path: root/dist/changes-4.1.0-rc1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/changes-4.1.0-rc1')
1 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.1.0-rc1 b/dist/changes-4.1.0-rc1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac0ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/changes-4.1.0-rc1
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+Qt 4.1 introduces many new features as well as many improvements and
+bugfixes over the 4.0.x series. For more details, see the online
+documentation which is included in this distribution. The
+documentation is also available at
+The Qt version 4.1 series is binary compatible with the 4.0.x series.
+Applications compiled for 4.0 will continue to run with 4.1.
+* General *
+Qt library
+ - Integrated support for rendering Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
+ drawings and animations (QtSvg module).
+ - A Portable Document Format (PDF) backend for Qt's printing system.
+ - A unit testing framework for Qt applications and libraries.
+ - Modules for extending Qt Designer and dynamic user interface
+ building.
+ - New proxy models to enable view-specific sorting and filtering of
+ data displayed using item views.
+ - Additional features for developers using OpenGL, such as support
+ for pixel and sample buffers.
+ - A flexible syntax highlighting class based on the Scribe rich text
+ framework.
+ - Support for network proxy servers using the SOCKS5 protocol.
+ - Support for OLE verbs and MIME data handling in ActiveQt.
+Qt Designer
+- Added support for editing menu bars and tool bars.
+- Added support for adding comments to string properties.
+- Added new static QtForm library with improved
+ QForm::Loader API for loading designer forms at run-time.
+- Added support for namespaces in uic generated code.
+- Added support for dock widgets in main windows.
+- Added support for editing table, tree and list widgets.
+- Improved palette editing and resource support.
+- Added QTestLib, the Qt Unit Testing Library. See the "QTestLib" chapter
+ in the Qt documentation for more information.
+- Users of older versions of QtTestLib can use the updater utility in
+ tools/qtestlib/updater to convert existing autotests to work with QTestLib.
+Added boost compatible syntax for declaring signals and slots. If you
+define the macro QT_NO_KEYWORDS "Q_SIGNALS" and "Q_SLOTS" are
+recognized as keywords instead of the default "signals" and "slots".
+QAxServer now supports mime-type handling - a ActiveX control can be
+registered to handle a certain file extension and mime-type, in which case
+QAxBindable::load and QAxBindable::save can be reimplemented to serialize
+the object.
+Build system
+Added support for linking static plugins into the application.
+Qt 3 to 4 Porting Tool
+Q(V|H)BoxLayout and QGridLayout usage is now ported to use
+Q3(V|H)BoxLayout/Q3GridLayout, to retain the margin/spacing
+behavior as in Qt 3.
+Meta Object Compiler (moc)
+- Added support for const signals.
+Qt Assistant
+- Added -docPath command line option for easy setting of the
+ document root path.
+- Added support for new FORMS3 profile variable to make it possible
+ to have Qt Designer forms from Qt 3 and Qt 4 in the same project.
+- Added support for precompiled headers on win32-g++ (MinGW)
+Added support for Solaris 10 on AMD64 with the compiler provided by
+* Library *
+New classes
+- QTreeWidgetItemIterator
+ Added iterator to help iterating over items in a QTreeWidget.
+- QSortingProxyModel
+ The QSortingProxyModel can contain another model and handles
+ the sorting of it.
+- QFilteringProxyModel
+ Allows you to provide a subset of a model to a view.
+- QStringFilterModel
+ Allows you to provide a subset of a model to a view based on a
+ regular expression.
+- QSyntaxHighlighter
+ The QSyntaxHighlighter class allows you to define syntax
+ highlighting rules.
+- QAbstractFileEngine
+ A base class for implementing your own file and directory handling
+ back-end for QFile, QFileInfo and QDir.
+- QAbstractFileEngineHandler
+ For registering a QAbstractFileEngine subclass with Qt.
+- QFSFileEngine
+ The default file engine for regular file and directory access in Qt.
+- Q3(H|V)BoxLayout and Q3GridLayout
+ Layout classes provided for compatibility that behave the same
+ as the Qt 4 classes but use a zero margin/spacing by default,
+ just like in Qt 3.
+- Added qFromLittleEndian, qToLittleEndian, qFromBigEndian and
+ qToBigEndian endian helper conversion functions (qendian.h)
+ Obsoletes Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN and allows static linking of
+ plugins.
+- Q3ComboBox
+ For enhanced backwards compatibility with Qt 3.
+- QGLPbuffer
+ For creating and managing OpenGL pixel buffers.
+- QNetworkProxy
+ For setting up transparent (SOCKS5) networking proxying.
+- QDirectPainter (Qtopia Core only)
+ Provides direct access to video framebuffer hardware.
+General improvements
+- QByteArray
+ Added toLong() and toULong().
+- QFileDialog
+ Fix shortcut and focus for "Alpha channel" spinbox.
+- QLinkedList
+ Added conversion methods to convert from/to STL lists.
+- QMap/QHash
+ Fixed operator>>() to read back multiple values associated
+ to a same key correctly.
+ Added constFind(), for finding an item without causing a detach.
