path: root/src/declarative/util
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authorLeonardo Sobral Cunha <>2010-02-12 07:19:51 (GMT)
committerLeonardo Sobral Cunha <>2010-03-30 03:54:12 (GMT)
commit7a060ca401b4e260fd08c854213024b050a67ff2 (patch)
tree50745dec7be82136622ae0ccaa0430caa8e0d5a8 /src/declarative/util
parent68d3e2da7719ff0fc230e8204946b27018e42c14 (diff)
Change and rename qml EaseFollow to SmoothedAnimation
QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation inherits from QDeclarativeNumberAnimation, as a consequence SmoothedAnimation can be used inside Behaviors and as PropertySourceValues, like any other animation. The old EaseFollow properties changed to comply with the other declarative animations ('source' changed to 'to'), so now 'to' changes are not automatically 'followed' anymore. You can achieve the following behavior by putting a SmoothedAnimation inside a Behavior of a property that is bound to another, as the following example: If you want to follow an hypothetical rect1, you should do now: Rectangle { color: "green" width: 60; height: 60; x: rect1.x - 5; y: rect1.y - 5; Behavior on x { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } } Behavior on y { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } } } SmoothedAnimation also supports animating multiple target(s)/property(ies) in the transition case. When a QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation is restarted, it will match the QDeclarativeProperty which were being animated and transfer the corresponding track velocity to the new starting animations. QSmoothedAnimation is an uncontrolled animation, duration == -1. The duration is set as -1 to avoid consecutive animation state changes stop()/start(). This is particularly useful when using QSmoothAnimation to 'follow' another property, which is also being animated (change the 'to' property every tick). Reviewed-by: Michael Brasser
Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/util')
11 files changed, 407 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
index bad142c..ba1444e 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
@@ -1078,15 +1078,26 @@ void QDeclarativePropertyAction::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::QDeclarativeNumberAnimation(QObject *parent)
: QDeclarativePropertyAnimation(parent)
- Q_D(QDeclarativePropertyAnimation);
- d->interpolatorType = QMetaType::QReal;
- d->interpolator = QVariantAnimationPrivate::getInterpolator(d->interpolatorType);
+ init();
+QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::QDeclarativeNumberAnimation(QDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
+: QDeclarativePropertyAnimation(dd, parent)
+ init();
+void QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::init()
+ Q_D(QDeclarativePropertyAnimation);
+ d->interpolatorType = QMetaType::QReal;
+ d->interpolator = QVariantAnimationPrivate::getInterpolator(d->interpolatorType);
\qmlproperty real NumberAnimation::from
This property holds the starting value.
@@ -2237,8 +2248,10 @@ void QDeclarativePropertyAnimation::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions
d->va->setAnimValue(data, QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ d->actions = &data->actions;
} else {
delete data;
+ d->actions = 0;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p.h
index 816520e..f620786 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p.h
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ public:
QDeclarativePropertyAnimation(QObject *parent=0);
virtual ~QDeclarativePropertyAnimation();
- int duration() const;
- void setDuration(int);
+ virtual int duration() const;
+ virtual void setDuration(int);
QVariant from() const;
void setFrom(const QVariant &);
@@ -326,6 +326,12 @@ public:
qreal to() const;
void setTo(qreal);
+ QDeclarativeNumberAnimation(QDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate &dd, QObject *parent);
+ void init();
class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QDeclarativeVector3dAnimation : public QDeclarativePropertyAnimation
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h
index 2a66c8a..8bcbeff 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class QDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate : public QDeclarativeAbstractAnimatio
: QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationPrivate(), target(0), fromSourced(false), fromIsDefined(false), toIsDefined(false),
