path: root/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
diff options
authorYann Bodson <>2009-09-01 05:51:26 (GMT)
committerYann Bodson <>2009-09-01 05:51:26 (GMT)
commit3429da338ec277c1e67ce3d4cec8e01006ffe193 (patch)
tree5430196a7b245c09561b9b3c0fb1bd90cae9b98d /demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
parenta56c1032fb7722124b0cb83f78b6c9ecf9dd258b (diff)
improve flickr-mobile detailed view
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f16a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import Qt 4.6
+import "../common" as Common
+Flipable {
+ id: Container
+ property var frontContainer: ContainerFront
+ property string photoTitle: ""
+ property string photoTags: ""
+ property int photoWidth
+ property int photoHeight
+ property string photoType
+ property string photoAuthor
+ property string photoDate
+ property string photoUrl
+ property int rating: 2
+ property var prevScale: 1.0
+ signal closed
+ transform: Rotation {
+ id: Rotation
+ origin.x: Container.width / 2;
+ axis.y: 1; axis.z: 0
+ }
+ front: Item {
+ id: ContainerFront; anchors.fill: Container
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "black"; opacity: 0.4
+ }
+ Connection {
+ sender: ToolBar; signal: "button1Clicked()"
+ script: if (Container.state=='') Container.state='Back'; else Container.state=''
+ }
+ Column {
+ spacing: 10
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left; leftMargin: 20
+ right: parent.right; rightMargin: 20
+ top:; topMargin: 180
+ }
+ Text { id: TitleText; font.bold: true; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: Container.photoTitle }
+ Text { id: Size; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: "<b>Size:</b> " + Container.photoWidth + 'x' + Container.photoHeight }
+ Text { id: Type; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: "<b>Type:</b> " + Container.photoType }
+ Text { id: Author; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: "<b>Author:</b> " + Container.photoAuthor }
+ Text { id: Date; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: "<b>Published:</b> " + Container.photoDate }
+ Text { id: TagsLabel; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: Container.photoTags == "" ? "" : "<b>Tags:</b> " }
+ Text { id: Tags; color: "white"; elide: "ElideRight"; elide: "ElideRight"; text: Container.photoTags }
+ }
+ }
+ back: Item {
+ anchors.fill: Container
+ Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; color: "black"; opacity: 0.4 }
+ Common.Progress { anchors.centerIn: parent; width: 200; height: 18; progress: BigImage.progress; visible: BigImage.status!=1 }
+ Flickable {
+ id: Flick; anchors.fill: parent; clip: true
+ viewportWidth: ImageContainer.width; viewportHeight: ImageContainer.height
+ Item {
+ id: ImageContainer
+ width: Math.max(BigImage.width * BigImage.scale, Flick.width);
+ height: Math.max(BigImage.height * BigImage.scale, Flick.height);
+ Image {
+ id: BigImage; source: Container.photoUrl; scale: Slider.value
+ // Center image if it is smaller than the flickable area.
+ x: ImageContainer.width > width*scale ? (ImageContainer.width - width*scale) / 2 : 0
+ y: ImageContainer.height > height*scale ? (ImageContainer.height - height*scale) / 2 : 0
+ smooth: !Flick.moving
+ onStatusChanged : {
+ // Default scale shows the entire image.
+ if (status == 1 && width != 0) {
+ Slider.minimum = Math.min(Flick.width / width, Flick.height / height);
+ prevScale = Math.min(Slider.minimum, 1);
+ Slider.value = prevScale;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: "Image Unavailable"
+ visible: BigImage.status == 'Error'
+ anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "white"; font.bold: true
+ }
+ Common.Slider {
+ id: Slider; visible: { BigImage.status == 1 && maximum > minimum }
+ anchors {
+ bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 65
+ left: parent.left; leftMargin: 25
+ right: parent.right; rightMargin: 25
+ }
+ onValueChanged: {
+ if (BigImage.width * value > Flick.width) {
+ var xoff = (Flick.width/2 + Flick.viewportX) * value / prevScale;
+ Flick.viewportX = xoff - Flick.width/2;
+ }
+ if (BigImage.height * value > Flick.height) {
+ var yoff = (Flick.height/2 + Flick.viewportY) * value / prevScale;
+ Flick.viewportY = yoff - Flick.height/2;
+ }
+ prevScale = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ states: State {
+ name: "Back"
+ PropertyChanges { target: Rotation; angle: 180 }
+ }
+ transitions: Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation {
+ PropertyAction { target: BigImage; property: "smooth"; value: false }
+ NumberAnimation { easing: "easeInOutQuad"; properties: "angle"; duration: 500 }
+ PropertyAction { target: BigImage; property: "smooth"; value: !Flick.moving }
+ }
+ }