path: root/tests/auto/
diff options
authorLars Knoll <>2009-03-23 09:18:55 (GMT)
committerSimon Hausmann <>2009-03-23 09:18:55 (GMT)
commite5fcad302d86d316390c6b0f62759a067313e8a9 (patch)
treec2afbf6f1066b6ce261f14341cf6d310e5595bc1 /tests/auto/
Long live Qt 4.5!
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41c73a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+TEMPLATE = subdirs
+# Directories
+!wince*:SUBDIRS += \
+ headers
+SUBDIRS += bic \
+ collections \
+ compile \
+ compilerwarnings \
+ exceptionsafety \
+ macgui \
+ macplist \
+ mediaobject \
+# mediaobject_wince_ds9 \ This is Windows CE only (we test the second phonon backend ds9 here)
+ moc \
+ modeltest \
+ q3accel \
+ q3action \
+ q3actiongroup \
+ q3buttongroup \
+ q3canvas \
+ q3checklistitem \
+ q3cstring \
+ q3databrowser \
+ q3dateedit \
+ q3datetimeedit \
+ q3deepcopy \
+ q3dict \
+ q3dns \
+ q3dockwindow \
+ q3filedialog \
+ q3groupbox \
+ q3hbox \
+ q3header \
+ q3iconview \
+ q3listview \
+ q3listviewitemiterator \
+ q3mainwindow \
+ q3popupmenu \
+ q3process \
+ q3progressbar \
+ q3progressdialog \
+ q3ptrlist \
+ q3richtext \
+ q3scrollview \
+ q3semaphore \
+ q3serversocket \
+ q3socket \
+ q3socketdevice \
+ q3sqlcursor \
+ q3sqlselectcursor \
+ q3stylesheet \
+ q3tabdialog \
+ q3table \
+ q3textbrowser \
+ q3textedit \
+ q3textstream \
+ q3timeedit \
+ q3toolbar \
+ q3urloperator \
+ q3valuelist \
+ q3valuevector \
+ qabstractbutton \
+ qabstractitemmodel \
+ qabstractitemview \
+ qabstractprintdialog \
+ qabstractscrollarea \
+ qabstractslider \
+ qabstractsocket \
+ qabstractspinbox \
+ qabstracttextdocumentlayout \
+ qaccessibility \
+ qaccessibility_mac \
+ qaction \
+ qactiongroup \
+ qalgorithms \
+ qapplication \
+ qatomicint \
+ qatomicpointer \
+ qbitarray \
+ qboxlayout \
+ qbrush \
+ qbuffer \
+ qbuttongroup \
+ qbytearray \
+ qcache \
+ qchar \
+ qcheckbox \
+ qclipboard \
+ qcolor \
+ qcolordialog \
+ qcombobox \
+ qcompleter \
+ qcomplextext \
+ qcopchannel \
+ qcoreapplication \
+ qcryptographichash \
+ qcssparser \
+ qdatastream \
+ qdatawidgetmapper \
+ qdate \
+ qdatetime \
+ qdatetimeedit \
+ qdbuspendingcall \
+ qdbuspendingreply \
+ qdebug \
+ qdesktopservices \
+ qdesktopwidget \
+ qdial \
+ qdialog \
+ qdialogbuttonbox \
+ qdir \
+ qdirectpainter \
+ qdirmodel \
+ qdockwidget \
+ qdom \
+ qdoublespinbox \
+ qdoublevalidator \
+ qdrag \
+ qerrormessage \
+ qeventloop \
+ qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
+ qfile \
+ qfiledialog \
+ qfileinfo \
+ qfilesystemwatcher \
+ qfilesystemmodel \
+ qflags \
+ qfocusevent \
+ qfocusframe \
+ qfont \
+ qfontdatabase \
+ qfontdialog \
+ qfontmetrics \
+ qftp \
+ qgetputenv \
