path: root/util/local_database/
diff options
authorLars Knoll <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
committerSimon Hausmann <>2009-03-23 09:34:13 (GMT)
commit67ad0519fd165acee4a4d2a94fa502e9e4847bd0 (patch)
tree1dbf50b3dff8d5ca7e9344733968c72704eb15ff /util/local_database/
Long live Qt!
Diffstat (limited to 'util/local_database/')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/local_database/ b/util/local_database/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9abe22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/local_database/
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+def check_static_char_array_length(name, array):
+ # some compilers like VC6 doesn't allow static arrays more than 64K bytes size.
+ size = reduce(lambda x, y: x+len(escapedString(y)), array, 0)
+ if size > 65535:
+ print "\n\n\n#error Array %s is too long! " % name
+ sys.stderr.write("\n\n\nERROR: the content of the array '%s' is too long: %d > 65535 " % (name, size))
+ sys.exit(1)
+def wrap_list(lst):
+ def split(lst, size):
+ for i in range(len(lst)/size+1):
+ yield lst[i*size:(i+1)*size]
+ return ",\n".join(map(lambda x: ", ".join(x), split(lst, 20)))
+def firstChildElt(parent, name):
+ child = parent.firstChild
+ while child:
+ if child.nodeType == parent.ELEMENT_NODE \
+ and (not name or child.nodeName == name):
+ return child
+ child = child.nextSibling
+ return False
+def nextSiblingElt(sibling, name):
+ sib = sibling.nextSibling
+ while sib:
+ if sib.nodeType == sibling.ELEMENT_NODE \
+ and (not name or sib.nodeName == name):
+ return sib
+ sib = sib.nextSibling
+ return False
+def eltText(elt):
+ result = ""
+ child = elt.firstChild
+ while child:
+ if child.nodeType == elt.TEXT_NODE:
+ if result:
+ result += " "
+ result += child.nodeValue
+ child = child.nextSibling
+ return result
+def loadLanguageMap(doc):
+ result = {}
+ language_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "languageList")
+ language_elt = firstChildElt(language_list_elt, "language")
+ while language_elt:
+ language_id = int(eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "id")))
+ language_name = eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "name"))
+ language_code = eltText(firstChildElt(language_elt, "code"))
+ result[language_id] = (language_name, language_code)
+ language_elt = nextSiblingElt(language_elt, "language")
+ return result
+def loadCountryMap(doc):
+ result = {}
+ country_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "countryList")
+ country_elt = firstChildElt(country_list_elt, "country")
+ while country_elt:
+ country_id = int(eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "id")))
+ country_name = eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "name"))
+ country_code = eltText(firstChildElt(country_elt, "code"))
+ result[country_id] = (country_name, country_code)
+ country_elt = nextSiblingElt(country_elt, "country")
+ return result
+def loadDefaultMap(doc):
+ result = {}
+ list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "defaultCountryList")
+ elt = firstChildElt(list_elt, "defaultCountry")
+ while elt:
+ country = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "country"));
+ language = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "language"));
+ result[language] = country;
+ elt = nextSiblingElt(elt, "defaultCountry");
+ return result
+def fixedCountryName(name, dupes):
+ if name in dupes:
+ return name + "Country"
+ return name
+def fixedLanguageName(name, dupes):
+ if name in dupes:
+ return name + "Language"
+ return name
+def findDupes(country_map, language_map):
+ country_set = set([ v[0] for a, v in country_map.iteritems() ])
+ language_set = set([ v[0] for a, v in language_map.iteritems() ])
+ return country_set & language_set
+def languageNameToId(name, language_map):
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ if language_map[key][0] == name:
+ return key
+ return -1
+def countryNameToId(name, country_map):
+ for key in country_map.keys():
+ if country_map[key][0] == name:
+ return key
+ return -1
+def convertFormat(format):
+ result = ""
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(format):
+ if format[i] == "'":
+ result += "'"
+ i += 1
+ while i < len(format) and format[i] != "'":
+ result += format[i]
+ i += 1
+ if i < len(format):
+ result += "'"
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ s = format[i:]
+ if s.startswith("EEEE"):
+ result += "dddd"
+ i += 4
+ elif s.startswith("EEE"):
+ result += "ddd"
+ i += 3
+ elif s.startswith("a"):
+ result += "AP"
+ i += 1
+ elif s.startswith("z"):
+ result += "t"
+ i += 1
+ elif s.startswith("v"):
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ result += format[i]
+ i += 1
+ return result
+class Locale:
+ def __init__(self, elt):
+ self.language = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "language"))
+ = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "country"))
+ self.decimal = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "decimal")))
+ = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "group")))
+ self.listDelim = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "list")))
+ self.percent = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "percent")))
+ = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "zero")))
+ self.minus = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "minus")))
+ = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "plus")))
+ self.exp = int(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "exp")))
+ = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "am"))
+ = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "pm"))
+ self.longDateFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longDateFormat")))
+ self.shortDateFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortDateFormat")))
+ self.longTimeFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longTimeFormat")))
+ self.shortTimeFormat = convertFormat(eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortTimeFormat")))
+ self.standaloneLongMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneLongMonths"))
+ self.standaloneShortMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneShortMonths"))
+ self.standaloneNarrowMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneNarrowMonths"))
+ self.longMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longMonths"))
+ self.shortMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortMonths"))
+ self.narrowMonths = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "narrowMonths"))
+ self.standaloneLongDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneLongDays"))
+ self.standaloneShortDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneShortDays"))
+ self.standaloneNarrowDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "standaloneNarrowDays"))
+ self.longDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "longDays"))
+ self.shortDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "shortDays"))
+ self.narrowDays = eltText(firstChildElt(elt, "narrowDays"))
+def loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, country_map):
+ result = {}
+ locale_list_elt = firstChildElt(doc.documentElement, "localeList")
+ locale_elt = firstChildElt(locale_list_elt, "locale")
+ while locale_elt:
+ locale = Locale(locale_elt)
+ language_id = languageNameToId(locale.language, language_map)
+ country_id = countryNameToId(, country_map)
+ result[(language_id, country_id)] = locale
+ locale_elt = nextSiblingElt(locale_elt, "locale")
+ return result
+def compareLocaleKeys(key1, key2):
+ if key1 == key2:
+ return 0
+ if key1[0] == key2[0]:
+ l1 = compareLocaleKeys.locale_map[key1]
+ l2 = compareLocaleKeys.locale_map[key2]
+ if l1.language in compareLocaleKeys.default_map:
+ default = compareLocaleKeys.default_map[l1.language]
+ if == default:
+ return -1
+ if == default:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return key1[0] - key2[0]
+ return key1[1] - key2[1]
+def languageCount(language_id, locale_map):
+ result = 0
+ for key in locale_map.keys():
+ if key[0] == language_id:
+ result += 1
+ return result
+class StringDataToken:
+ def __init__(self, index, length):
+ self.index = index
+ self.length = length
+ def __str__(self):
+ return " %d,%d " % (self.index, self.length)
+class StringData:
+ def __init__(self):
+ = []
+ self.hash = {}
+ def append(self, s):
+ if s in self.hash:
+ return self.hash[s]
+ lst = map(lambda x: hex(ord(x)), s)
+ token = StringDataToken(len(, len(lst))
+ self.hash[s] = token
+ += lst
+ return token
+def escapedString(s):
+ result = ""
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(s):
+ if s[i] == '"':
+ result += '\\"'
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ result += s[i]
+ i += 1
+ s = result
+ line = ""
+ need_escape = False
+ result = ""
+ for c in s:
+ if ord(c) < 128 and (not need_escape or ord(c.lower()) < ord('a') or ord(c.lower()) > ord('f')):
+ line += c
+ need_escape = False
+ else:
+ line += "\\x%02x" % (ord(c))
+ need_escape = True
+ if len(line) > 80:
+ result = result + "\n" + "\"" + line + "\""
+ line = ""
+ line += "\\0"
+ result = result + "\n" + "\"" + line + "\""
+ if result[0] == "\n":
+ result = result[1:]
+ return result
+def printEscapedString(s):
+ print escapedString(s);
+def main():
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse("locale.xml")
+ language_map = loadLanguageMap(doc)
+ country_map = loadCountryMap(doc)
+ default_map = loadDefaultMap(doc)
+ locale_map = loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, country_map)
+ dupes = findDupes(language_map, country_map)
+ # Language enum
+ print "enum Language {"
+ language = ""
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ language = fixedLanguageName(language_map[key][0], dupes)
+ print " " + language + " = " + str(key) + ","
+ print " LastLanguage = " + language
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Country enum
+ print "enum Country {"
+ country = ""
+ for key in country_map.keys():
