path: root/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation
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authorJason Barron <>2009-06-25 13:49:53 (GMT)
committerJason Barron <>2009-06-25 13:49:53 (GMT)
commitdb8f05e257019694f5e8076845626008f2adc3dd (patch)
tree05d3959403cf15ac5f702091439e028af01f343b /tests/auto/qpropertyanimation
parent8aafaa65a1d16f8b982279f5aceedf1e281ddb5a (diff)
parent796a5a2c7d8c91a46ac761dde18b7da2ec6c177b (diff)
Merge commit 'qt/master-stable' into 4.6-stable
Bring Qt 4.6 into the Qt-S60 repo. Conflicts: configure.exe mkspecs/features/qttest_p4.prf qmake/generators/makefile.cpp src/corelib/io/qdir.cpp src/corelib/io/qprocess.h src/corelib/kernel/qcoreevent.h src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp src/corelib/kernel/qsharedmemory_unix.cpp src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h src/corelib/tools/qvector.h src/gui/dialogs/qdialog.cpp src/gui/dialogs/qfiledialog.cpp src/gui/dialogs/qfiledialog_p.h src/gui/dialogs/qmessagebox.cpp src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.cpp src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp src/gui/kernel/qapplication_p.h src/gui/kernel/qwidget.cpp src/gui/kernel/qwidget_p.h src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper.cpp src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp src/gui/text/qfontengine_qpf.cpp src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp src/network/socket/qlocalserver.cpp src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp src/testlib/ tests/auto/qimagereader/tst_qimagereader.cpp tests/auto/qitemdelegate/tst_qitemdelegate.cpp tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp tests/auto/qpixmap/
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qpropertyanimation')
2 files changed, 963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/ b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d6ddbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+QT = core gui
+SOURCES += tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
diff --git a/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aeac91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
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+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
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+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
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+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
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+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
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+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QtCore/qpropertyanimation.h>
+#include <QtCore/qvariantanimation.h>
+#include <QtGui/qwidget.h>
+class UncontrolledAnimation : public QPropertyAnimation
+ int duration() const { return -1; /* not time driven */ }
+ void updateCurrentTime(int msecs)
+ {
+ QPropertyAnimation::updateCurrentTime(msecs);
+ if (msecs >= QPropertyAnimation::duration())
+ stop();
+ }
+class MyObject : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal x READ x WRITE setX)
+ MyObject() : m_x(0) { }
+ qreal x() const { return m_x; }
+ void setX(qreal x) { m_x = x; }
+ qreal m_x;
+class tst_QPropertyAnimation : public QObject
+ tst_QPropertyAnimation();
+ virtual ~tst_QPropertyAnimation();
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void init();
+ void cleanup();
+private slots:
+ void construction();
+ void setCurrentTime_data();
+ void setCurrentTime();
+ void statesAndSignals_data();
+ void statesAndSignals();
+ void deletion1();
+ void deletion2();
+ void deletion3();
+ void duration0();
+ void noStartValue();
+ void noStartValueWithLoop();
+ void startWhenAnotherIsRunning();
+ void easingcurve_data();
+ void easingcurve();
+ void startWithoutStartValue();
+ void playForwardBackward();
+ void interpolated();
+ void setStartEndValues_data();
+ void setStartEndValues();
+ void zeroDurationStart();
+ void operationsInStates_data();
+ void operationsInStates();
+ void oneKeyValue();
+ void updateOnSetKeyValues();
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::init()
+ qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractAnimation::State>("QAbstractAnimation::State");
+ qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractAnimation::DeletionPolicy>("QAbstractAnimation::DeletionPolicy");
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::cleanup()
+class AnimationObject : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(int value READ value WRITE setValue)
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal realValue READ realValue WRITE setRealValue)
+ AnimationObject(int startValue = 0)
+ : v(startValue)
+ { }
+ int value() const { return v; }
+ void setValue(int value) { v = value; }
+ qreal realValue() const { return rv; }
+ void setRealValue(qreal value) { rv = value; }
+ int v;
+ qreal rv;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::construction()
+ QPropertyAnimation panimation;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setCurrentTime_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("duration");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("loopCount");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("currentTime");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("testCurrentTime");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("testCurrentLoop");
