path: root/src/script/visitors
diff options
authorSimon Hausmann <>2009-06-16 16:18:58 (GMT)
committerSimon Hausmann <>2009-06-16 16:18:59 (GMT)
commitd612b4789f7ec891ada16afbbbf1c13ab0f0e575 (patch)
tree0e25f0dd66abbe087220c3de9c258bc6215db639 /src/script/visitors
parent94e39aff7dd02d4a631d5c40c6f5a5f6fa424035 (diff)
Import JSC-based Qt Script from Kent's tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/script/visitors')
4 files changed, 2999 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty.cpp b/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06faac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1316 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
+#include "qscriptprettypretty_p.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_SCRIPT
+#include "../parser/qscriptast_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QtDebug>
+typedef double qsreal; // ###
+namespace QScript {
+QString numberToString(qsreal value);
+using namespace QScript;
+PrettyPretty::PrettyPretty(QTextStream &o):
+ out(o), m_indentLevel(0)
+void PrettyPretty::acceptAsBlock(AST::Node *node)
+ out << '{';
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node);
+ popIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << '}';
+int PrettyPretty::operatorPrecedenceLevel(int op)
+ switch (op) {
+ case QSOperator::Div:
+ case QSOperator::Mod:
+ case QSOperator::Mul:
+ return 5;
+ case QSOperator::Add:
+ case QSOperator::Sub:
+ return 6;
+ case QSOperator::LShift:
+ case QSOperator::RShift:
+ case QSOperator::URShift:
+ return 7;
+ case QSOperator::Ge:
+ case QSOperator::Gt:
+ case QSOperator::In:
+ case QSOperator::InstanceOf:
+ case QSOperator::Le:
+ case QSOperator::Lt:
+ return 8;
+ case QSOperator::Equal:
+ case QSOperator::NotEqual:
+ case QSOperator::StrictEqual:
+ case QSOperator::StrictNotEqual:
+ return 9;
+ case QSOperator::BitAnd:
+ return 10;
+ case QSOperator::BitXor:
+ return 11;
+ case QSOperator::BitOr:
+ return 12;
+ case QSOperator::And:
+ return 13;
+ case QSOperator::Or:
+ return 14;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAnd:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceSub:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceDiv:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAdd:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceLeftShift:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMod:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMul:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceOr:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceRightShift:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceURightShift:
+ case QSOperator::InplaceXor:
+ case QSOperator::Assign:
+ return 16;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, "PrettyPretty::operatorPrecedenceLevel()", "bad operator");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int PrettyPretty::compareOperatorPrecedence(int op1, int op2)
+ int prec1 = operatorPrecedenceLevel(op1);
+ int prec2 = operatorPrecedenceLevel(op2);
+ if (prec1 == prec2)
+ return 0;
+ if (prec1 > prec2)
+ return -1;
+ return 1;
+QTextStream &PrettyPretty::operator () (AST::Node *node, int level)
+ int was = indentLevel(level);
+ accept(node);
+ indentLevel(was);
+ return out;
+QTextStream &PrettyPretty::newlineAndIndent()
+ enum { IND = 4 };
+ out << endl << QString().fill(QLatin1Char(' '), m_indentLevel * IND);
+ return out;
+void PrettyPretty::accept(AST::Node *node)
+ AST::Node::acceptChild(node, this);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ThisExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "this";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ThisExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NullExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "null";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NullExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::TrueLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "true";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::TrueLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FalseLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "false";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FalseLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::StringLiteral *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ QString lit = QString(); // QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->value);
+ lit.replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("\\\\"));
+ out << "\"" << lit << "\"";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::StringLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NumericLiteral *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << QScript::numberToString(node->value);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NumericLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << "/" << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->pattern) << "/";
+// if (node->flags)
+// out << QScript::Ecma::RegExp::flagsToString(node->flags);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node)
+ out << '[';
+ accept(node->elements);
+ accept(node->elision);
+ out << ']';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node)
+ out << '{';
+ if (node->properties) {
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *prop;
+ for (prop = node->properties; prop != 0; prop = prop->next) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(prop);
+ if (prop->next)
+ out << ',';
+ }
+ popIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ }
+ out << '}';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ElementList *node)
+ accept(node->elision);
+ accept(node->expression);
+ for (node = node->next; node != 0; node = node->next) {
+ out << ", ";
+ accept(node->elision);
+ accept(node->expression);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ElementList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Elision *node)
+ out << ", ";
+ for (AST::Elision *eit = node->next; eit != 0; eit = eit->next)
+ out << ", ";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Elision *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node)
+ accept(node->name);
+ out << ": ";
+ accept(node->value);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->id);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// QString lit = QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->id);
+// lit.replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("\\\\"));
+// out << lit;
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ out << node->id;
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node)
+ accept(node->base);
+ out << '[';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ']';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node)
+ accept(node->base);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << "." << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node)
+ out << "new ";
+ accept(node->base);
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->arguments);
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NewExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "new ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NewExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::CallExpression *node)
+ accept(node->base);
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->arguments);
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::CallExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ArgumentList *node)
+ accept(node->expression);
+ for (node = node->next; node != 0; node = node->next) {
+ out << ", ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ArgumentList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "++";
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "--";
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::DeleteExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "delete ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::DeleteExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::VoidExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "void ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::VoidExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "typeof ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "++";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "--";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node)
+ out << '+';
+ bool needParens = (node->expression->binaryExpressionCast() != 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node)
+ out << '-';
+ bool needParens = (node->expression->binaryExpressionCast() != 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::TildeExpression *node)
+ out << '~';
