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3 files changed, 47 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
index e61658b..ce73fd8 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
@@ -3606,6 +3606,27 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, Q
} else if (hasStyleRule(w, PseudoElement_MenuCheckMark) || hasStyleRule(w, PseudoElement_MenuRightArrow)) {
QWindowsStyle::drawControl(ce, &mi, p, w);
+ if (mi.checkType != QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable && !mi.checked) {
+ // We have a style defined, but QWindowsStyle won't draw anything if not checked.
+ // So we mimick what QWindowsStyle would do.
+ int checkcol = qMax<int>(mi.maxIconWidth, QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsCheckMarkWidth);
+ QRect vCheckRect = visualRect(opt->direction, mi.rect, QRect(mi.rect.x(), mi.rect.y(), checkcol, mi.rect.height()));
+ if (mi.state.testFlag(State_Enabled) && mi.state.testFlag(State_Selected)) {
+ qDrawShadePanel(p, vCheckRect, mi.palette, true, 1, &mi.palette.brush(QPalette::Button));
+ } else {
+ QBrush fill(mi.palette.light().color(), Qt::Dense4Pattern);
+ qDrawShadePanel(p, vCheckRect, mi.palette, true, 1, &fill);
+ }
+ QRenderRule subSubRule = renderRule(w, opt, PseudoElement_MenuCheckMark);
+ if (subSubRule.hasDrawable()) {
+ QStyleOptionMenuItem newMi(mi);
+ newMi.rect = visualRect(opt->direction, mi.rect, QRect(mi.rect.x() + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ mi.rect.y() + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ checkcol - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ mi.rect.height() - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame));
+ drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorMenuCheckMark, &newMi, p, w);
+ }
+ }
} else {
if (rule.hasDrawable() && !subRule.hasDrawable() && !(opt->state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
mi.palette.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::transparent);
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle.cpp
index abce4d2..f894b82 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle.cpp
@@ -115,14 +115,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_INCLUDE_NAMESPACE
#include <limits.h>
-static const int windowsItemFrame = 2; // menu item frame width
-static const int windowsSepHeight = 9; // separator item height
-static const int windowsItemHMargin = 3; // menu item hor text margin
-static const int windowsItemVMargin = 2; // menu item ver text margin
-static const int windowsArrowHMargin = 6; // arrow horizontal margin
-static const int windowsRightBorder = 15; // right border on windows
-static const int windowsCheckMarkWidth = 12; // checkmarks width on windows
enum QSliderDirection { SlUp, SlDown, SlLeft, SlRight };
@@ -1847,7 +1839,7 @@ void QWindowsStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPai
bool act = menuitem->state & State_Selected;
// windows always has a check column, regardless whether we have an icon or not
- int checkcol = qMax(menuitem->maxIconWidth, windowsCheckMarkWidth);
+ int checkcol = qMax<int>(menuitem->maxIconWidth, QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsCheckMarkWidth);
QBrush fill = menuitem->palette.brush(act ? QPalette::Highlight : QPalette::Button);
p->fillRect(menuitem->rect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, 0), fill);
@@ -1903,8 +1895,10 @@ void QWindowsStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPai
newMi.state |= State_Enabled;
if (act)
newMi.state |= State_On;
- newMi.rect = visualRect(opt->direction, menuitem->rect, QRect(menuitem->rect.x() + windowsItemFrame, menuitem->rect.y() + windowsItemFrame,
- checkcol - 2 * windowsItemFrame, menuitem->rect.height() - 2*windowsItemFrame));
+ newMi.rect = visualRect(opt->direction, menuitem->rect, QRect(menuitem->rect.x() + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ menuitem->rect.y() + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ checkcol - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame,
+ menuitem->rect.height() - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame));
proxy()->drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorMenuCheckMark, &newMi, p, widget);
p->setPen(act ? menuitem->palette.highlightedText().color() : menuitem->palette.buttonText().color());
@@ -1915,9 +1909,10 @@ void QWindowsStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPai
- int xm = windowsItemFrame + checkcol + windowsItemHMargin;
+ int xm = QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame + checkcol + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemHMargin;
int xpos = menuitem->rect.x() + xm;
- QRect textRect(xpos, y + windowsItemVMargin, w - xm - windowsRightBorder - tab + 1, h - 2 * windowsItemVMargin);
+ QRect textRect(xpos, y + QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemVMargin,
+ w - xm - QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsRightBorder - tab + 1, h - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemVMargin);
QRect vTextRect = visualRect(opt->direction, menuitem->rect, textRect);
QString s = menuitem->text;
if (!s.isEmpty()) { // draw text
@@ -1951,10 +1946,10 @@ void QWindowsStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPai
if (menuitem->menuItemType == QStyleOptionMenuItem::SubMenu) {// draw sub menu arrow
- int dim = (h - 2 * windowsItemFrame) / 2;
+ int dim = (h - 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame) / 2;
PrimitiveElement arrow;
arrow = (opt->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) ? PE_IndicatorArrowLeft : PE_IndicatorArrowRight;
- xpos = x + w - windowsArrowHMargin - windowsItemFrame - dim;
+ xpos = x + w - QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsArrowHMargin - QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame - dim;
QRect vSubMenuRect = visualRect(opt->direction, menuitem->rect, QRect(xpos, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim));
QStyleOptionMenuItem newMI = *menuitem;
newMI.rect = vSubMenuRect;
@@ -3193,7 +3188,7 @@ QSize QWindowsStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
sz = QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents(ct, opt, csz, widget);
if (mi->menuItemType == QStyleOptionMenuItem::Separator) {
- sz = QSize(10, windowsSepHeight);
+ sz = QSize(10, QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsSepHeight);
else if (mi->icon.isNull()) {
sz.setHeight(sz.height() - 2);
@@ -3204,14 +3199,14 @@ QSize QWindowsStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
int iconExtent = proxy()->pixelMetric(PM_SmallIconSize, opt, widget);
mi->icon.actualSize(QSize(iconExtent, iconExtent)).height()
- + 2 * windowsItemFrame));
+ + 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemFrame));
int maxpmw = mi->maxIconWidth;
int tabSpacing = 20;
if (mi->text.contains(QLatin1Char('\t')))
w += tabSpacing;
else if (mi->menuItemType == QStyleOptionMenuItem::SubMenu)
- w += 2 * windowsArrowHMargin;
+ w += 2 * QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsArrowHMargin;
else if (mi->menuItemType == QStyleOptionMenuItem::DefaultItem) {
// adjust the font and add the difference in size.
// it would be better if the font could be adjusted in the initStyleOption qmenu func!!
@@ -3222,9 +3217,9 @@ QSize QWindowsStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
w += fmBold.width(mi->text) - fm.width(mi->text);
- int checkcol = qMax(maxpmw, windowsCheckMarkWidth); // Windows always shows a check column
+ int checkcol = qMax<int>(maxpmw, QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsCheckMarkWidth); // Windows always shows a check column
w += checkcol;
- w += windowsRightBorder + 10;
+ w += QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsRightBorder + 10;
@@ -3232,7 +3227,7 @@ QSize QWindowsStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
case CT_MenuBarItem:
if (!sz.isEmpty())
- sz += QSize(windowsItemHMargin * 4, windowsItemVMargin * 2);
+ sz += QSize(QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemHMargin * 4, QWindowsStylePrivate::windowsItemVMargin * 2);
// Otherwise, fall through
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle_p.h b/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle_p.h
index fb84dce..d81c82b 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qwindowsstyle_p.h
@@ -87,7 +87,17 @@ public:
QColor activeGradientCaptionColor;
QColor inactiveCaptionColor;
QColor inactiveGradientCaptionColor;
+ enum {
+ windowsItemFrame = 2, // menu item frame width
+ windowsSepHeight = 9, // separator item height
+ windowsItemHMargin = 3, // menu item hor text margin
+ windowsItemVMargin = 2, // menu item ver text margin
+ windowsArrowHMargin = 6, // arrow horizontal margin
+ windowsRightBorder = 15, // right border on windows
+ windowsCheckMarkWidth = 12 // checkmarks width on windows