+ QTest::newRow("-1") << -1 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("0") << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("1") << 0 << 1 << 1 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("2") << 0 << 2 << 1 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("3") << 1 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("4") << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("5") << 1 << 2 << 1 << 0 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("6") << 1 << 2 << 2 << 1 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("7") << 1 << 2 << 3 << 1 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("8") << 1 << 3 << 2 << 0 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("9") << 1 << 3 << 3 << 1 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("a") << 10 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("b") << 10 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("c") << 10 << 1 << 10 << 10 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("d") << 10 << 2 << 10 << 0 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("e") << 10 << 2 << 11 << 1 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("f") << 10 << 2 << 20 << 10 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("g") << 10 << 2 << 21 << 10 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("negloop 0") << 10 << -1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("negloop 1") << 10 << -1 << 10 << 0 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("negloop 2") << 10 << -1 << 15 << 5 << 1;
+ QTest::newRow("negloop 3") << 10 << -1 << 20 << 0 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("negloop 4") << 10 << -1 << 30 << 0 << 3;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setCurrentTime()
+ QFETCH(int, duration);
+ QFETCH(int, loopCount);
+ QFETCH(int, currentTime);
+ QFETCH(int, testCurrentTime);
+ QFETCH(int, testCurrentLoop);
+ QPropertyAnimation animation;
+ if (duration < 0)
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QVariantAnimation::setDuration: cannot set a negative duration");
+ animation.setDuration(duration);
+ animation.setLoopCount(loopCount);
+ animation.setCurrentTime(currentTime);
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentTime(), testCurrentTime);
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentLoop(), testCurrentLoop);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::statesAndSignals_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("uncontrolled");
+ QTest::newRow("normal animation") << false;
+ QTest::newRow("animation with undefined duration") << true;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::statesAndSignals()
+ QFETCH(bool, uncontrolled);
+ QPropertyAnimation *anim = uncontrolled ? new UncontrolledAnimation : new QPropertyAnimation;
+ anim->setDuration(100);
+ QSignalSpy finishedSpy(anim, SIGNAL(finished()));
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ QSignalSpy currentLoopSpy(anim, SIGNAL(currentLoopChanged(int)));
+ anim->setCurrentTime(1);
+ anim->setCurrentTime(100);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ anim->setLoopCount(3);
+ anim->setCurrentTime(101);
+ if (uncontrolled)
+ QSKIP("Uncontrolled animations don't handle looping", SkipSingle);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 1);
+ anim->setCurrentTime(0);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 0);
+ anim->start();
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1); //anim must have started
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 0);
+ runningSpy.clear();
+ anim->stop();
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1); //anim must have stopped
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentTime(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 2);
+ runningSpy.clear();
+ anim->start();
+ QTest::qWait(1000);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 2); //started and stopped again
+ runningSpy.clear();
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentTime(), 100);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 4);
+ anim->start(); // auto-rewinds
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentTime(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 5);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1); // anim has started
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 0);
+ runningSpy.clear();
+ QTest::qWait(1000);
+ QCOMPARE(currentLoopSpy.count(), 7);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentLoop(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1); // anim has stopped
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->currentTime(), 100);
+ delete anim;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::deletion1()
+ QObject *object = new QWidget;
+ QPointer<QPropertyAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(object, "minimumWidth");
+ //test that the animation is deleted correctly depending of the deletion flag passed in start()
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ QSignalSpy finishedSpy(anim, SIGNAL(finished()));
+ anim->setStartValue(10);
+ anim->setEndValue(20);
+ anim->setDuration(200);
+ anim->start();
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+ QVERIFY(anim);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QTest::qWait(100);
