diff options
authorShane Kearns <>2010-12-08 16:47:07 (GMT)
committerShane Kearns <>2010-12-08 16:52:01 (GMT)
commit12974d3dad6a8db29479dd1bbf9d280081d60d58 (patch)
parenta97d9d6f2038ddab25d3721817b121dcea61f571 (diff)
Implement sync & async select for symbian socket engine
Async select is implemented with an active object rather than using the event dispatcher. Sync select is implemented using User::WaitForRequest to block the thread without requiring an event loop. In both cases, RSocket's KIoctlSelect is used to query the socket state. Reviewed-by: Markus Goetz
2 files changed, 244 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine.cpp b/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine.cpp
index 1d2a11b..ad1164a 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine.cpp
+++ b/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine.cpp
@@ -938,49 +938,65 @@ int QSymbianSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSelect(int timeout, bool selectForRead) c
int QSymbianSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSelect(int timeout, bool checkRead, bool checkWrite,
bool *selectForRead, bool *selectForWrite) const
+ //cancel asynchronous notifier (only one IOCTL allowed at a time)
+ if (asyncSelect)
+ asyncSelect->Cancel();
//TODO: implement
//as above, but checking both read and write status at the same time
- if (!selectTimer.Handle())
- qt_symbian_throwIfError(selectTimer.CreateLocal());
- TRequestStatus timerStat;
- selectTimer.HighRes(timerStat, timeout * 1000);
- TRequestStatus* readStat = 0;
- TRequestStatus* writeStat = 0;
- TRequestStatus* array[3];
- array[0] = &timerStat;
- int count = 1;
- if (checkRead) {
- //TODO: get from read AO
- //readStat = ?
- array[count++] = readStat;
- }
- if (checkWrite) {
- //TODO: get from write AO
- //writeStat = ?
- array[count++] = writeStat;
- }
- // TODO: for selecting, we can use getOpt(KSOSelectPoll) to get the select result
- // and KIOCtlSelect for the selecting.
- User::WaitForNRequest(array, count);
- //IMPORTANT - WaitForNRequest only decrements the thread semaphore once, although more than one status may have completed.
- if (timerStat.Int() != KRequestPending) {
- //timed out
- return 0;
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> selectFlags;
+ selectFlags() = KSockSelectExcept;
+ if (selectForRead)
+ selectFlags() |= KSockSelectRead;
+ if (selectForWrite)
+ selectFlags() |= KSockSelectWrite;
+ TRequestStatus selectStat;
+ nativeSocket.Ioctl(KIOctlSelect, selectStat, &selectFlags, KSOLSocket);
+ if (timeout < 0)
+ User::WaitForRequest(selectStat); //negative means no timeout
+ else {
+ if (!selectTimer.Handle())
+ qt_symbian_throwIfError(selectTimer.CreateLocal());
+ TRequestStatus timerStat;
+ selectTimer.HighRes(timerStat, timeout * 1000);
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerStat, selectStat);
+ if (selectStat == KRequestPending) {
+ nativeSocket.CancelIoctl();
+ //CancelIoctl completes the request (most likely with KErrCancel)
+ //We need to wait for this to keep the thread semaphore balanced (or active scheduler will panic)
+ User::WaitForRequest(selectStat);
+ //restart asynchronous notifier (only one IOCTL allowed at a time)
+ if (asyncSelect)
+ asyncSelect->IssueRequest();
+ return 0; //timeout
+ } else {
+ selectTimer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerStat);
+ }
- selectTimer.Cancel();
- User::WaitForRequest(timerStat);
- if(readStat && readStat->Int() != KRequestPending) {
+ if (selectStat != KErrNone)
+ return selectStat.Int();
+ if (selectFlags() & KSockSelectExcept) {
+ TInt err;
+ nativeSocket.GetOpt(KSOSelectLastError, KSOLSocket, err);
+ //restart asynchronous notifier (only one IOCTL allowed at a time)
+ if (asyncSelect)
+ asyncSelect->IssueRequest(); //TODO: in error case should we restart or not?
