path: root/tests
diff options
authorQt Continuous Integration System <>2010-03-04 08:00:23 (GMT)
committerQt Continuous Integration System <>2010-03-04 08:00:23 (GMT)
commitfb80e2646874919f9ae8c459b21c190ff89e839b (patch)
tree3e87ff5fa0c93f62d174d2af6980b64444a16ec0 /tests
parent9b3c0bfb17600afff73294f4e549e0629709cfe0 (diff)
parentb0323ac9e117397509de898b21d63767eddfb289 (diff)
Merge branch '4.6' of into 4.6-integration
* '4.6' of Fixed duplicate entry for windowsmobile in tests/auto/*.pro Do not process uic3 test unless qt3support is enabled. Make `make check' build the checked project. Move tests into separate .pro files, based on Qt module.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
19 files changed, 671 insertions, 602 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
index f3885a7..0d48522 100644
--- a/tests/auto/
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -1,592 +1,22 @@
-QT = core
TEMPLATE = subdirs
-# These tests use host tools and therefore can't work for cross-compiled Qt.
-!cross_compile:SUBDIRS += \
- headers \
- bic \
- compiler \
- compilerwarnings \
- linguist \
- maketestselftest \
- moc \
- uic \
- guiapplauncher \
- #atwrapper \ # These tests need significant updating,
- #uiloader \ # they have hardcoded machine names etc.
- q3accel \
- q3action \
- q3actiongroup \
- q3buttongroup \
- q3canvas \
- q3checklistitem \
- q3cstring \
- q3databrowser \
- q3dateedit \
- q3datetimeedit \
- q3deepcopy \
- q3dict \
- q3dns \
- q3dockwindow \
- q3filedialog \
- q3groupbox \
- q3hbox \
- q3header \
- q3iconview \
- q3listbox \
- q3listview \
- q3listviewitemiterator \
- q3mainwindow \
- q3popupmenu \
- q3process \
- q3progressbar \
- q3progressdialog \
- q3ptrlist \
- q3richtext \
- q3scrollview \
- q3semaphore \
- q3serversocket \
- q3socket \
- q3socketdevice \
- q3sqlcursor \
- q3sqlselectcursor \
- q3stylesheet \
- q3tabdialog \
- q3table \
- q3textbrowser \
- q3textedit \
- q3textstream \
- q3timeedit \
- q3toolbar \
- q3urloperator \
- q3valuelist \
- q3valuevector \
- q3combobox \
- q3frame \
- q3uridrag \
- q3widgetstack
-!cross_compile:Q3SUBDIRS += \
- uic3
-# exceptionsafety_objects \ shouldn't enable it
- languagechange \
- collections \
- exceptionsafety \
- mediaobject \
-# mediaobject_wince_ds9 \ This is Windows CE only (we test the second phonon backend ds9 here)
- modeltest \
- networkselftest \
- qabstractbutton \
- qabstractitemmodel \
- qabstractitemview \
- qabstractprintdialog \
- qabstractscrollarea \
- qabstractslider \
- qabstractsocket \
- qabstractspinbox \
- qabstracttextdocumentlayout \
- qabstractvideobuffer \
- qabstractvideosurface \
- qaccessibility \
- qaction \
- qactiongroup \
- qalgorithms \
- qanimationgroup \
- qapplication \
- qatomicint \
- qatomicpointer \
- qbitarray \
- qboxlayout \
- qbrush \
- qbuffer \
- qbuttongroup \
- qbytearray \
- qcache \
- qchar \
- qcheckbox \
- qclipboard \
- qcolor \
- qcolordialog \
- qcombobox \
- qcompleter \
- qcomplextext \
- qcoreapplication \
- qcryptographichash \
- qcssparser \
- qdatastream \
- qdatawidgetmapper \
- qdate \
- qdatetime \
- qdatetimeedit \
- qdebug \
- qdesktopservices \
- qdesktopwidget \
