path: root/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
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authorKent Hansen <>2009-10-26 12:21:27 (GMT)
committerKent Hansen <>2009-10-28 09:15:32 (GMT)
commit0533c709188d07be0c165838b503124cb6b271e1 (patch)
treed866357d3ac735e9d1527816f83379e6e5746f78 /src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
parent8cda1c6fef8bd9c4635743fae05158306c2ab09f (diff)
Say hello to QScriptProgram :-)
QScriptProgram encapsulates a Qt Script program (AKA a script). It retains the compiled representation of the script, so that repeated evaluation of the same script becomes faster. An overload of QScriptEngine::evaluate() that takes a QScriptProgram has been added. Reviewed-by: Olivier Goffart
Diffstat (limited to 'src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp b/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
index 9288723..2b60a46 100644
--- a/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
+++ b/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
#include "qscriptvalue_p.h"
#include "qscriptvalueiterator.h"
#include "qscriptclass.h"
+#include "qscriptprogram.h"
+#include "qscriptprogram_p.h"
#include "qdebug.h"
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
@@ -1155,6 +1157,73 @@ void QScriptEnginePrivate::agentDeleted(QScriptEngineAgent *agent)
+JSC::JSValue QScriptEnginePrivate::evaluateHelper(JSC::ExecState *exec, intptr_t sourceId,
+ JSC::EvalExecutable *executable,
+ bool &compile)
+ Q_Q(QScriptEngine);
+ JSC::JSLock lock(false); // ### hmmm
+ QBoolBlocker inEvalBlocker(inEval, true);
+ q->currentContext()->activationObject(); //force the creation of a context for native function;
+ JSC::Debugger* debugger = originalGlobalObject()->debugger();
+ if (debugger)
+ debugger->evaluateStart(sourceId);
+ q->clearExceptions();
+ JSC::DynamicGlobalObjectScope dynamicGlobalObjectScope(exec, exec->scopeChain()->globalObject());
+ if (compile) {
+ JSC::JSObject* error = executable->compile(exec, exec->scopeChain());
+ if (error) {
+ compile = false;
+ exec->setException(error);
+ if (debugger) {
+ debugger->exceptionThrow(JSC::DebuggerCallFrame(exec, error), sourceId, false);
+ debugger->evaluateStop(error, sourceId);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ JSC::JSValue thisValue = thisForContext(exec);
+ JSC::JSObject* thisObject = (!thisValue || thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
+ ? exec->dynamicGlobalObject() : thisValue.toObject(exec);
+ JSC::JSValue exceptionValue;
+ timeoutChecker()->setShouldAbort(false);
+ if (processEventsInterval > 0)
+ timeoutChecker()->reset();
+ JSC::JSValue result = exec->interpreter()->execute(executable, exec, thisObject, exec->scopeChain(), &exceptionValue);
+ if (timeoutChecker()->shouldAbort()) {
+ if (abortResult.isError())
+ exec->setException(scriptValueToJSCValue(abortResult));
+ if (debugger)
+ debugger->evaluateStop(scriptValueToJSCValue(abortResult), sourceId);
+ return scriptValueToJSCValue(abortResult);
+ }
+ if (exceptionValue) {
+ exec->setException(exceptionValue);
+ if (debugger)
+ debugger->evaluateStop(exceptionValue, sourceId);
+ return exceptionValue;
+ }
+ if (debugger)
+ debugger->evaluateStop(result, sourceId);
+ Q_ASSERT(!exec->hadException());
+ return result;
JSC::JSValue QScriptEnginePrivate::newQObject(
@@ -2115,75 +2184,41 @@ QScriptSyntaxCheckResult QScriptEnginePrivate::checkSyntax(const QString &progra
QScriptValue QScriptEngine::evaluate(const QString &program, const QString &fileName, int lineNumber)
- JSC::JSLock lock(false); // ### hmmm
- QBoolBlocker inEval(d->inEval, true);
- currentContext()->activationObject(); //force the creation of a context for native function;
- JSC::Debugger* debugger = d->originalGlobalObject()->debugger();
- JSC::UString jscProgram = program;
- JSC::UString jscFileName = fileName;
- JSC::ExecState* exec = d->currentFrame;
WTF::PassRefPtr<QScript::UStringSourceProviderWithFeedback> provider
- = QScript::UStringSourceProviderWithFeedback::create(jscProgram, jscFileName, lineNumber, d);
+ = QScript::UStringSourceProviderWithFeedback::create(program, fileName, lineNumber, d);
intptr_t sourceId = provider->asID();
JSC::SourceCode source(provider, lineNumber); //after construction of SourceCode provider variable will be null.
- if (debugger)
- debugger->evaluateStart(sourceId);
- clearExceptions();
- JSC::DynamicGlobalObjectScope dynamicGlobalObjectScope(exec, exec->scopeChain()->globalObject());
+ JSC::ExecState* exec = d->currentFrame;
JSC::EvalExecutable executable(exec, source);
- JSC::JSObject* error = executable.compile(exec, exec->scopeChain());
- if (error) {
- exec->setException(error);
- if (debugger) {
- debugger->exceptionThrow(JSC::DebuggerCallFrame(exec, error), sourceId, false);
- debugger->evaluateStop(error, sourceId);
- }
- return d->scriptValueFromJSCValue(error);
- }
- JSC::JSValue thisValue = d->thisForContext(exec);
- JSC::JSObject* thisObject = (!thisValue || thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) ? exec->dynamicGlobalObject() : thisValue.toObject(exec);
- JSC::JSValue exceptionValue;
- d->timeoutChecker()->setShouldAbort(false);
- if (d->processEventsInterval > 0)
- d->timeoutChecker()->reset();
- JSC::JSValue result = exec->interpreter()->execute(&executable, exec, thisObject, exec->scopeChain(), &exceptionValue);
- if (d->timeoutChecker()->shouldAbort()) {
- if (d->abortResult.isError())
- exec->setException(d->scriptValueToJSCValue(d->abortResult));
- if (debugger)
- debugger->evaluateStop(d->scriptValueToJSCValue(d->abortResult), sourceId);
- return d->abortResult;
- }
- if (exceptionValue) {
- exec->setException(exceptionValue);
- if (debugger)
- debugger->evaluateStop(exceptionValue, sourceId);
+ bool compile = true;
+ return d->scriptValueFromJSCValue(d->evaluateHelper(exec, sourceId, &executable, compile));
- return d->scriptValueFromJSCValue(exceptionValue);
- }
+ \internal
+ \since 4.6
- if (debugger)
- debugger->evaluateStop(result, sourceId);
+ Evaluates the given \a program and returns the result of the
+ evaluation.
+QScriptValue QScriptEngine::evaluate(const QScriptProgram &program)
+ Q_D(QScriptEngine);
+ QScriptProgramPrivate *program_d = QScriptProgramPrivate::get(program);
+ if (!program_d)
+ return QScriptValue();
- Q_ASSERT(!exec->hadException());
+ JSC::ExecState* exec = d->currentFrame;
+ JSC::EvalExecutable *executable = program_d->executable(exec, d);
+ bool compile = !program_d->isCompiled;
+ JSC::JSValue result = d->evaluateHelper(exec, program_d->sourceId,
+ executable, compile);
+ if (compile)
+ program_d->isCompiled = true;
return d->scriptValueFromJSCValue(result);
Returns the current context.