diff options
authorJason McDonald <>2010-01-13 17:35:38 (GMT)
committerJason McDonald <>2010-01-13 17:35:38 (GMT)
commit5fb4a5d5736da6830d485e30752407ff9a28fd40 (patch)
parentbcac2506b2e48a9a5f7731efefb2d6b9d1098a13 (diff)
Polish the changes file.
Reviewed-by: Trust Me
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.6.1 b/dist/changes-4.6.1
index 0971f40..fa5901e 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.6.1
+++ b/dist/changes-4.6.1
@@ -17,23 +17,6 @@ Task Tracker:
Merge Request:
-* General *
-New features
- - SomeClass, SomeOtherClass
- * New classes for foo, bar and baz
- - Optimized foo in QSomeClass
- * See list of Important Behavior Changes below
* Library *
@@ -42,12 +25,12 @@ QtCore
- QFile
* Improve performance of getting the canonical filename on Linux
- and Symbian by using realpath() system call
- * Avoid stat() when opening a file
+ and Symbian by using realpath() system call.
+ * Avoid stat() when opening a file.
- QXmlStreamreader
* [merge request 1926] Fix parsing of DTDs that contain empty markup
- declarations
+ declarations.
@@ -55,32 +38,21 @@ QtGui
- QApplication
* [QTBUG-6654] Fix crashes when deleting QWidgets in touch event
- - QPixmapCache
- * Fixed a small leak when using the new QPixmapCAche::Key based API.
- - QPixmap
- * load() and loadFromData() can now support compressed GL textures
- in the DDS, ETC1, PVRTC2, and PVRTC4 formats if the OpenGL graphics
- system is active and the appropriate extensions are present in the
- GL implementation.
- * [QTBUG-6840] Fixed load() to not modify referenced copies.
- * [QTBUG-5840] Fixed a crash in fromImage() when passing in a null image.
- * [QTBUG-6116] Fixed memory leak where a global object was not destroyed
- at program exit.
- - QRasterPixmapData
- * [QTBUG-6985] Fixed metric() to return the correct height in mm.
- - QGraphicsObject
- * 'id' property was removed. Use the 'objectName' property instead.
- - QPrinter
- * [QTBUG-3412] QGraphicsProxyWidgets are now rendered correctly when
- printing a QGraphicsScene to PDF format.
- - QPainter
- * [QTBUG-5939] Fixed incorrect redirection matrix that was causing
- wrong transformation for QGraphicsProxyWidgets.
- * [QTBUG-6684] Added optimizations of 32-bit blend functions
- for ARM platforms with NEON support.
- QGraphicsEffect
* [QTBUG-5918] Fixed redraw bugs when using graphics effects on
items while animating them by transformations.
+ - QGraphicsItem
+ * [QTBUG-5917] Fixed memory leaks when removing a QGraphicsEffect from
+ a QGraphicsItem or QWidget with setGraphicsEffect(0).
+ * [QTBUG-5859] Fixes incorrect rounding of the exposed rectangle of the
+ QGraphicsItem causing painting issues when scaling the QGraphicsView.
+ * [QTBUG-5071] Fixes transformation problems when grouping/ungrouping
+ the item with a QGraphicsItemGroup.
+ - QGraphicsObject
+ * 'id' property was removed. Use the 'objectName' property instead.
+ - QGraphicsScene
+ * [QTBUG-6654] Fix crashes when deleting QGraphicsItems in touch
+ event handlers.
- QGraphicsView
* [QTBUG-6935] When using CacheBackground, the background is now
correctly repainted after the QGraphicsView is shown after being
@@ -88,56 +60,67 @@ QtGui
* [QTBUG-6835] Mouse tracking is now automatically enabled when using
AnchorUnderMouse for view transformation.
* [QTBUG-6958] Fix speed regression in _q_polishItems()
- * [QTBUG-6544] Fix a crash on the focus chain when removing items from the scene.
+ * [QTBUG-6544] Fix a crash on the focus chain when removing items from
+ the scene.
* Fix a crash in KDE/Plasma with QGraphicsView with topLevels.
