diff options
-rwxr-xr-xconfigure.exebin1321472 -> 1402368 bytes
-rw-r--r--tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/data/daniel.ttfbin0 -> 51984 bytes
25 files changed, 1061 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index b933ac1..da6fb0a 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -685,6 +685,7 @@ CFG_MULTIMEDIA=auto
CFG_WEBKIT=auto # (yes|no|auto)
@@ -1997,6 +1998,17 @@ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+ declarative-debug)
+ if [ "$VAL" = "yes" ]; then
+ else
+ if [ "$VAL" = "no" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
if [ "$VAL" = "yes" ] || [ "$VAL" = "auto" ]; then
@@ -3524,7 +3536,8 @@ Usage: $relconf [-h] [-prefix <dir>] [-prefix-install] [-bindir <dir>] [-libdir
[-no-media-backend] [-media-backend] [-no-audio-backend] [-audio-backend]
[-no-openssl] [-openssl] [-openssl-linked]
[-no-gtkstyle] [-gtkstyle] [-no-svg] [-svg] [-no-webkit] [-webkit] [-no-javascript-jit] [-javascript-jit]
- [-no-script] [-script] [-no-scripttools] [-scripttools] [-no-declarative] [-declarative]
+ [-no-script] [-script] [-no-scripttools] [-scripttools]
+ [-no-declarative] [-declarative][-no-declarative-debug] [-declarative-debug]
[additional platform specific options (see below)]
@@ -3687,9 +3700,12 @@ fi
-no-scripttools .... Do not build the QtScriptTools module.
+ -scripttools ....... Build the QtScriptTools module.
- -no-declarative .....Do not build the declarative module.
+ -no-declarative ..... Do not build the declarative module.
+ -declarative ....... Build the declarative module.
+ -no-declarative-debug ..... Do not build the declarative debugging support.
+ + -declarative-debug ....... Build the declarative debugging support.
-platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
@@ -7229,6 +7245,9 @@ fi
if [ "$CFG_DECLARATIVE" = "yes" ]; then
QT_CONFIG="$QT_CONFIG declarative"
+ if [ "$CFG_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG" = "no" ]; then
+ fi
@@ -8197,6 +8216,7 @@ if [ "$CFG_WEBKIT" = "yes" ]; then
echo "Declarative module ..... $CFG_DECLARATIVE"
+echo "Declarative debugging ...$CFG_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG"
echo "Support for S60 ........ $CFG_S60"
echo "Symbian DEF files ...... $CFG_SYMBIAN_DEFFILES"
echo "STL support ............ $CFG_STL"
diff --git a/configure.exe b/configure.exe
index 18c9004..e2f4331 100755
--- a/configure.exe
+++ b/configure.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/declarative/text/fonts/hello.qml b/examples/declarative/text/fonts/hello.qml
index a396ff3..60bd919 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/text/fonts/hello.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/text/fonts/hello.qml
@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ Rectangle {
color: "white"
text: "Hello world!"
font.pixelSize: 60
+ smooth: true
SequentialAnimation on font.letterSpacing {
loops: Animation.Infinite;
- NumberAnimation { from: 100; to: 300; easing.type: Easing.InQuad; duration: 3000 }
+ NumberAnimation { from: 0; to: 150; easing.type: Easing.InQuad; duration: 3000 }
ScriptAction {
script: {
container.y = (screen.height / 4) + (Math.random() * screen.height / 2)
diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp
index 512e193..d3f399b 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp
@@ -2091,7 +2091,8 @@ QStringList QCoreApplication::arguments()
l1arg == "-stylesheet" ||
l1arg == "-widgetcount")
- else if (l1arg.startsWith("-style="))
+ else if (l1arg.startsWith("-style=") ||
+ l1arg.startsWith("-qmljsdebugger="))
else if (l1arg == "-style" ||
l1arg == "-session" ||
diff --git a/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp b/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
index 1bbfcf4..1f2bf4f 100644
--- a/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
#include <private/qobject_p.h>
+#include <private/qapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/qapplication.h>
@@ -147,24 +149,41 @@ bool QDeclarativeDebugServer::hasDebuggingClient() const
QDeclarativeDebugServer *QDeclarativeDebugServer::instance()
- static bool envTested = false;
+ static bool commandLineTested = false;
static QDeclarativeDebugServer *server = 0;
- if (!envTested) {
- envTested = true;
- QByteArray env = qgetenv("QML_DEBUG_SERVER_PORT");
- QByteArray block = qgetenv("QML_DEBUG_SERVER_BLOCK");
+ if (!commandLineTested) {
+ commandLineTested = true;
+ QApplicationPrivate *appD = static_cast<QApplicationPrivate*>(QObjectPrivate::get(qApp));
+ // ### remove port definition when protocol is changed
+ int port = 0;
+ bool block = false;
bool ok = false;
- int port = env.toInt(&ok);
- if (ok && port > 1024) {
- server = new QDeclarativeDebugServer(port);
- server->listen();
- if (!block.isEmpty()) {
- server->waitForConnection();
+ // format: qmljsdebugger=port:3768[,block]
+ if (!appD->qmljsDebugArguments.isEmpty()) {
+ if (appD->qmljsDebugArguments.indexOf(QLatin1String("port:")) == 0) {
+ int separatorIndex = appD->qmljsDebugArguments.indexOf(QLatin1Char(','));
+ port = appD->qmljsDebugArguments.mid(5, separatorIndex - 5).toInt(&ok);
+ }
+ block = appD->qmljsDebugArguments.contains(QLatin1String("block"));
+ if (ok) {
+ server = new QDeclarativeDebugServer(port);
+ server->listen();
+ if (block) {
+ server->waitForConnection();
+ }
+ } else {
+ qWarning(QString("QDeclarativeDebugServer: Ignoring \"-qmljsdebugger=%1\". "
+ "Format is -qmljsdebugger=port:<port>[,block]").arg(
+ appD->qmljsDebugArguments).toAscii().constData());
return server;
diff --git a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview.cpp b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview.cpp
index dad547f..d134929 100644
--- a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview.cpp
@@ -141,11 +141,13 @@ void QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::releaseItem(QDeclarativeItem *item)
if (!item || !model)
- if (QDeclarativePathViewAttached *att = attached(item))
- att->setOnPath(false);
QDeclarativeItemPrivate *itemPrivate = static_cast<QDeclarativeItemPrivate*>(QGraphicsItemPrivate::get(item));
itemPrivate->removeItemChangeListener(this, QDeclarativeItemPrivate::Geometry);
- model->release(item);
+ if (model->release(item) == 0) {
+ // item was not destroyed, and we no longer reference it.
+ if (QDeclarativePathViewAttached *att = attached(item))
+ att->setOnPath(false);
+ }
QDeclarativePathViewAttached *QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::attached(QDeclarativeItem *item)
@@ -1033,103 +1035,138 @@ QPointF QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::pointNear(const QPointF &point, qreal *near
return nearPoint;
void QDeclarativePathView::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
- if (!d->interactive || !d->items.count())
+ if (d->interactive) {
+ d->handleMousePressEvent(event);
+ event->accept();
+ } else {
+ QDeclarativeItem::mousePressEvent(event);
+ }
+void QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::handleMousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+ Q_Q(QDeclarativePathView);
+ if (!interactive || !items.count())
- QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene(event->pos());
+ QPointF scenePoint = q->mapToScene(event->pos());
int idx = 0;
- for (; idx < d->items.count(); ++idx) {
- QRectF rect = d->>boundingRect();
- rect = d->>mapToScene(rect).boundingRect();
+ for (; idx < items.count(); ++idx) {
+ QRectF rect =>boundingRect();
+ rect =>mapToScene(rect).boundingRect();
if (rect.contains(scenePoint))
- if (idx == d->items.count() && d->dragMargin == 0.) // didn't click on an item
+ if (idx == items.count() && dragMargin == 0.) // didn't click on an item
- d->startPoint = d->pointNear(event->pos(), &d->startPc);
- if (idx == d->items.count()) {
- qreal distance = qAbs(event->pos().x() - d->startPoint.x()) + qAbs(event->pos().y() - d->startPoint.y());
- if (distance > d->dragMargin)
+ startPoint = pointNear(event->pos(), &startPc);
+ if (idx == items.count()) {
+ qreal distance = qAbs(event->pos().x() - startPoint.x()) + qAbs(event->pos().y() - startPoint.y());
+ if (distance > dragMargin)
- if (d->tl.isActive() && d->flicking)
- d->stealMouse = true; // If we've been flicked then steal the click.
+ if (tl.isActive() && flicking)
+ stealMouse = true; // If we've been flicked then steal the click.
