path: root/src/gui
diff options
authorAaron McCarthy <>2010-05-31 05:23:40 (GMT)
committerAaron McCarthy <>2010-05-31 05:23:40 (GMT)
commitf587dfeaa9d369235d347af3d14339054ee59908 (patch)
tree3ac92f6a08d871099d8808e8d5fc59f50863bacb /src/gui
parentfeb9949a11abbf244e0bfcdc128981596758de40 (diff)
parent9da305aedfaa5da5a3059c99ac5a5389dab42b10 (diff)
Merge remote branch 'staging/4.7' into HEAD
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui')
10 files changed, 147 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
index db6c4c5..36d21a6 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
@@ -1275,14 +1275,14 @@ void QGraphicsItemPrivate::childrenBoundingRectHelper(QTransform *x, QRectF *rec
QTransform matrix = childd->transformToParent();
if (x)
matrix *= *x;
- *rect |= matrix.mapRect(child->boundingRect());
+ *rect |= matrix.mapRect(child->d_ptr->effectiveBoundingRect());
if (!childd->children.isEmpty())
childd->childrenBoundingRectHelper(&matrix, rect);
} else {
if (x)
- *rect |= x->mapRect(child->boundingRect());
+ *rect |= x->mapRect(child->d_ptr->effectiveBoundingRect());
- *rect |= child->boundingRect();
+ *rect |= child->d_ptr->effectiveBoundingRect();
if (!childd->children.isEmpty())
childd->childrenBoundingRectHelper(x, rect);
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
index ae0abf9..22c3f92 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
@@ -4889,6 +4889,24 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::markDirty(QGraphicsItem *item, const QRectF &rect, b
if (updateAll)
+ if (removingItemFromScene && !ignoreOpacity && !item->d_ptr->ignoreOpacity) {
+ // If any of the item's ancestors ignore opacity, it means that the opacity
+ // was set to 0 (and the update request has not yet been processed). That
+ // also means that we have to ignore the opacity for the item itself; otherwise
+ // things like: parent->setOpacity(0); scene->removeItem(child) won't work.
+ // Note that we only do this when removing items from the scene. In all other
+ // cases the ignoreOpacity bit propagates properly in processDirtyItems, but
+ // since the item is removed immediately it won't be processed there.
+ QGraphicsItem *p = item->d_ptr->parent;
+ while (p) {
+ if (p->d_ptr->ignoreOpacity) {
+ item->d_ptr->ignoreOpacity = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ p = p->d_ptr->parent;
+ }
+ }
if (item->d_ptr->discardUpdateRequest(/*ignoreVisibleBit=*/force,
/*ignoreDirtyBit=*/removingItemFromScene || invalidateChildren,
/*ignoreOpacity=*/ignoreOpacity)) {
diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp
index d5f6fd2..9bbfc23 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp
@@ -667,7 +667,6 @@ void QItemDelegate::drawDisplay(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &o
Q_D(const QItemDelegate);
- QPen pen = painter->pen();
QPalette::ColorGroup cg = option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled
? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled;
if (cg == QPalette::Normal && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Active))
diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
index b12cd45..f9b6b94 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
@@ -2392,7 +2392,7 @@ bool QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex
QVariant r = (right.model() ? right.model()->data(right, d->sort_role) : QVariant());
switch (l.userType()) {
case QVariant::Invalid:
- return (r.type() == QVariant::Invalid);
+ return (r.type() != QVariant::Invalid);
case QVariant::Int:
return l.toInt() < r.toInt();
case QVariant::UInt:
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
index 57c4c99..0d11b27 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
@@ -666,7 +666,8 @@ void QApplicationPrivate::process_cmdline()
\o -geometry \e geometry, sets the client geometry of the first window
that is shown.
\o -fn or \c -font \e font, defines the application font. The font
- should be specified using an X logical font description.
+ should be specified using an X logical font description. Note that
+ this option is ignored when Qt is built with fontconfig support enabled.
\o -bg or \c -background \e color, sets the default background color
and an application palette (light and dark shades are calculated).
\o -fg or \c -foreground \e color, sets the default foreground color.
