diff options
6 files changed, 270 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
index 7fe9170..aee9356 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp
@@ -92,14 +92,18 @@
- The ability to set an amplitude, overshoot, or period depends on the QEasingCurve type. Amplitude access
- is available to curves that behave as springs such as elastic and bounce curves. Changing the amplitude changes
- the height of the curve. Period access is only available to elastic curves and setting a higher period slows
- the rate of bounce. Only curves that have "boomerang" behaviors such as the InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, and OutInBack
- have overshoot settings. These curves will interpolate beyond the end points and return to the end point,
- acting similar to a boomerang.
- The \l{Easing Curves Example} contains samples of QEasingCurve types and lets you change the curve settings.
+ The ability to set an amplitude, overshoot, or period depends on
+ the QEasingCurve type. Amplitude access is available to curves
+ that behave as springs such as elastic and bounce curves. Changing
+ the amplitude changes the height of the curve. Period access is
+ only available to elastic curves and setting a higher period slows
+ the rate of bounce. Only curves that have "boomerang" behaviors
+ such as the InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, and OutInBack have
+ overshoot settings. These curves will interpolate beyond the end
+ points and return to the end point, acting similar to a boomerang.
+ The \l{Easing Curves Example} contains samples of QEasingCurve
+ types and lets you change the curve settings.
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
index 90b2f06..9c70cb5 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
#define COMMAND_VERSION Doc::alias("version")
int DitaXmlGenerator::id = 0;
+bool DitaXmlGenerator::inApiDesc = false;
+bool DitaXmlGenerator::inSection = false;
+bool DitaXmlGenerator::inDetailedDescription = false;
#define cxxapi_d_xref Doc::alias("cxxapi-d-xref")
#define cxxclass Doc::alias("cxxclass")
@@ -623,7 +626,10 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
skipAhead = skipAtoms(atom, Atom::BriefRight);
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(SHORTDESC);
+ if (inApiDesc)
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ else
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement(SHORTDESC);
if (relative->type() == Node::Property ||
relative->type() == Node::Variable) {
QString str;
@@ -655,7 +661,7 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
case Atom::BriefRight:
if (relative->type() != Node::Fake) {
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </shortdesc>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </shortdesc> or </p>
case Atom::C:
@@ -842,19 +848,6 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
generateAnnotatedList(fake, marker, groupMembersMap);
- else if (atom->string() == "relatedinline") {
- const FakeNode *fake = static_cast<const FakeNode *>(relative);
- if (fake && !fake->groupMembers().isEmpty()) {
- // Reverse the list into the original scan order.
- // Should be sorted. But on what? It may not be a
- // regular class or page definition.
- QList<const Node *> list;
- foreach (const Node *node, fake->groupMembers())
- list.prepend(node);
- foreach (const Node *node, list)
- generateBody(node, marker);
- }
- }
case Atom::SinceList:
@@ -1009,10 +1002,6 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
QString text;
if (atom->next() != 0)
text = atom->next()->string();
- if (atom->type() == Atom::Image) {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","centerAlign");
- }
if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
@@ -1021,14 +1010,23 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </font>
else {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("img");
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("src",protectEnc(fileName));
- if (!text.isEmpty())
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("alt",protectEnc(text));
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </img>
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("fig");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("image");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("href",protectEnc(fileName));
+ if (atom->type() == Atom::InlineImage)
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("placement","inline");
+ else {
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("placement","break");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("align","center");
+ }
+ if (!text.isEmpty()) {
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("alt");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(protectEnc(text));
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </alt>
+ }
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </image>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </fig>
- if (atom->type() == Atom::Image)
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
case Atom::ImageText:
@@ -1221,7 +1219,7 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
case Atom::ParaRight:
if (in_para) {
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p?
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
in_para = false;
@@ -1235,23 +1233,28 @@ int DitaXmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom,
case Atom::SectionLeft:
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ if (inSection || inApiDesc) {
+ inApiDesc = false;
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section> or </apiDesc>
+ }
+ inSection = true;
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","target");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters(protectEnc(Text::sectionHeading(atom).toString()));
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
case Atom::SectionRight:
- // nothing
+ if (inSection) {
+ inSection = false;
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
+ }
case Atom::SectionHeadingLeft:
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
hx = "h" + QString::number(atom->string().toInt() + hOffset(relative));
inSectionHeading = true;
case Atom::SectionHeadingRight:
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p> (see case Atom::SectionHeadingLeft)
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title> (see case Atom::SectionHeadingLeft)
inSectionHeading = false;
case Atom::SidebarLeft:
@@ -1470,20 +1473,10 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(const InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* mark
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxClassDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!inner->doc().isEmpty()) {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","h2");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters("Detailed Description");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
- generateBody(inner, marker);
- // generateAlsoList(inner, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ writeDetailSections(cn, marker, true, QString("Detailed Description"));
+ // zzz writeSections() gores here.