- d->stealMouse = false;
+ stealMouse = false;
- d->lastElapsed = 0;
- d->lastDist = 0;
- QDeclarativeItemPrivate::start(d->lastPosTime);
- d->tl.clear();
+ lastElapsed = 0;
+ lastDist = 0;
+ QDeclarativeItemPrivate::start(lastPosTime);
+ tl.clear();
void QDeclarativePathView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
- if (!d->interactive || !d->lastPosTime.isValid())
+ if (d->interactive) {
+ d->handleMouseMoveEvent(event);
+ if (d->stealMouse)
+ setKeepMouseGrab(true);
+ event->accept();
+ } else {
+ QDeclarativeItem::mouseMoveEvent(event);
+ }
+void QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::handleMouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+ Q_Q(QDeclarativePathView);
+ if (!interactive || !lastPosTime.isValid())
- if (!d->stealMouse) {
- QPointF delta = event->pos() - d->startPoint;
+ if (!stealMouse) {
+ QPointF delta = event->pos() - startPoint;
if (qAbs(delta.x()) > QApplication::startDragDistance() || qAbs(delta.y()) > QApplication::startDragDistance())
- d->stealMouse = true;
+ stealMouse = true;
- if (d->stealMouse) {
- d->moveReason = QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::Mouse;
+ if (stealMouse) {
+ moveReason = QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::Mouse;
qreal newPc;
- d->pointNear(event->pos(), &newPc);
- qreal diff = (newPc - d->startPc)*d->modelCount*d->mappedRange;
+ pointNear(event->pos(), &newPc);
+ qreal diff = (newPc - startPc)*modelCount*mappedRange;
if (diff) {
- setOffset(d->offset + diff);
+ setOffset(offset + diff);
- if (diff > d->modelCount/2)
- diff -= d->modelCount;
- else if (diff < -d->modelCount/2)
- diff += d->modelCount;
+ if (diff > modelCount/2)
+ diff -= modelCount;
+ else if (diff < -modelCount/2)
+ diff += modelCount;
- d->lastElapsed = QDeclarativeItemPrivate::restart(d->lastPosTime);
- d->lastDist = diff;
- d->startPc = newPc;
+ lastElapsed = QDeclarativeItemPrivate::restart(lastPosTime);
+ lastDist = diff;
+ startPc = newPc;
- if (!d->moving) {
- d->moving = true;
- emit movingChanged();
- emit movementStarted();
+ if (!moving) {
+ moving = true;
+ emit q->movingChanged();
+ emit q->movementStarted();
-void QDeclarativePathView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *)
+void QDeclarativePathView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
- d->stealMouse = false;
- setKeepMouseGrab(false);
- if (!d->interactive || !d->lastPosTime.isValid())
+ if (d->interactive) {
+ d->handleMouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ event->accept();
+ ungrabMouse();
+ } else {
+ QDeclarativeItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ }
+void QDeclarativePathViewPrivate::handleMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *)
+ Q_Q(QDeclarativePathView);
+ stealMouse = false;
+ q->setKeepMouseGrab(false);
+ if (!interactive || !lastPosTime.isValid())
- qreal elapsed = qreal(d->lastElapsed + QDeclarativeItemPrivate::elapsed(d->lastPosTime)) / 1000.;
- qreal velocity = elapsed > 0. ? d->lastDist / elapsed : 0;
- if (d->model && d->modelCount && qAbs(velocity) > 1.) {
- qreal count = d->pathItems == -1 ? d->modelCount : d->pathItems;
+ qreal elapsed = qreal(lastElapsed + QDeclarativeItemPrivate::elapsed(lastPosTime)) / 1000.;
+ qreal velocity = elapsed > 0. ? lastDist / elapsed : 0;
+ if (model && modelCount && qAbs(velocity) > 1.) {
+ qreal count = pathItems == -1 ? modelCount : pathItems;
if (qAbs(velocity) > count * 2) // limit velocity
velocity = (velocity > 0 ? count : -count) * 2;
// Calculate the distance to be travelled
qreal v2 = velocity*velocity;
- qreal accel = d->deceleration/10;
+ qreal accel = deceleration/10;
// + 0.25 to encourage moving at least one item in the flick direction
- qreal dist = qMin(qreal(d->modelCount-1), qreal(v2 / (accel * 2.0) + 0.25));
- if (d->haveHighlightRange && d->highlightRangeMode == QDeclarativePathView::StrictlyEnforceRange) {
+ qreal dist = qMin(qreal(modelCount-1), qreal(v2 / (accel * 2.0) + 0.25));
+ if (haveHighlightRange && highlightRangeMode == QDeclarativePathView::StrictlyEnforceRange) {
// round to nearest item.
if (velocity > 0.)
- dist = qRound(dist + d->offset) - d->offset;
+ dist = qRound(dist + offset) - offset;
- dist = qRound(dist - d->offset) + d->offset;
+ dist = qRound(dist - offset) + offset;
// Calculate accel required to stop on item boundary
if (dist <= 0.) {
dist = 0.;
@@ -1138,23 +1175,22 @@ void QDeclarativePathView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *)
accel = v2 / (2.0f * qAbs(dist));
- d->offsetAdj = 0.0;
- d->moveOffset.setValue(d->offset);
- d->tl.accel(d->moveOffset, velocity, accel, dist);
- d->tl.callback(QDeclarativeTimeLineCallback(&d->moveOffset, d->fixOffsetCallback, d));
- if (!d->flicking) {
- d->flicking = true;
- emit flickingChanged();
- emit flickStarted();
+ offsetAdj = 0.0;
+ moveOffset.setValue(offset);
+ tl.accel(moveOffset, velocity, accel, dist);
+ tl.callback(QDeclarativeTimeLineCallback(&moveOffset, fixOffsetCallback, this));
+ if (!flicking) {
+ flicking = true;
+ emit q->flickingChanged();
+ emit q->flickStarted();
} else {
- d->fixOffset();
+ fixOffset();
- d->lastPosTime.invalidate();
- ungrabMouse();
- if (!d->tl.isActive())
- movementEnding();
+ lastPosTime.invalidate();
+ if (!tl.isActive())
+ q->movementEnding();
bool QDeclarativePathView::sendMouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
@@ -1164,7 +1200,8 @@ bool QDeclarativePathView::sendMouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QRectF myRect = mapToScene(QRectF(0, 0, width(), height())).boundingRect();
QGraphicsScene *s = scene();
QDeclarativeItem *grabber = s ? qobject_cast<QDeclarativeItem*>(s->mouseGrabberItem()) : 0;
- if ((d->stealMouse || myRect.contains(event->scenePos().toPoint())) && (!grabber || !grabber->keepMouseGrab())) {
+ bool stealThisEvent = d->stealMouse;
+ if ((stealThisEvent || myRect.contains(event->scenePos().toPoint())) && (!grabber || !grabber->keepMouseGrab())) {
for (int i = 0x1; i <= 0x10; i <<= 1) {
if (event->buttons() & i) {
@@ -1179,25 +1216,28 @@ bool QDeclarativePathView::sendMouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
switch(mouseEvent.type()) {
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
- mouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent);
+ d->handleMouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent);
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
- mousePressEvent(&mouseEvent);
+ d->handleMousePressEvent(&mouseEvent);
+ stealThisEvent = d->stealMouse; // Update stealThisEvent in case changed by function call above
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
- mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent);
+ d->handleMouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent);
grabber = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeItem*>(s->mouseGrabberItem());
- if (grabber && d->stealMouse && !grabber->keepMouseGrab() && grabber != this)
+ if (grabber && stealThisEvent && !grabber->keepMouseGrab() && grabber != this)
return d->stealMouse;
} else if (d->lastPosTime.isValid()) {
+ if (mouseEvent.type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease)
+ d->stealMouse = false;
return false;
@@ -1211,12 +1251,7 @@ bool QDeclarativePathView::sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *i, QEvent *e)
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
- {
- bool ret = sendMouseEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *>(e));
- if (e->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease)
- return ret;
- break;
- }
+ return sendMouseEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *>(e));
diff --git a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview_p_p.h b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview_p_p.h
index dfebe35..b217216 100644
--- a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview_p_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativepathview_p_p.h
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ public:
return model && model->count() > 0 && model->isValid() && path;
+ void handleMousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+ void handleMouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+ void handleMouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *);
int calcCurrentIndex();
void updateCurrent();
static void fixOffsetCallback(void*);
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativefontloader.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
index 91588b7..6879494 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
@@ -210,11 +210,7 @@ void QDeclarativeFontLoader::setSource(const QUrl &url)
updateFontInfo(QString(), Error);
} else {
- QDeclarativeFontObject *fo = d->fonts[d->url];
- d->name = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(fo->id).at(0);
- emit nameChanged();
- d->status = QDeclarativeFontLoader::Ready;
- emit statusChanged();
+ updateFontInfo(QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(d->fonts[d->url]->id).at(0), Ready);
} else
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
index cf2eada..2d8b946 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,28 @@ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QListModelInterface *)
+template<typename T>
+void qdeclarativelistmodel_move(int from, int to, int n, T *items)
+ if (n == 1) {
+ items->move(from, to);
+ } else {
+ T replaced;
+ int i=0;
+ typename T::ConstIterator it=items->begin(); it += from+n;
+ for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
+ replaced.append(*it);
+ i=0;
+ it=items->begin(); it += from;
+ for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
+ replaced.append(*it);
+ typename T::ConstIterator f=replaced.begin();
+ typename T::Iterator t=items->begin(); t += from;
+ for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
+ *t = *f;
+ }
QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListModelData::instructions() const
return (QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *)((char *)this + sizeof(ListModelData));
@@ -154,10 +176,10 @@ QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListM
handler. You must call sync() or else the changes made to the list from the external
thread will not be reflected in the list model in the main thread.
