path: root/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors
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authorAaron Kennedy <>2010-04-19 04:08:20 (GMT)
committerAaron Kennedy <>2010-04-19 04:08:20 (GMT)
commit7aedb72dea904981969c0a4a9e5a6b721381c5a9 (patch)
tree820f58eace02ec8e0e001ba7faf28af23c58296e /tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors
parent118890afb8b0a56d702d0822891d6417665ab515 (diff)
Emit runtime warnings through QDeclarativeEngine
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors/tst_qdeclarativeanchors.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors/tst_qdeclarativeanchors.cpp
index 01b5bc5..06a8f64 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors/tst_qdeclarativeanchors.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanchors/tst_qdeclarativeanchors.cpp
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::loops()
QUrl source(QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/loop1.qml"));
- QString expect = "QML Text (" + source.toString() + ":6:5" + ") Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.";
+ QString expect = source.toString() + ":6:5: QML Text: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expect.toLatin1());
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expect.toLatin1());
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expect.toLatin1());
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::loops()
QUrl source(QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/loop2.qml"));
- QString expect = "QML Image (" + source.toString() + ":8:3" + ") Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.";
+ QString expect = source.toString() + ":8:3: QML Image: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expect.toLatin1());
QDeclarativeView *view = new QDeclarativeView;
@@ -312,55 +312,55 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::illegalSets_data()
QTest::newRow("H - too many anchors")
<< "Rectangle { id: rect; Rectangle { anchors.left: rect.left; anchors.right: rect.right; anchors.horizontalCenter: rect.horizontalCenter } }"
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:23) Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.";
+ << "file::2:23: QML Rectangle: Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.";
foreach (const QString &side, QStringList() << "left" << "right") {
QTest::newRow("H - anchor to V")
<< QString("Rectangle { Rectangle { anchors.%1: } }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:13) Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.";
+ << "file::2:13: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.";
QTest::newRow("H - anchor to non parent/sibling")
<< QString("Rectangle { Item { Rectangle { id: rect } } Rectangle { anchors.%1: rect.%1 } }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:45) Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
+ << "file::2:45: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
QTest::newRow("H - anchor to self")
<< QString("Rectangle { id: rect; anchors.%1: rect.%1 }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:1) Cannot anchor item to self.";
+ << "file::2:1: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor item to self.";
QTest::newRow("V - too many anchors")
<< "Rectangle { id: rect; Rectangle {; anchors.bottom: rect.bottom; anchors.verticalCenter: rect.verticalCenter } }"
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:23) Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.";
+ << "file::2:23: QML Rectangle: Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.";
QTest::newRow("V - too many anchors with baseline")
<< "Rectangle { Text { id: text1; text: \"Hello\" } Text { anchors.baseline: text1.baseline;; } }"
- << "QML Text (file::2:47) Baseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.";
+ << "file::2:47: QML Text: Baseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.";
foreach (const QString &side, QStringList() << "top" << "bottom" << "baseline") {
QTest::newRow("V - anchor to H")
<< QString("Rectangle { Rectangle { anchors.%1: parent.left } }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:13) Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.";
+ << "file::2:13: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.";
QTest::newRow("V - anchor to non parent/sibling")
<< QString("Rectangle { Item { Rectangle { id: rect } } Rectangle { anchors.%1: rect.%1 } }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:45) Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
+ << "file::2:45: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
QTest::newRow("V - anchor to self")
<< QString("Rectangle { id: rect; anchors.%1: rect.%1 }").arg(side)
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:1) Cannot anchor item to self.";
+ << "file::2:1: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor item to self.";
QTest::newRow("centerIn - anchor to non parent/sibling")
<< "Rectangle { Item { Rectangle { id: rect } } Rectangle { anchors.centerIn: rect} }"
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:45) Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
+ << "file::2:45: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
QTest::newRow("fill - anchor to non parent/sibling")
<< "Rectangle { Item { Rectangle { id: rect } } Rectangle { anchors.fill: rect} }"
- << "QML Rectangle (file::2:45) Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
+ << "file::2:45: QML Rectangle: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.";
void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::reset()
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::nullItem()
const QMetaObject *meta = item->anchors()->metaObject();
QMetaProperty p = meta->property(meta->indexOfProperty(side.toUtf8().constData()));
- QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QML Item (unknown location) Cannot anchor to a null item.");
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML Item: Cannot anchor to a null item.");
QVERIFY(p.write(item->anchors(), qVariantFromValue(anchor)));
delete item;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanchors::crash1()
QUrl source(QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/crash1.qml"));
- QString expect = "QML Text (" + source.toString() + ":4:5" + ") Possible anchor loop detected on fill.";
+ QString expect = source.toString() + ":4:5: QML Text: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expect.toLatin1());