diff options
40 files changed, 2577 insertions, 851 deletions
diff --git a/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml b/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
index 46114f5..b1344af 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
@@ -208,17 +208,30 @@ Rectangle {
Keys.onUpPressed: if (state == "starting" || direction != 2) Logic.scheduleDirection(0);
Keys.onDownPressed: if (state == "starting" || direction != 0) Logic.scheduleDirection(2);
+ Connections {
+ target: startHeartbeatTimer
+ onRunningChanged: {
+ if (startHeartbeatTimer.running)
+ screen.state = "starting";
+ else
+ screen.state = "running"
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: heartbeat
+ onRunningChanged: if (!heartbeat.running) screen.state = "";
+ }
states: [
State {
name: "starting"
- when: startHeartbeatTimer.running
PropertyChanges {target: progressIndicator; width: 200}
PropertyChanges {target: title; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: progressBar; opacity: 1}
State {
name: "running"
- when: (heartbeat.running && !startHeartbeatTimer.running)
PropertyChanges {target: progressIndicator; width: 200}
PropertyChanges {target: title; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: skull; row: 0; column: 0; }
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.7.0 b/dist/changes-4.7.0
index 518d362..790aabc 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.7.0
+++ b/dist/changes-4.7.0
@@ -474,6 +474,9 @@ QtCore:
ABIs, but it also allowed for unaligned access. Qt never generates
or uses unaligned access and the new EABI aligns as expected, so
the flag was removed.
+ - QTextBoundaryFinder is now consistent with ICU when it comes to
+ line breaking, reporting the index of the boundary at which the line
+ break should occur rather than the index of the character.
- Qt does no longer provide its own CA bundle, but uses system APIs for
diff --git a/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstarted.qdoc b/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstarted.qdoc
index 9b6b5d5..145982b 100644
--- a/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstarted.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstarted.qdoc
@@ -26,491 +26,12 @@
- \page gettingstarted.html
+ \title Getting Started Guides
- \title Getting Started
- Welcome to the world of Qt--the cross-platform GUI toolkit. In
- this getting started guide, we teach basic Qt knowledge by
- implementing a simple Notepad application. After reading this
- guide, you should be ready to delve into our overviews and API
- documentation, and find the information you need for the
- application you are developing.
- \section1 Hello Notepad
- In this first example, we simply create and show a text edit in a
- window frame on the desktop. This represents the simplest possible
- Qt program that has a GUI.
- \image gs1.png
- Here is the code:
- \code
- 1 #include <QApplication>
- 2 #include <QTextEdit>
- 3
- 4 int main(int argv, char **args)
- 5 {
- 6 QApplication app(argv, args);
- 7
- 8 QTextEdit textEdit;
- 9;
-11 return app.exec();
-12 }
- \endcode
- Let us go through the code line by line. In the first two lines, we
- include the header files for QApplication and QTextEdit, which are
- the two classes that we need for this example. All Qt classes have
- a header file named after them.
- Line 6 creates a QApplication object. This object manages
- application-wide resources and is necessary to run any Qt program
- that has a GUI. It needs \c argv and \c args because Qt accepts a
- few command line arguments.
- Line 8 creates a QTextEdit object. A text edit is a visual element
- in the GUI. In Qt, we call such elements widgets. Examples of
- other widgets are scroll bars, labels, and radio buttons. A widget
- can also be a container for other widgets; a dialog or a main
- application window, for example.
- Line 9 shows the text edit on the screen in its own window frame.
- Since widgets also function as containers (for instance a
- QMainWindow, which has toolbars, menus, a status bar, and a few
- other widgets), it is possible to show a single widget in its own
- window. Widgets are not visible by default; the function
- \l{QWidget::}{show()} makes the widget visible.
- Line 11 makes the QApplication enter its event loop. When a Qt
- application is running, events are generated and sent to the
- widgets of the application. Examples of events are mouse presses
- and key strokes. When you type text in the text edit widget, it
- receives key pressed events and responds by drawing the text
- typed.
- To run the application, open a command prompt, and enter the
- directory in which you have the \c .cpp file of the program. The
- following shell commands build the program.
- \code
- qmake -project
- qmake
- make
- \endcode
- This will leave an executable in the \c part1 directory (note that
- on Windows, you may have to use \c nmake instead of \c make. Also,
- the executable will be placed in part1/debug or part1/release). \c
- qmake is Qt's build tool, which takes a configuration file. \c
- qmake generates this for us when given the \c{-project} argument.
- Given the configuration file (suffixed .pro), \c qmake produces a
- \c make file that will build the program for you. We will look
- into writing our own \c .pro files later.
- \section2 Learn More
- \table
- \header
- \o About
- \o Here
- \row
- \o Widgets and Window Geometry
- \o \l{Window and Dialog Widgets}
- \row
- \o Events and event handling
- \o \l{The Event System}
- \endtable
- \section1 Adding a Quit Button
- In a real application, you will normally need more than one
- widget. We will now introduce a QPushButton beneath the text edit.
- The button will exit the Notepad application when pushed (i.e.,
- clicked on with the mouse).
- \image gs2.png
- Let us take a look at the code.
- \code
- 1 #include <QtGui>
- 2
- 3 int main(int argv, char **args)
- 4 {
- 5 QApplication app(argv, args);
- 6
- 7 QTextEdit textEdit;
- 8 QPushButton quitButton("Quit");
- 9
-10 QObject::connect(&quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
-12 QVBoxLayout layout;
-13 layout.addWidget(&textEdit);
-14 layout.addWidget(&quitButton);
-16 QWidget window;
-17 window.setLayout(&layout);
-21 return app.exec();
-22 }
- \endcode
- Line 1 includes QtGui, which contains all of Qt's GUI classes.
- Line 10 uses Qt's Signals and Slots mechanism to make the
- application exit when the \gui {Quit button} is pushed. A slot is
- a function that can be invoked at runtime using its name (as a
- literal string). A signal is a function that when called will
- invoke slots registered with it; we call that to connect the slot
- to the signal and to emit the signal.
- \l{QApplication::}{quit()} is a slot of QApplication that exits
- the application. \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} is a signal that
- QPushButton emits when it is pushed. The static
- QObject::connect() function takes care of connecting the slot to
- the signal. SIGNAL() and SLOT() are two macros that take the
- function signatures of the signal and slot to connect. We also
- need to give pointers to the objects that should send and receive
- the signal.
- Line 12 creates a QVBoxLayout. As mentioned, widgets can contain
- other widgets. It is possible to set the bounds (the location and
- size) of child widgets directly, but it is usually easier to use a
- layout. A layout manages the bounds of a widget's children.
- QVBoxLayout, for instance, places the children in a vertical row.
- Line 13 and 14 adds the text edit and button to the layout. In
- line 17, we set the layout on a widget.
- \section2 Learn More
- \table
- \header
- \o About
- \o Here
- \row
- \o Signals and slots
- \o \l{Signals & Slots}
- \row
- \o Layouts
- \o \l{Layout Management},
- \l{Widgets and Layouts},
- \l{Layout Examples}
- \row
- \o The widgets that come with Qt
- \o \l{Qt Widget Gallery},
- \l{Widget Examples}
- \endtable
- \section1 Subclassing QWidget
- When the user wants to quit an application, you might want to
- pop-up a dialog that asks whether he/she really wants to quit. In
- this example, we subclass QWidget, and add a slot that we connect
- to the \gui {Quit button}.
- \image gs3.png
- Let us look at the code:
- \code
- 5 class Notepad : public QWidget
- 6 {
- 8
- 9 public:
-10 Notepad();
-12 private slots:
-13 void quit();
-15 private:
-16 QTextEdit *textEdit;
-17 QPushButton *quitButton;
-18 };
- \endcode
- The \c Q_OBJECT macro must be first in the class definition, and
- declares our class as a \c QObject (Naturally, it must also
- inherit from QObject). A \l{QObject} adds several abilities to a
- normal C++ class. Notably, the class name and slot names can be
- queried at run-time. It is also possible to query a slot's
- parameter types and invoke it.
- Line 13 declares the slot \c quit(). This is easy using the \c
- slots macro. The \c quit() slot can now be connected to signals
- with a matching signature (any signal that takes no parameters).
- Instead of setting up the GUI and connecting the slot in the \c
- main() function, we now use \c{Notepad}'s constructor.
- \code
- Notepad::Notepad()
- {
- textEdit = new QTextEdit;
- quitButton = new QPushButton(tr("Quit"));
- connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit()));
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
- layout->addWidget(textEdit);
- layout->addWidget(quitButton);
- setLayout(layout);
- setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
- }
- \endcode
- As you saw in the class definition, we use pointers to our \l
- {QObject}s (\c textEdit and \c quitButton). As a rule, you should
- always allocate \l{QObject}s on the heap and never copy them.
- We now use the function \l{QObject::}{tr()} around our user
- visible strings. This function is necessary when you want to
- provide your application in more than one language (e.g. English
- and Chinese). We will not go into details here, but you can follow
- the \c {Qt Linguist} link from the learn more table.
- \section2 Learn More
- \table
- \header
- \o About
- \o Here
- \row
- \o tr() and internationalization
- \o \l{Qt Linguist Manual},
- \l{Writing Source Code for Translation},
- \l{Hello tr() Example},
- \l{Internationalization with Qt}
- \row
- \o QObjects and the Qt Object model (This is essential to understand Qt)
- \o \l{Object Model}
- \row
- \o qmake and the Qt build system
- \o \l{qmake Manual}
- \endtable
- \section2 Creating a .pro file
- For this example, we write our own \c .pro file instead of
- using \c qmake's \c -project option.
- \code
- HEADERS = notepad.h
- SOURCES = notepad.cpp \
- main.cpp
- \endcode
- The following shell commands build the example.
- \code
- qmake
- make
- \endcode
- \section1 Using a QMainWindow
- Many applications will benefit from using a QMainWindow, which has
- its own layout to which you can add a menu bar, dock widgets, tool
- bars, and a status bar. QMainWindow has a center area that can be
- occupied by any kind of widget. In our case, we will place our
- text edit there.
- \image gs4.png
- Let us look at the new \c Notepad class definition.
- \code
- #include <QtGui>
- class Notepad : public QMainWindow
- {
- public:
- Notepad();
- private slots:
- void open();
- void save();
- void quit();
- private:
- QTextEdit *textEdit;
- QAction *openAction;
- QAction *saveAction;
- QAction *exitAction;
- QMenu *fileMenu;
- };
- \endcode
- We include two more slots that can save and open a document. We
- will implement these in the next section.
- Often, in a main window, the same slot should be invoked by
- several widgets. Examples are menu items and buttons on a tool
- bar. To make this easier, Qt provides QAction, which can be given
- to several widgets, and be connected to a slot. For instance, both
- QMenu and QToolBar can create menu items and tool buttons from the
- same \l{QAction}s. We will see how this works shortly.
- As before, we use the \c {Notepad}s constructor to set up the
- GUI.
- \code
- Notepad::Notepad()
- {
- saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Open"), this);
- saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Save"), this);
- exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
- connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
- connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
- connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
- fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
- fileMenu->addAction(openAction);
- fileMenu->addAction(saveAction);
- fileMenu->addSeparator();
- fileMenu->addAction(exitAction);
- textEdit = new QTextEdit;
- setCentralWidget(textEdit);
- setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
- }
- \endcode
- \l{QAction}s are created with the text that should appear on the
- widgets that we add them to (in our case, menu items). If we also
- wanted to add them to a tool bar, we could have given
- \l{QIcon}{icons} to the actions.
- When a menu item is clicked now, the item will trigger the action,
- and the respective slot will be invoked.
- \section2 Learn More
- \table
- \header
- \o About
- \o Here
- \row
- \o Main windows and main window classes
- \o \l{Application Main Window},
- \l{Main Window Examples}
- \row
- \o MDI applications
- \o QMdiArea,
- \l{MDI Example}
- \endtable
- \section1 Saving and Loading
- In this example, we will implement the functionality of the \c
- open() and \c save() slots that we added in the previous example.
- \image gs5.png
- We will start with the \c open() slot:
- \code
- QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), "",
- tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
- if (fileName != "") {
- QFile file(fileName);
- if (! {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
- tr("Could not open file"));
- return;
- }
- QString contents = file.readAll().constData();
- textEdit->setPlainText(contents);
- file.close();
- }
- \endcode
- The first step is asking the user for the name of the file to
- open. Qt comes with QFileDialog, which is a dialog from which the
- user can select a file. The image above shows the dialog on
- Kubuntu. The static \l{QFileDialog::}{getOpenFileName()} function
- displays a modal file dialog, and does not return until the user
- has selected a file. It returns the file path of the file
- selected, or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.
- If we have a file name, we try to open the file with
- \l{QIODevice::}{open()}, which returns true if the file could be
- opened. We will not go into error handling here, but you can follow
- the links from the learn more section. If the file could not be
- opened, we use QMessageBox to display a dialog with an error
- message (see the QMessageBox class description for further
- details).
- Actually reading in the data is trivial using the
- \l{QIODevice::}{readAll()} function, which returns all data in the
- file in a QByteArray. The \l{QByteArray::}{constData()} returns all
- data in the array as a const char*, which QString has a
- constructor for. The contents can then be displayed in the text
- edit. We then \l{QIODevice::}{close()} the file to return the file
- descriptor back to the operating system.
- Now, let us move on to the the \c save() slot.
- \code
- QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "",
- tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
- if (fileName != "") {
- QFile file(fileName);
- if (! {
- // error message
- } else {
- QTextStream stream(&file);
- stream << textEdit->toPlainText();
- stream.flush();
- file.close();
- }
- }
- \endcode
- When we write the contents of the text edit to the file, we use
- the QTextStream class, which wraps the QFile object. The text
- stream can write QStrings directly to the file; QFile only accepts
- raw data (char*) with the \l{QIODevice::}{write()} functions of
- QIODevice.