+ qgl \
+ qglobal \
+ qgraphicsitem \
+ qgraphicsitemanimation \
+ qgraphicsscene \
+ qgraphicsview \
+ qgridlayout \
+ qgroupbox \
+ qguivariant \
+ qhash \
+ qheaderview \
+ qhelpcontentmodel \
+ qhelpenginecore \
+ qhelpgenerator \
+ qhelpindexmodel \
+ qhelpprojectdata \
+ qhostaddress \
+ qhostinfo \
+ qhttp \
+ qhttpnetworkreply \
+ qhttpnetworkconnection \
+ qicon \
+ qicoimageformat \
+ qimage \
+ qimageiohandler \
+ qimagereader \
+ qimagewriter \
+ qinputdialog \
+ qintvalidator \
+ qiodevice \
+ qitemdelegate \
+ qitemeditorfactory \
+ qitemmodel \
+ qitemselectionmodel \
+ qitemview \
+ qkeyevent \
+ qkeysequence \
+ qlabel \
+ qlayout \
+ qlcdnumber \
+ qlibrary \
+ qline \
+ qlineedit \
+ qlist \
+ q3listbox \
+ qlistview \
+ qlistwidget \
+ qlocale \
+ qmainwindow \
+ qmake \
+ qmap \
+ qmdiarea \
+ qmdisubwindow \
+ qmenu \
+ qmenubar \
+ qmessagebox \
+ qmetaobject \
+ qmetatype \
+ qmouseevent \
+ qmouseevent_modal \
+ qmovie \
+ qmultiscreen \
+ qmutex \
+ qmutexlocker \
+ qnativesocketengine \
+ qnetworkcookie \
+ qnetworkcookiejar \
+ qnetworkinterface \
+ qnetworkproxy \
+ qnetworkrequest \
+ qnetworkreply \
+ qnumeric \
+ qobject \
+ qobjectrace \
+ qpaintengine \
+ qpainter \
+ qpainterpath \
+ qpalette \
+ qpathclipper \
+ qpen \
+ qpicture \
+ qpixmap \
+ qpixmapcache \
+ qpixmapfilter \
+ qplaintextedit \
+ qpoint \
+ qpointarray \
+ qpointer \
+ qprinter \
+ qprinterinfo \
+ qprocess \
+ qprogressbar \
+ qprogressdialog \
+ qpushbutton \
+ qqueue \
+ qradiobutton \
+ qreadlocker \
+ qreadwritelock \
+ qrect \
+ qregexp \
+ qregexpvalidator \
+ qregion \
+ qresourceengine \
+ qscriptable \
+ qscriptclass \
+ qscriptcontext \
+ qscriptcontextinfo \
+ qscriptengine \
+ qscriptengineagent \
+ qscriptjstestsuite \
+ qscriptv8testsuite \
+ qscriptqobject \
+ qscriptstring \
+ qscriptvalue \
+ qscriptvalueiterator \
+ qscriptenginedebugger \
+ qscrollarea \
+ qsemaphore \
+ qsharedpointer \
+ qset \
+ qsettings \
+ qshortcut \
+ qsignalmapper \
+ qsignalspy \
+ qsize \
+ qsizef \
+ qslider \
+ qsocketnotifier \
+ qsocks5socketengine \
+ qsortfilterproxymodel \
+ qsound \
+ qspinbox \
+ qsplitter \
+ qsql \
+ qsqldatabase \
+ qsqlerror \
+ qsqlfield \
+ qsqlquery \
+ qsqlquerymodel \
+ qsqlrecord \
+ qsqlrelationaltablemodel \
+ qsqltablemodel \
+ qsqlthread \
+ qsslcertificate \
+ qsslcipher \
+ qsslerror \
+ qsslkey \
+ qsslsocket \
+ qstackedlayout \
+ qstackedwidget \
+ qstandarditem \
+ qstandarditemmodel \
+ qstatusbar \
+ qstl \
+ qstring \
+ qstringmatcher \
+ qstringlist \
+ qstringlistmodel \
+ qstyle \
+ qstyleoption \
+ qstylesheetstyle \
+ qsvgdevice \
+ qsvggenerator \
+ qsvgrenderer \
+ qsyntaxhighlighter \