- qdial \
- qdialog \
- qdialogbuttonbox \
- qdir \
- qdirmodel \
- qdockwidget \
- qdom \
- qdoublespinbox \
- qdoublevalidator \
- qdrag \
- qerrormessage \
- qevent \
- qeventloop \
- qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
- qfile \
- qfiledialog \
- qfiledialog2 \
- qfileinfo \
- qfilesystemwatcher \
- qfilesystemmodel \
- qflags \
- qfocusevent \
- qfocusframe \
- qfont \
- qfontcombobox \
- qfontdatabase \
- qfontdialog \
- qfontmetrics \
- qftp \
- qgetputenv \
- qglobal \
- qgraphicseffect \
- qgraphicseffectsource \
- qgraphicsgridlayout \
- qgraphicsitem \
- qgraphicsitemanimation \
- qgraphicsanchorlayout \
- qgraphicsanchorlayout1 \
- qgraphicslayout \
- qgraphicslayoutitem \
- qgraphicslinearlayout \
- qgraphicsobject \
- qgraphicspixmapitem \
- qgraphicspolygonitem \
- qgraphicsproxywidget \
- qgraphicsscene \
- qgraphicssceneindex \
- qgraphicstransform \
- qgraphicsview \
- qgraphicswidget \
- qgridlayout \
- qgroupbox \
- qguivariant \
- qhash \
- qheaderview \
- qhelpcontentmodel \
- qhelpenginecore \
- qhelpgenerator \
- qhelpindexmodel \
- qhelpprojectdata \
- qhostaddress \
- qhostinfo \
- qhttp \
- qhttpnetworkreply \
- qhttpnetworkconnection \
- qicon \
- qicoimageformat \
- qimage \
- qimageiohandler \
- qimagereader \
- qimagewriter \
- qinputdialog \
- qintvalidator \
- qiodevice \
- qitemdelegate \
- qitemeditorfactory \
- qitemmodel \
- qitemselectionmodel \
- qitemview \
- qkeysequence \
- qlabel \
- qlayout \
- qlcdnumber \
- qlibrary \
- qline \
- qlineedit \
- qlist \
- qlistview \
- qlistwidget \
- qlocale \
- qmainwindow \
- qmake \
- qmap \
- qmath \
- qmatrixnxn \
- qmdiarea \
- qmdisubwindow \
- qmenu \
- qmenubar \
- qmessagebox \
- qmetaobject \
- qmetatype \
- qmouseevent \
- qmouseevent_modal \
- qmovie \
- qmutex \
- qmutexlocker \
- qnativesocketengine \
- qnetworkcookie \
- qnetworkcookiejar \
- qnetworkinterface \
- qnetworkproxy \
- qnetworkrequest \
- qnetworkreply \
- qnetworkaccessmanager_and_qprogressdialog \
- qnumeric \
- qobject \
- qobjectrace \
- qcontiguouscache \
- qpaintengine \
- qpainter \
- qpainterpath \
- qpalette \
- qparallelanimationgroup \
- qpauseanimation \
- qpathclipper \
- qpen \
- qpicture \
- qpixmap \
- qpixmapcache \
- qpixmapfilter \
- qplaintextedit \
- qpoint \
- qpointer \
- qpolygon \
- qprinter \
- qprinterinfo \
- qprocess \
- qprocessenvironment \
- qprogressbar \
- qprogressdialog \
- qpropertyanimation \
- qpushbutton \
- qquaternion \
- qqueue \
- qradiobutton \
- qreadlocker \
- qreadwritelock \
- qrect \
- qregexp \
- qregexpvalidator \
- qregion \
- qresourceengine \
- qringbuffer \
- qscopedpointer \
- qscrollarea \
- qsemaphore \
- qsharedpointer \
- qsharedpointer_and_qwidget \
- qsequentialanimationgroup \
- qset \
- qsettings \
- qshortcut \
- qsignalmapper \
- qsignalspy \
- qsize \
- qsizef \
- qslider \
- qsocketnotifier \
- qsocks5socketengine \
- qsortfilterproxymodel \
- qsound \
- qaudiodeviceinfo \
- qaudioformat \
- qaudiooutput \
- qaudioinput \
- qspinbox \
- qsplitter \
- qsql \
- qsqldatabase \
- qsqlerror \
- qsqlfield \
- qsqlquery \
- qsqlquerymodel \
- qsqlrecord \
- qsqlrelationaltablemodel \