- \section2 Learn More
- \table
- \header
- \o About
- \o Here
- \row
- \o Files and I/O devices
- \o QFile, QIODevice
- \endtable
- \omit
- \section1 Moving On
- This may not be true for the first release.
- The Qt documentation comes with three getting started guides. You
- have come to the end of the first, which concerns itself with
- basic Qt concepts. We also have guides covering intermediate and
- advanced topics. They are found here: You may also have noticed that the learn more sections in
- this guide frequently linked to them.
- Basic Qt Architecture
- \endomit
+ \group gettingStarted
+ Following is a list.
+ \generatelist{related}
diff --git a/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstartedqml.qdoc b/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstartedqml.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfb71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstartedqml.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial Usage
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
+** written agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of this
+** file.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+ \page qml-textEditor.html
+ \title Getting Started programming with QML
+ \ingroup gettingStarted
+ Welcome to the world of QML - the declarative UI language. In this Getting
+ Started guide, we will create a simple text editor application using QML.
+ After reading this guide, you should be ready to develop your own applications
+ using QML and Qt C++.
+ \section1 QML to Build User Interfaces
+ The application we are building is a simple text editor that will load, save,
+ and perform some text manipulation. This guide will consist of two parts. The
+ first part will involve designing the application layout and behaviors using
+ declarative language in QML. For the second part, file loading and saving will
+ be implemented using Qt C++. Using
+ \l {The Meta-Object System}{Qt's Meta-Object System}, we can expose C++ functions
+ as properties that QML elements can use. Utilizing QML and Qt C++, we can
+ efficiently decouple the interface logic from the application logic.
+ \image qml-texteditor5_editmenu.png
+ To run the QML example code, merely provide the included \l{QML Viewer}{qmlviewer}
+ tool with the QML file as the argument. The C++ portion of this tutorial assumes
+ that the reader possesses basic knowledge of Qt's compilation procedures.
+ Tutorial chapters:
+ \list 1
+ \o \l {Defining a Button and a Menu}{Defining a Button and a Menu}
+ \o \l {Implementing a Menu Bar}{Implementing a Menu Bar}
+ \o \l {Building a Text Editor}{Building a Text Editor}
+ \o \l {Decorating the Text Editor}{Decorating the Text Editor}
+ \o \l {Extending QML using Qt C++}{Extending QML using Qt C++}
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Defining a Button and a Menu
+ \section2 Basic Component - a Button
+ We start our text editor by building a button. Functionally, a button has a mouse
+ sensitive area and a label. Buttons perform actions when a user presses the button.
+ In QML, the basic visual item is the \l {Rectangle}{Rectangle} element. The
+ \c Rectangle element has properties to control the element's appearance and location.
+ \code
+ import Qt 4.7
+ Rectangle {
+ id: simplebutton
+ color: "grey"
+ width: 150; height: 75
+ Text{
+ id: buttonLabel
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "button label"
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ First, the \c { import Qt 4.7 } allows the qmlviewer tool to import the QML elements
+ we will later use. This line must exist for every QML file. Notice that the version
+ of Qt modules is included in the import statement.
+ This simple rectangle has a unique identifier, \c simplebutton, which is bound to the
+ id property. The \c Rectangle element's properties are bound to values by listing the
+ property, followed by a colon, then the value. In the code sample, the color \c grey
+ is bound to the the Rectangle's \c color property. Similarly, we bind the \c width
+ and \c height of the Rectangle.
+ The \l {Text}{Text} element is a non-editable text field. We name this \c Text element
+ \c buttonLabel. To set the string content of the Text field, we bind a value to the
+ \c text property. The label is contained within the Rectangle and in order to center
+ it in the middle, we assign the \c anchors of the Text element to its parent, which
+ is called \c simplebutton. Anchors may bind to other items' anchors, allowing layout
+ assignments simpler.
+ We shall save this code as \c SimpleButton.qml. Running qmlviewer with the file as the
+ argument will display the grey rectangle with a text label.
+ \image qml-texteditor1_simplebutton.png
+ To implement the button click functionality, we can use QML's event handling. QML's event
+ handling is very similar to \l {Signals & Slots}{Qt's signal and slot} mechanism. Signals
+ are emitted and the connected slot is called.
+ \code
+ Rectangle{
+ id:simplebutton
+ ...
+ MouseArea{
+ id: buttonMouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent //anchor all sides of the mouse area to the rectangle's anchors
+ //onClicked handles valid mouse button clicks
+ onClicked: console.log(buttonLabel.text + " clicked" )
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ We include a \l{MouseArea} element in our simplebutton. \c MouseArea elements describe
+ the interactive area where mouse movements are detected. For our button, we anchor the
+ whole MouseArea to its parent, which is \c simplebutton. The \c anchors.fill syntax is
+ one way of accessing a specific property called \c fill inside a group of properties
+ called \c anchors. QML uses \l {Anchor-based Layout in QML}{anchor based layouts} where
+ items can anchor to another item, creating robust layouts.
+ The \c MouseArea has many signal handlers that are called during mouse movements within
+ the specfied \c MouseArea boundaries. One of them is \c onClicked and it is called
+ whenever the acceptable mouse button is clicked, the left click being the default. We
+ can bind actions to the onClicked handler. In our example, \c console.log() outputs text
+ whenever the mouse area is clicked. The function \c console.log() is a useful tool for
+ debugging purposes and for outputting text.
+ The code in \c SimpleButton.qml is sufficient to display a button on the screen and
+ output text whenever it is clicked with a mouse.
+ \code
+ Rectangle {
+ id:Button
+ ...
+ property color buttonColor: "lightblue"
+ property color onHoverColor: "gold"
+ property color borderColor: "white"
+ signal buttonClick()
+ onButtonClick: {
+ console.log(buttonLabel.text + " clicked" )
+ }
+ MouseArea{
+ onClicked: buttonClick()
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onEntered: parent.border.color = onHoverColor
+ onExited: parent.border.color = borderColor
+ }
+ //determines the color of the button by using the conditional operator
+ color: buttonMouseArea.pressed ? Qt.darker(buttonColor, 1.5) : buttonColor
+ }
+ \endcode
+ A fully functioning button is in \c Button.qml. The code snippets in this article
+ have some code omitted, denoted by ellipses because they were either introduced
+ earlier in the previous sections or irrelevant to the current code discussion.
+ Custom properties are declared using the \c {property type name} syntax. In the
+ code, the property \c buttonColor, of type \c color, is declared and bound to
+ the value \c{"lightblue"}. The \c buttonColor is later used in a conditional
+ operation to determine the buttons's fill color. Note that property value
+ assignment is possible using the \c= equals sign, in addition to value binding
+ using the \c : colon character. Custom properties allow internal items to be
+ accessible outside of the Rectangle's scope. There are basic
+ \l{QML Basic Types}{QML types} such as \c int, \c string, \c real, as well as
+ a type called \c variant.
+ By binding the \c onEntered and \c onExited signal handlers to colors, the
+ button's border will turn yellow when the mouse hovers above the button and
+ reverts the color when the mouse exits the mouse area.
+ A \c buttonClick() signal is declared in \c Button.qml by placing the \c signal
+ keyword in front of the signal name. All signals have their handlers automatically
+ created, their names starting with \c on. As a result, the \c onButtonClick is
+ \c buttonClick's handler. The \c onButtonClick is then assigned an action to
+ perform. In our button example, the \c onClicked mouse handler will simply call
+ \c onButtonClick, which displays a text. The \c onButtonClick enables outside
+ objects to access the \c {Button}'s mouse area easily. For example, items may
+ have more than one \c MouseArea declarations and a \c buttonClick signal can
+ make the distinction between the several \c MouseArea signal handlers better.
+ We now have the basic knowledge to implement items in QML that can handle
+ basic mouse movements. We created a \c Text label inside a \c Rectangle,
+ customized its properties, and implemented behaviors that respond to mouse
+ movements. This idea of creating elements within elements is repeated
+ throughout the text editor application.
+ This button is not useful unless used as a component to perform an action.
+ In the next section, we will soon create a menu containing several of these
+ buttons.
+ \image qml-texteditor1_button.png
+ \section2 Creating a Menu Page
+ Up to this stage, we covered how to create elements and assign behaviors inside
+ a single QML file. In this section, we will cover how to import QML elements and how
+ to reuse some of the created components to build other components.
+ Menus display the contents of a list, each item having the ability to perform an action.
+ In QML, we can create a menu in several ways. First, we will create a menu containing
+ buttons which will eventually perform different actions. The menu code is in
+ \c FileMenu.qml.
+ \code
+ import Qt 4.7 \\import the main Qt QML module
+ import “folderName” \\import the contents of the folder
+ import “Button.qml” \\import a QML file
+ import “NewButton.qml” as ButtonModule \\import a QML file and give it a name
+ import “script.js” as Script \\import a Javascript file and name it as Script
+ \endcode
+ To use the \c Button element in \c FileMenu.qml, we need to import \c Button.qml.
+ The syntax shown above, shows how to use the \c import keyword. However, the
+ \c {import Button.qml} is not necessary; qmlviewer will import all the contents
+ of the current directory. We can directly create a \c Button element by declaring
+ \c Button{}, similar to a \c Rectangle{} declaration.
+ \code
+ In FileMenu.qml:
+ Row{
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing: parent.width/6
+ Button{
+ id: loadButton
+ buttonColor: "lightgrey"
+ label: "Load"
+ }
+ Button{
+ buttonColor: "grey"
+ id: saveButton
+ label: "Save"
+ }
+ Button{
+ id: exitButton
+ label: "Exit"
+ buttonColor: "darkgrey"
+ onButtonClick: Qt.quit()
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ In \c FileMenu.qml, we declare three \c Button elements. They are declared
+ inside a \l {Row}{Row} element, a positioner that will position its children
+ along a vertical row. The \c Button declaration resides in Button.qml,
+ which is the same as the \c Button.qml we used in the previous section.
+ New property bindings can be declared within the newly created buttons,
+ effectively overwriting the properties set in \c Button.qml. The button
+ called \c exitButton will quit and close the window when it is clicked.
+ Note that the signal handler \c onButtonClick in \c Button.qml will be
+ called in addition to the \c onButtonClick handler in \c exitButton.
+ \image qml-texteditor1_filemenu.png
+ The \c Row declaration is declared in a \c Rectangle, creating a rectangle
+ container for the row of buttons. This additional rectangle creates an indirect
+ way of organizing the row of buttons inside a menu.
+ The declaration of the edit menu is very similar at this stage. The menu has
+ buttons that have the labels: \c Copy, \c Paste, and \c {Select All}.
+ \image qml-texteditor1_editmenu.png
+ Armed with our knowledge of importing and customizing previously made
+ components, we may now combine these menu pages to create a menu bar,
+ consisting of buttons to select the menu, and look at how we may structure
+ data using QML.
+ \section1 Implementing a Menu Bar
+ Our text editor application will need a way to display menus using a menu bar.
+ The menu bar will switch the different menus and the user can choose which menu
+ to display. Menu switching implies that the menus need more structure than
+ merely displaying them in a row. QML uses models and views to structure data
+ and display the structured data.
+ \section2 Using Data Models and Views
+ QML has different \l {Data Models}{data views} that display
+ \l {Data Models}{data models}. Our menu bar will display the menus in a list,
+ with a header that displays a row of menu names. The list of menus are declared
+ inside a \c VisualItemModel. The \l{VisualItemModel}{\c VisualItemModel}
+ element contains items that already have views such as \c Rectangle elements
+ and imported UI elements. Other model types such as the \l {ListModel}{\c ListModel}
+ element need a delegate to display their data.
+ We declare two visual items in the \c menuListModel, the \c FileMenu and the
+ \c EditMenu. We customize the two menus and display them using a
+ \l {ListView}{ListView}. The \c MenuBar.qml file contains the QML declarations
+ and a simple edit menu is defined in \c EditMenu.qml.
+ \code
+ VisualItemModel{
+ id: menuListModel
+ FileMenu{
+ width: menuListView.width
+ height: menuBar.height
+ color: fileColor
+ }
+ EditMenu{
+ color: editColor
+ width: menuListView.width
+ height: menuBar.height
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The \l {ListView}{ListView} element will display a model according to a delegate.
+ The delegate may declare the model items to display in a \c Row element or display
+ the items in a grid. Our \c menuListModel already has visible items, therefore,
+ we do not need to declare a delegate.
+ \code
+ ListView{
+ id: menuListView
+ //Anchors are set to react to window anchors
+ anchors.fill:parent
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ width:parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ //the model contains the data
+ model: menuListModel
+ //control the movement of the menu switching
+ snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
+ orientation: ListView.Horizontal
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+ flickDeceleration: 5000
+ highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
+ highlightMoveDuration:240
+ highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Additionally, \c ListView inherits from \l {Flickable}{\c Flickable}, making
+ the list respond to mouse drags and other gestures. The last portion of the
+ code above sets \c Flickable properties to create the desired flicking movement
+ to our view. In particular,the property \c highlightMoveDuration changes the
+ duration of the flick transition. A higher \c highlightMoveDuration value
+ results in slower menu switching.
+ The \c ListView maintains the model items through an \c index and each visual
+ item in the model is accessible through the \c index, in the order of the
+ declaration. Changing the \c currentIndex effectively changes the highlighted
+ item in the \c ListView. The header of our menu bar exemplify this effect.
+ There are two buttons in a row, both changing the current menu when clicked.
