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diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
index 2328c8a..fc5d988 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
\page qmlglobalobject.html
\title QML Global Object
Contains all the properties of the ECMAScript global object, plus:
@@ -53,11 +52,186 @@ Contains all the properties of the ECMAScript global object, plus:
\o openDatabase
\section1 Qt Object
-\section1 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
+The Qt object provides useful enums and functions from Qt, for use in all QML
+\section2 Enums
+The Qt object contains all enums in the Qt namespace. For example, you can
+access the AlignLeft member of the Qt::AlignmentFlag enum with \c Qt.AlignLeft.
+For a full list of enums, see the Qt Namespace documentation.
+\section2 Types
+The Qt object also contains helper functions for creating objects of specific
+data types. This is primarily useful when setting the properties of an item
+when the property has one of the following types:
+\o Color
+\o Rect
+\o Point
+\o Size
+\o Vector3D
+There are also string based constructors for these types, see \l{basicqmltypes.html}{Qml Types}.
+\section3 Qt.rgba(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
+This function returns a Color with the specified \c red, \c green, \c blue and \c alpha components. All components should be in the range 0-255 inclusive.
+\section3 Qt.hsla(int hue, int saturation, int lightness, int alpha)
+This function returns a Color with the specified \c hue, \c saturation, \c lightness and \c alpha components. All components should be in the range 0-255 inclusive.
+\section3 Qt.rect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
+This function returns a Rect with the top-left corner at \c x,\c y and the specified \c width and \c height.
+\section3 Qt.point(int x, int y)
+This function returns a Point with the specified \c x and \c y coordinates.
+\section3 Qt.size(int width, int height)
+returns as Size with the specified width and height.
+\section3 Qt.vector(real x, real y, real z)
+ This function is intended for use inside QML only. In C++ just create a
+ QVector3D as usual.
+ This function takes three numeric components and combines them into a
+ QVector3D value that can be used with any property that takes a
+ QVector3D argument. The following QML code:
+ \code
+ transform: Rotation {
+ id: rotation
+ origin.x: Container.width / 2;
+ axis: vector(0, 1, 1)
+ }
+ \endcode
+ is equivalent to:
+ \code
+ transform: Rotation {
+ id: rotation
+ origin.x: Container.width / 2;
+ axis.x: 0; axis.y: 1; axis.z: 0
+ }
+ \endcode
+\section2 Functions
+The Qt object also contains the following miscellaneous functions which expose Qt functionality for use in QML.
+\section3 Qt.lighter(color baseColor)
+This function returns a color 50% lighter than \c baseColor. See QColor::lighter() for further details.
+\section3 Qt.darker(color baseColor)
+This function returns a color 50% darker than \c baseColor. See QColor::lighter() for further details.
+\section3 Qt.tint(color baseColor, color tintColor)
+ This function allows tinting one color with another.
+ The tint color should usually be mostly transparent, or you will not be able to see the underlying color. The below example provides a slight red tint by having the tint color be pure red which is only 1/16th opaque.
+ \qml
+ Rectangle { x: 0; width: 80; height: 80; color: "lightsteelblue" }
+ Rectangle { x: 100; width: 80; height: 80; color: Qt.tint("lightsteelblue", "#10FF0000") }
+ \endqml
+ \image declarative-rect_tint.png
+ Tint is most useful when a subtle change is intended to be conveyed due to some event; you can then use tinting to more effectively tune the visible color.
+\section3 Qt.playSound(url soundLocation)
+This function plays the audio file located at \c soundLocation. Only .wav files are supported.
+\section3 Qt.openUrlExternally(url target)
+This function attempts to open the specified \c target url in an external application, based on the user's desktop preferences. It will return true if it succeeds, and false otherwise.
+\section1 Dynamic Object Creation
+The following functions on the global object allow you to dynamically create QML
+items from files or strings.
+You can also dynamically create objects in a declarative manner, using items
+such as ListView, Repeater and Loader.
+\section2 createComponent(url file)
+ This function takes the URL of a QML file as its only argument. It returns
+ a component object which can be used to create and load that QML file.