+ return err;
+ }
+ if (selectFlags() & KSockSelectRead) {
Q_ASSERT(checkRead && selectForRead);
- //TODO: cancel the AO, but call its RunL anyway? looking for an UnsetActive()
*selectForRead = true;
- if(writeStat && writeStat->Int() != KRequestPending) {
+ if (selectFlags() & KSockSelectWrite) {
Q_ASSERT(checkWrite && selectForWrite);
- //TODO: cancel the AO, but call its RunL anyway? looking for an UnsetActive()
*selectForWrite = true;
+ //restart asynchronous notifier (only one IOCTL allowed at a time)
+ if (asyncSelect)
+ asyncSelect->IssueRequest();
return 1;
@@ -1150,14 +1166,26 @@ void QSymbianSocketEnginePrivate::setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error, E
class QReadNotifier : public QSocketNotifier
+ friend class QAsyncSelect;
QReadNotifier(int fd, QSymbianSocketEngine *parent)
: QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, parent)
{ engine = parent; }
+ bool event(QEvent *);
QSymbianSocketEngine *engine;
+bool QReadNotifier::event(QEvent *e)
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::SockAct) {
+ engine->readNotification();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return QSocketNotifier::event(e);
bool QSymbianSocketEngine::isReadNotificationEnabled() const
Q_D(const QSymbianSocketEngine);
@@ -1172,22 +1200,44 @@ void QSymbianSocketEngine::setReadNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
if (d->readNotifier) {
} else if (enable && d->threadData->eventDispatcher) {
- d->readNotifier = new QReadNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
+ QReadNotifier *rn = new QReadNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
+ d->readNotifier = rn;
+ if (!d->asyncSelect)
+ d->asyncSelect = q_check_ptr(new QAsyncSelect(0, d->nativeSocket, this));
+ d->asyncSelect->setReadNotifier(rn);
+ // TODO: what do we do if event dispatcher doesn't exist yet?
+ if (d->asyncSelect)
+ d->asyncSelect->IssueRequest();
class QWriteNotifier : public QSocketNotifier
+ friend class QAsyncSelect;
QWriteNotifier(int fd, QSymbianSocketEngine *parent)
- : QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, parent)
+ : QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Write, parent)
{ engine = parent; }
+ bool event(QEvent *);
QSymbianSocketEngine *engine;
+bool QWriteNotifier::event(QEvent *e)
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::SockAct) {
+ if (engine->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState)
+ engine->connectionNotification();
+ else
+ engine->writeNotification();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return QSocketNotifier::event(e);
bool QSymbianSocketEngine::isWriteNotificationEnabled() const
Q_D(const QSymbianSocketEngine);
@@ -1202,17 +1252,48 @@ void QSymbianSocketEngine::setWriteNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
if (d->writeNotifier) {
} else if (enable && d->threadData->eventDispatcher) {
- d->writeNotifier = new QWriteNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
+ QWriteNotifier *wn = new QWriteNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
+ d->readNotifier = wn;
+ if (!(d->asyncSelect))
+ d->asyncSelect = q_check_ptr(new QAsyncSelect(d->threadData->eventDispatcher, d->nativeSocket, this));
+ d->asyncSelect->setWriteNotifier(wn);
+ // TODO: what do we do if event dispatcher doesn't exist yet?
+ if (d->asyncSelect)
+ d->asyncSelect->IssueRequest();
+class QExceptionNotifier : public QSocketNotifier
+ friend class QAsyncSelect;
+ QExceptionNotifier(int fd, QSymbianSocketEngine *parent)
+ : QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Exception, parent) { engine = parent; }
+ bool event(QEvent *);
+ QSymbianSocketEngine *engine;
+bool QExceptionNotifier::event(QEvent *e)
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::SockAct) {
+ if (engine->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState)
+ engine->connectionNotification();
+ else
+ engine->exceptionNotification();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return QSocketNotifier::event(e);
-// FIXME do we really need this for symbian?