+ bool needParens = (node->expression->binaryExpressionCast() != 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::TildeExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::NotExpression *node)
+ out << '!';
+ bool needParens = (node->expression->binaryExpressionCast() != 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::NotExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::BinaryExpression *node)
+ bool needParens = node->left->binaryExpressionCast()
+ && (compareOperatorPrecedence(node->left->binaryExpressionCast()->op, node->op) < 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->left);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ QString s;
+ switch (node->op) {
+ case QSOperator::Add:
+ s = QLatin1String("+"); break;
+ case QSOperator::And:
+ s = QLatin1String("&&"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAnd:
+ s = QLatin1String("&="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Assign:
+ s = QLatin1String("="); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitAnd:
+ s = QLatin1String("&"); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitOr:
+ s = QLatin1String("|"); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitXor:
+ s = QLatin1String("^"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceSub:
+ s = QLatin1String("-="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Div:
+ s = QLatin1String("/"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceDiv:
+ s = QLatin1String("/="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Equal:
+ s = QLatin1String("=="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Ge:
+ s = QLatin1String(">="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Gt:
+ s = QLatin1String(">"); break;
+ case QSOperator::In:
+ s = QLatin1String("in"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAdd:
+ s = QLatin1String("+="); break;
+ case QSOperator::InstanceOf:
+ s = QLatin1String("instanceof"); break;
+ case QSOperator::Le:
+ s = QLatin1String("<="); break;
+ case QSOperator::LShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("<<"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceLeftShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("<<="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Lt:
+ s = QLatin1String("<"); break;
+ case QSOperator::Mod:
+ s = QLatin1String("%"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMod:
+ s = QLatin1String("%="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Mul:
+ s = QLatin1String("*"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMul:
+ s = QLatin1String("*="); break;
+ case QSOperator::NotEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("!="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Or:
+ s = QLatin1String("||"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceOr:
+ s = QLatin1String("|="); break;
+ case QSOperator::RShift:
+ s = QLatin1String(">>"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceRightShift:
+ s = QLatin1String(">>="); break;
+ case QSOperator::StrictEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("==="); break;
+ case QSOperator::StrictNotEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("!=="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Sub:
+ s = QLatin1String("-"); break;
+ case QSOperator::URShift:
+ s = QLatin1String(">>>"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceURightShift:
+ s = QLatin1String(">>>="); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceXor:
+ s = QLatin1String("^="); break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT (0);
+ }
+ out << ' ' << s << ' ';
+ needParens = node->right->binaryExpressionCast()
+ && (compareOperatorPrecedence(node->right->binaryExpressionCast()->op, node->op) <= 0);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << '(';
+ accept(node->right);
+ if (needParens)
+ out << ')';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::BinaryExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node)
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << " ? ";
+ accept(node->ok);
+ out << " : ";
+ accept(node->ko);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Expression *node)
+ accept(node->left);
+ out << ", ";
+ accept(node->right);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Expression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Block *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Block *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::StatementList *node)
+ accept(node->statement);
+ for (node = node->next; node != 0; node = node->next) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->statement);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::StatementList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node)
+ AST::VariableDeclarationList *it = node;
+ do {
+ it->declaration->accept(this);
+ it = it->next;
+ if (it)
+ out << ", ";
+ } while (it);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::VariableStatement *node)
+ out << "var ";
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::VariableStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << ';';
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name);
+ if (node->expression) {
+ out << " = ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::EmptyStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << ';';
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::EmptyStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node)
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ';';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::IfStatement *node)
+ out << "if (";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->ok);
+ if (node->ko) {
+ out << " else ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->ko);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::IfStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node)
+ out << "do ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ out << " while (";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ");";
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::WhileStatement *node)
+ out << "while (";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::WhileStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ForStatement *node)
+ out << "for (";
+ accept(node->initialiser);
+ out << "; ";
+ accept(node->condition);
+ out << "; ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ForStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::LocalForStatement *node)
+ out << "for (var ";
+ accept(node->declarations);
+ out << "; ";
+ accept(node->condition);
+ out << "; ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::LocalForStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ForEachStatement *node)
+ out << "for (";
+ accept(node->initialiser);
+ out << " in ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ForEachStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node)
+ out << "for (var ";
+ accept(node->declaration);
+ out << " in ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ContinueStatement *node)
+ out << "continue";
+ if (node->label) {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << " " << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label);
+ }
+ out << ';';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ContinueStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::BreakStatement *node)
+ out << "break";
+ if (node->label) {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << " " << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label);
+ }
+ out << ';';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::BreakStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ReturnStatement *node)
+ out << "return";
+ if (node->expression) {
+ out << ' ';
+ accept(node->expression);
+ }
+ out << ';';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ReturnStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::WithStatement *node)
+ out << "with (";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::WithStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::SwitchStatement *node)
+ out << "switch (";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->block);
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::SwitchStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::CaseBlock *node)
+ accept(node->clauses);
+ if (node->defaultClause) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->defaultClause);
+ }
+ if (node->moreClauses) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->moreClauses);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::CaseBlock *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::CaseClauses *node)
+ accept(node->clause);
