path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
6 files changed, 739 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/bin/createpackage b/bin/createpackage
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fdd4eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/createpackage
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+scriptpath=`dirname $0`
+perl $scriptpath/ "$@"
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 7f803fd..8b787cb 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -68,16 +68,19 @@ Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.
Usage: [options] templatepkg [target]-[platform] [certificate key [passphrase]]
-Where supported optiobns are as follows:
- [-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite
+Where supported options are as follows:
+ [-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite.
[-p|preprocess] = Only preprocess the template .pkg file.
- [-c|certfile=<file>] = The file containing certificate information for signing.
+ [-c|certfile <file>] = The file containing certificate information for signing.
The file can have several certificates, each specified in
separate line. The certificate, key and passphrase in line
must be ';' separated. Lines starting with '#' are treated
as a comments. Also empty lines are ignored. The paths in
<file> can be absolute or relative to <file>.
- [-u|unsigned] = Preserves the unsigned package
+ [-u|unsigned] = Preserves the unsigned package.
+ [-o|only-unsigned] = Creates only unsigned package.
+ [-s|stub] = Generates stub sis for ROM.
+ [-n|sisname <name>] = Specifies the final sis name.
Where parameters are as follows:
templatepkg = Name of .pkg file template
target = Either debug or release
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ Where parameters are as follows:
winscw | gcce | armv5 | armv6 | armv7
certificate = The certificate file used for signing
key = The certificate's private key file
- passphrase = The certificate's private key file's passphrase
+ passphrase = The passphrase of the certificate's private key file
Example: fluidlauncher_template.pkg release-armv5
@@ -101,6 +104,10 @@ Example with certfile:
If no certificate and key files are provided, either a RnD certificate or
a self-signed certificate from QtDir\\src\\s60installs directory is used.
+In the latter case the resulting package will also be automatically patched
+using script, which makes it unsuitable for distribution.
+Always specify certificates explicitly if you wish to distribute your package.
@@ -114,12 +121,16 @@ my $preprocessonly = "";
my $certfile = "";
my $preserveUnsigned = "";
my $stub = "";
+my $signed_sis_name = "";
+my $onlyUnsigned = "";
unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install,
'p|preprocess' => \$preprocessonly,
'c|certfile=s' => \$certfile,
'u|unsigned' => \$preserveUnsigned,
- 's|stub' => \$stub,)){
+ 'o|only-unsigned' => \$onlyUnsigned,
+ 's|stub' => \$stub,
+ 'n|sisname=s' => \$signed_sis_name,)) {
@@ -130,16 +141,21 @@ my $templatepkg = $ARGV[0];
my $targetplatform = lc $ARGV[1];
my @tmpvalues = split('-', $targetplatform);
-my $target = $tmpvalues[0];
-my $platform = $tmpvalues[1];;
+my $target;
+$target = $tmpvalues[0] or $target = "";
+my $platform;
+$platform = $tmpvalues[1] or $platform = "";
# Convert visual target to real target (debug->udeb and release->urel)
$target =~ s/debug/udeb/i;
$target =~ s/release/urel/i;
-my $certificate = $ARGV[2];
-my $key = $ARGV[3];
-my $passphrase = $ARGV[4];
+my $certificate;
+$certificate = $ARGV[2] or $certificate = "";
+my $key;
+$key = $ARGV[3] or $key = "";
+my $passphrase;
+$passphrase = $ARGV[4] or $passphrase = "";
# Generate output pkg basename (i.e. file name without extension)
my $pkgoutputbasename = $templatepkg;
@@ -149,23 +165,32 @@ if ($pkgoutputbasename eq $templatepkg) {
$preservePkgOutput = "1";
$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/\.pkg//g;
-$pkgoutputbasename = lc($pkgoutputbasename);
+$pkgoutputbasename = $pkgoutputbasename;
# Store output file names to variables
-my $pkgoutput = lc($pkgoutputbasename.".pkg");
-my $sisoutputbasename = lc($pkgoutputbasename);
-$sisoutputbasename =~ s/_$targetplatform//g;
+my $pkgoutput = $pkgoutputbasename.".pkg";
+my $sisoutputbasename;
+if ($signed_sis_name eq "") {
+ $sisoutputbasename = $pkgoutputbasename;
+ $sisoutputbasename =~ s/_$targetplatform//g;
+ $signed_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
+} else {
+ $sisoutputbasename = $signed_sis_name;
+ if ($sisoutputbasename =~ m/(\.sis$|\.sisx$)/i) {
+ $sisoutputbasename =~ s/$1//i;
+ } else {
+ $signed_sis_name = $signed_sis_name.".sis";
+ }
my $unsigned_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename."_unsigned.sis";
-my $signed_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
-my $stub_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename."_stub.sis";
+my $stub_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
# Store some utility variables
my $scriptpath = dirname(__FILE__);
my $certtext = $certificate;
-my $certpath = $scriptpath;
-$certpath =~ s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o; # ensure path ends with a backslash
-$certpath =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
-$certpath =~ s-bin\\$-src\\s60installs\\-; # certificates are one step up in hierarcy
+# certificates are one step up in hierarchy
+my $certpath = File::Spec->catdir($scriptpath, File::Spec->updir(), "src/s60installs/");
# Check some pre-conditions and print error messages if needed.
unless (length($templatepkg)) {
@@ -173,14 +198,6 @@ unless (length($templatepkg)) {
-# If the pkg file is not actually a template, there is no need for plaform or target.
-if ($templatepkg =~ m/_template\.pkg/i) {
- unless (length($platform) && length($target)) {
- print "\nError: Platform or target is not defined!\n";
- Usage();
- }
# Check template exist
unless( -e _ ) {
@@ -197,14 +214,14 @@ if (length($certificate)) {
} else {
#If no certificate is given, check default options
$certtext = "RnD";
- $certificate = $certpath."rd.cer";
- $key = $certpath."rd-key.pem";
+ $certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd.cer");
+ $key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd-key.pem");
unless( -e _ ) {
$certtext = "Self Signed";
- $certificate = $certpath."selfsigned.cer";
- $key = $certpath."selfsigned.key";
+ $certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.cer");
+ $key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.key");
@@ -242,12 +259,21 @@ if (!$preservePkgOutput) {
# Preprocess PKG
local $/;
# read template file
open( TEMPLATE, $templatepkg) or die "Error '$templatepkg': $!\n";
close (TEMPLATE);
+# If the pkg file does not contain macros, there is no need for platform or target.