- qsqltablemodel \
- qsqlthread \
- qsslcertificate \
- qsslcipher \
- qsslerror \
- qsslkey \
- qsslsocket \
- qstackedlayout \
- qstackedwidget \
- qstandarditem \
- qstandarditemmodel \
- qstate \
- qstatemachine \
- qstatusbar \
- qstl \
- qstring \
- qstringbuilder1 \
- qstringbuilder2 \
- qstringbuilder3 \
- qstringbuilder4 \
- qstringmatcher \
- qstringlist \
- qstringlistmodel \
- qstyle \
- qstyleoption \
- qstylesheetstyle \
- qsvgdevice \
- qsvggenerator \
- qsvgrenderer \
- qsyntaxhighlighter \
- qsystemtrayicon \
- qtabbar \
- qtableview \
- qtablewidget \
- qtabwidget \
- qtcpserver \
- qtcpsocket \
- qtemporaryfile \
- qtessellator \
- qtextblock \
- qtextboundaryfinder \
- qtextbrowser \
- qtextcodec \
- qtextcursor \
- qtextdocument \
- qtextdocumentfragment \
- qtextdocumentlayout \
- qtextedit \
- qtextformat \
- qtextlayout \
- qtextlist \
- qtextobject \
- qtextscriptengine \
- qtextstream \
- qtexttable \
- qthread \
- qthreadonce \
- qthreadstorage \
- qtime \
- qtimeline \
- qtimer \
- qtmd5 \
- qtoolbar \
- qtoolbox \
- qtoolbutton \
- qtooltip \
- qtranslator \
- qtransform \
- qtransformedscreen \
- qtreeview \
- qtreewidget \
- qtreewidgetitemiterator \
- qtwidgets \
- qudpsocket \
- qundogroup \
- qundostack \
- qurl \
- quuid \
- qvariant \
- qvarlengtharray \
- qvector \
- qvideoframe \
- qvideosurfaceformat \
- qvectornd \
- qwaitcondition \
- qwidget \
- qwidgetaction \
- qwindowsurface \
- qwineventnotifier \
- qwizard \
- qwmatrix \
- qworkspace \
- qwritelocker \
- qwsembedwidget \
- qwsinputmethod \
- qwswindowsystem \
- qx11info \
- qxml \
- qxmlinputsource \
- qxmlsimplereader \
- qxmlstream \
- selftests \
- symbols \
- qrand \
- utf8 \
- gestures \
- qabstractnetworkcache \
- qabstractproxymodel \
- qbytearraymatcher \
- qcalendarwidget \
- qcolumnview \
- qcommandlinkbutton \
- qdbuscontext \
- qdbusserver \
- qdbusservicewatcher \
- qdiriterator \
- qeasingcurve \
- qfileiconprovider \
- qformlayout \
- q_func_info \
- qfuture \
- qfuturewatcher \
- qguard \
- qhttpsocketengine \
- qinputcontext \
- qlocalsocket \
- qmacstyle \
- qmargins \
- qnetworkaddressentry \
- qnetworkcachemetadata \
- qnetworkdiskcache \
- qobjectperformance \
- qpainterpathstroker \
- qplugin \
- qpluginloader \
- qscrollbar \
- qsidebar \
- qsizegrip \
- qsqldriver \
- qtconcurrentfilter \
- qtconcurrentiteratekernel \
- qtconcurrentmap \
- qtconcurrentrun \
- qtconcurrentthreadengine \
- qthreadpool \
- qtipc \
- qtokenautomaton \
- qtouchevent \
- qwidget_window \
- rcc \
- windowsmobile
-contains(QT_CONFIG,opengl):SUBDIRS += qgl
-contains(QT_CONFIG,qt3support):!wince*:SUBDIRS += $$Q3SUBDIRS
-contains(QT_CONFIG, OdfWriter):SUBDIRS += qzip qtextodfwriter
-mac: {
- SUBDIRS += macgui \
- macplist \
- qaccessibility_mac
-embedded:!wince* {
- SUBDIRS += qcopchannel \
- qdirectpainter \
- qmultiscreen
-!win32: {
- SUBDIRS += qtextpiecetable
-symbian {
- SUBDIRS += qsoftkeymanager \
- qs60mainapplication
-# Enable the tests specific to QtXmlPatterns. If you add a test, remember to
-# update too. Remember that this file,, is
-# not respected by some test system, they just have a script which loop over
-# the folders.