+ The \c fileButton changes the current menu to the file menu when clicked,
+ the \c index being \c 0 because \c FileMenu is declared first in the
+ \c menuListModel. Similarly, the \c editButton will change the current
+ menu to the \c EditMenu when clicked.
+ The \c labelList rectangle has \c z value of \c 1, denoting that it is displayed
+ at the front of the menu bar. Items with higher \c z values are displayed in front
+ of items with lower \c z values. The default \c z value is \c 0.
+ \code
+ Rectangle{
+ id: labelList
+ ...
+ z: 1
+ Row{
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing:40
+ Button{
+ label: "File"
+ id: fileButton
+ ...
+ onButtonClick: menuListView.currentIndex = 0
+ }
+ Button{
+ id: editButton
+ label: "Edit"
+ ...
+ onButtonClick: menuListView.currentIndex = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The menu bar we just created can be flicked to access the menus or by clicking
+ on the menu names at the top. Switching menu screens feel intuitive and responsive.
+ \image qml-texteditor2_menubar.png
+ */
+ /*!
+ \page qml-textEditor3.html
+ \title Building a Text Editor
+ \section1 Declaring a TextArea
+ Our text editor is not a text editor if it didn't contain an editable text area.
+ QML's \l {TextEdit}{TextEdit} element allows the declaration of a multi-line
+ editable text area. \l {TextEdit}{TextEdit} is different from a \l {Text}{Text}
+ element, which doesn't allow the user to directly edit the text.
+ \code
+ TextEdit{
+ id: textEditor
+ anchors.fill:parent
+ width:parent.width; height:parent.height
+ color:"midnightblue"
+ focus: true
+ wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
+ onCursorRectangleChanged: flickArea.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The editor has its font color property set and set to wrap the text. The
+ \c TextEdit area is inside a flickable area that will scroll the text if the
+ text cursor is outside the visible area. The function \c ensureVisible() will
+ check if the cursor rectangle is outside the visible boundaries and move the
+ text area accordingly. QML uses Javascript syntax for its scripts, and as previously
+ mentioned, Javascript files can be imported and used within a QML file.
+ \code
+ function ensureVisible(r){
+ if (contentX >= r.x)
+ contentX = r.x;
+ else if (contentX+width <= r.x+r.width)
+ contentX = r.x+r.width-width;
+ if (contentY >= r.y)
+ contentY = r.y;
+ else if (contentY+height <= r.y+r.height)
+ contentY = r.y+r.height-height;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Combining Components for the Text Editor
+ We are now ready to create the layout of our text editor using QML. The text
+ editor has two components, the menu bar we created and the text area. QML allows
+ us to reuse components, therefore making our code simpler, by importing components
+ and customizing when necessary. Our text editor splits the window into two;
+ one-third of the screen is dedicated to the menu bar and two-thirds of the screen
+ displays the text area. The menu bar is displayed in front of any other elements.
+ \code
+ Rectangle{
+ id: screen
+ width: 1000; height: 1000
+ //the screen is partitioned into the MenuBar and TextArea. 1/3 of the screen is assigned to the MenuBar
+ property int partition: height/3
+ MenuBar{
+ id:menuBar
+ height: partition
+ width:parent.width
+ z: 1
+ }
+ TextArea{
+ id:textArea
+ anchors.bottom:parent.bottom
+ y: partition
+ color: "white"
+ height: partition*2
+ width:parent.width
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ By importing reusable components, our \c TextEditor code looks much simpler.
+ We can then customize the main application, without worrying about properties
+ that already have defined behaviors. Using this approach, application layouts
+ and UI components can be created easily.
+ \image qml-texteditor3_texteditor.png
+ */
+ /*!
+ \page qml-textEditor4
+ \title Decorating the Text Editor
+ \section1 Implementing a Drawer Interface
+ Our text editor looks simple and we need to decorate it. Using QML, we can declare
+ transitions and animate our text editor. Our menu bar is occupying one-third of the
+ screen and it would be nice to have it only appear when we want it.
+ We can add a drawer interface, that will contract or expand the menu bar when clicked.
+ In our implementation, we have a thin rectangle that responds to mouse clicks. The
+ \c drawer, as well as the application, has two sates: the "drawer is open" state and
+ the "drawer is closed" state. The \c drawer item is a strip of rectangle with a small
+ height. There is a nested \l {Image}{Image} element declaring that an arrow icon will
+ be centered inside the drawer. The drawer assigns a state to the whole application,
+ with the identifier \c screen, whenever a user clicks the mouse area.
+ \code
+ Rectangle{
+ id:drawer
+ height:15
+ Image{
+ id: arrowIcon
+ source: "images/arrow.png"
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ }
+ MouseArea{
+ id: drawerMouseArea
+ anchors.fill:parent
+ onClicked:{
+ if (screen.state == "DRAWER_CLOSED"){
+ screen.state = "DRAWER_OPEN"
+ }
+ else if (screen.state == "DRAWER_OPEN"){
+ screen.state = "DRAWER_CLOSED"
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ A state is simply a collection of configurations and it is declared in a
+ \l{State}{State} element. A list of states can be listed and bound to the
+ \c states property. In our application, the two states are called
+ \c DRAWER_CLOSED and \c DRAWER_OPEN. Item configurations are declared in
+ \l {PropertyChanges}{PropertyChanges} elements. In the \c DRAWER_OPEN state,
+ there are four items that will receive property changes. The first target,
+ \c menuBar, will change its \c y property to \c 0. Similarly, the \c textArea
+ will lower to a new position when the state is \c DRAWER_OPEN. The \c textArea,
+ the \c drawer, and the drawer's icon will undergo property changes to meet the
+ current state.
+ \code
+ states:[
+ State{
+ name: "DRAWER_OPEN"
+ PropertyChanges { target: menuBar; y:0}
+ PropertyChanges { target: textArea; y: partition + drawer.height}
+ PropertyChanges { target: drawer; y: partition}
+ PropertyChanges { target: arrowIcon; rotation: 180}
+ },
+ State{
+ PropertyChanges { target: menuBar; y:-partition}
+ PropertyChanges { target: textArea; y: drawer.height; height: screen.height - drawer.height}
+ PropertyChanges { target: drawer; y: 0}
+ PropertyChanges { target: arrowIcon; rotation: 0}
+ }
+ ]
+ \endcode
+ State changes are abrupt and needs smoother transitions. Transitions between states
+ are defined using the \l {Transition}{Transition} element, which can then bind to
+ the item's \c transitions property. Our text editor has a state transition whenever
+ the state changes to either \c DRAWER_OPEN or \c DRAWER_CLOSED. Importantly, the
+ transition needs a \c from and a \c to state but for our transitions, we can use
+ the wild card \c * symbol to denote that the transition applies to all state changes.
+ During transitions, we can assign animations to the property changes. Our
+ \c menuBar switches position from \c {y:0} to \c {y:-partition} and we can animate
+ this transition using the \l {NumberAnimation}{NumberAnimation} element. We declare
+ that the targets' properties will animate for a certain duration of time and using
+ a certain easing curve. An easing curve controls the animation rates and
+ interpolation behavior during state transitions. The easing curve we chose is
+ \l {PropertyAnimation::easing.type}{Easing.OutQuint}, which slows the movement near
+ the end of the animation. Pleae read \l {qdeclarativeanimation.html}{QML's Animation}
+ article.
+ \code
+ transitions: [
+ Transition{
+ to: "*"
+ NumberAnimation { target: textArea; properties: "y, height"; duration: 100; easing.type: Easing.OutQuint }
+ NumberAnimation { target: menuBar; properties: "y"; duration: 100;easing.type: Easing.OutQuint }
+ NumberAnimation { target: drawer; properties: "y"; duration: 100;easing.type: Easing.OutQuint }
+ }
+ ]
+ \endcode
+ Another way of animating property changes is by declaring a \l {Behavior}{Behavior}
+ element. A transition only works during state changes and \c Behavior can set an
+ animation for a general property change. In the text editor, the arrow has a
+ \c NumberAnimation animating its \c rotation property whenever the property changes.
+ \code
+ In TextEditor.qml:
+ Behavior{
+ NumberAnimation{property: "rotation";easing.type: Easing.OutExpo }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Going back to our components with knowledge of states and animations, we can improve
+ the appearances of the components. In \c Button.qml, we can add \c color and \c scale
+ property changes when the button is clicked. Color types are animated using
+ \l {ColorAnimation}{ColorAnimation} and numbers are animated using
+ \l {NumberAnimation}{NumberAnimation}. The \c {on propertyName} syntax displayed below
+ is helpful when targeting a single property.
+ \code
+ In Button.qml:
+ ...
+ color: buttonMouseArea.pressed ? Qt.darker(buttonColor, 1.5) : buttonColor
+ Behavior on color { ColorAnimation{ duration: 55} }
+ scale: buttonMouseArea.pressed ? 1.1 : 1.00
+ Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation{ duration: 55} }
+ \endcode
+ Additionally, we can enhance the appearances of our QML components by adding color
+ effects such as gradients and opacity effects. Declaring a \l {Gradient}{Gradient}
+ element will override the \c color property of the element. You may declare a color
+ in the gradient using the \l {GradientStop}{GradientStop} element. The gradient is
+ positioned using a scale, between \c 0.0 and \c 1.0.
+ \code
+ In MenuBar.qml
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#8C8F8C" }
+ GradientStop { position: 0.17; color: "#6A6D6A" }
+ GradientStop { position: 0.98;color: "#3F3F3F" }
+ GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#0e1B20" }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ This gradient is used by the menu bar to display a gradient simulating depth.
+ The first color starts at \c 0.0 and the last color is at \c 1.0.
+ \section2 Where to Go from Here
+ We are finished building the user interface of a very simple text editor.
+ Going forward, the user interface is complete, and we can implement the
+ application logic using regular Qt and C++. QML works nicely as a prototyping
+ tool, separating the application logic away from the UI design.
+ \image qml-texteditor4_texteditor.png
+ \section1 Extending QML using Qt C++
+ Now that we have our text editor layout, we may now implement the text editor
+ functionalities in C++. Using QML with C++ enables us to create our application
+ logic using Qt. We can create a QML context in a C++ application using the
+ \l {Using QML in C++ Applications}{Qt's Declarative} classes and display the QML
+ elements using a Graphics Scene. Alternatively, we can export our C++ code into
+ a plugin that the \l {QML Viewer}{qmlviewer} tool can read. For our application,
+ we shall implement the load and save functions in C++ and export it as a plugin.
+ This way, we only need to load the QML file directly instead of running an executable.
+ \section2 Exposing C++ Classes to QML
+ We will be implementing file loading and saving using Qt and C++. C++ classes
+ and functions can be used in QML by registering them. The class also needs to be
+ compiled as a Qt plugin and the QML file will need to know where the plugin is located.
+ For our application, we need to create the following items:
+ \list 1
+ \o \c Directory class that will handle directory related operations
+ \o \c File class which is a QObject, simulating the list of files in a directory
+ \o plugin class that will register the class to the QML context
+ \o Qt project file that will compile the plugin
+ \o A \c qmldir file telling the qmlviewer tool where to find the plugin
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Building a Qt Plugin
+ To build a plugin, we need to set the following in a Qt project file. First,
+ the necessary sources, headers, and Qt modules need to be added into our
+ project file. All the C++ code and project files are in the \c filedialog
+ directory.
+ \code
+ In
+ TEMPLATE = lib
+ CONFIG += qt plugin
+ QT += declarative
+ DESTDIR += ../plugins
+ MOC_DIR = tmp
+ TARGET = FileDialog
+ HEADERS += directory.h \
+ file.h \
+ dialogPlugin.h
+ SOURCES += directory.cpp \
+ file.cpp \
+ dialogPlugin.cpp
+ \endcode
+ In particular, we compile Qt with the \c declarative module and configure it as a
+ \c plugin, needing a \c lib template. We shall put the compiled plugin into the
+ parent's \c plugins directory.
+ \section2 Registering a Class into QML
+ \code
+ In dialogPlugin.h:
+ #include <QtDeclarative/QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin>
+ class DialogPlugin : public QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin
+ {
+ public:
+ void registerTypes(const char *uri);
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Our plugin class, \c DialogPlugin is a subclass of \l {QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin}{QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin}. We need to implement the inherited function, \l {QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin::registerTypes}{registerTypes}. The \c dialogPlugin.cpp file looks like this:
+ \code
+ DialogPlugin.cpp:
+ #include "dialogPlugin.h"
+ #include "directory.h"
+ #include "file.h"
+ #include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarative.h>
+ void DialogPlugin::registerTypes(const char *uri){
+ qmlRegisterType<Directory>(uri, 1, 0, "Directory");
+ qmlRegisterType<File>(uri, 1, 0,"File");
+ }
+ Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(FileDialog, DialogPlugin);
+ \endcode
+ The \l {QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin::registerTypes}{registerTypes}
+ function registers our File and Directory classes into QML. This function
+ needs the class name for its template, a major version number, a minor version
+ number, and a name for our classes.
+ We need to export the plugin using the \l {Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2}{Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2}
+ macro. Note that in our \c dialogPlugin.h file, we have the \l {Q_OBJECT}{Q_OBJECT}
+ macro at the top of our class. As well, we need to run \c qmake on the project
+ file to generate the necessary meta-object code.
+ \section2 Creating QML Properties in a C++ class
+ We can create QML elements and properties using C++ and
+ \l {The Meta-Object System}{Qt's Meta-Object System}. We can implement
+ properties using slots and signals, making Qt aware of these properties.
+ These properties can then be used in QML.
