diff options
5 files changed, 165 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/bin/createpackage.bat b/bin/createpackage.bat
index 116d52b..b5ede18 100644
--- a/bin/createpackage.bat
+++ b/bin/createpackage.bat
@@ -1,106 +1,3 @@
@echo off
-set installsigned_old=%installsigned%
-set pkgfile_old=%pkgfile%
-set basename_old=%basename%
-set signsis1_old=%signsis1%
-set signsis2_old=%signsis2%
-set signsis3_old=%signsis3%
-set unsigned_sis_name_old=%unsigned_sis_name%
-set signed_sis_name_old=%signed_sis_name%
-set scriptpath_old=%scriptpath%
-set certificate_old=%certificate%
-rem Help text
-if "%1"=="" (
- echo Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.
- echo Usage: createpackage.bat [-i] myexample_armv5_udeb.pkg [certificate key [passphrase]]
- echo.
- echo If no certificate and key files are provided, either a RnD certificate or
- echo a self-signed certificate from Qt installation root directory is used.
- echo.
- echo To install the package right away using PC suite, use -i argument.
- goto done
-if "%1"=="-i" (
- set installsigned=true
- set pkgfile=%2
- set basename=%~n2
- set signsis1=%3
- set signsis2=%4
- set signsis3=%5
-) else (
- set installsigned=false
- set pkgfile=%1
- set basename=%~n1
- set signsis1=%2
- set signsis2=%3
- set signsis3=%4
-set unsigned_sis_name=%basename%_unsigned.sis
-set signed_sis_name=%basename%.sis
-rem Get absolute path to this script
set scriptpath=%~dp0
-rem Check the .pkg actually exists.
-if not exist %pkgfile% (
- echo Error: Package description file '%pkgfile%' does not exist.
- goto done
-rem Remove any existing .sis packages
-if exist %signed_sis_name% del %signed_sis_name%
-if exist %unsigned_sis_name% del %unsigned_sis_name%
-rem Create .sis package
-makesis %pkgfile% %unsigned_sis_name%
-rem If no certificate is given, check default options
-if x%signsis1% == x (
- rem If RnD certificate is not found, sign with self signed certificate
- if not exist %scriptpath%..\rd.cer (
- set certificate=Self signed
- signsis %unsigned_sis_name% %signed_sis_name% %scriptpath%..\selfsigned.cer %scriptpath%..\selfsigned.key
- goto install
- )
- rem Sign with RnD certificate
- set certificate=RnD
- signsis %unsigned_sis_name% %signed_sis_name% %scriptpath%..\rd.cer %scriptpath%..\rd-key.pem
-) else (
- if x%signsis2% == x (
- echo Custom certificate key file parameter missing.
- goto cleanup
- )
- set certificate=%signsis1%
- signsis %unsigned_sis_name% %signed_sis_name% %signsis1% %signsis2% %signsis3%
-if exist %signed_sis_name% (
- echo Successfully created %signed_sis_name% using certificate %certificate%
- if "%installsigned%" == "true" (
- echo Installing %signed_sis_name%...
- call %signed_sis_name%
- )
-if exist %unsigned_sis_name% del %unsigned_sis_name%
-set installsigned=%installsigned_old%
-set pkgfile=%pkgfile_old%
-set basename=%basename_old%
-set signsis1=%signsis1_old%
-set signsis2=%signsis2_old%
-set signsis3=%signsis3_old%
-set unsigned_sis_name=%unsigned_sis_name_old%
-set signed_sis_name=%signed_sis_name_old%
-set scriptpath=%scriptpath_old%
-set certificate=%certificate_old%
+perl %* \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8501174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Contact: Qt Software Information (
+use strict;
+# use a command-line parsing module
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Use file name parsing module
+use File::Basename;
+sub Usage() {
+ print "\n";
+ print "==========================================================================================\n";
+ print "Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Usage: [-i] templatepkg platform target [certificate key [passphrase]]\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Where parameters are as follows:\n";
+ print " [-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite\n";
+ print " templatepkg = Name of .pkg file template\n";
+ print " platform = One of the supported platform\n";
+ print " GCCE | ARMV5 | ARMV6 | ARMV7\n";
+ print " target = Either UDEB or UREL\n";
+ print " certificate = The certificate file used for signing\n";
+ print " key = The certificate's private key file\n";
+ print " passphrase = The certificate's private key file's passphrase\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "If no certificate and key files are provided, either a RnD certificate or\n";
+ print "a self-signed certificate from Qt installation root directory is used.\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "==========================================================================================\n";
+ exit();
+# Read given options
+my $install = "";
+unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install)){
+ Usage();
+# Read params to variables
+my $templatepkg = $ARGV[0];
+my $platform = uc $ARGV[1];
+my $target = uc $ARGV[2];
+my $visualtarget = $target;
+$visualtarget =~ s/udeb/debug/i;
+$visualtarget =~ s/urel/release/i;
+my $certificate = $ARGV[3];
+my $key = $ARGV[4];
+my $passphrase = $ARGV[5];
+# Generate output pkg basename (i.e. file name without extension)
+my $pkgoutputbasename = $templatepkg;
+$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/_template\.pkg/_$visualtarget-$platform/g;
+$pkgoutputbasename = lc($pkgoutputbasename);
+# Store output file names to variables
+my $pkgoutput = lc($pkgoutputbasename.".pkg");
+my $unsigned_sis_name = $pkgoutputbasename."_unsigned.sis";
+my $signed_sis_name = $pkgoutputbasename.".sis";
+# Store some utility variables
+my $scriptpath = dirname(__FILE__);
+my $certtext = $certificate;
+my $certpath = $scriptpath;
+$certpath =~ s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o; # ensure path ends with a backslash
+$certpath = $certpath."../"; # certificates are one step up in hierarcy
+$certpath =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
