path: root/tests/auto
diff options
authorGabriel de Dietrich <>2009-10-12 12:28:33 (GMT)
committerGabriel de Dietrich <>2009-10-12 14:33:34 (GMT)
commit8da7252de0badb818302763cbe62c38ad699f1f3 (patch)
treec2ad6d88a1415d244f5b70ed7e7555642a6ca180 /tests/auto
parent857b7443b1bd4311a02753bea7b8c7839f1ad311 (diff)
Fixed keyboard navigation for QTableView
Keyboard navigation didn't work in the following cases: - The last column was disabled and we pressed the tab key when at the 2nd last column. (See ref. task). - Spans with their anchor column or row hidden or disabled. - Navigation would not preserve the original row/column when traversing a span horizontally/vertically. Auto-tests submitted with this commit. Task-number: QTBUG-3878 Reviewed-by: Olivier
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qtableview/tst_qtableview.cpp b/tests/auto/qtableview/tst_qtableview.cpp
index bb0e226..4ea1b19 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qtableview/tst_qtableview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qtableview/tst_qtableview.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ private slots:
void moveCursor_data();
void moveCursor();
+ void moveCursorStrikesBack_data();
+ void moveCursorStrikesBack();
void hideRows_data();
void hideRows();
@@ -252,12 +255,43 @@ public:
- fetch_more_count(0) {}
+ fetch_more_count(0),
+ disabled_rows(),
+ disabled_columns() {}
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const { return row_count; }
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const { return column_count; }
bool isEditable(const QModelIndex &) const { return true; }
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ {
+ Qt::ItemFlags index_flags = QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
+ if (disabled_rows.contains(index.row())
+ || disabled_columns.contains(index.column()))
+ index_flags &= ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
+ return index_flags;
+ }
+ void disableRow(int row)
+ {
+ disabled_rows.insert(row);
+ }
+ void enableRow(int row)
+ {
+ disabled_rows.remove(row);
+ }
+ void disableColumn(int column)
+ {
+ disabled_columns.insert(column);
+ }
+ void enableColumn(int column)
+ {
+ disabled_columns.remove(column);
+ }
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const
if (!idx.isValid() || idx.row() >= row_count || idx.column() >= column_count) {
@@ -363,6 +397,8 @@ public:
int column_count;
bool can_fetch_more;
int fetch_more_count;
+ QSet<int> disabled_rows;
+ QSet<int> disabled_columns;
class QtTestTableView : public QTableView
@@ -834,7 +870,7 @@ void tst_QTableView::moveCursor_data()
<< 4 << 4 << -1 << 2
<< 0 << 2
<< int(QtTestTableView::MoveNext) << int(Qt::NoModifier)
- << 1 << 0 << IntPair(0,0) << IntPair(3,0);
+ << 1 << 3 << IntPair(0,0) << IntPair(3,0);
// MoveLeft
QTest::newRow("MoveLeft (0,0)")
@@ -1137,6 +1173,132 @@ void tst_QTableView::moveCursor()
QCOMPARE(newIndex.column(), expectedColumn);
+void tst_QTableView::moveCursorStrikesBack_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("hideRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("hideColumn");
+ QTest::addColumn<IntList>("disableRows");
+ QTest::addColumn<IntList>("disableColumns");
+ QTest::addColumn<QRect>("span");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("startRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("startColumn");
+ QTest::addColumn<IntList>("cursorMoveActions");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedColumn");
+ QTest::newRow("Last column disabled. Task QTBUG-3878") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << (IntList() << 6)
+ << QRect()
+ << 0 << 5 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveNext))
+ << 1 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("Span, anchor column hidden") << -1 << 1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 2 << 0 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveNext))
+ << 2 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("Span, anchor column disabled") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << (IntList() << 1)
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 2 << 0 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveNext))
+ << 2 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("Span, anchor row hidden") << 2 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 1 << 2 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveDown))
+ << 3 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("Span, anchor row disabled") << -1 << -1
+ << (IntList() << 2)
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 1 << 2 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveDown))
+ << 3 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("Move through span right") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 3 << 0 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveRight) << int(QtTestTableView::MoveRight))
+ << 3 << 3;
+ QTest::newRow("Move through span left") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 3 << 3 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveLeft) << int(QtTestTableView::MoveLeft))
+ << 3 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("Move through span down") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 1 << 2 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveDown) << int(QtTestTableView::MoveDown))
+ << 5 << 2;
+ QTest::newRow("Move through span up") << -1 << -1
+ << IntList()
+ << IntList()
+ << QRect(1, 2, 2, 3)
+ << 5 << 2 << (IntList() << int(QtTestTableView::MoveUp) << int(QtTestTableView::MoveUp))
+ << 1 << 2;
+void tst_QTableView::moveCursorStrikesBack()
+ QFETCH(int, hideRow);
+ QFETCH(int, hideColumn);
+ QFETCH(IntList, disableRows);
+ QFETCH(IntList, disableColumns);
+ QFETCH(QRect, span);
+ QFETCH(int, startRow);
+ QFETCH(int, startColumn);
+ QFETCH(IntList, cursorMoveActions);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedRow);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedColumn);
+ QtTestTableModel model(7, 7);
+ QtTestTableView view;
+ view.setModel(&model);
+ view.hideRow(hideRow);
+ view.hideColumn(hideColumn);
+ foreach (int row, disableRows)
+ model.disableRow(row);
+ foreach (int column, disableColumns)
+ model.disableColumn(column);
+ if (span.height() && span.width())
+ view.setSpan(, span.left(), span.height(), span.width());
+ QModelIndex index = model.index(startRow, startColumn);
+ view.setCurrentIndex(index);
+ int newRow = -1;
+ int newColumn = -1;
+ foreach (int cursorMoveAction, cursorMoveActions) {
+ QModelIndex newIndex = view.moveCursor((QtTestTableView::CursorAction)cursorMoveAction, 0);
+ view.setCurrentIndex(newIndex);
+ newRow = newIndex.row();
+ newColumn = newIndex.column();
+ }
+ // expected fails, task 119433
+ if(newRow == -1)
+ return;
+ QCOMPARE(newRow, expectedRow);
+ QCOMPARE(newColumn, expectedColumn);
void tst_QTableView::hideRows_data()