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qdnd_x11.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qdnd_x11.cpp
index 2b12317..92dd0a1 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qdnd_x11.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qdnd_x11.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
#include "qtextcodec.h"
#include "qdnd_p.h"
+#include "qapplication_p.h"
#include "qt_x11_p.h"
#include "qx11info_x11.h"
@@ -1111,7 +1112,20 @@ void qt_xdnd_send_leave()
waiting_for_status = false;
+// TODO: remove and use QApplication::currentKeyboardModifiers() in Qt 4.8.
+static Qt::KeyboardModifiers currentKeyboardModifiers()
+ Window root;
+ Window child;
+ int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
+ uint keybstate;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ScreenCount(X11->display); ++i) {
+ if (XQueryPointer(X11->display, QX11Info::appRootWindow(i), &root, &child,
+ &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &keybstate))
+ return X11->translateModifiers(keybstate & 0x00ff);
+ }
+ return 0;
void QX11Data::xdndHandleDrop(QWidget *, const XEvent * xe, bool passive)
@@ -1159,6 +1173,11 @@ void QX11Data::xdndHandleDrop(QWidget *, const XEvent * xe, bool passive)
if (!dropData)
dropData = (manager->object) ? manager->dragPrivate()->data : manager->dropData;
+ // Drop coming from another app? Update keyboard modifiers.
+ if (!qt_xdnd_dragging) {
+ QApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = currentKeyboardModifiers();
+ }
QDropEvent de(qt_xdnd_current_position, possible_actions, dropData,
QApplication::mouseButtons(), QApplication::keyboardModifiers());
QApplication::sendEvent(qt_xdnd_current_widget, &de);
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
index 6c8d561..9d6dc9a 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ void QGtkStyle::polish(QApplication *app)
qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook = &QGtkStylePrivate::saveFilename;
qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook = &QGtkStylePrivate::openFilenames;
qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook = &QGtkStylePrivate::openDirectory;
+ qApp->installEventFilter(&d->filter);
@@ -345,6 +346,7 @@ void QGtkStyle::unpolish(QApplication *app)
qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook = 0;
qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook = 0;
qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook = 0;
+ qApp->removeEventFilter(&d->filter);
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle_p.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle_p.cpp
index 3c6a1ef..4ed0fab 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle_p.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle_p.cpp
@@ -285,8 +285,6 @@ void QGtkStylePrivate::init()
- if (isThemeAvailable())
- qApp->installEventFilter(&filter);
GtkWidget* QGtkStylePrivate::gtkWidget(const QHashableLatin1Literal &path)
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
index c7817c6..84c1d96 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
@@ -363,23 +363,24 @@ QSizeF QStaticText::size() const
- : textWidth(-1.0), items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0),
+ : textWidth(-1.0), items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), charPool(0),
needsRelayout(true), useBackendOptimizations(false), textFormat(Qt::AutoText)
QStaticTextPrivate::QStaticTextPrivate(const QStaticTextPrivate &other)
: text(other.text), font(other.font), textWidth(other.textWidth), matrix(other.matrix),
- items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), needsRelayout(true),
+ items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), charPool(0), needsRelayout(true),
useBackendOptimizations(other.useBackendOptimizations), textFormat(other.textFormat)
- delete[] items;
+ delete[] items;
delete[] glyphPool;
delete[] positionPool;
+ delete[] charPool;
QStaticTextPrivate *QStaticTextPrivate::get(const QStaticText *q)
