path: root/tools
diff options
authorAaron Kennedy <>2009-07-13 05:21:42 (GMT)
committerAaron Kennedy <>2009-07-13 05:21:42 (GMT)
commit29dd542d079d1b2bac37357d8ea18e5622cc12dc (patch)
treed4525cd54f5faf900374904d37d6e5fc1cbacd08 /tools
parentd5e372425698c6a87e86743114e4b8d28d5d86eb (diff)
Start moving debugger out of process
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 230 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmldebugger/engine.cpp b/tools/qmldebugger/engine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d30c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qmldebugger/engine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#include "engine.h"
+#include <QtDeclarative/qmldebugclient.h>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <private/qmlenginedebug_p.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qmlcomponent.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qfxitem.h>
+class DebuggerEngineItem : public QObject
+Q_PROPERTY(QString engineId READ engineId CONSTANT);
+ DebuggerEngineItem(const QString &name, int id)
+ : m_name(name), m_engineId(id) {}
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ int engineId() const { return m_engineId; }
+ QString m_name;
+ int m_engineId;
+EnginePane::EnginePane(QmlDebugClient *client, QWidget *parent)
+: QWidget(parent), m_client(client), m_engines(0), m_context(0), m_object(0)
+ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+ layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ setLayout(layout);
+ m_engineView = new QFxView(this);
+ m_engineView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("engines", qVariantFromValue(&m_engineItems));
+ m_engineView->setContentResizable(true);
+ m_engineView->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("engines.qml"));
+ m_engineView->execute();
+ m_engineView->setFixedHeight(100);
+ QObject::connect(m_engineView->root(), SIGNAL(engineClicked(int)),
+ this, SLOT(engineSelected(int)));
+ QObject::connect(m_engineView->root(), SIGNAL(refreshEngines()),
+ this, SLOT(queryEngines()));
+ layout->addWidget(m_engineView);
+ m_text = new QLineEdit(this);
+ layout->addWidget(m_text);
+ QPushButton *query = new QPushButton("Fetch object", this);
+ QObject::connect(query, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(fetchClicked()));
+ layout->addWidget(query);
+ layout->addStretch(10);
+void EnginePane::engineSelected(int id)
+ qWarning() << "Engine selected" << id;
+ queryContext(id);
+void EnginePane::queryContext(int id)
+ if (m_context) {
+ delete m_context;
+ m_context = 0;
+ }
+ m_context = m_client.queryRootContexts(QmlDebugEngineReference(id), this);
+ if (!m_context->isWaiting())
+ contextChanged();
+ else
+ QObject::connect(m_context, SIGNAL(stateChanged(State)),
+ this, SLOT(contextChanged()));
+void EnginePane::contextChanged()
+ dump(m_context->rootContext(), 0);
+ delete m_context; m_context = 0;
+void EnginePane::dump(const QmlDebugContextReference &ctxt, int ind)
+ QByteArray indent(ind * 4, ' ');
+ qWarning().nospace() << indent.constData() << ctxt.debugId() << " "
+ << qPrintable(;
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < ctxt.contexts().count(); ++ii)
+ dump(ctxt.contexts().at(ii), ind + 1);
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < ctxt.objects().count(); ++ii)
+ dump(ctxt.objects().at(ii), ind);
+void EnginePane::dump(const QmlDebugObjectReference &obj, int ind)
+ QByteArray indent(ind * 4, ' ');
+ qWarning().nospace() << indent.constData() << qPrintable(obj.className())
+ << " " << qPrintable( << " "
+ << obj.debugId();
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < obj.children().count(); ++ii)
+ dump(obj.children().at(ii), ind + 1);
+void EnginePane::queryEngines()
+ if (m_engines)
+ return;
+ m_engines = m_client.queryAvailableEngines(this);
+ if (!m_engines->isWaiting())
+ enginesChanged();
+ else
+ QObject::connect(m_engines, SIGNAL(stateChanged(State)),
+ this, SLOT(enginesChanged()));
+void EnginePane::enginesChanged()
+ qDeleteAll(m_engineItems);
+ m_engineItems.clear();
+ QList<QmlDebugEngineReference> engines = m_engines->engines();
+ delete m_engines; m_engines = 0;
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < engines.count(); ++ii)
+ m_engineItems << new DebuggerEngineItem(,
+ m_engineView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("engines", qVariantFromValue(&m_engineItems));
+void EnginePane::fetchClicked()
+ int id = m_text->text().toInt();
+ fetchObject(id);
+void EnginePane::fetchObject(int id)
+ if (m_object) {
+ delete m_object;
+ m_object = 0;
+ }
+ m_object = m_client.queryObjectRecursive(QmlDebugObjectReference(id), this);
+ if (!m_object->isWaiting())
+ objectFetched();
+ else
+ QObject::connect(m_object, SIGNAL(stateChanged(State)),
+ this, SLOT(objectFetched()));
+void EnginePane::objectFetched()
+ dump(m_object->object(), 0);
+ delete m_object; m_object = 0;
+#include "engine.moc"
diff --git a/tools/qmldebugger/engine.h b/tools/qmldebugger/engine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..191cd1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qmldebugger/engine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#ifndef ENGINE_H
+#define ENGINE_H
+#include <QWidget>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qmlengine.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qmlcontext.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qfxview.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qmldebug.h>
+class QmlDebugClient;
+class EngineClientPlugin;
+class QLineEdit;
+class EnginePane : public QWidget
+ EnginePane(QmlDebugClient *, QWidget *parent = 0);
+private slots:
+ void queryEngines();
+ void enginesChanged();
+ void queryContext(int);
+ void contextChanged();
+ void fetchClicked();
+ void fetchObject(int);
+ void objectFetched();
+ void engineSelected(int);
+ void dump(const QmlDebugContextReference &, int);
+ void dump(const QmlDebugObjectReference &, int);
+ QmlEngineDebug m_client;
+ QmlDebugEnginesQuery *m_engines;
+ QmlDebugRootContextQuery *m_context;
+ QmlDebugObjectQuery *m_object;
+ QLineEdit *m_text;
+ QFxView *m_engineView;
+ QList<QObject *> m_engineItems;
+#endif // ENGINE_H
diff --git a/tools/qmldebugger/main.cpp b/tools/qmldebugger/main.cpp
index 5b94cbb..4bed41d 100644
--- a/tools/qmldebugger/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/qmldebugger/main.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
#include "canvasframerate.h"
#include "canvasscene.h"
+#include "engine.h"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLineEdit>
@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@ Shell::Shell(QWidget *parent)
CanvasScene *cs = new CanvasScene(&client, this);
tabs->addTab(cs, tr("Scene"));
+ EnginePane *ep = new EnginePane(&client, this);
+ tabs->addTab(ep, tr("QML Engine"));
QObject::connect(&client, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)), this, SLOT(connectionStateChanged()));
diff --git a/tools/qmldebugger/ b/tools/qmldebugger/
index 358dbae..1068858 100644
--- a/tools/qmldebugger/
+++ b/tools/qmldebugger/
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ QT += network declarative
contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles2)|contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles1): QT += opengl
# Input
-HEADERS += canvasframerate.h canvasscene.h
-SOURCES += main.cpp canvasframerate.cpp canvasscene.cpp
+HEADERS += canvasframerate.h canvasscene.h engine.h
+SOURCES += main.cpp canvasframerate.cpp canvasscene.cpp engine.cpp
INSTALLS += target