diff options
authorQt Continuous Integration System <>2010-04-27 22:48:31 (GMT)
committerQt Continuous Integration System <>2010-04-27 22:48:31 (GMT)
commitf021a26114f599baf01db9bbe8dee5c2dece044e (patch)
parenta17339e943f21bb6c6e16884f716dd9ab8f94938 (diff)
parent83a59e90ebf3aa2b8381f746a2c731426805b649 (diff)
Merge branch '4.7' of into 4.7-integration
* '4.7' of Add unit tests covering most of QVector's API. Fix crash when CoreText fails to shape text for us Fix crash when using opengl graphicssystem on desktop
5 files changed, 624 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/text/ b/src/gui/text/
index 0bfdbc0..a6510cb 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/
+++ b/src/gui/text/
@@ -226,8 +226,19 @@ bool QCoreTextFontEngineMulti::stringToCMap(const QChar *str, int len, QGlyphLay
QFixed *outAdvances_y = glyphs->advances_y;
glyph_t *initialGlyph = outGlyphs;
- if (arraySize == 0)
- return false;
+ if (arraySize == 0) {
+ // CoreText failed to shape the text we gave it, so we assume one glyph
+ // per character and build a list of invalid glyphs with zero advance
+ *nglyphs = len;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ outGlyphs[i] = 0;
+ logClusters[i] = i;
+ outAdvances_x[i] = QFixed();
+ outAdvances_y[i] = QFixed();
+ outAttributes[i].clusterStart = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
const bool rtl = (CTRunGetStatus(static_cast<CTRunRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0))) & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft);
diff --git a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
index 8460430..4461358 100644
--- a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
@@ -1337,9 +1337,12 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawStaticTextItem(QStaticTextItem *textItem)
d->drawCachedGlyphs(glyphType, textItem, true);
-void QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawTexture(const QRectF &dest, GLuint textureId, const QSize &size, const QRectF &src)
+bool QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawTexture(const QRectF &dest, GLuint textureId, const QSize &size, const QRectF &src)
+ if (!d->shaderManager)
+ return false;
@@ -1354,6 +1357,7 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawTexture(const QRectF &dest, GLuint textureId, const
d->updateTextureFilter(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
state()->renderHints & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, textureId);
d->drawTexture(dest, srcRect, size, false);
+ return true;
void QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawTextItem(const QPointF &p, const QTextItem &textItem)
diff --git a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
index 30f6634..6ba0c42 100644
--- a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
+++ b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ public:
virtual void renderHintsChanged();
virtual void transformChanged();
- virtual void drawTexture(const QRectF &r, GLuint textureId, const QSize &size, const QRectF &sr);
virtual void drawPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pm, const QRectF &sr);
virtual void drawPixmapFragments(const QPainter::PixmapFragment *fragments, int fragmentCount, const QPixmap &pixmap,
QPainter::PixmapFragmentHints hints);
@@ -136,6 +135,8 @@ public:
virtual void drawStaticTextItem(QStaticTextItem *textItem);
+ bool drawTexture(const QRectF &r, GLuint textureId, const QSize &size, const QRectF &sr);
Type type() const { return OpenGL2; }
virtual void setState(QPainterState *s);
diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl.cpp b/src/opengl/qgl.cpp
index 72ed6be..52efea5 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl.cpp
@@ -2774,8 +2774,8 @@ void QGLContext::drawTexture(const QRectF &target, GLuint textureId, GLenum text
if (!eng->isNativePaintingActive()) {
QRectF src(0, 0, target.width(), target.height());
QSize size(target.width(), target.height());
- eng->drawTexture(target, textureId, size, src);
- return;
+ if (eng->drawTexture(target, textureId, size, src))
+ return;
@@ -2850,8 +2850,8 @@ void QGLContext::drawTexture(const QPointF &point, GLuint textureId, GLenum text
QRectF dest(point, QSizeF(textureWidth, textureHeight));
QRectF src(0, 0, textureWidth, textureHeight);
QSize size(textureWidth, textureHeight);
- eng->drawTexture(dest, textureId, size, src);
- return;
+ if (eng->drawTexture(dest, textureId, size, src))
+ return;
diff --git a/tests/auto/qvector/tst_qvector.cpp b/tests/auto/qvector/tst_qvector.cpp
index ebc19ed..2bc8d15 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qvector/tst_qvector.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qvector/tst_qvector.cpp
@@ -55,10 +55,610 @@ public:
virtual ~tst_QVector() {}
private slots:
+ void constructors() const;
+ void append() const;
+ void at() const;
+ void capacity() const;
+ void clear() const;
+ void constData() const;
+ void contains() const;
+ void count() const;
+ void data() const;
+ void empty() const;
+ void endsWith() const;
+ void fill() const;
+ void first() const;
+ void fromList() const;
+ void fromStdVector() const;
+ void indexOf() const;
+ void insert() const;
+ void isEmpty() const;
+ void last() const;
+ void lastIndexOf() const;
+ void mid() const;
+ void prepend() const;
+ void remove() const;
+ void size() const;
+ void startsWith() const;
+ void toList() const;
+ void toStdVector() const;
