";
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ push (@binaries, $sourcePath);
+ } else {
+ # Change the source file name (but only if not already patched)
+ my $patchedSourcePath = $sourcePath;
+ if ($patchedSourcePath !~ m/_patched_caps/)
+ {
+ $newLine =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)(.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2$3$4/i;
+ $patchedSourcePath =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2/i;
+ copy($sourcePath, $patchedSourcePath) or die "$sourcePath cannot be copied for patching.";
+ }
+ push (@binaries, $patchedSourcePath);
- push (@binaries, $patchedSourcePath);
@@ -250,11 +229,12 @@ if (@ARGV)
close (PKG);
- close (NEW_PKG);
- unlink($pkgFileName);
- rename($tempPkgFileName, $pkgFileName);
+ if (!$justCheck) {
+ close (NEW_PKG);
+ unlink($pkgFileName);
+ rename($tempPkgFileName, $pkgFileName);
+ }
print ("\n");
my $baseCommandToExecute = "elftran -vid 0x0 -capability \"%s\" ";
@@ -265,18 +245,18 @@ if (@ARGV)
# Create the command line for setting the capabilities.
my ($binaryVolume, $binaryDirs, $binaryBaseName) = File::Spec->splitpath($binaryPath);
my $commandToExecute = $baseCommandToExecute;
- my $executeNeeded = 0;
+ my $executeNeeded = "";
if (@capabilitiesSpecified)
$commandToExecute = sprintf($baseCommandToExecute, join(" ", @capabilitiesSpecified));
- $executeNeeded = 1;
+ $executeNeeded = true;
my $capString = join(" ", @capabilitiesSpecified);
- print ("Patching: Patching the the Vendor ID to 0 and the capabilities used to: \"$capString\" in \"$binaryBaseName\".\n");
+ print ("$msgPrefix Patching the the Vendor ID to 0 and the capabilities used to: \"$capString\" in \"$binaryBaseName\".\n");
} else {
# Test which capabilities are present and then restrict them to the allowed set.
# This avoid raising the capabilities of apps that already have none.
my $dllCaps;
- open($dllCaps, "elftran -dump s $binaryPath |") or die ("Could not execute elftran");
+ open($dllCaps, "elftran -dump s $binaryPath |") or die ("ERROR: Could not execute elftran");
my $capsFound = 0;
my $originalVid;
my @capabilitiesToSet;
@@ -288,8 +268,8 @@ if (@ARGV)
if ($binaryBaseName =~ /\.exe$/) {
# Installer refuses to install protected executables in a self signed package, so abort if one is detected.
# We can't simply just patch the executable SID, as any registration resources executable uses will be linked to it via SID.
- print ("Patching: Executable with SID in the protected range (0x$exeSid) detected: \"$binaryBaseName\". A self-signed sis with protected executables is not supported.\n");
- exit(1);
+ print ("$msgPrefix Executable with SID in the protected range (0x$exeSid) detected: \"$binaryBaseName\". A self-signed sis with protected executables is not supported.\n\n");
+ $checkFailed = true;
if (/^Vendor ID: ([0-9a-fA-F]*)$/) {
@@ -302,7 +282,7 @@ if (@ARGV)
if ($capabilitiesToAllow =~ /$_/) {
push(@capabilitiesToSet, $_);
if (Location =~ /$_/i) {
- print ("Patching: Warning - \"Location\" capability detected for binary: \"$binaryBaseName\". This capability is not self-signable for S60 3rd edition feature pack 1 devices, so installing this package on those devices will most likely not work.\n");
+ print ("$msgPrefix \"Location\" capability detected for binary: \"$binaryBaseName\". This capability is not self-signable for S60 3rd edition feature pack 1 devices, so installing this package on those devices will most likely not work.\n\n");
} else {
push(@capabilitiesToDrop, $_);
@@ -311,22 +291,32 @@ if (@ARGV)
if ($originalVid !~ "00000000") {
- print ("Patching: Vendor ID (0x$originalVid) incompatible with self-signed packages, setting it to zero for \"$binaryBaseName\".\n");
- $executeNeeded = 1;
+ print ("$msgPrefix Non-zero vendor ID (0x$originalVid) is incompatible with self-signed packages in \"$binaryBaseName\"");
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ print (".\n\n");
+ $checkFailed = true;
+ } else {
+ print (", setting it to zero.\n\n");
+ $executeNeeded = true;
+ }
if ($#capabilitiesToDrop) {
my $capsToDropStr = join("\", \"", @capabilitiesToDrop);
$capsToDropStr =~ s/\", \"$//;
- if ($binaryBaseName =~ /\.exe$/) {
- # While libraries often have capabilities they do not themselves need just to enable them to be loaded by wider variety of processes,
- # executables are more likely to need every capability they have been assigned or they won't function correctly.