- rangeIsSet(false), defaultToInterpolatorType(0), interpolatorType(0), interpolator(0), va(0) {}
+ rangeIsSet(false), defaultToInterpolatorType(0), interpolatorType(0), interpolator(0), va(0), actions(0) {}
void init();
@@ -330,6 +330,9 @@ public:
QDeclarativeBulkValueAnimator *va;
+ // for animations that dont use the QDeclarativeBulkValueAnimator
+ QDeclarativeStateActions *actions;
static QVariant interpolateVariant(const QVariant &from, const QVariant &to, qreal progress);
static void convertVariant(QVariant &variant, int type);
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativebehavior.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativebehavior.cpp
index 7181777..87d6836 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativebehavior.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativebehavior.cpp
@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ void QDeclarativeBehavior::write(const QVariant &value)
d->currentValue = d->;
- d->animation->qtAnimation()->stop();
+ if (d->animation->qtAnimation()->duration() != -1)
+ d->animation->qtAnimation()->stop();
QDeclarativeStateOperation::ActionList actions;
QDeclarativeAction action;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow.cpp
index ee181dd..ce2c496 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow.cpp
@@ -40,86 +40,79 @@
#include "qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativeeasefollow_p_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h"
#include <qdeclarativeproperty.h>
+#include "qdeclarativeproperty_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativeglobal_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <math.h>
+#include <QTimer>
+QSmoothedAnimation::QSmoothedAnimation(QObject *parent)
+ : QAbstractAnimation(parent), to(0), velocity(200), userDuration(-1), maximumEasingTime(-1),
+ reversingMode(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::Eased), initialVelocity(0),
+ trackVelocity(0), initialValue(0), invert(false), finalDuration(-1), lastTime(0)
+ delayedStopTimer.setInterval(DELAY_STOP_TIMER_INTERVAL);
+ delayedStopTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+ connect(&delayedStopTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(stop()));
+void QSmoothedAnimation::restart()
+ if (state() != QAbstractAnimation::Running)
+ start();
+ else
+ init();
-class QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
+void QSmoothedAnimation::updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State /*oldState*/)
- Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDeclarativeEaseFollow)
- QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate()
- : source(0), velocity(200), duration(-1), maximumEasingTime(-1),
- reversingMode(QDeclarativeEaseFollow::Eased), initialVelocity(0),
- initialValue(0), invert(false), enabled(true), trackVelocity(0), clockOffset(0),
- lastTick(0), clock(this)
- {}
- qreal source;
- qreal velocity;
- qreal duration;
- qreal maximumEasingTime;
- QDeclarativeEaseFollow::ReversingMode reversingMode;
- qreal initialVelocity;
- qreal initialValue;
- bool invert;
- bool enabled;
- qreal trackVelocity;
- QDeclarativeProperty target;
- int clockOffset;
- int lastTick;
- void tick(int);
- void clockStart();
- void clockStop();
- QTickAnimationProxy<QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate, &QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::tick> clock;
- void restart();
- // Parameters for use in tick()
- qreal a; // Acceleration
- qreal d; // Deceleration
- qreal tf; // Total time
- qreal tp; // Time at which peak velocity occurs
- qreal td; // Time at which decelleration begins
- qreal vp; // Velocity at tp
- qreal sp; // Displacement at tp
- qreal sd; // Displacement at td
- qreal vi; // "Normalized" initialvelocity
- bool recalc();
-bool QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::recalc()
+ if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Running)
+ init();
+void QSmoothedAnimation::delayedStop()
- qreal s = source - initialValue;
+ if (!delayedStopTimer.isActive())
+ delayedStopTimer.start();
+int QSmoothedAnimation::duration() const
+ return -1;
+bool QSmoothedAnimation::recalc()
+ s = to - initialValue;
vi = initialVelocity;
- s = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * s;
- vi = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * vi;
+ s = (invert? -1.0: 1.0) * s;
- if (duration > 0 && velocity > 0) {