+ QVERIFY(anim);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QTest::qWait(150);
+ QVERIFY(anim); //The animation should not have been deleted
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 1);
+ anim->start(QVariantAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ QVERIFY(anim);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QTest::qWait(100);
+ QVERIFY(anim);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QTest::qWait(150);
+ QVERIFY(!anim); //The animation must have been deleted
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 4);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 2);
+ delete object;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::deletion2()
+ //test that the animation get deleted if the object is deleted
+ QObject *object = new QWidget;
+ QPointer<QPropertyAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(object,"minimumWidth");
+ anim->setStartValue(10);
+ anim->setEndValue(20);
+ anim->setDuration(200);
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ QSignalSpy finishedSpy(anim, SIGNAL(finished()));
+ anim->setStartValue(10);
+ anim->setEndValue(20);
+ anim->setDuration(200);
+ anim->start();
+ QTest::qWait(50);
+ QVERIFY(anim);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+ //we can't call deletaLater directly because the delete would only happen in the next loop of _this_ event loop
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, object, SLOT(deleteLater()));
+ QTest::qWait(50);
+ QVERIFY(anim->targetObject() == 0);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::deletion3()
+ //test that the stopped signal is emit when the animation is destroyed
+ QObject *object = new QWidget;
+ QPropertyAnimation *anim = new QPropertyAnimation(object,"minimumWidth");
+ anim->setStartValue(10);
+ anim->setEndValue(20);
+ anim->setDuration(200);
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ QSignalSpy finishedSpy(anim, SIGNAL(finished()));
+ anim->start();
+ QTest::qWait(50);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QAnimationGroup::Running);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+ delete anim;
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(finishedSpy.count(), 0);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::duration0()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QPropertyAnimation animation(&o, "ole");
+ animation.setEndValue(43);
+ QVERIFY(!animation.currentValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentValue().toInt(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ animation.setDuration(0);
+ animation.start();
+ QCOMPARE(animation.state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentTime(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 43);
+class StartValueTester : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(int ole READ ole WRITE setOle)
+ StartValueTester() : o(0) { }
+ int ole() const { return o; }
+ void setOle(int v) { o = v; values << v; }
+ int o;
+ QList<int> values;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::noStartValue()
+ StartValueTester o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ o.values.clear();
+ QPropertyAnimation a(&o, "ole");
+ a.setEndValue(420);
+ a.setDuration(250);
+ a.start();
+ QTest::qWait(300);
+ QCOMPARE(o.values.first(), 42);
+ QCOMPARE(o.values.last(), 420);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::noStartValueWithLoop()
+ StartValueTester o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ o.values.clear();
+ QPropertyAnimation a(&o, "ole");
+ a.setEndValue(420);
+ a.setDuration(250);
+ a.setLoopCount(2);
+ a.start();
+ a.setCurrentTime(250);
+ QCOMPARE(o.values.first(), 42);
+ QCOMPARE(a.currentValue().toInt(), 42);
+ QCOMPARE(o.values.last(), 42);
+ a.setCurrentTime(500);
+ QCOMPARE(a.currentValue().toInt(), 420);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::startWhenAnotherIsRunning()
+ StartValueTester o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ o.values.clear();
+ {
+ //normal case: the animation finishes and is deleted
+ QPointer<QVariantAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(&o, "ole");
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ anim->start(QVariantAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ QTest::qWait(anim->duration() + 50);
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 2); //started and then stopped
+ QVERIFY(!anim);
+ }
+ {
+ QPointer<QVariantAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(&o, "ole");
+ QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ anim->start(QVariantAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ QTest::qWait(anim->duration()/2);
+ QPointer<QVariantAnimation> anim2 = new QPropertyAnimation(&o, "ole");
+ QCOMPARE(runningSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(anim->state(), QVariantAnimation::Running);
+ //anim2 will interrupt anim1
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(anim2, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QAbstractAnimation::DeletionPolicy, QVariantAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped));
+ QTest::qWait(50);
+ QVERIFY(!anim); //anim should have been deleted
+ QVERIFY(anim2);
+ QTest::qWait(anim2->duration());
+ QVERIFY(!anim2); //anim2 is finished: it should have been deleted by now
+ QVERIFY(!anim);
+ }
+// copy from easing.cpp in case that function changes definition