+ for (node = node->next; node != 0; node = node->next) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->clause);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::CaseClauses *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::CaseClause *node)
+ out << "case ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ':';
+ if (node->statements) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->statements);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::CaseClause *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::DefaultClause *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "default:";
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::DefaultClause *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::LabelledStatement *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label) << ": ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::LabelledStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::ThrowStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "throw ";
+ accept(node->expression);
+ out << ';';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::ThrowStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::TryStatement *node)
+ out << "try ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->statement);
+ if (node->catchExpression) {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// out << " catch (" << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->catchExpression->name) << ") ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->catchExpression->statement);
+ }
+ if (node->finallyExpression) {
+ out << " finally ";
+ acceptAsBlock(node->finallyExpression->statement);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::TryStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Catch *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Catch *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Finally *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "finally ";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Finally *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node)
+ out << "function";
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// if (node->name)
+// out << " " << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name);
+ // the arguments
+ out << '(';
+ for (AST::FormalParameterList *it = node->formals; it; it = it->next) {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+// if (it->name)
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(it->name);
+ if (it->next)
+ out << ", ";
+ }
+ out << ')';
+ // the function body
+ out << " {";
+ if (node->body) {
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->body);
+ popIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ }
+ out << '}';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FunctionExpression *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ out << "function";
+// if (node->name)
+// out << " " << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name);
+ // the arguments
+ out << '(';
+ for (AST::FormalParameterList *it = node->formals; it; it = it->next) {
+// if (it->name)
+// out << QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(it->name);
+ if (it->next)
+ out << ", ";
+ }
+ out << ')';
+ // the function body
+ out << " {";
+ if (node->body) {
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->body);
+ popIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ }
+ out << '}';
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FunctionExpression *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FormalParameterList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FormalParameterList *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FunctionBody *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FunctionBody *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::Program *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::Program *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::SourceElements *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ accept(node->element);
+ for (node = node->next; node != 0; node = node->next) {
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ accept(node->element);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::SourceElements *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+bool PrettyPretty::visit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << "debugger";
+ return true;
+void PrettyPretty::endVisit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ out << ';';
+bool PrettyPretty::preVisit(AST::Node *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ return true;
+#endif // QT_NO_SCRIPT
diff --git a/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty_p.h b/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa73cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/script/visitors/qscriptprettypretty_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#include "../parser/qscriptastvisitor_p.h"
+class QTextStream;
+namespace QScript {
+class PrettyPretty: protected AST::Visitor
+ PrettyPretty(QTextStream &out);
+ virtual ~PrettyPretty();
+ QTextStream &operator () (AST::Node *node, int level = 0);
+ void accept(AST::Node *node);
+ virtual bool preVisit(AST::Node *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ThisExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ThisExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NullExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NullExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TrueLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TrueLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FalseLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FalseLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StringLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StringLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NumericLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NumericLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ElementList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ElementList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Elision *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Elision *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NewExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NewExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CallExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CallExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArgumentList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArgumentList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DeleteExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DeleteExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VoidExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VoidExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TildeExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TildeExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NotExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NotExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::BinaryExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::BinaryExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Expression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Expression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Block *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Block *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StatementList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StatementList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::EmptyStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::EmptyStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IfStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IfStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::WhileStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::WhileStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ForStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ForStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LocalForStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LocalForStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ContinueStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ContinueStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::BreakStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::BreakStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ReturnStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ReturnStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::WithStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::WithStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::SwitchStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::SwitchStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseBlock *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseBlock *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseClauses *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseClauses *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseClause *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseClause *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DefaultClause *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DefaultClause *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LabelledStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LabelledStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ThrowStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ThrowStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TryStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TryStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Catch *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Catch *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Finally *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Finally *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FormalParameterList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FormalParameterList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionBody *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionBody *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Program *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Program *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::SourceElements *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::SourceElements *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node);
+ int indentLevel(int level)
+ {
+ int was = m_indentLevel;
+ m_indentLevel = level;
+ return was;
+ }
+ void pushIndentLevel()
+ { ++m_indentLevel; }
+ void popIndentLevel()
+ { --m_indentLevel; }
+ QTextStream &newlineAndIndent();
+ void acceptAsBlock(AST::Node *node);
+ static int operatorPrecedenceLevel(int op);
+ static int compareOperatorPrecedence(int op1, int op2);
+ QTextStream &out;
+ int m_indentLevel;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(PrettyPretty)
+} // namespace QScript
diff --git a/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator.cpp b/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c530d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
+#include "qscriptxmlgenerator_p.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_SCRIPT
+#include "../parser/qscriptast_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
+typedef double qsreal; // ###
+namespace QScript {
+extern QString numberToString(qsreal value);
+// copy of Qt::escape() (it's in QtGui :-( )
+static QString escape(const QString& plain)
+ QString rich;
+ rich.reserve(int(plain.length() * 1.1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < plain.length(); ++i) {
+ if ( == QLatin1Char('<'))
+ rich += QLatin1String("&lt;");
+ else if ( == QLatin1Char('>'))
+ rich += QLatin1String("&gt;");
+ else if ( == QLatin1Char('&'))
+ rich += QLatin1String("&amp;");
+ else
+ rich +=;
+ }
+ return rich;
+XmlGenerator::XmlGenerator(QTextStream &o):
+ out(o), m_indentLevel(-1), m_formatOutput(false)
+QTextStream &XmlGenerator::operator()(const QString &program, int lineNumber)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ return out;
+QTextStream &XmlGenerator::newlineAndIndent()
+ enum { IND = 2 };
+ if (m_formatOutput)
+ out << endl << QString().fill(QLatin1Char(' '), m_indentLevel * IND);
+ return out;
+QTextStream &XmlGenerator::startTag(const QString &name, AST::Node *locationNode)
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1Char('<') << name;
+ if (locationNode)
+ out << QLatin1String(" line=\"") << locationNode->startLine << QLatin1Char('\"');
+ out << QLatin1Char('>');
+ return out;
+QTextStream &XmlGenerator::endTag(const QString &name)
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ popIndentLevel();
+ out << QLatin1String("</") << escape(name) << QLatin1Char('>');
+ return out;
+void XmlGenerator::accept(AST::Node *node)
+ AST::Node::acceptChild(node, this);
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ThisExpression *)
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1String("<this/>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ThisExpression *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("identifier"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</identifier>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::IdentifierExpression *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NullExpression *)
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1String("<null/>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NullExpression *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::TrueLiteral *)
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1String("<true/>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::TrueLiteral *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FalseLiteral *)
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1String("<false/>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FalseLiteral *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::StringLiteral *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("string"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->value)) << QLatin1String("</string>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::StringLiteral *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NumericLiteral *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("number"));
+ out << QString::number(node->value) << QLatin1String("</number>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NumericLiteral *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("regexp"));
+// out << QLatin1String("/") << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->pattern)) << QLatin1String("/");
+// if (node->flags)
+// out << QScript::Ecma::RegExp::flagsToString(node->flags);
+ out << QLatin1String("</regexp>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::RegExpLiteral *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ArrayLiteral *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("array-literal"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ArrayLiteral *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("array-literal"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ObjectLiteral *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("object-literal"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ObjectLiteral *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("object-literal"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ElementList *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("element-list"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ElementList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("element-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Elision *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("elision")); // ### count
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Elision *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("elision"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("property-name-and-value-list"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("property-name-and-value-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("identifier"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->id)) << QLatin1String("</identifier>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("string"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->id)) << QLatin1String("</string>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("number"));
