diff options
55 files changed, 1143 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.6.0 b/dist/changes-4.6.0
index 6a94f26..bedf58a 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.6.0
+++ b/dist/changes-4.6.0
@@ -49,3 +49,8 @@ information about a particular change.
- QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetails is obsoleted and its value
is always initialized to 1. For a more fine-grained value use
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetailFromTransform(const QTransform &).
+ - When mixing OpenGL and QPainter calls you need to first call syncState()
+ on the paint engine, for example "painter->paintEngine()->syncState()".
+ This is to ensure that the engine flushes any pending drawing and sets up
+ the GL modelview/projection matrices properly.
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp b/src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp
index 16307e6..61d61df 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QThreadStorage<QUnifiedTimer *>, unifiedTimer);
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QThreadStorage<QUnifiedTimer *>, unifiedTimer)
QUnifiedTimer::QUnifiedTimer() : QObject(), lastTick(0), timingInterval(DEFAULT_TIMER_INTERVAL), consistentTiming(false)
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qanimationgroup_p.h b/src/corelib/animation/qanimationgroup_p.h
index a7bd0fa..0f07138 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qanimationgroup_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qanimationgroup_p.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
-#include "qabstractanimation_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstractanimation_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qparallelanimationgroup_p.h b/src/corelib/animation/qparallelanimationgroup_p.h
index f36d972..ecd6791 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qparallelanimationgroup_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qparallelanimationgroup_p.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
#include "qparallelanimationgroup.h"
-#include "qanimationgroup_p.h"
+#include "private/qanimationgroup_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QHash>
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.cpp b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.cpp
index 47361a5..43b5283 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.cpp
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
typedef QPair<QObject *, QByteArray> QPropertyAnimationPair;
typedef QHash<QPropertyAnimationPair, QPropertyAnimation*> QPropertyAnimationHash;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QPropertyAnimationHash, _q_runningAnimations);
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QPropertyAnimationHash, _q_runningAnimations)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QMutex, guardHashLock, (QMutex::Recursive) )
void QPropertyAnimationPrivate::updateMetaProperty()
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.h b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.h
index 39317ba..2fdd50c 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ protected:
void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State oldState, QAbstractAnimation::State newState);
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_targetDestroyed());
+ Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_targetDestroyed())
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation_p.h b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation_p.h
index a4387dd..16c63ab 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qpropertyanimation_p.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
#include "qpropertyanimation.h"
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include "qvariantanimation_p.h"
+#include "private/qvariantanimation_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qsequentialanimationgroup_p.h b/src/corelib/animation/qsequentialanimationgroup_p.h
index 3ac90f8..c01aaf0 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qsequentialanimationgroup_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qsequentialanimationgroup_p.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
#include "qsequentialanimationgroup.h"
-#include "qanimationgroup_p.h"
+#include "private/qanimationgroup_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation_p.h b/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation_p.h
index aee2324..3ae0e39 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation_p.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
-#include "qabstractanimation_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstractanimation_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_dnotify.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_dnotify.cpp
index e87375a..a8397f8 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_dnotify.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_dnotify.cpp
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ private:
bool isExecing;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDnotifySignalThread, dnotifySignal);
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDnotifySignalThread, dnotifySignal)
: isExecing(false)
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice.cpp
index f50acdb..1ff3a4c 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice.cpp
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
QNonContiguousByteDevice::QNonContiguousByteDevice() : QObject((QObject*)0), resetDisabled(false)
void QNonContiguousByteDevice::disableReset()
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl(Q
const char* QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::readPointer(qint64 maximumLength, qint64 &len)
@@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ const char* QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::readPointer(qint64 maximumLe
len = qMin(len, maximumLength);
return returnValue;
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::advanceReadPointer(qint64 amount)
currentPosition += amount;
emit readProgress(currentPosition, size());
return true;
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::atEnd()
return currentPosition >= size();
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::reset()
@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::reset()
currentPosition = 0;
return true;
qint64 QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl::size()
return ringBuffer->size();
QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl(QIODevice *d)
: QNonContiguousByteDevice(),
@@ -306,12 +306,12 @@ QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl(QIODe
initialPosition = d->pos();
connect(device, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(device, SIGNAL(readChannelFinished()), this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
delete currentReadBuffer;
const char* QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::readPointer(qint64 maximumLength, qint64 &len)
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ const char* QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::readPointer(qint64 maximumLeng
len = haveRead;
return currentReadBuffer->data();
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::advanceReadPointer(qint64 amount)
@@ -377,12 +377,12 @@ bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::advanceReadPointer(qint64 amount)
emit readProgress(totalAdvancements, size());
return true;
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::atEnd()
return eof == true;
bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::reset()
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ bool QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::reset()
return false;
qint64 QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::size()
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ qint64 QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl::size()
return -1;
return device->size() - initialPosition;
QByteDeviceWrappingIoDevice::QByteDeviceWrappingIoDevice(QNonContiguousByteDevice *bd) : QIODevice((QObject*)0)
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QIODevice *dev
// generic QIODevice
return new QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl(device); // FIXME
\fn static QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QRingBuffer *ringBuffer);
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QIODevice *dev
QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QRingBuffer *ringBuffer)
return new QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl(ringBuffer);
\fn static QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QByteArray *byteArray);
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QRingBuffer *r
QNonContiguousByteDevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(QByteArray *byteArray)
return new QNonContiguousByteDeviceByteArrayImpl(byteArray);
\fn static QIODevice* QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::wrap(QNonContiguousByteDevice* byteDevice);
diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qtranslator.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qtranslator.cpp
index 3e4b467..5ba9898 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qtranslator.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qtranslator.cpp
@@ -206,8 +206,6 @@ static int numerusHelper(int n, const uchar *rules, int rulesSize)
return -1;
-extern bool qt_detectRTLLanguage();
class QTranslatorPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
@@ -348,7 +346,7 @@ QTranslator::QTranslator(QObject * parent, const char * name)
if (QCoreApplication::instance())
- QCoreApplication::instance()->removeTranslator(this);
+ QCoreApplication::removeTranslator(this);
diff --git a/src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp b/src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp
index 5163027..4740bf1 100644
--- a/src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QList<QFactoryLoader *>, qt_factory_loaders);
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QList<QFactoryLoader *>, qt_factory_loaders)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QMutex, qt_factoryloader_mutex, (QMutex::Recursive))
diff --git a/src/corelib/statemachine/qeventtransition_p.h b/src/corelib/statemachine/qeventtransition_p.h
index 600cec0..ab17ad3 100644
--- a/src/corelib/statemachine/qeventtransition_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/statemachine/qeventtransition_p.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// We mean it.
-#include "qabstracttransition_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstracttransition_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/statemachine/qhistorystate_p.h b/src/corelib/statemachine/qhistorystate_p.h
index 5aaa64c..875dac8 100644
--- a/src/corelib/statemachine/qhistorystate_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/statemachine/qhistorystate_p.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// We mean it.
-#include "qabstractstate_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstractstate_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
diff --git a/src/corelib/statemachine/qsignaltransition_p.h b/src/corelib/statemachine/qsignaltransition_p.h
index 339de63..aacb6fc 100644
--- a/src/corelib/statemachine/qsignaltransition_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/statemachine/qsignaltransition_p.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// We mean it.
-#include "qabstracttransition_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstracttransition_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/statemachine/qstate_p.h b/src/corelib/statemachine/qstate_p.h
index 93744b9..eddd831 100644
--- a/src/corelib/statemachine/qstate_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/statemachine/qstate_p.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// We mean it.
-#include "qabstractstate_p.h"
+#include "private/qabstractstate_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
diff --git a/src/corelib/statemachine/qstatemachine_p.h b/src/corelib/statemachine/qstatemachine_p.h
index 54953b4..24073ca 100644
--- a/src/corelib/statemachine/qstatemachine_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/statemachine/qstatemachine_p.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
#include "qstate.h"
-#include "qstate_p.h"
+#include "private/qstate_p.h"
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qlocale_p.h b/src/corelib/tools/qlocale_p.h
index 9d36a83..b07b948 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qlocale_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qlocale_p.h
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
ShowBase = 0x80,
UppercaseBase = 0x100,
- ForcePoint = Alternate,
+ ForcePoint = Alternate
enum GroupSeparatorMode {
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.cpp
index b807a89..2b4a242 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.cpp
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
/*! \fn int QLatin1Literal::size() const
- Returns the number of characters in the literal \i{excluding} the trailing
- NUL char.
+ Returns the number of characters in the literal \e{excluding} the trailing
+ NULL char.