+static qreal easeInOutBack(qreal t)
+ qreal s = 1.70158;
+ qreal t_adj = 2.0f * (qreal)t;
+ if (t_adj < 1) {
+ s *= 1.525f;
+ return 1.0/2*(t_adj*t_adj*((s+1)*t_adj - s));
+ } else {
+ t_adj -= 2;
+ s *= 1.525f;
+ return 1.0/2*(t_adj*t_adj*((s+1)*t_adj + s) + 2);
+ }
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::easingcurve_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("currentTime");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedvalue");
+ QTest::newRow("interpolation1") << 0 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("interpolation2") << 1000 << 1000;
+ QTest::newRow("extrapolationbelow") << 250 << -99;
+ QTest::newRow("extrapolationabove") << 750 << 1099;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::easingcurve()
+ QFETCH(int, currentTime);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedvalue);
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QPropertyAnimation pAnimation(&o, "ole");
+ pAnimation.setStartValue(0);
+ pAnimation.setEndValue(1000);
+ pAnimation.setDuration(1000);
+ // this easingcurve assumes that we extrapolate before startValue and after endValue
+ QEasingCurve easingCurve;
+ easingCurve.setCustomType(easeInOutBack);
+ pAnimation.setEasingCurve(easingCurve);
+ pAnimation.start();
+ pAnimation.pause();
+ pAnimation.setCurrentTime(currentTime);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), expectedvalue);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::startWithoutStartValue()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "ole");
+ anim.setEndValue(100);
+ anim.start();
+ QTest::qWait(100);
+ int current = anim.currentValue().toInt();
+ //it is somewhere in the animation
+ QVERIFY(current > 42);
+ QVERIFY(current < 100);
+ QTest::qWait(200);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QVariantAnimation::Stopped);
+ anim.setEndValue(110);
+ anim.start();
+ current = anim.currentValue().toInt();
+ // the default start value will reevaluate the current property
+ // and set it to the end value of the last iteration
+ QCOMPARE(current, 100);
+ QTest::qWait(100);
+ current = anim.currentValue().toInt();
+ //it is somewhere in the animation
+ QVERIFY(current >= 100);
+ QVERIFY(current <= 110);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::playForwardBackward()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 0);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 0);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "ole");
+ anim.setEndValue(100);
+ anim.start();
+ QTest::qWait(anim.duration() + 50);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.currentTime(), anim.duration());
+ //the animation is at the end
+ anim.setDirection(QVariantAnimation::Backward);
+ anim.start();
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Running);
+ QTest::qWait(anim.duration() + 50);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.currentTime(), 0);
+ //the direction is backward
+ //restarting should jump to the end
+ anim.start();
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Running);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.currentTime(), anim.duration());
+ QTest::qWait(anim.duration() + 50);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.currentTime(), 0);
+struct Number
+ Number() {}
+ Number(int n)
+ : n(n) {}
+ Number(const Number &other)
+ : n(other.n){}
+ Number &operator=(const Number &other) {
+ n = other.n;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Number &other) const {
+ return n == other.n;
+ }
+ int n;
+QVariant numberInterpolator(const Number &f, const Number &t, qreal progress)
+ return qVariantFromValue<Number>(Number(f.n + (t.n - f.n)*progress));
+QVariant xaxisQPointInterpolator(const QPointF &f, const QPointF &t, qreal progress)
+ return QPointF(f.x() + (t.x() - f.x())*progress, f.y());
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::interpolated()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("point", QPointF()); //this will avoid warnings
+ o.setProperty("number", qVariantFromValue<Number>(Number(42)));
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<Number>("number")), Number(42));
+ {
+ qRegisterAnimationInterpolator<Number>(numberInterpolator);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "number");
+ anim.setStartValue(qVariantFromValue<Number>(Number(0)));
+ anim.setEndValue(qVariantFromValue<Number>(Number(100)));
+ anim.setDuration(1000);
+ anim.start();
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.setCurrentTime(100);
+ Number t(qVariantValue<Number>("number")));
+ QCOMPARE(t, Number(10));
+ anim.setCurrentTime(500);
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<Number>("number")), Number(50));
+ }
+ {
+ qRegisterAnimationInterpolator<QPointF>(xaxisQPointInterpolator);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "point");
+ anim.setStartValue(QPointF(0,0));
+ anim.setEndValue(QPointF(100, 100));
+ anim.setDuration(1000);
+ anim.start();
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.setCurrentTime(100);
+ QCOMPARE("point"), QVariant(QPointF(10, 0)));
+ anim.setCurrentTime(500);
+ QCOMPARE("point"), QVariant(QPointF(50, 0)));
+ }
+ {
+ // unregister it and see if we get back the default behaviour
+ qRegisterAnimationInterpolator<QPointF>(0);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "point");
+ anim.setStartValue(QPointF(0,0));
+ anim.setEndValue(QPointF(100, 100));
