path: root/src/declarative/util
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authorMartin Jones <>2010-02-23 22:58:07 (GMT)
committerMartin Jones <>2010-02-23 22:58:07 (GMT)
commitab86990893ef1b431c555c46a1e0df7cb9e37927 (patch)
treee817cd0655e18c6f4f1f1980d2bad9325cb9e426 /src/declarative/util
parent520cca521ed320ab6751041d9a7bf9c18ee98fa1 (diff)
parentd19f691a5646725c69b232e2adde8c2f961eb571 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/util')
5 files changed, 103 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation.cpp
index 6dcce58..2f24167 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation.cpp
@@ -66,79 +66,6 @@
-static QEasingCurve stringToCurve(const QString &curve, QObject *obj)
- QEasingCurve easingCurve;
- QString normalizedCurve = curve;
- bool hasParams = curve.contains(QLatin1Char('('));
- QStringList props;
- if (hasParams) {
- QString easeName = curve.trimmed();
- if (!easeName.endsWith(QLatin1Char(')'))) {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Unmatched parenthesis in easing function \"%1\"").arg(curve);
- return easingCurve;
- }
- int idx = easeName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('));
- QString prop_str =
- easeName.mid(idx + 1, easeName.length() - 1 - idx - 1);
- normalizedCurve = easeName.left(idx);
- if (!normalizedCurve.startsWith(QLatin1String("ease"))) {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Easing function \"%1\" must start with \"ease\"").arg(curve);
- return easingCurve;
- }
- props = prop_str.split(QLatin1Char(','));
- }
- if (normalizedCurve.startsWith(QLatin1String("ease")))
- normalizedCurve = normalizedCurve.mid(4);
- static int index = QEasingCurve::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Type");
- static QMetaEnum me = QEasingCurve::staticMetaObject.enumerator(index);
- int value = me.keyToValue(normalizedCurve.toUtf8().constData());
- if (value < 0) {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Unknown easing curve \"%1\"").arg(curve);
- return easingCurve;
- }
- easingCurve.setType((QEasingCurve::Type)value);
- if (hasParams) {
- foreach(const QString &str, props) {
- int sep = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':'));
- if (sep == -1) {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Improperly specified parameter in easing function \"%1\"").arg(curve);
- continue;
- }
- QString propName = str.left(sep).trimmed();
- bool isOk;
- qreal propValue = str.mid(sep + 1).trimmed().toDouble(&isOk);
- if (propName.isEmpty() || !isOk) {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Improperly specified parameter in easing function \"%1\"").arg(curve);
- continue;
- }
- if (propName == QLatin1String("amplitude")) {
- easingCurve.setAmplitude(propValue);
- } else if (propName == QLatin1String("period")) {
- easingCurve.setPeriod(propValue);
- } else if (propName == QLatin1String("overshoot")) {
- easingCurve.setOvershoot(propValue);
- } else {
- qmlInfo(obj) << QmlPropertyAnimation::tr("Unknown easing parameter \"%1\"").arg(propName);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return easingCurve;
@@ -1927,195 +1854,195 @@ void QmlPropertyAnimation::setTo(const QVariant &t)
- \qmlproperty string PropertyAnimation::easing
+ \qmlproperty QEasingCurve PropertyAnimation::easing
\brief the easing curve used for the transition.
Available values are:
- \o \c easeLinear
+ \o \c Linear
\o Easing curve for a linear (t) function: velocity is constant.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-linear.png
- \o \c easeInQuad
+ \o \c InQuad
\o Easing curve for a quadratic (t^2) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inquad.png
- \o \c easeOutQuad
+ \o \c OutQuad
\o Easing curve for a quadratic (t^2) function: decelerating to zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outquad.png
- \o \c easeInOutQuad
+ \o \c InOutQuad
\o Easing curve for a quadratic (t^2) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutquad.png
- \o \c easeOutInQuad
+ \o \c OutInQuad
\o Easing curve for a quadratic (t^2) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinquad.png
- \o \c easeInCubic
+ \o \c InCubic
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^3) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-incubic.png
- \o \c easeOutCubic
+ \o \c OutCubic
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^3) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outcubic.png
- \o \c easeInOutCubic
+ \o \c InOutCubic
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^3) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutcubic.png
- \o \c easeOutInCubic
+ \o \c OutInCubic
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^3) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outincubic.png
- \o \c easeInQuart
+ \o \c InQuart
\o Easing curve for a quartic (t^4) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inquart.png
- \o \c easeOutQuart
+ \o \c OutQuart
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outquart.png
- \o \c easeInOutQuart
+ \o \c InOutQuart
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutquart.png
- \o \c easeOutInQuart
+ \o \c OutInQuart
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinquart.png
- \o \c easeInQuint
+ \o \c InQuint
\o Easing curve for a quintic (t^5) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inquint.png
- \o \c easeOutQuint
+ \o \c OutQuint
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outquint.png
- \o \c easeInOutQuint
+ \o \c InOutQuint
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutquint.png
- \o \c easeOutInQuint
+ \o \c OutInQuint