- - QGraphicsItem
- * [QTBUG-5917] Fixed memory leaks when removing a QGraphicsEffect from
- a QGraphicsItem or QWidget with setGraphicsEffect(0).
- * [QTBUG-5859] Fixes incorrect rounding of the exposed rectangle of the
- QGraphicsItem causing painting issues when scaling the QGraphicsView.
- * [QTBUG-5071] Fixes transformation problems when grouping/ungrouping
- the item with a QGraphicsItemGroup.
- QGraphicsWidget
- * [QTBUG-6272] Only call updateFont if the font have changed.
+ * [QTBUG-6272] Only call updateFont if the font has changed.
+ - QPainter
+ * [QTBUG-5939] Fixed incorrect redirection matrix that was causing
+ wrong transformation for QGraphicsProxyWidgets.
+ * [QTBUG-6684] Added optimizations of 32-bit blend functions
+ for ARM platforms with NEON support.
+ - QPixmap
+ * load() and loadFromData() can now support compressed GL textures
+ in the DDS, ETC1, PVRTC2, and PVRTC4 formats if the OpenGL graphics
+ system is active and the appropriate extensions are present in the
+ GL implementation.
+ * [QTBUG-6840] Fixed load() to not modify referenced copies.
+ * [QTBUG-5840] Fixed a crash in fromImage() when passing in a null image.
+ * [QTBUG-6116] Fixed memory leak where a global object was not destroyed
+ at program exit.
+ - QPixmapCache
+ * Fixed a small leak when using the new QPixmapCache::Key based API.
+ - QPrinter
+ * [QTBUG-3412] QGraphicsProxyWidgets are now rendered correctly when
+ printing a QGraphicsScene to PDF format.
+ - QRasterPixmapData
+ * [QTBUG-6985] Fixed metric() to return the correct height in mm.
- QTextDocument
* [QTBUG-5397] Fixed printing of QTextDocuments not including custom
text objects.
- - QTextDocument
* [QTBUG-6051] Fixed an endless loop when printing a QTextDocument.
- - QGraphicsScene
- * [QTBUG-6654] Fix crashes when deleting QGraphicsItems in touch
- event handlers.
- - foo
- * bar
- QNetworkAccessManager
- * HTTP: Smaller improvements
- * HTTP: Send our locale with the HTTP request
- * HTTP: Start Accept-language and Authorization header with capital letter
- * file: Introduce special subclass for higher performance with file:// URLs
+ * HTTP: Send our locale with the HTTP request.
+ * HTTP: Start Accept-language and Authorization header with capital letter.
+ * file: Introduce special subclass for higher performance with file:// URLs.
- QTcpSocket
- * [QTBUG-5799] Fix waitForConnected() on Windows
+ * [QTBUG-5799] Fix waitForConnected() on Windows.
- QNetworkProxyFactory
* Fixed systemProxyForQuery(), it could sometimes return invalid empty list
- on Windows
+ on Windows.
- QNetworkCookieJar
- * [QTBUG-5815] do not check paths when accepting cookies
+ * [QTBUG-5815] Do not check paths when accepting cookies.
- QHostInfo
- * Use 5 parallel threads for host lookup instead of 1
+ * Use five parallel threads for host lookup instead of one.
+ - QGL2PaintEngineEx
+ * Performance: Don't mark brush as dirty if it hasn't changed.
+ * Performance: Use 3x3 PMV matrices rather than 4x4.
+ * Performance: Move the 0.5 offset we add for aliased rendering to
+ updateMatrix().
+ * Performance: Remove superfluous enable/disable vertex attrib arrays.
+ * Performance: Track the glVertexAttribPointer and only update it if it's
+ changed.
+ * [QTBUG-7094] Introduce new "snapToPixelGrid" flag for drawText.
- QGLContext
* bindTexture(QString) now supports DDS, ETC1, PVRTC2, and PVRTC4
compressed textures if the appropriate extensions are present
@@ -150,31 +133,24 @@ QtOpenGL
* bindTexture(QImage): Fix GL_BGRA formats under OpenGL/ES by using
the same value for both internal and external texture formats.
* [QTBUG-5041] Disable depth testing while in renderText().