- \section1 Limitations
+ \section1 Restrictions
- If a list model is to be accessed from a WorkerScript, it \bold cannot
- contain list data. So, the following model cannot be used from a WorkerScript
+ If a list model is to be accessed from a WorkerScript, it cannot
+ contain list-type data. So, the following model cannot be used from a WorkerScript
because of the list contained in the "attributes" property:
@@ -174,7 +196,7 @@ QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListM
- In addition, the WorkerScript cannot add any list data to the model.
+ In addition, the WorkerScript cannot add list-type data to the model.
\sa {qmlmodels}{Data Models}, {declarative/threading/threadedlistmodel}{Threaded ListModel example}, QtDeclarative
@@ -195,17 +217,25 @@ QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListM
QDeclarativeListModel::QDeclarativeListModel(QObject *parent)
-: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(new NestedListModel(this)), m_flat(0), m_isWorkerCopy(false)
+: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(new NestedListModel(this)), m_flat(0)
-QDeclarativeListModel::QDeclarativeListModel(bool workerCopy, QObject *parent)
-: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(0), m_flat(0), m_isWorkerCopy(workerCopy)
+QDeclarativeListModel::QDeclarativeListModel(const QDeclarativeListModel *orig, QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *parent)
+: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(0), m_flat(0)
- if (workerCopy)
- m_flat = new FlatListModel(this);
- else
- m_nested = new NestedListModel(this);
+ m_flat = new FlatListModel(this);
+ m_flat->m_parentAgent = parent;
+ if (orig->m_flat) {
+ m_flat->m_roles = orig->m_flat->m_roles;
+ m_flat->m_strings = orig->m_flat->m_strings;
+ m_flat->m_values = orig->m_flat->m_values;
+ m_flat->m_nodeData.reserve(m_flat->m_values.count());
+ for (int i=0; i<m_flat->m_values.count(); i++)
+ m_flat->m_nodeData << 0;
+ }
@@ -241,19 +271,28 @@ bool QDeclarativeListModel::flatten()
flat->m_strings.insert(s, roles[i]);
+ flat->m_nodeData.reserve(flat->m_values.count());
+ for (int i=0; i<flat->m_values.count(); i++)
+ flat->m_nodeData << 0;
m_flat = flat;
delete m_nested;
m_nested = 0;
return true;
+bool QDeclarativeListModel::inWorkerThread() const
+ return m_flat && m_flat->m_parentAgent;
QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *QDeclarativeListModel::agent()
if (m_agent)
return m_agent;
if (!flatten()) {
- qmlInfo(this) << "List contains nested list values and cannot be used from a worker script";
+ qmlInfo(this) << "List contains list-type data and cannot be used from a worker script";
return 0;
@@ -311,7 +350,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::clear()
- if (!m_isWorkerCopy) {
+ if (!inWorkerThread()) {
emit itemsRemoved(0, cleared);
emit countChanged();
@@ -336,7 +375,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::remove(int index)
- if (!m_isWorkerCopy) {
+ if (!inWorkerThread()) {
emit itemsRemoved(index, 1);
emit countChanged();
@@ -370,7 +409,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
bool ok = m_flat ? m_flat->insert(index, valuemap) : m_nested->insert(index, valuemap);
- if (ok && !m_isWorkerCopy) {
+ if (ok && !inWorkerThread()) {
emit itemsInserted(index, 1);
emit countChanged();
@@ -394,7 +433,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
if (n==0 || from==to)
- if (from+n > count() || to+n > count() || from < 0 || to < 0 || n < 0) {
+ if (!canMove(from, to, n)) {
qmlInfo(this) << tr("move: out of range");
@@ -416,7 +455,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
m_nested->move(from, to, n);
- if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+ if (!inWorkerThread())
emit itemsMoved(origfrom, origto, orign);
@@ -445,11 +484,15 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
\qmlmethod object ListModel::get(int index)
- Returns the item at \a index in the list model.
+ Returns the item at \a index in the list model. This allows the item
+ data to be accessed or modified from JavaScript:
- fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Jackfruit"})
- fruitModel.get(0).cost
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Jackfruit"});
+ console.log(fruitModel.get(0).cost);
+ fruitModel.get(0).cost = 10.95;
+ }
The \a index must be an element in the list.
@@ -464,6 +507,9 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
fruitModel.get(0).attributes.get(1).value; // == "green"
+ \warning The returned object is not guaranteed to remain valid. It
+ should not be used in \l{Property Binding}{property bindings}.
\sa append()
QScriptValue QDeclarativeListModel::get(int index) const
@@ -507,7 +553,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
m_nested->set(index, valuemap, &roles);
- if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+ if (!inWorkerThread())
emit itemsChanged(index, 1, roles);
@@ -538,7 +584,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModel::setProperty(int index, const QString& property, cons
m_nested->setProperty(index, property, value, &roles);
- if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+ if (!inWorkerThread())
emit itemsChanged(index, 1, roles);
@@ -705,7 +751,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &
QDeclarativeListModel *rv = static_cast<QDeclarativeListModel *>(obj);
- ModelNode *root = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *root = new ModelNode(rv->m_nested);
rv->m_nested->_root = root;
QStack<ModelNode *> nodes;
nodes << root;
@@ -722,7 +768,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &
case ListInstruction::Push:
ModelNode *n =;
- ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode(rv->m_nested);
n->values << qVariantFromValue(n2);
if (processingSet)
@@ -761,7 +807,7 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &
case ListInstruction::Set:
ModelNode *n =;
- ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode(rv->m_nested);
n->properties.insert(QString::fromUtf8(data + instr.dataIdx), n2);
processingSet = true;
@@ -769,6 +815,13 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &
+ ModelNode *rootNode = rv->m_nested->_root;
+ for (int i=0; i<rootNode->values.count(); ++i) {
+ ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(rootNode->values[i]);
+ node->listIndex = i;
+ node->updateListIndexes();
+ }
bool QDeclarativeListModelParser::definesEmptyList(const QString &s)
@@ -783,6 +836,7 @@ bool QDeclarativeListModelParser::definesEmptyList(const QString &s)
return false;
\qmlclass ListElement QDeclarativeListElement
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
@@ -826,12 +880,13 @@ bool QDeclarativeListModelParser::definesEmptyList(const QString &s)
FlatListModel::FlatListModel(QDeclarativeListModel *base)
- : m_scriptEngine(0), m_listModel(base)
+ : m_scriptEngine(0), m_listModel(base), m_scriptClass(0), m_parentAgent(0)
+ qDeleteAll(m_nodeData);
QHash<int,QVariant> FlatListModel::data(int index, const QList<int> &roles) const
@@ -875,11 +930,15 @@ int FlatListModel::count() const
void FlatListModel::clear()
+ qDeleteAll(m_nodeData);
+ m_nodeData.clear();
void FlatListModel::remove(int index)
+ removedNode(index);
bool FlatListModel::append(const QScriptValue &value)
@@ -896,6 +955,8 @@ bool FlatListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue &value)
return false;
m_values.insert(index, row);
+ insertedNode(index);
return true;
@@ -909,13 +970,17 @@ QScriptValue FlatListModel::get(int index) const
if (index < 0 || index >= m_values.count())
return scriptEngine->undefinedValue();
- QScriptValue rv = scriptEngine->newObject();
+ FlatListModel *that = const_cast<FlatListModel*>(this);
+ if (!m_scriptClass)
+ that->m_scriptClass = new FlatListScriptClass(that, scriptEngine);
- QHash<int, QVariant> row =;
- for (QHash<int, QVariant>::ConstIterator iter = row.begin(); iter != row.end(); ++iter)
- rv.setProperty(m_roles.value(iter.key()), qScriptValueFromValue(scriptEngine, iter.value()));
+ FlatNodeData *data = m_nodeData.value(index);
+ if (!data) {
+ data = new FlatNodeData(index);
+ that->m_nodeData.replace(index, data);
+ }
- return rv;
+ return QScriptDeclarativeClass::newObject(scriptEngine, m_scriptClass, new FlatNodeObjectData(data));
void FlatListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue &value, QList<int> *roles)
@@ -947,23 +1012,8 @@ void FlatListModel::setProperty(int index, const QString& property, const QVaria
void FlatListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
- if (n == 1) {
- m_values.move(from, to);
- } else {
- QList<QHash<int, QVariant> > replaced;
- int i=0;
- QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::ConstIterator it=m_values.begin(); it += from+n;
- for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
- replaced.append(*it);
- i=0;
- it=m_values.begin(); it += from;
- for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
- replaced.append(*it);
- QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::ConstIterator f=replaced.begin();
- QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::Iterator t=m_values.begin(); t += from;
- for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
- *t = *f;
- }
+ qdeclarativelistmodel_move<QList<QHash<int, QVariant> > >(from, to, n, &m_values);
+ moveNodes(from, to, n);
bool FlatListModel::addValue(const QScriptValue &value, QHash<int, QVariant> *row, QList<int> *roles)
@@ -973,7 +1023,7 @@ bool FlatListModel::addValue(const QScriptValue &value, QHash<int, QVariant> *ro;
QScriptValue value = it.value();
if (!value.isVariant() && !value.isRegExp() && !value.isDate() && value.isObject()) {