+ anim.setDuration(1000);
+ anim.start();
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.setCurrentTime(100);
+ QCOMPARE("point").toPointF(), QPointF(10, 10));
+ anim.setCurrentTime(500);
+ QCOMPARE("point").toPointF(), QPointF(50, 50));
+ }
+ {
+ // Interpolate a qreal property with a int interpolator
+ AnimationObject o1;
+ o1.setRealValue(42.42);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o1, "realValue");
+ anim.setStartValue(0);
+ anim.setEndValue(100);
+ anim.start();
+ QCOMPARE(o1.realValue(), qreal(0));
+ anim.setCurrentTime(250);
+ QCOMPARE(o1.realValue(), qreal(100));
+ }
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setStartEndValues_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("propertyName");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("initialValue");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("startValue");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("endValue");
+ QTest::newRow("dynamic property") << QByteArray("ole") << QVariant(42) << QVariant(0) << QVariant(10);
+ QTest::newRow("real property, with unmatching types") << QByteArray("x") << QVariant(42.) << QVariant(0) << QVariant(10.);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setStartEndValues()
+ MyObject object;
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, propertyName);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, initialValue);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, startValue);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, endValue);
+ //this tests the start value, end value and default start value
+ object.setProperty(propertyName, initialValue);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&object, propertyName);
+ QVariantAnimation::KeyValues values;
+ QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
+ //let's add a start value
+ anim.setStartValue(startValue);
+ values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(0, startValue);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
+ anim.setEndValue(endValue);
+ values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(1, endValue);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
+ //now we can play with objects
+ QCOMPARE(, initialValue.toDouble());
+ anim.start();
+ QVERIFY(anim.startValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.startValue());
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()/2);
+ QCOMPARE(, (startValue.toDouble() + endValue.toDouble())/2 ); //just in the middle of the animation
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()); //we go to the end of the animation
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped); //it should have stopped
+ QVERIFY(anim.endValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.endValue()); //end of the animations
+ //now we remove the explicit start value and test the implicit one
+ anim.stop();
+ object.setProperty(propertyName, initialValue);
+ //let's reset the start value
+ values.remove(0);
+ anim.setStartValue(QVariant());
+ QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
+ QVERIFY(!anim.startValue().isValid());
+ anim.start();
+ QCOMPARE(, initialValue);
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()/2);
+ QCOMPARE(, (initialValue.toDouble() + endValue.toDouble())/2 ); //just in the middle of the animation
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()); //we go to the end of the animation
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped); //it should have stopped
+ QVERIFY(anim.endValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.endValue()); //end of the animations
+ //now we set back the startValue
+ anim.setStartValue(startValue);
+ QVERIFY(anim.startValue().isValid());
+ anim.start();
+ QCOMPARE(, startValue);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::zeroDurationStart()
+ QPropertyAnimation anim;
+ QSignalSpy spy(&anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ anim.setDuration(0);
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ anim.start();
+ //the animation stops immediately
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
+ //let's check the first state change
+ const QVariantList firstChange = spy.first();
+ //old state
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractAnimation::State>(firstChange.first()), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+ //new state
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractAnimation::State>(firstChange.last()), QAbstractAnimation::Running);
+ //let's check the first state change
+ const QVariantList secondChange = spy.last();
+ //old state
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractAnimation::State>(secondChange.first()), QAbstractAnimation::Running);
+ //new state
+ QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractAnimation::State>(secondChange.last()), QAbstractAnimation::Stopped);
+#define Pause 1
+#define Start 2
+#define Resume 3
+#define Stop 4
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::operationsInStates_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QAbstractAnimation::State>("originState");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("operation");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expectedWarning");
+ QTest::addColumn<QAbstractAnimation::State>("expectedState");
+ QString pauseWarn(QLatin1String("QAbstractAnimation::pause: Cannot pause a stopped animation"));