+ For the text editor, we need to be able to load and save files. Typically,
+ these features are contained in a file dialog. Fortunately, we can use
+ \l {QDir}{QDir}, \l {QFile}{QFile}, and \l {QTextStream}{QTextStream} to
+ implement directory reading and input/output streams.
+ \code
+ class Directory : public QObject{
+ Q_PROPERTY(int filesCount READ filesCount CONSTANT)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString filename READ filename WRITE setFilename NOTIFY filenameChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString fileContent READ fileContent WRITE setFileContent NOTIFY fileContentChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> files READ files CONSTANT )
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ The \c Directory class uses Qt's Meta-Object System to register properties it
+ needs to accomplish file handling. The \c Directory class is exported as a plugin
+ and is useable in QML as the \c Directory element. Each of the listed properties
+ using the \l {Q_PROPERTY()}{Q_PROPERTY} macro is a QML property.
+ The \l {Q_PROPERTY()} {Q_PROPERTY} declares a property as well as its read and
+ write functions into Qt's Meta-Object System. For example, the \c filename
+ property, of type \l {QString}{QString}, is readable using the \c filename()
+ function and writable using the function \c setFilename(). Additionally, there
+ is a signal associated to the filename property called \c filenameChanged(),
+ which is emitted whenever the property changes. The read and write functions
+ are declared as \c public in the header file.
+ Similarly, we have the other properties declared according to their uses. The
+ \c filesCount property indicates the number of files in a directory. The filename
+ property is set to the currently selected file's name and the loaded/saved file
+ content is stored in \c fileContent property.
+ \code
+ Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> files READ files CONSTANT )
+ \endcode
+ The \c files list property is a list of all the filtered files in a directory.
+ The \c Directory class is implemented to filter out invalid text files; only
+ files with a \c .txt extension are valid. Further, \l {QLists}{QLists} can be
+ used in QML files by declaring them as a \c QDeclarativeListProperty in C++.
+ The templated object needs to inherit from a \l {QObject}{QObject}, therefore,
+ the \c File class must also inherit from \c QObject. In the \c Directory class,
+ the list of \c File objects is stored in a \c QList called \c m_fileList.
+ \code
+ class File : public QObject{
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
+ ...
+ };
+ \endcode
+ The properties can then be used in QML as part of the \c Directory element's
+ properties. Note that we do not have to create an identifier \c id property
+ in our C++ code.
+ \code
+ Directory{
+ id: directory
+ filesCount
+ filename
+ fileContent
+ files
+ files[0].name
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Because QML uses Javascript's syntax and structure, we can iterate through
+ the list of files and retrieve its properties. To retrieve the first file's
+ name property, we can call \c { files[0].name }.
+ Regular C++ functions are also accessible from QML. The file loading and saving
+ functions are implemented in C++ and declared using the
+ \l {Q_INVOKABLE}{Q_INVOKABLE} macro. Alternatively, we can declare the functions
+ as a \c slot and the functions will be accessible from QML.
+ \code
+ In Directory.h:
+ Q_INVOKABLE void saveFile();
+ Q_INVOKABLE void loadFile();
+ \endcode
+ The \c Directory class also has to notify other objects whenever the directory
+ contents change. This feature is performed using a \c signal. As previously
+ mentioned, QML signals have a corresponding handler with their names prepended
+ with \c on. The signal is called \c directoryChanged and it is emitted whenever
+ there is a directory refresh. The refresh simply reloads the directory contents
+ and updates the list of valid files in the directory. QML items can then be
+ notified by attaching an action to the \c onDirectoryChanged signal handler.
+ The \c list properties need to be explored further. This is because list
+ properties use callbacks to access and modify the list contents. The list
+ property is of type \c QDeclarativeListProperty<File>. Whenever the list
+ is accessed, the accessor function needs to return a
+ \c QDeclarativeListProperty<File>. The template type, \c File, needs to be a
+ \c QObject derivative. Further, to create the
+ \l {QDeclarativeListProperty}{QDeclarativeListProperty}, the list's accessor
+ and modifiers need to be passed to the consructor as function pointers. The list,
+ a \c QList in our case, also needs to be a list of \c File pointers.
+ The constructor of \l {QDeclarativeListProperty}{QDeclarativeListProperty}
+ constructor and the \c Directory implementation:
+ \code
+ QDeclarativeListProperty ( QObject * object, void * data, AppendFunction append, CountFunction count = 0, AtFunction at = 0, ClearFunction clear = 0 )
+ QDeclarativeListProperty<File>( this, &m_fileList, &appendFiles, &filesSize, &fileAt, &clearFilesPtr );
+ \endcode
+ The constructor passes pointers to functions that will append the list, count
+ the list, retrieve the item using an index, and empty the list. Only the append
+ function is mandatory. Note that the function pointers must match the definition
+ of \l {QDeclarativeListProperty::AppendFunction}{AppendFunction},
+ \l {QDeclarativeListProperty::CountFunction}{CountFunction},
+ \l {QDeclarativeListProperty::AtFunction}{AtFunction}, or
+ \l {QDeclarativeListProperty::ClearFunction}{ClearFunction}.
+ \code
+ void appendFiles(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> * property, File * file)
+ File* fileAt(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> * property, int index)
+ int filesSize(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> * property)
+ void clearFilesPtr(QDeclarativeListProperty<File> *property)
+ \endcode
+ To simplify our file dialog, the \c Directory class filters out invalid text
+ files, which are files that do not have a \c .txt extension. If a file name
+ doesn't have the \c .txt extension, then it won't be seen in our file dialog.
+ Also, the implementation makes sure that saved files have a \c .txt extension in
+ the file name. \c Directory uses \l {QTextStream}{QTextStream} to read the file
+ and to output the file contents to a file.
+ With our \c Directory element, we can retrieve the files as a list, know how many
+ text files is in the application directory, get the file's name and content as a
+ string, and be notified whenever there are changes in the directory contents.
+ To build the plugin, run \c qmake on the \c project file, then run
+ \c make to build and transfer the plugin to the \c plugins directory.
+ \section2 Importing a Plugin in QML
+ The qmlviewer tool imports files that are in the same directory as the
+ application. We can also create a \c qmldir file containing the locations of
+ QML files we wish to import. The \c qmldir file can also store locations of
+ plugins and other resources.
+ \code
+ In qmldir:
+ Button ./Button.qml
+ FileDialog ./FileDialog.qml
+ TextArea ./TextArea.qml
+ TextEditor ./TextEditor.qml
+ EditMenu ./EditMenu.qml
+ plugin FileDialog plugins
+ \endcode
+ The plugin we just created is called \c FileDialog, as indicated by the
+ \c TARGET field in the project file. The compiled plugin is in the \c plugins directory.
+ \section2 Integrating a File Dialog into the File Menu
+ Our \c FileMenu needs to display the \c FileDialog element, containing a list of
+ the text files in a directory thus allowing the user to select the file by
+ clicking on the list. We also need to assign the save, load, and new buttons
+ to their respective actions. The FileMenu contains an editable text input to
+ allow the user to type a file name using the keyboard.
+ The \c Directory element is used in the \c FileMenu.qml file and it notifies the
+ \c FileDialog element that the directory refreshed its contents. This notification
+ is performed in the signal handler, \c onDirectoryChanged.
+ \code
+ In FileMenu.qml:
+ Directory{
+ id:directory
+ filename: textInput.text
+ onDirectoryChanged: fileDialog.notifyRefresh()
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Keeping with the simplicity of our application, the file dialog will always be
+ visible and will not display invalid text files, which do not have a \c .txt
+ extension to their filenames.
+ \code
+ In FileDialog.qml:
+ signal notifyRefresh()
+ onNotifyRefresh: dirView.model = directory.files
+ \endcode
+ The \c FileDialog element will display the contents of a directory by reading its
+ list property called \c files. The files are used as the model of a
+ \l {GridView}{GridView} element, which displays data items in a grid according
+ to a delegate. The delegate handles the appearance of the model and our file
+ dialog will simply create a grid with text centered in the middle. Clicking on
+ the file name will result in the appearance of a rectangle to highlight the file
+ name. The \c FileDialog is notified whenever the \c notifyRefresh signal is emitted,
+ reloading the files in the directory.
+ \code
+ In FileMenu.qml:
+ Button{
+ id: newButton
+ label: "New"
+ onButtonClick:{
+ textArea.textContent = ""
+ }
+ }
+ Button{
+ id: loadButton
+ label: "Load"
+ onButtonClick:{
+ directory.filename = textInput.text
+ directory.loadFile()
+ textArea.textContent = directory.fileContent
+ }
+ }
+ Button{
+ id: saveButton
+ label: "Save"
+ onButtonClick:{
+ directory.fileContent = textArea.textContent
+ directory.filename = textInput.text
+ directory.saveFile()
+ }
+ }
+ Button{
+ id: exitButton
+ label: "Exit"
+ onButtonClick:{
+ Qt.quit()
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Our \c FileMenu can now connect to their respective actions. The \c saveButton
+ will transfer the text from the \c TextEdit onto the directory's \c fileContent
+ property, then copy its file name from the editable text input. Finally, the button
+ calls the \c saveFile() function, saving the file. The \c sloadButton has a similar
+ execution. Also, the \c New action will empty the contents of the \c TextEdit.
+ Further, the \c EditMenu buttons are connected to the \c TextEdit functions to copy,
+ paste, and select all the text in the text editor.
+ \image qml-texteditor5_filemenu.png
+ \section1 Text Editor Completion
+ \image qml-texteditor5_newfile.png
+ The application can function as a simple text editor, able to accept text
+ and save the text into a file. The text editor can also load from a file and
+ perform text manipulation.
+*/ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b3770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/getting-started/gettingstartedqt.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial Usage
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
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+ \page gettingstartedqt.html
+ \title Getting Started programming with Qt
+ \ingroup gettingStarted
+ Welcome to the world of Qt--the cross-platform GUI toolkit. In
+ this getting started guide, we teach basic Qt knowledge by
+ implementing a simple Notepad application. After reading this
+ guide, you should be ready to delve into our overviews and API
+ documentation, and find the information you need for the
+ application you are developing.
+ \section1 Hello Notepad
+ In this first example, we simply create and show a text edit in a
+ window frame on the desktop. This represents the simplest possible
+ Qt program that has a GUI.
+ \image gs1.png
+ Here is the code:
+ \code
+ 1 #include <QApplication>
+ 2 #include <QTextEdit>
+ 3
+ 4 int main(int argv, char **args)
+ 5 {
+ 6 QApplication app(argv, args);
+ 7
+ 8 QTextEdit textEdit;
+ 9;
+11 return app.exec();
+12 }
+ \endcode
+ Let us go through the code line by line. In the first two lines, we
+ include the header files for QApplication and QTextEdit, which are
+ the two classes that we need for this example. All Qt classes have
+ a header file named after them.
+ Line 6 creates a QApplication object. This object manages
+ application-wide resources and is necessary to run any Qt program
+ that has a GUI. It needs \c argv and \c args because Qt accepts a
+ few command line arguments.
+ Line 8 creates a QTextEdit object. A text edit is a visual element
+ in the GUI. In Qt, we call such elements widgets. Examples of
+ other widgets are scroll bars, labels, and radio buttons. A widget
+ can also be a container for other widgets; a dialog or a main
+ application window, for example.
+ Line 9 shows the text edit on the screen in its own window frame.
+ Since widgets also function as containers (for instance a
+ QMainWindow, which has toolbars, menus, a status bar, and a few
+ other widgets), it is possible to show a single widget in its own
+ window. Widgets are not visible by default; the function
+ \l{QWidget::}{show()} makes the widget visible.
+ Line 11 makes the QApplication enter its event loop. When a Qt
+ application is running, events are generated and sent to the
+ widgets of the application. Examples of events are mouse presses
+ and key strokes. When you type text in the text edit widget, it
+ receives key pressed events and responds by drawing the text
+ typed.
+ To run the application, open a command prompt, and enter the
+ directory in which you have the \c .cpp file of the program. The
+ following shell commands build the program.
+ \code
+ qmake -project
+ qmake
+ make
+ \endcode
+ This will leave an executable in the \c part1 directory (note that
+ on Windows, you may have to use \c nmake instead of \c make. Also,
+ the executable will be placed in part1/debug or part1/release). \c
+ qmake is Qt's build tool, which takes a configuration file. \c
+ qmake generates this for us when given the \c{-project} argument.
+ Given the configuration file (suffixed .pro), \c qmake produces a
+ \c make file that will build the program for you. We will look
+ into writing our own \c .pro files later.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Widgets and Window Geometry
+ \o \l{Window and Dialog Widgets}
+ \row
+ \o Events and event handling
+ \o \l{The Event System}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Adding a Quit Button
+ In a real application, you will normally need more than one
+ widget. We will now introduce a QPushButton beneath the text edit.
+ The button will exit the Notepad application when pushed (i.e.,
+ clicked on with the mouse).
+ \image gs2.png
+ Let us take a look at the code.
+ \code
+ 1 #include <QtGui>
+ 2
+ 3 int main(int argv, char **args)
+ 4 {
+ 5 QApplication app(argv, args);
+ 6
+ 7 QTextEdit textEdit;
+ 8 QPushButton quitButton("Quit");
+ 9
+10 QObject::connect(&quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
+12 QVBoxLayout layout;
+13 layout.addWidget(&textEdit);
+14 layout.addWidget(&quitButton);
+16 QWidget window;
+17 window.setLayout(&layout);
+21 return app.exec();
+22 }
+ \endcode
+ Line 1 includes QtGui, which contains all of Qt's GUI classes.