+// out << escape(QScript::numberToString(node->id)) << QLatin1String("</number>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("array-member-expression"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("array-member-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("field-member-expression"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("identifier"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</identifier>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ endTag(QLatin1String("field-member-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NewMemberExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("new-member-expression"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NewMemberExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("new-member-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NewExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("new"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NewExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("new"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::CallExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("call"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::CallExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("call"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ArgumentList *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("argument-list"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ArgumentList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("argument-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("post-increment"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("post-increment"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("post-decrement"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("post-decrement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::DeleteExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("delete"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::DeleteExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("delete"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::VoidExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("void"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::VoidExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("void"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::TypeOfExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("typeof"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::TypeOfExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("typeof"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("pre-increment"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("pre-increment"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("pre-decrement"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("pre-decrement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("unary-plus"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("unary-plus"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("unary-minus"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("unary-minus"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::TildeExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("bitwise-not"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::TildeExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("bitwise-not"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::NotExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("logical-not"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::NotExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("logical-not"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::BinaryExpression *node)
+ QString s;
+ switch (node->op) {
+ case QSOperator::Add:
+ s = QLatin1String("+"); break;
+ case QSOperator::And:
+ s = QLatin1String("&amp;&amp;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAnd:
+ s = QLatin1String("&amp;="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Assign:
+ s = QLatin1String("="); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitAnd:
+ s = QLatin1String("&amp;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitOr:
+ s = QLatin1String("|"); break;
+ case QSOperator::BitXor:
+ s = QLatin1String("^"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceSub:
+ s = QLatin1String("-="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Div:
+ s = QLatin1String("/"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceDiv:
+ s = QLatin1String("/="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Equal:
+ s = QLatin1String("=="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Ge:
+ s = QLatin1String(">="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Gt:
+ s = QLatin1String("&gt;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::In:
+ s = QLatin1String("in"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceAdd:
+ s = QLatin1String("+="); break;
+ case QSOperator::InstanceOf:
+ s = QLatin1String("instanceof"); break;
+ case QSOperator::Le:
+ s = QLatin1String("&lt;="); break;
+ case QSOperator::LShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&lt;&lt;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceLeftShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&lt;&lt;="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Lt:
+ s = QLatin1String("&lt;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::Mod:
+ s = QLatin1String("%"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMod:
+ s = QLatin1String("%="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Mul:
+ s = QLatin1String("*"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceMul:
+ s = QLatin1String("*="); break;
+ case QSOperator::NotEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("!="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Or:
+ s = QLatin1String("||"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceOr:
+ s = QLatin1String("|="); break;
+ case QSOperator::RShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&gt;&gt;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceRightShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&gt;&gt;="); break;
+ case QSOperator::StrictEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("==="); break;
+ case QSOperator::StrictNotEqual:
+ s = QLatin1String("!=="); break;
+ case QSOperator::Sub:
+ s = QLatin1String("-"); break;
+ case QSOperator::URShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&gt;&gt;&gt;"); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceURightShift:
+ s = QLatin1String("&gt;&gt;&gt;="); break;
+ case QSOperator::InplaceXor:
+ s = QLatin1String("^="); break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT (0);
+ }
+ pushIndentLevel();
+ newlineAndIndent();
+ out << QLatin1String("<binary-expression op=\"") << s << QLatin1String("\">");
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::BinaryExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("binary-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ConditionalExpression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("conditional"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ConditionalExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("conditional"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Expression *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("comma-expression"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Expression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("comma-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Block *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("block"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Block *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("block"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::StatementList *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("statement-list"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::StatementList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("statement-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("variable-declaration-list"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("variable-declaration-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::VariableStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("variable-statement"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::VariableStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("variable-statement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("variable-declaration"), node);
+ startTag(QLatin1String("name"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</name>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::VariableDeclaration *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("variable-declaration"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::EmptyStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("empty-statement"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::EmptyStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("empty-statement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("expression-statement"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ExpressionStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("expression-statement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::IfStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("if"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::IfStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("if"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("do-while"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::DoWhileStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("do-while"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::WhileStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("while"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::WhileStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("while"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ForStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("for"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ForStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("for"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::LocalForStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("for"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::LocalForStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("for"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ForEachStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("for-in"), node);
