path: root/tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h
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authorOswald Buddenhagen <>2011-06-01 15:08:39 (GMT)
committerOswald Buddenhagen <>2011-06-01 19:34:28 (GMT)
commitf1249f94c07654f0b76e7a90fb81ed5b58cd30f7 (patch)
treef8a18a3bbc7b4b0c3bf6f11b3cb2aa39e018adbe /tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h
parent9f71cffea1d5cdac94ae7368ffa7f54183ac33a4 (diff)
synchronize qmake project parser with qt creator
qt creator as of ddb918f. not feeling like replaying the whole history ...
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h b/tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h
index f4bf183..4967b27 100644
--- a/tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h
+++ b/tools/linguist/shared/proitems.h
@@ -1,246 +1,220 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
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+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Linguist of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
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** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
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** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
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#ifndef PROITEMS_H
#define PROITEMS_H
+#include "proparser_global.h"
#include <QtCore/QString>
-#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QVector>
-struct AbstractProItemVisitor;
-class ProItem
+typedef QAtomicInt ProItemRefCount;
+class ProItemRefCount {
- enum ProItemKind {
- ValueKind,
- FunctionKind,
- ConditionKind,
- OperatorKind,
- BlockKind
- };
- enum ProItemReturn {
- ReturnFalse,
- ReturnTrue,
- ReturnBreak,
- ReturnNext,
- ReturnLoop,
- ReturnSkip,
- ReturnReturn
- };
- ProItem() : m_lineNumber(0) {}
- virtual ~ProItem() {}
- virtual ProItemKind kind() const = 0;
- void setComment(const QString &comment);
- QString comment() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor) = 0;
- int lineNumber() const { return m_lineNumber; }
- void setLineNumber(int lineNumber) { m_lineNumber = lineNumber; }
+ ProItemRefCount(int cnt = 0) : m_cnt(cnt) {}
+ bool ref() { return ++m_cnt != 0; }
+ bool deref() { return --m_cnt != 0; }
+ ProItemRefCount &operator=(int value) { m_cnt = value; return *this; }
- QString m_comment;
- int m_lineNumber;
+ int m_cnt;
-class ProBlock : public ProItem
- enum ProBlockKind {
- NormalKind = 0x00,
- ScopeKind = 0x01,
- ScopeContentsKind = 0x02,
- VariableKind = 0x04,
- ProFileKind = 0x08,
- FunctionBodyKind = 0x10,
- SingleLine = 0x80
- };
- ProBlock(ProBlock *parent);
- ~ProBlock();
- void appendItem(ProItem *proitem);
- void setItems(const QList<ProItem *> &proitems);
- QList<ProItem *> items() const;
- void setBlockKind(int blockKind);
- int blockKind() const;
- void setParent(ProBlock *parent);
- ProBlock *parent() const;
- void ref() { ++m_refCount; }
- void deref() { if (!--m_refCount) delete this; }
- ProItem::ProItemKind kind() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- QList<ProItem *> m_proitems;
- ProBlock *m_parent;
- int m_blockKind;
- int m_refCount;
-class ProVariable : public ProBlock
- enum VariableOperator {
- AddOperator = 0,
- RemoveOperator = 1,
- ReplaceOperator = 2,
- SetOperator = 3,
- UniqueAddOperator = 4
- };
- ProVariable(const QString &name, ProBlock *parent);
+namespace ProStringConstants {
+enum OmitPreHashing { NoHash };
- void setVariableOperator(VariableOperator variableKind);
- VariableOperator variableOperator() const;
+class ProStringList;
+class ProFile;
- void setVariable(const QString &name);
- QString variable() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- VariableOperator m_variableKind;
- QString m_variable;
-class ProValue : public ProItem
+class ProString {
- ProValue(const QString &value, ProVariable *variable);
- void setValue(const QString &value);
- QString value() const;
- void setVariable(ProVariable *variable);
- ProVariable *variable() const;
+ ProString();
+ ProString(const ProString &other);
+ ProString(const ProString &other, ProStringConstants::OmitPreHashing);
+ explicit ProString(const QString &str);
+ ProString(const QString &str, ProStringConstants::OmitPreHashing);
+ explicit ProString(const char *str);
+ ProString(const char *str, ProStringConstants::OmitPreHashing);
+ ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length);
+ ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length, uint hash);
+ ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length, ProStringConstants::OmitPreHashing);
+ void setValue(const QString &str);
+ void setValue(const QString &str, ProStringConstants::OmitPreHashing);
+ ProString &setSource(const ProString &other) { m_file = other.m_file; return *this; }
+ ProString &setSource(const ProFile *pro) { m_file = pro; return *this; }
+ const ProFile *sourceFile() const { return m_file; }
+ QString toQString() const;
+ QString &toQString(QString &tmp) const;
+ ProString &operator+=(const ProString &other);
+ ProString &append(const ProString &other, bool *pending = 0);
+ ProString &append(const ProStringList &other, bool *pending = 0, bool skipEmpty1st = false);
+ bool operator==(const ProString &other) const;
+ bool operator==(const QString &other) const;
+ bool operator==(const QLatin1String &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const ProString &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ bool operator!=(const QString &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ bool operator!=(const QLatin1String &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return !m_length; }