+ QString resumeWarn(QLatin1String("QAbstractAnimation::resume: Cannot resume an animation that is not paused"));
+ QTest::newRow("S-pause") << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped << Pause << pauseWarn << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped;
+ QTest::newRow("S-start") << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped << Start << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Running;
+ QTest::newRow("S-resume") << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped << Resume << resumeWarn << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped;
+ QTest::newRow("S-stop") << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped << Stop << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped;
+ QTest::newRow("P-pause") << QAbstractAnimation::Paused << Pause << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Paused;
+ QTest::newRow("P-start") << QAbstractAnimation::Paused << Start << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Running;
+ QTest::newRow("P-resume") << QAbstractAnimation::Paused << Resume << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Running;
+ QTest::newRow("P-stop") << QAbstractAnimation::Paused << Stop << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped;
+ QTest::newRow("R-pause") << QAbstractAnimation::Running << Pause << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Paused;
+ QTest::newRow("R-start") << QAbstractAnimation::Running << Start << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Running;
+ QTest::newRow("R-resume") << QAbstractAnimation::Running << Resume << resumeWarn << QAbstractAnimation::Running;
+ QTest::newRow("R-stop") << QAbstractAnimation::Running << Stop << QString() << QAbstractAnimation::Stopped;
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::operationsInStates()
+ * | pause() |start() |resume() |stop()
+ * ----------+------------+-----------+-----------+-------------------+
+ * Stopped | Stopped |Running |Stopped |Stopped |
+ * _| qWarning |restart |qWarning | |
+ * Paused | Paused |Running |Running |Stopped |
+ * _| | | | |
+ * Running | Paused |Running |Running |Stopped |
+ * | |restart |qWarning | |
+ * ----------+------------+-----------+-----------+-------------------+
+ QFETCH(QAbstractAnimation::State, originState);
+ QFETCH(int, operation);
+ QFETCH(QString, expectedWarning);
+ QFETCH(QAbstractAnimation::State, expectedState);
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "ole");
+ QSignalSpy spy(&anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
+ anim.stop();
+ switch (originState) {
+ case QAbstractAnimation::Stopped:
+ break;
+ case QAbstractAnimation::Paused:
+ anim.start();
+ anim.pause();
+ break;
+ case QAbstractAnimation::Running:
+ anim.start();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!expectedWarning.isEmpty()) {
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, qPrintable(expectedWarning));
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), originState);
+ switch (operation) {
+ case Pause:
+ anim.pause();
+ break;
+ case Start:
+ anim.start();
+ break;
+ case Resume:
+ anim.resume();
+ break;
+ case Stop:
+ anim.stop();
+ break;
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), expectedState);
+#undef Pause
+#undef Start
+#undef Resume
+#undef Stop
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::oneKeyValue()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QPropertyAnimation animation(&o, "ole");
+ animation.setStartValue(43);
+ animation.setEndValue(44);
+ animation.setDuration(100);
+ animation.setCurrentTime(0);
+ QVERIFY(animation.currentValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentValue().toInt(), 43);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ // remove the last key value
+ animation.setKeyValueAt(1.0, QVariant());
+ // we will neither interpolate, nor update the current value
+ // since there is only one 1 key value defined
+ animation.setCurrentTime(100);
+ // the animation should not have been modified
+ QVERIFY(animation.currentValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentValue().toInt(), 43);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::updateOnSetKeyValues()
+ QObject o;
+ o.setProperty("ole", 100);
+ QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 100);
+ QPropertyAnimation animation(&o, "ole");
+ animation.setStartValue(100);
+ animation.setEndValue(200);
+ animation.setDuration(100);
+ animation.setCurrentTime(50);
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentValue().toInt(), 150);
+ animation.setKeyValueAt(0.0, 300);
+ QCOMPARE(animation.currentValue().toInt(), 250);
+ o.setProperty("ole", 100);
+ QPropertyAnimation animation2(&o, "ole");
+ QVariantAnimation::KeyValues kValues;
+ kValues << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(0.0, 100) << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(1.0, 200);
+ animation2.setKeyValues(kValues);
+ animation2.setDuration(100);
+ animation2.setCurrentTime(50);
+ QCOMPARE(animation2.currentValue().toInt(), 150);
+ kValues.clear();
+ kValues << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(0.0, 300) << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(1.0, 200);
+ animation2.setKeyValues(kValues);
+ QCOMPARE(animation2.currentValue().toInt(), animation.currentValue().toInt());
+#include "tst_qpropertyanimation.moc"