path: root/doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc
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authorAaron Kennedy <>2009-07-03 05:34:22 (GMT)
committerAaron Kennedy <>2009-07-03 06:01:00 (GMT)
commit602f05025c09093650a7030da6084665cf716e08 (patch)
tree1e41a4006c6c7d66c0be8935c94aed26bd24474a /doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc
parent3320e130954229d513be62f7d6a6410ca5e5f523 (diff)
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1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\page qml-extending-types.html
+\title Extending types from QML
+Many of the elements available for use in QML are implemented in
+\l {QML for C++ Programmers}{C++}. These types are know as "core types". QML
+allows programmers to build new, fully functional elements without using C++.
+Existing core types can be extended, and new types defined entirely in the QML
+\section1 Adding new properties
+New properties can be added to an existing type. These new properties are
+available for use within QML, and also appear as regular Qt properties on the
+C++ object, accessible through the regular property access mechanisms.
+Like all properties in QML, custom properties are typed. The type is used to
+define the property's behavior, and also determines the C++ type of the created
+Qt property. The following table shows the list of types available when
+declaring a new property, and the corresponding C++ type.
+\header \o QML Type Name \o C++ Type Name
+\row \o int \o int
+\row \o bool \o bool
+\row \o double \o double
+\row \o real \o double
+\row \o string \o QString
+\row \o url \o QUrl
+\row \o color \o QColor
+\row \o date \o QDate
+\row \o var \o QVariant
+\row \o variant \o QVariant
+QML supports two methods for adding a new property to a type - a new property
+definition, and a property alias.
+\section2 Property definitions
+Property definitions add a new property to an existing type. The storage of the
+property is managed by QML. The defined property may be read, written and bound
+to and from.
+The syntax for defining a new property is:
+ [default] property <type> <name>[: defaultValue]
+This declaration may appear anywhere within a type body, but it is customary to
+include it at the top. Attempting to declare two properties with the same name
+in the same type block is an error. However, a new property may reuse the name
+of an existing property on the type. This should be done with caution, as the
+existing property will be hidden, and become inaccessible.
+The <type> must be one of the QML type names shown in the above table.
+Additionally, an optional default value of the property can be provided. The
+default value is a convenient shortcut, but is behaviorally identical to doing
+it in two steps, like this:
+ // Use default value
+ property int myProperty: 10
+ // Longer, but behaviorally identical
+ property int myProperty
+ myProperty: 10
+If specified, the optional "default" attribute marks the new property as the
+types default property, overriding any existing default property. Using the
+default attribute twice in the same type block is an error.
+The following example shows how to declare a new "innerColor" property that
+controls the color of the inner rectangle.
+ Rect {
+ property color innerColor: "black"
+ color: "red"; width: 100; height: 100
+ Rect {
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ width: parent.width - 10
+ height: parent.height - 10
+ color: innerColor
+ }
+ }
+\section2 Property aliases
+Property aliases are a more advanced form of property declaration. Unlike a
+property definition, that allocates a new, unique storage space for the
+property, a property alias connects the newly declared property (called the
+aliasing property) to an existing property (the aliased property). Read
+operations on the aliasing property act as read operations on the aliased
+property, and write operations on the aliasing property as write operations on
+the aliased property.
+A property alias declaration looks a lot like a property definition:
+ [default] property alias <name>: <alias reference>
+As the aliasing property has the same type as the aliased property, an explicit
+type is omitted, and the special "alias" keyword is used. Instead of a default
+value, a property alias includes a compulsary alias reference. The alias
+reference is used to locate the aliased property. While similar to a property
+binding, the alias reference syntax is highly restricted.
+An alias reference takes the form
+ <Id>.<property>
+where <Id> must refer to an object id within the same component as the type
+declaring the alias, and <property> refers to a property on this object. The
+alias reference syntax may become more flexibly in future releases.
+Here is the property definition example rewritten to use property aliases.
+Rect {
+ property alias innerColor: InnerRect.color
+ color: "red"; width: 100; height: 100
+ Rect {
+ id: InnerRect
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ width: parent.width - 10
+ height: parent.height - 10
+ color: "black"
+ }
+Aliases are most useful when \l {Defining new Components}. Consequently
+they have several apparent limitations that only make sense in this context.
+Aliases are only activated once the component specifying them is completed. The
+most obvious consequence of this is that the component itself cannot generally
+use the aliased property directly. For example, this will not work:
+ // Does NOT work
+ property alias innerColor: InnerRect.color
+ innerColor: "black"
+This behavior is required to allow type developers to redefine the behavior
+of existing property names while continuing to use the existing behavior within
+the type they are building, something that is not possible with property
+definitions. In the example used so far, this could allows the developer to fix
+the external rectangle's color as "red" and redefine the "color" property to
+refer to the inner rectangle, like this:
+Rect {
+ property alias color: InnerRect.color
+ color: "red"; width: 100; height: 100
+ Rect {
+ id: InnerRect
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ width: parent.width - 10
+ height: parent.height - 10
+ color: "black"
+ }
+Users of this type would not be able to affect the color of the red rectangle,
+but would find using the "color" property, rather than the strange new
+"innerColor" property, much more familiar.