+ int size() const { return m_length; }
+ const QChar *constData() const { return m_string.constData() + m_offset; }
+ ProString mid(int off, int len = -1) const;
+ ProString left(int len) const { return mid(0, len); }
+ ProString right(int len) const { return mid(qMax(0, size() - len)); }
+ ProString trimmed() const;
+ void clear() { m_string.clear(); m_length = 0; }
+ static uint hash(const QChar *p, int n);
- ProItem::ProItemKind kind() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- QString m_value;
- ProVariable *m_variable;
+ QString m_string;
+ int m_offset, m_length;
+ const ProFile *m_file;
+ mutable uint m_hash;
+ QChar *prepareAppend(int extraLen);
+ uint updatedHash() const;
+ friend uint qHash(const ProString &str);
+ friend QString operator+(const ProString &one, const ProString &two);
-class ProFunction : public ProItem
- explicit ProFunction(const QString &text);
- void setText(const QString &text);
- QString text() const;
+uint qHash(const ProString &str);
+QString operator+(const ProString &one, const ProString &two);
+inline QString operator+(const ProString &one, const QString &two)
+ { return one + ProString(two, ProStringConstants::NoHash); }
+inline QString operator+(const QString &one, const ProString &two)
+ { return ProString(one, ProStringConstants::NoHash) + two; }
- ProItem::ProItemKind kind() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- QString m_text;
-class ProCondition : public ProItem
+class ProStringList : public QVector<ProString> {
- explicit ProCondition(const QString &text);
- void setText(const QString &text);
- QString text() const;
- ProItem::ProItemKind kind() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- QString m_text;
+ ProStringList() {}
+ ProStringList(const ProString &str) { *this << str; }
+ QString join(const QString &sep) const;
+ void removeDuplicates();
-class ProOperator : public ProItem
- enum OperatorKind {
- OrOperator = 1,
- NotOperator = 2
- };
- explicit ProOperator(OperatorKind operatorKind);
- void setOperatorKind(OperatorKind operatorKind);
- OperatorKind operatorKind() const;
- ProItem::ProItemKind kind() const;
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
- OperatorKind m_operatorKind;
+// These token definitions affect both ProFileEvaluator and ProWriter
+enum ProToken {
+ TokTerminator = 0, // end of stream (possibly not included in length; must be zero)
+ TokLine, // line marker:
+ // - line (1)
+ TokAssign, // variable =
+ TokAppend, // variable +=
+ TokAppendUnique, // variable *=
+ TokRemove, // variable -=
+ TokReplace, // variable ~=
+ // previous literal/expansion is a variable manipulation
+ // - value expression + TokValueTerminator
+ TokValueTerminator, // assignment value terminator
+ TokLiteral, // literal string (fully dequoted)
+ // - length (1)
+ // - string data (length; unterminated)
+ TokHashLiteral, // literal string with hash (fully dequoted)
+ // - hash (2)
+ // - length (1)
+ // - string data (length; unterminated)
+ TokVariable, // qmake variable expansion
+ // - hash (2)
+ // - name length (1)
+ // - name (name length; unterminated)
+ TokProperty, // qmake property expansion
+ // - name length (1)
+ // - name (name length; unterminated)
+ TokEnvVar, // environment variable expansion
+ // - name length (1)
+ // - name (name length; unterminated)
+ TokFuncName, // replace function expansion
+ // - hash (2)
+ // - name length (1)
+ // - name (name length; unterminated)
+ // - ((nested expansion + TokArgSeparator)* + nested expansion)?
+ // - TokFuncTerminator
+ TokArgSeparator, // function argument separator
+ TokFuncTerminator, // function argument list terminator
+ TokCondition, // previous literal/expansion is a conditional
+ TokTestCall, // previous literal/expansion is a test function call
+ // - ((nested expansion + TokArgSeparator)* + nested expansion)?
+ // - TokFuncTerminator
+ TokNot, // '!' operator
+ TokAnd, // ':' operator
+ TokOr, // '|' operator
+ TokBranch, // branch point:
+ // - then block length (2)
+ // - then block + TokTerminator (then block length)
+ // - else block length (2)
+ // - else block + TokTerminator (else block length)
+ TokForLoop, // for loop:
+ // - variable name: hash (2), length (1), chars (length)
+ // - expression: length (2), bytes + TokValueTerminator (length)
+ // - body length (2)
+ // - body + TokTerminator (body length)
+ TokTestDef, // test function definition:
+ TokReplaceDef, // replace function definition:
+ // - function name: hash (2), length (1), chars (length)
+ // - body length (2)
+ // - body + TokTerminator (body length)
+ TokMask = 0xff,
+ TokQuoted = 0x100, // The expression is quoted => join expanded stringlist
+ TokNewStr = 0x200 // Next stringlist element
-class ProFile : public ProBlock
explicit ProFile(const QString &fileName);
- QString displayFileName() const;
- QString fileName() const;
- QString directoryName() const;
+ QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; }
+ QString directoryName() const { return m_directoryName; }
+ const QString &items() const { return m_proitems; }
+ QString *itemsRef() { return &m_proitems; }
+ const ushort *tokPtr() const { return (const ushort *)m_proitems.constData(); }
- void setModified(bool modified);
- bool isModified() const;
+ void ref() { m_refCount.ref(); }
+ void deref() { if (!m_refCount.deref()) delete this; }
- virtual ProItemReturn Accept(AbstractProItemVisitor *visitor);
+ bool isOk() const { return m_ok; }
+ void setOk(bool ok) { m_ok = ok; }
+ ProItemRefCount m_refCount;
+ QString m_proitems;
QString m_fileName;
- QString m_displayFileName;
QString m_directoryName;
- bool m_modified;
+ bool m_ok;