path: root/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
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authorWarwick Allison <>2010-05-21 04:56:22 (GMT)
committerWarwick Allison <>2010-05-21 04:59:45 (GMT)
commit4ef2862b791c210a30586ba140cc6f508e06883f (patch)
tree460a6da2ba2e74d15a0b3952bd9531772a2065ab /doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
parentfe39717cea0a53180e0f9aa0c4755ac68ee1e44e (diff)
Ensure QML Global Qt object functions appear in the documentation index
Also moves documentation of Qt global object to alongside code. Docs are slightly misleading because they say "Qt::argb" etc. when "Qt.argb" would be clearer. Downgrades QTBUG-7725 from P2 to P4 as remaining functions are standard webJS. Task-number: QTBUG-7725
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
index bd0a9f5..2885dd5 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
@@ -49,251 +49,9 @@ Contains all the properties of the JavaScript global object, plus:
\section1 Qt Object
-The Qt object provides useful enums and functions from Qt, for use in all QML
+The \l{qt-qml.html}{Qt object} provides useful enums and functions from Qt, for use in all QML
-\section2 Enums
-The Qt object contains all enums in the Qt namespace. For example, you can
-access the AlignLeft member of the Qt::AlignmentFlag enum with \c Qt.AlignLeft.
-For a full list of enums, see the \l{Qt Namespace} documentation.
-\section2 Types
-The Qt object also contains helper functions for creating objects of specific
-data types. This is primarily useful when setting the properties of an item
-when the property has one of the following types:
-\o Color
-\o Rect
-\o Point
-\o Size
-\o Vector3D
-There are also string based constructors for these types, see \l{qdeclarativebasictypes.html}{Qml Types}.
-\section3 Qt.rgba(qreal red, qreal green, qreal blue, qreal alpha)
-This function returns a Color with the specified \c red, \c green, \c blue and \c alpha components. All components should be in the range 0-1 inclusive.
-\section3 Qt.hsla(qreal hue, qreal saturation, qreal lightness, qreal alpha)
-This function returns a Color with the specified \c hue, \c saturation, \c lightness and \c alpha components. All components should be in the range 0-1 inclusive.
-\section3 Qt.rect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
-This function returns a Rect with the top-left corner at \c x, \c y and the specified \c width and \c height.
-\section3 Qt.point(int x, int y)
-This function returns a Point with the specified \c x and \c y coordinates.
-\section3 Qt.size(int width, int height)
-This function returns as Size with the specified \c width and \c height.
-\section3 Qt.vector3d(real x, real y, real z)
-This function returns a Vector3D with the specified \c x, \c y and \c z.
-\section2 Formatters
-The Qt object contains several functions for formatting dates and times.
-\section3 Qt.formatDate(datetime date, variant format)
-This function returns the string representation of \c date, formatted according to \c format.
-\section3 Qt.formatTime(datetime time, variant format)
-This function returns the string representation of \c time, formatted according to \c format.
-\section3 Qt.formatDateTime(datetime dateTime, variant format)
-This function returns the string representation of \c dateTime, formatted according to \c format.
-\c format for the above formatting functions can be specified as follows.
- These expressions may be used for the date:
- \table
- \header \i Expression \i Output
- \row \i d \i the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)
- \row \i dd \i the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)
- \row \i ddd
- \i the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun').
- Uses QDate::shortDayName().
- \row \i dddd
- \i the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Qt::Sunday').
- Uses QDate::longDayName().
- \row \i M \i the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)
- \row \i MM \i the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)
- \row \i MMM
- \i the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec').
- Uses QDate::shortMonthName().
- \row \i MMMM
- \i the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December').
- Uses QDate::longMonthName().
- \row \i yy \i the year as two digit number (00-99)
- \row \i yyyy \i the year as four digit number
- \endtable
- These expressions may be used for the time:
- \table
- \header \i Expression \i Output
- \row \i h
- \i the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)
- \row \i hh
- \i the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)
- \row \i m \i the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)
- \row \i mm \i the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)
- \row \i s \i the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)
- \row \i ss \i the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)
- \row \i z \i the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)
- \row \i zzz \i the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)
- \row \i AP
- \i use AM/PM display. \e AP will be replaced by either "AM" or "PM".
- \row \i ap
- \i use am/pm display. \e ap will be replaced by either "am" or "pm".
- \endtable
- All other input characters will be ignored. Any sequence of characters that
- are enclosed in singlequotes will be treated as text and not be used as an
- expression. Two consecutive singlequotes ("''") are replaced by a singlequote
- in the output.
- Example format strings (assumed that the date and time is 21 May 2001
- 14:13:09):
- \table
- \header \i Format \i Result
- \row \i dd.MM.yyyy \i 21.05.2001
- \row \i ddd MMMM d yy \i Tue May 21 01
- \row \i hh:mm:ss.zzz \i 14:13:09.042
- \row \i h:m:s ap \i 2:13:9 pm
- \endtable
-If no format is specified the locale's short format is used. Alternatively, you can specify
-\c Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate to get the locale's long format.
-\section2 Functions
-The Qt object also contains the following miscellaneous functions which expose Qt functionality for use in QML.
-\section3 Qt.lighter(color baseColor, real factor)
-This function returns a color lighter than \c baseColor by the \c factor provided.
