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+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
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+ \page gettingstarted.html
+ \title Getting Started
+ Welcome to the world of Qt--the cross-platform GUI toolkit. In
+ this getting started guide, we teach basic Qt knowledge by
+ implementing a simple Notepad application. After reading this
+ guide, you should be ready to delve into our overviews and API
+ documentation, and find the information you need for the
+ application you are developing.
+ \section1 Hello Notepad
+ In this first example, we simply create and show a text edit in a
+ window frame on the desktop. This represents the simplest possible
+ Qt program that has a GUI.
+ \image gs1.png
+ Here is the code:
+ \code
+ 1 #include <QApplication>
+ 2 #include <QTextEdit>
+ 3
+ 4 int main(int argv, char **args)
+ 5 {
+ 6 QApplication app(argv, args);
+ 7
+ 8 QTextEdit textEdit;
+ 9;
+11 return app.exec();
+12 }
+ \endcode
+ Let's go through the code line by line. In the first two lines, we
+ include the header files for QApplication and QTextEdit, which are
+ the two classes that we need for this example. All Qt classes have
+ a header file named after them.
+ Line 6 creates a QApplication object. This object manages
+ application-wide resources and is necessary to run any Qt program
+ that has a GUI. It needs \c argv and \c args because Qt accepts a
+ few command line arguments.
+ Line 8 creates a QTextEdit object. A text edit is a visual element
+ in the GUI. In Qt, we call such elements widgets. Examples of
+ other widgets are scroll bars, labels, and radio buttons. A widget
+ can also be a container for other widgets; a dialog or a main
+ application window, for example.
+ Line 9 shows the text edit on the screen in its own window frame.
+ Since widgets also function as containers (for instance a
+ QMainWindow, which has toolbars, menus, a status bar, and a few
+ other widgets), it is possible to show a single widget in its own
+ window. Widgets are not visible by default; the function
+ \l{QWidget::}{show()} makes the widget visible.
+ Line 11 makes the QApplication enter its event loop. When a Qt
+ application is running, events are generated and sent to the
+ widgets of the application. Examples of events are mouse presses
+ and key strokes. When you type text in the text edit widget, it
+ receives key pressed events and responds by drawing the text
+ typed.
+ To run the application, open a command prompt, and enter the
+ directory in which you have the \c .cpp file of the program. The
+ following shell commands build the program.
+ \code
+ vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ qmake -project
+ vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ qmake
+ vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ make
+ \endcode
+ This will leave an executable in the \c part1 directory (note that
+ on Windows, you may have to use \c nmake instead of \c make. Also,
+ the executable will be placed in part1/debug or part1/release). \c
+ qmake is Qt's build tool, which takes a configuration file. \c
+ qmake generates this for us when given the \c{-project} argument.
+ Given the configuration file (suffixed .pro), \c qmake produces a
+ \c make file that will build the program for you. We will look
+ into writing our own \c .pro files later.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Widgets and Window Geometry
+ \o \l{Window and Dialog Widgets}
+ \row
+ \o Events and event handling
+ \o \l{The Event System}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Adding a Quit Button
+ In a real application, you will normally need more than one
+ widget. We will now introduce a QPushButton beneath the text edit.
+ The button will exit the Notepad application when pushed (i.e.,
+ clicked on with the mouse).
+ \image gs2.png
+ Let's take a look at the code.
+ \code
+ 1 #include <QtGui>
+ 2
+ 3 int main(int argv, char **args)
+ 4 {
+ 5 QApplication app(argv, args);
+ 6
+ 7 QTextEdit textEdit;
+ 8 QPushButton quitButton("Quit");
+ 9
+10 QObject::connect(&quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
+12 QVBoxLayout layout;
+13 layout.addWidget(&textEdit);
+14 layout.addWidget(&quitButton);
+16 QWidget window;
+17 window.setLayout(&layout);
+21 return app.exec();
+22 }
+ \endcode
+ Line 1 includes QtGui, which contains all of Qt's GUI classes.
+ Line 10 uses Qt's Signals and Slots mechanism to make the
+ application exit when the \gui {Quit button} is pushed. A slot is
+ a function that can be invoked at runtime using its name (as a
+ literal string). A signal is a function that when called will
+ invoke slots registered with it; we call that to connect the slot
+ to the signal and to emit the signal.