- print ("Patching: Executable with capabilities incompatible with self-signing detected: \"$binaryBaseName\". (Incompatible capabilities: \"$capsToDropStr\".) Reducing capabilities is only supported for libraries.\n");
- print ("Patching: Please use a proper developer certificate for signing this package.\n");
- exit(1);
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ print ("$msgPrefix The following capabilities used in \"$binaryBaseName\" are not compatible with a self-signed package: \"$capsToDropStr\".\n\n");
+ $checkFailed = true;
} else {
- print ("Patching: The following capabilities used in \"$binaryBaseName\" are not compatible with a self-signed package and will be removed: \"$capsToDropStr\".\n");
- $executeNeeded = 1;
+ if ($binaryBaseName =~ /\.exe$/) {
+ # While libraries often have capabilities they do not themselves need just to enable them to be loaded by wider variety of processes,
+ # executables are more likely to need every capability they have been assigned or they won't function correctly.
+ print ("$msgPrefix Executable with capabilities incompatible with self-signing detected: \"$binaryBaseName\". (Incompatible capabilities: \"$capsToDropStr\".) Reducing capabilities is only supported for libraries.\n");
+ $checkFailed = true;
+ } else {
+ print ("$msgPrefix The following capabilities used in \"$binaryBaseName\" are not compatible with a self-signed package and will be removed: \"$capsToDropStr\".\n");
+ $executeNeeded = true;
+ }
$commandToExecute = sprintf($baseCommandToExecute, join(" ", @capabilitiesToSet));
@@ -337,16 +327,37 @@ if (@ARGV)
# Actually execute the elftran command to set the capabilities.
print ("\n");
system ("$commandToExecute > $nullDevice");
+ $somethingPatched = true;
## Create another command line to check that the set capabilities are correct.
#$commandToExecute = "elftran -dump s ".$binaryPath;
+ if ($checkFailed) {
+ print ("\n");
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ print ("$msgPrefix The package is not compatible with self-signing.\n");
+ } else {
+ print ("$msgPrefix Unable to patch the package for self-singing.\n");
+ }
+ print ("Use a proper developer certificate for signing this package.\n\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ($justCheck) {
+ print ("Package is compatible with self-signing.\n");
+ } else {
+ if ($somethingPatched) {
+ print ("NOTE: A patched package may not work as expected due to reduced capabilities and other modifications,\n");
+ print (" so it should not be used for any kind of Symbian signing or distribution!\n");
+ print (" Use a proper certificate to avoid the need to patch the package.\n");
+ } else {
+ print ("No patching was required!\n");
+ }
+ }
print ("\n");
- print ("NOTE: A patched package may not work as expected due to reduced capabilities and other modifications,\n");
- print (" so it should not be used for any kind of Symbian signing or distribution!\n");
- print (" Use a proper certificate to avoid the need to patch the package.\n");
- print ("\n");
+ } else {
+ Usage();
diff --git a/doc/src/platforms/symbian-introduction.qdoc b/doc/src/platforms/symbian-introduction.qdoc
index 7bc5303..9da94c4 100644
--- a/doc/src/platforms/symbian-introduction.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/platforms/symbian-introduction.qdoc
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
\row \o -s \o Generates stub sis for ROM.
\row \o -n <name> \o Specifies the final sis name.
\row \o -g \o Treat gcce platform as armv5.
+ \row \o -d \o Skip automatic patching of the package when default certificate is used.