- - QGLPaintDevice
- * [QTBUG-6204] Rebind window surface fbo after native GL rendering.
- QGLEngineSelector
* [QTBUG-5638] Detect GL2 based on fragment shaders, not programs.
Fragment programs are a GL1 feature.
- QGLFramebufferObject
* [QTBUG-6712] Update docs to better explain how QPainter changes
the GL state when used on an FBO.
- - QGLPixmapData
- * [QTBUG-6902] Align GL_RGB data on a 4-byte line boundary.
- - QTriangulatingStroker
- * [QTBUG-6045] Crash in dashed line handling in the GL stroker.
- QGLGlyphCache
* [QTBUG-6936] Fix memory leak of QGLGlyphCoord objects.
+ - QGLPaintDevice
+ * [QTBUG-6204] Rebind window surface FBO after native GL rendering.
+ - QGLPixmapData
+ * [QTBUG-6902] Align GL_RGB data on a 4-byte line boundary.
- QGLWidget
* [QTBUG-5002, QTBUG-6931] Fixed QGLWidget::renderText().
- * Fixed WA_TranslucentBackground for QGLWidgets on X11/EGL
- * Fix EGL surface leaks when re-parenting on X11/EGL
- - QGL2PaintEngineEx
- * Performance: Don't mark brush as dirty if it hasn't changed
- * Performance: Use 3x3 PMV matrices rather than 4x4
- * Performance: Move the 0.5 offset we add for aliased rendering to updateMatrix()
- * Performance: Remove superfluous enable/disable vertex arrtib arrays
- * Performance: Track the glVertexAttribPointer and only update it if it's changed
- * [QTBUG-7094] Introduce new "snapToPixelGrid" flag for drawText
+ * Fixed WA_TranslucentBackground for QGLWidgets on X11/EGL.
+ * Fix EGL surface leaks when re-parenting on X11/EGL.
+ - QTriangulatingStroker
+ * [QTBUG-6045] Crash in dashed line handling in the GL stroker.
@@ -187,32 +163,29 @@ QtOpenVG
- [QTBUG-7051] Reset the OpenVG scissor after a native painting call-out.
- [QTBUG-7015] Avoid deep copies of QImage in QImage::bits() calls.
- - Fixed user agent string on Symbian (
- - QWebInspector: Don't disable when hiding (
- - Fix JavaScript prompt behaviour for empty/null strings (
- - Fixed lastIndexOf() on Symbian (
- - Fixed crash with Flash on Windows with MinGW
- - Fixed wrapping of QObjects with recurring identity (
- - Fixed compilation with ICC
- - Fixed assertion when dragging SVG images (
- - foo
- * bar
+ - Fixed user agent string on Symbian (
+ - QWebInspector: Don't disable when hiding (
+ - Fix JavaScript prompt behaviour for empty/null strings (
+ - Fixed lastIndexOf() on Symbian (
+ - Fixed crash with Flash on Windows with MinGW.
+ - Fixed wrapping of QObjects with recurring identity (
+ - Fixed compilation with ICC.
+ - Fixed assertion when dragging SVG images (
- - [QTBUG-5373] Fixed QSqlRelationalTableModel doesn't correctly work with relation in other database schema.
- - [QTBUG-5298] (OCI) Fixed QSqlDatabase.tables() does not work with system tables.
- - [QTBUG-6421] Fixed setForwardOnly() for both OCI and SQLite
- - [QTBUG-6618] (ODBC) Fixed segfault when error string is larger than 256 chars.
- - [QTBUG-4461] (OCI) Fixed problem with clobs being handled as binary
+ - [QTBUG-5373] Fixed QSqlRelationalTableModel doesn't correctly work with
+ relation in other database schema.
+ - [QTBUG-5298] (OCI) Fixed QSqlDatabase.tables() does not work with system
+ tables.
+ - [QTBUG-6421] Fixed setForwardOnly() for both OCI and SQLite.
+ - [QTBUG-6618] (ODBC) Fixed segfault when error string is larger than 256
+ chars.
+ - [QTBUG-4461] (OCI) Fixed problem with clobs being handled as binary.