+ qsystemtrayicon \
+ qtabbar \
+ qtableview \
+ qtablewidget \
+ qtabwidget \
+ qtcpserver \
+ qtcpsocket \
+ qtemporaryfile \
+ qtessellator \
+ qtextblock \
+ qtextboundaryfinder \
+ qtextbrowser \
+ qtextcodec \
+ qtextcursor \
+ qtextdocument \
+ qtextdocumentfragment \
+ qtextdocumentlayout \
+ qtextedit \
+ qtextformat \
+ qtextlayout \
+ qtextlist \
+ qtextobject \
+ qtextpiecetable \
+ qtextscriptengine \
+ qtextstream \
+ qtexttable \
+ qthread \
+ qthreadonce \
+ qthreadstorage \
+ qtime \
+ qtimeline \
+ qtimer \
+ qtmd5 \
+ qtoolbar \
+ qtoolbox \
+ qtoolbutton \
+ qtooltip \
+ qtranslator \
+ qtransform \
+ qtransformedscreen \
+ qtreeview \
+ qtreewidget \
+ qtreewidgetitemiterator \
+ qtwidgets \
+ qudpsocket \
+ qundogroup \
+ qundostack \
+ qurl \
+ quuid \
+ qvariant \
+ qvarlengtharray \
+ qvector \
+ qwaitcondition \
+ qwidget \
+ qwidgetaction \
+ qwindowsurface \
+ qwineventnotifier \
+ qwizard \
+ qwmatrix \
+ qworkspace \
+ qwritelocker \
+ qwsembedwidget \
+ qwsinputmethod \
+ qwswindowsystem \
+ qx11info \
+ qxml \
+ qxmlinputsource \
+ qxmlsimplereader \
+ qxmlstream \
+ selftests \
+ symbols \
+ qrand \
+ uic \
+ uic3
+contains(QT_CONFIG, OdfWriter):SUBDIRS += qzip qtextodfwriter
+# Enable the tests specific to QtXmlPatterns. If you add a test, remember to
+# update too. Remember that this file,, is
+# not respected by some test system, they just have a script which loop over
+# the folders.
+contains(QT_CONFIG, xmlpatterns) {
+SUBDIRS += checkxmlfiles \
+ patternistexamplefiletree \
+ patternistexamples \
+ patternistheaders \
+ qabstractmessagehandler \
+ qabstracturiresolver \
+ qabstractxmlforwarditerator \
+ qabstractxmlnodemodel \
+ qabstractxmlreceiver \
+ qapplicationargumentparser \
+ qautoptr \
+ qsimplexmlnodemodel \
+ qsourcelocation \
+ qxmlformatter \
+ qxmlitem \
+ qxmlname \
+ qxmlnamepool \
+ qxmlnodemodelindex \
+ qxmlquery \
+ qxmlresultitems \
+ qxmlserializer \
+ xmlpatterns \
+ xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
+ xmlpatternsview \
+ xmlpatternsxqts \
+ xmlpatternsxslts \
+ xmlpatterns
+xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
+xmlpatternsview.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
+xmlpatternsxslts.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
+unix:!embedded:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):SUBDIRS += \
+ qdbusabstractadaptor \
+ qdbusconnection \
+ qdbusinterface \
+ qdbuslocalcalls \
+ qdbusmarshall \
+ qdbusmetaobject \
+ qdbusmetatype \
+ qdbusperformance \
+ qdbusreply \
+ qdbusthreading \
+ qdbusxmlparser
+contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit): SUBDIRS += \
+ qwebframe \
+ qwebpage