-contains(QT_CONFIG, xmlpatterns) {
-SUBDIRS += checkxmlfiles \
- patternistexamplefiletree \
- patternistexamples \
- patternistheaders \
- qabstractmessagehandler \
- qabstracturiresolver \
- qabstractxmlforwarditerator \
- qabstractxmlnodemodel \
- qabstractxmlreceiver \
- qapplicationargumentparser \
- qautoptr \
- qsimplexmlnodemodel \
- qsourcelocation \
- qxmlformatter \
- qxmlitem \
- qxmlname \
- qxmlnamepool \
- qxmlnodemodelindex \
- qxmlquery \
- qxmlresultitems \
- qxmlschema \
- qxmlschemavalidator \
- qxmlserializer \
- xmlpatterns \
- xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
- xmlpatternsschema \
- xmlpatternsschemats \
- xmlpatternssdk \
- xmlpatternsvalidator \
- xmlpatternsview \
- xmlpatternsxqts \
- xmlpatternsxslts
-xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts.depends = xmlpatternssdk
-xmlpatternsview.depends = xmlpatternssdk
-xmlpatternsxslts.depends = xmlpatternssdk
-xmlpatternsschemats.depends = xmlpatternssdk
-unix:!embedded:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):SUBDIRS += \
- qdbusabstractadaptor \
- qdbusabstractinterface \
- qdbusconnection \
- qdbusinterface \
- qdbuslocalcalls \
- qdbusmarshall \
- qdbusmetaobject \
- qdbusmetatype \
- qdbuspendingcall \
- qdbuspendingreply \
- qdbusperformance \
- qdbusreply \
- qdbusthreading \
- qdbusxmlparser
-contains(QT_CONFIG, script): SUBDIRS += \
- qscriptable \
- qscriptclass \
- qscriptcontext \
- qscriptcontextinfo \
- qscriptengine \
- qscriptengineagent \
- qscriptextqobject \
- qscriptjstestsuite \
- qscriptv8testsuite \
- qscriptstring \
- qscriptvalue \
- qscriptvalueiterator \
- qscriptenginedebugger
-contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit): SUBDIRS += \
- qwebframe \
- qwebpage \
- qwebhistoryinterface \
- qwebelement \
- qwebhistory
-contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative): SUBDIRS += declarative
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+!cross_compile: SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, qt3support):!wince*: SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, xmlpatterns): SUBDIRS +=
+unix:!embedded:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, script): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, multimedia): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, phonon): SUBDIRS +=
+contains(QT_CONFIG, svg): SUBDIRS +=
-# Following tests depends on private API
-!contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
- qcssparser \
- qgraphicssceneindex \
- qhttpnetworkconnection \
- qhttpnetworkreply \
- qnativesocketengine \
- qnetworkreply \
- qpathclipper \
- qsocketnotifier \
- qsocks5socketengine \
- qstylesheetstyle \
- qtextpiecetable \
- xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
- xmlpatternsview \
- xmlpatternsxqts \
- xmlpatternsxslts
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08e372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# The tests in this .pro file _MUST_ use QtCore only (i.e. QT=core).
+# The test system is allowed to run these tests before the test of Qt has
+# been compiled.