+ Line 10 uses Qt's Signals and Slots mechanism to make the
+ application exit when the \gui {Quit button} is pushed. A slot is
+ a function that can be invoked at runtime using its name (as a
+ literal string). A signal is a function that when called will
+ invoke slots registered with it; we call that to connect the slot
+ to the signal and to emit the signal.
+ \l{QApplication::}{quit()} is a slot of QApplication that exits
+ the application. \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} is a signal that
+ QPushButton emits when it is pushed. The static
+ QObject::connect() function takes care of connecting the slot to
+ the signal. SIGNAL() and SLOT() are two macros that take the
+ function signatures of the signal and slot to connect. We also
+ need to give pointers to the objects that should send and receive
+ the signal.
+ Line 12 creates a QVBoxLayout. As mentioned, widgets can contain
+ other widgets. It is possible to set the bounds (the location and
+ size) of child widgets directly, but it is usually easier to use a
+ layout. A layout manages the bounds of a widget's children.
+ QVBoxLayout, for instance, places the children in a vertical row.
+ Line 13 and 14 adds the text edit and button to the layout. In
+ line 17, we set the layout on a widget.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Signals and slots
+ \o \l{Signals & Slots}
+ \row
+ \o Layouts
+ \o \l{Layout Management},
+ \l{Widgets and Layouts},
+ \l{Layout Examples}
+ \row
+ \o The widgets that come with Qt
+ \o \l{Qt Widget Gallery},
+ \l{Widget Examples}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Subclassing QWidget
+ When the user wants to quit an application, you might want to
+ pop-up a dialog that asks whether he/she really wants to quit. In
+ this example, we subclass QWidget, and add a slot that we connect
+ to the \gui {Quit button}.
+ \image gs3.png
+ Let us look at the code:
+ \code
+ 5 class Notepad : public QWidget
+ 6 {
+ 8
+ 9 public:
+10 Notepad();
+12 private slots:
+13 void quit();
+15 private:
+16 QTextEdit *textEdit;
+17 QPushButton *quitButton;
+18 };
+ \endcode
+ The \c Q_OBJECT macro must be first in the class definition, and
+ declares our class as a \c QObject (Naturally, it must also
+ inherit from QObject). A \l{QObject} adds several abilities to a
+ normal C++ class. Notably, the class name and slot names can be
+ queried at run-time. It is also possible to query a slot's
+ parameter types and invoke it.
+ Line 13 declares the slot \c quit(). This is easy using the \c
+ slots macro. The \c quit() slot can now be connected to signals
+ with a matching signature (any signal that takes no parameters).
+ Instead of setting up the GUI and connecting the slot in the \c
+ main() function, we now use \c{Notepad}'s constructor.
+ \code
+ Notepad::Notepad()
+ {
+ textEdit = new QTextEdit;
+ quitButton = new QPushButton(tr("Quit"));
+ connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit()));
+ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+ layout->addWidget(textEdit);
+ layout->addWidget(quitButton);
+ setLayout(layout);
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
+ }
+ \endcode
+ As you saw in the class definition, we use pointers to our \l
+ {QObject}s (\c textEdit and \c quitButton). As a rule, you should
+ always allocate \l{QObject}s on the heap and never copy them.
+ We now use the function \l{QObject::}{tr()} around our user
+ visible strings. This function is necessary when you want to
+ provide your application in more than one language (e.g. English
+ and Chinese). We will not go into details here, but you can follow
+ the \c {Qt Linguist} link from the learn more table.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o tr() and internationalization
+ \o \l{Qt Linguist Manual},
+ \l{Writing Source Code for Translation},
+ \l{Hello tr() Example},
+ \l{Internationalization with Qt}
+ \row
+ \o QObjects and the Qt Object model (This is essential to understand Qt)
+ \o \l{Object Model}
+ \row
+ \o qmake and the Qt build system
+ \o \l{qmake Manual}
+ \endtable
+ \section2 Creating a .pro file
+ For this example, we write our own \c .pro file instead of
+ using \c qmake's \c -project option.
+ \code
+ HEADERS = notepad.h
+ SOURCES = notepad.cpp \
+ main.cpp
+ \endcode
+ The following shell commands build the example.
+ \code
+ qmake
+ make
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Using a QMainWindow
+ Many applications will benefit from using a QMainWindow, which has
+ its own layout to which you can add a menu bar, dock widgets, tool
+ bars, and a status bar. QMainWindow has a center area that can be
+ occupied by any kind of widget. In our case, we will place our
+ text edit there.
+ \image gs4.png
+ Let us look at the new \c Notepad class definition.
+ \code
+ #include <QtGui>
+ class Notepad : public QMainWindow
+ {
+ public:
+ Notepad();
+ private slots:
+ void open();
+ void save();
+ void quit();
+ private:
+ QTextEdit *textEdit;
+ QAction *openAction;
+ QAction *saveAction;
+ QAction *exitAction;
+ QMenu *fileMenu;
+ };
+ \endcode
+ We include two more slots that can save and open a document. We
+ will implement these in the next section.
+ Often, in a main window, the same slot should be invoked by
+ several widgets. Examples are menu items and buttons on a tool
+ bar. To make this easier, Qt provides QAction, which can be given
+ to several widgets, and be connected to a slot. For instance, both
+ QMenu and QToolBar can create menu items and tool buttons from the
+ same \l{QAction}s. We will see how this works shortly.
+ As before, we use the \c {Notepad}s constructor to set up the
+ GUI.
+ \code
+ Notepad::Notepad()
+ {
+ saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Open"), this);
+ saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Save"), this);
+ exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
+ connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
+ connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
+ fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ fileMenu->addAction(openAction);
+ fileMenu->addAction(saveAction);
+ fileMenu->addSeparator();
+ fileMenu->addAction(exitAction);
+ textEdit = new QTextEdit;
+ setCentralWidget(textEdit);
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \l{QAction}s are created with the text that should appear on the
+ widgets that we add them to (in our case, menu items). If we also
+ wanted to add them to a tool bar, we could have given
+ \l{QIcon}{icons} to the actions.
+ When a menu item is clicked now, the item will trigger the action,
+ and the respective slot will be invoked.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Main windows and main window classes
+ \o \l{Application Main Window},
+ \l{Main Window Examples}
+ \row
+ \o MDI applications
+ \o QMdiArea,
+ \l{MDI Example}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Saving and Loading
+ In this example, we will implement the functionality of the \c
+ open() and \c save() slots that we added in the previous example.
+ \image gs5.png
+ We will start with the \c open() slot:
+ \code
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), "",
+ tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
+ if (fileName != "") {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
+ tr("Could not open file"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QString contents = file.readAll().constData();
+ textEdit->setPlainText(contents);
+ file.close();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The first step is asking the user for the name of the file to
+ open. Qt comes with QFileDialog, which is a dialog from which the
+ user can select a file. The image above shows the dialog on
+ Kubuntu. The static \l{QFileDialog::}{getOpenFileName()} function
+ displays a modal file dialog, and does not return until the user
+ has selected a file. It returns the file path of the file
+ selected, or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.
+ If we have a file name, we try to open the file with
+ \l{QIODevice::}{open()}, which returns true if the file could be
+ opened. We will not go into error handling here, but you can follow
+ the links from the learn more section. If the file could not be
+ opened, we use QMessageBox to display a dialog with an error
+ message (see the QMessageBox class description for further
+ details).
+ Actually reading in the data is trivial using the
+ \l{QIODevice::}{readAll()} function, which returns all data in the
+ file in a QByteArray. The \l{QByteArray::}{constData()} returns all
+ data in the array as a const char*, which QString has a
+ constructor for. The contents can then be displayed in the text
+ edit. We then \l{QIODevice::}{close()} the file to return the file
+ descriptor back to the operating system.
+ Now, let us move on to the the \c save() slot.
+ \code
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "",
+ tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
+ if (fileName != "") {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ // error message
+ } else {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream << textEdit->toPlainText();
+ stream.flush();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ When we write the contents of the text edit to the file, we use
+ the QTextStream class, which wraps the QFile object. The text
+ stream can write QStrings directly to the file; QFile only accepts
+ raw data (char*) with the \l{QIODevice::}{write()} functions of
+ QIODevice.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Files and I/O devices
+ \o QFile, QIODevice
+ \endtable
+ \omit
+ \section1 Moving On
+ This may not be true for the first release.
+ The Qt documentation comes with three getting started guides. You
+ have come to the end of the first, which concerns itself with
+ basic Qt concepts. We also have guides covering intermediate and
+ advanced topics. They are found here: You may also have noticed that the learn more sections in
+ this guide frequently linked to them.
+ Basic Qt Architecture
+ \endomit
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+++ b/doc/src/platforms/platform-notes.qdocinc
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14d2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/snippets/declarative/SelfDestroyingRect.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
+** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+** met:
+** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+** distribution.
+** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor
+** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+** products derived from this software without specific prior written
+** permission.
+import Qt 4.7
+Rectangle {
+ id: rect
+ width: 80; height: 80
+ color: "red"
+ NumberAnimation on opacity {
+ to: 0
+ duration: 1000
+ onRunningChanged: {
+ if (!running) {
+ console.log("Destroying...")
+ rect.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+++ b/examples/network/bearercloud/bluetooth.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/network/bearercloud/cell.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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diff --git a/examples/network/bearercloud/cloud.cpp b/examples/network/bearercloud/cloud.cpp
index 8deaab3..6019d9b 100644
--- a/examples/network/bearercloud/cloud.cpp
+++ b/examples/network/bearercloud/cloud.cpp
@@ -323,6 +323,17 @@ void Cloud::newConfigurationActivated()
case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerEthernet:
renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(":lan.svg"));
+ case QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer2G:
+ renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(":cell.svg"));
+ break;
+ case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerBluetooth:
+ renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(":bluetooth.svg"));
+ break;
+ case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerCDMA2000:
+ case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWCDMA:
+ case QNetworkConfiguration::BearerHSPA:
+ renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(":umts.svg"));
+ break;
renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(":unknown.svg"));
diff --git a/examples/network/bearercloud/gprs.svg b/examples/network/bearercloud/gprs.svg
new file mode 100644
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+ d="M 10.438113,0.60410378 C 9.5195858,0.60412318 8.5840584,0.67216158 7.6315264,0.80821918 C 6.6789835,0.94431518 5.6924268,1.1484304 4.7228823,1.4205653 L 4.7228823,5.0436132 C 5.5223309,4.6949314 6.3643059,4.4057684 7.1722669,4.2271517 C 7.9802179,4.0485668 8.7796689,3.9720237 9.5706225,3.9720075 C 10.64222,3.9720235 11.433166,4.1846436 12.020007,4.5843536 C 12.606829,4.9840947 12.938516,5.5369062 12.938526,6.2683055 C 12.938515,7.0592656 12.623838,7.663106 12.020007,8.054315 C 11.416156,8.4370429 10.497638,8.615644 9.2644494,8.615632 L 7.1722669,8.615632 L 7.1722669,11.779421 L 9.1623917,11.779421 C 10.548667,11.779429 11.569243,11.992048 12.275151,12.442796 C 12.989544,12.885053 13.346746,13.565437 13.346757,14.43292 C 13.346746,15.2749 13.023563,15.921266 12.32618,16.372017 C 11.637281,16.822775 10.616705,17.035395 9.3154783,17.035392 C 8.4394768,17.035395 7.5719873,16.907823 6.6619784,16.67819 C 5.7604653,16.440059 4.8249372,16.116877 3.9064208,15.657613 L 3.9064208,19.433747 C 4.8674613,19.748424 5.8370084,19.995064 6.815065,20.148151 C 7.8016169,20.309742 8.7966784,20.403295 9.7747379,20.403295 C 12.547295,20.403294 14.656485,19.901511 16.102315,18.923459 C 17.548116,17.936904 18.296539,16.474077 18.296555,14.586007 C 18.296539,13.318797 17.947843,12.289717 17.275978,11.473248 C 16.612589,10.648291 15.286744,9.8267627 14.975337,9.738267 C 15.211467,9.5707147 16.382959,8.96434 16.969805,8.2584304 C 17.556621,7.544039 17.837281,6.617016 17.837296,5.5028728 C 17.837281,3.8699658 17.233439,2.6367701 16.000257,1.8287961 C 14.775552,1.0123535 12.913001,0.60412318 10.438113,0.60410378 z M 10.570571,1.2772502 C 13.045459,1.2772695 14.306521,1.5736708 15.531226,2.3901134 C 16.764408,3.1980876 17.174992,3.8601944 17.175007,5.4931014 C 17.174992,6.6072444 16.924732,7.1976942 16.337916,7.9120856 C 15.75107,8.617996 15.186496,9.1223119 15.071966,9.2290638 L 14.321733,9.8826672 C 15.605945,10.214364 16.173958,10.84372 16.837348,11.668677 C 17.509211,12.485146 17.613621,13.298168 17.613637,14.565378 C 17.613621,16.453449 16.977028,17.365815 15.531226,18.35237 C 14.085396,19.330422 12.587467,19.720376 9.8149096,19.720377 C 8.8368504,19.720377 7.7809882,19.596424 6.7944362,19.434833 C 5.8163797,19.281747 5.4689503,19.167564 4.5079098,18.852887 L 4.4775095,16.626075 C 5.3960259,17.085338 5.6790363,17.174005 6.5805495,17.412136 C 7.4905585,17.641769 8.5827919,17.809513 9.4587934,17.80951 C 10.76002,17.809513 12.167112,17.341749 12.856012,16.89099 C 13.553395,16.440238 14.111093,15.203243 14.111104,14.361263 C 14.111093,13.493779 13.591033,12.385621 12.87664,11.943364 C 12.170732,11.492617 10.853754,11.107368 9.4674791,11.10736 L 7.8041559,11.117131 L 7.8041559,9.277922 L 9.3871358,9.257293 C 10.620324,9.257304 12.006788,8.936474 12.610639,8.553746 C 13.21447,8.1625376 13.682233,7.0288655 13.682244,6.2379054 C 13.682234,5.5065062 13.268032,4.4542632 12.681211,4.0545222 C 12.09437,3.6548121 10.824621,3.2391624 9.7530236,3.2391464 C 8.9620698,3.2391624 7.9791321,3.3048486 7.1711811,3.4834335 C 6.3632201,3.66205 6.1954773,3.6645831 5.3960287,4.0132649 L 5.3862573,1.9308538 C 6.3558019,1.6587188 6.8320701,1.5566613 7.784613,1.4205653 C 8.7371446,1.2845077 9.6520438,1.2772696 10.570571,1.2772502 z "
+ id="text1901"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="csccsssssccccsssssccssssscsssccsssccsssssccsssssccccsssssccsc" /></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mkspecs/features/qt.prf b/mkspecs/features/qt.prf
index e8946de..aa0f06e 100644
--- a/mkspecs/features/qt.prf
+++ b/mkspecs/features/qt.prf
@@ -209,3 +209,16 @@ wince*:static:gui {
mac {
+#SIMD defines:
+sse4_1:DEFINES += QT_HAVE_SSE4_1
+sse4_2:DEFINES += QT_HAVE_SSE4_2
diff --git a/src/corelib/ b/src/corelib/
index bbf445f..bc8ef9f 100644
--- a/src/corelib/
+++ b/src/corelib/
@@ -53,39 +53,6 @@ symbian: {
DEPLOYMENT = partial_upgrade $$DEPLOYMENT
-mmx {
-3dnow {
-sse {
-sse2 {
-sse3 {
-ssse3 {
-sse4_1 {
-sse4_2 {
-avx {
-iwmmxt {
-neon {
- QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -mfpu=neon
+neon: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -mfpu=neon
diff --git a/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h b/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
index 7b915cd..8f27b03 100644
--- a/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
+++ b/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
@@ -981,9 +981,11 @@ redefine to built-in booleans to make autotests work properly */
+# ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
/* enable Qt3 support warnings as well */
+# endif
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
index 1734b03..ee791e0 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
@@ -91,6 +91,16 @@
+ The ability to set an amplitude, overshoot, or period depends on the QEasingCurve type. Amplitude access
+ is available to curves that behave as springs such as elastic and bounce curves. Changing the amplitude changes
+ the height of the curve. Period access is only available to elastic curves and setting a higher period slows
+ the rate of bounce. Only curves that have "boomerang" behaviors such as the InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, and OutInBack
+ have overshoot settings. These curves will interpolate beyond the end points and return to the end point,
+ acting similar to a boomerang.