/*! \fn char *QLatin1Literal::data() const
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
\sa QLatin1Literal, QString
-/* !fn template <class A, class B> QStringBuilder<A, B> operator%(const A &a, const B &b)
+/* \fn template <class A, class B> QStringBuilder<A, B> operator%(const A &a, const B &b)
Returns a \c QStringBuilder object that is converted to a QString object
when assigned to a variable of QString type or passed to a function that
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/ b/src/gui/kernel/
index 9165836..554e9d5 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/
@@ -88,6 +88,52 @@
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMacWindowFader, macwindowFader);
+ : m_duration(0.250)
+QMacWindowFader *QMacWindowFader::currentFader()
+ return macwindowFader();
+void QMacWindowFader::registerWindowToFade(QWidget *window)
+ m_windowsToFade.append(window);
+void QMacWindowFader::performFade()
+ const QWidgetList myWidgetsToFade = m_windowsToFade;
+ const int widgetCount = myWidgetsToFade.count();
+ QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
+ [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
+ [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:NSTimeInterval(m_duration)];
+ for (int i = 0; i < widgetCount; ++i) {
+ QWidget *widget =;
+ OSWindowRef window = qt_mac_window_for(widget);
+ [[window animator] setAlphaValue:0.0];
+ QTimer::singleShot(qRound(m_duration * 1000), widget, SLOT(hide()));
+ TransitionWindowOptions options = {0, m_duration, 0, 0};
+ TransitionWindowWithOptions(window, kWindowFadeTransitionEffect, kWindowHideTransitionAction,
+ 0, 1, &options);
+ }
+ [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
+ m_duration = 0.250;
+ m_windowsToFade.clear();
extern bool qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event); // qapplication.cpp;
extern Qt::MouseButton cocoaButton2QtButton(NSInteger buttonNum); //
extern QWidget * mac_mouse_grabber;
@@ -95,29 +141,26 @@ extern QWidget * mac_mouse_grabber;
void macWindowFade(void * /*OSWindowRef*/ window, float durationSeconds)
OSWindowRef wnd = static_cast<OSWindowRef>(window);
- if( wnd ) {
+ if (wnd) {
+ QWidget *widget;
- QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
- [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
- [[wnd animator] setAlphaValue:0.0];
- if (durationSeconds > 0) {
- [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:NSTimeInterval(durationSeconds)];
- } else {
- durationSeconds = [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] duration];
- }
- [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
- QTimer::singleShot(qRound(durationSeconds * 1000), [wnd QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(qt_qwidget)], SLOT(hide()));
+ widget = [wnd QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(qt_qwidget)];
- if (durationSeconds <= 0)
- durationSeconds = 0.15;
- TransitionWindowOptions options = {0, durationSeconds, 0, 0};
- TransitionWindowWithOptions(wnd, kWindowFadeTransitionEffect, kWindowHideTransitionAction, 0, 1, &options);
+ const UInt32 kWidgetCreatorQt = kEventClassQt;
+ enum {
+ kWidgetPropertyQWidget = 'QWId' //QWidget *
+ };
+ if (GetWindowProperty(static_cast<WindowRef>(window), kWidgetCreatorQt, kWidgetPropertyQWidget, sizeof(widget), 0, &widget) != noErr)
+ widget = 0;
- }
+ if (widget) {
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->setFadeDuration(durationSeconds);
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->registerWindowToFade(widget);
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->performFade();
+ }
+ }
bool macWindowIsTextured( void * /*OSWindowRef*/ window )
OSWindowRef wnd = static_cast<OSWindowRef>(window);
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qt_mac_p.h b/src/gui/kernel/qt_mac_p.h
index ca995dc..3b0f546 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qt_mac_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qt_mac_p.h
@@ -120,6 +120,21 @@ public:
+// Class for chaining to gether a bunch of fades. It pretty much is only used for qmenu fading.
+class QMacWindowFader
+ QWidgetList m_windowsToFade;
+ float m_duration;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QMacWindowFader)
+ QMacWindowFader(); // PLEASE DON'T CALL THIS.
+ static QMacWindowFader *currentFader();
+ void registerWindowToFade(QWidget *window);
+ void setFadeDuration(float durationInSecs) { m_duration = durationInSecs; }
+ float fadeDuration() const { return m_duration; }
+ void performFade();
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qwidget_x11.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qwidget_x11.cpp
index 7e41ea1..adb48a8 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qwidget_x11.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qwidget_x11.cpp
@@ -1359,17 +1359,10 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::setWindowIcon_sys(bool forceReset)
// already been set
- XWMHints *h = 0;
- if (q->internalWinId())
- h = XGetWMHints(X11->display, q->internalWinId());
- XWMHints wm_hints;
- if (!h) {
- memset(&wm_hints, 0, sizeof(wm_hints)); // make valgrind happy
- h = &wm_hints;
- }
// preparing images to set the _NET_WM_ICON property
QIcon icon = q->windowIcon();
+ QVector<long> icon_data;
+ Qt::HANDLE pixmap_handle = 0;
if (!icon.isNull()) {
QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();
if(availableSizes.isEmpty()) {
@@ -1379,7 +1372,6 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::setWindowIcon_sys(bool forceReset)
- QVector<long> icon_data;
for(int i = 0; i < availableSizes.size(); ++i) {
QSize size =;
QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(size);
@@ -1401,11 +1393,6 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::setWindowIcon_sys(bool forceReset)
if (!icon_data.isEmpty()) {
- if (q->internalWinId()) {
- XChangeProperty(X11->display, q->internalWinId(), ATOM(_NET_WM_ICON), XA_CARDINAL, 32,
- PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *),
- icon_data.size());
- }
extern QPixmap qt_toX11Pixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap);
if the app is running on an unknown desktop, or it is not
@@ -1419,22 +1406,44 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::setWindowIcon_sys(bool forceReset)
// unknown DE or non-default visual/colormap, use 1bpp bitmap
if (!forceReset || !topData->iconPixmap)
topData->iconPixmap = new QBitmap(qt_toX11Pixmap(icon.pixmap(QSize(64,64))));
- h->icon_pixmap = topData->iconPixmap->handle();
+ pixmap_handle = topData->iconPixmap->handle();
} else {
// default depth, use a normal pixmap (even though this
// violates the ICCCM), since this works on all DEs known to Qt
if (!forceReset || !topData->iconPixmap)
topData->iconPixmap = new QPixmap(qt_toX11Pixmap(icon.pixmap(QSize(64,64))));
- h->icon_pixmap = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(topData->iconPixmap->data)->x11ConvertToDefaultDepth();
+ pixmap_handle = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(topData->iconPixmap->data)->x11ConvertToDefaultDepth();
- h->flags |= IconPixmapHint;
- } else {
- h->flags &= ~(IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint);
- if (q->internalWinId())
- XSetWMHints(X11->display, q->internalWinId(), h);
+ if (!q->internalWinId())
+ return;
+ if (!icon_data.isEmpty()) {
+ XChangeProperty(X11->display, q->internalWinId(), ATOM(_NET_WM_ICON), XA_CARDINAL, 32,
+ PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *),
+ icon_data.size());
+ } else {
+ XDeleteProperty(X11->display, q->internalWinId(), ATOM(_NET_WM_ICON));
+ }
+ XWMHints *h = XGetWMHints(X11->display, q->internalWinId());
+ XWMHints wm_hints;
+ if (!h) {
+ memset(&wm_hints, 0, sizeof(wm_hints)); // make valgrind happy
+ h = &wm_hints;
+ }
+ if (pixmap_handle) {
+ h->icon_pixmap = pixmap_handle;
+ h->flags |= IconPixmapHint;
+ } else {
+ h->icon_pixmap = 0;
+ h->flags &= ~(IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint);
+ }
+ XSetWMHints(X11->display, q->internalWinId(), h);
if (h != &wm_hints)
XFree((char *)h);
diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.cpp b/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.cpp
index a77ca42..6ecd878 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.cpp
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
- \fn void QGenericMatrix::fill(qreal value)
+ \fn void QGenericMatrix::fill(T value)
Fills all elements of this matrix with \a value.
diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.h b/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.h
index d0b22de..b4d3707 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.h
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qgenericmatrix.h
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public:
bool isIdentity() const;
void setIdentity();
- void fill(qreal value);
+ void fill(T value);
QGenericMatrix<M, N, T, InnerT> transposed() const;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void QGenericMatrix<N, M, T, InnerT>::setIdentity()
template <int N, int M, typename T, typename InnerT>
-Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void QGenericMatrix<N, M, T, InnerT>::fill(qreal value)
+Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void QGenericMatrix<N, M, T, InnerT>::fill(T value)
for (int col = 0; col < N; ++col)
for (int row = 0; row < M; ++row)
diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.cpp b/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.cpp
index a8dabf3..8ef4da3 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.cpp
@@ -740,6 +740,43 @@ QMatrix4x4& QMatrix4x4::scale(const QVector3D& vector)
Multiplies this matrix by another that scales coordinates by the
+ components \a x, and \a y. Returns this matrix.
+ \sa translate(), rotate()
+QMatrix4x4& QMatrix4x4::scale(qreal x, qreal y)
+ float vx(x);
+ float vy(y);
+ if (flagBits == Identity) {
+ m[0][0] = vx;
+ m[1][1] = vy;
+ flagBits = Scale;
+ } else if (flagBits == Scale || flagBits == (Scale | Translation)) {
+ m[0][0] *= vx;
+ m[1][1] *= vy;
+ } else if (flagBits == Translation) {
+ m[0][0] = vx;
+ m[1][1] = vy;
+ flagBits |= Scale;
+ } else {
+ m[0][0] *= vx;
+ m[0][1] *= vx;
+ m[0][2] *= vx;
+ m[0][3] *= vx;
+ m[1][0] *= vy;
+ m[1][1] *= vy;
+ m[1][2] *= vy;
+ m[1][3] *= vy;
+ flagBits = General;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ \overload
+ Multiplies this matrix by another that scales coordinates by the
components \a x, \a y, and \a z. Returns this matrix.
\sa translate(), rotate()
@@ -872,6 +909,46 @@ QMatrix4x4& QMatrix4x4::translate(const QVector3D& vector)
Multiplies this matrix by another that translates coordinates
+ by the components \a x, and \a y. Returns this matrix.