@@ -222,13 +195,6 @@ QtSvg
* [QTBUG-6899] Fixed crash when parsing invalid coordinate list.
- - foo
- * bar
Qt Plugins
@@ -243,98 +209,70 @@ Qt Plugins
- PNG plugin
* [QTBUG-7161] Avoid a deep copy of QImage::bits() in the png writer.
-Third party components
- - Updated foo to version 2.3.9.
- - Updated bar to the latest version from
* Platform Specific Changes *
-Qt for Unix (X11 and Mac OS X)
- -
Qt for Linux/X11
- [QTBUG-5732] Fixed querying of GLX extensions under X11.
- [QTBUG-5547] Fixed handling of the "..." button.
- - Added new mkspec for Maemo targets (linux-g++-maemo)
- - Added new mkspec for Scratchbox host compiler (unsupported/linux-host-g++)
+ - Added new mkspec for Maemo targets (linux-g++-maemo).
+ - Added new mkspec for Scratchbox host compiler (unsupported/linux-host-g++).
- QGuiEventDispatcherGlib (internal class)
* Fix regression introduced in 4.6.0 that could cause X11 event
processing to starve timer events.
- QFileSystemWatcher
* [QTBUG-4840] Fix memory leak in the dnotify implementation.
- QIcon
* [QTBUG-6121] Fixed a problem causing svg-based icon themes to look fuzzy.
- QGtkStyle
* [QTBUG-6484] Ensure that gtk-enable-mnemonics is respected.
Qt for Windows
- - [QTBUG-5145] Compile fixes for win32-icc.
+ - [QTBUG-5145] Compile fixes for win32-icc.
- QAtomicPointer
* [QTBUG-6079] Fix compilation for 64-bit Windows targets.
- QEventDispatchWin32 (internal class)
* [QTBUG-6083] Fix a performance regression introduced in 4.6.0
that would cause all Qt posted events to be sent at 15-16ms
intervals (instead of as quickly as possible).
- Vista/XP styles
* [QTBUG-6271] Fixed a compatibility issue with MDI windows in
- certain non-standard themes.
+ certain non-standard themes.
Qt for Mac OS X
- QPixmap
* [QTBUG-5070] Fixed a crash on Mac that could occur when loading
- pixmaps of different sizes into the same QPixmap object.
- - [QTBUG-6973] Fixed a memory leak when using QWidget::setWindowIcon() in carbon.
+ pixmaps of different sizes into the same QPixmap object.
+ - [QTBUG-6973] Fixed a memory leak when using QWidget::setWindowIcon() in
+ Carbon.
- [QTBUG-5186] Fixed a bug which caused drag and drop icons to show
- - [QTBUG-6636] Fixed a crash due to stack overflow in QColorDialog on cocoa.
+ - [QTBUG-6636] Fixed a crash due to stack overflow in QColorDialog on Cocoa.
- [QTBUG-6378] Fix a text cursor rendering bug.
- - [QTBUG-6636] Fixed a crash when calling removeToolBar on Mac native toolbars using cocoa.
- - [QTBUG-5613] Fixed a bug where the application refued to quit when showing a single modal dialog.
- - Gestures are now available for the Carbon port also when building Qt against SDK < 10.6
-Qt for Embedded Linux
- -
- -
-Qt for Windows CE
- -
+ - [QTBUG-6636] Fixed a crash when calling removeToolBar on Mac native toolbars
+ using Cocoa.
+ - [QTBUG-5613] Fixed a bug where the application refused to quit when showing
+ a single modal dialog.
+ - Gestures are now available for the Carbon port also when building Qt against
+ SDK < 10.6
Qt for Symbian
- QApplication
* [QTBUG-6098] Added a flag to avoid construction of application panes.
- Other:
* [QTBUG-4990] Rewrote most of the regular pointer handling.
* Tools *
@@ -349,15 +287,3 @@ Qt for Symbian
* [QTBUG-5824] Fixed code generation to generate a call to
QMainWindow::setCentralWidget() for promoted widgets as well.
- - qdoc3
- * bar
- - Linguist
- * baz
-* Important Behavior Changes *
- -