+if (m/\$\(PLATFORM\)/) {
+ unless (length($platform) && length($target)) {
+ print "\nError: Platform or target is not defined!\n";
+ Usage();
+ }
# replace the PKG variables
@@ -269,29 +295,56 @@ if($stub) {
# Create stub SIS.
system ("makesis -s $pkgoutput $stub_sis_name");
} else {
+ if ($certtext eq "Self Signed"
+ && !@certificates
+ && $templatepkg !~ m/_installer\.pkg$/i
+ && !$onlyUnsigned) {
+ print("Auto-patching capabilities for self signed package.\n");
+ system ("patch_capabilities $pkgoutput");
+ }
# Create SIS.
- system ("makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name");
+ # The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
+ system ("makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name") and die ("makesis failed");
+ my $targetInsert = "";
+ if ($targetplatform ne "-") {
+ $targetInsert = " for $targetplatform";
+ }
+ if ($onlyUnsigned) {
+ stat($unsigned_sis_name);
+ if( -e _ ) {
+ print ("Successfully created unsigned package ${unsigned_sis_name}${targetInsert}!\n");
+ } else {
+ print ("\nUnsigned package creation failed!\n");
+ }
+ if (!$preservePkgOutput) {
+ unlink $pkgoutput;
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
# Sign SIS with certificate info given as an argument.
- system ("signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $certificate $key $passphrase");
+ my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel($certificate);
+ my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel($key);
+ # The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
+ system ("signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $passphrase") and die ("signsis failed");
# Check if creating signed SIS Succeeded
if( -e _ ) {
- my $targetInsert = "";
- if ($targetplatform ne "-") {
- $targetInsert = "for $targetplatform ";
- }
- print ("Successfully created $signed_sis_name ${targetInsert}using certificate: $certtext!\n");
+ print ("Successfully created signed package ${signed_sis_name}${targetInsert} using certificate: $certtext!\n");
# Sign with additional certificates & keys
for my $row ( @certificates ) {
# Get certificate absolute file names, relative paths are relative to certfilepath
- my $abscert = File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[0], $certfilepath);
- my $abskey = File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[1], $certfilepath);
+ my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[0], $certfilepath));
+ my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[1], $certfilepath));
- system ("signsis $signed_sis_name $signed_sis_name $abscert $abskey $row->[2]");
+ system ("signsis $signed_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $row->[2]");
print ("\tAdditionally signed the SIS with certificate: $row->[0]!\n");
diff --git a/bin/elf2e32_qtwrapper b/bin/elf2e32_qtwrapper
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..694d54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/elf2e32_qtwrapper
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# A script to get around some shortcomings in elf2e32, namely:
+# - Returning 0 even when there are errors.
+# - Excluding symbols from the dso file even when they are present in the ELF file.
+# - Including symbols in the the dso file even when they are not present in the ELF file.
+# - Overwriting the old dso file even when there are no changes (increases build time).
+use File::Copy;
+my @args = ();
+my @definput;
+my @defoutput;
+my @dso;
+my @tmpdso;
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if (/^--definput/o) {
+ @definput = split('=', $_);
+ } elsif (/^--defoutput/o) {
+ @defoutput = split('=', $_);
+ } elsif (/^--dso/o) {
+ @dso = split('=', $_);
+ } elsif (/^--tmpdso/o) {
+ @tmpdso = split('=', $_);
+ $tmpdso[0] = "--dso";
+ } else {
+ push(@args, $_);
+ }
+@definput = () if (!@definput || ! -e $definput[1]);
+if (@dso && !@tmpdso || !@dso && @tmpdso) {
+ print("--dso and --tmpdso must be used together.\n");
+ exit 1;
+my $buildingLibrary = (@defoutput && @dso) ? 1 : 0;
+my $fixupFile = "";
+my $runCount = 0;
+my $returnCode = 0;
+while (1) {
+ if (++$runCount > 2) {
+ print("Internal error in $0, link succeeded, but exports may be wrong.\n");
+ last;
+ }
+ my $elf2e32Pipe;
+ my $elf2e32Cmd = "elf2e32 @args"
+ . " " . join("=", @definput)
+ . " " . join("=", @defoutput)
+ . " " . join("=", @tmpdso);
+ open($elf2e32Pipe, "$elf2e32Cmd 2>&1 |") or die ("Could not run elf2e32");
+ my %fixupSymbols;
+ my $foundBrokenSymbols = 0;
+ my $errors = 0;
+ while (<$elf2e32Pipe>) {
+ print;
+ if (/Error:/io) {
+ $errors = 1;
+ } elsif (/symbol ([a-z0-9_]+) absent in the DEF file, but present in the ELF file/io) {
+ $fixupSymbols{$1} = 1;
+ $foundBrokenSymbols = 1;
+ } elsif (/[0-9]+ Frozen Export\(s\) missing from the ELF file/io) {
+ $foundBrokenSymbols = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($elf2e32Pipe);
+ if ($errors) {
+ $returnCode = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($buildingLibrary) {
+ my $tmpDefFile;
+ my $defFile;
+ open($defFile, "< $defoutput[1]") or die("Could not open $defoutput[1]");
+ open($tmpDefFile, "> $defoutput[1].tmp") or die("Could not open $defoutput[1].tmp");
+ $fixupFile = "$defoutput[1].tmp";
+ while (<$defFile>) {
+ s/\r//;
+ s/\n//;
+ next if (/; NEW:/);
+ if (/([a-z0-9_]+) @/i) {
+ if (exists($fixupSymbols{$1})) {
+ s/ ABSENT//;
+ } elsif (s/; MISSING://) {
+ s/$/ ABSENT/;
+ }
+ }
+ print($tmpDefFile "$_\n");
+ }
+ close($defFile);
+ close($tmpDefFile);
+ $definput[1] = "$defoutput[1].tmp";
+ if (!$foundBrokenSymbols || $errors) {
+ last;
+ }
+ print("Rerunning elf2e32 due to DEF file / ELF file mismatch\n");
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+if ($fixupFile) {
+ unlink($defoutput[1]);
+ move($fixupFile, $defoutput[1]);
+exit $returnCode if ($returnCode != 0);
+if ($buildingLibrary) {
+ my $differenceFound = 0;
+ if (-e $dso[1]) {
+ my $dsoFile;
+ my $tmpdsoFile;
+ my $dsoBuf;
+ my $tmpdsoBuf;
+ open($dsoFile, "< $dso[1]") or die("Could not open $dso[1]");
+ open($tmpdsoFile, "< $tmpdso[1]") or die("Could not open $tmpdso[1]");
+ binmode($dsoFile);
+ binmode($tmpdsoFile);