bool QSymbianSocketEngine::isExceptionNotificationEnabled() const
-// Q_D(const QSymbianSocketEngine);
-// // TODO
-// return d->exceptNotifier && d->exceptNotifier->isEnabled();
+ Q_D(const QSymbianSocketEngine);
+ // TODO
+ return d->exceptNotifier && d->exceptNotifier->isEnabled();
return false;
@@ -1221,12 +1302,18 @@ void QSymbianSocketEngine::setExceptionNotificationEnabled(bool enable)
-// if (d->exceptNotifier) {
-// d->exceptNotifier->setEnabled(enable);
-// } else if (enable && d->threadData->eventDispatcher) {
-// d->exceptNotifier = new QExceptionNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
-// d->exceptNotifier->setEnabled(true);
-// }
+ if (d->exceptNotifier) {
+ d->exceptNotifier->setEnabled(enable);
+ } else if (enable && d->threadData->eventDispatcher) {
+ QExceptionNotifier *en = new QExceptionNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this);
+ d->exceptNotifier = en;
+ if (!(d->asyncSelect))
+ d->asyncSelect = q_check_ptr(new QAsyncSelect(d->threadData->eventDispatcher, d->nativeSocket, this));
+ d->asyncSelect->setExceptionNotifier(en);
+ d->writeNotifier->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ if (d->asyncSelect)
+ d->asyncSelect->IssueRequest();
bool QSymbianSocketEngine::waitForRead(int msecs, bool *timedOut)
@@ -1302,5 +1389,81 @@ qint64 QSymbianSocketEngine::bytesToWrite() const
return 0;
+QAsyncSelect::QAsyncSelect(QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher, RSocket& sock, QSymbianSocketEngine *parent)
+ : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
+ m_inSocketEvent(false),
+ m_deleteLater(false),
+ m_socket(sock),
+ m_selectFlags(0),
+ engine(parent)
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ Cancel();
+void QAsyncSelect::DoCancel()
+ m_socket.CancelIoctl();
+void QAsyncSelect::RunL()
+ //TODO: block when event loop demands it
+ //if (maybeQueueForLater())
+ // return;
+ m_inSocketEvent = true;
+ //TODO: KSockSelectReadContinuation does what?
+ if (m_selectBuf() & KSockSelectRead) {
+ QEvent e(QEvent::SockAct);
+ iReadN->event(&e);
+ }
+ if (m_selectBuf() & KSockSelectWrite) {
+ QEvent e(QEvent::SockAct);
+ iWriteN->event(&e);
+ }
+ if ((m_selectBuf() && KSockSelectExcept) || iStatus != KErrNone) {
+ QEvent e(QEvent::SockAct);
+ iExcN->event(&e);
+ }
+ m_inSocketEvent = false;
+ // select again (unless disabled by one of the callbacks)
+ IssueRequest();
+void QAsyncSelect::deleteLater()
+ if (m_inSocketEvent) {
+ m_deleteLater = true;
+ } else {
+ delete this;
+ }
+void QAsyncSelect::IssueRequest()
+ if (m_inSocketEvent)
+ return; //prevent thrashing during a callback - socket engine enables/disables multiple notifiers
+ TUint selectFlags = 0;
+ if (iReadN && iReadN->isEnabled())
+ selectFlags |= KSockSelectRead;
+ if (iWriteN && iWriteN->isEnabled())
+ selectFlags |= KSockSelectWrite;
+ if (iExcN && iExcN->isEnabled())
+ selectFlags |= KSockSelectExcept;
+ if (selectFlags != m_selectFlags) {
+ Cancel();
+ m_selectFlags = selectFlags;
+ }
+ if (m_selectFlags && !IsActive()) {
+ m_selectBuf() = m_selectFlags;
+ m_socket.Ioctl(KIOctlSelect, iStatus, &m_selectBuf, KSOLSocket);
+ SetActive();
+ }
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine_p.h b/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine_p.h
index 43e5e61..ebd8092 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine_p.h
+++ b/src/network/socket/qsymbiansocketengine_p.h
@@ -146,6 +146,41 @@ private:
class QSocketNotifier;
+class QReadNotifier;
+class QWriteNotifier;
+class QExceptionNotifier;
+class QAsyncSelect : public CActive
+ QAsyncSelect(QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher, RSocket& sock, QSymbianSocketEngine *parent);
+ ~QAsyncSelect();
+ void deleteLater();
+ void IssueRequest();
+ void refresh();
+ void setReadNotifier(QReadNotifier *rn) { iReadN = rn; }
+ void setWriteNotifier(QWriteNotifier *wn) { iWriteN = wn; }
+ void setExceptionNotifier(QExceptionNotifier *en) { iExcN = en; }
+ void DoCancel();
+ void RunL();
+ QReadNotifier* iReadN;
+ QWriteNotifier* iWriteN;
+ QExceptionNotifier* iExcN;
+ bool m_inSocketEvent; // TODO ?
+ bool m_deleteLater; // TODO ?
+ RSocket &m_socket;
+ TUint m_selectFlags;
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> m_selectBuf; //in & out IPC buffer
+ QSymbianSocketEngine *engine;
class QSymbianSocketEnginePrivate : public QAbstractSocketEnginePrivate
@@ -162,6 +197,7 @@ public:
mutable RTimer selectTimer;
QSocketNotifier *readNotifier, *writeNotifier, *exceptNotifier;
+ QAsyncSelect* asyncSelect;
// FIXME this is duplicated from qnativesocketengine_p.h
enum ErrorString {