+ void value() const;
+ void testOperators() const;
void outOfMemory();
void QTBUG6416_reserve();
+void tst_QVector::constructors() const
+ // pre-reserve capacity
+ {
+ QVector<int> myvec(5);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() == 5);
+ }
+ // default-initialise items
+ {
+ QVector<int> myvec(5, 42);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() == 5);
+ // make sure all items are initialised ok
+ foreach (int meaningoflife, myvec) {
+ QCOMPARE(meaningoflife, 42);
+ }
+ }
+void tst_QVector::append() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ myvec.append(42);
+ myvec.append(43);
+ myvec.append(44);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 3);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<int>() << 42 << 43 << 44);
+void tst_QVector::at() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "foo" << "bar" << "baz";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 3);
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("foo"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("baz"));
+ // append an item
+ myvec << "hello";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 4);
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("foo"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("baz"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("hello"));
+ // remove an item
+ myvec.remove(1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 3);
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("foo"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("baz"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("hello"));
+void tst_QVector::capacity() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ // TODO: is this guarenteed? seems a safe assumption, but I suppose preallocation of a
+ // few items isn't an entirely unforseeable possibility.
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() == 0);
+ // test it gets a size
+ myvec << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ccc";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() >= 3);
+ // make sure it grows ok
+ myvec << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ccc";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() >= 6);
+ // let's try squeeze a bit
+ myvec.remove(3);
+ myvec.remove(3);
+ myvec.remove(3);
+ // TODO: is this a safe assumption? presumably it won't release memory until shrink(), but can we asser that is true?
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() >= 6);
+ myvec.squeeze();
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() >= 3);
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ // TODO: as above note
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() >= 3);
+ myvec.squeeze();
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() == 0);
+void tst_QVector::clear() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ccc";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 3);
+ myvec.clear();
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.capacity() == 0);
+void tst_QVector::constData() const
+ int arr[] = { 42, 43, 44 };
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ myvec << 42 << 43 << 44;
+ QVERIFY(memcmp(myvec.constData(), reinterpret_cast<const int *>(&arr), sizeof(int) * 3) == 0);
+void tst_QVector::contains() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ccc";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.contains(QLatin1String("aaa")));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.contains(QLatin1String("bbb")));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.contains(QLatin1String("ccc")));
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.contains(QLatin1String("I don't exist")));
+ // add it and make sure it does :)
+ myvec.append(QLatin1String("I don't exist"));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.contains(QLatin1String("I don't exist")));
+void tst_QVector::count() const
+ // total size
+ {
+ // zero size
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count() == 0);
+ // grow
+ myvec.append(42);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count() == 1);
+ myvec.append(42);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count() == 2);
+ // shrink
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count() == 1);
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count() == 0);
+ }
+ // count of items
+ {
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ccc";
+ // initial tests
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count(QLatin1String("aaa")) == 1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count(QLatin1String("pirates")) == 0);
+ // grow
+ myvec.append(QLatin1String("aaa"));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count(QLatin1String("aaa")) == 2);
+ // shrink
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.count(QLatin1String("aaa")) == 1);
+ }
+void tst_QVector::data() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ myvec << 42 << 43 << 44;
+ // make sure it starts off ok
+ QCOMPARE(*( + 1), 43);
+ // alter it
+ *( + 1) = 69;
+ // check it altered
+ QCOMPARE(*( + 1), 69);
+ int arr[] = { 42, 69, 44 };
+ QVERIFY(memcmp(, reinterpret_cast<int *>(&arr), sizeof(int) * 3) == 0);
+void tst_QVector::empty() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ // starts empty
+ QVERIFY(myvec.empty());
+ // not empty
+ myvec.append(1);