+ while(read($dsoFile, $dsoBuf, 4096) && read($tmpdsoFile, $tmpdsoBuf, 4096)) {
+ if ($dsoBuf ne $tmpdsoBuf) {
+ $differenceFound = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($tmpdsoFile);
+ close($dsoFile);
+ } else {
+ $differenceFound = 1;
+ }
+ if ($differenceFound) {
+ copy($tmpdso[1], $dso[1]);
+ }
diff --git a/bin/patch_capabilities b/bin/patch_capabilities
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d89622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/patch_capabilities
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+scriptpath=`dirname $0`
+perl $scriptpath/ "$@"
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index f82c48f..7d6f5dc 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -46,18 +46,32 @@
+use File::Copy;
sub Usage() {
print("This script can be used to set capabilities of all binaries\n");
print("specified for deployment in a .pkg file.\n");
print("If no capabilities are given, the binaries will be given the\n");
- print("capabilities supported by self-signed certificates.\n");
- print("\n *** NOTE: If *_template.pkg file is given, 'target-platform' is REQUIRED. ***\n");
- print("\nUsage: pkg_filename <target-platform> [capability list]\n");
+ print("capabilities supported by self-signed certificates.\n\n");
+ print(" *** NOTE: If *_template.pkg file is given and one is using symbian-abld or\n");
+ print(" symbian-sbsv2 platform, 'target-platform' is REQUIRED. ***\n");
+ print("\nUsage: pkg_filename [target-platform [capability list]]\n");
print("\nE.g. myapp_template.pkg release-armv5 \"All -TCB\"\n");
-my @capabilitiesToSet = ("LocalServices", "NetworkServices", "ReadUserData", "UserEnvironment", "WriteUserData");
+sub trim($) {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $string =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $string;
+my $nullDevice = "/dev/null";
+$nullDevice = "NUL" if ($^O =~ /MSWin/);
+my @capabilitiesToAllow = ("LocalServices", "NetworkServices", "ReadUserData", "UserEnvironment", "WriteUserData");
+my @capabilitiesSpecified = ();
# If arguments were given to the script,
if (@ARGV)
@@ -73,11 +87,16 @@ if (@ARGV)
if (($pkgFileName =~ m|_template\.pkg$|i) && -r($pkgFileName))
my $targetplatform;
- unless ($targetplatform = shift(@ARGV))
+ my $templateFile;
+ my $templateContents;
+ open($templateFile, "< $pkgFileName") or die ("Could not open $pkgFileName");
+ $templateContents = <$templateFile>;
+ close($templateFile);
+ unless (($targetplatform = shift(@ARGV)) || $templateContents !~ /\$\(PLATFORM\)/)
+ $targetplatform = "-" if (!$targetplatform);
my @tmpvalues = split('-', $targetplatform);
$target = $tmpvalues[0];
$platform = $tmpvalues[1];
@@ -90,13 +109,16 @@ if (@ARGV)
# If the specified ".pkg" file exists (and can be read),
if (($pkgFileName =~ m|\.pkg$|i) && -r($pkgFileName))
+ print ("\n");
+ print ("Patching package file and relevant binaries...\n");
# If there are more arguments given, parse them as capabilities.
if (@ARGV)
- @capabilitiesToSet = ();
+ @capabilitiesSpecified = ();
while (@ARGV)
- push (@capabilitiesToSet, pop(@ARGV));
+ push (@capabilitiesSpecified, pop(@ARGV));
@@ -163,18 +185,13 @@ if (@ARGV)
$manufacturerElseBlock = 0;
- print NEW_PKG $newLine;
- chomp ($line);
# If the line specifies a file, parse the source and destination locations.
- if ($line =~ m|\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\-\s*\"([^\"]+)\"|)
+ if ($line =~ m|^ *\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\-\s*\"([^\"]+)\"|)
my $sourcePath = $1;
- my $destinationPath = $2;
# If the given file is a binary, check the target and binary type (+ the actual filename) from its path.
- if ($sourcePath =~ m:/epoc32/release/([^/]+)/(udeb|urel|\$\(TARGET\))/(\w+(\.dll|\.exe)):i)
+ if ($sourcePath =~ m:\w+(\.dll|\.exe)$:i)
# Do preprocessing for template pkg,
# In case of template pkg target and platform variables are set
@@ -184,9 +201,22 @@ if (@ARGV)
$sourcePath =~ s/\$\(TARGET\)/$target/gm;
- push (@binaries, $sourcePath);
+ # Change the source file name (but only if not already patched)
+ my $patchedSourcePath = $sourcePath;
+ if ($patchedSourcePath !~ m/_patched_caps/)
+ {
+ $newLine =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)(.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2$3$4/i;
+ $patchedSourcePath =~ s/(^.*)(\.dll|\.exe)/$1_patched_caps$2/i;
+ copy($sourcePath, $patchedSourcePath) or die "$sourcePath cannot be copied for patching.";
+ }
+ push (@binaries, $patchedSourcePath);
+ print NEW_PKG $newLine;
+ chomp ($line);
close (PKG);
@@ -197,29 +227,51 @@ if (@ARGV)
print ("\n");
- my $baseCommandToExecute = "elftran -vid 0x0 -capability \"";
- if (@capabilitiesToSet)
- {
- $baseCommandToExecute .= join(" ", @capabilitiesToSet);
- }
- $baseCommandToExecute .= "\" ";
+ my $baseCommandToExecute = "elftran -vid 0x0 -capability \"%s\" ";
# Actually set the capabilities of the listed binaries.
foreach my $binaryPath(@binaries)
# Create the command line for setting the capabilities.
my $commandToExecute = $baseCommandToExecute;
+ if (@capabilitiesSpecified)
+ {
+ $commandToExecute = sprintf($baseCommandToExecute, join(" ", @capabilitiesSpecified));
+ } else {
+ # Test which capabilities are present and then restrict them to the allowed set.
+ # This avoid raising the capabilities of apps that already have none.
+ my $dllCaps;
+ open($dllCaps, "elftran -dump s $binaryPath |") or die ("Could not execute elftran");
+ my $capsFound = 0;
+ my @capabilitiesToSet;
+ my $capabilitiesToAllow = join(" ", @capabilitiesToAllow);
+ while (<$dllCaps>) {
+ if (!$capsFound) {
+ $capsFound = 1 if (/Capabilities:/);
+ } else {
+ $_ = trim($_);
+ if ($capabilitiesToAllow =~ /$_/) {
+ push(@capabilitiesToSet, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($dllCaps);
+ $commandToExecute = sprintf($baseCommandToExecute, join(" ", @capabilitiesToSet));
+ }
$commandToExecute .= $binaryPath;
# Actually execute the elftran command to set the capabilities.
- system ($commandToExecute." > NUL");
- print ("Executed ".$commandToExecute."\n");
+ print ("Executing ".$commandToExecute."\n");
+ system ($commandToExecute." > $nullDevice");