+ Example QML script is below. Remember that QML files that might be loaded
+ over the network cannot be expected to be ready immediately.
+ \code
+ var component;
+ var sprite;
+ function finishCreation(){
+ if(component.isReady()){
+ sprite = component.createObject();
+ if(sprite == 0){
+ // Error Handling
+ }else{
+ sprite.parent = page;
+ sprite.x = 200;
+ //...
+ }
+ }else if(component.isError()){
+ // Error Handling
+ }
+ }
+ component = createComponent("Sprite.qml");
+ if(component.isReady()){
+ finishCreation();
+ }else{
+ component.statusChanged.connect(finishCreation);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ If you are certain the files will be local, you could simplify to
+ \code
+ component = createComponent("Sprite.qml");
+ sprite = component.createObject();
+ if(sprite == 0){
+ // Error Handling
+ print(component.errorsString());
+ }else{
+ sprite.parent = page;
+ sprite.x = 200;
+ //...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ If you want to just create an arbitrary string of QML, instead of
+ loading a QML file, consider the createQmlObject() function.
+\section2 createQmlObject(string qml, object parent, string filepath)
+ Creates a new object from the specified string of QML. It requires a
+ second argument, which is the id of an existing QML object to use as
+ the new object's parent. If a third argument is provided, this is used
+ for error reporting as the filepath that the QML came from.
+ Example (where targetItem is the id of an existing QML item):
+ \code
+ newObject = createQmlObject('import Qt 4.6; Rectangle {color: "red"; width: 20; height: 20}',
+ targetItem, "dynamicSnippet1");
+ \endcode
+ This function is intended for use inside QML only. It is intended to behave
+ similarly to eval, but for creating QML elements.
+ Returns the created object, or null if there is an error. In the case of an
+ error, details of the error are output using qWarning().
+ Note that this function returns immediately, and therefore may not work if
+ the QML loads new components. If you are trying to load a new component,
+ for example from a QML file, consider the createComponent() function
+ instead. 'New components' refers to external QML files that have not yet
+ been loaded, and so it is safe to use createQmlObject to load built-in
+ components.
+\section1 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
+QML script supports the XMLHttpRequest object, which can be used to asynchronously obtain data from over a network.
+\section2 XMLHttpRequest()
+In QML you can construct an XMLHttpRequest object just like in a web browser! TODO: Real documentation for this object.
\section1 Offline Storage API
The \c openDatabase() and related functions
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc
index 5d8623b..3be90f7 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ completely new applications. QML is fully \l {Extending QML}{extensible from C+
\section1 Reference:
\o \l {QML Elements}
+\o \l {QML Global Object}
\o \l {Extending QML}
diff --git a/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine.cpp b/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine.cpp
index 6c303e3..8581751 100644
--- a/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine.cpp
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ QmlEnginePrivate::QmlEnginePrivate(QmlEngine *e)
nodeListClass(0), namedNodeMapClass(0), sqlQueryClass(0), cleanup(0), scriptEngine(this),
componentAttacheds(0), rootComponent(0), networkAccessManager(0), typeManager(e), uniqueId(1)
+ // Note that all documentation for stuff put on the global object goes in
+ // doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
QScriptValue qtObject =
scriptEngine.globalObject().setProperty(QLatin1String("Qt"), qtObject);
@@ -584,59 +586,6 @@ QmlContext *QmlEnginePrivate::getContext(QScriptContext *ctxt)
return contextClass->contextFromValue(scopeNode);
- This function is intended for use inside QML only. In C++ just create a
- component object as usual.
- This function takes the URL of a QML file as its only argument. It returns
- a component object which can be used to create and load that QML file.
- Example QmlJS is below, remember that QML files that might be loaded
- over the network cannot be expected to be ready immediately.
- \code
- var component;
- var sprite;
- function finishCreation(){
- if(component.isReady()){
- sprite = component.createObject();
- if(sprite == 0){
- // Error Handling
- }else{
- sprite.parent = page;
- sprite.x = 200;
- //...