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxClassDetail>
@@ -1610,13 +1603,54 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateFakeNode(const FakeNode *fake, CodeMarker *marker
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </ul>
+ else if (fake->subType() == Node::QmlClass) {
+ const QmlClassNode* qml_cn = static_cast<const QmlClassNode*>(fake);
+ const ClassNode* cn = qml_cn->classNode();
+ generateQmlInherits(qml_cn, marker);
+ generateQmlInstantiates(qml_cn, marker);
+ generateBrief(qml_cn, marker);
+ generateQmlInheritedBy(qml_cn, marker);
+ sections = marker->qmlSections(qml_cn,CodeMarker::Summary,0);
+ s = sections.begin();
+ while (s != sections.end()) {
+ writeTargetAndHeader((*s).name,protectEnc((*s).name),"h2");
+ generateQmlSummary(*s,fake,marker);
+ ++s;
+ }
+ writeDetailSections(fake, marker, false, QString("Detailed Description"));
+ if (cn)
+ generateQmlText(cn->doc().body(), cn, marker, fake->name());
+ generateAlsoList(fake, marker);
+ //out() << "<hr />\n";
+ sections = marker->qmlSections(qml_cn,CodeMarker::Detailed,0);
+ s = sections.begin();
+ while (s != sections.end()) {
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","h2");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(protectEnc((*s).name));
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.begin();
+ while (m != (*s).members.end()) {
+ generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, fake, marker);
+ //out() << "<br/>\n";
+ ++m;
+ }
+ ++s;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
if (!fake->doc().isEmpty()) {
if (fake->subType() == Node::Module) {
- writeTargetAndHeader("details","Detailed Description","h2");
+ writeDetailSections(fake, marker, false, QString("Detailed Description"));
- generateBody(fake, marker);
+ else
+ writeDetailSections(fake, marker, false, QString());
generateAlsoList(fake, marker);
if (!fake->groupMembers().isEmpty()) {
@@ -1649,44 +1683,6 @@ zzz
- else if (fake->subType() == Node::QmlClass) {
- const QmlClassNode* qml_cn = static_cast<const QmlClassNode*>(fake);
- const ClassNode* cn = qml_cn->classNode();
- generateQmlInherits(qml_cn, marker);
- generateQmlInstantiates(qml_cn, marker);
- generateBrief(qml_cn, marker);
- generateQmlInheritedBy(qml_cn, marker);
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qml_cn,CodeMarker::Summary,0);
- s = sections.begin();
- while (s != sections.end()) {
- out() << "<a name=\"" << registerRef((*s).name) << "\"></a>\n";
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- generateQmlSummary(*s,fake,marker);
- ++s;
- }
- out() << "<a name=\"" << registerRef("details") << "\"></a>\n";
- out() << "<h2>" << "Detailed Description" << "</h2>\n";
- generateBody(fake, marker);
- if (cn)
- generateQmlText(cn->doc().body(), cn, marker, fake->name());
- generateAlsoList(fake, marker);
- out() << "<hr />\n";
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qml_cn,CodeMarker::Detailed,0);
- s = sections.begin();
- while (s != sections.end()) {
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.begin();
- while (m != (*s).members.end()) {
- generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, fake, marker);
- out() << "<br/>\n";
- ++m;
- }
- ++s;
- }
- return;
- }
#if 0
@@ -1880,7 +1876,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateHeader(const Node* node, const QString& name)
outputclass = "externalpage";
case Node::QmlClass:
- outputclass = "QML";
+ outputclass = "QML-class";
outputclass = "page";
@@ -1889,7 +1885,6 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateHeader(const Node* node, const QString& name)
if (!outputclass.isEmpty())
@@ -2180,7 +2175,13 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::generateListOfAllMemberFile(const InnerNode* inner,
QString title = "List of All Members for " + inner->name();
generateHeader(inner, title);
- generateTitle(title, Text(), SmallSubTitle, inner, marker);
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
+ if (!title.isEmpty()) {
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass", "h1");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(protectEnc(title));
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title>
+ }
xmlWriter().writeCharacters("This is the complete list of members for ");
generateFullName(inner, 0, marker);
@@ -2189,6 +2190,7 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::generateListOfAllMemberFile(const InnerNode* inner,
Section section = sections.first();
generateSection(section.members, 0, marker, CodeMarker::SeparateList);
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </body>
return fileName;
@@ -2219,52 +2221,64 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(const InnerNode* inner,
title = "Obsolete Members for " + inner->name();
fileName = fileBase(inner) + "-obsolete." + fileExtension(inner);
beginSubPage(inner->location(), fileName);
generateHeader(inner, title);
- generateTitle(title, Text(), SmallSubTitle, inner, marker);
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
+ if (!title.isEmpty()) {
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass", "h1");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(protectEnc(title));
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title>
+ }
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
if (status == CodeMarker::Compat) {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters("<p><b>The following class members are part of the "
- "<xref href=\"qt3support.html\">Qt 3 support layer</xref>."