+ collections \
+ exceptionsafety \
+ q_func_info \
+ qanimationgroup \
+ qatomicint \
+ qatomicpointer \
+ qbitarray \
+ qbuffer \
+ qbytearray \
+ qbytearraymatcher \
+ qcache \
+ qchar \
+ qcontiguouscache \
+ qcoreapplication \
+ qcryptographichash \
+ qdate \
+ qdatetime \
+ qdebug \
+ qdiriterator \
+ qeasingcurve \
+ qevent \
+ qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
+ qfileinfo \
+ qfilesystemwatcher \
+ qflags \
+ qfuture \
+ qfuturewatcher \
+ qgetputenv \
+ qglobal \
+ qhash \
+ qlibrary \
+ qline \
+ qmap \
+ qmargins \
+ qmath \
+ qmetatype \
+ qmutex \
+ qmutexlocker \
+ qnumeric \
+ qobject \
+ qobjectrace \
+ qplugin \
+ qpluginloader \
+ qpoint \
+ qprocessenvironment \
+ qqueue \
+ qrand \
+ qreadlocker \
+ qreadwritelock \
+ qrect \
+ qregexp \
+ qresourceengine \
+ qringbuffer \
+ qscopedpointer \
+ qsemaphore \
+ qsequentialanimationgroup \
+ qset \
+ qsharedpointer \
+ qsignalspy \
+ qsize \
+ qsizef \
+ qstate \
+ qstl \
+ qstring \
+ qstringbuilder1 \
+ qstringbuilder2 \
+ qstringbuilder3 \
+ qstringbuilder4 \
+ qstringlist \
+ qstringmatcher \
+ qtconcurrentfilter \
+ qtconcurrentiteratekernel \
+ qtconcurrentmap \
+ qtconcurrentrun \
+ qtconcurrentthreadengine \
+ qtemporaryfile \
+ qtextboundaryfinder \
+ qthread \
+ qthreadonce \
+ qthreadpool \
+ qthreadstorage \
+ qtime \
+ qtimeline \
+ qtimer \
+ qtmd5 \
+ qtokenautomaton \
+ qurl \
+ quuid \
+ qvarlengtharray \
+ qvector \
+ qwaitcondition \
+ qwineventnotifier \
+ qwritelocker \
+ selftests \
+ utf8 \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c808df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ qdbusabstractadaptor \
+ qdbusabstractinterface \
+ qdbusconnection \
+ qdbuscontext \
+ qdbusinterface \
+ qdbuslocalcalls \
+ qdbusmarshall \
+ qdbusmetaobject \
+ qdbusmetatype \
+ qdbuspendingcall \
+ qdbuspendingreply \
+ qdbusperformance \
+ qdbusreply \
+ qdbusserver \
+ qdbusservicewatcher \
+ qdbusthreading \
+ qdbusxmlparser \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ed04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# The tests in this .pro file _MUST_ use QtCore, QtNetwork and QtGui only
+# (i.e. QT=core gui network).
+# The test system is allowed to run these tests before the rest of Qt has
+# been compiled.
+ gestures \
+ languagechange \
+ modeltest \
+ qabstractbutton \
+ qabstractitemmodel \
+ qabstractitemview \
+ qabstractprintdialog \
+ qabstractproxymodel \
+ qabstractscrollarea \
+ qabstractslider \
+ qabstractspinbox \
+ qabstracttextdocumentlayout \
+ qaction \
+ qactiongroup \
+ qapplication \
+ qboxlayout \
+ qbrush \
+ qbuttongroup \
+ qcalendarwidget \
+ qcheckbox \
+ qclipboard \
+ qcolor \
+ qcolordialog \
+ qcolumnview \
+ qcommandlinkbutton \
+ qcompleter \
+ qcomplextext \
+ qdatawidgetmapper \
+ qdatetimeedit \
+ qdesktopservices \
+ qdesktopwidget \
+ qdial \
+ qdialog \
+ qdialogbuttonbox \
+ qdirmodel \
+ qdockwidget \
+ qdoublespinbox \
+ qdoublevalidator \
+ qdrag \
+ qerrormessage \
+ qfile \
+ qfiledialog \
+ qfiledialog2 \
+ qfileiconprovider \
+ qfilesystemmodel \
+ qfocusframe \
+ qfont \
+ qfontcombobox \
+ qfontdatabase \
+ qfontdialog \
+ qfontmetrics \
+ qformlayout \
+ qgraphicsanchorlayout \
+ qgraphicsanchorlayout1 \