- qmlInfo(m_listModel) << "Cannot add nested list values when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
+ qmlInfo(m_listModel) << "Cannot add list-type data when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
return false;
@@ -993,6 +1043,139 @@ bool FlatListModel::addValue(const QScriptValue &value, QHash<int, QVariant> *ro
return true;
+void FlatListModel::insertedNode(int index)
+ if (index >= 0 && index <= m_values.count()) {
+ m_nodeData.insert(index, 0);
+ for (int i=index + 1; i<m_nodeData.count(); i++) {
+ if (m_nodeData[i])
+ m_nodeData[i]->index = i;
+ }
+ }
+void FlatListModel::removedNode(int index)
+ if (index >= 0 && index < m_nodeData.count()) {
+ delete m_nodeData.takeAt(index);
+ for (int i=index; i<m_nodeData.count(); i++) {
+ if (m_nodeData[i])
+ m_nodeData[i]->index = i;
+ }
+ }
+void FlatListModel::moveNodes(int from, int to, int n)
+ if (!m_listModel->canMove(from, to, n))
+ return;
+ qdeclarativelistmodel_move<QList<FlatNodeData *> >(from, to, n, &m_nodeData);
+ for (int i=from; i<from + (to-from); i++) {
+ if (m_nodeData[i])
+ m_nodeData[i]->index = i;
+ }
+ for (QSet<FlatNodeObjectData *>::Iterator iter = objects.begin(); iter != objects.end(); ++iter) {
+ FlatNodeObjectData *data = *iter;
+ data->nodeData = 0;
+ }
+void FlatNodeData::addData(FlatNodeObjectData *data)
+ objects.insert(data);
+void FlatNodeData::removeData(FlatNodeObjectData *data)
+ objects.remove(data);
+FlatListScriptClass::FlatListScriptClass(FlatListModel *model, QScriptEngine *seng)
+ : QScriptDeclarativeClass(seng),
+ m_model(model)
+QScriptDeclarativeClass::Value FlatListScriptClass::property(Object *obj, const Identifier &name)
+ FlatNodeObjectData *objData = static_cast<FlatNodeObjectData*>(obj);
+ if (!objData->nodeData) // item at this index has been deleted
+ return QScriptDeclarativeClass::Value(engine(), engine()->undefinedValue());
+ int index = objData->nodeData->index;
+ QString propName = toString(name);
+ int role = m_model->m_strings.value(propName, -1);
+ if (role >= 0 && index >=0 ) {
+ const QHash<int, QVariant> &row = m_model->m_values[index];
+ QScriptValue sv = engine()->toScriptValue<QVariant>(row[role]);
+ return QScriptDeclarativeClass::Value(engine(), sv);
+ }
+ return QScriptDeclarativeClass::Value(engine(), engine()->undefinedValue());
+void FlatListScriptClass::setProperty(Object *obj, const Identifier &name, const QScriptValue &value)
+ if (!value.isVariant() && !value.isRegExp() && !value.isDate() && value.isObject()) {
+ qmlInfo(m_model->m_listModel) << "Cannot add list-type data when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
+ return;
+ }
+ FlatNodeObjectData *objData = static_cast<FlatNodeObjectData*>(obj);
+ if (!objData->nodeData) // item at this index has been deleted
+ return;
+ int index = objData->nodeData->index;
+ QString propName = toString(name);
+ int role = m_model->m_strings.value(propName, -1);
+ if (role >= 0 && index >= 0) {
+ QHash<int, QVariant> &row = m_model->m_values[index];
+ row[role] = value.toVariant();
+ if (m_model->m_parentAgent) {
+ // This is the list in the worker thread, so tell the agent to
+ // emit itemsChanged() later
+ m_model->m_parentAgent->changedData(index, 1);
+ } else {
+ // This is the list in the main thread, so emit itemsChanged()
+ QList<int> roles;
+ roles << role;
+ emit m_model->m_listModel->itemsChanged(index, 1, roles);
+ }
+ }
+QScriptClass::QueryFlags FlatListScriptClass::queryProperty(Object *, const Identifier &, QScriptClass::QueryFlags)
+ return (QScriptClass::HandlesReadAccess | QScriptClass::HandlesWriteAccess);
+bool FlatListScriptClass::compare(Object *obj1, Object *obj2)
+ FlatNodeObjectData *data1 = static_cast<FlatNodeObjectData*>(obj1);
+ FlatNodeObjectData *data2 = static_cast<FlatNodeObjectData*>(obj2);
+ if (!data1->nodeData || !data2->nodeData)
+ return false;
+ return data1->nodeData->index == data2->nodeData->index;
NestedListModel::NestedListModel(QDeclarativeListModel *base)
: _root(0), m_ownsRoot(false), m_listModel(base), _rolesOk(false)
@@ -1118,11 +1301,12 @@ void NestedListModel::remove(int index)
bool NestedListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
if (!_root) {
- _root = new ModelNode;
+ _root = new ModelNode(this);
m_ownsRoot = true;
- ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode(this);
+ mn->listIndex = index;
return true;
@@ -1130,34 +1314,19 @@ bool NestedListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
void NestedListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
- if (n==1) {
- _root->values.move(from,to);
- } else {
- QList<QVariant> replaced;
- int i=0;
- QVariantList::const_iterator it=_root->values.begin(); it += from+n;
- for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
- replaced.append(*it);
- i=0;
- it=_root->values.begin(); it += from;
- for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
- replaced.append(*it);
- QVariantList::const_iterator f=replaced.begin();
- QVariantList::iterator t=_root->values.begin(); t += from;
- for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
- *t = *f;
- }
+ if (!_root)
+ return;
+ qdeclarativelistmodel_move<QVariantList>(from, to, n, &_root->values);
bool NestedListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
if (!_root) {
- _root = new ModelNode;
+ _root = new ModelNode(this);
m_ownsRoot = true;
- ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
- mn->setObjectValue(valuemap);
- _root->values << qVariantFromValue(mn);
+ insert(count(), valuemap);
return true;
@@ -1252,8 +1421,8 @@ QString NestedListModel::toString(int role) const
-: modelCache(0), objectCache(0), isArray(false)
+ModelNode::ModelNode(NestedListModel *model)
+: modelCache(0), objectCache(0), isArray(false), m_model(model), listIndex(-1)
@@ -1277,18 +1446,18 @@ void ModelNode::clear()
-void ModelNode::setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap) {
+void ModelNode::setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap, bool writeToCache) {
QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
while (it.hasNext()) {;
- ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *value = new ModelNode(m_model);
QScriptValue v = it.value();
if (v.isArray()) {
value->isArray = true;
} else {
value->values << v.toVariant();
- if (objectCache)
+ if (writeToCache && objectCache)
objectCache->setValue(, value->values.last());
if (properties.contains(
@@ -1301,14 +1470,16 @@ void ModelNode::setListValue(const QScriptValue& valuelist) {
int size ="length")).toInt32();
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
- ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *value = new ModelNode(m_model);
QScriptValue v =;
if (v.isArray()) {
value->isArray = true;
} else if (v.isObject()) {
+ value->listIndex = i;
} else {
+ value->listIndex = i;
value->values << v.toVariant();
@@ -1320,7 +1491,7 @@ void ModelNode::setProperty(const QString& prop, const QVariant& val) {
if (it != properties.end()) {
(*it)->values[0] = val;
} else {
- ModelNode *n = new ModelNode;
+ ModelNode *n = new ModelNode(m_model);
n->values << val;
@@ -1328,6 +1499,40 @@ void ModelNode::setProperty(const QString& prop, const QVariant& val) {
objectCache->setValue(prop.toUtf8(), val);
+void ModelNode::updateListIndexes()
+ for (QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = properties.begin(); iter != properties.end(); ++iter) {
+ ModelNode *node = iter.value();
+ if (node->isArray) {
+ for (int i=0; i<node->values.count(); ++i) {
+ ModelNode *subNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(node->;
+ if (subNode)
+ subNode->listIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ node->updateListIndexes();
+ }
+ Need to call this to emit itemsChanged() for modifications outside of set()
+ and setProperty(), i.e. if an item returned from get() is modified
+void ModelNode::changedProperty(const QString &name) const
+ if (listIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ m_model->checkRoles();
+ QList<int> roles;
+ int role = m_model->roleStrings.indexOf(name);
+ if (role < 0)
+ roles = m_model->roles();
+ else
+ roles << role;
+ emit m_model->m_listModel->itemsChanged(listIndex, 1, roles);
void ModelNode::dump(ModelNode *node, int ind)
QByteArray indentBa(ind * 4, ' ');
@@ -1349,16 +1554,47 @@ void ModelNode::dump(ModelNode *node, int ind)
-: _mo(new QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject(this))
+ModelObject::ModelObject(ModelNode *node, NestedListModel *model, QScriptEngine *seng)
+ : m_model(model),
+ m_node(node),
+ m_meta(new ModelNodeMetaObject(seng, this))
void ModelObject::setValue(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &val)
- _mo->setValue(name, val);
+ m_meta->setValue(name, val);
setProperty(name.constData(), val);
+void ModelObject::setNodeUpdatesEnabled(bool enable)
+ m_meta->m_enabled = enable;
+ModelNodeMetaObject::ModelNodeMetaObject(QScriptEngine *seng, ModelObject *object)
+ : QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject(object),
+ m_enabled(false),
+ m_seng(seng),
+ m_obj(object)
+void ModelNodeMetaObject::propertyWritten(int index)
+ if (!m_enabled)
+ return;
+ QString propName = QString::fromUtf8(name(index));
+ QVariant value = operator[](index);
+ QScriptValue sv = m_seng->newObject();
+ sv.setProperty(propName, m_seng->newVariant(value));
+ m_obj->m_node->setObjectValue(sv, false);
+ m_obj->m_node->changedProperty(propName);
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p.h
index 6aff9c6..fe42ef6 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p.h
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class FlatListModel;
class NestedListModel;
class QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent;
struct ModelNode;