- "</b> They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. "
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("b");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters("The following class members are part of the ");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("xref");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("href","qt3support.html");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters("Qt 3 support layer");
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </xref>
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(".");
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </b>
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(" They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. "
"We advise against using them in new code.");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
else {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters("<b>The following class members are obsolete.</b> "
- "They are provided to keep old source code working. "
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("b");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters("The following class members are obsolete.");
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </b>
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters("They are provided to keep old source code working. "
"We strongly advise against using them in new code.");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
QString text = protectEnc(inner->name()) + " class reference";
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </ul>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
for (i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title>
generateSection(, inner, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
generateSectionInheritedList(, inner, marker);
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
sections = marker->sections(inner, CodeMarker::Detailed, status);
for (i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","separator");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title>
NodeList::ConstIterator m =;
while (m != {
@@ -2273,6 +2287,7 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(const InnerNode* inner,
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </body>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </topic>
@@ -3511,7 +3526,6 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateDetailedMember(const Node* node,
xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","h3 flags");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters(refForNode(node));
marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(en, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
writeText(marked, marker, relative);
@@ -3523,7 +3537,6 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateDetailedMember(const Node* node,
xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","h3 fn");
- xmlWriter().writeCharacters(refForNode(node));
marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(node, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
writeText(marked, marker, relative);
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
@@ -4139,12 +4152,11 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateDetailedQmlMember(const Node* node,
- zzz
Output the "Inherits" line for the QML element,
if there should be one.
void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInherits(const QmlClassNode* cn,
- CodeMarker* marker)
+ CodeMarker* marker)
if (cn && !cn->links().empty()) {
if (cn->links().contains(Node::InheritsLink)) {
@@ -4154,7 +4166,8 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInherits(const QmlClassNode* cn,
const Node* n = myTree->findNode(strList,Node::Fake);
if (n && n->subType() == Node::QmlClass) {
const QmlClassNode* qcn = static_cast<const QmlClassNode*>(n);
- out() << "<p class=\"centerAlign\">";
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("p");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","centerAlign");
Text text;
text << "[Inherits ";
text << Atom(Atom::LinkNode,CodeMarker::stringForNode(qcn));
@@ -4163,7 +4176,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInherits(const QmlClassNode* cn,
text << Atom(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
text << "]";
generateText(text, cn, marker);
- out() << "</p>";
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </p>
@@ -4174,7 +4187,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInherits(const QmlClassNode* cn,
if it is inherited by any other elements.
void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInheritedBy(const QmlClassNode* cn,
- CodeMarker* marker)
+ CodeMarker* marker)
if (cn) {
NodeList subs;
@@ -4190,7 +4203,6 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInheritedBy(const QmlClassNode* cn,
- zzz text
Output the "[Xxx instantiates the C++ class QmlGraphicsXxx]"
line for the QML element, if there should be one.
@@ -4198,7 +4210,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInheritedBy(const QmlClassNode* cn,
is set to Node::Internal, do nothing.
void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInstantiates(const QmlClassNode* qcn,
- CodeMarker* marker)
+ CodeMarker* marker)
const ClassNode* cn = qcn->classNode();
if (cn && (cn->status() != Node::Internal)) {
@@ -4222,7 +4234,6 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInstantiates(const QmlClassNode* qcn,
- zzz text
Output the "[QmlGraphicsXxx is instantiated by QML element Xxx]"
line for the class, if there should be one.