+ \sa scale(), rotate()
+QMatrix4x4& QMatrix4x4::translate(qreal x, qreal y)
+ float vx(x);
+ float vy(y);
+ if (flagBits == Identity) {
+ m[3][0] = vx;
+ m[3][1] = vy;
+ flagBits = Translation;
+ } else if (flagBits == Translation) {
+ m[3][0] += vx;
+ m[3][1] += vy;
+ } else if (flagBits == Scale) {
+ m[3][0] = m[0][0] * vx;
+ m[3][1] = m[1][1] * vy;
+ m[3][2] = 0.;
+ flagBits |= Translation;
+ } else if (flagBits == (Scale | Translation)) {
+ m[3][0] += m[0][0] * vx;
+ m[3][1] += m[1][1] * vy;
+ } else {
+ m[3][0] += m[0][0] * vx + m[1][0] * vy;
+ m[3][1] += m[0][1] * vx + m[1][1] * vy;
+ m[3][2] += m[0][2] * vx + m[1][2] * vy;
+ m[3][3] += m[0][3] * vx + m[1][3] * vy;
+ if (flagBits == Rotation)
+ flagBits |= Translation;
+ else if (flagBits != (Rotation | Translation))
+ flagBits = General;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ \overload
+ Multiplies this matrix by another that translates coordinates
by the components \a x, \a y, and \a z. Returns this matrix.
\sa scale(), rotate()
@@ -1411,8 +1488,6 @@ QTransform QMatrix4x4::toTransform() const
- \fn QRect QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRect& rect) const
Maps \a rect by multiplying this matrix by the corners
of \a rect and then forming a new rectangle from the results.
The returned rectangle will be an ordinary 2D rectangle
@@ -1420,10 +1495,43 @@ QTransform QMatrix4x4::toTransform() const
\sa map()
+QRect QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRect& rect) const
+ if (flagBits == (Translation | Scale) || flagBits == Scale) {
+ qreal x = rect.x() * m[0][0] + m[3][0];
+ qreal y = rect.y() * m[1][1] + m[3][1];
+ qreal w = rect.width() * m[0][0];
+ qreal h = rect.height() * m[1][1];
+ if (w < 0) {
+ w = -w;
+ x -= w;
+ }
+ if (h < 0) {
+ h = -h;
+ y -= h;
+ }
+ return QRect(qRound(x), qRound(y), qRound(w), qRound(h));
+ } else if (flagBits == Translation) {
+ return QRect(qRound(rect.x() + m[3][0]),
+ qRound(rect.y() + m[3][1]),
+ rect.width(), rect.height());
+ }
- \fn QRectF QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRectF& rect) const
+ QPoint tl = map(rect.topLeft());
+ QPoint tr = map(QPoint(rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y()));
+ QPoint bl = map(QPoint(rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height()));
+ QPoint br = map(QPoint(rect.x() + rect.width(),
+ rect.y() + rect.height()));
+ int xmin = qMin(qMin(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMin(bl.x(), br.x()));
+ int xmax = qMax(qMax(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMax(bl.x(), br.x()));
+ int ymin = qMin(qMin(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMin(bl.y(), br.y()));
+ int ymax = qMax(qMax(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMax(bl.y(), br.y()));
+ return QRect(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
Maps \a rect by multiplying this matrix by the corners
of \a rect and then forming a new rectangle from the results.
The returned rectangle will be an ordinary 2D rectangle
@@ -1431,6 +1539,36 @@ QTransform QMatrix4x4::toTransform() const
\sa map()
+QRectF QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRectF& rect) const
+ if (flagBits == (Translation | Scale) || flagBits == Scale) {
+ qreal x = rect.x() * m[0][0] + m[3][0];
+ qreal y = rect.y() * m[1][1] + m[3][1];
+ qreal w = rect.width() * m[0][0];
+ qreal h = rect.height() * m[1][1];
+ if (w < 0) {
+ w = -w;
+ x -= w;
+ }
+ if (h < 0) {
+ h = -h;
+ y -= h;
+ }
+ return QRectF(x, y, w, h);
+ } else if (flagBits == Translation) {
+ return rect.translated(m[3][0], m[3][1]);
+ }
+ QPointF tl = map(rect.topLeft()); QPointF tr = map(rect.topRight());
+ QPointF bl = map(rect.bottomLeft()); QPointF br = map(rect.bottomRight());
+ qreal xmin = qMin(qMin(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMin(bl.x(), br.x()));
+ qreal xmax = qMax(qMax(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMax(bl.x(), br.x()));
+ qreal ymin = qMin(qMin(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMin(bl.y(), br.y()));
+ qreal ymax = qMax(qMax(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMax(bl.y(), br.y()));
+ return QRectF(QPointF(xmin, ymin), QPointF(xmax, ymax));
\fn float *QMatrix4x4::data()
diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.h b/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.h
index 2b485c1..ba7f67f 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.h
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.h
@@ -130,9 +130,11 @@ public:
QMatrix4x4& translate(const QVector3D& vector);
QMatrix4x4& rotate(qreal angle, const QVector3D& vector);
- QMatrix4x4& scale(qreal x, qreal y, qreal z = 1.0f);
+ QMatrix4x4& scale(qreal x, qreal y);
+ QMatrix4x4& scale(qreal x, qreal y, qreal z);
QMatrix4x4& scale(qreal factor);
- QMatrix4x4& translate(qreal x, qreal y, qreal z = 0.0f);
+ QMatrix4x4& translate(qreal x, qreal y);
+ QMatrix4x4& translate(qreal x, qreal y, qreal z);
QMatrix4x4& rotate(qreal angle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal z = 0.0f);
QMatrix4x4& rotate(const QQuaternion& quaternion);
@@ -629,26 +631,43 @@ inline QVector3D operator*(const QVector3D& vector, const QMatrix4x4& matrix)
inline QVector3D operator*(const QMatrix4x4& matrix, const QVector3D& vector)
float x, y, z, w;
- x = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][0] +
- vector.yp * matrix.m[1][0] +
- vector.zp * matrix.m[2][0] +
- matrix.m[3][0];
- y = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][1] +
- vector.yp * matrix.m[1][1] +
- vector.zp * matrix.m[2][1] +
- matrix.m[3][1];
- z = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][2] +
- vector.yp * matrix.m[1][2] +
- vector.zp * matrix.m[2][2] +
- matrix.m[3][2];
- w = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][3] +
- vector.yp * matrix.m[1][3] +
- vector.zp * matrix.m[2][3] +
- matrix.m[3][3];
- if (w == 1.0f)
- return QVector3D(x, y, z, 1);
- else
- return QVector3D(x / w, y / w, z / w, 1);
+ if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Identity) {
+ return vector;
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Translation) {
+ return QVector3D(vector.xp + matrix.m[3][0],
+ vector.yp + matrix.m[3][1],
+ vector.zp + matrix.m[3][2], 1);
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits ==
+ (QMatrix4x4::Translation | QMatrix4x4::Scale)) {
+ return QVector3D(vector.xp * matrix.m[0][0] + matrix.m[3][0],
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][1] + matrix.m[3][1],
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][2] + matrix.m[3][2], 1);
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Scale) {
+ return QVector3D(vector.xp * matrix.m[0][0],
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][1],
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][2], 1);
+ } else {
+ x = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][0] +
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][0] +
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][0] +
+ matrix.m[3][0];
+ y = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][1] +
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][1] +
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][1] +
+ matrix.m[3][1];
+ z = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][2] +
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][2] +
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][2] +
+ matrix.m[3][2];
+ w = vector.xp * matrix.m[0][3] +
+ vector.yp * matrix.m[1][3] +
+ vector.zp * matrix.m[2][3] +
+ matrix.m[3][3];
+ if (w == 1.0f)
+ return QVector3D(x, y, z, 1);
+ else
+ return QVector3D(x / w, y / w, z / w, 1);
+ }
@@ -750,19 +769,33 @@ inline QPoint operator*(const QMatrix4x4& matrix, const QPoint& point)
float x, y, w;
xin = point.x();
yin = point.y();
- x = xin * matrix.m[0][0] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][0] +
- matrix.m[3][0];
- y = xin * matrix.m[0][1] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][1] +
- matrix.m[3][1];
- w = xin * matrix.m[0][3] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][3] +
- matrix.m[3][3];
- if (w == 1.0f)
- return QPoint(qRound(x), qRound(y));
- else
- return QPoint(qRound(x / w), qRound(y / w));
+ if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Identity) {
+ return point;
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Translation) {
+ return QPoint(qRound(xin + matrix.m[3][0]),
+ qRound(yin + matrix.m[3][1]));
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits ==
+ (QMatrix4x4::Translation | QMatrix4x4::Scale)) {
+ return QPoint(qRound(xin * matrix.m[0][0] + matrix.m[3][0]),
+ qRound(yin * matrix.m[1][1] + matrix.m[3][1]));
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Scale) {
+ return QPoint(qRound(xin * matrix.m[0][0]),
+ qRound(yin * matrix.m[1][1]));
+ } else {
+ x = xin * matrix.m[0][0] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][0] +
+ matrix.m[3][0];