+ country = fixedCountryName(country_map[key][0], dupes)
+ print " " + country + " = " + str(key) + ","
+ print " LastCountry = " + country
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Locale index
+ print "static const uint locale_index[] = {"
+ print " 0, // unused"
+ index = 0
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ i = 0
+ count = languageCount(key, locale_map)
+ if count > 0:
+ i = index
+ index += count
+ print "%6d, // %s" % (i, language_map[key][0])
+ print " 0 // trailing 0"
+ print "};"
+ print
+ date_format_data = StringData()
+ time_format_data = StringData()
+ months_data = StringData()
+ standalone_months_data = StringData()
+ days_data = StringData()
+ am_data = StringData()
+ pm_data = StringData()
+ # Locale data
+ print "static const QLocalePrivate locale_data[] = {"
+ print "// lang terr dec group list prcnt zero minus plus exp sDtFmt lDtFmt sTmFmt lTmFmt ssMonth slMonth sMonth lMonth sDays lDays am,len pm,len"
+ locale_keys = locale_map.keys()
+ compareLocaleKeys.default_map = default_map
+ compareLocaleKeys.locale_map = locale_map
+ locale_keys.sort(compareLocaleKeys)
+ for key in locale_keys:
+ l = locale_map[key]
+ print " { %6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s }, // %s/%s" \
+ % (key[0], key[1],
+ l.decimal,
+ l.listDelim,
+ l.percent,
+ l.minus,
+ l.exp,
+ date_format_data.append(l.shortDateFormat),
+ date_format_data.append(l.longDateFormat),
+ time_format_data.append(l.shortTimeFormat),
+ time_format_data.append(l.longTimeFormat),
+ standalone_months_data.append(l.standaloneShortMonths),
+ standalone_months_data.append(l.standaloneLongMonths),
+ standalone_months_data.append(l.standaloneNarrowMonths),
+ months_data.append(l.shortMonths),
+ months_data.append(l.longMonths),
+ months_data.append(l.narrowMonths),
+ days_data.append(l.standaloneShortDays),
+ days_data.append(l.standaloneLongDays),
+ days_data.append(l.standaloneNarrowDays),
+ days_data.append(l.shortDays),
+ days_data.append(l.longDays),
+ days_data.append(l.narrowDays),
+ am_data.append(,
+ pm_data.append(,
+ l.language,
+ print " { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0 } // trailing 0s"
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Date format data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("date_format",
+ print "static const ushort date_format_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Time format data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("time_format",
+ print "static const ushort time_format_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Months data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("months",
+ print "static const ushort months_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Standalone months data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("standalone_months",
+ print "static const ushort standalone_months_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Days data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("days",
+ print "static const ushort days_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # AM data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("am",
+ print "static const ushort am_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # PM data
+ #check_static_char_array_length("pm",
+ print "static const ushort pm_data[] = {"
+ print wrap_list(
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Language name list
+ print "static const char language_name_list[] ="
+ print "\"Default\\0\""
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ print "\"" + language_map[key][0] + "\\0\""
+ print ";"
+ print
+ # Language name index
+ print "static const uint language_name_index[] = {"
+ print " 0, // Unused"
+ index = 8
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ language = language_map[key][0]
+ print "%6d, // %s" % (index, language)
+ index += len(language) + 1
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Country name list
+ print "static const char country_name_list[] ="
+ print "\"Default\\0\""
+ for key in country_map.keys():
+ if key == 0:
+ continue
+ print "\"" + country_map[key][0] + "\\0\""
+ print ";"
+ print
+ # Country name index
+ print "static const uint country_name_index[] = {"
+ print " 0, // AnyCountry"
+ index = 8
+ for key in country_map.keys():
+ if key == 0:
+ continue
+ country = country_map[key][0]
+ print "%6d, // %s" % (index, country)
+ index += len(country) + 1
+ print "};"
+ print
+ # Language code list
+ print "static const unsigned char language_code_list[] ="
+ print "\" \\0\" // Unused"
+ for key in language_map.keys():
+ code = language_map[key][1]
+ if len(code) == 2:
+ code += r"\0"
+ print "\"%2s\" // %s" % (code, language_map[key][0])
+ print ";"
+ print
+ # Country code list
+ print "static const unsigned char country_code_list[] ="
+ for key in country_map.keys():
+ print "\"%2s\" // %s" % (country_map[key][1], country_map[key][0])
+ print ";"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()