+class FlatListScriptClass;
class Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT QDeclarativeListModel : public QListModelInterface
@@ -96,16 +97,21 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
friend class QDeclarativeListModelParser;
friend class QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent;
+ friend class FlatListModel;
+ friend class FlatListScriptClass;
friend struct ModelNode;
- QDeclarativeListModel(bool workerCopy, QObject *parent=0);
+ // Constructs a flat list model for a worker agent
+ QDeclarativeListModel(const QDeclarativeListModel *orig, QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *parent);
bool flatten();
- bool modifyCheck();
+ bool inWorkerThread() const;
+ inline bool canMove(int from, int to, int n) const { return !(from+n > count() || to+n > count() || from < 0 || to < 0 || n < 0); }
QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *m_agent;
NestedListModel *m_nested;
FlatListModel *m_flat;
- bool m_isWorkerCopy;
// ### FIXME
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p_p.h
index 8231414..acf4f3e 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel_p_p.h
@@ -54,9 +54,11 @@
#include "private/qdeclarativelistmodel_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarative.h"
#include "private/qdeclarativeengine_p.h"
+#include "private/qdeclarativeopenmetaobject_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarative.h"
+#include <private/qscriptdeclarativeclass_p.h>
@@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ class QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject;
class QScriptEngine;
class QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent;
struct ModelNode;
+class FlatListScriptClass;
+class FlatNodeData;
class FlatListModel
@@ -94,16 +98,82 @@ public:
friend class QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent;
friend class QDeclarativeListModel;
+ friend class FlatListScriptClass;
+ friend class FlatNodeData;
bool addValue(const QScriptValue &value, QHash<int, QVariant> *row, QList<int> *roles);
+ void insertedNode(int index);
+ void removedNode(int index);
+ void moveNodes(int from, int to, int n);
QScriptEngine *m_scriptEngine;
QHash<int, QString> m_roles;
QHash<QString, int> m_strings;
QList<QHash<int, QVariant> > m_values;
QDeclarativeListModel *m_listModel;
+ FlatListScriptClass *m_scriptClass;
+ QList<FlatNodeData *> m_nodeData;
+ QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *m_parentAgent;
+ Created when get() is called on a FlatListModel. This allows changes to the
+ object returned by get() to be tracked, and passed onto the model.
+class FlatListScriptClass : public QScriptDeclarativeClass
+ FlatListScriptClass(FlatListModel *model, QScriptEngine *seng);
+ Value property(Object *, const Identifier &);
+ void setProperty(Object *, const Identifier &name, const QScriptValue &);
+ QScriptClass::QueryFlags queryProperty(Object *, const Identifier &, QScriptClass::QueryFlags flags);
+ bool compare(Object *, Object *);
+ FlatListModel *m_model;
+ FlatNodeData and FlatNodeObjectData allow objects returned by get() to still
+ point to the correct list index if move(), insert() or remove() are called.
+struct FlatNodeObjectData;
+class FlatNodeData
+ FlatNodeData(int i)
+ : index(i) {}
+ ~FlatNodeData();
+ void addData(FlatNodeObjectData *data);
+ void removeData(FlatNodeObjectData *data);
+ int index;
+ QSet<FlatNodeObjectData*> objects;
+struct FlatNodeObjectData : public QScriptDeclarativeClass::Object
+ FlatNodeObjectData(FlatNodeData *data) : nodeData(data) {
+ nodeData->addData(this);
+ }
+ ~FlatNodeObjectData() {
+ if (nodeData)
+ nodeData->removeData(this);
+ }
+ FlatNodeData *nodeData;
class NestedListModel
@@ -134,25 +204,50 @@ public:
QDeclarativeListModel *m_listModel;
+ friend struct ModelNode;
mutable QStringList roleStrings;
mutable bool _rolesOk;
+class ModelNodeMetaObject;
class ModelObject : public QObject
- ModelObject();
+ ModelObject(ModelNode *node, NestedListModel *model, QScriptEngine *seng);
void setValue(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &val);
+ void setNodeUpdatesEnabled(bool enable);
+ NestedListModel *m_model;
+ ModelNode *m_node;
+ ModelNodeMetaObject *m_meta;
+class ModelNodeMetaObject : public QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject
+ ModelNodeMetaObject(QScriptEngine *seng, ModelObject *object);
+ bool m_enabled;
+ void propertyWritten(int index);
- QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject *_mo;
+ QScriptEngine *m_seng;
+ ModelObject *m_obj;
+ A ModelNode is created for each item in a NestedListModel.
struct ModelNode
- ModelNode();
+ ModelNode(NestedListModel *model);
QList<QVariant> values;
@@ -165,30 +260,44 @@ struct ModelNode
modelCache = new QDeclarativeListModel;
modelCache->m_nested->_root = this; // ListModel defaults to nestable model
+ for (int i=0; i<values.count(); ++i) {
+ ModelNode *subNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(;
+ if (subNode)
+ subNode->m_model = modelCache->m_nested;
+ }
return modelCache;
ModelObject *object(const NestedListModel *model) {
if (!objectCache) {
- objectCache = new ModelObject();
+ objectCache = new ModelObject(this,
+ const_cast<NestedListModel*>(model),
+ QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::getScriptEngine(qmlEngine(model->m_listModel)));
QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::iterator it;
for (it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it) {
objectCache->setValue(it.key().toUtf8(), model->valueForNode(*it));
+ objectCache->setNodeUpdatesEnabled(true);
return objectCache;
- void setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap);
+ void setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap, bool writeToCache = true);
void setListValue(const QScriptValue& valuelist);
void setProperty(const QString& prop, const QVariant& val);
+ void changedProperty(const QString &name) const;
+ void updateListIndexes();
static void dump(ModelNode *node, int ind);
QDeclarativeListModel *modelCache;
ModelObject *objectCache;
bool isArray;
+ NestedListModel *m_model;
+ int listIndex; // only used for top-level nodes within a list
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent.cpp
index d9df169..6804d4a 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent.cpp
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::Data::changedChange(int index, int count)
QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent(QDeclarativeListModel *model)
-: m_engine(0), m_ref(1), m_orig(model), m_copy(new QDeclarativeListModel(true, this))
+ : m_engine(0),
+ m_ref(1),
+ m_orig(model),
+ m_copy(new QDeclarativeListModel(model, this))
- m_copy->m_flat->m_roles = m_orig->m_flat->m_roles;
- m_copy->m_flat->m_strings = m_orig->m_flat->m_strings;
- m_copy->m_flat->m_values = m_orig->m_flat->m_values;
@@ -194,6 +194,11 @@ void QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::sync()
+void QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::changedData(int index, int count)
+ data.changedChange(index, count);
bool QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::event(QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::User) {
@@ -216,6 +221,24 @@ bool QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::event(QEvent *e)
orig->m_strings = copy->m_strings;
orig->m_values = copy->m_values;
+ // update the orig->m_nodeData list
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < changes.count(); ++ii) {
+ const Change &change =;
+ switch (change.type) {
+ case Change::Inserted:
+ orig->insertedNode(change.index);
+ break;
+ case Change::Removed:
+ orig->removedNode(change.index);
+ break;
+ case Change::Moved:
+ orig->moveNodes(change.index,, change.count);
+ break;
+ case Change::Changed:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
@@ -232,7 +255,7 @@ bool QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent::event(QEvent *e)
emit m_orig->itemsMoved(change.index,, change.count);
case Change::Changed:
- emit m_orig->itemsChanged(change.index,, orig->m_roles.keys());
+ emit m_orig->itemsChanged(change.index, change.count, orig->m_roles.keys());
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent_p.h b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent_p.h
index 01da374..10c3bca 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent_p.h
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
class QDeclarativeListModel;
+class FlatListScriptClass;
class QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent : public QObject
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ protected:
friend class QDeclarativeWorkerScriptEnginePrivate;
+ friend class FlatListScriptClass;
QScriptEngine *m_engine;
struct Change {
@@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ private:
QDeclarativeListModel *list;
+ void changedData(int index, int count);
QAtomicInt m_ref;
QDeclarativeListModel *m_orig;
QDeclarativeListModel *m_copy;
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativexmllistmodel.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativexmllistmodel.cpp
index 47b502d..f0ed80b 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativexmllistmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativexmllistmodel.cpp
@@ -209,8 +209,9 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
void run() {
+ m_mutex.lock();
while (!m_quit) {
- m_mutex.lock();
if (!m_jobs.isEmpty())
m_currentJob = m_jobs.dequeue();
@@ -230,12 +231,13 @@ protected:
if (m_currentJob.queryId != -1 && m_abortQueryId != m_currentJob.queryId)
emit queryCompleted(r);
- if (m_jobs.isEmpty())
+ if (m_jobs.isEmpty() && !m_quit)
m_currentJob.queryId = -1;