+ y = xin * matrix.m[0][1] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][1] +
+ matrix.m[3][1];
+ w = xin * matrix.m[0][3] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][3] +
+ matrix.m[3][3];
+ if (w == 1.0f)
+ return QPoint(qRound(x), qRound(y));
+ else
+ return QPoint(qRound(x / w), qRound(y / w));
+ }
inline QPointF operator*(const QMatrix4x4& matrix, const QPointF& point)
@@ -771,19 +804,33 @@ inline QPointF operator*(const QMatrix4x4& matrix, const QPointF& point)
float x, y, w;
xin = point.x();
yin = point.y();
- x = xin * matrix.m[0][0] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][0] +
- matrix.m[3][0];
- y = xin * matrix.m[0][1] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][1] +
- matrix.m[3][1];
- w = xin * matrix.m[0][3] +
- yin * matrix.m[1][3] +
- matrix.m[3][3];
- if (w == 1.0f) {
- return QPointF(qreal(x), qreal(y));
+ if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Identity) {
+ return point;
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Translation) {
+ return QPointF(xin + matrix.m[3][0],
+ yin + matrix.m[3][1]);
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits ==
+ (QMatrix4x4::Translation | QMatrix4x4::Scale)) {
+ return QPointF(xin * matrix.m[0][0] + matrix.m[3][0],
+ yin * matrix.m[1][1] + matrix.m[3][1]);
+ } else if (matrix.flagBits == QMatrix4x4::Scale) {
+ return QPointF(xin * matrix.m[0][0],
+ yin * matrix.m[1][1]);
} else {
- return QPointF(qreal(x / w), qreal(y / w));
+ x = xin * matrix.m[0][0] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][0] +
+ matrix.m[3][0];
+ y = xin * matrix.m[0][1] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][1] +
+ matrix.m[3][1];
+ w = xin * matrix.m[0][3] +
+ yin * matrix.m[1][3] +
+ matrix.m[3][3];
+ if (w == 1.0f) {
+ return QPointF(qreal(x), qreal(y));
+ } else {
+ return QPointF(qreal(x / w), qreal(y / w));
+ }
@@ -901,32 +948,6 @@ inline QVector4D QMatrix4x4::map(const QVector4D& point) const
-inline QRect QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRect& rect) const
- QPoint tl = map(rect.topLeft()); QPoint tr = map(rect.topRight());
- QPoint bl = map(rect.bottomLeft()); QPoint br = map(rect.bottomRight());
- int xmin = qMin(qMin(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMin(bl.x(), br.x()));
- int xmax = qMax(qMax(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMax(bl.x(), br.x()));
- int ymin = qMin(qMin(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMin(bl.y(), br.y()));
- int ymax = qMax(qMax(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMax(bl.y(), br.y()));
- return QRect(QPoint(xmin, ymin), QPoint(xmax, ymax));
-inline QRectF QMatrix4x4::mapRect(const QRectF& rect) const
- QPointF tl = map(rect.topLeft()); QPointF tr = map(rect.topRight());
- QPointF bl = map(rect.bottomLeft()); QPointF br = map(rect.bottomRight());
- qreal xmin = qMin(qMin(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMin(bl.x(), br.x()));
- qreal xmax = qMax(qMax(tl.x(), tr.x()), qMax(bl.x(), br.x()));
- qreal ymin = qMin(qMin(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMin(bl.y(), br.y()));
- qreal ymax = qMax(qMax(tl.y(), tr.y()), qMax(bl.y(), br.y()));
- return QRectF(QPointF(xmin, ymin), QPointF(xmax, ymax));
inline float *QMatrix4x4::data()
// We have to assume that the caller will modify the matrix elements,
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine.cpp
index 7de1ec4..9859425 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include <private/qtextengine_p.h>
#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <private/qfontengine_p.h>
+#include <private/qpaintengineex_p.h>
@@ -302,6 +303,9 @@ void QPaintEngine::syncState()
+ if (isExtended())
+ static_cast<QPaintEngineEx *>(this)->sync();
static QPaintEngine *qt_polygon_recursion = 0;
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
index 3f85095..578a815 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
@@ -4475,14 +4475,12 @@ void QClipData::fixup()
if (sl != left || sr != right)
isRect = false;
- ++xmax;
// qDebug("xmin=%d,xmax=%d,ymin=%d,ymax=%d %s", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, isRect ? "rectangular" : "");
if (isRect) {
hasRectClip = true;
clipRect.setRect(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
index 593726c..1c55242 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
@@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ public:
inline QPainterState *state() { return static_cast<QPainterState *>(QPaintEngine::state); }
inline const QPainterState *state() const { return static_cast<const QPainterState *>(QPaintEngine::state); }
+ virtual void sync() {}
virtual QPixmapFilter *createPixmapFilter(int /*type*/) const { return 0; }
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
index 3004841..50100af 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
@@ -398,9 +398,12 @@ QRect QMenuPrivate::actionRect(QAction *act) const
return ret;
+static const float MenuFadeTimeInSec = 0.150;
void QMenuPrivate::hideUpToMenuBar()
+ bool fadeMenus = q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_FadeOutOnHide);
if (!tornoff) {
QWidget *caused = causedPopup.widget;
hideMenu(q); //hide after getting causedPopup
@@ -415,8 +418,9 @@ void QMenuPrivate::hideUpToMenuBar()
if (QMenu *m = qobject_cast<QMenu*>(caused)) {
caused = m->d_func()->causedPopup.widget;
if (!m->d_func()->tornoff)
- hideMenu(m);
- m->d_func()->setCurrentAction(0);
+ hideMenu(m, fadeMenus);
+ if (!fadeMenus) // Mac doesn't clear the action until after hidden.
+ m->d_func()->setCurrentAction(0);
} else {
if (qobject_cast<QToolButton*>(caused) == 0)
@@ -425,26 +429,32 @@ void QMenuPrivate::hideUpToMenuBar()
caused = 0;
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
+ if (fadeMenus) {
+ QEventLoop eventLoop;
+ QTimer::singleShot(int(MenuFadeTimeInSec * 1000), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->performFade();
+ eventLoop.exec();
+ }
-void QMenuPrivate::hideMenu(QMenu *menu)
+void QMenuPrivate::hideMenu(QMenu *menu, bool justRegister)
if (!menu)
#if !defined(QT_NO_EFFECTS)
aboutToHide = true;
// Flash item which is about to trigger (if any).
if (menu->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_FlashTriggeredItem)
- && currentAction && currentAction == actionAboutToTrigger) {
+ && currentAction && currentAction == actionAboutToTrigger
+ && menu->actions().contains(currentAction)) {
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QAction *activeAction = currentAction;
- // Deselect and wait 60 ms.
QTimer::singleShot(60, &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
@@ -458,22 +468,24 @@ void QMenuPrivate::hideMenu(QMenu *menu)
// Fade out.
if (menu->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_FadeOutOnHide)) {
// ### Qt 4.4:
- // Should be something like: q->transitionWindow(Qt::FadeOutTransition, 150);
+ // Should be something like: q->transitionWindow(Qt::FadeOutTransition, MenuFadeTimeInSec);
// Hopefully we'll integrate qt/research/windowtransitions into main before 4.4.
// Talk to Richard, Trenton or Bjoern.
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
- macWindowFade(qt_mac_window_for(menu)); // FIXME - what is the default duration for view animations
+ if (justRegister) {
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->setFadeDuration(MenuFadeTimeInSec);
+ QMacWindowFader::currentFader()->registerWindowToFade(menu);
+ } else {
+ macWindowFade(qt_mac_window_for(menu), MenuFadeTimeInSec);
+ }
- // Wait for the transition to complete.
- QEventLoop eventLoop;
- QTimer::singleShot(150, &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
- eventLoop.exec();
#endif // Q_WS_MAC
aboutToHide = false;
#endif // QT_NO_EFFECTS
- menu->hide();
+ if (!justRegister)
+ menu->hide();
void QMenuPrivate::popupAction(QAction *action, int delay, bool activateFirst)
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/ b/src/gui/widgets/
index cce083f..87c886c 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/
@@ -1829,6 +1829,9 @@ OSMenuRef QMenuBar::macMenu() { return d_func()->macMenu(); }
static bool qt_mac_is_ancestor(QWidget* possibleAncestor, QWidget *child)
+ if (!possibleAncestor)
+ return false;
QWidget * current = child->parentWidget();
while (current != 0) {
if (current == possibleAncestor)
@@ -1847,22 +1850,19 @@ static bool qt_mac_should_disable_menu(QMenuBar *menuBar, QWidget *modalWidget)
if (modalWidget == 0 || menuBar == 0)
return false;
- const Qt::WindowModality modality = modalWidget->windowModality();
- if (modality == Qt::ApplicationModal) {
- return true;
- } else if (modality == Qt::WindowModal) {
- QWidget * parent = menuBar->parentWidget();
- // Special case for the global menu bar: It's not associated
- // with a window so don't disable it.
- if (parent == 0)
- return false;
- // Disable menu entries in menu bars that belong to ancestors of
- // the modal widget, leave entries in unrelated menu bars enabled.