+- QMap/QHash
+ Const-correctness in const_iterator's operator--(int).
+- QMainWindow
+ The saveState() and restoreState() functions no longer
+ fallback to using the windowTitle property when the objectName
+ property is not set on a QToolBar or QDockWidget; this
+ behavior was undocumented and has been removed.
+- QToolBar
+ Added Qt 3 compatibility signal visibilityChanged(bool).
+- QMetaType
+ Class is now fully reentrant.
+ Metatypes can be registered or queried from multiple threads.
+ Added qMetaTypeId<T>(), which returns the meta type ID of T at compile time.
+- QMetaProperty
+ Added isResettable().
+- QSql
+ Oracle plugin adds support for authentication using external credentials.
+ Added isValid() to QSqlError.
+- QThread
+ Added setPriority() and priority(), for querying and setting
+ the priority of a thread.
+- QTreeWidgetItem/QTreeWidget
+ Added new constructors and addChildren(), insertChildren(),
+ takeChildren(), insertTopLevelItems(), addTopLevelItems to
+ speed up insertion of multiple items.
+- QTextDocument
+ Added the class QTextBlockUserData and added the possibility
+ of storing a state or custom user data in a QTextBlock
+ Added useDesignMetrics property, to enable the use of design metrics for
+ all fonts in a QTextDocument.
+- QTextFormat
+ Added support for setting the font pixel size.
+ Added UserObject to QTextFormat::ObjectTypes enum.
+- QMetaType
+ The value of QMetaTypeId<T>::Defined indicates whether a given type T is
+ supported by QMetaType.
+- QAbstractItemView
+ Added setIndexWidget() and indexWidget() which makes it
+ possible to set a widget at a given index.
+ Added a QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection mode.
+ Added scrollToTop() and scrollToBottom().
+- QAbstractItemModel
+ Added a SizeHintRole that can be set for each item. The item
+ delegate will now check for this value before computing the
+ size hint based on other item data.
+ Add QModelIndex::operator<() so we are able to use them in
+ QMap and other containers.
+ Added qHash function for QModelIndex.
+- QTableWidget
+ Added cellWidget() and setCellWidget() which makes it possible
+ to set a widget at a specified cell.
+ Added setCurrentCell().
+ Added QTableWidgetItem copy constructors.
+- QTreeWidget
+ Added setItemWidget() and itemWidget() which makes it possible
+ to set a widget on an item.
+- QListWidget
+ Added setItemWidget() and itemWidget() which makes it possible
+ to set a widget on an item.
+ Added QListWidgetItem copy constructors.
+- QMutableMapIterator
+ Added value() overloads to Java-style iterators that return
+ non-const references.
+- QTextTable
+ Added mergeCells() and splitCells() to be able to set the row
+ or column span on a table cell.
+- QStyle
+ Added standardIcon() which returns a default icon for standard
+ operations.
+ Added State_ReadOnly, which is enabled for read-only widgets.
+ Renamed QStyleOption::init() to initFrom().
+ - QGroupBox is now completely stylable (QStyleOptionGroupBox)
+ - Indeterminate (busy) progress bars are now animated properly
+ in all styles.
+ Added PM_DockWidgetTitleMargin as pixel metric.
+- QHash
+ Make it possible to use QHash with a type that has no default
+ constructor.
+- QTableView
+ Made QTableView::setShowGrid() a slot, like in Qt 3.
+ Added setRowHeight() and setColumnWidth().
+- QTableWidgetSelectionRange
+ Added rowCount() and columnCount() convenience functions.
+- QSettings
+ Added support for custom formats in QSettings.
+- QTextStream
+ Added status(), setStatus() and resetStatus() for improved error handling.
+ Added read(qint64 maxlen), for reading parts of a text stream into a
+ QString.
+- QTextCursor
+ Added support for BlockUnderCursor selection type.
+- QHeaderView
+ Added defaultSectionSize property which tells the default size
+ of the header sections before resizing.
+- QScrollBar
+ Added context menu to the scrollbar with default navigation
+ options.
+- QScrollArea
+ Added ensureVisible(), which can scroll the scrollarea to make sure a
+ specific point is visible.
+- QDateTime
+ Added addMSecs(), which adds a number of milliseconds to the QDateTime.
+- QDateTimeEdit
+ Added support for more date/time formats.
+ Now allows multiple sections of the same type.
+- QButtonGroup
+ Added handling of buttons with IDs to the buttongroup like in
+ Qt 3.
+- QIODevice
+ Added peek() for peeking data from a device.
+- QTextEdit
+ Added property tabStopWidth which sets the tab stop width in
+ pixels.
+ append(const QString &) is now a public slot.
+ Added support for inserting Unicode control characters through the
+ context menu.
+ Added property acceptRichText, for whether or not the text edit
+ accepts rich text insertions by the user.
+ Added overwriteMode property.
+- QDataStream
+ Added skipRawData().
+ Added support for QRegExp.
+- QProgressBar
+ Added support for vertical progress bars.
+- QImageIOHandler
+ The name() function has been obsoleted; use format() instead.