+ The \l{Easing Curves Example} contains samples of QEasingCurve types and lets you change the curve settings.
@@ -140,15 +150,15 @@
accelerating from zero velocity.
\value OutQuart \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outquart.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function:
+ Easing curve for a quartic (t^4) function:
decelerating to zero velocity.
\value InOutQuart \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutquart.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function:
+ Easing curve for a quartic (t^4) function:
acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\value OutInQuart \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinquart.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^4) function:
+ Easing curve for a quartic (t^4) function:
deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\value InQuint \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inquint.png
@@ -156,15 +166,15 @@
in: accelerating from zero velocity.
\value OutQuint \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outquint.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function:
+ Easing curve for a quintic (t^5) function:
decelerating to zero velocity.
\value InOutQuint \inlineimage qeasingcurve-inoutquint.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function:
+ Easing curve for a quintic (t^5) function:
acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
\value OutInQuint \inlineimage qeasingcurve-outinquint.png
- Easing curve for a cubic (t^5) function:
+ Easing curve for a quintic (t^5) function:
deceleration until halfway, then acceleration.
\value InSine \inlineimage qeasingcurve-insine.png
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation.cpp
index 8ce4832..cfc7b8e 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation.cpp
@@ -54,36 +54,32 @@
-class QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate : public QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationPrivate
+class QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate : public QDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate
- QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate()
- : currentValue(0), to(0), from(0), maxVelocity(0), lastTime(0)
- , mass(1.0), spring(0.), damping(0.), velocity(0), epsilon(0.01)
- , modulus(0.0), useMass(false), haveModulus(false), enabled(true)
- , fromDefined(false), toDefined(false)
- , mode(Track), clock(this) {}
- qreal currentValue;
- qreal to;
- qreal from;
+ struct SpringAnimation {
+ SpringAnimation()
+ : currentValue(0), to(0), velocity(0){}
+ qreal currentValue;
+ qreal to;
+ qreal velocity;
+ };
+ QHash<QDeclarativeProperty, SpringAnimation> activeAnimations;
qreal maxVelocity;
qreal velocityms;
int lastTime;
qreal mass;
qreal spring;
qreal damping;
- qreal velocity;
qreal epsilon;
qreal modulus;
bool useMass : 1;
bool haveModulus : 1;
- bool enabled : 1;
- bool fromDefined : 1;
- bool toDefined : 1;
enum Mode {
@@ -92,38 +88,68 @@ public:
Mode mode;
- void tick(int);
+ QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate()
+ : maxVelocity(0), velocityms(0), lastTime(0)
+ , mass(1.0), spring(0.), damping(0.), epsilon(0.01)
+ , modulus(0.0), useMass(false), haveModulus(false)
+ , mode(Track), clock(0)
+ { }
+ void tick(int time);
+ bool animate(const QDeclarativeProperty &property, SpringAnimation &animation, int elapsed);
void updateMode();
- QTickAnimationProxy<QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate, &QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::tick> clock;
+ typedef QTickAnimationProxy<QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate, &QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::tick> Clock;
+ Clock *clock;
void QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::tick(int time)
if (mode == Track) {
- clock.stop();
+ clock->stop();
int elapsed = time - lastTime;
if (!elapsed)
- qreal srcVal = to;
+ if (mode == Spring) {
+ if (elapsed < 16) // capped at 62fps.
+ return;
+ int count = elapsed / 16;
+ lastTime = time - (elapsed - count * 16);
+ } else {
+ lastTime = time;
+ }
+ QMutableHashIterator<QDeclarativeProperty, SpringAnimation> it(activeAnimations);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ if (animate(it.key(), it.value(), elapsed))
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ if (activeAnimations.isEmpty())
+ clock->stop();
+bool QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::animate(const QDeclarativeProperty &property, SpringAnimation &animation, int elapsed)
+ qreal srcVal =;
bool stop = false;
if (haveModulus) {
- currentValue = fmod(currentValue, modulus);
+ animation.currentValue = fmod(animation.currentValue, modulus);
srcVal = fmod(srcVal, modulus);
if (mode == Spring) {
- if (elapsed < 16) // capped at 62fps.
- return;
// Real men solve the spring DEs using RK4.
// We'll do something much simpler which gives a result that looks fine.
int count = elapsed / 16;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- qreal diff = srcVal - currentValue;
+ qreal diff = srcVal - animation.currentValue;
if (haveModulus && qAbs(diff) > modulus / 2) {
if (diff < 0)
diff += modulus;
@@ -131,32 +157,31 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::tick(int time)
diff -= modulus;
if (useMass)
- velocity = velocity + (spring * diff - damping * velocity) / mass;
+ animation.velocity = animation.velocity + (spring * diff - damping * animation.velocity) / mass;
- velocity = velocity + spring * diff - damping * velocity;
+ animation.velocity = animation.velocity + spring * diff - damping * animation.velocity;
if (maxVelocity > 0.) {
// limit velocity
- if (velocity > maxVelocity)
- velocity = maxVelocity;
- else if (velocity < -maxVelocity)
- velocity = -maxVelocity;
+ if (animation.velocity > maxVelocity)
+ animation.velocity = maxVelocity;
+ else if (animation.velocity < -maxVelocity)
+ animation.velocity = -maxVelocity;
- currentValue += velocity * 16.0 / 1000.0;
+ animation.currentValue += animation.velocity * 16.0 / 1000.0;
if (haveModulus) {
- currentValue = fmod(currentValue, modulus);
- if (currentValue < 0.0)
- currentValue += modulus;
+ animation.currentValue = fmod(animation.currentValue, modulus);
+ if (animation.currentValue < 0.0)
+ animation.currentValue += modulus;
- if (qAbs(velocity) < epsilon && qAbs(srcVal - currentValue) < epsilon) {
- velocity = 0.0;
- currentValue = srcVal;
+ if (qAbs(animation.velocity) < epsilon && qAbs(srcVal - animation.currentValue) < epsilon) {
+ animation.velocity = 0.0;
+ animation.currentValue = srcVal;
stop = true;
- lastTime = time - (elapsed - count * 16);
} else {
qreal moveBy = elapsed * velocityms;
- qreal diff = srcVal - currentValue;
+ qreal diff = srcVal - animation.currentValue;
if (haveModulus && qAbs(diff) > modulus / 2) {
if (diff < 0)
diff += modulus;
@@ -164,33 +189,31 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::tick(int time)
diff -= modulus;
if (diff > 0) {
- currentValue += moveBy;
+ animation.currentValue += moveBy;
if (haveModulus)
- currentValue = fmod(currentValue, modulus);
- if (currentValue > to) {
- currentValue = to;
+ animation.currentValue = fmod(animation.currentValue, modulus);
+ if (animation.currentValue > {
+ animation.currentValue =;
stop = true;
} else {
- currentValue -= moveBy;
- if (haveModulus && currentValue < 0.0)
- currentValue = fmod(currentValue, modulus) + modulus;
- if (currentValue < to) {
- currentValue = to;
+ animation.currentValue -= moveBy;
+ if (haveModulus && animation.currentValue < 0.0)
+ animation.currentValue = fmod(animation.currentValue, modulus) + modulus;
+ if (animation.currentValue < {
+ animation.currentValue =;
stop = true;
- lastTime = time;
- qreal old_to = to;
+ qreal old_to =;
- QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::write(defaultProperty, currentValue,
+ QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::write(property, animation.currentValue,
QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor |
- if (stop && old_to == to) // do not stop if we got restarted
- clock.stop();
+ return (stop && old_to ==; // do not stop if we got restarted
void QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::updateMode()
@@ -230,79 +253,16 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::updateMode()
QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::QDeclarativeSpringAnimation(QObject *parent)
-: QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation(*(new QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate),parent)
-void QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::setTarget(const QDeclarativeProperty &property)
+: QDeclarativeNumberAnimation(*(new QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate),parent)
- d->defaultProperty = property;
- d->currentValue =;
- if (!d->avoidPropertyValueSourceStart) {
- setRunning(true);
- }
-qreal QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::to() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeSpringAnimation);
- return d->toDefined ? d->to : 0;
- \qmlproperty real SpringAnimation::to
- This property holds the value at which the animation will end.
- If not set, the animation will continue until it reaches the
- value that is being tracked.
-void QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::setTo(qreal value)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeSpringAnimation);
- if (d->to == value)
- return;
- d->to = value;
- d->toDefined = true;
- d->lastTime = 0;
- emit toChanged(value);
+ d->clock = new QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::Clock(d, this);
-qreal QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::from() const
- Q_D(const QDeclarativeSpringAnimation);
- return d->fromDefined ? d->from : 0;
- \qmlproperty real SpringAnimation::from
- This property holds the value from which the animation will begin.
- If not set, the animation will start whenever the tracked value has
- changed, regardless of its value.