\o Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinquint.png
- \o \c easeInSine
+ \o \c InSine
\o Easing curve for a sinusoidal (sin(t)) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-insine.png
- \o \c easeOutSine
+ \o \c OutSine
\o Easing curve for a sinusoidal (sin(t)) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outsine.png
- \o \c easeInOutSine
+ \o \c InOutSine
\o Easing curve for a sinusoidal (sin(t)) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutsine.png
- \o \c easeOutInSine
+ \o \c OutInSine
\o Easing curve for a sinusoidal (sin(t)) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinsine.png
- \o \c easeInExpo
+ \o \c InExpo
\o Easing curve for an exponential (2^t) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inexpo.png
- \o \c easeOutExpo
+ \o \c OutExpo
\o Easing curve for an exponential (2^t) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outexpo.png
- \o \c easeInOutExpo
+ \o \c InOutExpo
\o Easing curve for an exponential (2^t) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutexpo.png
- \o \c easeOutInExpo
+ \o \c OutInExpo
\o Easing curve for an exponential (2^t) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinexpo.png
- \o \c easeInCirc
+ \o \c InCirc
\o Easing curve for a circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-incirc.png
- \o \c easeOutCirc
+ \o \c OutCirc
\o Easing curve for a circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outcirc.png
- \o \c easeInOutCirc
+ \o \c InOutCirc
\o Easing curve for a circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutcirc.png
- \o \c easeOutInCirc
+ \o \c OutInCirc
\o Easing curve for a circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outincirc.png
- \o \c easeInElastic
+ \o \c InElastic
\o Easing curve for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\br The peak amplitude can be set with the \e amplitude parameter, and the period of decay by the \e period parameter.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inelastic.png
- \o \c easeOutElastic
+ \o \c OutElastic
\o Easing curve for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\br The peak amplitude can be set with the \e amplitude parameter, and the period of decay by the \e period parameter.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outelastic.png
- \o \c easeInOutElastic
+ \o \c InOutElastic
\o Easing curve for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) function: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutelastic.png
- \o \c easeOutInElastic
+ \o \c OutInElastic
\o Easing curve for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) function: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinelastic.png
- \o \c easeInBack
+ \o \c InBack
\o Easing curve for a back (overshooting cubic function: (s+1)*t^3 - s*t^2) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inback.png
- \o \c easeOutBack
+ \o \c OutBack
\o Easing curve for a back (overshooting cubic function: (s+1)*t^3 - s*t^2) easing out: decelerating to zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outback.png
- \o \c easeInOutBack
+ \o \c InOutBack
\o Easing curve for a back (overshooting cubic function: (s+1)*t^3 - s*t^2) easing in/out: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutback.png
- \o \c easeOutInBack
+ \o \c OutInBack
\o Easing curve for a back (overshooting cubic easing: (s+1)*t^3 - s*t^2) easing out/in: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinback.png
- \o \c easeInBounce
+ \o \c InBounce
\o Easing curve for a bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) function: accelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inbounce.png
- \o \c easeOutBounce
+ \o \c OutBounce
\o Easing curve for a bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) function: decelerating from zero velocity.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outbounce.png
- \o \c easeInOutBounce
+ \o \c InOutBounce
\o Easing curve for a bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) function easing in/out: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutbounce.png
- \o \c easeOutInBounce
+ \o \c OutInBounce
\o Easing curve for a bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) function easing out/in: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\o \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinbounce.png
-QString QmlPropertyAnimation::easing() const
+QEasingCurve QmlPropertyAnimation::easing() const
Q_D(const QmlPropertyAnimation);
return d->easing;
-void QmlPropertyAnimation::setEasing(const QString &e)
+void QmlPropertyAnimation::setEasing(const QEasingCurve &e)
if (d->easing == e)
d->easing = e;
- d->va->setEasingCurve(stringToCurve(d->easing, this));
+ d->va->setEasingCurve(d->easing);
emit easingChanged(e);
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p.h
index 623ad8d..fd868bc 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p.h
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <qmlscriptstring.h>
#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
+#include <QtCore/qeasingcurve.h>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractAnimation>
#include <QtGui/qcolor.h>
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QmlPropertyAnimation : public QmlAbstractAnimation