+ Added QImageIOHandler::Animation, for determining if the image format
+ supports animation.
+ Added QImageIOHandler::BackgroundColor, for setting the background
+ color for the image loader.
+- QImageReader
+ Added setBackgroundColor() and backgroundColor(), for setting the
+ background color of an image before it is read.
+ Added supportsAnimation(), for checking if the image format supports
+ animation.
+- QImageWriter
+ Added support for saving image text.
+- QLocale
+ Added dateFormat()/timeFormat() to query the date/time format for the
+ current locale.
+ Added toString() overloads for localized QTime and QDate output.
+ Added decimalPoint(), groupSeparator(), percent(), zeroDigit(),
+ negativeSign() and exponential(), which provide a means to generate
+ custom number formatting.
+- QHostInfo
+ Added support for reverse name lookups.
+- QHostAddress
+ Added a QString assignment operator
+ Added convenience functions for initializing from a native sockaddr
+ structure.
+ Added support for the IPv6 scope-id.
+- QPrinter
+ Added property "embedFonts" for embedding fonts into the target
+ document.
+ Added support for printing to PDF.
+ Added support for custom print and paint engines
+- QPrintEngine
+ Added PPK_SuppressSystemPrintStatus, for suppressing the printer
+ progress dialog on Mac OS X.
+- QKeySequence
+ Added fromString() and toString() for initializing a key sequence
+ from, and exporting a key sequence to a QString.
+- QUrl
+ Added the port(int) function, which provides a default value for the
+ port if the URL does not define a port.
+ Support for decoding Punycode encoded hostnames in URLs.
+ Made the parser more tolerant for mistakes, and added a ParsingMode
+ flag for selecting strict or tolerant parsing.
+ Added support for the NAMEPREP standard in our i18n domain name support.
+- QDir
+ Added the filter QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, for the
+ special directories "." and "..".
+ Added the filter QDir::AllEntries, for all entries
+ in a directory, including symlinks.
+- QAbstractSocket
+ Added slots connectToHostImplementation() and
+ disconnectFromHostImplementation() to provide polymorphic behavior for
+ connectToHost() and disconnectFromHost().
+- QMenuBar
+ Added setActiveAction(), which makes the provided action
+ active.
+- QProxyModel
+ This class has been obsoleted (see QAbstractProxyModel)
+- QWidget
+ Now supports three modes of modality: NonModal, WindowModal and
+ ApplicationModal.
+ Added Qt::WindowModality, obsoleted WA_ShowModal and WA_GroupLeader.
+ Added Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent widget attribute, obsoleting Qt::WA_NoBackground.
+ Added boolean autoFillBackground property.
+ Child widgets now always inherit the contents of their parent.
+- QPalette
+ Added QPalette::Window (obsoletes Background) and
+ QPalette::WindowText (obsoletes Foreground).
+- QHttpResponseHeader
+ Added two constructors and the function setStatusLine() for generating
+ a response header.
+- QBitArray
+ Added count(bool), for counting on and off-bits in a bit array.
+- QVariant
+ Added support for QRegExp
+- QRegExpValidator
+ Added the property "regExp".
+- QTabBar
+ Added the property "iconSize", for setting the size of the icons on
+ the tabs.
+- QLineEdit
+ Added support for inserting Unicode control characters through the
+ context menu.
+- QString
+ Added toLong() and toULong().
+ Support for std::string conversions with embedded \0 characters.
+- QRegion
+ Added translate(), like QRect::translated().
+- QProcess
+ Added systemEnvironment(), which returns the environment variables
+ of the calling process.
+ Added exitStatus(), and added a new finished() signal which takes the
+ exit status as a parameter.
+- QComboBox
+ Made setCurrentIndex() a slot.
+- QFontDataBase
+ Added styleString(), for retrieving the style string from a QFontInfo.
+ Added support for Myanmar fonts.
+- QFontMetrics
+ Added xHeight(), which returns the 'X' height of the font.
+- QCoreApplication
+ Added arguments(), which returns a list of command line arguments as a
+ QStringList.
+- QTcpSocket
+ Added support for SOCKS5 via setProxy().
+- QUdpSocket
+ Added property "bindMode", for binding several sockets to the same
+ address and port.
+- QPen
+ Added support for custom dash pattern styles and miter limits.
+ Added support for QDebug.
+- QDebug
+ Added support for QVector and QPair output.
+- QStringListModel
+ Added support for sorting.
+- QOpenGLPaintEngine
+ Gradients in the OpenGL paint engine are now drawn using
+ fragment programs, if the extension is available. Lots of
+ fixes, speedups and tweaks.
+Platform-Specific changes
+- Painting
+ Added support for ClearType text rendering.
+- File Engine
+ Added support for long filenames/paths.
+- QWidget
+ Added support for startup notifications.
+Mac OS X:
+- Improved support for the VoiceOver accessibility tool in Mac OS 10.4
+ and later
+3rd-party libraries
+- zlib
+ Upgraded to zlib 1.2.3.
+- FreeType
+ Upgraded to FreeType 2.1.10.
+- SQLite
+ Upgraded to SQLite 3.2.7