+ qgraphicseffect \
+ qgraphicseffectsource \
+ qgraphicsgridlayout \
+ qgraphicsitem \
+ qgraphicsitemanimation \
+ qgraphicslayout \
+ qgraphicslayoutitem \
+ qgraphicslinearlayout \
+ qgraphicsobject \
+ qgraphicspixmapitem \
+ qgraphicspolygonitem \
+ qgraphicsproxywidget \
+ qgraphicsscene \
+ qgraphicssceneindex \
+ qgraphicstransform \
+ qgraphicsview \
+ qgraphicswidget \
+ qgridlayout \
+ qgroupbox \
+ qguard \
+ qguivariant \
+ qheaderview \
+ qhelpcontentmodel \
+ qhelpenginecore \
+ qhelpgenerator \
+ qhelpindexmodel \
+ qhelpprojectdata \
+ qicoimageformat \
+ qicon \
+ qimageiohandler \
+ qimagereader \
+ qimagewriter \
+ qinputcontext \
+ qinputdialog \
+ qintvalidator \
+ qitemdelegate \
+ qitemeditorfactory \
+ qitemselectionmodel \
+ qitemview \
+ qkeysequence \
+ qlabel \
+ qlcdnumber \
+ qlineedit \
+ qlist \
+ qlistview \
+ qlistwidget \
+ qlocale \
+ qlocalsocket \
+ qmacstyle \
+ qmainwindow \
+ qmatrixnxn \
+ qmdisubwindow \
+ qmessagebox \
+ qmetaobject \
+ qmouseevent_modal \
+ qmovie \
+ qnetworkaccessmanager_and_qprogressdialog \
+ qnetworkcachemetadata \
+ qnetworkdiskcache \
+ qnetworkreply \
+ qpaintengine \
+ qpainterpath \
+ qpainterpathstroker \
+ qpalette \
+ qparallelanimationgroup \
+ qpathclipper \
+ qpauseanimation \
+ qpen \
+ qpicture \
+ qpixmapcache \
+ qpixmapfilter \
+ qplaintextedit \
+ qpointer \
+ qpolygon \
+ qprinterinfo \
+ qprocess \
+ qprogressbar \
+ qprogressdialog \
+ qpropertyanimation \
+ qpushbutton \
+ qquaternion \
+ qradiobutton \
+ qregexpvalidator \
+ qregion \
+ qscrollarea \
+ qscrollbar \
+ qsharedpointer_and_qwidget \
+ qshortcut \
+ qsidebar \
+ qsignalmapper \
+ qsizegrip \
+ qslider \
+ qsortfilterproxymodel \
+ qsound \
+ qspinbox \
+ qstackedlayout \
+ qstackedwidget \
+ qstandarditem \
+ qstandarditemmodel \
+ qstatemachine \
+ qstatusbar \
+ qstringlistmodel \
+ qstyle \
+ qstyleoption \
+ qstylesheetstyle \
+ qsyntaxhighlighter \
+ qsystemtrayicon \
+ qtabbar \
+ qtableview \
+ qtablewidget \
+ qtcpserver \
+ qtcpsocket \
+ qtessellator \
+ qtextblock \
+ qtextcodec \
+ qtextcursor \
+ qtextdocumentfragment \
+ qtextdocumentlayout \
+ qtextformat \
+ qtextlayout \
+ qtextlist \
+ qtextobject \
+ qtextpiecetable \
+ qtextscriptengine \
+ qtextstream \
+ qtexttable \
+ qtipc \
+ qtoolbar \
+ qtoolbox \
+ qtooltip \
+ qtouchevent \
+ qtransform \
+ qtransformedscreen \
+ qtranslator \
+ qtreeview \
+ qtreewidget \
+ qtreewidgetitemiterator \
+ qtwidgets \
+ qudpsocket \
+ qundogroup \
+ qundostack \
+ qvectornd \
+ qwidget_window \
+ qwidgetaction \
+ qwindowsurface \
+ qwizard \
+ qwmatrix \
+ qwsembedwidget \
+ qwsinputmethod \
+ qwswindowsystem \
+ qx11info \
+win32:SUBDIRS -= qtextpiecetable
+!contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
+ qgraphicssceneindex \
+ qnetworkreply \
+ qpathclipper \
+ qstylesheetstyle \
+ qtextpiecetable \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9852d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ headers \
+ bic \
+ compiler \
+ compilerwarnings \
+ linguist \
+ maketestselftest \
+ moc \
+ uic \
+ guiapplauncher \
+ qmake \
+ rcc \
+ symbols \
+ #atwrapper \ # These tests need significant updating,
+ #uiloader \ # they have hardcoded machine names etc.