Q_PROPERTY(int duration READ duration WRITE setDuration NOTIFY durationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant from READ from WRITE setFrom NOTIFY fromChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant to READ to WRITE setTo NOTIFY toChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString easing READ easing WRITE setEasing NOTIFY easingChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QEasingCurve easing READ easing WRITE setEasing NOTIFY easingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QObject *target READ target WRITE setTarget NOTIFY targetChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString property READ property WRITE setProperty NOTIFY targetChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString properties READ properties WRITE setProperties NOTIFY propertiesChanged)
@@ -281,8 +282,8 @@ public:
QVariant to() const;
void setTo(const QVariant &);
- QString easing() const;
- void setEasing(const QString &);
+ QEasingCurve easing() const;
+ void setEasing(const QEasingCurve &);
QObject *target() const;
void setTarget(QObject *);
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
void durationChanged(int);
void fromChanged(QVariant);
void toChanged(QVariant);
- void easingChanged(const QString &);
+ void easingChanged(const QEasingCurve &);
void propertiesChanged(const QString &);
void targetChanged(QObject *, const QString &);
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p_p.h
index 056ce82..8c88f14 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qmlanimation_p_p.h
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public:
QVariant from;
QVariant to;
- QString easing;
+ QEasingCurve easing;
QObject *target;
QString propertyName;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qmlview.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qmlview.cpp
index 05c6460..9e95b66 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qmlview.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qmlview.cpp
@@ -425,52 +425,58 @@ void QmlView::continueExecute()
- if (obj) {
- if (QmlGraphicsItem *item = qobject_cast<QmlGraphicsItem *>(obj)) {
- d->scene.addItem(item);
- QPerformanceLog::displayData();
- QPerformanceLog::clear();
- d->root = item;
- d->qmlRoot = item;
- connect(item, SIGNAL(widthChanged()), this, SLOT(sizeChanged()));
- connect(item, SIGNAL(heightChanged()), this, SLOT(sizeChanged()));
- if (d->initialSize.height() <= 0 && d->qmlRoot->width() > 0)
- d->initialSize.setWidth(d->qmlRoot->width());
- if (d->initialSize.height() <= 0 && d->qmlRoot->height() > 0)
- d->initialSize.setHeight(d->qmlRoot->height());
- resize(d->initialSize);
- if (d->resizeMode == SizeRootObjectToView) {
- d->qmlRoot->setWidth(width());
- d->qmlRoot->setHeight(height());
- } else {
- QSize sz(d->qmlRoot->width(),d->qmlRoot->height());
- emit sceneResized(sz);
- resize(sz);
- }
- updateGeometry();
- } else if (QGraphicsObject *item = qobject_cast<QGraphicsObject *>(obj)) {
- d->scene.addItem(item);
- qWarning() << "QmlView::resizeMode is not honored for components of type QGraphicsObject";
- } else if (QWidget *wid = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(obj)) {
- window()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);
- window()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false);
- if (!layout()) {
- setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
- layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- } else if (layout()->count()) {
- // Hide the QGraphicsView in GV mode.
- QLayoutItem *item = layout()->itemAt(0);
- if (item->widget())
- item->widget()->hide();
- }
- layout()->addWidget(wid);
- emit sceneResized(wid->size());
+ setRootObject(obj);
+ emit statusChanged(status());
+ \internal
+void QmlView::setRootObject(QObject *obj)
+ if (QmlGraphicsItem *item = qobject_cast<QmlGraphicsItem *>(obj)) {
+ d->scene.addItem(item);
+ QPerformanceLog::displayData();
+ QPerformanceLog::clear();
+ d->root = item;
+ d->qmlRoot = item;
+ connect(item, SIGNAL(widthChanged()), this, SLOT(sizeChanged()));
+ connect(item, SIGNAL(heightChanged()), this, SLOT(sizeChanged()));
+ if (d->initialSize.height() <= 0 && d->qmlRoot->width() > 0)
+ d->initialSize.setWidth(d->qmlRoot->width());
+ if (d->initialSize.height() <= 0 && d->qmlRoot->height() > 0)
+ d->initialSize.setHeight(d->qmlRoot->height());
+ resize(d->initialSize);
+ if (d->resizeMode == SizeRootObjectToView) {
+ d->qmlRoot->setWidth(width());
+ d->qmlRoot->setHeight(height());
+ } else {
+ QSize sz(d->qmlRoot->width(),d->qmlRoot->height());
+ emit sceneResized(sz);
+ resize(sz);
+ updateGeometry();
+ } else if (QGraphicsObject *item = qobject_cast<QGraphicsObject *>(obj)) {
+ d->scene.addItem(item);
+ qWarning() << "QmlView::resizeMode is not honored for components of type QGraphicsObject";
+ } else if (QWidget *wid = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(obj)) {
+ window()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);
+ window()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false);
+ if (!layout()) {
+ setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
+ layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ } else if (layout()->count()) {
+ // Hide the QGraphicsView in GV mode.
+ QLayoutItem *item = layout()->itemAt(0);
+ if (item->widget())
+ item->widget()->hide();
+ }
+ layout()->addWidget(wid);
+ emit sceneResized(wid->size());
- emit statusChanged(status());
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qmlview.h b/src/declarative/util/qmlview.h
index 5f72781..26be18f 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qmlview.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qmlview.h
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
- void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
+ virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
+ virtual void setRootObject(QObject *obj);
friend class QmlViewPrivate;
QmlViewPrivate *d;