Execute the \c{} script without any
diff --git a/qmake/generators/win32/msbuild_objectmodel.cpp b/qmake/generators/win32/msbuild_objectmodel.cpp
index c3436b4..3381d53 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/win32/msbuild_objectmodel.cpp
+++ b/qmake/generators/win32/msbuild_objectmodel.cpp
@@ -2908,26 +2908,43 @@ void XTreeNode::generateXML(XmlOutput &xml, XmlOutput &xmlFilter, const QString
if (children.size()) {
// Filter
+ QString tempFilterName;
ChildrenMap::ConstIterator it, end = children.constEnd();
if (!tagName.isEmpty()) {
+ tempFilterName.append(filter);
+ tempFilterName.append("\\");
+ tempFilterName.append(tagName);
+ xmlFilter << tag(_ItemGroup);
xmlFilter << tag("Filter")
- << attrTag("Include", tagName)
- << attrTagS("Extensions", "");
+ << attrTag("Include", tempFilterName)
+ << closetag();
+ xmlFilter << closetag();
// First round, do nested filters
for (it = children.constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
if ((*it)->children.size())
- (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, filter);
+ {
+ if ( !tempFilterName.isEmpty() )
+ (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, tempFilterName);
+ else
+ (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, filter);
+ }
// Second round, do leafs
for (it = children.constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
if (!(*it)->children.size())
- (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, filter);
- if (!tagName.isEmpty())
- xml << closetag("Filter");
+ {
+ if ( !tempFilterName.isEmpty() )
+ (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, tempFilterName);
+ else
+ (*it)->generateXML(xml, xmlFilter, it.key(), tool, filter);
+ }
} else {
// Leaf
+ xml << tag(_ItemGroup);
+ xmlFilter << tag(_ItemGroup);
tool.outputFileConfigs(xml, xmlFilter, info, filter);
+ xmlFilter << closetag();
+ xml << closetag();
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qsound_s60.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qsound_s60.cpp
index df2830b..accfce2 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qsound_s60.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qsound_s60.cpp
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void QAuServerS60::playCompleted(QAuBucketS60 *bucket, int error)
} else {
// We don't have a way to inform about errors -> just decrement loops
// in order that QSound::isFinished will return true;
- while (decLoop(sound)) {}
+ while (decLoop(sound) > 0) {}
if (staticPlayingSounds.removeAll(sound))
delete sound;
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp
index 2daa1f0..eab9cf6 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ bool QTextureGlyphCache::populate(QFontEngine *fontEngine, int numGlyphs, const
// no room on the current line, start new glyph strip
m_cx = 0;
m_cy += m_currentRowHeight + paddingDoubled;
- m_currentRowHeight = 0; // New row
+ m_currentRowHeight = c.h + margin * 2; // New row
if (m_cy + c.h > m_h) {
diff --git a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.cpp b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.cpp
index 25622a4..3617d24 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.cpp
+++ b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::QAudioDeviceInfoInternal(QByteArray dev, QAudio::Mode
device = QLatin1String(dev);
this->mode = mode;
+#if (SND_LIB_MAJOR == 1 && SND_LIB_MINOR == 0 && SND_LIB_SUBMINOR >= 14)
@@ -394,9 +396,11 @@ void QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::updateLists()
+#if (SND_LIB_MAJOR == 1 && SND_LIB_MINOR == 0 && SND_LIB_SUBMINOR >= 14)
if (surround40) channelz.append(4);
if (surround51) channelz.append(6);
if (surround71) channelz.append(8);
@@ -494,6 +498,7 @@ QByteArray QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::defaultOutputDevice()
return devices.first();
+#if (SND_LIB_MAJOR == 1 && SND_LIB_MINOR == 0 && SND_LIB_SUBMINOR >= 14)
void QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::checkSurround()
QList<QByteArray> devices;
@@ -534,5 +539,6 @@ void QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::checkSurround()
diff --git a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.h b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.h
index 8525980..5f7e5e8 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudiodeviceinfo_alsa_p.h
@@ -98,10 +98,12 @@ private:
bool open();
void close();
+#if (SND_LIB_MAJOR == 1 && SND_LIB_MINOR == 0 && SND_LIB_SUBMINOR >= 14)
void checkSurround();
bool surround40;
bool surround51;
bool surround71;
QString device;
QAudio::Mode mode;