- return qt_mac_is_ancestor(parent, modalWidget);
+ // If there is an application modal window on
+ // screen, the entries of the menubar should be disabled:
+ QWidget *w = modalWidget;
+ while (w) {
+ if (w->isVisible() && w->windowModality() == Qt::ApplicationModal)
+ return true;
+ w = w->parentWidget();
- return false; // modality == NonModal
+ // INVARIANT: modalWidget is window modal. Disable menu entries
+ // if the menu bar belongs to an ancestor of modalWidget:
+ return qt_mac_is_ancestor(menuBar->parentWidget(), modalWidget);
static void cancelAllMenuTracking()
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
index edfeee7..f08283d 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ public:
virtual QList<QPointer<QWidget> > calcCausedStack() const;
QMenuCaused causedPopup;
void hideUpToMenuBar();
- void hideMenu(QMenu *menu);
+ void hideMenu(QMenu *menu, bool justRegister = false);
//index mappings
inline QAction *actionAt(int i) const { return q_func()->actions().at(i); }
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qstatusbar.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qstatusbar.cpp
index c970838..3829bcb 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qstatusbar.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qstatusbar.cpp
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ QRect QStatusBarPrivate::messageRect() const
if (rtl)
left = qMax(left, item->w->x() + item->w->width() + 2);
- right = qMin(right, item->w->x()-1);
+ right = qMin(right, item->w->x() - 2);
diff --git a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
index e7b6ee4..40f3a8d 100644
--- a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
@@ -449,6 +449,43 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::drawTexture(const QGLRect& dest, const QGLRect& s
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
+void QGL2PaintEngineEx::sync()
+ Q_D(QGL2PaintEngineEx);
+ ensureActive();
+ d->transferMode(BrushDrawingMode);
+ QGLContext *ctx = d->ctx;
+ glUseProgram(0);
+#ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
+ // be nice to people who mix OpenGL 1.x code with QPainter commands
+ // by setting modelview and projection matrices to mirror the GL 1
+ // paint engine
+ const QTransform& mtx = state()->matrix;
+ float mv_matrix[4][4] =
+ {
+ { mtx.m11(), mtx.m12(), 0, mtx.m13() },
+ { mtx.m21(), mtx.m22(), 0, mtx.m23() },
+ { 0, 0, 1, 0 },
+ { mtx.dx(), mtx.dy(), 0, mtx.m33() }
+ };
+ const QSize sz = d->drawable.size();
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glOrtho(0, sz.width(), sz.height(), 0, -999999, 999999);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadMatrixf(&mv_matrix[0][0]);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::transferMode(EngineMode newMode)
if (newMode == mode)
diff --git a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
index dececa3..7213474 100644
--- a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
+++ b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ public:
return static_cast<const QOpenGL2PaintEngineState *>(QPaintEngineEx::state());
void updateClipRegion(const QRegion &clipRegion, Qt::ClipOperation op);
+ virtual void sync();
diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl_p.h b/src/opengl/qgl_p.h
index b1a63b5..b3523d4 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl_p.h
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl_p.h
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ inline bool qt_gl_preferGL2Engine()
return true;
return (QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags() & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_0)
- && !qgetenv("QT_GL_USE_OPENGL2ENGINE").isEmpty();
+ && qgetenv("QT_GL_USE_OPENGL1ENGINE").isEmpty();
diff --git a/src/opengl/qpixmapdata_gl.cpp b/src/opengl/qpixmapdata_gl.cpp
index 85bcda5..8d94c8b 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qpixmapdata_gl.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/qpixmapdata_gl.cpp
@@ -372,45 +372,50 @@ QPaintEngine* QGLPixmapData::paintEngine() const
if (m_engine)
return m_engine;
- else if (!useFramebufferObjects()) {
- m_dirty = true;
- if (m_source.size() != size())
- m_source = QImage(size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- if (m_hasFillColor) {
- m_source.fill(PREMUL(m_fillColor.rgba()));
- m_hasFillColor = false;
- }
- return m_source.paintEngine();
- }
- extern QGLWidget* qt_gl_share_widget();
+ if (useFramebufferObjects()) {
+ extern QGLWidget* qt_gl_share_widget();
- if (!QGLContext::currentContext())
- qt_gl_share_widget()->makeCurrent();
- QGLShareContextScope ctx(qt_gl_share_widget()->context());
+ if (!QGLContext::currentContext())
+ qt_gl_share_widget()->makeCurrent();
+ QGLShareContextScope ctx(qt_gl_share_widget()->context());
- if (textureBufferStack.size() <= currentTextureBuffer) {
- textureBufferStack << createTextureBuffer(size());
- } else {
- QSize sz =>size();
- if (sz.width() < m_width || sz.height() < m_height) {
- if (sz.width() < m_width)
- sz.setWidth(qMax(m_width, qRound(sz.width() * 1.5)));
- if (sz.height() < m_height)
- sz.setHeight(qMax(m_height, qRound(sz.height() * 1.5)));
- delete;
- textureBufferStack[currentTextureBuffer] =
- createTextureBuffer(sz,;
- qDebug() << "Creating new pixmap texture buffer:" << sz;
+ if (textureBufferStack.size() <= currentTextureBuffer) {
+ textureBufferStack << createTextureBuffer(size());
+ } else {
+ QSize sz =>size();
+ if (sz.width() < m_width || sz.height() < m_height) {
+ if (sz.width() < m_width)
+ sz.setWidth(qMax(m_width, qRound(sz.width() * 1.5)));
+ if (sz.height() < m_height)
+ sz.setHeight(qMax(m_height, qRound(sz.height() * 1.5)));
+ delete;
+ textureBufferStack[currentTextureBuffer] =
+ createTextureBuffer(sz,;
+ qDebug() << "Creating new pixmap texture buffer:" << sz;
+ }
- }
- m_renderFbo =;
- m_engine =;
+ if (>isValid()) {
+ m_renderFbo =;
+ m_engine =;
+ ++currentTextureBuffer;
+ return m_engine;
+ }
- ++currentTextureBuffer;
+ qWarning() << "Failed to create pixmap texture buffer of size " << size() << ", falling back to raster paint engine";
+ }
- return m_engine;
+ m_dirty = true;
+ if (m_source.size() != size())
+ m_source = QImage(size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ if (m_hasFillColor) {
+ m_source.fill(PREMUL(m_fillColor.rgba()));
+ m_hasFillColor = false;
+ }
+ return m_source.paintEngine();
GLuint QGLPixmapData::bind(bool copyBack) const
diff --git a/tests/auto/math3d/qmatrixnxn/tst_qmatrixnxn.cpp b/tests/auto/math3d/qmatrixnxn/tst_qmatrixnxn.cpp
index bb510fc..4d51e89 100644
--- a/tests/auto/math3d/qmatrixnxn/tst_qmatrixnxn.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/math3d/qmatrixnxn/tst_qmatrixnxn.cpp
@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ private slots:
void fill();
+ void mapRect_data();
+ void mapRect();
static void setMatrix(QMatrix2x2& m, const qreal *values);
static void setMatrixFixed(QMatrix2x2& m, const qreal *values);
@@ -1975,6 +1978,14 @@ void tst_QMatrix::scale4x4_data()
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
<< (qreal)2.0f << (qreal)11.0f << (qreal)-6.5f << (void *)complexScale;
+ static const qreal complexScale2D[] =
+ {2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, -11.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
+ QTest::newRow("complex2D")
+ << (qreal)2.0f << (qreal)-11.0f << (qreal)1.0f << (void *)complexScale2D;
void tst_QMatrix::scale4x4()
@@ -1993,6 +2004,12 @@ void tst_QMatrix::scale4x4()
m2.scale(x, y, z);
QVERIFY(isSame(m2, (const qreal *)resultValues));
+ if (z == 1.0f) {
+ QMatrix4x4 m2b;
+ m2b.scale(x, y);
+ QVERIFY(m2b == m2);
+ }
QVector3D v1(2.0f, 3.0f, -4.0f);
QVector3D v2 = m1 * v1;
QCOMPARE(v2.x(), (qreal)(2.0f * x));
@@ -2046,6 +2063,12 @@ void tst_QMatrix::scale4x4()
QVERIFY(isSame(m5, (const qreal *)resultValues));
+ if (z == 1.0f) {
+ QMatrix4x4 m4b(m3);
+ m4b.scale(x, y);
+ QVERIFY(m4b == m4);
+ }
// Test coverage when the special matrix type is unknown.
QMatrix4x4 m6;
@@ -2101,6 +2124,14 @@ void tst_QMatrix::translate4x4_data()
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
<< (qreal)2.0f << (qreal)11.0f << (qreal)-6.5f << (void *)complexTranslate;
+ static const qreal complexTranslate2D[] =
+ {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f,
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, -11.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
+ QTest::newRow("complex2D")
+ << (qreal)2.0f << (qreal)-11.0f << (qreal)0.0f << (void *)complexTranslate2D;
void tst_QMatrix::translate4x4()
@@ -2119,6 +2150,12 @@ void tst_QMatrix::translate4x4()
m2.translate(x, y, z);
QVERIFY(isSame(m2, (const qreal *)resultValues));
+ if (z == 0.0f) {
+ QMatrix4x4 m2b;
+ m2b.translate(x, y);
+ QVERIFY(m2b == m2);
+ }
QVector3D v1(2.0f, 3.0f, -4.0f);
QVector3D v2 = m1 * v1;
QCOMPARE(v2.x(), (qreal)(2.0f + x));
@@ -2153,6 +2190,12 @@ void tst_QMatrix::translate4x4()
QMatrix4x4 m4(m3);
m4.translate(x, y, z);
QVERIFY(m4 == m3 * m1);
+ if (z == 0.0f) {
+ QMatrix4x4 m4b(m3);
+ m4b.translate(x, y);
+ QVERIFY(m4b == m4);
+ }
// Test the generation and use of 4x4 rotation matrices.
@@ -3180,6 +3223,117 @@ void tst_QMatrix::fill()
QVERIFY(isSame(m2, fillValues4x3));
+// Test the mapRect() function for QRect and QRectF.