## Create another command line to check that the set capabilities are correct.
#$commandToExecute = "elftran -dump s ".$binaryPath;
print ("\n");
+ print ("NOTE: A patched package may not work as expected due to reduced capabilities.\n");
+ print (" Therefore it should not be used for any kind of Symbian signing or distribution!\n");
+ print ("\n");
diff --git a/bin/syncqt b/bin/syncqt
index d665e87..12c431d 100755
--- a/bin/syncqt
+++ b/bin/syncqt
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ my %modules = ( # path to module name map
"Qt3Support" => "$basedir/src/qt3support",
"ActiveQt" => "$basedir/src/activeqt",
"QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
- "QtAssistant" => "$basedir/tools/assistant/compat/lib",
"QtHelp" => "$basedir/tools/assistant/lib",
"QtDesigner" => "$basedir/tools/designer/src/lib",
"QtUiTools" => "$basedir/tools/designer/src/uitools",
@@ -63,6 +62,7 @@ my %moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative p
# global variables (modified by options)
my $module = 0;
my $showonly = 0;
+my $quiet = 0;
my $remove_stale = 1;
my $force_win = 0;
my $force_relative = 0;
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ sub showUsage
print " -windows Force platform to Windows (default: " . ($force_win ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -showonly Show action but not perform (default: " . ($showonly ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -outdir <PATH> Specify output directory for sync (default: $out_basedir)\n";
+ print " -quiet Only report problems, not activity (default: " . ($quiet ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -separate-module <NAME>:<PROFILEDIR>:<HEADERDIR> Create headers for <NAME> with original headers in <HEADERDIR> relative to <PROFILEDIR> \n";
print " -help This help\n";
exit 0;
@@ -145,12 +146,12 @@ sub shouldMasterInclude {
return 0 if(basename($iheader) =~ /qconfig/);
if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
while(<F>) {
- chomp;
- return 0 if(/^\#pragma qt_no_master_include$/);
- }
- close(F);
+ chomp;
+ return 0 if(/^\#pragma qt_no_master_include$/);
+ }
+ close(F);
} else {
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return 1;
@@ -167,17 +168,17 @@ sub classNames {
my @ret;
my ($iheader) = @_;
if(basename($iheader) eq "qglobal.h") {
- push @ret, "QtGlobal";
+ push @ret, "QtGlobal";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qendian.h") {
- push @ret, "QtEndian";
+ push @ret, "QtEndian";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qconfig.h") {
push @ret, "QtConfig";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qplugin.h") {
- push @ret, "QtPlugin";
+ push @ret, "QtPlugin";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qalgorithms.h") {
- push @ret, "QtAlgorithms";
+ push @ret, "QtAlgorithms";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qcontainerfwd.h") {
- push @ret, "QtContainerFwd";
+ push @ret, "QtContainerFwd";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qdebug.h") {
push @ret, "QtDebug";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qevent.h") {
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ sub classNames {
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qnamespace.h") {
push @ret, "Qt"
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qssl.h") {
- push @ret, "QSsl";
+ push @ret, "QSsl";
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtest.h") {
push @ret, "QTest"
} elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtconcurrentmap.h") {
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ sub classNames {
while(<F>) {
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;
- chop $line if ($line =~ /\r$/);
+ chop $line if ($line =~ /\r$/);
if($line =~ /^\#/) {
if($line =~ /\\$/) {
while($line = <F>) {
@@ -211,18 +212,18 @@ sub classNames {
last unless($line =~ /\\$/);
- return @ret if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing/);
+ return @ret if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing/);
push(@ret, "$1") if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_class\(([^)]*)\)[\r\n]*$/);
- $line = 0;
+ $line = 0;
- if($line) {
+ if($line) {
$line =~ s,//.*$,,; #remove c++ comments
- $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^Q_[A-Z_]*\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
- $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_HEADER[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
- $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_NAMESPACE[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
- $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_MODULE\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); # QT_MODULE macro
+ $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^Q_[A-Z_]*\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
+ $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_HEADER[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
+ $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_NAMESPACE[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
+ $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_MODULE\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); # QT_MODULE macro
$parsable .= " " . $line;
- }
+ }
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ sub classNames {
$i = $i2 if($end eq ";");
$last_definition = $i + 1;
last BLOCK;
- }
+ }
@@ -266,42 +267,42 @@ sub classNames {
} elsif($character eq ";") {
$definition = substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1);
$last_definition = $i + 1;
- } elsif($character eq "}") {
- # a naked } must be a namespace ending
- # if it's not a namespace, it's eaten by the loop above
- pop @namespaces;
- $last_definition = $i + 1;
- }
+ } elsif($character eq "}") {
+ # a naked } must be a namespace ending
+ # if it's not a namespace, it's eaten by the loop above
+ pop @namespaces;
+ $last_definition = $i + 1;
+ }
- if (substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1) =~ m/ namespace ([^ ]*) /
- && substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "{") {
- push @namespaces, $1;
+ if (substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1) =~ m/ namespace ([^ ]*) /
+ && substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "{") {
+ push @namespaces, $1;
- # Eat the opening { so that the condensing loop above doesn't see it
- $i++;
- $last_definition = $i + 1;
- }
+ # Eat the opening { so that the condensing loop above doesn't see it
+ $i++;
+ $last_definition = $i + 1;
+ }
if($definition) {
- $definition =~ s=[\n\r]==g;
+ $definition =~ s=[\n\r]==g;
my @symbols;
if($definition =~ m/^ *typedef *.*\(\*([^\)]*)\)\(.*\);$/) {
- push @symbols, $1;
+ push @symbols, $1;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *typedef +(.*) +([^ ]*);$/) {
- push @symbols, $2;
+ push @symbols, $2;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *(template *<.*> *)?(class|struct) +([^ ]* +)?([^<\s]+) ?(<[^>]*> ?)?\s*((,|:)\s*(public|protected|private) *.*)? *\{\}$/) {
- push @symbols, $4;
+ push @symbols, $4;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *Q_DECLARE_.*ITERATOR\((.*)\);$/) {
- push @symbols, "Q" . $1 . "Iterator";
- push @symbols, "QMutable" . $1 . "Iterator";
- }
+ push @symbols, "Q" . $1 . "Iterator";
+ push @symbols, "QMutable" . $1 . "Iterator";
+ }
- foreach (@symbols) {
- my $symbol = $_;
- $symbol = (join("::", @namespaces) . "::" . $symbol) if (scalar @namespaces);
- push @ret, $symbol
- if ($symbol =~ /^Q[^:]*$/ # no-namespace, starting with Q
- || $symbol =~ /^Phonon::/); # or in the Phonon namespace
+ foreach (@symbols) {
+ my $symbol = $_;
+ $symbol = (join("::", @namespaces) . "::" . $symbol) if (scalar @namespaces);
+ push @ret, $symbol
+ if ($symbol =~ /^Q[^:]*$/ # no-namespace, starting with Q
+ || $symbol =~ /^Phonon::/); # or in the Phonon namespace
