path: root/doc/src/examples-overview.qdoc
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-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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-** GNU General Public License Usage
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- \page examples-overview.html
- \title An Overview of Qt's Examples
- \brief A short guide to the different categories of examples included with Qt.
- \ingroup howto
- Qt is supplied with a variety of examples that cover almost every aspect
- of development. These examples are ordered by functional area, but many
- examples often use features from many parts of Qt to highlight one area
- in particular.
- This document provides a brief overview of each example category and
- provides links to the more formal \l{Qt Examples}{list of examples}.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Widgets}{Widgets}
- \l{Qt Examples#Widgets}{\inlineimage widget-examples.png
- }
- Qt comes with a large range of standard widgets that users of modern
- applications have come to expect.
- You can also develop your own custom widgets and controls, and use them
- alongside standard widgets.
- It is even possible to provide custom styles and themes for widgets that can
- be used to change the appearance of standard widgets and appropriately
- written custom widgets.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Dialogs}{Dialogs}
- \l{Qt Examples#Dialogs}{\inlineimage dialog-examples.png
- }
- Qt includes standard dialogs for many common operations, such as file
- selection, printing, and color selection.
- Custom dialogs can also be created for specialized modal or modeless
- interactions with users.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Main Windows}{Main Windows}
- \l{Qt Examples#Main Windows}{\inlineimage mainwindow-examples.png
- }
- All the standard features of application main windows are provided by Qt.
- Main windows can have pull down menus, tool bars, and dock windows. These
- separate forms of user input are unified in an integrated action system that
- also supports keyboard shortcuts and accelerator keys in menu items.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Layouts}{Layouts}
- \l{Qt Examples#Layouts}{\inlineimage layout-examples.png
- }
- Qt uses a layout-based approach to widget management. Widgets are arranged in
- the optimal positions in windows based on simple layout rules, leading to a
- consistent look and feel.
- Custom layouts can be used to provide more control over the positions and
- sizes of child widgets.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Painting}{Painting}
- \l{Qt Examples#Painting}{\inlineimage painting-examples.png
- }
- Qt's painting system is able to render vector graphics, images, and outline
- font-based text with sub-pixel accuracy accuracy using anti-aliasing to
- improve rendering quality.
- These examples show the most common techniques that are used when painting
- with Qt, from basic concepts such as drawing simple primitives to the use of
- transformations.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Item Views}{Item Views}
- \l{Qt Examples#Item Views}{\inlineimage itemview-examples.png
- }
- Item views are widgets that typically display data sets. Qt 4's model/view
- framework lets you handle large data sets by separating the underlying data
- from the way it is represented to the user, and provides support for
- customized rendering through the use of delegates.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Graphics View}{Graphics View}
- \l{Qt Examples#Graphics View}{\inlineimage graphicsview-examples.png
- }
- Qt is provided with a comprehensive canvas through the GraphicsView
- classes.
- These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of canvas programming
- with Qt.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Rich Text}{Rich Text}
- \l{Qt Examples#Rich Text}{\inlineimage richtext-examples.png
- }
- Qt provides powerful document-oriented rich text engine that supports Unicode
- and right-to-left scripts. Documents can be manipulated using a cursor-based
- API, and their contents can be imported and exported as both HTML and in a
- custom XML format.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Tools}{Tools}
- \l{Qt Examples#Tools}{\inlineimage tool-examples.png
- }
- Qt is equipped with a range of capable tool classes, from containers and
- iterators to classes for string handling and manipulation.
- Other classes provide application infrastructure support, handling plugin
- loading and managing configuration files.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Desktop}{Desktop}
- \l{Qt Examples#Desktop}{\inlineimage desktop-examples.png
- }
- Qt provides features to enable applications to integrate with the user's
- preferred desktop environment.
- Features such as system tray icons, access to the desktop widget, and
- support for desktop services can be used to improve the appearance of
- applications and take advantage of underlying desktop facilities.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Drag and Drop}{Drag and Drop}
- \l{Qt Examples#Drag and Drop}{\inlineimage draganddrop-examples.png
- }
- Qt supports native drag and drop on all platforms via an extensible
- MIME-based system that enables applications to send data to each other in the
- most appropriate formats.
- Drag and drop can also be implemented for internal use by applications.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Threads}{Threads}
- \l{Qt Examples#Threads}{\inlineimage thread-examples.png
- }
- Qt 4 makes it easier than ever to write multithreaded applications. More
- classes have been made usable from non-GUI threads, and the signals and slots
- mechanism can now be used to communicate between threads.
- Additionally, it is now possible to move objects between threads.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Concurrent Programming}{Concurrent Programming}
- The QtConcurrent namespace includes a collection of classes and functions
- for straightforward concurrent programming.