+ return false;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ForEachStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("for-in"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("for-in"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("for-in"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ContinueStatement *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("continue"), node);
+ if (node->label) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("label"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label));
+ out << QLatin1String("</label>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ }
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ContinueStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("continue"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::BreakStatement *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("break"), node);
+ if (node->label) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("label"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label));
+ out << QLatin1String("</label>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ }
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::BreakStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("break"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ReturnStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("return"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ReturnStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("return"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::WithStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("with"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::WithStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("with"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::SwitchStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("switch"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::SwitchStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("switch"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::CaseBlock *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("case-block"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::CaseBlock *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("case-block"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::CaseClauses *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("case-clauses"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::CaseClauses *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("case-clauses"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::CaseClause *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("case-clause"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::CaseClause *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("case-clause"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::DefaultClause *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("default-clause"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::DefaultClause *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("default-clause"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::LabelledStatement *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("labelled-statement"), node);
+ startTag(QLatin1String("label"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->label));
+ out << QLatin1String("</label>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::LabelledStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("labelled-statement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::ThrowStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("throw"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::ThrowStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("throw"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::TryStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("try"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::TryStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("try"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Catch *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("catch"));
+ startTag(QLatin1String("identifier"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</identifier>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Catch *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("catch"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Finally *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("finally"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Finally *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("finally"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("function-declaration"), node);
+ startTag(QLatin1String("name"));
+// if (node->name)
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</name>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ if (!node->formals) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+ endTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+ }
+ if (!node->body) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+ endTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+ }
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("function-declaration"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FunctionExpression *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ startTag(QLatin1String("function-expression"), node);
+ startTag(QLatin1String("name"));
+// if (node->name)
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(node->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</name>");
+ if (!node->formals) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+ endTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+ }
+ if (!node->body) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+ endTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+ }
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FunctionExpression *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("function-expression"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FormalParameterList *node)
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "not implemented");
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+ startTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+ for (AST::FormalParameterList *it = node; it; it = it->next) {
+ startTag(QLatin1String("identifier"));
+// out << escape(QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(it->name));
+ out << QLatin1String("</identifier>");
+ popIndentLevel();
+ }
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FormalParameterList *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("formal-parameter-list"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FunctionBody *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FunctionBody *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("function-body"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::Program *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("program"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::Program *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("program"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::SourceElements *)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("source-elements"));
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::SourceElements *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("source-elements"));
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *)
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::StatementSourceElement *)
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::StatementSourceElement *)
+bool XmlGenerator::visit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node)
+ startTag(QLatin1String("debugger-statement"), node);
+ return true;
+void XmlGenerator::endVisit(AST::DebuggerStatement *)