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ sub syncHeader {
unless(-e "$header") {
my $header_dir = dirname($header);
- mkpath $header_dir, 0777;
+ mkpath $header_dir, !$quiet;
#write it
my $iheader_out = fixPaths($iheader, $header_dir);
@@ -355,12 +356,13 @@ sub fixPaths {
my $ret = $file;
+ $ret =~ s,/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/,$1:/,g;
my $file_dir = dirname($file);
if($file_dir eq ".") {
$file_dir = getcwd();
$file_dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
- $file_dir =~ s,/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/,$1:,g;
+ $file_dir =~ s,/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/,$1:/,g;
if($dir eq ".") {
$dir = getcwd();
$dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
@@ -451,37 +453,37 @@ sub copyFile
$filecontents = <I>;
close I;
if ( open(I, "< " . $ifile) ) {
- local $/;
- binmode I;
- $ifilecontents = <I>;
- close I;
- $copy = fileCompare($file, $ifile);
- $knowdiff = 0,
+ local $/;
+ binmode I;
+ $ifilecontents = <I>;
+ close I;
+ $copy = fileCompare($file, $ifile);
+ $knowdiff = 0,
} else {
- $copy = -1;
- $knowdiff = 1;
+ $copy = -1;
+ $knowdiff = 1;
if ( $knowdiff || ($filecontents ne $ifilecontents) ) {
- if ( $copy > 0 ) {
- my $file_dir = dirname($file);
- mkpath $file_dir, 0777 unless(-e "$file_dir");
- open(O, "> " . $file) || die "Could not open $file for writing (no write permission?)";
- local $/;
- binmode O;
- print O $ifilecontents;
- close O;
- return 1;
- } elsif ( $copy < 0 ) {
- my $ifile_dir = dirname($ifile);
- mkpath $ifile_dir, 0777 unless(-e "$ifile_dir");
- open(O, "> " . $ifile) || die "Could not open $ifile for writing (no write permission?)";
- local $/;
- binmode O;
- print O $filecontents;
- close O;
- return 1;
- }
+ if ( $copy > 0 ) {
+ my $file_dir = dirname($file);
+ mkpath $file_dir, !$quiet unless(-e "$file_dir");
+ open(O, "> " . $file) || die "Could not open $file for writing (no write permission?)";
+ local $/;
+ binmode O;
+ print O $ifilecontents;
+ close O;
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( $copy < 0 ) {
+ my $ifile_dir = dirname($ifile);
+ mkpath $ifile_dir, !$quiet unless(-e "$ifile_dir");
+ open(O, "> " . $ifile) || die "Could not open $ifile for writing (no write permission?)";
+ local $/;
+ binmode O;
+ print O $filecontents;
+ close O;
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;
@@ -500,7 +502,7 @@ sub symlinkFile
my ($file,$ifile) = @_;
if ($isunix) {
- print "symlink created for $file ";
+ print "symlink created for $file " unless $quiet;
if ( $force_relative && ($ifile =~ /^$basedir/)) {
my $t = getcwd();
my $c = -1;
@@ -508,9 +510,9 @@ sub symlinkFile
$t =~ s-^$basedir/--;
$p .= "../" while( ($c = index( $t, "/", $c + 1)) != -1 );
$file =~ s-^$basedir/-$p-;
- print " ($file)\n";
+ print " ($file)\n" unless $quiet;
- print "\n";
+ print "\n" unless $quiet;
return symlink($file, $ifile);
return copyFile($file, $ifile);
@@ -566,87 +568,93 @@ while ( @ARGV ) {
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
if ("$arg" eq "-h" || "$arg" eq "-help" || "$arg" eq "?") {
- $var = "show_help";
- $val = "yes";
+ $var = "show_help";
+ $val = "yes";
} elsif("$arg" eq "-copy") {
- $var = "copy";
- $val = "yes";
+ $var = "copy";
+ $val = "yes";
} elsif("$arg" eq "-o" || "$arg" eq "-outdir") {
- $var = "output";
- $val = shift @ARGV;
+ $var = "output";
+ $val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif("$arg" eq "-showonly" || "$arg" eq "-remove-stale" || "$arg" eq "-windows" ||
- "$arg" eq "-relative" || "$arg" eq "-check-includes") {
- $var = substr($arg, 1);
- $val = "yes";
+ "$arg" eq "-relative" || "$arg" eq "-check-includes") {
+ $var = substr($arg, 1);
+ $val = "yes";
} elsif("$arg" =~ /^-no-(.*)$/) {
- $var = $1;
- $val = "no";
- #these are for commandline compat
+ $var = $1;
+ $val = "no";
+ #these are for commandline compat
} elsif("$arg" eq "-inc") {
- $var = "output";
- $val = shift @ARGV;
+ $var = "output";
+ $val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif("$arg" eq "-module") {
- $var = "module";
- $val = shift @ARGV;
+ $var = "module";
+ $val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif("$arg" eq "-separate-module") {
- $var = "separate-module";
- $val = shift @ARGV;
+ $var = "separate-module";
+ $val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif("$arg" eq "-show") {
- $var = "showonly";
- $val = "yes";
+ $var = "showonly";
+ $val = "yes";
+ } elsif("$arg" eq "-quiet") {
+ $var = "quiet";
+ $val = "yes";
} elsif("$arg" eq "-base-dir") {
# skip, it's been dealt with at the top of the file
shift @ARGV;
- } elsif("$arg" eq '*') {
- # workaround for windows 9x where "%*" expands to "*"
- $var = 1;
#do something
if(!$var || "$var" eq "show_help") {
- print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n" if(!$var);
- showUsage();
+ print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n" if(!$var);
+ showUsage();
} elsif ("$var" eq "copy") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $copy_headers++;
- } elsif($showonly) {
- $copy_headers--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $copy_headers++;
+ } elsif($showonly) {
+ $copy_headers--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "showonly") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $showonly++;
- } elsif($showonly) {
- $showonly--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $showonly++;
+ } elsif($showonly) {
+ $showonly--;
+ }
+ } elsif ("$var" eq "quiet") {
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $quiet++;
+ } elsif($quiet) {
+ $quiet--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "check-includes") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $check_includes++;
- } elsif($check_includes) {
- $check_includes--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $check_includes++;
+ } elsif($check_includes) {
+ $check_includes--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "remove-stale") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $remove_stale++;
- } elsif($remove_stale) {
- $remove_stale--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $remove_stale++;
+ } elsif($remove_stale) {
+ $remove_stale--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "windows") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $force_win++;
- } elsif($force_win) {
- $force_win--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $force_win++;
+ } elsif($force_win) {
+ $force_win--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "relative") {
- if("$val" eq "yes") {
- $force_relative++;
- } elsif($force_relative) {
- $force_relative--;
- }
+ if("$val" eq "yes") {
+ $force_relative++;
+ } elsif($force_relative) {
+ $force_relative--;
+ }
} elsif ("$var" eq "module") {
- print "module :$val:\n";
- die "No such module: $val" unless(defined $modules{$val});
- push @modules_to_sync, $val;
+ print "module :$val:\n" unless $quiet;
+ die "No such module: $val" unless(defined $modules{$val});
+ push @modules_to_sync, $val;
} elsif ("$var" eq "separate-module") {
my ($module, $prodir, $headerdir) = split(/:/, $val);
$modules{$module} = $prodir;
@@ -655,16 +663,16 @@ while ( @ARGV ) {
$create_uic_class_map = 0;
$create_private_headers = 0;
} elsif ("$var" eq "output") {
- my $outdir = $val;
- if(checkRelative($outdir)) {
- $out_basedir = getcwd();
- chomp $out_basedir;
- $out_basedir .= "/" . $outdir;
- } else {
- $out_basedir = $outdir;
- }
- # \ -> /
- $out_basedir =~ s=\\=/=g;
+ my $outdir = $val;
+ if(checkRelative($outdir)) {
+ $out_basedir = getcwd();
+ chomp $out_basedir;
+ $out_basedir .= "/" . $outdir;
+ } else {
+ $out_basedir = $outdir;
+ }
+ # \ -> /
+ $out_basedir =~ s=\\=/=g;
@modules_to_sync = keys(%modules) if($#modules_to_sync == -1);
@@ -672,7 +680,8 @@ while ( @ARGV ) {
$isunix = checkUnix; #cache checkUnix