@@ -395,15 +396,8 @@ namespace {
class DrawTextItemRecorder: public QPaintEngine
- DrawTextItemRecorder(int expectedItemCount, QStaticTextItem *items,
- int expectedGlyphCount, QFixedPoint *positionPool, glyph_t *glyphPool)
- : m_items(items),
- m_itemCount(0), m_glyphCount(0),
- m_expectedItemCount(expectedItemCount),
- m_expectedGlyphCount(expectedGlyphCount),
- m_glyphPool(glyphPool),
- m_positionPool(positionPool),
- m_dirtyPen(false)
+ DrawTextItemRecorder(bool useBackendOptimizations, int numChars)
+ : m_dirtyPen(false), m_useBackendOptimizations(useBackendOptimizations)
@@ -415,26 +409,19 @@ namespace {
virtual void drawTextItem(const QPointF &position, const QTextItem &textItem)
- const QTextItemInt &ti = static_cast<const QTextItemInt &>(textItem);
- m_itemCount++;
- m_glyphCount += ti.glyphs.numGlyphs;
- if (m_items == 0)
- return;
- Q_ASSERT(m_itemCount <= m_expectedItemCount);
- Q_ASSERT(m_glyphCount <= m_expectedGlyphCount);
- QStaticTextItem *currentItem = (m_items + (m_itemCount - 1));
- currentItem->fontEngine = ti.fontEngine;
- currentItem->font = ti.font();
- currentItem->chars = ti.chars;
- currentItem->numChars = ti.num_chars;
- currentItem->numGlyphs = ti.glyphs.numGlyphs;
- currentItem->glyphs = m_glyphPool;
- currentItem->glyphPositions = m_positionPool;
+ const QTextItemInt &ti = static_cast<const QTextItemInt &>(textItem);
+ QStaticTextItem currentItem;
+ currentItem.fontEngine = ti.fontEngine;
+ currentItem.font = ti.font();
+ currentItem.charOffset = m_chars.size();
+ currentItem.numChars = ti.num_chars;
+ currentItem.numGlyphs = ti.glyphs.numGlyphs;
+ currentItem.glyphOffset = m_glyphs.size(); // Store offset into glyph pool
+ currentItem.positionOffset = m_glyphs.size(); // Offset into position pool
+ currentItem.useBackendOptimizations = m_useBackendOptimizations;
if (m_dirtyPen)
- currentItem->color = state->pen().color();
+ currentItem.color = state->pen().color();
QTransform matrix = state->transform();
matrix.translate(position.x(), position.y());
@@ -447,13 +434,21 @@ namespace {
Q_ASSERT(size == ti.glyphs.numGlyphs);
Q_ASSERT(size == positions.size());
- memmove(currentItem->glyphs, glyphs.constData(), sizeof(glyph_t) * size);
- memmove(currentItem->glyphPositions, positions.constData(), sizeof(QFixedPoint) * size);
+ m_glyphs.resize(m_glyphs.size() + size);
+ m_positions.resize(m_glyphs.size());
+ m_chars.resize(m_chars.size() + ti.num_chars);
- m_glyphPool += size;
- m_positionPool += size;
- }
+ glyph_t *glyphsDestination = + currentItem.glyphOffset;
+ qMemCopy(glyphsDestination, glyphs.constData(), sizeof(glyph_t) * currentItem.numGlyphs);
+ QFixedPoint *positionsDestination = + currentItem.positionOffset;
+ qMemCopy(positionsDestination, positions.constData(), sizeof(QFixedPoint) * currentItem.numGlyphs);
+ QChar *charsDestination = + currentItem.charOffset;
+ qMemCopy(charsDestination, ti.chars, sizeof(QChar) * currentItem.numChars);
+ m_items.append(currentItem);
+ }
virtual bool begin(QPaintDevice *) { return true; }
virtual bool end() { return true; }
@@ -463,38 +458,42 @@ namespace {
return User;
- int itemCount() const
+ QVector<QStaticTextItem> items() const
- return m_itemCount;
+ return m_items;
- int glyphCount() const
+ QVector<QFixedPoint> positions() const
- return m_glyphCount;
+ return m_positions;
- private:
- QStaticTextItem *m_items;
- int m_itemCount;
- int m_glyphCount;
- int m_expectedItemCount;
- int m_expectedGlyphCount;
+ QVector<glyph_t> glyphs() const
+ {
+ return m_glyphs;
+ }
+ QVector<QChar> chars() const
+ {
+ return m_chars;
+ }
- glyph_t *m_glyphPool;
- QFixedPoint *m_positionPool;
+ private:
+ QVector<QStaticTextItem> m_items;
+ QVector<QFixedPoint> m_positions;
+ QVector<glyph_t> m_glyphs;
+ QVector<QChar> m_chars;
bool m_dirtyPen;
+ bool m_useBackendOptimizations;
class DrawTextItemDevice: public QPaintDevice
- DrawTextItemDevice(int expectedItemCount = -1, QStaticTextItem *items = 0,