- }
- }else if(component.isError()){
- // Error Handling
- }
- }
- component = createComponent("Sprite.qml");
- if(component.isReady()){
- finishCreation();
- }else{
- component.statusChanged.connect(finishCreation);
- }
- \endcode
- If you are certain the files will be local, you could simplify to
- \code
- component = createComponent("Sprite.qml");
- sprite = component.createObject();
- if(sprite == 0){
- // Error Handling
- print(component.errorsString());
- }else{
- sprite.parent = page;
- sprite.x = 200;
- //...
- }
- \endcode
- If you want to just create an arbitrary string of QML, instead of
- loading a qml file, consider the createQmlObject() function.
QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::createComponent(QScriptContext *ctxt,
QScriptEngine *engine)
@@ -659,31 +608,6 @@ QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::createComponent(QScriptContext *ctxt,
return engine->newQObject(c);
- Creates a new object from the specified string of QML. It requires a
- second argument, which is the id of an existing QML object to use as
- the new object's parent. If a third argument is provided, this is used
- as the filepath that the qml came from.
- Example (where targetItem is the id of an existing QML item):
- \code
- newObject = createQmlObject('import Qt 4.6; Rectangle {color: "red"; width: 20; height: 20}',
- targetItem, "dynamicSnippet1");
- \endcode
- This function is intended for use inside QML only. It is intended to behave
- similarly to eval, but for creating QML elements.
- Returns the created object, or null if there is an error. In the case of an
- error, details of the error are output using qWarning().
- Note that this function returns immediately, and therefore may not work if
- the QML loads new components. If you are trying to load a new component,
- for example from a QML file, consider the createComponent() function
- instead. 'New components' refers to external QML files that have not yet
- been loaded, and so it is safe to use createQmlObject to load built-in
- components.
QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::createQmlObject(QScriptContext *ctxt, QScriptEngine *engine)
QmlEnginePrivate *activeEnginePriv =
@@ -736,32 +660,6 @@ QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::createQmlObject(QScriptContext *ctxt, QScriptEngi
return engine->nullValue();
- This function is intended for use inside QML only. In C++ just create a
- QVector3D as usual.
- This function takes three numeric components and combines them into a
- QVector3D value that can be used with any property that takes a
- QVector3D argument. The following QML code:
- \code
- transform: Rotation {
- id: rotation
- origin.x: Container.width / 2;
- axis: vector(0, 1, 1)
- }
- \endcode
- is equivalent to:
- \code
- transform: Rotation {
- id: rotation
- origin.x: Container.width / 2;
- axis.x: 0; axis.y: 1; axis.z: 0
- }
- \endcode
QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::vector(QScriptContext *ctxt, QScriptEngine *engine)
if(ctxt->argumentCount() < 3)
@@ -894,19 +792,7 @@ QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::desktopOpenUrl(QScriptContext *ctxt, QScriptEngin
bool ret = QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(ctxt->argument(0).toString()));
return e->newVariant(QVariant(ret));
- This function allows tinting one color with another.
- The tint color should usually be mostly transparent, or you will not be able to see the underlying color. The below example provides a slight red tint by having the tint color be pure red which is only 1/16th opaque.
- \qml
- Rectangle { x: 0; width: 80; height: 80; color: "lightsteelblue" }
- Rectangle { x: 100; width: 80; height: 80; color: Qt.tint("lightsteelblue", "#10FF0000") }
- \endqml
- \image declarative-rect_tint.png
- Tint is most useful when a subtle change is intended to be conveyed due to some event; you can then use tinting to more effectively tune the visible color.
QScriptValue QmlEnginePrivate::tint(QScriptContext *ctxt, QScriptEngine *engine)
if(ctxt->argumentCount() < 2)
diff --git a/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine_p.h b/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine_p.h
index 7629dc1..f5bc015 100644
--- a/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/qml/qmlengine_p.h
@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ public:
QVariant scriptValueToVariant(const QScriptValue &);
static QScriptValue qmlScriptObject(QObject*, QmlEngine*);
static QScriptValue createComponent(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*);
static QScriptValue createQmlObject(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*);
static QScriptValue vector(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*);