path: root/doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout
diff options
authorLars Knoll <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
committerSimon Hausmann <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
commit67ad0519fd165acee4a4d2a94fa502e9e4847bd0 (patch)
tree1dbf50b3dff8d5ca7e9344733968c72704eb15ff /doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout
Long live Qt!
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout b/doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d20f4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/diagrams/dependencies.lout
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+@SysInclude { picture }
+@SysInclude { tbl }
+@SysInclude { diag }
+# lout -EPS dependencies.lout > dependencies.eps
+macro @TTGreenColour { {cmyk 0.40 0.00 1.00 0.01} }
+macro @TTPurpleColour { {cmyk 0.39 0.39 0.00 0.00} }
+macro @DefaultColour { rgb { 0.961 0.961 0.863 } }
+macro @FreetypeColour { rgb { 0.902 0.902 0.980 } }
+macro @GLColour { rgb { 1.000 0.753 0.796 } }
+macro @PthreadColour { rgb { 0.741 0.718 0.420 } }
+macro @OptionalColour { rgb { 0.792 0.882 1.000 } }
+macro @SMColour { rgb { 0.761 0.980 0.980 } }
+macro @MiscColour { rgb { 0.941 0.973 1.000 } }
+macro @GlibColour { rgb { 0.7 0.7 0.7 } }
+ @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 14p }
+@Centre @Diag
+ outline { shadowbox }
+ shadow { 0.15f }
+ margin { 0.5f }
+ hsize { 5f }
+ paint { @MiscColour }
+ arrowwidth { 0.55f }
+ arrowlength { 0.55f }
+ pathwidth { medium }
+ zindent { 0.1f }
+ radius { 0.5f }
+ #
+ bmargin { 0.5f }
+ boutlinestyle { noline }
+ #
+ coutlinestyle { noline }
+ cmargin { 0.5f }
+# rule { yes } rulecolour { red }
+ indent { ctr }
+ iv { ctr }
+ marginvertical { 1.25f }
+ div { top }
+# fmarginbelow { 0c }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell marginbelow { 0c } font { +2p } C | @Cell D | @Cell E }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F }
+ cformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell marginleft { 1.5c } E | @Cell F }
+ dformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F }
+ eformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F }
+ fformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @Cell E | @Cell F }
+ gformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D | @StartHSpan @Cell E | @HSpan }
+ @Rowa C { Qt"/"X11 library dependencies }
+ @Rowb C { QTGUI:: @Node paint { @TTGreenColour } QtGui }
+ @Rowc B { XCURSOR:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } Xcursor }
+ C { XRANDR:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } Xrandr }
+ D { XINERAMA:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } Xinerama }
+ E { Xi:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } Xi }
+ @Rowd C { XRENDER:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } XRender }
+ F { Xt:: @Node paint { @DefaultColour } Xt* }
+ @Rowe A { QTCORE:: @Node paint { @TTPurpleColour } QtCore }
+ C { XFIXES:: @Node paint { @OptionalColour } Xfixes }
+ D { XEXT:: @Node paint { @DefaultColour } Xext }
+ F { SM:: @Node paint { @SMColour } SM }
+ @Rowf A { PTHREAD:: @Node paint { @PthreadColour } pthread }
+ B { GLIB:: @Node paint { @GlibColour } Glib }
+ D { X:: @Node paint { @DefaultColour } X11 }
+ F { ICE:: @Node paint { @SMColour } ICE }
+ @Rowg E {
+ @Tbl
+ font { -2p }
+ margin { 0.15f }
+ cmarginabove { 0c }
+ iv { top }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ cformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell A | @HSpan | @HSpan }
+ {
+ @Rowb A { C:: @BNode {} } B { D:: @BNode {} }
+ C { some configurations only }
+ @Rowb B { * } C { Xt intrinsics only }
+ }
+ }
+@VHVCurveArrow from { QTGUI } to { XINERAMA } pathstyle { dotted }
+@VHVCurveArrow from { QTGUI } to { Xi } pathstyle { dotted }
+@HVCurveArrow from { QTGUI } to { QTCORE }
+@Arrow from { QTCORE } to { PTHREAD }
+@VHVCurveArrow from { QTCORE } to { GLIB } pathstyle { dotted }
+@HVCurveArrow from { QTGUI } to { Xt }
+@Arrow from { QTGUI } to { XRANDR } pathstyle { dotted }
+@VHVCurveArrow from { QTGUI } to { XCURSOR } pathstyle { dotted }
+@Arrow from { XRANDR } to { XRENDER }
+@Arrow from { XINERAMA } to { XEXT }
+@VHCurveArrow from { XCURSOR } to { XRENDER }
+@HVCurveArrow from { XRENDER } to { XEXT }
+@HVHCurveArrow from { Xi } to { XEXT }
+@Arrow from { Xt } to { SM }
+@HVHCurveArrow from { Xt } to { X }
+@Arrow from { SM } to { ICE }
+@Arrow from { XEXT } to { X }
+@VHCurveArrow from { XCURSOR } to { XFIXES }
+@VHVCurveArrow from { XFIXES } to { X }
+@Link from { C@W } to { D@E } pathstyle { dotted }