+ \l{QApplication::}{quit()} is a slot of QApplication that exits
+ the application. \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} is a signal that
+ QPushButton emits when it is pushed. The static
+ QObject::connect() function takes care of connecting the slot to
+ the signal. SIGNAL() and SLOT() are two macros that take the
+ function signatures of the signal and slot to connect. We also
+ need to give pointers to the objects that should send and receive
+ the signal.
+ Line 12 creates a QVBoxLayout. As mentioned, widgets can contain
+ other widgets. It is possible to set the bounds (the location and
+ size) of child widgets directly, but it is usually easier to use a
+ layout. A layout manages the bounds of a widget's children.
+ QVBoxLayout, for instance, places the children in a vertical row.
+ Line 13 and 14 adds the text edit and button to the layout. In
+ line 17, we set the layout on a widget.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Signals and slots
+ \o \l{Signals & Slots}
+ \row
+ \o Layouts
+ \o \l{Layout Management},
+ \l{Widgets and Layouts},
+ \l{Layout Examples}
+ \row
+ \o The widgets that come with Qt
+ \o \l{Qt Widget Gallery},
+ \l{Widget Examples}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Subclassing QWidget
+ When the user wants to quit an application, you might want to
+ pop-up a dialog that asks whether he/she really wants to quit. In
+ this example, we subclass QWidget, and add a slot that we connect
+ to the \gui {Quit button}.
+ \image gs3.png
+ Let's look at the code:
+ \code
+ 5 class Notepad : public QWidget
+ 6 {
+ 8
+ 9 public:
+10 Notepad();
+12 private slots:
+13 void quit();
+15 private:
+16 QTextEdit *textEdit;
+17 QPushButton *quitButton;
+18 };
+ \endcode
+ The \c Q_OBJECT macro must be first in the class definition, and
+ declares our class as a \c QObject (Naturally, it must also
+ inherit from QObject). A \l{QObject} adds several abilities to a
+ normal C++ class. Notably, the class name and slot names can be
+ queried at run-time. It is also possible to query a slot's
+ parameter types and invoke it.
+ Line 13 declares the slot \c quit(). This is easy using the \c
+ slots macro. The \c quit() slot can now be connected to signals
+ with a matching signature (any signal that takes no parameters).
+ Instead of setting up the GUI and connecting the slot in the \c
+ main() function, we now use \c{Notepad}'s constructor.
+ \code
+ Notepad::Notepad()
+ {
+ textEdit = new QTextEdit;
+ quitButton = new QPushButton(tr("Quit"));
+ connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit()));
+ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+ layout->addWidget(textEdit);
+ layout->addWidget(quitButton);
+ setLayout(layout);
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
+ }
+ \endcode
+ As you saw in the class definition, we use pointers to our \l
+ {QObject}s (\c textEdit and \c quitButton). As a rule, you should
+ always allocate \l{QObject}s on the heap and never copy them.
+ We now use the function \l{QObject::}{tr()} around our user
+ visible strings. This function is necessary when you want to
+ provide your application in more than one language (e.g. English
+ and Chinese). We won't go into details here, but you can follow
+ the \c {Qt Linguist} link from the learn more table.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o tr() and internationalization
+ \o \l{Qt Linguist Manual},
+ \l{Writing Source Code for Translation},
+ \l{Hello tr() Example},
+ \l{Internationalization with Qt}
+ \row
+ \o QObjects and the Qt Object model (This is essential to understand Qt)
+ \o \l{Object Model}
+ \row
+ \o qmake and the Qt build system
+ \o \l{qmake Manual}
+ \endtable
+ \section2 Creating a .pro file
+ For this example, we write our own \c .pro file instead of
+ using \c qmake's \c -project option.
+ \code
+ HEADERS = notepad.h
+ SOURCES = notepad.cpp \
+ main.cpp
+ \endcode
+ The following shell commands build the example.
+ \code
+ vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part3$ qmake
+ vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part3$ make
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Using a QMainWindow
+ Many applications will benefit from using a QMainWindow, which has
+ its own layout to which you can add a menu bar, dock widgets, tool
+ bars, and a status bar. QMainWindow has a center area that can be
+ occupied by any kind of widget. In our case, we will place our
+ text edit there.
+ \image gs4.png
+ Let's look at the new \c Notepad class definition.