+ if (userDuration > 0 && velocity > 0) {
tf = s / velocity;
- if (tf > (duration / 1000.)) tf = (duration / 1000.);
- } else if (duration > 0) {
- tf = duration / 1000.;
+ if (tf > (userDuration / 1000.)) tf = (userDuration / 1000.);
+ } else if (userDuration > 0) {
+ tf = userDuration / 1000.;
} else if (velocity > 0) {
tf = s / velocity;
} else {
return false;
+ finalDuration = ceil(tf * 1000.0);
if (maximumEasingTime == 0) {
a = 0;
d = 0;
@@ -129,7 +122,6 @@ bool QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::recalc()
sp = 0;
sd = s;
} else if (maximumEasingTime != -1 && tf > (maximumEasingTime / 1000.)) {
qreal met = maximumEasingTime / 1000.;
td = tf - met;
@@ -138,7 +130,6 @@ bool QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::recalc()
qreal c3 = -0.5 * (tf - td) * vi * vi;
qreal vp1 = (-c2 + sqrt(c2 * c2 - 4 * c1 * c3)) / (2. * c1);
- // qreal vp2 = (-c2 - sqrt(c2 * c2 - 4 * c1 * c3)) / (2. * c1);
vp = vp1;
a = vp / met;
@@ -147,21 +138,16 @@ bool QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::recalc()
sp = vi * tp + 0.5 * a * tp * tp;
sd = sp + (td - tp) * vp;
} else {
qreal c1 = 0.25 * tf * tf;
qreal c2 = 0.5 * vi * tf - s;
qreal c3 = -0.25 * vi * vi;
qreal a1 = (-c2 + sqrt(c2 * c2 - 4 * c1 * c3)) / (2. * c1);
- //qreal a2 = (-c2 - sqrt(c2 * c2 - 4 * c1 * c3)) / (2. * c1);
qreal tp1 = 0.5 * tf - 0.5 * vi / a1;
- //qreal tp2 = 0.5 * tf - 0.5 * vi / a2;
qreal vp1 = a1 * tp1 + vi;
- //qreal vp2 = a2 * tp2 + vi;
qreal sp1 = 0.5 * a1 * tp1 * tp1 + vi * tp1;
- //qreal sp2 = 0.5 * a2 * tp2 * tp2 + vi * tp2;
a = a1;
d = a1;
@@ -171,92 +157,103 @@ bool QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::recalc()
sp = sp1;
sd = sp1;
- /*
- qWarning() << "a:" << a << "tf:" << tf << "tp:" << tp << "vp:"
- << vp << "sp:" << sp << "vi:" << vi << "invert:" << invert;
- */
return true;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::clockStart()
+qreal QSmoothedAnimation::easeFollow(qreal time_seconds)
- if (clock.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running) {
- clockOffset = lastTick;
- return;
+ qreal value;
+ if (time_seconds < tp) {
+ trackVelocity = vi + time_seconds * a;
+ value = 0.5 * a * time_seconds * time_seconds + vi * time_seconds;
+ } else if (time_seconds < td) {
+ time_seconds -= tp;
+ trackVelocity = vp;
+ value = sp + time_seconds * vp;
+ } else if (time_seconds < tf) {
+ time_seconds -= td;
+ trackVelocity = vp - time_seconds * a;
+ value = sd - 0.5 * d * time_seconds * time_seconds + vp * time_seconds;
} else {
- clockOffset = 0;
- lastTick = 0;
- clock.start();
+ trackVelocity = 0;
+ value = s;
+ delayedStop();
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::clockStop()
- clockOffset = 0;
- lastTick = 0;
- clock.stop();
+ // to normalize 's' between [0..1], divide 'value' by 's'
+ return value;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::tick(int t)
+void QSmoothedAnimation::updateCurrentTime(int t)
- lastTick = t;
- t -= clockOffset;
- qreal time_seconds = qreal(t) / 1000.;
- qreal out = 0;
- if (time_seconds < tp) {
- trackVelocity = vi + time_seconds * a;
- trackVelocity = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * trackVelocity;
- qreal value = 0.5 * a * time_seconds * time_seconds + vi * time_seconds;
- value = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * value;
- target.write(initialValue + value);
- out = initialValue + value;
- } else if (time_seconds < td) {
+ qreal time_seconds = qreal(t - lastTime) / 1000.;
- time_seconds -= tp;
- trackVelocity = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * vp;
- qreal value = sp + time_seconds * vp;
- value = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * value;
+ qreal value = easeFollow(time_seconds);
+ value *= (invert? -1.0: 1.0);
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::write(target, initialValue + value,
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor
+ | QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::DontRemoveBinding);
- target.write(initialValue + value);
+void QSmoothedAnimation::init()
+ if (velocity == 0) {
+ stop();
+ return;
+ }
- out = initialValue + value;
- } else if (time_seconds < tf) {
+ if (delayedStopTimer.isActive())
+ delayedStopTimer.stop();
- time_seconds -= td;
+ initialValue =;
+ lastTime = this->currentTime();
- trackVelocity = vp - time_seconds * a;
- trackVelocity = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * trackVelocity;