diff --git a/tests/auto/maketestselftest/tst_maketestselftest.cpp b/tests/auto/maketestselftest/tst_maketestselftest.cpp
index 1dde44b..8264e27 100644
--- a/tests/auto/maketestselftest/tst_maketestselftest.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/maketestselftest/tst_maketestselftest.cpp
@@ -50,23 +50,27 @@ class tst_MakeTestSelfTest: public QObject
private slots:
- void auto_dot_pro();
- void auto_dot_pro_data();
+ void tests_pro_files();
+ void tests_pro_files_data();
-/* Verify that all tests are listed somewhere in */
-void tst_MakeTestSelfTest::auto_dot_pro()
+/* Verify that all tests are listed somewhere in one of the autotest .pro files */
+void tst_MakeTestSelfTest::tests_pro_files()
static QStringList lines;
if (lines.isEmpty()) {
- QString filename = QString::fromLatin1(SRCDIR "/../");
- QFile file(filename);
- if (! {
- QFAIL(qPrintable(QString("open %1: %2").arg(filename).arg(file.errorString())));
- }
- while (!file.atEnd()) {
- lines << file.readLine().trimmed();
+ QDir dir(SRCDIR "/..");
+ QStringList proFiles = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.pro");
+ foreach (QString const& proFile, proFiles) {
+ QString filename = QString("%1/../%2").arg(SRCDIR).arg(proFile);
+ QFile file(filename);
+ if (! {
+ QFAIL(qPrintable(QString("open %1: %2").arg(filename).arg(file.errorString())));
+ }
+ while (!file.atEnd()) {
+ lines << file.readLine().trimmed();
+ }
@@ -79,13 +83,14 @@ void tst_MakeTestSelfTest::auto_dot_pro()
- "Subdir `%1' is missing from tests/auto/\n"
+ "Subdir `%1' is missing from tests/auto/*.pro\n"
"This means the test won't be compiled or run on any platform.\n"
- "If this is intentional, please put the test name in a comment in").arg(subdir))
+ "If this is intentional, please put the test name in a comment in one of the .pro files.").arg(subdir))
-void tst_MakeTestSelfTest::auto_dot_pro_data()
+void tst_MakeTestSelfTest::tests_pro_files_data()
QDir dir(SRCDIR "/..");
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20d1f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ qabstractvideobuffer \
+ qabstractvideosurface \
+ qaudiodeviceinfo \
+ qaudioformat \
+ qaudioinput \
+ qaudiooutput \
+ qvideoframe \
+ qvideosurfaceformat \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda03d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# The tests in this .pro file _MUST_ use QtCore and QtNetwork only
+# (i.e. QT=core network).
+# The test system is allowed to run these tests before the rest of Qt has
+# been compiled.
+ networkselftest \
+ qabstractnetworkcache \
+ qabstractsocket \
+ qeventloop \
+ qftp \
+ qhostaddress \
+ qhostinfo \
+ qhttp \
+ qhttpnetworkconnection \
+ qhttpnetworkreply \
+ qhttpsocketengine \
+ qnativesocketengine \
+ qnetworkaddressentry \
+ qnetworkcookie \
+ qnetworkcookiejar \
+ qnetworkinterface \
+ qnetworkproxy \
+ qnetworkrequest \
+ qobjectperformance \
+ qsocketnotifier \
+ qsocks5socketengine \
+ qsslcertificate \
+ qsslcipher \
+ qsslerror \
+ qsslkey \
+ qsslsocket \
+contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
+ qhttpnetworkconnection \
+ qhttpnetworkreply \
+ qnativesocketengine \
+ qsocketnotifier \
+ qsocks5socketengine \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d23219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ qgl \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e220d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# These tests don't nicely fit into one of the other .pro files.
+# They are testing too many Qt modules at the same time.