+# Check some pre-conditions and print error messages if needed
+unless (length($templatepkg) && length($platform) && length($target)) {
+ print "\nError: Template PKG filename, platform or target is not defined!\n";
+ Usage();
+# Check template exist
+unless( -e _ ) {
+ print "\nError: Package description file '$templatepkg' does not exist!\n";
+ Usage();
+# Check certifcate preconditions and set default certificate variables if needed
+if (length($certificate)) {
+ unless(length($key)) {
+ print "\nError: Custom certificate key file parameter missing.!\n";
+ Usage();
+ }
+} else {
+ #If no certificate is given, check default options
+ $certtext = "RnD";
+ $certificate = $certpath."rd.cer";
+ $key = $certpath."rd-key.pem";
+ stat($certificate);
+ unless( -e _ ) {
+ $certtext = "Self Signed";
+ $certificate = $certpath."selfsigned.cer";
+ $key = $certpath."selfsigned.key";
+ }
+# Remove any existing .sis packages
+unlink $unsigned_sis_name;
+unlink $signed_sis_name;
+unlink $pkgoutput;
+# Preprocess PKG
+local $/;
+# read template file
+open( TEMPLATE, $templatepkg) or die "Error '$templatepkg': $!\n";
+close (TEMPLATE);
+# replace the PKG variables
+#write the output
+open( OUTPUT, ">$pkgoutput" ) or die "Error '$pkgoutput' $!\n";
+print OUTPUT $_;
+close OUTPUT;
+# Create and sign SIS
+system ("makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name");
+system ("signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $certificate $key $passphrase");
+# Check if creating signed SIS Succeeded
+if( -e _ ) {
+ print ("\nSuccessfully created $signed_sis_name using certificate $certtext!\n");
+ # remove temporary pkg and unsigned sis
+ unlink $pkgoutput;
+ unlink $unsigned_sis_name;
+ # Install the sis if requested
+ if ($install) {
+ print ("\nInstalling $signed_sis_name...\n");
+ system ("$signed_sis_name");
+ }
+} else {
+ # Lets leave the generated PKG for problem solving purposes
+ print ("\nSIS creation failed!\n");
+#end of file
diff --git a/qmake/generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp b/qmake/generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp
index e903fc1..3bc2391 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp
+++ b/qmake/generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void initProjectDeploySymbian(QMakeProject* project,
if (deployBinaries) {
// Executables and libraries are deployed to \sys\bin
QFileInfo releasePath(epocRoot() + "epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\");
- deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(releasePath.absolutePath() + "\\" + info.fileName()),
+ deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(releasePath.absolutePath() + "\\" + info.fileName(), false, true),
Option::fixPathToLocalOS(deploymentDrive + QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR "\\") + info.fileName())));
if (isPlugin(info, devicePath)) {
diff --git a/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.cpp b/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.cpp
index c20ecf3..b4d693c 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.cpp
+++ b/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.cpp
@@ -194,13 +194,7 @@ bool SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
if (generatePkg) {
- QStringList platformList = project->values("SYMBIAN_PLATFORMS");
- foreach(QString platform, platformList) {
- if ("WINSCW", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- generatePkgFile(platform.toLower(), "udeb", iconFile);
- generatePkgFile(platform.toLower(), "urel", iconFile);
- }
- }
+ generatePkgFile(iconFile);
writeBldInfContent(t, generatePkg);
@@ -258,13 +252,10 @@ bool SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
return true;
-void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &compiler, const QString &config, const QString &iconFile)
+void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile)
- QString build = (config == "udeb") ? "debug" : "release";
- QString pkgFilename = QString("%1_%2-%3.%4")
+ QString pkgFilename = QString("%1_template.%2")
- .arg(build)
- .arg(compiler)
QFile pkgFile(pkgFilename);
if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
@@ -344,10 +335,8 @@ void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &compiler, const QS
QString installPathRegResource = "!:\\private\\10003a3f\\import\\apps";
// Find location of builds
- QString epocReleasePath = QString("%1epoc32/release/%2/%3")
- .arg(epocRoot())
- .arg(compiler)
- .arg(config);
+ QString epocReleasePath = QString("%1epoc32/release/$(PLATFORM)/$(TARGET)")
+ .arg(epocRoot());
if (targetType == TypeExe) {
@@ -391,7 +380,7 @@ void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &compiler, const QS
QString remoteTestPath;
remoteTestPath = QString("!:\\private\\%1").arg(privateDirUid);
- initProjectDeploySymbian(project, depList, remoteTestPath, true, compiler, config, generatedDirs, generatedFiles);
+ initProjectDeploySymbian(project, depList, remoteTestPath, true, "$(PLATFORM)", "$(TARGET)", generatedDirs, generatedFiles);
if (depList.size())
t << "; DEPLOYMENT" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < depList.size(); ++i) {
diff --git a/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.h b/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.h
index 22dc4c9..2fea29b 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.h
+++ b/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake.h
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ protected:
QString canonizePath(const QString& origPath);
virtual bool writeMakefile(QTextStream &t);
- void generatePkgFile(const QString &compiler, const QString &config, const QString &iconFile);
+ void generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile);
bool containsStartWithItem(const QChar &c, const QStringList& src);
virtual void init();