-void QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::setFrom(qreal value)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeSpringAnimation);
- if (d->from == value)
- return;
- d->currentValue = d->from = value;
- d->fromDefined = true;
- d->lastTime = 0;
- emit fromChanged(value);
\qmlproperty real SpringAnimation::velocity
@@ -452,17 +412,25 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
- if (d->clock.state() != QAbstractAnimation::Running)
+ if (d->clock->state() != QAbstractAnimation::Running) {
d->lastTime = 0;
+ }
- if (!actions.isEmpty()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i) {
- if (!d->toDefined)
- d->to =;
- if (!d->fromDefined)
- d->currentValue =;
- if (d->mode != QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::Track)
- modified << d->defaultProperty;
+ QDeclarativeNumberAnimation::transition(actions, modified, direction);
+ if (!d->actions)
+ return;
+ if (!d->actions->isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < d->actions->size(); ++i) {
+ const QDeclarativeProperty &property = d->actions->at(i).property;
+ QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate::SpringAnimation &animation
+ = d->activeAnimations[property];
+ = d->actions->at(i).toValue.toReal();
+ if (d->fromIsDefined)
+ animation.currentValue = d->actions->at(i).fromValue.toReal();
+ else
+ animation.currentValue =;
@@ -471,7 +439,7 @@ void QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
QAbstractAnimation *QDeclarativeSpringAnimation::qtAnimation()
- return &d->clock;
+ return d->clock;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation_p.h
index 6f574ef..ee276ec 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativespringanimation_p.h
@@ -54,14 +54,12 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
class QDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate;
-class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QDeclarativeSpringAnimation : public QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation
+class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QDeclarativeSpringAnimation : public QDeclarativeNumberAnimation
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal to READ to WRITE setTo NOTIFY toChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal from READ from WRITE setFrom NOTIFY fromChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal velocity READ velocity WRITE setVelocity)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal spring READ spring WRITE setSpring)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal damping READ damping WRITE setDamping)
@@ -73,14 +71,6 @@ public:
QDeclarativeSpringAnimation(QObject *parent=0);
- virtual void setTarget(const QDeclarativeProperty &);
- qreal to() const;
- void setTo(qreal value);
- qreal from() const;
- void setFrom(qreal value);
qreal velocity() const;
void setVelocity(qreal velocity);
@@ -99,9 +89,6 @@ public:
qreal modulus() const;
void setModulus(qreal modulus);
- bool enabled() const;
- void setEnabled(bool enabled);
virtual void transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
QDeclarativeProperties &modified,
TransitionDirection direction);
@@ -110,8 +97,6 @@ protected:
virtual QAbstractAnimation *qtAnimation();
- void toChanged(qreal);
- void fromChanged(qreal);
void modulusChanged();
void massChanged();
void syncChanged();
diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/ b/src/gui/dialogs/
index bb8ef3f..9c63dfa 100644
--- a/src/gui/dialogs/
+++ b/src/gui/dialogs/
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ const int StyleMask = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWin
- (QFont)qtFont;
- (void)finishOffWithCode:(NSInteger)result;
- (void)cleanUpAfterMyself;
+- (void)setSubwindowStacking;
static QFont qfontForCocoaFont(NSFont *cocoaFont, const QFont &resolveFont)
@@ -187,6 +188,12 @@ static QFont qfontForCocoaFont(NSFont *cocoaFont, const QFont &resolveFont)
[cancelButton setTarget:self];
+ mQtFont = new QFont();
+ return self;
+- (void)setSubwindowStacking
// Stack the native dialog in front of its parent, if any:
QFontDialog *q = mPriv->fontDialog();
@@ -199,9 +206,6 @@ static QFont qfontForCocoaFont(NSFont *cocoaFont, const QFont &resolveFont)
- mQtFont = new QFont();
- return self;
- (void)dealloc
@@ -610,6 +614,7 @@ void QFontDialogPrivate::createNSFontPanelDelegate()
[ourPanel setFrame:frameRect display:NO];
[ourPanel center];
+ [del setSubwindowStacking];
NSString *title = @"Select font";
[ourPanel setTitle:title];
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
index 48a0093..a98ce6f 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
@@ -831,6 +831,11 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setFocusItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *item,
#endif //QT_NO_IM
+ // This handles the case that the item has been removed from the
+ // scene in response to the FocusOut event.
+ if (item && item->scene() != q)
+ item = 0;
if (item)
focusItem = item;
diff --git a/src/gui/ b/src/gui/
index 1b43ef2..28440cc 100644
--- a/src/gui/
+++ b/src/gui/
@@ -80,17 +80,6 @@ symbian {
contains(QMAKE_MAC_XARCH, no) {
} else {
- sse4_1:DEFINES += QT_HAVE_SSE4_1
- sse4_2:DEFINES += QT_HAVE_SSE4_2
win32-g++*|!win32:!*-icc* {
mmx {
mmx_compiler.commands = $$QMAKE_CXX -c -Winline
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qimage_ssse3.cpp b/src/gui/image/qimage_ssse3.cpp
index 1c664f2..9aed011 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qimage_ssse3.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qimage_ssse3.cpp
@@ -45,13 +45,12 @@
#ifdef QT_HAVE_SSSE3
-#include <stdio.h>
// Convert a scanline of RGB888 (src) to RGB32 (dst)
// src must be at least len * 3 bytes
// dst must be at least len * 4 bytes
-inline void convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3(quint32 *dst, const uchar *src, int len)
+Q_GUI_EXPORT void QT_FASTCALL qt_convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3(quint32 *dst, const uchar *src, int len)
quint32 *const end = dst + len;
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ void convert_RGB888_to_RGB32_ssse3(QImageData *dest, const QImageData *src, Qt::
quint32 *dest_data = (quint32 *) dest->data;
for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i) {
- convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3(dest_data, src_data, src->width);
+ qt_convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3(dest_data, src_data, src->width);
src_data += src->bytes_per_line;
dest_data = (quint32 *)((uchar*)dest_data + dest->bytes_per_line);
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qjpeghandler.cpp b/src/gui/image/qjpeghandler.cpp
index 972dd65..d358a5e 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qjpeghandler.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qjpeghandler.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <qvector.h>
#include <qbuffer.h>
+#include <private/qsimd_p.h>
#include <stdio.h> // jpeglib needs this to be pre-included
#include <setjmp.h>
@@ -75,6 +76,19 @@ extern "C" {
+void QT_FASTCALL convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_C(quint32 *dst, const uchar *src, int len)
+ // Expand 24->32 bpp.
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ *dst++ = qRgb(src[0], src[1], src[2]);
+ src += 3;
+ }
+typedef void (QT_FASTCALL *Rgb888ToRgb32Converter)(quint32 *dst, const uchar *src, int len);
+static Rgb888ToRgb32Converter rgb888ToRgb32ConverterPtr = convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_C;
struct my_error_mgr : public jpeg_error_mgr {
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
@@ -393,13 +407,9 @@ static bool read_jpeg_image(QImage *outImage,
continue; // Haven't reached the starting line yet.
if (info->output_components == 3) {
- // Expand 24->32 bpp.
uchar *in = rows[0] + clip.x() * 3;
QRgb *out = (QRgb*)outImage->scanLine(y);
- for (int i = 0; i < clip.width(); ++i) {
- *out++ = qRgb(in[0], in[1], in[2]);
- in += 3;
- }
+ rgb888ToRgb32ConverterPtr(out, in, clip.width());
} else if (info->out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) {
// Convert CMYK->RGB.
uchar *in = rows[0] + clip.x() * 4;
@@ -793,6 +803,15 @@ bool QJpegHandlerPrivate::read(QImage *image)
: d(new QJpegHandlerPrivate(this))
+#if defined(QT_HAVE_SSSE3)
+ const uint features = qDetectCPUFeatures();
+ // from qimage_ssse3.cpp
+ Q_GUI_EXPORT void QT_FASTCALL qt_convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3(quint32 *dst, const uchar *src, int len);
+ if (features & SSSE3)
+ rgb888ToRgb32ConverterPtr = qt_convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3;
+#endif // QT_HAVE_SSSE3
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac.h b/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac.h
index bcebb1d..d5fcdae 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac.h
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac.h
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ class QPalette;
+class QPushButton;
+class QStyleOptionButton;
class QMacStylePrivate;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT_STYLE_MAC QMacStyle : public QWindowsStyle
@@ -133,6 +135,8 @@ private:
QMacStylePrivate *d;
+ friend bool qt_mac_buttonIsRenderedFlat(const QPushButton *pushButton, const QStyleOptionButton *option);
#endif // Q_WS_MAC
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/ b/src/gui/styles/
index d18383c..ae90d26 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/
+++ b/src/gui/styles/
@@ -1059,6 +1059,16 @@ void QMacStylePrivate::initHIThemePushButton(const QStyleOptionButton *btn,
+bool qt_mac_buttonIsRenderedFlat(const QPushButton *pushButton, const QStyleOptionButton *option)
+ QMacStyle *macStyle = qobject_cast<QMacStyle *>(pushButton->style());
+ if (!macStyle)
+ return false;
+ HIThemeButtonDrawInfo bdi;
+ macStyle->d->initHIThemePushButton(option, pushButton, kThemeStateActive, &bdi);
+ return bdi.kind == kThemeBevelButton;
Creates a HIThemeButtonDrawInfo structure that specifies the correct button
kind and other details to use for drawing the given combobox. Which button
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac_p.h b/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac_p.h
index 5a0ba4c..f9b9d30 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qmacstyle_mac_p.h
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ enum QAquaWidgetSize { QAquaSizeLarge = 0, QAquaSizeSmall = 1, QAquaSizeMini = 2
return sizes[controlSize]; \
} while (0)
+bool qt_mac_buttonIsRenderedFlat(const QPushButton *pushButton, const QStyleOptionButton *option);
class QMacStylePrivate : public QObject
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qpushbutton.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qpushbutton.cpp
index 8a18ed0..237c266 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qpushbutton.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qpushbutton.cpp
@@ -687,11 +687,11 @@ bool QPushButton::event(QEvent *e)
/*! \reimp */
bool QPushButton::hitButton(const QPoint &pos) const
- // This is only required if we are using the native style, so check that first.
- QMacStyle *macStyle = qobject_cast<QMacStyle *>(style());
- // If this is a flat button we just bail out.
- if(isFlat() || (0 == macStyle))
+ QStyleOptionButton opt;
+ initStyleOption(&opt);
+ if (qt_mac_buttonIsRenderedFlat(this, &opt))
return QAbstractButton::hitButton(pos);
// Now that we know we are using the native style, let's proceed.
Q_D(const QPushButton);
QPushButtonPrivate *nonConst = const_cast<QPushButtonPrivate *>(d);
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanengine.cpp b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanengine.cpp
index b51596c..a1e7d37 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanengine.cpp
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ void QConnmanEngine::getNetworkListing()
void QConnmanEngine::doRequestUpdate()
@@ -312,6 +311,9 @@ QString QConnmanEngine::getServiceForNetwork(const QString &netPath)
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
QConnmanNetworkInterface network(netPath, this);
foreach(QString service,connmanManager->getServices()) {
+ QString devicePath = netPath.section("/",5,5);
QConnmanServiceInterface serv(service,this);
if(serv.getName() == network.getName()
&& network.getSignalStrength() == serv.getSignalStrength()) {
@@ -354,17 +356,6 @@ void QConnmanEngine::propertyChangedContext(const QString &path,const QString &i
technologies.insert(listPath, tech);
- foreach(const QString old, oldtech.keys()) {
- if(!newlist.contains(old)) {
- QConnmanTechnologyInterface *tech = oldtech.value(old);
- disconnect(tech,SIGNAL(propertyChangedContext(QString,QString,QDBusVariant)),
- this,SLOT(technologyPropertyChangedContext(QString,QString,QDBusVariant)));
- technologies.remove(old);
- getNetworkListing();
- }
- }
if(item == "State") {
@@ -385,15 +376,21 @@ void QConnmanEngine::servicePropertyChangedContext(const QString &path,const QSt
-void QConnmanEngine::networkPropertyChangedContext(const QString &/*path*/,const QString &/*item*/, const QDBusVariant &/*value*/)
+void QConnmanEngine::networkPropertyChangedContext(const QString &path,const QString &item, const QDBusVariant &value)
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
+// qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << path << item << value.variant();
void QConnmanEngine::devicePropertyChangedContext(const QString &devpath,const QString &item,const QDBusVariant &value)
+// qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << devpath << item << value.variant();
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if(item == "Networks") {
+ QConnmanNetworkInterface network(devpath, this);
QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value.variant());
QStringList remainingNetworks = qdbus_cast<QStringList>(arg);
QString devicetype;
@@ -431,6 +428,7 @@ void QConnmanEngine::devicePropertyChangedContext(const QString &devpath,const Q
void QConnmanEngine::technologyPropertyChangedContext(const QString & path, const QString &item, const QDBusVariant &value)
+// qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << path << item << value.variant();
if(item == "Devices") {
QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value.variant());
QStringList list = qdbus_cast<QStringList>(arg);
@@ -452,6 +450,12 @@ void QConnmanEngine::technologyPropertyChangedContext(const QString & path, cons
if(value.variant().toString() == "offline") {
+ QConnmanTechnologyInterface tech(path);
+ disconnect(&tech,SIGNAL(propertyChangedContext(QString,QString,QDBusVariant)),
+ this,SLOT(technologyPropertyChangedContext(QString,QString,QDBusVariant)));
+ technologies.remove(path);
+ getNetworkListing();
@@ -523,7 +527,7 @@ QNetworkConfiguration::BearerType QConnmanEngine::typeToBearer(const QString &ty
if (type == "bluetooth")
return QNetworkConfiguration::BearerBluetooth;
if (type == "cellular") {
- return QNetworkConfiguration::BearerUnknown;
+ return QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer2G;
// not handled: CDMA2000 HSPA
if (type == "wimax")
@@ -588,8 +592,11 @@ void QConnmanEngine::addServiceConfiguration(const QString &servicePath)
QString networkName = serv->getName();
- if(serv->getType() == "Cellular") {
+ if(serv->getType() == "cellular") {
networkName = serv->getAPN();
+ if(networkName.isEmpty()) {
+ networkName = serv->getName();
+ }
cpPriv->name = networkName;
@@ -643,6 +650,9 @@ void QConnmanEngine::addNetworkConfiguration(const QString &networkPath)
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
+ if(networkPath.isNull())
+ return;
QConnmanNetworkInterface *network;
network = new QConnmanNetworkInterface(networkPath, this);
QString servicePath = getServiceForNetwork(networkPath);
@@ -658,9 +668,10 @@ void QConnmanEngine::addNetworkConfiguration(const QString &networkPath)
serv = new QConnmanServiceInterface(servicePath,this);
this,SLOT(servicePropertyChangedContext(QString,QString, QDBusVariant)));
- if (!accessPointConfigurations.contains(id)) {
+ if (!id.isEmpty() && !accessPointConfigurations.contains(id)) {
@@ -681,20 +692,26 @@ void QConnmanEngine::addNetworkConfiguration(const QString &networkPath)
if(servicePath.isEmpty()) {
QString devicePath = networkPath.section("/",0,5);
QConnmanDeviceInterface device(devicePath,this);
bearerType = typeToBearer(device.getType());
} else {
bearerType = typeToBearer(serv->getType());
- if (bearerType == QNetworkConfiguration::BearerUnknown) {
+ if (bearerType == QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer2G) {
QString mode = serv->getMode();
if (mode == "gprs" || mode == "edge") {
bearerType = QNetworkConfiguration::Bearer2G;
