path: root/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
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authorLars Knoll <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
committerSimon Hausmann <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
commit67ad0519fd165acee4a4d2a94fa502e9e4847bd0 (patch)
tree1dbf50b3dff8d5ca7e9344733968c72704eb15ff /doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
Long live Qt!
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+++ b/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+ \module QtNetwork
+ \title QtNetwork Module
+ \contentspage Qt's Modules
+ \previouspage QtGui
+ \nextpage QtOpenGL
+ \ingroup modules
+ \brief The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to
+ write TCP/IP clients and servers.
+ The network module provides classes to make network programming
+ easier and portable. It offers classes such as QHttp and QFtp that
+ implement specific application-level protocols, lower-level classes
+ such as QTcpSocket, QTcpServer and QUdpSocket that represent low
+ level network concepts, and high level classes such as QNetworkRequest,
+ QNetworkReply and QNetworkAccessManager to perform network operations using common protocols.
+ The QtNetwork module is part of the \l{Qt Full Framework Edition} and the
+ \l{Open Source Versions of Qt}.
+ Topics:
+ \tableofcontents
+ \section1 Configuring the Build Process
+ Applications that use Qt's networking classes need to
+ be configured to be built against the QtNetwork module.
+ The following declaration in a \c qmake project file ensures that
+ an application is compiled and linked appropriately:
+ \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtnetwork.qdoc 0
+ This line is necessary because only the QtCore and QtGui modules
+ are used in the default build process.
+ To include the definitions of the module's classes, use the
+ following directive:
+ \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtnetwork.qdoc 1
+ \section1 High Level Network Operations
+ The Network Access API is a collection of classes for performing
+ common network operations. The API provides an abstraction layer
+ over the specific operations and protocols used (for example,
+ getting and posting data over HTTP), and only exposes classes,
+ functions, and signals for general or high level concepts.
+ Network requests are represented by the QNetworkRequest class,
+ which also acts as a general container for information associated
+ with a request, such as any header information and the encryption
+ used. The URL specified when a request object is constructed
+ determines the protocol used for a request.
+ The coordination of network operations is performed by the
+ QNetworkAccessManager class. Once a request has been created,
+ this class is used to dispatch it and emit signals to report on
+ its progress. The manager also coordinates the use of
+ \l{QNetworkCookieJar}{cookies} to store data on the client,
+ authentication requests, and the use of proxies.
+ Replies to network requests are represented by the QNetworkReply
+ class; these are created by QNetworkAccessManager when a request
+ is dispatched. The signals provided by QNetworkReply can be used
+ to monitor each reply individually, or developers may choose to
+ use the manager's signals for this purpose instead and discard
+ references to replies. Since QNetworkReply is a subclass of
+ QIODevice, replies can be handled synchronously or asynchronously;
+ i.e., as blocking or non-blocking operations.
+ Each application or library can create one or more instances of
+ QNetworkAccessManager to handle network communication.
+ \section1 Writing HTTP and FTP Clients with QHttp and QFtp
+ HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is an application-level
+ network protocol used mainly for downloading HTML and XML files,
+ but it is also used as a high-level transport protocol for many
+ other types of data, from images and movies to purchase orders
+ and banking transactions. In contrast, FTP (File Transfer
+ Protocol) is a protocol used almost exclusively for browsing
+ remote directories and for transferring files.
+ \image httpstack.png HTTP Client and Server
+ HTTP is a simpler protocol than FTP in many ways. It uses only
+ one network connection, while FTP uses two (one for sending
+ commands, and one for transferring data). HTTP is a stateless
+ protocol; requests and responses are always self-contained. The
+ FTP protocol has a state and requires the client to send several
+ commands before a file transfer takes place.
+ In practice, HTTP clients often use separate connections for
+ separate requests, whereas FTP clients establish one connection
+ and keep it open throughout the session.
+ The QHttp and QFtp classes provide client-side support for HTTP
+ and FTP. Since the two protocols are used to solve the same
+ problems, the QHttp and QFtp classes have many features in
+ common:
+ \list
+ \o \e{Non-blocking behavior.} QHttp and QFtp are asynchronous.
+ You can schedule a series of commands (also called "requests" for
+ HTTP). The commands are executed later, when control returns to
+ Qt's event loop.
+ \o \e{Command IDs.} Each command has a unique ID number that you
+ can use to follow the execution of the command. For example, QFtp
+ emits the \l{QFtp::commandStarted()}{commandStarted()} and
+ \l{QFtp::commandFinished()}{commandFinished()} signal with the
+ command ID for each command that is executed. QHttp has a
+ \l{QHttp::requestStarted()}{requestStarted()} and a
+ \l{QHttp::requestFinished()}{requestFinished()} signal that work
+ the same way.