+void tst_QMatrix::mapRect_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("x");
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("y");
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("width");
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("height");
+ QTest::newRow("null")
+ << (qreal)0.0f << (qreal)0.0f << (qreal)0.0f << (qreal)0.0f;
+ QTest::newRow("rect")
+ << (qreal)1.0f << (qreal)-20.5f << (qreal)100.0f << (qreal)63.75f;
+void tst_QMatrix::mapRect()
+ QFETCH(qreal, x);
+ QFETCH(qreal, y);
+ QFETCH(qreal, width);
+ QFETCH(qreal, height);
+ QRectF rect(x, y, width, height);
+ QRect recti(qRound(x), qRound(y), qRound(width), qRound(height));
+ QMatrix4x4 m1;
+ QVERIFY(m1.mapRect(rect) == rect);
+ QVERIFY(m1.mapRect(recti) == recti);
+ QMatrix4x4 m2;
+ m2.translate(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ QRectF translated = rect.translated(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ QRect translatedi = QRect(qRound(recti.x() - 100.5f), recti.y() + 64,
+ recti.width(), recti.height());
+ QVERIFY(m2.mapRect(rect) == translated);
+ QVERIFY(m2.mapRect(recti) == translatedi);
+ QMatrix4x4 m3;
+ m3.scale(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ qreal scalex = x * -100.5f;
+ qreal scaley = y * 64.0f;
+ qreal scalewid = width * -100.5f;
+ qreal scaleht = height * 64.0f;
+ if (scalewid < 0.0f) {
+ scalewid = -scalewid;
+ scalex -= scalewid;
+ }
+ if (scaleht < 0.0f) {
+ scaleht = -scaleht;
+ scaley -= scaleht;
+ }
+ QRectF scaled(scalex, scaley, scalewid, scaleht);
+ QVERIFY(m3.mapRect(rect) == scaled);
+ scalex = recti.x() * -100.5f;
+ scaley = recti.y() * 64.0f;
+ scalewid = recti.width() * -100.5f;
+ scaleht = recti.height() * 64.0f;
+ if (scalewid < 0.0f) {
+ scalewid = -scalewid;
+ scalex -= scalewid;
+ }
+ if (scaleht < 0.0f) {
+ scaleht = -scaleht;
+ scaley -= scaleht;
+ }
+ QRect scaledi(qRound(scalex), qRound(scaley),
+ qRound(scalewid), qRound(scaleht));
+ QVERIFY(m3.mapRect(recti) == scaledi);
+ QMatrix4x4 m4;
+ m4.translate(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ m4.scale(-2.5f, 4.0f);
+ qreal transx1 = x * -2.5f - 100.5f;
+ qreal transy1 = y * 4.0f + 64.0f;
+ qreal transx2 = (x + width) * -2.5f - 100.5f;
+ qreal transy2 = (y + height) * 4.0f + 64.0f;
+ if (transx1 > transx2)
+ qSwap(transx1, transx2);
+ if (transy1 > transy2)
+ qSwap(transy1, transy2);
+ QRectF trans(transx1, transy1, transx2 - transx1, transy2 - transy1);
+ QVERIFY(m4.mapRect(rect) == trans);
+ transx1 = recti.x() * -2.5f - 100.5f;
+ transy1 = recti.y() * 4.0f + 64.0f;
+ transx2 = (recti.x() + recti.width()) * -2.5f - 100.5f;
+ transy2 = (recti.y() + recti.height()) * 4.0f + 64.0f;
+ if (transx1 > transx2)
+ qSwap(transx1, transx2);
+ if (transy1 > transy2)
+ qSwap(transy1, transy2);
+ QRect transi(qRound(transx1), qRound(transy1),
+ qRound(transx2) - qRound(transx1),
+ qRound(transy2) - qRound(transy1));
+ QVERIFY(m4.mapRect(recti) == transi);
+ m4.rotate(45.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ QTransform t4;
+ t4.translate(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ t4.scale(-2.5f, 4.0f);
+ t4.rotate(45.0f);
+ QRectF mr = m4.mapRect(rect);
+ QRectF tr = t4.mapRect(rect);
+ QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(mr.x(), tr.x()));
+ QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(mr.y(), tr.y()));
+ QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(mr.width(), tr.width()));
+ QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(mr.height(), tr.height()));
+ QRect mri = m4.mapRect(recti);
+ QRect tri = t4.mapRect(recti);
+ QVERIFY(mri == tri);
#include "tst_qmatrixnxn.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/qpainter/tst_qpainter.cpp b/tests/auto/qpainter/tst_qpainter.cpp
index 87f9c13..af0f6cf 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qpainter/tst_qpainter.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qpainter/tst_qpainter.cpp
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ private slots:
void extendedBlendModes();
void zeroOpacity();
+ void clippingBug();
void fillData();
@@ -4168,5 +4169,28 @@ void tst_QPainter::zeroOpacity()
QCOMPARE(target.pixel(0, 0), 0xff000000);
+void tst_QPainter::clippingBug()
+ QImage img(32, 32, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ img.fill(0);
+ QImage expected = img;
+ QPainter p(&expected);
+ p.fillRect(1, 1, 30, 30, Qt::red);
+ p.end();
+ QPainterPath path;
+ path.addRect(1, 1, 30, 30);
+ path.addRect(1, 1, 30, 30);
+ path.addRect(1, 1, 30, 30);
+ p.begin(&img);
+ p.setClipPath(path);
+ p.fillRect(0, 0, 32, 32, Qt::red);
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(img, expected);
#include "tst_qpainter.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
index f2a1fe4..9fd5c9d 100755
--- a/tests/auto/
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ print " Tests started: $totalStarted \n";
print " Tests executed: $totalExecuted \n";
print " Tests timed out: $totalTimedOut \n";
-# This procedure takes care of handling death children on due time
+# This procedure takes care of handling dead children on due time
sub handleDeath {
$buryChildren = 1;
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/ b/tests/benchmarks/
index 4c39373..bc41125 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ SUBDIRS = containers-associative \
qpixmap \
blendbench \
qstringlist \
+ qmatrix4x4 \
qobject \
qrect \
qregexp \
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/ b/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e82d9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TARGET = tst_qmatrix4x4
+SOURCES += tst_qmatrix4x4.cpp
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/tst_qmatrix4x4.cpp b/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/tst_qmatrix4x4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5046b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/qmatrix4x4/tst_qmatrix4x4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the QtOpenGL module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QtGui/qmatrix4x4.h>
+class tst_QMatrix4x4 : public QObject
+ tst_QMatrix4x4() {}
+ ~tst_QMatrix4x4() {}
+private slots:
+ void multiply_data();
+ void multiply();
+ void multiplyInPlace_data();
+ void multiplyInPlace();
+ void multiplyDirect_data();
+ void multiplyDirect();
+ void mapVector3D_data();
+ void mapVector3D();
+ void mapVector2D_data();
+ void mapVector2D();
+ void mapVectorDirect_data();
+ void mapVectorDirect();
+static qreal const generalValues[16] =
+ {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f,
+ 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f,
+ 9.0f, 10.0f, 11.0f, 12.0f,
+ 13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f, 16.0f};
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiply_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QMatrix4x4>("m1");
+ QTest::addColumn<QMatrix4x4>("m2");
+ QTest::newRow("identity * identity")
+ << QMatrix4x4() << QMatrix4x4();
+ QTest::newRow("identity * general")
+ << QMatrix4x4() << QMatrix4x4(generalValues);
+ QTest::newRow("general * identity")
+ << QMatrix4x4(generalValues) << QMatrix4x4();
+ QTest::newRow("general * general")
+ << QMatrix4x4(generalValues) << QMatrix4x4(generalValues);
+QMatrix4x4 mresult;
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiply()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m2);
+ QMatrix4x4 m3;
+ m3 = m1 * m2;
+ }
+ // Force the result to be stored so the compiler doesn't
+ // optimize away the contents of the benchmark loop.
+ mresult = m3;
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiplyInPlace_data()
+ multiply_data();
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiplyInPlace()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m2);
+ QMatrix4x4 m3;
+ m3 = m1;
+ m3 *= m2;
+ }
+ // Force the result to be stored so the compiler doesn't
+ // optimize away the contents of the benchmark loop.
+ mresult = m3;
+// Use a direct naive multiplication algorithm. This is used
+// to compare against the optimized routines to see if they are
+// actually faster than the naive implementation.
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiplyDirect_data()
+ multiply_data();
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::multiplyDirect()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m2);
+ QMatrix4x4 m3;
+ const float *m1data = m1.constData();
+ const float *m2data = m2.constData();
+ float *m3data =;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
+ m3data[col * 4 + row] = 0.0f;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+ m3data[col * 4 + row] +=
+ m1data[j * 4 + row] * m2data[col * 4 + j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QVector3D vresult;
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVector3D_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QMatrix4x4>("m1");
+ QTest::newRow("identity") << QMatrix4x4();
+ QTest::newRow("general") << QMatrix4x4(generalValues);
+ QMatrix4x4 t1;
+ t1.translate(-100.5f, 64.0f, 75.25f);
+ QTest::newRow("translate3D") << t1;
+ QMatrix4x4 t2;
+ t2.translate(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ QTest::newRow("translate2D") << t2;
+ QMatrix4x4 s1;
+ s1.scale(-100.5f, 64.0f, 75.25f);
+ QTest::newRow("scale3D") << s1;
+ QMatrix4x4 s2;
+ s2.scale(-100.5f, 64.0f);
+ QTest::newRow("scale2D") << s2;
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVector3D()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ QVector3D v(10.5f, -2.0f, 3.0f);
+ QVector3D result;
+ m1.inferSpecialType();
+ result = m1 * v;
+ }
+ // Force the result to be stored so the compiler doesn't
+ // optimize away the contents of the benchmark loop.