m_abortQueryId = -1;
- m_mutex.unlock();
+ m_mutex.unlock();
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
index 2fd2f46..43d5772 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
@@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ bool QApplicationPrivate::fade_tooltip = false;
bool QApplicationPrivate::animate_toolbox = false;
bool QApplicationPrivate::widgetCount = false;
bool QApplicationPrivate::load_testability = false;
+QString QApplicationPrivate::qmljsDebugArguments;
# ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
Qt::NavigationMode QApplicationPrivate::navigationMode = Qt::NavigationModeKeypadDirectional;
@@ -565,6 +566,8 @@ void QApplicationPrivate::process_cmdline()
QString s;
if (arg == "-qdevel" || arg == "-qdebug") {
// obsolete argument
+ } else if (arg.indexOf("-qmljsdebugger=", 0) != -1) {
+ qmljsDebugArguments = QString::fromLocal8Bit(arg.right(arg.length() - 15));
} else if (arg.indexOf("-style=", 0) != -1) {
s = QString::fromLocal8Bit(arg.right(arg.length() - 7).toLower());
} else if (arg == "-style" && i < argc-1) {
@@ -670,6 +673,9 @@ void QApplicationPrivate::process_cmdline()
\o -graphicssystem, sets the backend to be used for on-screen widgets
and QPixmaps. Available options are \c{raster} and \c{opengl}.
+ \o -qmljsdebugger=, activates the QML/JS debugger with a specified port.
+ The value must be of format port:1234[,block], where block is optional
+ and will make the application wait until a debugger connects to it.
The X11 version of Qt supports some traditional X11 command line options:
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_p.h b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_p.h
index 8dc16e0..aa3a6d5 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_p.h
@@ -446,6 +446,8 @@ public:
static bool animate_toolbox;
static bool widgetCount; // Coupled with -widgetcount switch
static bool load_testability; // Coupled with -testability switch
+ static QString qmljsDebugArguments; // a string containing arguments for js/qml debugging.
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
static bool native_modal_dialog_active;
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebug/tst_qdeclarativedebug.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebug/tst_qdeclarativedebug.cpp
index 20ccccb..adba190 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebug/tst_qdeclarativedebug.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebug/tst_qdeclarativedebug.cpp
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void tst_QDeclarativeDebug::initTestCase()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDeclarativeDebugServer: Waiting for connection on port 3768...");
- qputenv("QML_DEBUG_SERVER_PORT", "3768");
m_engine = new QDeclarativeEngine(this);
QList<QByteArray> qml;
@@ -891,6 +891,18 @@ void tst_QDeclarativeDebug::tst_QDeclarativeDebugPropertyReference()
compareProperties(r, ref);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int _argc = argc + 1;
+ char **_argv = new char*[_argc];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ _argv[i] = argv[i];
+ _argv[_argc - 1] = "-qmljsdebugger=port:3768";
+ QApplication app(_argc, _argv);
+ tst_QDeclarativeDebug tc;
+ return QTest::qExec(&tc, _argc, _argv);
+ delete _argv;
#include "tst_qdeclarativedebug.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugclient/tst_qdeclarativedebugclient.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugclient/tst_qdeclarativedebugclient.cpp
index a19c2c2..7db0e60 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugclient/tst_qdeclarativedebugclient.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugclient/tst_qdeclarativedebugclient.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ void tst_QDeclarativeDebugClient::initTestCase()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDeclarativeDebugServer: Waiting for connection on port 3770...");
- qputenv("QML_DEBUG_SERVER_PORT", "3770");
new QDeclarativeEngine(this);
m_conn = new QDeclarativeDebugConnection(this);
@@ -151,7 +150,19 @@ void tst_QDeclarativeDebugClient::sendMessage()
QCOMPARE(resp, msg);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int _argc = argc + 1;
+ char **_argv = new char*[_argc];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ _argv[i] = argv[i];
+ _argv[_argc - 1] = "-qmljsdebugger=port:3770";
+ QApplication app(_argc, _argv);
+ tst_QDeclarativeDebugClient tc;
+ return QTest::qExec(&tc, _argc, _argv);
+ delete _argv;
#include "tst_qdeclarativedebugclient.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugservice/tst_qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugservice/tst_qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
index 9ebbbaf..4683199 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugservice/tst_qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativedebugservice/tst_qdeclarativedebugservice.cpp
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ private slots:
void tst_QDeclarativeDebugService::initTestCase()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDeclarativeDebugServer: Waiting for connection on port 3769...");
- qputenv("QML_DEBUG_SERVER_PORT", "3769");
new QDeclarativeEngine(this);
m_conn = new QDeclarativeDebugConnection(this);
@@ -184,6 +183,19 @@ void tst_QDeclarativeDebugService::objectToString()
delete obj;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int _argc = argc + 1;
+ char **_argv = new char*[_argc];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ _argv[i] = argv[i];
+ _argv[_argc - 1] = "-qmljsdebugger=port:3769";
+ QApplication app(_argc, _argv);
+ tst_QDeclarativeDebugService tc;
+ return QTest::qExec(&tc, _argc, _argv);
+ delete _argv;
#include "tst_qdeclarativedebugservice.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/data/daniel.ttf b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/data/daniel.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae50d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/data/daniel.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/tst_qdeclarativefontloader.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/tst_qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
index ae23017..8765426 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/tst_qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativefontloader/tst_qdeclarativefontloader.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@
#include <qtest.h>
+#include <QtTest/QSignalSpy>
#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeengine.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativecomponent.h>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativecontext.h>
#include <private/qdeclarativefontloader_p.h>
#include "../../../shared/util.h"
#include "../shared/testhttpserver.h"
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ private slots:
void webFont();
void redirWebFont();
void failWebFont();
+ void changeFont();
private slots:
@@ -181,6 +184,45 @@ void tst_qdeclarativefontloader::failWebFont()
QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Error);
+void tst_qdeclarativefontloader::changeFont()
+ QString componentStr = "import Qt 4.7\nFontLoader { source: font }";
+ QDeclarativeContext *ctxt = engine.rootContext();
+ ctxt->setContextProperty("font", QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/tarzeau_ocr_a.ttf"));
+ QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine);
+ component.setData(componentStr.toLatin1(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(""));
+ QDeclarativeFontLoader *fontObject = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeFontLoader*>(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(fontObject != 0);
+ QSignalSpy nameSpy(fontObject, SIGNAL(nameChanged()));
+ QSignalSpy statusSpy(fontObject, SIGNAL(statusChanged()));
+ QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Ready);
+ QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(statusSpy.count(), 0);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(fontObject->name(), QString("OCRA"));
+ ctxt->setContextProperty("font", "http://localhost:14448/daniel.ttf");
+ QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Loading);
+ QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Ready);
+ QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(statusSpy.count(), 2);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(fontObject->name(), QString("Daniel"));
+ ctxt->setContextProperty("font", QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/tarzeau_ocr_a.ttf"));
+ QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Ready);
+ QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(statusSpy.count(), 2);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(fontObject->name(), QString("OCRA"));
+ ctxt->setContextProperty("font", "http://localhost:14448/daniel.ttf");
+ QTRY_VERIFY(fontObject->status() == QDeclarativeFontLoader::Ready);
+ QCOMPARE(nameSpy.count(), 3);
+ QCOMPARE(statusSpy.count(), 2);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(fontObject->name(), QString("Daniel"));
#include "tst_qdeclarativefontloader.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativelistmodel/tst_qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativelistmodel/tst_qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
index 10805b4..f456778 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativelistmodel/tst_qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativelistmodel/tst_qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qtranslator.h>
+#include <QSignalSpy>
#include "../../../shared/util.h"
@@ -57,6 +58,8 @@
#define SRCDIR "."