# create path
-mkpath "$out_basedir/include", 0777;
+mkpath "$out_basedir/include", !$quiet;
+mkpath "$out_basedir/include/Qt", !$quiet;
my @ignore_headers = ();
my $class_lib_map_contents = "";
@@ -680,7 +689,8 @@ my @ignore_for_master_contents = ( "qt.h", "qpaintdevicedefs.h" );
my @ignore_for_include_check = ( "qatomic.h" );
my @ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ( "qiconset.h", "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qt_windows.h" );
my @ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h" );
-my @ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtSql}/drivers", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtAssistant}", "$modules{QtDesigner}", "$modules{QtUiTools}", "$modules{QtDBus}", "$modules{phonon}" );
+my @ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtSql}/drivers", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtDesigner}", "$modules{QtUiTools}", "$modules{QtDBus}", "$modules{phonon}" );
+my %colliding_headers = ();
foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
#iteration info
@@ -700,77 +710,77 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
#get dependencies
if(-e "$dir/" . basename($dir) . ".pro") {
- if(open(F, "<$dir/" . basename($dir) . ".pro")) {
- while(<F>) {
- my $line = $_;
- chomp $line;
- if($line =~ /^ *QT *\+?= *([^\r\n]*)/) {
- foreach(split(/ /, "$1")) {
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n" if("$_" eq "core");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtGui/QtGui>\n" if("$_" eq "gui");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>\n" if("$_" eq "network");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtSvg/QtSvg>\n" if("$_" eq "svg");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtDeclarative/QtDeclarative>\n" if("$_" eq "declarative");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtScript/QtScript>\n" if("$_" eq "script");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtScriptTools/QtScriptTools>\n" if("$_" eq "scripttools");
- $master_contents .= "#include <Qt3Support/Qt3Support>\n" if("$_" eq "qt3support");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtSql/QtSql>\n" if("$_" eq "sql");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtXml/QtXml>\n" if("$_" eq "xml");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtXmlPatterns/QtXmlPatterns>\n" if("$_" eq "xmlpatterns");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>\n" if("$_" eq "opengl");
- $master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenVG/QtOpenVG>\n" if("$_" eq "openvg");
- }
- }
- }
- close(F);
- }
+ if(open(F, "<$dir/" . basename($dir) . ".pro")) {
+ while(<F>) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ chomp $line;
+ if($line =~ /^ *QT *\+?= *([^\r\n]*)/) {
+ foreach(split(/ /, "$1")) {
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n" if("$_" eq "core");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtGui/QtGui>\n" if("$_" eq "gui");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>\n" if("$_" eq "network");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtSvg/QtSvg>\n" if("$_" eq "svg");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtDeclarative/QtDeclarative>\n" if("$_" eq "declarative");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtScript/QtScript>\n" if("$_" eq "script");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtScriptTools/QtScriptTools>\n" if("$_" eq "scripttools");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <Qt3Support/Qt3Support>\n" if("$_" eq "qt3support");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtSql/QtSql>\n" if("$_" eq "sql");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtXml/QtXml>\n" if("$_" eq "xml");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtXmlPatterns/QtXmlPatterns>\n" if("$_" eq "xmlpatterns");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>\n" if("$_" eq "opengl");
+ $master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenVG/QtOpenVG>\n" if("$_" eq "openvg");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ }
#remove the old files
if($remove_stale) {
- my @subdirs = ("$out_basedir/include/$lib");
- foreach (@subdirs) {
- my $subdir = "$_";
- if (opendir DIR, "$subdir") {
- while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
- my $file = "$subdir/$t";
- if(-d "$file") {
- push @subdirs, "$file" unless($t eq "." || $t eq "..");
- } else {
- my @files = ("$file");
- #push @files, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t" if(-e "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t");
- foreach (@files) {
- my $file = $_;
- my $remove_file = 0;
- if(open(F, "<$file")) {
- while(<F>) {
- my $line = $_;
- chomp $line;
- if($line =~ /^\#include \"([^\"]*)\"$/) {
- my $include = $1;
- $include = $subdir . "/" . $include unless(substr($include, 0, 1) eq "/");
- $remove_file = 1 unless(-e "$include");
- } else {
- $remove_file = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- close(F);
- unlink "$file" if($remove_file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closedir DIR;
+ my @subdirs = ("$out_basedir/include/$lib");
+ foreach (@subdirs) {
+ my $subdir = "$_";
+ if (opendir DIR, "$subdir") {
+ while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
+ my $file = "$subdir/$t";
+ if(-d "$file") {
+ push @subdirs, "$file" unless($t eq "." || $t eq "..");
+ } else {
+ my @files = ("$file");
+ #push @files, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t" if(-e "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t");
+ foreach (@files) {
+ my $file = $_;
+ my $remove_file = 0;
+ if(open(F, "<$file")) {
+ while(<F>) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ chomp $line;
+ if($line =~ /^\#include \"([^\"]*)\"$/) {
+ my $include = $1;
+ $include = $subdir . "/" . $include unless(substr($include, 0, 1) eq "/");
+ $remove_file = 1 unless(-e "$include");
+ } else {
+ $remove_file = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ unlink "$file" if($remove_file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
- }
+ }
#create the new ones
foreach (split(/;/, $dir)) {
- my $current_dir = "$_";
- my $headers_dir = $current_dir;
+ my $current_dir = "$_";
+ my $headers_dir = $current_dir;
$headers_dir .= "/$pathtoheaders" if ($pathtoheaders);
#calc subdirs
my @subdirs = ($headers_dir);
@@ -779,7 +789,7 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
opendir DIR, "$subdir" or next;
while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
- !($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
+ !($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
!($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
!($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
@@ -797,85 +807,105 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
$header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
if($header) {
- my $header_copies = 0;
- #figure out if it is a public header
- my $public_header = $header;
- if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
- $public_header = 0;
- } else {
- foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
- $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
- }
- }
+ my $header_copies = 0;
+ #figure out if it is a public header
+ my $public_header = $header;
+ if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
+ $public_header = 0;
+ } else {
+ foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
+ $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
+ }
+ }
my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
- my @classes = $public_header ? classNames($iheader) : ();
+ my @classes = $public_header ? classNames($iheader) : ();
if($showonly) {
print "$header [$lib]\n";
- foreach(@classes) {
- print "SYMBOL: $_\n";
- }
+ foreach(@classes) {
+ print "SYMBOL: $_\n";
+ }
} else {
- #find out all the places it goes..