- These examples show how to apply the basic techniques of concurrent
- programming to simple problems.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Network}{Network}
- \l{Qt Examples#Network}{\inlineimage network-examples.png
- }
- Qt is provided with an extensive set of network classes to support both
- client-based and server side network programming.
- These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of network programming
- with Qt.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#XML}{XML}
- \l{Qt Examples#XML}{\inlineimage xml-examples.png
- }
- XML parsing and handling is supported through SAX and DOM compliant APIs.
- Qt's SAX compliant classes allow you to parse XML incrementally; the DOM
- classes enable more complex document-level operations to be performed on
- XML files.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#XQuery, XPath}{XQuery, XPath}
- Qt provides an XQuery/XPath engine, QtXmlPatterns, for querying XML
- files and custom data models, similar to the model/view framework.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#OpenGL}{OpenGL}
- \l{Qt Examples#OpenGL}{\inlineimage opengl-examples.png
- }
- Qt provides support for integration with OpenGL implementations on all
- platforms, giving developers the opportunity to display hardware accelerated
- 3D graphics alongside a more conventional user interface.
- These examples demonstrate the basic techniques used to take advantage of
- OpenGL in Qt applications.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Multimedia}{Multimedia}
- \l{Qt Examples#Multimedia}
- Qt provides low-level audio support on linux,windows and mac platforms by default and
- an audio plugin API to allow developers to implement there own audio support for
- custom devices and platforms.
- These examples demonstrate the basic techniques used to take advantage of
- Audio API in Qt applications.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#SQL}{SQL}
- \l{Qt Examples#SQL}{\inlineimage sql-examples.png
- }
- Qt provides extensive database interoperability, with support for products
- from both open source and proprietary vendors.
- SQL support is integrated with Qt's model/view architecture, making it easier
- to provide GUI integration for your database applications.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Help System}{Help System}
- \l{Qt Examples#Help System}{\inlineimage assistant-examples.png
- }
- Support for interactive help is provided by the Qt Assistant application.
- Developers can take advantages of the facilities it offers to display
- specially-prepared documentation to users of their applications.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Qt Designer}{Qt Designer}
- \l{Qt Examples#Qt Designer}{\inlineimage designer-examples.png
- }
- Qt Designer is a capable graphical user interface designer that lets you
- create and configure forms without writing code. GUIs created with
- Qt Designer can be compiled into an application or created at run-time.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#UiTools}{UiTools}
- \l{Qt Examples#UiTools}{\inlineimage uitools-examples.png
- }
- Qt is equipped with a range of capable tool classes, from containers and
- iterators to classes for string handling and manipulation.
- Other classes provide application infrastructure support, handling plugin
- loading and managing configuration files.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Qt Linguist}{Qt Linguist}
- \l{Qt Examples#Qt Linguist}{\inlineimage linguist-examples.png
- }
- Internationalization is a core feature of Qt. These examples show how to
- access translation and localization facilities at run-time.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Qt Script}{Qt Script}
- \l{Qt Examples#Qt Script}{\inlineimage qtscript-examples.png
- }
- Qt is provided with a powerful embedded scripting environment through the QtScript
- classes.
- These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of scripting applications
- with Qt.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Phonon Multimedia Framework}{Phonon Multimedia Framework}
- \l{Qt Examples#Phonon Multimedia Framework}{\inlineimage phonon-examples.png
- }
- The Phonon Multimedia Framework brings multimedia support to Qt applications.
- The examples and demonstrations provided show how to play music and movies
- using the Phonon API.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#WebKit}{WebKit}
- \l{Qt Examples#WebKit}{\inlineimage webkit-examples.png
- }
- Qt provides an integrated Web browser component based on WebKit, the popular
- open source browser engine.
- These examples and demonstrations show a range of different uses for WebKit,
- from displaying Web pages within a Qt user interface to an implementation of
- a basic function Web browser.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#State Machine}{State Machine}
- Qt provides a powerful hierchical finite state machine through the Qt State
- Machine classes.
- These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of implementing
- Statecharts with Qt.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#Qt for Embedded Linux}{Qt for Embedded Linux}
- \l{Qt Examples#Qt for Embedded Linux}{\inlineimage qt-embedded-examples.png
- }
- These examples show how to take advantage of features specifically designed
- for use on systems with limited resources, specialized hardware, and small
- screens.
- \section1 \l{Qt Examples#ActiveQt}{ActiveQt}
- Qt is supplied with a number of example applications and demonstrations that
- have been written to provide developers with examples of the Qt API in use,
- highlight good programming practice, and showcase features found in each of
- Qt's core technologies.
- The example and demo launcher can be used to explore the different categories
- available. It provides an overview of each example, lets you view the
- documentation in Qt Assistant, and is able to launch examples and demos.
- \section1 \l{}{Another Source of Examples}
- One more valuable source for examples and explanations of Qt
- features is the archive of the \l {}
- {Qt Quarterly}.