class tst_qdeclarativelistmodel : public QObject
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ public:
tst_qdeclarativelistmodel() {}
+ int roleFromName(const QDeclarativeListModel *model, const QString &roleName);
QScriptValue nestedListValue(QScriptEngine *eng) const;
QDeclarativeItem *createWorkerTest(QDeclarativeEngine *eng, QDeclarativeComponent *component, QDeclarativeListModel *model);
void waitForWorker(QDeclarativeItem *item);
@@ -78,6 +82,8 @@ private slots:
void dynamic();
void dynamic_worker_data();
void dynamic_worker();
+ void dynamic_worker_sync_data();
+ void dynamic_worker_sync();
void convertNestedToFlat_fail();
void convertNestedToFlat_fail_data();
void convertNestedToFlat_ok();
@@ -86,7 +92,23 @@ private slots:
void error_data();
void error();
void set();
+ void get();
+ void get_data();
+ void get_worker();
+ void get_worker_data();
+ void get_nested();
+ void get_nested_data();
+int tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::roleFromName(const QDeclarativeListModel *model, const QString &roleName)
+ QList<int> roles = model->roles();
+ for (int i=0; i<roles.count(); i++) {
+ if (model->toString(roles[i]) == roleName)
+ return roles[i];
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ return -1;
QScriptValue tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::nestedListValue(QScriptEngine *eng) const
@@ -196,6 +218,10 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::dynamic_data()
QTest::newRow("get1") << "{get(0) === undefined}" << 1 << "";
QTest::newRow("get2") << "{get(-1) === undefined}" << 1 << "";
QTest::newRow("get3") << "{append({'foo':123});get(0) != undefined}" << 1 << "";
+ QTest::newRow("get4") << "{append({'foo':123});get(0).foo}" << 123 << "";
+ QTest::newRow("get-modify1") << "{append({'foo':123,'bar':456});get(0).foo = 333;get(0).foo}" << 333 << "";
+ QTest::newRow("get-modify2") << "{append({'z':1});append({'foo':123,'bar':456});get(1).bar = 999;get(1).bar}" << 999 << "";
QTest::newRow("append1") << "{append({'foo':123});count}" << 1 << "";
QTest::newRow("append2") << "{append({'foo':123,'bar':456});count}" << 1 << "";
@@ -310,8 +336,12 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::dynamic_worker()
QFETCH(int, result);
QFETCH(QString, warning);
+ if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).startsWith("nested"))
+ return;
// This is same as dynamic() except it applies the test to a ListModel called
- // from a WorkerScript (i.e. testing the internal NestedListModel class)
+ // from a WorkerScript (i.e. testing the internal FlatListModel that is created
+ // by the WorkerListModelAgent)
QDeclarativeListModel model;
QDeclarativeEngine eng;
@@ -330,27 +360,62 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::dynamic_worker()
if (!warning.isEmpty())
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, warning.toLatin1());
- if (operations.count() == 1) {
- // test count(), get() return the correct default values in the worker list model
- QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker",
- Q_ARG(QVariant, operations)));
- waitForWorker(item);
- QCOMPARE(QDeclarativeProperty(item, "result").read().toInt(), result);
- } else {
- // execute a set of commands on the worker list model, then check the
- // changes are reflected in the list model in the main thread
- if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).startsWith("nested"))
- QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: Cannot add nested list values when modifying or after modification from a worker script");
- QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker",
- Q_ARG(QVariant, operations.mid(0, operations.length()-1))));
- waitForWorker(item);
- QDeclarativeExpression e(eng.rootContext(), &model, operations.last().toString());
- if (!QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).startsWith("nested"))
- QCOMPARE(e.evaluate().toInt(), result);
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker",
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, operations)));
+ waitForWorker(item);
+ QCOMPARE(QDeclarativeProperty(item, "result").read().toInt(), result);
+ delete item;
+ qApp->processEvents();
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::dynamic_worker_sync_data()
+ dynamic_data();
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::dynamic_worker_sync()
+ QFETCH(QString, script);
+ QFETCH(int, result);
+ QFETCH(QString, warning);
+ // This is the same as dynamic_worker() except that it executes a set of list operations
+ // from the worker script, calls sync(), and tests the changes are reflected in the
+ // list in the main thread
+ QDeclarativeListModel model;
+ QDeclarativeEngine eng;
+ QDeclarativeComponent component(&eng, QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/model.qml"));
+ QDeclarativeItem *item = createWorkerTest(&eng, &component, &model);
+ QVERIFY(item != 0);
+ if (script[0] == QLatin1Char('{') && script[script.length()-1] == QLatin1Char('}'))
+ script = script.mid(1, script.length() - 2);
+ QVariantList operations;
+ foreach (const QString &s, script.split(';')) {
+ if (!s.isEmpty())
+ operations << s;
+ if (!warning.isEmpty())
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, warning.toLatin1());
+ // execute a set of commands on the worker list model, then check the
+ // changes are reflected in the list model in the main thread
+ if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).startsWith("nested"))
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: Cannot add list-type data when modifying or after modification from a worker script");
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker",
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, operations.mid(0, operations.length()-1))));
+ waitForWorker(item);
+ QDeclarativeExpression e(eng.rootContext(), &model, operations.last().toString());
+ if (!QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).startsWith("nested"))
+ QCOMPARE(e.evaluate().toInt(), result);
delete item;
@@ -374,7 +439,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::convertNestedToFlat_fail()
QCOMPARE(model.count(), 2);
- QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: List contains nested list values and cannot be used from a worker script");
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: List contains list-type data and cannot be used from a worker script");
QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker", Q_ARG(QVariant, script)));
@@ -426,7 +491,7 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::convertNestedToFlat_ok()
QCOMPARE(model.count(), count+1);
QScriptValue nested = nestedListValue(&s_eng);
- const char *warning = "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: Cannot add nested list values when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
+ const char *warning = "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: Cannot add list-type data when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, warning);
@@ -595,6 +660,9 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::error()
+ Test model changes from set() are available to the view
void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::set()
QDeclarativeEngine engine;
@@ -618,6 +686,205 @@ void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::set()
QCOMPARE(, model.roles()[0]), qVariantFromValue(false));
+ Test model changes on values returned by get() are available to the view
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get()
+ QFETCH(QString, expression);
+ QFETCH(int, index);
+ QFETCH(QString, roleName);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, roleValue);
+ QDeclarativeEngine eng;
+ QDeclarativeComponent component(&eng);
+ component.setData(
+ "import Qt 4.7\n"
+ "ListModel { \n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 100 }\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "}", QUrl());
+ QDeclarativeListModel *model = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeListModel*>(component.create());
+ int role = roleFromName(model, roleName);
+ QSignalSpy spy(model, SIGNAL(itemsChanged(int, int, QList<int>)));
+ QDeclarativeExpression expr(eng.rootContext(), model, expression);
+ expr.evaluate();
+ QVERIFY(!expr.hasError());
+ QCOMPARE(model->data(index, role), roleValue);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QList<QVariant> spyResult = spy.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(, index);
+ QCOMPARE(, 1); // only 1 item is modified at a time
+ QCOMPARE(<QList<int> >(), (QList<int>() << role));
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expression");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("index");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("roleName");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("roleValue");
+ QTest::newRow("simple value") << "get(0).roleA = 500" << 0 << "roleA" << QVariant(500);
+ QTest::newRow("simple value 2") << "get(1).roleB = 500" << 1 << "roleB" << QVariant(500);
+ QVariantMap map;
+ map["zzz"] = 123;
+ QTest::newRow("object value") << "get(1).roleB = {'zzz':123}" << 1 << "roleB" << QVariant::fromValue(map);
+ QVariantList list;
+ map.clear(); map["a"] = 50; map["b"] = 500;
+ list << map;
+ map.clear(); map["c"] = 1000;
+ list << map;
+ QTest::newRow("list of objects") << "get(2).roleB = [{'a': 50, 'b': 500}, {'c': 1000}]" << 2 << "roleB" << QVariant::fromValue(list);
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get_worker()
+ QFETCH(QString, expression);
+ QFETCH(int, index);
+ QFETCH(QString, roleName);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, roleValue);
+ QDeclarativeListModel model;
+ QDeclarativeEngine eng;
+ QDeclarativeComponent component(&eng, QUrl::fromLocalFile(SRCDIR "/data/model.qml"));
+ QDeclarativeItem *item = createWorkerTest(&eng, &component, &model);
+ QVERIFY(item != 0);
+ QScriptEngine *seng = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::getScriptEngine(&eng);
+ // Add some values like get() test
+ QScriptValue sv = seng->newObject();
+ sv.setProperty(QLatin1String("roleA"), seng->newVariant(QVariant::fromValue(100)));
+ model.append(sv);
+ sv = seng->newObject();
+ sv.setProperty(QLatin1String("roleA"), seng->newVariant(QVariant::fromValue(200)));
+ sv.setProperty(QLatin1String("roleB"), seng->newVariant(QVariant::fromValue(400)));