-If the factor is greater than 1.0, this functions returns a lighter color.
-Setting factor to 1.5 returns a color that is 50% brighter. If the factor is less than 1.0,
-the return color is darker, but we recommend using the Qt.darker() function for this purpose.
-If the factor is 0 or negative, the return value is unspecified.
-The function converts the current RGB color to HSV, multiplies the value (V) component
-by factor and converts the color back to RGB.
-If \c factor is not supplied, returns a color 50% lighter than \c baseColor (factor 1.5).
-\section3 Qt.darker(color baseColor, real factor)
-This function returns a color darker than \c baseColor by the \c factor provided.
-If the factor is greater than 1.0, this function returns a darker color.
-Setting factor to 3.0 returns a color that has one-third the brightness.
-If the factor is less than 1.0, the return color is lighter, but we recommend using
-the Qt.lighter() function for this purpose. If the factor is 0 or negative, the return
-value is unspecified.
-The function converts the current RGB color to HSV, divides the value (V) component
-by factor and converts the color back to RGB.
-If \c factor is not supplied, returns a color 50% darker than \c baseColor (factor 2.0).
-\section3 Qt.tint(color baseColor, color tintColor)
- This function allows tinting one color with another.
- The tint color should usually be mostly transparent, or you will not be able to see the underlying color. The below example provides a slight red tint by having the tint color be pure red which is only 1/16th opaque.
- \qml
- Rectangle { x: 0; width: 80; height: 80; color: "lightsteelblue" }
- Rectangle { x: 100; width: 80; height: 80; color: Qt.tint("lightsteelblue", "#10FF0000") }
- \endqml
- \image declarative-rect_tint.png
- Tint is most useful when a subtle change is intended to be conveyed due to some event; you can then use tinting to more effectively tune the visible color.
-\section3 Qt.openUrlExternally(url target)
-This function attempts to open the specified \c target url in an external application, based on the user's desktop preferences. It will return true if it succeeds, and false otherwise.
-\section3 Qt.md5(data)
-This function returns a hex string of the md5 hash of \c data.
-\section3 Qt.btoa(data)
-Binary to ASCII - this function returns a base64 encoding of \c data.
-\section3 Qt.atob(data)
-ASCII to binary - this function returns a base64 decoding of \c data.
-\section3 Qt.quit()
-This function causes the QDeclarativeEngine::quit() signal to be emitted.
-Within the \l {Qt Declarative UI Runtime}{qml} application this causes the
-launcher application to exit.
-\section3 Qt.resolvedUrl(url)
-This function returns \c url resolved relative to the URL of the
-\section3 Qt.fontFamilies()
-This function returns a list of the font families available to the application.
-\section3 Qt.isQtObject(object)
-Returns true if \c object is a valid reference to a Qt or QML object, otherwise false.
-\section1 Dynamic Object Creation
-The following functions on the global object allow you to dynamically create QML
-items from files or strings. See \l{Dynamic Object Management} for an overview
-of their use.
-\section2 Qt.createComponent(url file)
-This function takes the URL of a QML file as its only argument. It returns
-a component object which can be used to create and load that QML file.
-Here is an example. Remember that QML files that might be loaded
-over the network cannot be expected to be ready immediately.
-\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/componentCreation.js 0
-\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/componentCreation.js 1
-If you are certain the files will be local, you could simplify to:
-\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/componentCreation.js 2
-The methods and properties of the Component element are defined in its own
-page, but when using it dynamically only two methods are usually used.
-\c Component.createObject() returns the created object or \c null if there is an error.
-If there is an error, \l {Component::errorString()}{Component.errorString()} describes
-the error that occurred. Note that createObject() takes exactly one argument, which is set
-to the parent of the created object. Graphical objects without a parent will not appear
-on the scene, but if you do not wish to parent the item at this point you can safely pass
-in null.
-If you want to just create an arbitrary string of QML, instead of
-loading a QML file, consider the \l{Qt.createQmlObject(string qml, object parent, string filepath)}{Qt.createQmlObject()} function.
-\section2 Qt.createQmlObject(string qml, object parent, string filepath)
-Creates a new object from the specified string of QML. It requires a
-second argument, which is the id of an existing QML object to use as
-the new object's parent. If a third argument is provided, this is used
-for error reporting as the filepath that the QML came from.
-Example (where \c targetItem is the id of an existing QML item):
-\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/createQmlObject.qml 0
-This function is intended for use inside QML only. It is intended to behave
-similarly to eval, but for creating QML elements.
-Returns the created object, \c or null if there is an error. In the case of an
-error, a QtScript Error object is thrown. This object has the additional property,
-qmlErrors, which is an array of all the errors encountered when trying to execute the
-QML. Each object in the array has the members \c lineNumber, \c columnNumber, \c fileName and \c message.
-Note that this function returns immediately, and therefore may not work if
-the QML loads new components. If you are trying to load a new component,
-for example from a QML file, consider the \l{Qt.createComponent(url file)}{Qt.createComponent()} function
-instead. 'New components' refers to external QML files that have not yet
-been loaded, and so it is safe to use \c Qt.createQmlObject() to load built-in
\section1 XMLHttpRequest
\target XMLHttpRequest