+ \code
+ #include <QtGui>
+ class Notepad : public QMainWindow
+ {
+ public:
+ Notepad();
+ private slots:
+ void open();
+ void save();
+ void quit();
+ private:
+ QTextEdit *textEdit;
+ QAction *openAction;
+ QAction *saveAction;
+ QAction *exitAction;
+ QMenu *fileMenu;
+ };
+ \endcode
+ We include two more slots that can save and open a document. We
+ will implement these in the next section.
+ Often, in a main window, the same slot should be invoked by
+ several widgets. Examples are menu items and buttons on a tool
+ bar. To make this easier, Qt provides QAction, which can be given
+ to several widgets, and be connected to a slot. For instance, both
+ QMenu and QToolBar can create menu items and tool buttons from the
+ same \l{QAction}s. We will see how this works shortly.
+ As before, we use the \c {Notepad}s constructor to set up the
+ GUI.
+ \code
+ Notepad::Notepad()
+ {
+ saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Open"), this);
+ saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Save"), this);
+ exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
+ connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
+ connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
+ fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ fileMenu->addAction(openAction);
+ fileMenu->addAction(saveAction);
+ fileMenu->addSeparator();
+ fileMenu->addAction(exitAction);
+ textEdit = new QTextEdit;
+ setCentralWidget(textEdit);
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad"));
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \l{QAction}s are created with the text that should appear on the
+ widgets that we add them to (in our case, menu items). If we also
+ wanted to add them to a tool bar, we could have given
+ \l{QIcon}{icons} to the actions.
+ When a menu item is clicked now, the item will trigger the action,
+ and the respective slot will be invoked.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Main windows and main window classes
+ \o \l{Application Main Window},
+ \l{Main Window Examples}
+ \row
+ \o MDI applications
+ \o QMdiArea,
+ \l{MDI Example}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Saving and Loading
+ In this example, we will implement the functionality of the \c
+ open() and \c save() slots that we added in the previous example.
+ \image gs5.png
+ Let's start with the \c open() slot:
+ \code
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), "",
+ tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
+ if (fileName != "") {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
+ tr("Could not open file"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QString contents = file.readAll().constData();
+ textEdit->setPlainText(contents);
+ file.close();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The first step is asking the user for the name of the file to
+ open. Qt comes with QFileDialog, which is a dialog from which the
+ user can select a file. The image above shows the dialog on
+ Kubuntu. The static \l{QFileDialog::}{getOpenFileName()} function
+ displays a modal file dialog, and does not return until the user
+ has selected a file. It returns the file path of the file
+ selected, or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog.
+ If we have a file name, we try to open the file with
+ \l{QIODevice::}{open()}, which returns true if the file could be
+ opened. We won't go into error handling here, but you can follow
+ the links from the learn more section. If the file could not be
+ opened, we use QMessageBox to display a dialog with an error
+ message (see the QMessageBox class description for further
+ details).
+ Actually reading in the data is trivial using the
+ \l{QIODevice::}{readAll()} function, which returns all data in the
+ file in a QByteArray. The \l{QByteArray::}{constData()} returns all
+ data in the array as a const char*, which QString has a
+ constructor for. The contents can then be displayed in the text
+ edit. We then \l{QIODevice::}{close()} the file to return the file
+ descriptor back to the operating system.
+ Now, let's move on to the the \c save() slot.
+ \code
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "",
+ tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));
+ if (fileName != "") {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ // error message
+ } else {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream << textEdit->toPlainText();
+ stream.flush();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ When we write the contents of the text edit to the file, we use
+ the QTextStream class, which wraps the QFile object. The text
+ stream can write QStrings directly to the file; QFile only accepts
+ raw data (char*) with the \l{QIODevice::}{write()} functions of
+ QIODevice.
+ \section2 Learn More
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o About
+ \o Here
+ \row
+ \o Files and I/O devices
+ \o QFile, QIODevice
+ \endtable
+ \omit
+ \section1 Moving On
+ This may not be true for the first release.
+ The Qt documentation comes with three getting started guides. You
+ have come to the end of the first, which concerns itself with
+ basic Qt concepts. We also have guides covering intermediate and
+ advanced topics. They are found here: You may also have noticed that the learn more sections in
+ this guide frequently linked to them.
+ Basic Qt Architecture
+ \endomit