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authorOlivier Goffart <>2009-08-17 07:21:03 (GMT)
committerOlivier Goffart <>2009-08-18 19:04:48 (GMT)
commit94958cf9ff173830fbed66cf4b4158c51df1df7c (patch)
parent93f017401ce8bb73415f88955e928a90c6759fc0 (diff)
Fix the QScriptContext::argumentsObject and QScriptContext::argument for js functions
On js functions, if the number of arguments is different from the number of expected arguments, they are located in different place in the stackframe. We need to call the JSC functions that take that into account. Test is the backtrace test Reviewed-by: Kent Hansen
2 files changed, 62 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/api/qscriptcontext.cpp b/src/script/api/qscriptcontext.cpp
index 229c8ab..118b551 100644
--- a/src/script/api/qscriptcontext.cpp
+++ b/src/script/api/qscriptcontext.cpp
@@ -273,9 +273,8 @@ QScriptValue QScriptContext::argument(int index) const
return QScriptValue();
if (index >= argumentCount())
return QScriptValue(QScriptValue::UndefinedValue);
- JSC::Register* thisRegister = frame->registers() - JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - frame->argumentCount();
- ++index; //skip the 'this' object
- return QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->scriptValueFromJSCValue(thisRegister[index].jsValue());
+ QScriptValue v = argumentsObject().property(index);
+ return v;
@@ -306,15 +305,23 @@ QScriptValue QScriptContext::callee() const
QScriptValue QScriptContext::argumentsObject() const
JSC::CallFrame *frame = const_cast<JSC::ExecState*>(QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(this));
- if (frame == frame->lexicalGlobalObject()->globalExec()) {
- //global context doesn't have any argument, return an empty object
+ if (frame == frame->lexicalGlobalObject()->globalExec() || frame->callerFrame()->hasHostCallFrameFlag()) {
+ // <global> or <eval> context doesn't have arguments. return an empty object
return QScriptEnginePrivate::get(QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame))->newObject();
- Q_ASSERT(frame->argumentCount() > 0); //we need at least 'this' otherwise we'll crash later
+ //for a js function
+ if (frame->codeBlock() && frame->callee()) {
+ JSC::JSValue result = frame->interpreter()->retrieveArguments(frame, JSC::asFunction(frame->callee()));
+ return QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->scriptValueFromJSCValue(result);
+ }
+ //for a native function
if (!frame->optionalCalleeArguments()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(frame->argumentCount() > 0); //we need at least 'this' otherwise we'll crash later
JSC::Arguments* arguments = new (&frame->globalData())JSC::Arguments(frame, JSC::Arguments::NoParameters);
- frame[JSC::RegisterFile::ArgumentsRegister] = arguments;
return QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->scriptValueFromJSCValue(frame->optionalCalleeArguments());
diff --git a/tests/auto/qscriptcontext/tst_qscriptcontext.cpp b/tests/auto/qscriptcontext/tst_qscriptcontext.cpp
index e5d26a3..a0c56ed 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qscriptcontext/tst_qscriptcontext.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qscriptcontext/tst_qscriptcontext.cpp
@@ -565,11 +565,6 @@ void tst_QScriptContext::backtrace_data()
- QStringList expected;
- expected << "<native>(123) at -1"
- << "foo([object Object], [object global]) at testfile:2" //### object instead of 'hello'
- << "<global>() at testfile:4";
QString source(
"function foo() {\n"
" return bt(123);\n"
@@ -577,6 +572,12 @@ void tst_QScriptContext::backtrace_data()
"foo('hello', { })\n"
"var r = 0;");
+ QStringList expected;
+ expected << "<native>(123) at -1"
+ << "foo('hello', [object Object]) at testfile:2"
+ << "<global>() at testfile:4";
QTest::newRow("simple") << source << expected;
@@ -639,6 +640,48 @@ void tst_QScriptContext::backtrace_data()
QTest::newRow("closure") << source << expected;
+ {
+ QStringList expected;
+ QString source = QString(
+ "var o = new Object;\n"
+ " = function plop() {\n"
+ " return eval(\"%1\");\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "'hello', 456)\n"
+ ).arg("\\n \\n bt('hey'); \\n");
+ expected << "<native>('hey') at -1"
+ << "<eval>() at 3"
+ //### line number should be 3 but the line number information is not kept for eval call
+ << "plop('hello', 456) at testfile:-1"
+ << "<global>() at testfile:5";
+ QTest::newRow("eval in member") << source << expected;
+ }
+ {
+ QString source(
+ "function foo(a) {\n"
+ " return bt(123);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "function bar() {\n"
+ " var v = foo('arg', 4);\n"
+ " return v;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "bar('hello', { });\n");
+ QStringList expected;
+ expected << "<native>(123) at -1"
+ << "foo(a = 'arg', 4) at testfile:2"
+ << "bar('hello', [object Object]) at testfile:5"
+ << "<global>() at testfile:8";
+ QTest::newRow("two function") << source << expected;
+ }