@@ -4500,16 +4511,11 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeFunctions(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxFunctionDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!fn->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(fn, marker);
- // generateAlsoList(inner, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeDetailSections(fn, marker, true, QString());
+ // generateAlsoList(inner, marker);
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxFunctionDetail>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxFunction>
@@ -4661,15 +4667,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeEnumerations(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxEnumerationDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!en->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(en, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeDetailSections(en, marker, true, QString());
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxEnumerationDetail>
@@ -4726,15 +4727,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeTypedefs(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxTypedefDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!tn->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(tn, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeDetailSections(tn, marker, true, QString());
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxTypedefDetail>
@@ -4842,15 +4838,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeProperties(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxVariableDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!pn->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(pn, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ writeDetailSections(pn, marker, true, QString());
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxVariableDetail>
@@ -4929,15 +4920,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeDataMembers(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxVariableDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!vn->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(vn, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeDetailSections(vn, marker, true, QString());
- // not included: <example>, <section>, <apiImpl>
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxVariableDetail>
@@ -5028,15 +5014,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeMacros(const Section& s,
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // <cxxDefineDefinition>
- xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
- if (!fn->doc().isEmpty()) {
- generateBody(fn, marker);
- }
- xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeDetailSections(fn, marker, true, QString());
- // not included: <example>, <section>, or <apiImpl>
+ // not included: <example> or <apiImpl>
xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </cxxDefineDetail>
@@ -5109,6 +5090,55 @@ QXmlStreamWriter& DitaXmlGenerator::xmlWriter()
return *;
+ Writes the \e {Detailed Description} section(s) for \a node
+ to the current XML stream using the code \a marker. if the
+ \a apiDesc flag is true, then the first section of the
+ sequence of sections written will be an \c {apiDesc>}
+ element with a \e {spectitle} attribute of \e {Detailed
+ Description}. Otherwise, the first section will be a
+ \c {<section>} element with a \c {<title>} element of
+ \e {Detailed Description}. This function calls the
+ Generator::generateBody() function to write the XML for
+ the section list.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::writeDetailSections(const Node* node,
+ CodeMarker* marker,
+ bool apiDesc,
+ const QString& title)
+ if (!node->doc().isEmpty()) {
+ inDetailedDescription = true;
+ if (apiDesc) {
+ inApiDesc = true;
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement(APIDESC);
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("id",node->guid());
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("spectitle",title);
+ }
+ else {
+ inSection = true;
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("section");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("id",node->guid());
+ if (!title.isEmpty()) {
+ xmlWriter().writeStartElement("title");
+ xmlWriter().writeCharacters(title);
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </title>
+ }
+ }
+ generateBody(node, marker);
+ if (inApiDesc) {
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </apiDesc>
+ inApiDesc = false;
+ }
+ else if (inSection) {
+ xmlWriter().writeEndElement(); // </section>
+ inSection = false;
+ }
+ }
+ inDetailedDescription = false;
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.h b/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.h
index bd78e93..35c49ae 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.h
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/ditaxmlgenerator.h
@@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ class DitaXmlGenerator : public PageGenerator
virtual void beginSubPage(const Location& location, const QString& fileName);
virtual void endSubPage();
QXmlStreamWriter& xmlWriter();
+ void writeDetailSections(const Node* node,
+ CodeMarker* marker,
+ bool apiDesc,
+ const QString& title);
QMap<QString, QString> refMap;
@@ -315,6 +319,9 @@ class DitaXmlGenerator : public PageGenerator
NewClassMaps newClassMaps;
NewClassMaps newQmlClassMaps;
static int id;
+ static bool inApiDesc;
+ static bool inSection;
+ static bool inDetailedDescription;
QStack<QXmlStreamWriter*> xmlWriterStack;
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/generator.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/generator.cpp
index 5bd5156..1a41399 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/generator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/generator.cpp
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ bool Generator::generateText(const Text& text,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker)
+ bool result = false;
if (text.firstAtom() != 0) {
int numAtoms = 0;
startText(relative, marker);
@@ -336,9 +337,9 @@ bool Generator::generateText(const Text& text,
endText(relative, marker);
- return true;
+ result = true;
- return false;
+ return result;
#ifdef QDOC_QML
@@ -352,24 +353,26 @@ bool Generator::generateQmlText(const Text& text,
const QString& /* qmlName */ )
const Atom* atom = text.firstAtom();
- if (atom == 0)
- return false;
+ bool result = false;
- startText(relative, marker);
- while (atom) {
- if (atom->type() != Atom::QmlText)
- atom = atom->next();
- else {
- atom = atom->next();
- while (atom && (atom->type() != Atom::EndQmlText)) {
- int n = 1 + generateAtom(atom, relative, marker);
- while (n-- > 0)
- atom = atom->next();
+ if (atom != 0) {
+ startText(relative, marker);
+ while (atom) {
+ if (atom->type() != Atom::QmlText)
+ atom = atom->next();
+ else {
+ atom = atom->next();
+ while (atom && (atom->type() != Atom::EndQmlText)) {
+ int n = 1 + generateAtom(atom, relative, marker);
+ while (n-- > 0)
+ atom = atom->next();
+ }
+ endText(relative, marker);
+ result = true;
- endText(relative, marker);
- return true;
+ return result;
@@ -377,14 +380,7 @@ void Generator::generateBody(const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker)
bool quiet = false;
- if (node->type() == Node::Function) {
-#if 0
- const FunctionNode *func = (const FunctionNode *) node;
- if (func->isOverload() && func->metaness() != FunctionNode::Ctor)
- generateOverload(node, marker);
- }
- else if (node->type() == Node::Fake) {
+ if (node->type() == Node::Fake) {
const FakeNode *fake = static_cast<const FakeNode *>(node);
if (fake->subType() == Node::Example) {
generateExampleFiles(fake, marker);
@@ -501,18 +497,16 @@ void Generator::generateBody(const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker)
-/* Something like this return value check should be implemented at some point. */
+ /*
+ Something like this return value check should
+ be implemented at some point.