- int expectedGlyphCount = -1, QFixedPoint *positionPool = 0,
- glyph_t *glyphPool = 0)
+ DrawTextItemDevice(bool useBackendOptimizations, int numChars)
- m_paintEngine = new DrawTextItemRecorder(expectedItemCount, items,
- expectedGlyphCount, positionPool, glyphPool);
+ m_paintEngine = new DrawTextItemRecorder(useBackendOptimizations, numChars);
@@ -538,14 +537,24 @@ namespace {
return m_paintEngine;
- int itemCount() const
+ QVector<glyph_t> glyphs() const
- return m_paintEngine->itemCount();
+ return m_paintEngine->glyphs();
- int glyphCount() const
+ QVector<QFixedPoint> positions() const
- return m_paintEngine->glyphCount();
+ return m_paintEngine->positions();
+ }
+ QVector<QStaticTextItem> items() const
+ {
+ return m_paintEngine->items();
+ }
+ QVector<QChar> chars() const
+ {
+ return m_paintEngine->chars();
@@ -616,42 +625,42 @@ void QStaticTextPrivate::init()
delete[] items;
delete[] glyphPool;
delete[] positionPool;
+ delete[] charPool;
position = QPointF(0, 0);
- // Draw once to count number of items and glyphs, so that we can use as little memory
- // as possible to store the data
- DrawTextItemDevice counterDevice;
+ DrawTextItemDevice device(useBackendOptimizations, text.size());
- QPainter painter(&counterDevice);
+ QPainter painter(&device);
paintText(QPointF(0, 0), &painter);
- itemCount = counterDevice.itemCount();
+ QVector<QStaticTextItem> deviceItems = device.items();
+ QVector<QFixedPoint> positions = device.positions();
+ QVector<glyph_t> glyphs = device.glyphs();
+ QVector<QChar> chars = device.chars();
+ itemCount = deviceItems.size();
items = new QStaticTextItem[itemCount];
- if (useBackendOptimizations) {
- for (int i=0; i<itemCount; ++i)
- items[i].useBackendOptimizations = true;
- }
+ glyphPool = new glyph_t[glyphs.size()];
+ qMemCopy(glyphPool, glyphs.constData(), glyphs.size() * sizeof(glyph_t));
+ positionPool = new QFixedPoint[positions.size()];
+ qMemCopy(positionPool, positions.constData(), positions.size() * sizeof(QFixedPoint));
- int glyphCount = counterDevice.glyphCount();
- glyphPool = new glyph_t[glyphCount];
- positionPool = new QFixedPoint[glyphCount];
+ charPool = new QChar[chars.size()];
+ qMemCopy(charPool, chars.constData(), chars.size() * sizeof(QChar));
- // Draw again to actually record the items and glyphs
- DrawTextItemDevice recorderDevice(itemCount, items, glyphCount, positionPool, glyphPool);
- {
- QPainter painter(&recorderDevice);
- painter.setFont(font);
- painter.setTransform(matrix);
+ for (int i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
+ items[i] =;
- paintText(QPointF(0, 0), &painter);
+ items[i].glyphs = glyphPool + items[i].glyphOffset;
+ items[i].glyphPositions = positionPool + items[i].positionOffset;
+ items[i].chars = charPool + items[i].charOffset;
needsRelayout = false;
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h b/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
index f017ed1..2ab5579 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
@@ -88,9 +88,18 @@ public:
userData = newUserData;
- QFixedPoint *glyphPositions; // 8 bytes per glyph
- glyph_t *glyphs; // 4 bytes per glyph
- const QChar *chars; // 2 bytes per glyph
+ union {
+ QFixedPoint *glyphPositions; // 8 bytes per glyph
+ int positionOffset;
+ };
+ union {
+ glyph_t *glyphs; // 4 bytes per glyph
+ int glyphOffset;
+ };
+ union {
+ QChar *chars; // 2 bytes per glyph
+ int charOffset;
+ };
// =================
// 14 bytes per glyph
@@ -134,14 +143,16 @@ public:
QTransform matrix; // 80 bytes per text
QStaticTextItem *items; // 4 bytes per text
int itemCount; // 4 bytes per text
glyph_t *glyphPool; // 4 bytes per text
QFixedPoint *positionPool; // 4 bytes per text
+ QChar *charPool; // 4 bytes per text
unsigned char needsRelayout : 1;
unsigned char useBackendOptimizations : 1; // 1 byte per text
unsigned char textFormat : 2;
// ================
- // 163 bytes per text
+ // 167 bytes per text
static QStaticTextPrivate *get(const QStaticText *q);