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.empty());
+ // empty again
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.empty());
+void tst_QVector::endsWith() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ // empty vector
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.endsWith(1));
+ // add the one, should work
+ myvec.append(1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.endsWith(1));
+ // add something else, fails now
+ myvec.append(3);
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.endsWith(1));
+ // remove it again :)
+ myvec.remove(1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.endsWith(1));
+void tst_QVector::fill() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ // resize
+ myvec.resize(5);
+ myvec.fill(69);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<int>() << 69 << 69 << 69 << 69 << 69);
+ // make sure it can resize itself too
+ myvec.fill(42, 10);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<int>() << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42 << 42);
+void tst_QVector::first() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ myvec << 69 << 42 << 3;
+ // test it starts ok
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.first(), 69);
+ // test removal changes
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.first(), 42);
+ // test prepend changes
+ myvec.prepend(23);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.first(), 23);
+void tst_QVector::fromList() const
+ QList<QString> list;
+ list << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ninjas" << "pirates";
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec = QVector<QString>::fromList(list);
+ // test it worked ok
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ninjas" << "pirates");
+ QCOMPARE(list, QList<QString>() << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ninjas" << "pirates");
+void tst_QVector::fromStdVector() const
+ // stl = :(
+ std::vector<QString> svec;
+ svec.push_back(QLatin1String("aaa"));
+ svec.push_back(QLatin1String("bbb"));
+ svec.push_back(QLatin1String("ninjas"));
+ svec.push_back(QLatin1String("pirates"));
+ QVector<QString> myvec = QVector<QString>::fromStdVector(svec);
+ // test it converts ok
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "aaa" << "bbb" << "ninjas" << "pirates");
+void tst_QVector::indexOf() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C" << "B" << "A";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("B") == 1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("B", 1) == 1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("B", 2) == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("X") == -1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("X", 2) == -1);
+ // add an X
+ myvec << "X";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("X") == 5);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("X", 5) == 5);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("X", 6) == -1);
+ // remove first A
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("A") == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("A", 3) == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.indexOf("A", 4) == -1);
+void tst_QVector::insert() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // first position
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ myvec.insert(0, QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ // middle
+ myvec.insert(1, QLatin1String("Z"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("Z"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ // end
+ myvec.insert(5, QLatin1String("T"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("T"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("C"));
+ // insert a lot of garbage in the middle
+ myvec.insert(2, 2, QLatin1String("infinity"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "X" << "Z" << "infinity" << "infinity"
+ << "A" << "B" << "C" << "T");
+void tst_QVector::isEmpty() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ // starts ok
+ QVERIFY(myvec.isEmpty());
+ // not empty now
+ myvec.append(QLatin1String("hello there"));
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.isEmpty());
+ // empty again
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.isEmpty());
+void tst_QVector::last() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // test starts ok
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.last(), QLatin1String("C"));
+ // test it changes ok
+ myvec.append(QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.last(), QLatin1String("X"));
+ // and remove again
+ myvec.remove(3);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.last(), QLatin1String("C"));
+void tst_QVector::lastIndexOf() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C" << "B" << "A";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("B") == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("B", 2) == 1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("X") == -1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("X", 2) == -1);
+ // add an X
+ myvec << "X";
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("X") == 5);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("X", 5) == 5);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("X", 3) == -1);
+ // remove first A