+ \o \e{Data transfer progress indicators.} QHttp and QFtp emit
+ signals whenever data is transferred
+ (QFtp::dataTransferProgress(), QHttp::dataReadProgress(), and
+ QHttp::dataSendProgress()). You could connect these signals to
+ QProgressBar::setProgress() or QProgressDialog::setProgress(),
+ for example.
+ \o \e{QIODevice support.} Both classes support convenient
+ uploading from and downloading to \l{QIODevice}s, in addition to a
+ QByteArray-based API.
+ \endlist
+ There are two main ways of using QHttp and QFtp. The most common
+ approach is to keep track of the command IDs and follow the
+ execution of every command by connecting to the appropriate
+ signals. The other approach is to schedule all commands at once
+ and only connect to the done() signal, which is emitted when all
+ scheduled commands have been executed. The first approach
+ requires more work, but it gives you more control over the
+ execution of individual commands and allows you to initiate new
+ commands based on the result of a previous command. It also
+ enables you to provide detailed feedback to the user.
+ The \l{network/http}{HTTP} and \l{network/ftp}{FTP} examples
+ illustrate how to write an HTTP and an FTP client.
+ Writing your own HTTP or FTP server is possible using the
+ lower-level classes QTcpSocket and QTcpServer.
+ \section1 Using TCP with QTcpSocket and QTcpServer
+ TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a low-level network
+ protocol used by most Internet protocols, including HTTP and FTP,
+ for data transfer. It is a reliable, stream-oriented,
+ connection-oriented transport protocol. It is particularly well
+ suited to the continuous transmission of data.
+ \image tcpstream.png A TCP Stream
+ The QTcpSocket class provides an interface for TCP. You can use
+ QTcpSocket to implement standard network protocols such as POP3,
+ SMTP, and NNTP, as well as custom protocols.
+ A TCP connection must be established to a remote host and port
+ before any data transfer can begin. Once the connection has been
+ established, the IP address and port of the peer are available
+ through QTcpSocket::peerAddress() and QTcpSocket::peerPort(). At
+ any time, the peer can close the connection, and data transfer
+ will then stop immediately.
+ QTcpSocket works asynchronously and emits signals to report status
+ changes and errors, just like QHttp and QFtp. It relies on the
+ event loop to detect incoming data and to automatically flush
+ outgoing data. You can write data to the socket using
+ QTcpSocket::write(), and read data using
+ QTcpSocket::read(). QTcpSocket represents two independent streams
+ of data: one for reading and one for writing.
+ Since QTcpSocket inherits QIODevice, you can use it with
+ QTextStream and QDataStream. When reading from a QTcpSocket, you
+ must make sure that enough data is available by calling
+ QTcpSocket::bytesAvailable() beforehand.
+ If you need to handle incoming TCP connections (e.g., in a server
+ application), use the QTcpServer class. Call QTcpServer::listen()
+ to set up the server, and connect to the
+ QTcpServer::newConnection() signal, which is emitted once for
+ every client that connects. In your slot, call
+ QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection() to accept the connection and
+ use the returned QTcpSocket to communicate with the client.
+ Although most of its functions work asynchronously, it's possible
+ to use QTcpSocket synchronously (i.e., blocking). To get blocking
+ behavior, call QTcpSocket's waitFor...() functions; these suspend
+ the calling thread until a signal has been emitted. For example,
+ after calling the non-blocking QTcpSocket::connectToHost()
+ function, call QTcpSocket::waitForConnected() to block the thread
+ until the \l{QTcpSocket::connected()}{connected()} signal has
+ been emitted.
+ Synchronous sockets often lead to code with a simpler flow of
+ control. The main disadvantage of the waitFor...() approach is
+ that events won't be processed while a waitFor...() function is
+ blocking. If used in the GUI thread, this might freeze the
+ application's user interface. For this reason, we recommend that
+ you use synchronous sockets only in non-GUI threads. When used
+ synchronously, QTcpSocket doesn't require an event loop.
+ The \l{network/fortuneclient}{Fortune Client} and
+ \l{network/fortuneserver}{Fortune Server} examples show how to use
+ QTcpSocket and QTcpServer to write TCP client-server
+ applications. See also \l{network/blockingfortuneclient}{Blocking
+ Fortune Client} for an example on how to use a synchronous
+ QTcpSocket in a separate thread (without using an event loop),
+ and \l{network/threadedfortuneserver}{Threaded Fortune Server}
+ for an example of a multithreaded TCP server with one thread per
+ active client.