+A second, much less significant, consequence of the delayed activation of
+aliases is that an alias reference cannot refer to another aliasing property
+declared within the same component. This will not work:
+ // Does NOT work
+ id: Root
+ property alias innerColor: InnerRect.color
+ property alias innerColor2: Root.innerColor
+From outside the component, aliasing properties appear as regular Qt properties
+and consequently can be used in alias references.
+\section1 Adding new signals
+New signals can be added to an existing type. These new signals are available
+for use within QML, and also appear as regular Qt signals on the C++ object that
+can be used in Qt signal/slot connections.
+The syntax for defining a new signal is:
+signal <name>[([<type> <parameter name>[, ...]])]
+This declaration may appear anywhere within a type body, but it is customary to
+include it at the top. Attempting to declare two signals or methods with the
+same name in the same type block is an error. However, a new signal may reuse
+the name of an existing signal on the type. This should be done with caution,
+as the existing signal may be hidden and become inaccessible.
+The options for parameter types are the same as for property types (see
+\l {Adding new properties}. If this signal has no parameters, the parameter
+list may be omitted entirely.
+Here are three examples of signal declarations:
+ Item {
+ signal clicked
+ signal hovered()
+ signal performAction(string action, var actionArgument)
+ }
+\section1 Adding new methods
+New methods can be added to an existing type. These new methods are available
+for use within QML, and also appear as regular Qt slots on the C++ object that
+can be used in Qt signal/slot connections.
+function <name>([<parameter name>[, ...]]) { <body> }
+This declaration may appear anywhere within a type body, but it is customary to
+include it at the top. Attempting to declare two methods or signals with the
+same name in the same type block is an error. However, a new method may reuse
+the name of an existing method on the type. This should be done with caution,
+as the existing method may be hidden and become inaccessible.
+Methods parameters are not typed. In C++ these parameters are of type QVariant.
+The body of the method is written in JavaScript and may access the parameters by
+This example adds a new method that behaves like a child:
+Item {
+ function say(text) {
+ print("You said " + text);
+ }
+\section1 Defining new Components
+A component is a reusable type with a well-defined interface built entirely in
+QML. Components appear as regular QML elements, and can be used interchangably
+with core types. Components allow developers to create new types to be reused
+in other projects without the use of C++. Components can also help to reduce
+duplication inside one project by limiting the need for large numbers of
+copy-and-pasted blocks.
+Any snippet of QML code can become a component, just by placing it in the file
+"<Name>.qml" where <Name> is the new element name, and begins with an uppercase
+letter. These QML files automatically become available as new QML element types
+to other QML components and applications in the same directory.
+For example, here we show how a component named "Box" is defined and used
+multiple times by an application.
+\o application.qml
+Rect {
+ width: 100; height: 400;
+ Box { x: 0; y: 0 }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 150 }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 300 }
+\o Box.qml
+Rect {
+ width: 100; height: 100;
+ color: "blue"
+Components may be collected into \l {Modules of Components} that gives the
+developer more freedom than just putting files in the same directory.
+\section2 Building reusable components
+A component type built to be reused by others must have a well defined
+interface. In QML, an interface consists of a defined collection of
+properties, signals and methods. Users of a component have access to all the
+properties, signals and methods defined on the root element of the component.
+In the component example above, the root element of the "Box" component is a
+Rect. As the Rect type has a "color" property, this property is accessible to
+users of the Box component. For example, the application.qml can be modified
+to show three different colored boxes like this:
+Rect {
+ width: 100; height: 400;
+ Box { x: 0; y: 0; color: "red"; }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 150; color: "yellow"; }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 300; color: "green"; }
+As expected, adding additional properties to the root element of Box, makes them
+available externally. Here we add a "text" property:
+\o application.qml
+Rect {
+ width: 100; height: 400;
+ Box { x: 0; y: 0; color: "red"; text: "stop" }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 150; color: "yellow"; text: "slow" }
+ Box { x: 0; y: 300; color: "green"; text: "go" }
+\o Box.qml
+Rect {
+ property alias text: MyText.text
+ width: 100; height: 100;
+ color: "blue"
+ Text {
+ id: MyText
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ }
+Methods and signals may be added in the same way.
+As all external methods, signals and properties are accessible to external
+users, developers should ensure that setting these properties does not have
+any undesirable side-effects. For most resiliance, root level properties should
+only be used for literal default values. When a root level property must be
+used inside the component - such as the children property - property aliases
+can be used to redirect this property to a "safe" location for external users.
+Try to think of the root level properties as being "owned" by the components
+user, rather than the component itself.