+ vresult = result;
+QPointF vresult2;
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVector2D_data()
+ mapVector3D_data();
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVector2D()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ QPointF v(10.5f, -2.0f);
+ QPointF result;
+ m1.inferSpecialType();
+ result = m1 * v;
+ }
+ // Force the result to be stored so the compiler doesn't
+ // optimize away the contents of the benchmark loop.
+ vresult2 = result;
+// Use a direct naive multiplication algorithm. This is used
+// to compare against the optimized routines to see if they are
+// actually faster than the naive implementation.
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVectorDirect_data()
+ mapVector3D_data();
+void tst_QMatrix4x4::mapVectorDirect()
+ QFETCH(QMatrix4x4, m1);
+ const float *m1data = m1.constData();
+ float v[4] = {10.5f, -2.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f};
+ float result[4];
+ for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
+ result[row] = 0.0f;
+ for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
+ result[row] += m1data[col * 4 + row] * v[col];
+ }
+ }
+ result[0] /= result[3];
+ result[1] /= result[3];
+ result[2] /= result[3];
+ }
+#include "tst_qmatrix4x4.moc"
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/main.cpp b/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/main.cpp
index 8eb4e78..d4e2fa0 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/main.cpp
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/main.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,64 @@
-#include "qstringbuilder.h"
+// Select one of the scenarios below
+#define SCENARIO 3
+#if SCENARIO == 1
+// this is the "no harm done" version. Only operator% is active,
+// with NO_CAST * defined
+#define P %
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QString>
-#include <qtest.h>
+#if SCENARIO == 2
+// this is the "full" version. Operator+ is replaced by a QStringBuilder
+// based version
+// with NO_CAST * defined
+#define P %
+#if SCENARIO == 3
+// this is the "no harm done" version. Only operator% is active,
+// with NO_CAST * _not_ defined
+#define P %
+#if SCENARIO == 4
+// this is the "full" version. Operator+ is replaced by a QStringBuilder
+// based version
+// with NO_CAST * _not_ defined
+#define P %
+#include <qbytearray.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringbuilder.h>
+#include <qtest.h>
#define COMPARE(a, b) QCOMPARE(a, b)
//#define COMPARE(a, b)
#define SEP(s) qDebug() << "\n\n-------- " s " ---------";
-#define L(s) QLatin1String(s)
+#define LITERAL "some string literal"
class tst_qstringbuilder : public QObject
@@ -19,12 +66,16 @@ class tst_qstringbuilder : public QObject
- : l1literal("some string literal"),
- l1string("some string literal"),
- ba("some string literal"),
+ : l1literal(LITERAL),
+ l1string(LITERAL),
+ ba(LITERAL),
stringref(&string, 2, 10),
- achar('c')
+ achar('c'),
+ r2(QLatin1String(LITERAL LITERAL)),
@@ -51,10 +102,10 @@ public:
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
#if 0
- s += QString(l1literal % l1literal).size();
- s += QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal).size();
- s += QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal).size();
- s += QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal).size();
+ s += QString(l1literal P l1literal).size();
+ s += QString(l1literal P l1literal P l1literal).size();
+ s += QString(l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal).size();
+ s += QString(l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal).size();
s += QString(achar % l1literal % achar).size();
@@ -71,24 +122,30 @@ private slots:
void separator_1() { SEP("literal + literal (builder first)"); }
void b_2_l1literal() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal % l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + l1string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P l1literal; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
+ }
+ void b_l1literal_LITERAL() {
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P LITERAL; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
+ #endif
void s_2_l1string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = l1string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1literal % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
void separator_2() { SEP("2 strings"); }
void b_2_string() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = string % string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = string P string; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
void s_2_string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % string));
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
@@ -107,12 +164,12 @@ private slots:
void separator_2b() { SEP("3 strings"); }
void b_3_string() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = string % string % string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string + string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = string P string P string; }
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
void s_3_string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + string + string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % string % string));
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
@@ -120,56 +177,66 @@ private slots:
void b_string_l1literal() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string % l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + l1string));
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
+ void b_string_LITERAL() {
+ QBENCHMARK { r = string P LITERAL; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
+ }
+ void b_LITERAL_string() {
+ QBENCHMARK { r = LITERAL P string; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
+ }
+ #endif
void b_string_l1string() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = string % l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + l1string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = string P l1string; }
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
void s_string_l1literal() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
void s_string_l1string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r2);
void separator_3() { SEP("3 literals"); }
void b_3_l1literal() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal % l1literal % l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + l1string + l1string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P l1literal P l1literal; }
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
void s_3_l1string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = l1string + l1string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
void separator_4() { SEP("4 literals"); }
void b_4_l1literal() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal; }
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
void s_4_l1string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
void separator_5() { SEP("5 literals"); }
void b_5_l1literal() {
- QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal %l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string));
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal P l1literal; }
+ COMPARE(r, r5);
void s_5_l1string() {
QBENCHMARK { r = l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string + l1string; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal % l1literal));
+ COMPARE(r, r5);
@@ -177,12 +244,12 @@ private slots:
void b_string_4_char() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + achar + achar + achar + achar; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % achar % achar % achar % achar));
+ COMPARE(r, QString(string P achar P achar P achar P achar));
void s_string_4_char() {
QBENCHMARK { r = string + achar + achar + achar + achar; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(string % achar % achar % achar % achar));
+ COMPARE(r, QString(string P achar P achar P achar P achar));
@@ -190,26 +257,26 @@ private slots:
void b_char_string_char() {
QBENCHMARK { r = achar + string + achar; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(achar % string % achar));
+ COMPARE(r, QString(achar P string P achar));
void s_char_string_char() {
QBENCHMARK { r = achar + string + achar; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(achar % string % achar));
+ COMPARE(r, QString(achar P string P achar));
void separator_8() { SEP("string.arg"); }
void b_string_arg() {
- const QString pattern = l1string + QLatin1String("%1") + l1string;
- QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal % string % l1literal; }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + string + l1string));
+ const QString pattern = l1string + QString::fromLatin1("%1") + l1string;
+ QBENCHMARK { r = l1literal P string P l1literal; }
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
void s_string_arg() {
const QString pattern = l1string + QLatin1String("%1") + l1string;
QBENCHMARK { r = pattern.arg(string); }
- COMPARE(r, QString(l1string + string + l1string));
+ COMPARE(r, r3);
void s_bytearray_arg() {
@@ -223,16 +290,16 @@ private slots:
void b_reserve() {
- r = string % string % string % string;
+ r = string P string P string P string;
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string + string + string));
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
void b_reserve_lit() {
- r = string % l1literal % string % string;
+ r = string P l1literal P string P string;
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string + string + string));
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
void s_reserve() {
@@ -243,7 +310,7 @@ private slots:
r += string;
r += string;
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string + string + string));
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
void s_reserve_lit() {
@@ -256,7 +323,7 @@ private slots:
r += string;
r += string;
- COMPARE(r, QString(string + string + string + string));
+ COMPARE(r, r4);
@@ -266,6 +333,7 @@ private:
const QString string;
const QStringRef stringref;
const QLatin1Char achar;
+ const QString r2, r3, r4, r5;
QString r;
@@ -280,12 +348,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//QString("x") % 2; // Sanity test, should only compile when the
// operator%(QString, int) is visible.
- if (argc == 2 && (argv[1] == L("--run-builder") || argv[1] == L("-b"))) {
+ if (argc == 2 && (QLatin1String(argv[1]) == QLatin1String("--run-builder")
+ || QLatin1String(argv[1]) == QLatin1String("-b"))) {
tst_qstringbuilder test;
return test.run_builder();
- if (argc == 2 && (argv[1] == L("--run-traditional") || argv[1] == L("-t"))) {
+ if (argc == 2 && (QLatin1String(argv[1]) == QLatin1String("--run-traditional")
+ || QLatin1String(argv[1]) == QLatin1String("-t"))) {
tst_qstringbuilder test;
return test.run_traditional();
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/ b/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/
index 02daaaa..79171b4 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/qstringbuilder/
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ load(qttest_p4)
TARGET = tst_qstringbuilder
-# Uncomment to test compilation of the drop-in
-# replacement operator+()
diff --git a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/abstractformbuilder.cpp b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/abstractformbuilder.cpp
index 4dae28e..c5aefb1 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/abstractformbuilder.cpp
+++ b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/abstractformbuilder.cpp
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ QAction *QAbstractFormBuilder::create(DomAction *ui_action, QObject *parent)
if (!a)
return 0;
+ m_actions.insert(ui_action->attributeName(), a);
applyProperties(a, ui_action->elementProperty());
return a;
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ QActionGroup *QAbstractFormBuilder::create(DomActionGroup *ui_action_group, QObj
QActionGroup *a = createActionGroup(parent, ui_action_group->attributeName());
if (!a)
return 0;
+ m_actionGroups.insert(ui_action_group->attributeName(), a);
applyProperties(a, ui_action_group->elementProperty());
foreach (DomAction *ui_action, ui_action_group->elementAction()) {
@@ -1184,8 +1185,6 @@ QAction *QAbstractFormBuilder::createAction(QObject *parent, const QString &name
QAction *action = new QAction(parent);
- m_actions.insert(name, action);
return action;
@@ -1196,8 +1195,6 @@ QActionGroup *QAbstractFormBuilder::createActionGroup(QObject *parent, const QSt
QActionGroup *g = new QActionGroup(parent);
- m_actionGroups.insert(name, g);
return g;
diff --git a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilder.cpp b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilder.cpp
index 414eb14..53d1e9d 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilder.cpp
+++ b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilder.cpp
@@ -120,7 +120,10 @@ QFormBuilder::~QFormBuilder()
QWidget *QFormBuilder::create(DomWidget *ui_widget, QWidget *parentWidget)
- QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this)->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false);
+ QFormBuilderExtra *fb = QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this);
+ if (!fb->parentWidgetIsSet())
+ fb->setParentWidget(parentWidget);
+ fb->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false);
if (ui_widget->attributeClass() == QFormBuilderStrings::instance().qWidgetClass && !ui_widget->hasAttributeNative()
&& parentWidget
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ QWidget *QFormBuilder::create(DomWidget *ui_widget, QWidget *parentWidget)
&& !qobject_cast<QDockWidget *>(parentWidget)
- QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this)->setProcessingLayoutWidget(true);
+ fb->setProcessingLayoutWidget(true);
return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_widget, parentWidget);
@@ -228,9 +231,6 @@ QWidget *QFormBuilder::createWidget(const QString &widgetName, QWidget *parentWi
if (qobject_cast<QDialog *>(w))
- if (!fb->rootWidget())
- fb->setRootWidget(w);
return w;
@@ -369,9 +369,10 @@ QWidget *QFormBuilder::create(DomUI *ui, QWidget *parentWidget)
QLayout *QFormBuilder::create(DomLayout *ui_layout, QLayout *layout, QWidget *parentWidget)
+ QFormBuilderExtra *fb = QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this);
// Is this a temporary layout widget used to represent QLayout hierarchies in Designer?