+ if (to == initialValue) {
+ stop();
+ return;
+ }
- qreal value = sd - 0.5 * d * time_seconds * time_seconds + vp * time_seconds;
- value = (invert?-1.0:1.0) * value;
+ bool hasReversed = trackVelocity != 0. &&
+ ((trackVelocity > 0) == ((initialValue - to) > 0));
- target.write(initialValue + value);
+ if (hasReversed) {
+ switch (reversingMode) {
+ default:
+ case QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::Eased:
+ break;
+ case QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::Sync:
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::write(target, to,
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor
+ | QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::DontRemoveBinding);
+ return;
+ case QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::Immediate:
+ initialVelocity = 0;
+ delayedStop();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- out = initialValue + value;
- } else {
+ trackVelocity = initialVelocity;
- clock.stop();
+ invert = (to < initialValue);
- trackVelocity = 0;
- target.write(source);
+ if (!recalc()) {
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::write(target, to,
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor
+ | QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::DontRemoveBinding);
+ stop();
+ return;
- //qWarning() << out << trackVelocity << t << a;
- \qmlclass EaseFollow QDeclarativeEaseFollow
+ \qmlclass SmoothedAnimation QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation
\since 4.7
- \brief The EaseFollow element allows a property to smoothly track a value.
+ \brief The SmoothedAnimation element allows a property to smoothly track a value.
- The EaseFollow smoothly animates a property's value to a set target value
- using an ease in/out quad easing curve. If the target value changes while
- the animation is in progress, the easing curves used to animate to the old
+ The SmoothedAnimation smoothly animates a property's value to a set target value
+ using an ease in/out quad easing curve. If the animation is restarted
+ with a different target value, the easing curves used to animate to the old
and the new target values are spliced together to avoid any obvious visual
@@ -282,9 +279,9 @@ Rectangle {
Rectangle {
color: "green"
width: 60; height: 60;
- x: -5; y: -5;
- EaseFollow on x { source: rect1.x - 5; velocity: 200 }
- EaseFollow on y { source: rect1.y - 5; velocity: 200 }
+ x: rect1.x - 5; y: rect1.y - 5;
+ Behavior on x { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } }
+ Behavior on y { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } }
Rectangle {
@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@ Rectangle {
- The default velocity of EaseFollow is 200 units/second. Note that if the range of the
+ The default velocity of SmoothedAnimation is 200 units/second. Note that if the range of the
value being animated is small, then the velocity will need to be adjusted
appropriately. For example, the opacity of an item ranges from 0 - 1.0.
To enable a smooth animation in this range the velocity will need to be
@@ -311,226 +308,176 @@ Rectangle {
\sa SpringFollow
-QDeclarativeEaseFollow::QDeclarativeEaseFollow(QObject *parent)
-: QObject(*(new QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate), parent)
+QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation(QObject *parent)
+: QDeclarativeNumberAnimation(*(new QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimationPrivate), parent)
- \qmlproperty qreal EaseFollow::source
- This property holds the source value which will be tracked.
- Bind to a property in order to track its changes.
-qreal QDeclarativeEaseFollow::sourceValue() const
+ : wrapperGroup(new QParallelAnimationGroup), anim(new QSmoothedAnimation)
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->source;
+ Q_Q(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(wrapperGroup, q);
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(anim, q);
- \qmlproperty enumeration EaseFollow::reversingMode
- Sets how the EaseFollow behaves if an animation direction is reversed.
- If reversing mode is \c Eased, the animation will smoothly decelerate, and
- then reverse direction. If the reversing mode is \c Immediate, the
- animation will immediately begin accelerating in the reverse direction,
- begining with a velocity of 0. If the reversing mode is \c Sync, the
- property is immediately set to the target value.