- my @headers;
- if ($public_header) {
- @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header" );
- push @headers, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$header"
- if ("$lib" ne "phonon" && "$subdir" =~ /^$basedir\/src/);
+ #find out all the places it goes..
+ my @headers;
+ if ($public_header) {
+ @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header" );
+ # write forwarding headers to include/Qt
+ if ("$lib" ne "phonon" && "$subdir" =~ /^$basedir\/src/) {
+ my $file_name = "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$header";
+ my $file_op = '>';
+ my $header_content = '';
+ if (exists $colliding_headers{$file_name}) {
+ $file_op = '>>';
+ } else {
+ $colliding_headers{$file_name} = 1;
+ my $warning_msg = 'Inclusion of header files from include/Qt is deprecated.';
+ $header_content = "#ifndef QT_NO_QT_INCLUDE_WARN\n" .
+ " #if defined(__GNUC__)\n" .
+ " #pragma warning \"$warning_msg\"\n" .
+ " #elif defined(_MSC_VER)\n" .
+ " #pragma message \"WARNING: $warning_msg\"\n" .
+ " #endif\n".
+ "#endif\n\n";
+ }
+ $header_content .= '#include "' . "../$lib/$header" . "\"\n";
+ open HEADERFILE, $file_op, $file_name or die "unable to open '$file_name' : $!\n";
+ print HEADERFILE $header_content;
+ }
- foreach(@classes) {
- my $header_base = basename($header);
- my $class = $_;
- # Strip namespaces:
- $class =~ s/^.*:://;
-# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
-# class =~ s,::,/,g;
-# }
- $class_lib_map_contents .= "QT_CLASS_LIB($_, $lib, $header_base)\n";
- $header_copies++ if(syncHeader("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0));
+ foreach(@classes) {
+ my $header_base = basename($header);
+ my $class = $_;
+ # Strip namespaces:
+ $class =~ s/^.*:://;
+# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
+# class =~ s,::,/,g;
+# }
+ $class_lib_map_contents .= "QT_CLASS_LIB($_, $lib, $header_base)\n";
+ $header_copies++ if(syncHeader("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0));
- # KDE-Compat headers for Phonon
- if ($lib eq "phonon") {
- $header_copies++ if (syncHeader("$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0));
- }
- }
- } elsif ($create_private_headers) {
- @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/private/$header" );
- push @headers, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/private/$header"
- if ("$lib" ne "phonon");
- }
- foreach(@headers) { #sync them
- $header_copies++ if(syncHeader($_, $iheader, $copy_headers));
- }
+ # KDE-Compat headers for Phonon
+ if ($lib eq "phonon") {
+ $header_copies++ if (syncHeader("$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0));
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($create_private_headers) {
+ @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/private/$header" );
+ }
+ foreach(@headers) { #sync them
+ $header_copies++ if(syncHeader($_, $iheader, $copy_headers));
+ }
- if($public_header) {
- #put it into the master file
- $master_contents .= "#include \"$public_header\"\n" if(shouldMasterInclude($iheader));
+ if($public_header) {
+ #put it into the master file
+ $master_contents .= "#include \"$public_header\"\n" if(shouldMasterInclude($iheader));
- #deal with the install directives
- if($public_header) {
- my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
- foreach(@classes) {
- my $class = $_;
- # Strip namespaces:
- $class =~ s/^.*:://;
-# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
-# $class =~ s,::,/,g;
-# }
- my $class_header = fixPaths("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class",
- $current_dir) . " ";
- $pri_install_classes .= $class_header
- unless($pri_install_classes =~ $class_header);
- }
- $pri_install_files.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
- }
- }
- else {
- my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
- $pri_install_pfiles.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
- }
+ #deal with the install directives
+ if($public_header) {
+ my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
+ foreach(@classes) {
+ my $class = $_;
+ # Strip namespaces:
+ $class =~ s/^.*:://;
+# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
+# $class =~ s,::,/,g;
+# }
+ my $class_header = fixPaths("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class",
+ $current_dir) . " ";
+ $pri_install_classes .= $class_header
+ unless($pri_install_classes =~ $class_header);
+ }
+ $pri_install_files.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
+ $pri_install_pfiles.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
+ }
- print "header created for $iheader ($header_copies)\n" if($header_copies > 0);
+ print "header created for $iheader ($header_copies)\n" if($header_copies > 0 && !$quiet);
@@ -886,11 +916,12 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
unless($showonly) {
my @master_includes;
- push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$lib";
- push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/Phonon" if ($lib eq "phonon");
+ push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$lib";
+ push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/Phonon" if ($lib eq "phonon");
foreach my $master_include (@master_includes) {
#generate the "master" include file
- $pri_install_files .= fixPaths($master_include, "$modules{$lib}") . " "; #get the master file installed too
+ my @tmp = split(/;/,$modules{$lib});
+ $pri_install_files .= fixPaths($master_include, "$tmp[0]") . " "; #get the master file installed too
if($master_include && -e "$master_include") {
open MASTERINCLUDE, "<$master_include";
local $/;
@@ -902,8 +933,8 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
if($master_include && $master_contents) {
my $master_dir = dirname($master_include);
- mkpath $master_dir, 0777;
- print "header (master) created for $lib\n";
+ mkpath $master_dir, !$quiet;
+ print "header (master) created for $lib\n" unless $quiet;
open MASTERINCLUDE, ">$master_include";
print MASTERINCLUDE "$master_contents";
@@ -911,10 +942,10 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
#handle the headers.pri for each module
- my $headers_pri_contents = "";
- $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_files\n";
- $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES = $pri_install_classes\n";
- $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.PRIVATE_HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_pfiles\n";
+ my $headers_pri_contents = "";
+ $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_files\n";
+ $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES = $pri_install_classes\n";
+ $headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.PRIVATE_HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_pfiles\n";
my $headers_pri_file = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/headers.pri";
if(-e "$headers_pri_file") {
open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, "<$headers_pri_file";
@@ -927,8 +958,8 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
if($headers_pri_file && $master_contents) {
my $headers_pri_dir = dirname($headers_pri_file);
- mkpath $headers_pri_dir, 0777;
- print "headers.pri file created for $lib\n";
+ mkpath $headers_pri_dir, !$quiet;
+ print "headers.pri file created for $lib\n" unless $quiet;
open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, ">$headers_pri_file";