+ \section1 Using UDP with QUdpSocket
+ UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a lightweight, unreliable,
+ datagram-oriented, connectionless protocol. It can be used when
+ reliability isn't important. For example, a server that reports
+ the time of day could choose UDP. If a datagram with the time of
+ day is lost, the client can simply make another request.
+ \image udppackets.png UDP Packets
+ The QUdpSocket class allows you to send and receive UDP
+ datagrams. It inherits QAbstractSocket, and it therefore shares
+ most of QTcpSocket's interface. The main difference is that
+ QUdpSocket transfers data as datagrams instead of as a continuous
+ stream of data. In short, a datagram is a data packet of limited
+ size (normally smaller than 512 bytes), containing the IP address
+ and port of the datagram's sender and receiver in addition to the
+ data being transferred.
+ QUdpSocket supports IPv4 broadcasting. Broadcasting is often used
+ to implement network discovery protocols, such as finding which
+ host on the network has the most free hard disk space. One host
+ broadcasts a datagram to the network that all other hosts
+ receive. Each host that receives a request then sends a reply
+ back to the sender with its current amount of free disk space.
+ The originator waits until it has received replies from all
+ hosts, and can then choose the server with most free space to
+ store data. To broadcast a datagram, simply send it to the
+ special address QHostAddress::Broadcast (, or
+ to your local network's broadcast address.
+ QUdpSocket::bind() prepares the socket for accepting incoming
+ datagrams, much like QTcpServer::listen() for TCP servers.
+ Whenever one or more datagrams arrive, QUdpSocket emits the
+ \l{QUdpSocket::readyRead()}{readyRead()} signal. Call
+ QUdpSocket::readDatagram() to read the datagram.
+ The \l{network/broadcastsender}{Broadcast Sender} and
+ \l{network/broadcastreceiver}{Broadcast Receiver} examples show
+ how to write a UDP sender and a UDP receiver using Qt.
+ \section1 Resolving Host Names using QHostInfo
+ Before establishing a network connection, QTcpSocket and
+ QUdpSocket perform a name lookup, translating the host name
+ you're connecting to into an IP address. This operation is
+ usually performed using the DNS (Domain Name Service) protocol.
+ QHostInfo provides a static function that lets you perform such a
+ lookup yourself. By calling QHostInfo::lookupHost() with a host
+ name, a QObject pointer, and a slot signature, QHostInfo will
+ perform the name lookup and invoke the given slot when the
+ results are ready. The actual lookup is done in a separate
+ thread, making use of the operating system's own methods for
+ performing name lookups.
+ QHostInfo also provides a static function called
+ QHostInfo::fromName() that takes the host name as argument and
+ returns the results. In this case, the name lookup is performed
+ in the same thread as the caller. This overload is useful for
+ non-GUI applications or for doing name lookups in a separate,
+ non-GUI thread. (Calling this function in a GUI thread may cause
+ your user interface to freeze while the function blocks as
+ it performs the lookup.)
+ \section1 Support for Network Proxies
+ Network communication with Qt can be performed through proxies,
+ which direct or filter network traffic between local and remote
+ connections.
+ Individual proxies are represented by the QNetworkProxy class,
+ which is used to describe and configure the connection to a proxy.
+ Proxy types which operate on different levels of network communication
+ are supported, with SOCKS 5 support allowing proxying of network
+ traffic at a low level, and HTTP and FTP proxying working at the
+ protocol level. See QNetworkProxy::ProxyType for more information.
+ Proxying can be enabled on a per-socket basis or for all network
+ communication in an application. A newly opened socket can be
+ made to use a proxy by calling its QAbstractSocket::setProxy()
+ function before it is connected. Application-wide proxying can
+ be enabled for all subsequent socket connections through the use
+ of the QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy() function.
+ Proxy factories are used to create policies for proxy use.
+ QNetworkProxyFactory supplies proxies based on queries for specific
+ proxy types. The queries themselves are encoded in QNetworkProxyQuery
+ objects which enable proxies to be selected based on key criteria,
+ such as the purpose of the proxy (TCP, UDP, TCP server, URL request),
+ local port, remote host and port, and the protocol in use (HTTP, FTP,
+ etc.).
+ QNetworkProxyFactory::proxyForQuery() is used to query the factory
+ directly. An application-wide policy for proxying can be implemented
+ by passing a factory to QNetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory()
+ and a custom proxying policy can be created by subclassing
+ QNetworkProxyFactory; see the class documentation for details.