-QDeclarativeEaseFollow::ReversingMode QDeclarativeEaseFollow::reversingMode() const
+QAbstractAnimation* QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::qtAnimation()
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->reversingMode;
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ return d->wrapperGroup;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setReversingMode(ReversingMode m)
+void QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
+ QDeclarativeProperties &modified,
+ TransitionDirection direction)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- if (d->reversingMode == m)
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::transition(actions, modified, direction);
+ if (!d->actions)
- d->reversingMode = m;
- emit reversingModeChanged();
+ QSet<QAbstractAnimation*> anims;
+ for (int i = 0; i < d->actions->size(); i++) {
+ QSmoothedAnimation *ease;
+ qreal trackVelocity;
+ bool needsRestart;
+ if (!d->activeAnimations.contains((*d->actions)[i].property)) {
+ ease = new QSmoothedAnimation();
+ d->wrapperGroup->addAnimation(ease);
+ d->activeAnimations.insert((*d->actions)[i].property, ease);
+ trackVelocity = 0.0;
+ needsRestart = false;
+ } else {
+ ease = d->activeAnimations.value((*d->actions)[i].property);
+ trackVelocity = ease->trackVelocity;
+ needsRestart = true;
+ }
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate::restart()
- if (!enabled || velocity == 0) {
- clockStop();
- return;
- }
+ ease->target = (*d->actions)[i].property;
+ ease->to = (*d->actions)[i].toValue.toReal();
- initialValue =;
+ // copying public members from main value holder animation
+ ease->maximumEasingTime = d->anim->maximumEasingTime;
+ ease->reversingMode = d->anim->reversingMode;
+ ease->velocity = d->anim->velocity;
+ ease->userDuration = d->anim->userDuration;
- if (source == initialValue) {
- clockStop();
- return;
- }
+ ease->trackVelocity = trackVelocity;
+ ease->initialVelocity = trackVelocity;
- bool hasReversed = trackVelocity != 0. &&
- ((trackVelocity > 0) == ((initialValue - source) > 0));
+ if (needsRestart)
+ ease->init();
+ anims.insert(ease);
+ }
- if (hasReversed) {
- switch (reversingMode) {
- default:
- case QDeclarativeEaseFollow::Eased:
- break;
- case QDeclarativeEaseFollow::Sync:
- target.write(source);
- return;
- case QDeclarativeEaseFollow::Immediate:
- initialVelocity = 0;
- clockStop();
- break;
+ for (int i = d->wrapperGroup->animationCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) {
+ if (!anims.contains(d->wrapperGroup->animationAt(i))) {
+ QSmoothedAnimation *ease = static_cast<QSmoothedAnimation*>(d->wrapperGroup->animationAt(i));
+ d->activeAnimations.remove(ease->target);
+ d->wrapperGroup->takeAnimation(i);
+ delete ease;
- trackVelocity = initialVelocity;
- invert = (source < initialValue);
+ \qmlproperty enumeration SmoothedAnimation::reversingMode
- if (!recalc()) {
- target.write(source);
- clockStop();
- return;
- }
+ Sets how the SmoothedAnimation behaves if an animation direction is reversed.
- clockStart();
+ If reversing mode is \c Eased, the animation will smoothly decelerate, and
+ then reverse direction. If the reversing mode is \c Immediate, the
+ animation will immediately begin accelerating in the reverse direction,
+ begining with a velocity of 0. If the reversing mode is \c Sync, the
+ property is immediately set to the target value.
+QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::ReversingMode QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::reversingMode() const
+ Q_D(const QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ return (QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::ReversingMode) d->anim->reversingMode;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setSourceValue(qreal s)
+void QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::setReversingMode(ReversingMode m)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- if (d->clock.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running && d->source == s)
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ if (d->anim->reversingMode == m)
- d->source = s;
- d->initialVelocity = d->trackVelocity;
- d->restart();
- emit sourceChanged();
+ d->anim->reversingMode = m;
+ emit reversingModeChanged();
- \qmlproperty qreal EaseFollow::duration
+ \qmlproperty int SmoothedAnimation::duration
- This property holds the animation duration used when tracking the source.
+ This property holds the animation duration, in msecs, used when tracking the source.
Setting this to -1 (the default) disables the duration value.