+ model.append(sv);
+ model.append(sv);
+ int role = roleFromName(&model, roleName);
+ const char *warning = "<Unknown File>: QML ListModel: Cannot add list-type data when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
+ if (roleValue.type() == QVariant::List || roleValue.type() == QVariant::Map)
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, warning);
+ QSignalSpy spy(&model, SIGNAL(itemsChanged(int, int, QList<int>)));
+ // in the worker thread, change the model data and call sync()
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "evalExpressionViaWorker",
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, QStringList(expression))));
+ waitForWorker(item);
+ // see if we receive the model changes in the main thread's model
+ if (roleValue.type() == QVariant::List || roleValue.type() == QVariant::Map) {
+ QVERIFY(, role) != roleValue);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);
+ } else {
+ QCOMPARE(, role), roleValue);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QList<QVariant> spyResult = spy.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(, index);
+ QCOMPARE(, 1); // only 1 item is modified at a time
+ QVERIFY(<QList<int> >().contains(role));
+ }
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get_worker_data()
+ get_data();
+ Test that the tests run in get() also work for nested list data
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get_nested()
+ QFETCH(QString, expression);
+ QFETCH(int, index);
+ QFETCH(QString, roleName);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, roleValue);
+ QDeclarativeEngine eng;
+ QDeclarativeComponent component(&eng);
+ component.setData(
+ "import Qt 4.7\n"
+ "ListModel { \n"
+ "ListElement {\n"
+ "listRoleA: [\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 100 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "ListElement {\n"
+ "listRoleA: [\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 100 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "]\n"
+ "listRoleB: [\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 100 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "]\n"
+ "listRoleC: [\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 100 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 },\n"
+ "ListElement { roleA: 200; roleB: 400 } \n"
+ "]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}", QUrl());
+ QDeclarativeListModel *model = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeListModel*>(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(component.errorString().isEmpty());
+ QDeclarativeListModel *childModel;
+ // Test setting the inner list data for:
+ // get(0).listRoleA
+ // get(1).listRoleA
+ // get(1).listRoleB
+ // get(1).listRoleC
+ QList<QPair<int, QString> > testData;
+ testData << qMakePair(0, QString("listRoleA"));
+ testData << qMakePair(1, QString("listRoleA"));
+ testData << qMakePair(1, QString("listRoleB"));
+ testData << qMakePair(1, QString("listRoleC"));
+ for (int i=0; i<testData.count(); i++) {
+ int outerListIndex = testData[i].first;
+ QString outerListRoleName = testData[i].second;
+ int outerListRole = roleFromName(model, outerListRoleName);
+ childModel = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeListModel*>(model->data(outerListIndex, outerListRole).value<QObject*>());
+ QVERIFY(childModel);
+ QString extendedExpression = QString("get(%1).%2.%3").arg(outerListIndex).arg(outerListRoleName).arg(expression);
+ QDeclarativeExpression expr(eng.rootContext(), model, extendedExpression);
+ QSignalSpy spy(childModel, SIGNAL(itemsChanged(int, int, QList<int>)));
+ expr.evaluate();
+ QVERIFY(!expr.hasError());
+ int role = roleFromName(childModel, roleName);
+ QCOMPARE(childModel->data(index, role), roleValue);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QList<QVariant> spyResult = spy.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(, index);
+ QCOMPARE(, 1); // only 1 item is modified at a time
+ QCOMPARE(<QList<int> >(), (QList<int>() << role));
+ }
+void tst_qdeclarativelistmodel::get_nested_data()
+ get_data();
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/data/datamodel.qml b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/data/datamodel.qml
index a5c3772..fb3c910 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/data/datamodel.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/data/datamodel.qml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ PathView {
Rectangle {
id: wrapper
objectName: "wrapper"
+ property bool onPath: PathView.onPath
width: 20; height: 20; color: name
Text {
objectName: "myText"
diff --git a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/tst_qdeclarativepathview.cpp b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/tst_qdeclarativepathview.cpp
index 74d2f0a..cbfbfbd 100644
--- a/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/tst_qdeclarativepathview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/declarative/qdeclarativepathview/tst_qdeclarativepathview.cpp
@@ -152,27 +152,27 @@ public:
QString number(int index) const { return; }
void addItem(const QString &name, const QString &number) {
- emit beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), list.count(), list.count());
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), list.count(), list.count());
list.append(QPair<QString,QString>(name, number));
- emit endInsertRows();
+ endInsertRows();
void insertItem(int index, const QString &name, const QString &number) {
- emit beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
list.insert(index, QPair<QString,QString>(name, number));
- emit endInsertRows();
+ endInsertRows();
void removeItem(int index) {
- emit beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
+ beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
- emit endRemoveRows();
+ endRemoveRows();
void moveItem(int from, int to) {
- emit beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), from, from, QModelIndex(), to);
+ beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), from, from, QModelIndex(), to);
list.move(from, to);
- emit endMoveRows();
+ endMoveRows();
void modifyItem(int idx, const QString &name, const QString &number) {
@@ -411,6 +411,13 @@ void tst_QDeclarativePathView::dataModel()
+ model.moveItem(3, 5);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(findItems<QDeclarativeItem>(pathview, "wrapper").count(), 5);
+ QList<QDeclarativeItem*> items = findItems<QDeclarativeItem>(pathview, "wrapper");
+ foreach (QDeclarativeItem *item, items) {
+ QVERIFY(item->property("onPath").toBool());
+ }
delete canvas;
diff --git a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
index 6e66742..a2c7fe9 100644
--- a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
+++ b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ Configure::Configure(int& argc, char** argv)
dictionary[ "DIRECTSHOW" ] = "no";
dictionary[ "WEBKIT" ] = "auto";
dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE" ] = "auto";
+ dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE_DEBUG" ]= "yes";
dictionary[ "PLUGIN_MANIFESTS" ] = "yes";
QString version;
@@ -961,6 +962,10 @@ void Configure::parseCmdLine()
dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE" ] = "no";
} else if ( == "-declarative") {
dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE" ] = "yes";
+ } else if ( == "-no-declarative-debug") {
+ dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE_DEBUG" ] = "no";
+ } else if ( == "-declarative-debug") {
+ dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE_DEBUG" ] = "yes";
} else if ( == "-no-plugin-manifests") {
dictionary[ "PLUGIN_MANIFESTS" ] = "no";
} else if ( == "-plugin-manifests") {
@@ -1836,6 +1841,8 @@ bool Configure::displayHelp()
desc("SCRIPTTOOLS", "yes", "-scripttools", "Build the QtScriptTools module.");
desc("DECLARATIVE", "no", "-no-declarative", "Do not build the declarative module");
desc("DECLARATIVE", "yes", "-declarative", "Build the declarative module");
+ desc("DECLARATIVE_DEBUG", "no", "-no-declarative-debug", "Do not build the declarative debugging support");
+ desc("DECLARATIVE_DEBUG", "yes", "-declarative-debug", "Build the declarative debugging support");
desc( "-arch <arch>", "Specify an architecture.\n"
"Available values for <arch>:");
@@ -2273,6 +2280,8 @@ void Configure::autoDetection()
dictionary["WEBKIT"] = checkAvailability("WEBKIT") ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "auto")
dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] = dictionary["SCRIPT"] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no";
+ if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE_DEBUG"] == "auto")
+ dictionary["DECLARATIVE_DEBUG"] = dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["AUDIO_BACKEND"] == "auto")
dictionary["AUDIO_BACKEND"] = checkAvailability("AUDIO_BACKEND") ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["WMSDK"] == "auto")
@@ -3101,6 +3110,7 @@ void Configure::generateConfigfiles()
if (dictionary["IPV6"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_IPV6";
if (dictionary["WEBKIT"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_WEBKIT";
if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_DECLARATIVE";
+ if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE_DEBUG"] == "no") qconfigList += "QDECLARATIVE_NO_DEBUG_PROTOCOL";
if (dictionary["PHONON"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_PHONON";
if (dictionary["MULTIMEDIA"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_MULTIMEDIA";
if (dictionary["XMLPATTERNS"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_XMLPATTERNS";
@@ -3398,6 +3408,7 @@ void Configure::displayConfig()
cout << "QtMultimedia support........" << dictionary[ "MULTIMEDIA" ] << endl;
cout << "WebKit support.............." << dictionary[ "WEBKIT" ] << endl;
cout << "Declarative support........." << dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE" ] << endl;
+ cout << "Declarative debugging......." << dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE_DEBUG" ] << endl;
cout << "QtScript support............" << dictionary[ "SCRIPT" ] << endl;
cout << "QtScriptTools support......." << dictionary[ "SCRIPTTOOLS" ] << endl;
cout << "Graphics System............." << dictionary[ "GRAPHICS_SYSTEM" ] << endl;