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("A") == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("A", 3) == 3);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.lastIndexOf("A", 2) == -1);
+void tst_QVector::mid() const
+ QVector<QString> list;
+ list << "foo" << "bar" << "baz" << "bak" << "buck" << "hello" << "kitty";
+ QCOMPARE(list.mid(3, 3), QVector<QString>() << "bak" << "buck" << "hello");
+ QCOMPARE(list.mid(4), QVector<QString>() << "buck" << "hello" << "kitty");
+void tst_QVector::prepend() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // starts ok
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 3);
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ // add something
+ myvec.prepend(QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 4);
+ // something else
+ myvec.prepend(QLatin1String("Z"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("Z"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("X"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 5);
+ // clear and append to an empty vector
+ myvec.clear();
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 0);
+ myvec.prepend(QLatin1String("ninjas"));
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 1);
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("ninjas"));
+void tst_QVector::remove() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // remove middle
+ myvec.remove(1);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "A" << "C");
+ // remove rest
+ myvec.remove(0, 2);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>());
+// ::reserve() is really hard to think of tests for, so not doing it.
+// ::resize() is tested in ::capacity().
+void tst_QVector::size() const
+ // total size
+ {
+ // zero size
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 0);
+ // grow
+ myvec.append(42);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 1);
+ myvec.append(42);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 2);
+ // shrink
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 1);
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.size() == 0);
+ }
+// ::squeeze() is tested in ::capacity().
+void tst_QVector::startsWith() const
+ QVector<int> myvec;
+ // empty vector
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.startsWith(1));
+ // add the one, should work
+ myvec.prepend(1);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.startsWith(1));
+ // add something else, fails now
+ myvec.prepend(3);
+ QVERIFY(!myvec.startsWith(1));
+ // remove it again :)
+ myvec.remove(0);
+ QVERIFY(myvec.startsWith(1));
+void tst_QVector::toList() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // make sure it converts and doesn't modify the original vector
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.toList(), QList<QString>() << "A" << "B" << "C");
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "A" << "B" << "C");
+void tst_QVector::toStdVector() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ std::vector<QString> svec = myvec.toStdVector();
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("A"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("B"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("C"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "A" << "B" << "C");
+void tst_QVector::value() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ // valid calls
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(0), QLatin1String("A"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(1), QLatin1String("B"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(2), QLatin1String("C"));
+ // default calls
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(-1), QString());
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(3), QString());
+ // test calls with a provided default, valid calls
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(0, QLatin1String("default")), QLatin1String("A"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(1, QLatin1String("default")), QLatin1String("B"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(2, QLatin1String("default")), QLatin1String("C"));
+ // test calls with a provided default that will return the default
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(-1, QLatin1String("default")), QLatin1String("default"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec.value(3, QLatin1String("default")), QLatin1String("default"));
+void tst_QVector::testOperators() const
+ QVector<QString> myvec;
+ myvec << "A" << "B" << "C";
+ QVector<QString> myvectwo;
+ myvectwo << "D" << "E" << "F";
+ QVector<QString> combined;
+ combined << "A" << "B" << "C" << "D" << "E" << "F";
+ // !=
+ QVERIFY(myvec != myvectwo);
+ // +
+ QCOMPARE(myvec + myvectwo, combined);
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, QVector<QString>() << "A" << "B" << "C");
+ QCOMPARE(myvectwo, QVector<QString>() << "D" << "E" << "F");
+ // +=
+ myvec += myvectwo;
+ QCOMPARE(myvec, combined);
+ // ==
+ QVERIFY(myvec == combined);
+ // []
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[0], QLatin1String("A"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[1], QLatin1String("B"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[2], QLatin1String("C"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[3], QLatin1String("D"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[4], QLatin1String("E"));
+ QCOMPARE(myvec[5], QLatin1String("F"));
int fooCtor;
int fooDtor;