// Set its margins to 0.
- bool layoutWidget = QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this)->processingLayoutWidget();
+ bool layoutWidget = fb->processingLayoutWidget();
QLayout *l = QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_layout, layout, parentWidget);
if (layoutWidget) {
const QFormBuilderStrings &strings = QFormBuilderStrings::instance();
@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ QLayout *QFormBuilder::create(DomLayout *ui_layout, QLayout *layout, QWidget *pa
bottom = prop->elementNumber();
l->setContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom);
- QFormBuilderExtra::instance(this)->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false);
+ fb->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false);
return l;
@@ -525,6 +526,7 @@ QList<QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> QFormBuilder::customWidgets() const
void QFormBuilder::applyProperties(QObject *o, const QList<DomProperty*> &properties)
typedef QList<DomProperty*> DomPropertyList;
@@ -542,11 +544,12 @@ void QFormBuilder::applyProperties(QObject *o, const QList<DomProperty*> &proper
const QString attributeName = (*it)->attributeName();
- if (o == fb->rootWidget() && attributeName == strings.geometryProperty) {
- // apply only the size for the rootWidget
- fb->rootWidget()->resize(qvariant_cast<QRect>(v).size());
+ const bool isWidget = o->isWidgetType();
+ if (isWidget && o->parent() == fb->parentWidget() && attributeName == strings.geometryProperty) {
+ // apply only the size part of a geometry for the root widget
+ static_cast<QWidget*>(o)->resize(qvariant_cast<QRect>(v).size());
} else if (fb->applyPropertyInternally(o, attributeName, v)) {
- } else if (!qstrcmp("QFrame", o->metaObject()->className ()) && attributeName == strings.orientationProperty) {
+ } else if (isWidget && !qstrcmp("QFrame", o->metaObject()->className ()) && attributeName == strings.orientationProperty) {
// ### special-casing for Line (QFrame) -- try to fix me
o->setProperty("frameShape", v); // v is of QFrame::Shape enum
} else {
diff --git a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra.cpp b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra.cpp
index cb82967..38fe2ae 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra.cpp
+++ b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra.cpp
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ QFormBuilderExtra::~QFormBuilderExtra()
void QFormBuilderExtra::clear()
- m_rootWidget = 0;
+ m_parentWidget = 0;
+ m_parentWidgetIsSet = false;
@@ -136,14 +137,21 @@ bool QFormBuilderExtra::applyBuddy(const QString &buddyName, BuddyMode applyMode
return false;
-const QPointer<QWidget> &QFormBuilderExtra::rootWidget() const
+const QPointer<QWidget> &QFormBuilderExtra::parentWidget() const
- return m_rootWidget;
+ return m_parentWidget;
-void QFormBuilderExtra::setRootWidget(const QPointer<QWidget> &w)
+bool QFormBuilderExtra::parentWidgetIsSet() const
- m_rootWidget = w;
+ return m_parentWidgetIsSet;
+void QFormBuilderExtra::setParentWidget(const QPointer<QWidget> &w)
+ // Parent widget requires special handling of the geometry property.
+ m_parentWidget = w;
+ m_parentWidgetIsSet = true;
diff --git a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra_p.h b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra_p.h
index f357239..9166c48 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra_p.h
+++ b/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra_p.h
@@ -101,8 +101,9 @@ public:
void applyInternalProperties() const;
static bool applyBuddy(const QString &buddyName, BuddyMode applyMode, QLabel *label);
- const QPointer<QWidget> &rootWidget() const;
- void setRootWidget(const QPointer<QWidget> &w);
+ const QPointer<QWidget> &parentWidget() const;
+ bool parentWidgetIsSet() const;
+ void setParentWidget(const QPointer<QWidget> &w);
QFormScriptRunner &formScriptRunner();
@@ -182,7 +183,8 @@ private:
QResourceBuilder *m_resourceBuilder;
QTextBuilder *m_textBuilder;
- QPointer<QWidget> m_rootWidget;
+ QPointer<QWidget> m_parentWidget;
+ bool m_parentWidgetIsSet;
void uiLibWarning(const QString &message);
diff --git a/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.cpp b/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.cpp
index 2a66095..c6c2d80 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.cpp
+++ b/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.cpp
@@ -613,8 +613,7 @@ void QUiLoaderPrivate::setupWidgetMap() const
reason, you can subclass the QUiLoader class and reimplement these
functions to intervene the process of constructing a user interface. For
example, you might want to have a list of the actions created when loading
- a form or creating a custom widget. However, in your reimplementation, you
- must call QUiLoader's original implementation of these functions first.
+ a form or creating a custom widget.
For a complete example using the QUiLoader class, see the
\l{Calculator Builder Example}.
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.cpp
index f0ff27e..20b37a0 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include "codeparser.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "tree.h"
+#include "config.h"
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
#define COMMAND_TITLE Doc::alias(QLatin1String("title"))
QList<CodeParser *> CodeParser::parsers;
+bool CodeParser::showInternal = false;
The constructor adds this code parser to the static
@@ -87,11 +89,11 @@ CodeParser::~CodeParser()
- Initializing a code parser is trivial.
+ Initialize the code parser base class.
-void CodeParser::initializeParser(const Config & /* config */)
+void CodeParser::initializeParser(const Config& config)
- // nothing.
+ showInternal = config.getBool(QLatin1String(CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL));
@@ -217,8 +219,10 @@ void CodeParser::processCommonMetaCommand(const Location &location,
else if (command == COMMAND_INTERNAL) {
- node->setAccess(Node::Private);
- node->setStatus(Node::Internal);
+ if (!showInternal) {
+ node->setAccess(Node::Private);
+ node->setStatus(Node::Internal);
+ }
else if (command == COMMAND_REENTRANT) {
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.h b/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.h
index 019e806..0152b9c 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.h
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/codeparser.h
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class CodeParser
static QList<CodeParser *> parsers;
+ static bool showInternal;
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/config.h b/tools/qdoc3/config.h
index 9443f0d..7eb7048 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/config.h
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/config.h
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ class Config
#define CONFIG_QHP "qhp"
#define CONFIG_QUOTINGINFORMATION "quotinginformation"
#define CONFIG_SLOW "slow"
+#define CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL "showinternal"
#define CONFIG_SOURCEDIRS "sourcedirs"
#define CONFIG_SOURCES "sources"
#define CONFIG_SPURIOUS "spurious"
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/main.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/main.cpp
index 514d06e..995d037 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/main.cpp
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ static const struct {
static bool slow = false;
+static bool showInternal = false;
static QStringList defines;
static QHash<QString, Tree *> trees;
@@ -120,14 +121,16 @@ static void printHelp()
Location::information(tr("Usage: qdoc [options] file1.qdocconf ...\n"
- " -help "
+ " -help "
"Display this information and exit\n"
- " -version "
+ " -version "
"Display version of qdoc and exit\n"
- " -D<name> "
+ " -D<name> "
"Define <name> as a macro while parsing sources\n"
- " -slow "
- "Turn on features that slow down qdoc") );
+ " -slow "
+ "Turn on features that slow down qdoc"
+ " -showinternal "
+ "Include stuff marked internal") );
@@ -160,6 +163,8 @@ static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
config.setStringList(CONFIG_SLOW, QStringList(slow ? "true" : "false"));
+ config.setStringList(CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL,
+ QStringList(showInternal ? "true" : "false"));
With the default configuration values in place, load
@@ -326,10 +331,11 @@ static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
Generate the XML tag file, if it was requested.
QString tagFile = config.getString(CONFIG_TAGFILE);
if (!tagFile.isEmpty())
@@ -342,7 +348,6 @@ static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
foreach (QTranslator *translator, translators)
delete translator;
delete tree;
@@ -426,6 +431,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
else if (opt == "-slow") {
slow = true;
+ else if (opt == "-showinternal") {
+ showInternal = true;
+ }
else {