} else if (mode == "umts") {
bearerType = QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWCDMA;
- networkName = serv->getAPN();
+ if(servicePath.isEmpty()) {
+ networkName = serv->getAPN();
+ if(networkName.isEmpty()) {
+ networkName = serv->getName();
+ }
+ }
cpPriv->name = networkName;
@@ -723,7 +740,9 @@ void QConnmanEngine::addNetworkConfiguration(const QString &networkPath)
emit configurationAdded(ptr);
emit updateCompleted();
- }
+ } /*else {
+ qDebug() << "Not added~~~~~~~~~~~";
+ }*/
bool QConnmanEngine::requiresPolling() const
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux.cpp b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux.cpp
index b20e7c1..00cfb31 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux.cpp
@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ QVariant QConnmanManagerInterface::getProperty(const QString &property)
QVariantMap QConnmanManagerInterface::getProperties()
- QDBusReply<QVariantMap > reply = this->call(QLatin1String("GetProperties"));
- return reply.value();
+ if(this->isValid()) {
+ QDBusReply<QVariantMap > reply = this->call(QLatin1String("GetProperties"));
+ return reply.value();
+ } else return QVariantMap();
QString QConnmanManagerInterface::getState()
@@ -551,8 +553,12 @@ void QConnmanServiceInterface::disconnectNotify(const char *signal)
QVariantMap QConnmanServiceInterface::getProperties()
- QDBusReply<QVariantMap> reply = this->call(QLatin1String("GetProperties"));
- return reply.value();
+ if(this->isValid()) {
+ QDBusReply<QVariantMap> reply = this->call(QLatin1String("GetProperties"));
+ return reply.value();
+ }
+ else
+ return QVariantMap();
QVariant QConnmanServiceInterface::getProperty(const QString &property)
@@ -725,6 +731,99 @@ QVariantMap QConnmanServiceInterface::getEthernet()
return qdbus_cast<QVariantMap >(var);
+QString QConnmanServiceInterface::getMethod()
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "Method") {
+ return it.value().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString QConnmanServiceInterface::getInterface()
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "Interface") {
+ return it.value().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString QConnmanServiceInterface::getMacAddress()
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "Address") {
+ return it.value().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+quint16 QConnmanServiceInterface::getMtu()
+ quint16 mtu=0;
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "MTU") {
+ return it.value().toUInt();
+ }
+ }
+ return mtu;
+quint16 QConnmanServiceInterface::getSpeed()
+ quint16 speed=0;
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "Speed") {
+ return it.value().toUInt();
+ }
+ }
+ return speed;
+QString QConnmanServiceInterface::getDuplex()
+ QVariant var;
+ QVariantMap map = getEthernet();
+ QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> it(map);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if(it.key() == "Duplex") {
+ return it.value().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
bool QConnmanServiceInterface::isOfflineMode()
QVariant var = getProperty("OfflineMode");
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux_p.h b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux_p.h
index 35e3f3d..18233b0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux_p.h
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/connman/qconnmanservice_linux_p.h
@@ -249,6 +249,13 @@ public:
QVariantMap getProxy();
QVariantMap getEthernet();
+ QString getMethod();
+ QString getInterface();
+ QString getMacAddress();
+ quint16 getMtu();
+ quint16 getSpeed();
+ QString getDuplex();
bool isOfflineMode();
QStringList getServices();
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.cpp b/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.cpp
index 6060a09..0900329 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.cpp
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ void IapMonitor::iapRemoved(const QString &iap_id)
QIcdEngine::QIcdEngine(QObject *parent)
-: QBearerEngine(parent), iapMonitor(new IapMonitor), m_dbusInterface(0),
+: QBearerEngine(parent), iapMonitor(0), m_dbusInterface(0),
firstUpdate(true), m_scanGoingOn(false)
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ void QIcdEngine::initialize()
/* Turn on IAP add/remove monitoring */
+ iapMonitor = new IapMonitor;
/* We create a default configuration which is a pseudo config */
@@ -520,8 +521,6 @@ void QIcdEngine::addConfiguration(QString& iap_id)
void QIcdEngine::doRequestUpdate(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned)
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
/* Contains all known iap_ids from storage */
QList<QString> knownConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys();
@@ -587,9 +586,9 @@ void QIcdEngine::doRequestUpdate(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned)
QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer ptr(cpPriv);
accessPointConfigurations.insert(iap_id, ptr);
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationAdded(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
qDebug("IAP: %s, name: %s, ssid: %s, added to known list",
@@ -642,9 +641,9 @@ void QIcdEngine::doRequestUpdate(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned)
if (changed) {
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationChanged(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
if (!ap.scan.network_type.startsWith(QLatin1String("WLAN")))
@@ -703,9 +702,9 @@ rescan_list:
QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer ptr(cpPriv);
accessPointConfigurations.insert(ptr->id, ptr);
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationAdded(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
} else {
@@ -733,9 +732,9 @@ rescan_list:
ptr->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Defined;
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationChanged(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
@@ -744,9 +743,9 @@ rescan_list:
foreach (const QString &oldIface, knownConfigs) {
QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer ptr = accessPointConfigurations.take(oldIface);
if (ptr) {
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationRemoved(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
//if we would have SNAP support we would have to remove the references
//from existing ServiceNetworks to the removed access point configuration
@@ -762,9 +761,9 @@ rescan_list:
if (!firstUpdate) {
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit updateCompleted();
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
if (firstUpdate)
@@ -781,8 +780,6 @@ QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer QIcdEngine::defaultConfiguration()
void QIcdEngine::startListeningStateSignalsForAllConnections()
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
// Start listening ICD_DBUS_API_STATE_SIG signals
@@ -906,8 +903,6 @@ void QIcdEngine::requestUpdate()
void QIcdEngine::cancelAsyncConfigurationUpdate()
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if (!m_scanGoingOn) {
@@ -947,7 +942,9 @@ void QIcdEngine::asyncUpdateConfigurationsSlot(QDBusMessage msg)
if (icd_scan_status == ICD_SCAN_COMPLETE) {
if (!m_typesToBeScanned.count()) {
+ locker.unlock();
+ locker.relock();
} else {
Maemo::IcdScanResult scanResult;
@@ -977,7 +974,8 @@ void QIcdEngine::cleanup()
- iapMonitor->cleanup();
+ if (iapMonitor)
+ iapMonitor->cleanup();
bool QIcdEngine::hasIdentifier(const QString &id)
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.h b/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.h
index 16dc979..a768d84 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.h
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qicdengine.h
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ public:
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
accessPointConfigurations.insert(ptr->id, ptr);
+ locker.unlock();
emit configurationAdded(ptr);
inline void changedSessionConfiguration(QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer ptr)
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
emit configurationChanged(ptr);
@@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
void iapStateChanged(const QString& iapid, uint icd_connection_state);
private Q_SLOTS:
- void doRequestUpdate(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned = QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult>());
- void cancelAsyncConfigurationUpdate();
void finishAsyncConfigurationUpdate();
void asyncUpdateConfigurationsSlot(QDBusMessage msg);
void connectionStateSignalsSlot(QDBusMessage msg);
void startListeningStateSignalsForAllConnections();
+ void doRequestUpdate(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned = QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult>());
+ void cancelAsyncConfigurationUpdate();
IapMonitor *iapMonitor;
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.cpp b/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.cpp
index f3f693b..29445ce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.cpp
@@ -104,14 +104,23 @@ void QNetworkManagerEngine::initialize()
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
// Get current list of access points.
- foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &devicePath, interface->getDevices())
+ foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &devicePath, interface->getDevices()) {
+ locker.unlock();
+ locker.relock();
+ }
// Get connections.
- foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &settingsPath, systemSettings->listConnections())
+ foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &settingsPath, systemSettings->listConnections()) {
+ locker.unlock();
newConnection(settingsPath, systemSettings);
- foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &settingsPath, userSettings->listConnections())
+ locker.relock();
+ }
+ foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &settingsPath, userSettings->listConnections()) {
+ locker.unlock();
newConnection(settingsPath, userSettings);
+ locker.relock();
+ }
// Get active connections.
foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &acPath, interface->activeConnections()) {
@@ -132,11 +141,6 @@ bool QNetworkManagerEngine::networkManagerAvailable() const
return interface->isValid();
-void QNetworkManagerEngine::doRequestUpdate()
- emit updateCompleted();
QString QNetworkManagerEngine::getInterfaceFromId(const QString &id)
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
@@ -233,9 +237,7 @@ void QNetworkManagerEngine::disconnectFromId(const QString &id)
void QNetworkManagerEngine::requestUpdate()
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doRequestUpdate()));
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "updateCompleted", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void QNetworkManagerEngine::interfacePropertiesChanged(const QString &path,
@@ -361,13 +363,10 @@ void QNetworkManagerEngine::devicePropertiesChanged(const QString &path,
void QNetworkManagerEngine::deviceAdded(const QDBusObjectPath &path)
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
QNetworkManagerInterfaceDevice device(path.path());
if (device.deviceType() == DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS) {
QNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWireless *wirelessDevice =
new QNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWireless(device.connectionInterface()->path());
- wirelessDevices.insert(path.path(), wirelessDevice);
connect(wirelessDevice, SIGNAL(accessPointAdded(QString,QDBusObjectPath)),
@@ -379,6 +378,10 @@ void QNetworkManagerEngine::deviceAdded(const QDBusObjectPath &path)
foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &apPath, wirelessDevice->getAccessPoints())
newAccessPoint(QString(), apPath);
+ mutex.lock();
+ wirelessDevices.insert(path.path(), wirelessDevice);
+ mutex.unlock();
@@ -685,8 +688,6 @@ QNetworkConfigurationPrivate *QNetworkManagerEngine::parseConnection(const QStri
const QString &settingsPath,
const QNmSettingsMap &map)
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
QNetworkConfigurationPrivate *cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate;
cpPriv->name = map.value("connection").value("id").toString();
cpPriv->isValid = true;
@@ -735,9 +736,9 @@ QNetworkConfigurationPrivate *QNetworkManagerEngine::parseConnection(const QStri
QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer ptr =
- locker.unlock();
+ mutex.unlock();
emit configurationRemoved(ptr);
- locker.relock();
+ mutex.lock();
@@ -753,8 +754,6 @@ QNetworkConfigurationPrivate *QNetworkManagerEngine::parseConnection(const QStri
QNetworkManagerSettingsConnection *QNetworkManagerEngine::connectionFromId(const QString &id) const
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
for (int i = 0; i < connections.count(); ++i) {
QNetworkManagerSettingsConnection *connection =;
const QString service = connection->connectionInterface()->service();
diff --git a/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.h b/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.h
index ffb8395..78ebb0a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.h
+++ b/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/qnetworkmanagerengine.h
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void removeAccessPoint(const QString &path, const QDBusObjectPath &objectPath);
void updateAccessPoint(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map);
- void doRequestUpdate();
QNetworkConfigurationPrivate *parseConnection(const QString &service,
const QString &settingsPath,
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/data/propertiesTransition7.qml b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/data/propertiesTransition7.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47b5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/data/propertiesTransition7.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import Qt 4.7
+Rectangle {
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ Rectangle {
+ id: theRect
+ objectName: "TheRect"
+ color: "red"
+ width: 50; height: 50
+ x: 100; y: 100
+ }
+ states: State {
+ name: "moved"
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: theRect
+ x: 200
+ }
+ }
+ transitions: Transition {
+ SpringAnimation { targets: theRect; properties: "x"; velocity: 10000 }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: parent.state = "moved"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/tst_qdeclarativeanimations.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/tst_qdeclarativeanimations.cpp
index 3e80c2c..ec867fe 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/tst_qdeclarativeanimations.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativeanimations/tst_qdeclarativeanimations.cpp
@@ -551,6 +551,20 @@ void tst_qdeclarativeanimations::propertiesTransition()
+ {
+ QDeclarativeEngine engine;
+ QDeclarativeComponent c(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/propertiesTransition7.qml"));
+ QDeclarativeRectangle *rect = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeRectangle*>(c.create());
+ QVERIFY(rect);
+ QDeclarativeItemPrivate::get(rect)->setState("moved");
+ QDeclarativeRectangle *myRect = rect->findChild<QDeclarativeRectangle*>("TheRect");
+ QVERIFY(myRect);
+ QTest::qWait(waitDuration);
+ QTIMED_COMPARE(myRect->x(),qreal(200));
+ }
void tst_qdeclarativeanimations::invalidDuration()
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
index 913e342..916e1a5 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -334,7 +334,8 @@ void MainWindow::lookForNewQtDocumentation()
<< QLatin1String("designer")
<< QLatin1String("linguist")
<< QLatin1String("qmake")
- << QLatin1String("qt");
+ << QLatin1String("qt")
+ << QLatin1String("qml");
QList<QtDocInstaller::DocInfo> qtDocInfos;
foreach (const QString &doc, docs)
qtDocInfos.append(QtDocInstaller::DocInfo(doc, helpEngine.qtDocInfo(doc)));
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
index 76d8c0d..723f516 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -1756,10 +1756,10 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateBreadCrumbs(const QString& title,
if (sl.contains("declarative"))
out() << " <li><a href=\"qdeclarativeexamples.html\">QML Examples & Demos</a></li>";
else {
- QString name = "examples-" + + ".html";
+ QString name = "examples-" + + ".html"; // this generates an empty link
QString t = CodeParser::titleFromName(name);
- out() << " <li><a href=\"" << name << "\">"
- << t << "</a></li>";
+ // out() << " <li> <a href=\"" << name << "\">"
+ // << t << "</a></li>";
out() << " <li>" << title << "</li>";