+ */
if (func->status() > Node::Obsolete && func->returnType() == "bool"
&& func->reimplementedFrom() == 0 && !func->isOverload()) {
QString body = func->doc().body().toString();
if (!body.contains("return", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
node->doc().location().warning(tr("Undocumented return value"));
-#if 0
- // Now we put this at the top, before the other text.
- if (func->reimplementedFrom() != 0)
- generateReimplementedFrom(func, marker);
@@ -1091,20 +1085,6 @@ void Generator::generateSince(const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker)
- No longer in use.
- */
-void Generator::generateOverload(const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker)
- Text text;
- text << Atom::ParaLeft
- << "This function overloads ";
- QString t = node->name() + "()";
- text << Atom::AutoLink << t
- << Atom::ParaRight;
- generateText(text, node, marker);
void Generator::generateReimplementedFrom(const FunctionNode *func,
CodeMarker *marker)
@@ -1153,8 +1133,8 @@ const Atom *Generator::generateAtomList(const Atom *atom,
if (atom->type() == Atom::FormatEndif) {
if (generate && numAtoms0 == numAtoms) {
- relative->location().warning(tr("Output format %1 not handled")
- .arg(format()));
+ relative->location().warning(tr("Output format %1 not handled %2")
+ .arg(format()).arg(outFileName()));
Atom unhandledFormatAtom(Atom::UnhandledFormat, format());
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/generator.h b/tools/qdoc3/generator.h
index 326a247..bccfc5d 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/generator.h
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/generator.h
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ class Generator
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker) const;
+ virtual QString outFileName() { return QString(); }
const QString& outputDir() { return outDir; }
QString indent(int level, const QString& markedCode);
QString plainCode(const QString& markedCode);
@@ -148,7 +150,6 @@ class Generator
static void supplementAlsoList(const Node *node, QList<Text> &alsoList);
- void generateOverload(const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker);
void generateReimplementedFrom(const FunctionNode *func,
CodeMarker *marker);
void appendFullName(Text& text,
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/test/qt-ditaxml.qdocconf b/tools/qdoc3/test/qt-ditaxml.qdocconf
index 66f30e3..63baead 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/test/qt-ditaxml.qdocconf
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/test/qt-ditaxml.qdocconf
@@ -9,3 +9,34 @@ outputformats = DITAXML
generateindex = true
url = .
+macro.aacute.DITAXML = "&aacute;"
+macro.Aring.DITAXML = "&Aring;"
+macro.aring.DITAXML = "&aring;"
+macro.Auml.DITAXML = "&Auml;" = "\\bold{Author:}" = " "
+macro.BR.DITAXML = " "
+macro.copyright.DITAXML = "&copy;"
+macro.eacute.DITAXML = "&eacute;"
+macro.gui = "\\bold" = "<hr />"
+macro.iacute.DITAXML = "&iacute;"
+macro.key = "\\bold" = "\\bold"
+macro.note = "\\bold{Note:}"
+macro.oslash.DITAXML = "&oslash;"
+macro.ouml.DITAXML = "&ouml;"
+macro.QA = "\\e{Qt Assistant}"
+macro.QD = "\\e{Qt Designer}"
+macro.QL = "\\e{Qt Linguist}"
+macro.QQV = "\\e{Qt QML Viewer}"
+macro.param = "\\e"
+macro.raisedaster.DITAXML = "<sup>*</sup>"
+macro.rarrow.DITAXML = "&rarr;"
+macro.reg.DITAXML = "<sup>&reg;</sup>"
+macro.return = "Returns"
+macro.starslash = "\\c{*/}"
+macro.begincomment = "\\c{/*}"
+macro.endcomment = "\\c{*/}"
+macro.uuml.DITAXML = "&uuml;"
+macro.mdash.DITAXML = "&mdash;"