-qreal QDeclarativeEaseFollow::duration() const
+int QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::duration() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->duration;
+ Q_D(const QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ return d->anim->userDuration;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setDuration(qreal v)
+void QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::setDuration(int duration)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- if (d->duration == v)
- return;
- d->duration = v;
- d->trackVelocity = 0;
- if (d->clock.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running)
- d->restart();
- emit durationChanged();
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ if (duration != -1)
+ QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::setDuration(duration);
+ d->anim->userDuration = duration;
-qreal QDeclarativeEaseFollow::velocity() const
+qreal QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::velocity() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->velocity;
+ Q_D(const QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ return d->anim->velocity;
- \qmlproperty qreal EaseFollow::velocity
+ \qmlproperty qreal SmoothedAnimation::velocity
- This property holds the average velocity allowed when tracking the source.
+ This property holds the average velocity allowed when tracking the 'to' value.
- The default velocity of EaseFollow is 200 units/second.
+ The default velocity of SmoothedAnimation is 200 units/second.
Setting this to -1 disables the velocity value.
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setVelocity(qreal v)
+void QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::setVelocity(qreal v)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- if (d->velocity == v)
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ if (d->anim->velocity == v)
- d->velocity = v;
- d->trackVelocity = 0;
- if (d->clock.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running)
- d->restart();
+ d->anim->velocity = v;
emit velocityChanged();
- \qmlproperty bool EaseFollow::enabled
- This property holds whether the target will track the source.
-bool QDeclarativeEaseFollow::enabled() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->enabled;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setEnabled(bool enabled)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- if (d->enabled == enabled)
- return;
- d->enabled = enabled;
- if (enabled)
- d->restart();
- else
- d->clockStop();
- emit enabledChanged();
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setTarget(const QDeclarativeProperty &t)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- d->target = t;
+\qmlproperty qreal SmoothedAnimation::maximumEasingTime
-\qmlproperty qreal EaseFollow::maximumEasingTime
-This property specifies the maximum time an "eases" during the follow should take.
+This property specifies the maximum time, in msecs, an "eases" during the follow should take.
Setting this property causes the velocity to "level out" after at a time. Setting
a negative value reverts to the normal mode of easing over the entire animation
The default value is -1.
-qreal QDeclarativeEaseFollow::maximumEasingTime() const
+int QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::maximumEasingTime() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- return d->maximumEasingTime;
+ Q_D(const QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ return d->anim->maximumEasingTime;
-void QDeclarativeEaseFollow::setMaximumEasingTime(qreal v)
+void QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::setMaximumEasingTime(int v)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeEaseFollow);
- d->maximumEasingTime = v;
- if (d->clock.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running)
- d->restart();
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation);
+ d->anim->maximumEasingTime = v;
emit maximumEasingTimeChanged();
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h
index 83d1eff..6c17d4f 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include <qdeclarative.h>
-#include <qdeclarativepropertyvaluesource.h>
+#include "qdeclarativeanimation_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
@@ -54,60 +54,50 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
class QDeclarativeProperty;
-class QDeclarativeEaseFollowPrivate;
-class Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT QDeclarativeEaseFollow : public QObject,
- public QDeclarativePropertyValueSource
+class QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimationPrivate;
+class Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation : public QDeclarativeNumberAnimation
- Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDeclarativeEaseFollow)
- Q_INTERFACES(QDeclarativePropertyValueSource)
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal source READ sourceValue WRITE setSourceValue NOTIFY sourceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal velocity READ velocity WRITE setVelocity NOTIFY velocityChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal duration READ duration WRITE setDuration NOTIFY durationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(ReversingMode reversingMode READ reversingMode WRITE setReversingMode NOTIFY reversingModeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ enabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal maximumEasingTime READ maximumEasingTime WRITE setMaximumEasingTime NOTIFY maximumEasingTimeChanged)