+ endTag(QLatin1String("debugger-statement"));
+bool XmlGenerator::preVisit(AST::Node *)
+ return true;
+} // namespace QScript
+Q_SCRIPT_EXPORT QString qt_scriptToXml(const QString &program, int lineNumber = 1)
+ QString result;
+ QTextStream out(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ QScript::XmlGenerator gen(out);
+ gen(program, lineNumber);
+ out.flush();
+ return result;
+#endif // QT_NO_SCRIPT
diff --git a/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator_p.h b/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb6c0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/script/visitors/qscriptxmlgenerator_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h>
+#ifndef QT_NO_SCRIPT
+#include "../parser/qscriptastvisitor_p.h"
+class QTextStream;
+namespace QScript {
+class XmlGenerator: protected AST::Visitor
+ XmlGenerator(QTextStream &out);
+ virtual ~XmlGenerator();
+ QTextStream &operator()(const QString &program, int lineNumber = 1);
+ void accept(AST::Node *node);
+ virtual bool preVisit(AST::Node *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ThisExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ThisExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IdentifierExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NullExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NullExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TrueLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TrueLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FalseLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FalseLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StringLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StringLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NumericLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NumericLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::RegExpLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArrayLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ObjectLiteral *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ElementList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ElementList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Elision *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Elision *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PropertyNameAndValueList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IdentifierPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StringLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NumericLiteralPropertyName *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArrayMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FieldMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NewMemberExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NewExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NewExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CallExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CallExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ArgumentList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ArgumentList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PostIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PostDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DeleteExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DeleteExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VoidExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VoidExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TypeOfExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PreIncrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::PreDecrementExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::UnaryPlusExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::UnaryMinusExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TildeExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TildeExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::NotExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::NotExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::BinaryExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::BinaryExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ConditionalExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Expression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Expression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Block *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Block *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StatementList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StatementList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableDeclarationList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::VariableDeclaration *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::EmptyStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::EmptyStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ExpressionStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::IfStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::IfStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DoWhileStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::WhileStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::WhileStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ForStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ForStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LocalForStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LocalForStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LocalForEachStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ContinueStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ContinueStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::BreakStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::BreakStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ReturnStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ReturnStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::WithStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::WithStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::SwitchStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::SwitchStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseBlock *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseBlock *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseClauses *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseClauses *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::CaseClause *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::CaseClause *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DefaultClause *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DefaultClause *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::LabelledStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::LabelledStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::ThrowStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::ThrowStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::TryStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::TryStatement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Catch *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Catch *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Finally *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Finally *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionExpression *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionExpression *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FormalParameterList *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FormalParameterList *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionBody *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionBody *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::Program *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::Program *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::SourceElements *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::SourceElements *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::FunctionSourceElement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::StatementSourceElement *node);
+ virtual bool visit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node);
+ virtual void endVisit(AST::DebuggerStatement *node);
+ int indentLevel(int level)
+ {
+ int was = m_indentLevel;
+ m_indentLevel = level;
+ return was;
+ }
+ void pushIndentLevel()
+ { ++m_indentLevel; }
+ void popIndentLevel()
+ { --m_indentLevel; }
+ QTextStream &newlineAndIndent();
+ QTextStream &startTag(const QString &name, AST::Node *locationNode = 0);
+ QTextStream &endTag(const QString &name);
+ QTextStream &out;
+ int m_indentLevel;
+ bool m_formatOutput;
+} // namespace QScript
+#endif // QT_NO_SCRIPT