+# exceptionsafety_objects \ shouldn't enable it
+ qaccessibility \
+ qalgorithms \
+ qcombobox \
+ qcssparser \
+ qdatastream \
+ qdir \
+ qfocusevent \
+ qimage \
+ qiodevice \
+ qitemmodel \
+ qlayout \
+ qmdiarea \
+ qmenu \
+ qmenubar \
+ qmouseevent \
+ qpainter \
+ qpixmap \
+ qprinter \
+ qsettings \
+ qsplitter \
+ qtabwidget \
+ qtextbrowser \
+ qtextdocument \
+ qtextedit \
+ qtoolbutton \
+ qvariant \
+ qwidget \
+ qworkspace \
+ windowsmobile
+contains(QT_CONFIG, OdfWriter):SUBDIRS += qzip qtextodfwriter
+mac: {
+ SUBDIRS += macgui \
+ macplist \
+ qaccessibility_mac
+embedded:!wince* {
+ SUBDIRS += qcopchannel \
+ qdirectpainter \
+ qmultiscreen
+symbian {
+ SUBDIRS += qsoftkeymanager \
+ qs60mainapplication
+# Following tests depends on private API
+!contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
+ qcssparser \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7549428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ mediaobject \
+# mediaobject_wince_ds9 \ This is Windows CE only (we test the second phonon backend ds9 here)
diff --git a/tests/auto/qstringmatcher/ b/tests/auto/qstringmatcher/
index e478d4e..2c15097 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qstringmatcher/
+++ b/tests/auto/qstringmatcher/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
SOURCES += tst_qstringmatcher.cpp
+QT = core
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3657cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ q3accel \
+ q3action \
+ q3actiongroup \
+ q3buttongroup \
+ q3canvas \
+ q3checklistitem \
+ q3cstring \
+ q3databrowser \
+ q3dateedit \
+ q3datetimeedit \
+ q3deepcopy \
+ q3dict \
+ q3dns \
+ q3dockwindow \
+ q3filedialog \
+ q3groupbox \
+ q3hbox \
+ q3header \
+ q3iconview \
+ q3listbox \
+ q3listview \
+ q3listviewitemiterator \
+ q3mainwindow \
+ q3popupmenu \
+ q3process \
+ q3progressbar \
+ q3progressdialog \
+ q3ptrlist \
+ q3richtext \
+ q3scrollview \
+ q3semaphore \
+ q3serversocket \
+ q3socket \
+ q3socketdevice \
+ q3sqlcursor \
+ q3sqlselectcursor \
+ q3stylesheet \
+ q3tabdialog \
+ q3table \
+ q3textbrowser \
+ q3textedit \
+ q3textstream \
+ q3timeedit \
+ q3toolbar \
+ q3urloperator \
+ q3valuelist \
+ q3valuevector \
+ q3combobox \
+ q3frame \
+ q3uridrag \
+ q3widgetstack
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f51b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ qscriptable \
+ qscriptclass \
+ qscriptcontext \
+ qscriptcontextinfo \
+ qscriptengine \
+ qscriptengineagent \
+ qscriptenginedebugger \
+ qscriptextqobject \
+ qscriptjstestsuite \
+ qscriptstring \
+ qscriptv8testsuite \
+ qscriptvalue \
+ qscriptvalueiterator \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cfd137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ qsql \
+ qsqldatabase \
+ qsqldriver \
+ qsqlerror \
+ qsqlfield \
+ qsqlquery \
+ qsqlquerymodel \
+ qsqlrecord \
+ qsqlrelationaltablemodel \
+ qsqltablemodel \
+ qsqlthread \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb3cccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ qsvgdevice \
+ qsvggenerator \
+ qsvgrenderer \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7ccba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ qwebelement \
+ qwebframe \
+ qwebhistory \
+ qwebhistoryinterface \
+ qwebpage \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76afec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ qdom \
+ qxml \
+ qxmlinputsource \
+ qxmlsimplereader \
+ qxmlstream \
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f670266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ checkxmlfiles \
+ patternistexamplefiletree \
+ patternistexamples \
+ patternistheaders \
+ qabstractmessagehandler \
+ qabstracturiresolver \
+ qabstractxmlforwarditerator \
+ qabstractxmlnodemodel \
+ qabstractxmlreceiver \
+ qapplicationargumentparser \
+ qautoptr \
+ qsimplexmlnodemodel \
+ qsourcelocation \
+ qxmlformatter \
+ qxmlitem \
+ qxmlname \
+ qxmlnamepool \
+ qxmlnodemodelindex \
+ qxmlquery \
+ qxmlresultitems \
+ qxmlschema \
+ qxmlschemavalidator \
+ qxmlserializer \
+ xmlpatterns \
+ xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
+ xmlpatternsschema \
+ xmlpatternsschemats \
+ xmlpatternssdk \
+ xmlpatternsvalidator \
+ xmlpatternsview \
+ xmlpatternsxqts \
+ xmlpatternsxslts \
+xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts.depends = xmlpatternssdk
+xmlpatternsview.depends = xmlpatternssdk
+xmlpatternsxslts.depends = xmlpatternssdk
+xmlpatternsschemats.depends = xmlpatternssdk
+!contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
+ xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
+ xmlpatternsview \
+ xmlpatternssdk \
+ xmlpatternsxqts \
+ xmlpatternsxslts \