enum ReversingMode { Eased, Immediate, Sync };
- QDeclarativeEaseFollow(QObject *parent = 0);
- ~QDeclarativeEaseFollow();
+ QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation(QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation();
ReversingMode reversingMode() const;
void setReversingMode(ReversingMode);
- qreal sourceValue() const;
- void setSourceValue(qreal);
+ virtual int duration() const;
+ virtual void setDuration(int);
qreal velocity() const;
void setVelocity(qreal);
- qreal duration() const;
- void setDuration(qreal);
+ int maximumEasingTime() const;
+ void setMaximumEasingTime(int);
- bool enabled() const;
- void setEnabled(bool enabled);
- qreal maximumEasingTime() const;
- void setMaximumEasingTime(qreal);
- virtual void setTarget(const QDeclarativeProperty &);
+ virtual void transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
+ QDeclarativeProperties &modified,
+ TransitionDirection direction);
+ QAbstractAnimation* qtAnimation();
- void sourceChanged();
void velocityChanged();
- void durationChanged();
void reversingModeChanged();
- void enabledChanged();
void maximumEasingTimeChanged();
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e71a009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qdeclarativeanimation_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.h"
+#include <qparallelanimationgroup.h>
+#include <private/qobject_p.h>
+class QSmoothedAnimation : public QAbstractAnimation
+ QSmoothedAnimation(QObject *parent=0);
+ qreal to;
+ qreal velocity;
+ int userDuration;
+ int maximumEasingTime;
+ QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation::ReversingMode reversingMode;
+ qreal initialVelocity;
+ qreal trackVelocity;
+ QDeclarativeProperty target;
+ int duration() const;
+ void restart();
+ void init();
+ virtual void updateCurrentTime(int);
+ virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State);
+ qreal easeFollow(qreal);
+ qreal initialValue;
+ bool invert;
+ int finalDuration;
+ // Parameters for use in updateCurrentTime()
+ qreal a; // Acceleration
+ qreal d; // Deceleration
+ qreal tf; // Total time
+ qreal tp; // Time at which peak velocity occurs
+ qreal td; // Time at which decelleration begins
+ qreal vp; // Velocity at tp
+ qreal sp; // Displacement at tp
+ qreal sd; // Displacement at td
+ qreal vi; // "Normalized" initialvelocity
+ qreal s; // Total s
+ int lastTime;
+ bool recalc();
+ void delayedStop();
+ QTimer delayedStopTimer;
+class QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimationPrivate : public QDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate
+ Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation)
+ QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimationPrivate();
+ QParallelAnimationGroup *wrapperGroup;
+ QSmoothedAnimation *anim;
+ QHash<QDeclarativeProperty, QSmoothedAnimation*> activeAnimations;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringfollow.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringfollow.cpp
index 76d7c98..063c3df 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringfollow.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringfollow.cpp
@@ -242,8 +242,6 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringFollowPrivate::stop()
SpringFollow on y { source: rect1.y; velocity: 200 }
- \sa EaseFollow
QDeclarativeSpringFollow::QDeclarativeSpringFollow(QObject *parent)
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativetransition.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativetransition.cpp
index 4326a55..1e8be7f 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativetransition.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativetransition.cpp
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ void QDeclarativeTransitionPrivate::append_animation(QDeclarativeListProperty<QD
void ParallelAnimationWrapper::updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState)
QParallelAnimationGroup::updateState(newState, oldState);
- if (newState == Stopped &&
- ((direction() == QAbstractAnimation::Forward && currentLoopTime() == duration()) ||
- (direction() == QAbstractAnimation::Backward && currentLoopTime() == 0)))
+ if (newState == Stopped && (duration() == -1
+ || (direction() == QAbstractAnimation::Forward && currentLoopTime() == duration())
+ || (direction() == QAbstractAnimation::Backward && currentLoopTime() == 0)))
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeutilmodule.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeutilmodule.cpp
index 2a02ffe..bf50a8b 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeutilmodule.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeutilmodule.cpp
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void QDeclarativeUtilModule::defineModule()
- qmlRegisterType<QDeclarativeEaseFollow>("Qt",4,6,"EaseFollow");
+ qmlRegisterType<QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation>("Qt",4,6,"SmoothedAnimation");
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/util.pri b/src/declarative/util/util.pri
index f537806..249465a 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/util.pri
+++ b/src/declarative/util/util.pri
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ HEADERS += \
$$PWD/qdeclarativesystempalette_p.h \
$$PWD/qdeclarativespringfollow_p.h \
$$PWD/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p.h \
+ $$PWD/qdeclarativeeasefollow_p_p.h \
$$PWD/qdeclarativestateoperations_p.h \
$$PWD/qdeclarativepropertychanges_p.h \