path: root/examples/declarative
diff options
authorWarwick Allison <>2009-10-21 01:25:19 (GMT)
committerWarwick Allison <>2009-10-21 01:25:19 (GMT)
commit2a1c72bd0b5fcf10174d98872add0780c9be7260 (patch)
treed105a999c8fd3cb519b2a9b0e95281090a49c82a /examples/declarative
parent5b3e751f4c19ec05c72f212ff0ce672d982c490d (diff)
parent0cf015f746f42fa5c4a5bbb98df07eed8c0ec30a (diff)
Merge branch 'kinetic-declarativeui' of into kinetic-declarativeui
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/declarative')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml b/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
index 23d7b29..100d5d2 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
@@ -2,92 +2,98 @@ import Qt 4.6
Rectangle {
id: window
- width: 640
- height: layout.height
- color: "white"
+ width: 600; height: 460; color: "#232323"
ListModel {
id: easingTypes
- ListElement { type: "easeLinear" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInQuad" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutQuad" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuad" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuad" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInCubic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutCubic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutCubic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInCubic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInQuart" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutQuart" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuart" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuart" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInQuint" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutQuint" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuint" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuint" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInSine" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutSine" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutSine" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInSine" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInExpo" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutExpo" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutExpo" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInExpo" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInCirc" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutCirc" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutCirc" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInCirc" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInElastic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutElastic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutElastic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInElastic" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInBack" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutBack" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutBack" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInBack" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutBounce" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInBounce" }
- ListElement { type: "easeInOutBounce" }
- ListElement { type: "easeOutInBounce" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeLinear"; ballColor: "DarkRed" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuad"; ballColor: "IndianRed" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuad"; ballColor: "Salmon" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuad"; ballColor: "Tomato" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuad"; ballColor: "DarkOrange" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInCubic"; ballColor: "Gold" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutCubic"; ballColor: "Yellow" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutCubic"; ballColor: "PeachPuff" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInCubic"; ballColor: "Thistle" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuart"; ballColor: "Orchid" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuart"; ballColor: "Purple" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuart"; ballColor: "SlateBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuart"; ballColor: "Chartreuse" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuint"; ballColor: "LimeGreen" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuint"; ballColor: "SeaGreen" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuint"; ballColor: "DarkGreen" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuint"; ballColor: "Olive" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInSine"; ballColor: "DarkSeaGreen" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutSine"; ballColor: "Teal" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutSine"; ballColor: "Turquoise" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInSine"; ballColor: "SteelBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInExpo"; ballColor: "SkyBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutExpo"; ballColor: "RoyalBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutExpo"; ballColor: "MediumBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInExpo"; ballColor: "MidnightBlue" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInCirc"; ballColor: "CornSilk" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutCirc"; ballColor: "Bisque" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutCirc"; ballColor: "RosyBrown" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInCirc"; ballColor: "SandyBrown" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInElastic"; ballColor: "DarkGoldenRod" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutElastic"; ballColor: "Chocolate" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutElastic"; ballColor: "SaddleBrown" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInElastic"; ballColor: "Brown" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInBack"; ballColor: "Maroon" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutBack"; ballColor: "LavenderBlush" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutBack"; ballColor: "MistyRose" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInBack"; ballColor: "Gainsboro" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutBounce"; ballColor: "Silver" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInBounce"; ballColor: "DimGray" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutBounce"; ballColor: "SlateGray" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInBounce"; ballColor: "DarkSlateGray" }
- Column {
- id: layout
- anchors.left: window.left
- anchors.right: window.right
- Repeater {
- model: easingTypes
- Component {
- Text {
- text: type
- height: 18
- font.italic: true
- x: SequentialAnimation {
- id: anim
- NumberAnimation {
- from: 0
- to: window.width / 2
- easing: type
- duration: 1000
- }
- PauseAnimation {
- duration: 300
- }
- NumberAnimation {
- to: 0
- from: window.width / 2
- easing: type
- duration: 1000
- }
+ Component {
+ id: delegate
+ Item {
+ height: 42; width: window.width
+ Text { text: type; anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "White" }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: slot1; color: "#121212"; x: 10; height: 32; width: 32
+ border.color: "#343434"; border.width: 1; radius: 8; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: slot2; color: "#121212"; x: window.width - 42; height: 32; width: 32
+ border.color: "#343434"; border.width: 1; radius: 8; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: rect; x: 10; color: "#454545"
+ border.color: "White"; border.width: 2
+ height: 32; width: 32; radius: 8; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ MouseRegion {
+ onClicked: if (rect.state == '') rect.state = "right"; else rect.state = ''
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ states : State {
+ name: "right"
+ PropertyChanges { target: rect; x: window.width - 42; color: ballColor }
+ }
+ transitions: Transition {
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; easing: type; duration: 1000 }
+ ColorAnimation { properties: "color"; easing: type; duration: 1000 }
- children: [
- MouseRegion {
- onClicked: { anim.running=true }
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- ]
+ Flickable {
+ anchors.fill: parent; viewportHeight: layout.height
+ Column {
+ id: layout
+ anchors.left: window.left; anchors.right: window.right
+ Repeater { model: easingTypes; delegate: delegate }
+ }
+ }