print HEADERS_PRI_FILE "$headers_pri_contents";
@@ -938,125 +969,125 @@ foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
unless($showonly || !$create_uic_class_map) {
my $class_lib_map = "$out_basedir/src/tools/uic/qclass_lib_map.h";
if(-e "$class_lib_map") {
- open CLASS_LIB_MAP, "<$class_lib_map";
- local $/;
- binmode CLASS_LIB_MAP;
- my $old_class_lib_map_contents = <CLASS_LIB_MAP>;
- close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
- $old_class_lib_map_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
- $class_lib_map = 0 if($old_class_lib_map_contents eq $class_lib_map_contents);
+ open CLASS_LIB_MAP, "<$class_lib_map";
+ local $/;
+ binmode CLASS_LIB_MAP;
+ my $old_class_lib_map_contents = <CLASS_LIB_MAP>;
+ close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
+ $old_class_lib_map_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
+ $class_lib_map = 0 if($old_class_lib_map_contents eq $class_lib_map_contents);
if($class_lib_map) {
- my $class_lib_map_dir = dirname($class_lib_map);
- mkpath $class_lib_map_dir, 0777;
- open CLASS_LIB_MAP, ">$class_lib_map";
- print CLASS_LIB_MAP "$class_lib_map_contents";
- close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
+ my $class_lib_map_dir = dirname($class_lib_map);
+ mkpath $class_lib_map_dir, !$quiet;
+ open CLASS_LIB_MAP, ">$class_lib_map";
+ print CLASS_LIB_MAP "$class_lib_map_contents";
+ close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
if($check_includes) {
for (keys(%modules)) {
- #iteration info
- my $lib = $_;
- my $dir = "$modules{$lib}";
+ #iteration info
+ my $lib = $_;
+ my $dir = "$modules{$lib}";
- my $current_dir = "$_";
- #calc subdirs
- my @subdirs = ($current_dir);
- foreach (@subdirs) {
- my $subdir = "$_";
- opendir DIR, "$subdir";
- while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
+ my $current_dir = "$_";
+ #calc subdirs
+ my @subdirs = ($current_dir);
+ foreach (@subdirs) {
+ my $subdir = "$_";
+ opendir DIR, "$subdir";
+ while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
!($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
!($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
!($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
- }
- closedir DIR;
- }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
- foreach (@subdirs) {
- my $subdir = "$_";
+ foreach (@subdirs) {
+ my $subdir = "$_";
my $header_skip_qt_module_test = 0;
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_module_check) {
foreach (split(/;/, $_)) {
$header_skip_qt_module_test = 1 if ("$subdir" =~ /^$_/);
- my @headers = findFiles("$subdir", "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
- foreach (@headers) {
- my $header = "$_";
+ my @headers = findFiles("$subdir", "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
+ foreach (@headers) {
+ my $header = "$_";
my $header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 0;
my $header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 0;
- $header = 0 if("$header" =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
- foreach (@ignore_headers) {
- $header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
- }
- if($header) {
- my $public_header = $header;
- if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
- $public_header = 0;
- } else {
- foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
- $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
- }
- if($public_header) {
- foreach (@ignore_for_include_check) {
- $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
- }
+ $header = 0 if("$header" =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
+ foreach (@ignore_headers) {
+ $header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
+ }
+ if($header) {
+ my $public_header = $header;
+ if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
+ $public_header = 0;
+ } else {
+ foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
+ $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
+ }
+ if($public_header) {
+ foreach (@ignore_for_include_check) {
+ $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
+ }
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check) {
$header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 1 if ("$header" eq "$_");
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check) {
$header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 1 if ("$header" eq "$_");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
- if($public_header) {
- if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
+ my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
+ if($public_header) {
+ if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
my $qt_module_found = 0;
- my $qt_begin_header_found = 0;
- my $qt_end_header_found = 0;
- my $qt_begin_namespace_found = 0;
- my $qt_end_namespace_found = 0;
- my $line;
- while($line = <F>) {
- chomp $line;
- my $output_line = 1;
+ my $qt_begin_header_found = 0;
+ my $qt_end_header_found = 0;
+ my $qt_begin_namespace_found = 0;
+ my $qt_end_namespace_found = 0;
+ my $line;
+ while($line = <F>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ my $output_line = 1;
if($line =~ /^ *\# *pragma (qt_no_included_check|qt_sync_stop_processing)/) {
- last;
- } elsif($line =~ /^ *\# *include/) {
- my $include = $line;
- if($line =~ /<.*>/) {
- $include =~ s,.*<(.*)>.*,$1,;
- } elsif($line =~ /".*"/) {
- $include =~ s,.*"(.*)".*,$1,;
- } else {
- $include = 0;
- }
- if($include) {
- for (keys(%modules)) {
- my $trylib = $_;
- if(-e "$out_basedir/include/$trylib/$include") {
- print "WARNING: $iheader includes $include when it should include $trylib/$include\n";
- }
- }
- }
- } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_HEADER\s*$/) {
- $qt_begin_header_found = 1;
- } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_HEADER\s*$/) {
- $qt_end_header_found = 1;
- } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
- $qt_begin_namespace_found = 1;
- } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
- $qt_end_namespace_found = 1;
+ last;
+ } elsif($line =~ /^ *\# *include/) {
+ my $include = $line;
+ if($line =~ /<.*>/) {
+ $include =~ s,.*<(.*)>.*,$1,;
+ } elsif($line =~ /".*"/) {
+ $include =~ s,.*"(.*)".*,$1,;
+ } else {
+ $include = 0;
+ }
+ if($include) {
+ for (keys(%modules)) {
+ my $trylib = $_;
+ if(-e "$out_basedir/include/$trylib/$include") {
+ print "WARNING: $iheader includes $include when it should include $trylib/$include\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_HEADER\s*$/) {
+ $qt_begin_header_found = 1;
+ } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_HEADER\s*$/) {
+ $qt_end_header_found = 1;
+ } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
+ $qt_begin_namespace_found = 1;
+ } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
+ $qt_end_namespace_found = 1;
} elsif ($header_skip_qt_module_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_MODULE\(.*\)\s*$/) {
$qt_module_found = 1;
- }
+ }
if ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0) {
if ($qt_begin_header_found == 0) {
print "WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_BEGIN_HEADER\n";
@@ -1082,13 +1113,13 @@ if($check_includes) {
print "WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_MODULE\n";
- close(F);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ close(F);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }