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+** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
+ \page statemachine-api.html
+ \title The State Machine Framework
+ \brief An overview of the State Machine framework for constructing and executing state graphs.
+ \tableofcontents
+ The State Machine framework provides classes for creating and executing
+ state graphs. The concepts and notation are based on those from Harel's
+ \l{Statecharts: A visual formalism for complex systems}{Statecharts}, which
+ is also the basis of UML state diagrams. The semantics of state machine
+ execution are based on \l{State Chart XML: State Machine Notation for
+ Control Abstraction}{State Chart XML (SCXML)}.
+ Statecharts provide a graphical way of modeling how a system reacts to
+ stimuli. This is done by defining the possible \e states that the system can
+ be in, and how the system can move from one state to another (\e transitions
+ between states). A key characteristic of event-driven systems (such as Qt
+ applications) is that behavior often depends not only on the last or current
+ event, but also the events that preceded it. With statecharts, this
+ information is easy to express.
+ The State Machine framework provides an API and execution model that can be
+ used to effectively embed the elements and semantics of statecharts in Qt
+ applications. The framework integrates tightly with Qt's existing event
+ system and meta-object system; for example, transitions between states can
+ be triggered by signals, and states can be configured to set properties and
+ invoke methods on QObjects.
+ \section1 A Simple State Machine
+ To demonstrate the core functionality of the State Machine API, let's look
+ at a small example: A state machine with three states, \c s1, \c s2 and \c
+ s3. The state machine is controlled by a single QPushButton; when the button
+ is clicked, the machine transitions to another state. Initially, the state
+ machine is in state \c s1. The statechart for this machine is as follows:
+ \img statemachine-button.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ The following snippet shows the code needed to create such a state machine.
+ \code
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ QState *s3 = new QState();
+ s1->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s2);
+ s2->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s3);
+ s3->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s1);
+ machine.addState(s1);
+ machine.addState(s2);
+ machine.addState(s3);
+ machine.setInitialState(s1);
+ machine.start();
+ \endcode
+ Once the state machine has been set up, you need to start it by calling
+ QStateMachine::start(). The state machine executes asynchronously, i.e. it
+ becomes part of your application's event loop.
+ The above state machine is perfectly fine, but it doesn't \e do anything; it
+ merely transitions from one state to another. The
+ QState::setPropertyOnEntry() function can be used to have a state set a
+ property of a QObject when the state is entered. In the following snippet,
+ the value that should be assigned to a QLabel's text property is specified
+ for each state:
+ \code
+ s1->setPropertyOnEntry(label, "text", "In state s1");
+ s2->setPropertyOnEntry(label, "text", "In state s2");
+ s3->setPropertyOnEntry(label, "text", "In state s3");
+ \endcode
+ When any of the states is entered, the label's text will be changed
+ accordingly.
+ The QState::invokeMethodOnEntry() function can be used to have a state
+ invoke a method (a slot) of a QObject when the state is entered. In the
+ following snippet, the button's showMaximized() slot will be called when
+ state \c s3 is entered:
+ \code
+ s2->invokeMethodOnEntry(button, "showMaximized");
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Sharing Transitions By Grouping States
+ The state machine defined in the previous section never finishes. In order
+ for a state machine to be able to finish, it needs to have a top-level \e
+ final state. When the state machine enters a top-level final state, the
+ machine will emit the finished() signal and halt.
+ Assume we wanted the user to be able to quit the application at any time by
+ clicking a Quit button. In order to achieve this, we need to create a final
+ state and make it the target of a transition associated with the Quit
+ button's clicked() signal. We could add a transition from each of \c s1, \c
+ s2 and \c s3; however, this seems redundant, and one would also have to
+ remember to add such a transition from every new state that is added in the
+ future.
+ We can achieve the same behavior (namely that clicking the Quit button quits
+ the state machine, regardless of which state the state machine is in) by
+ grouping states \c s1, \c s2 and \c s3. This is done by creating a new
+ top-level state and making the three original states children of the new
+ state. The following diagram shows the new state machine.
+ \img statemachine-button-nested.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ The three original states have been renamed \c s11, \c s12 and \c s13 to
+ reflect that they are now children of the new top-level state, \c s1. Child
+ states implicitly inherit the transitions of their parent state. This means
+ it is now sufficient to add a single transition from \c s1 to the final
+ state \c s2. New states added to \c s1 will also automatically inherit this
+ transition.
+ All that's needed to group states is to specify the proper parent when the
+ state is created. You also need to specify which of the child states is the
+ initial one (i.e. which child state the state machine should enter when the
+ parent state is the target of a transition).
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s11 = new QState(s1);
+ QState *s12 = new QState(s1);
+ QState *s13 = new QState(s1);
+ s1->setInitialState(s11);
+ machine.addState(s1);
+ \endcode
+ \code
+ QFinalState *s2 = new QFinalState();
+ s1->addTransition(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), s2);
+ machine.addState(s2);
+ QObject::connect(&machine, SIGNAL(finished()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
+ \endcode
+ In this case we want the application to quit when the state machine is
+ finished, so the machine's finished() signal is connected to the
+ application's quit() slot.
+ A child state can override an inherited transition. For example, the
+ following code adds a transition that effectively causes the Quit button to
+ be ignored when the state machine is in state \c s12.
+ \code
+ s12>addTransition(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), s12);
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Using History States to Save and Restore the Current State
+ Imagine that we wanted to add an "interrupt" mechanism to the example
+ discussed in the previous section; the user should be able to click a button
+ to have the state machine perform some non-related task, after which the
+ state machine should resume whatever it was doing before (i.e. return to the
+ old state, which is one of \c s11, \c s12 and \c s13 in this case).
+ Such behavior can easily be modeled using \e{history states}. A history
+ state (QHistoryState object) is a pseudo-state that represents the child
+ state that the parent state was in the last time the parent state was
+ exited.
+ A history state is created as a child of the state for which we wish to
+ record the current child state; when the state machine detects the presence
+ of such a state at runtime, it automatically records the current (real)
+ child state when the parent state is exited. A transition to the history
+ state is in fact a transition to the child state that the state machine had
+ previously saved; the state machine automatically "forwards" the transition
+ to the real child state.
+ The following diagram shows the state machine after the interrupt mechanism
+ has been added.
+ \img statemachine-button-history.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ The following code shows how it can be implemented; in this example we
+ simply display a message box when \c s3 is entered, then immediately return
+ to the previous child state of \c s1 via the history state.
+ \code
+ QHistoryState *s1h = s1->addHistoryState();
+ QState *s3 = new QState();
+ s3->setPropertyOnEntry(label, "text", "In s3");
+ QMessageBox mbox;
+ mbox.addButton(QMessageBox::Ok);
+ mbox.setText("Interrupted!");
+ mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information);
+ s3->invokeMethodOnEntry(&mbox, "exec");
+ s3->addTransition(s1h);
+ machine.addState(s3);
+ s1->addTransition(interruptButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), s3);
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Using Parallel States to Avoid a Combinatorial Explosion of States
+ Assume that you wanted to model a set of mutually exclusive properties of a
+ car in a single state machine. Let's say the properties we are interested in
+ are Clean vs Dirty, and Moving vs Not moving. It would take four mutually
+ exclusive states and eight transitions to be able to represent and freely
+ move between all possible combinations.
+ \img statemachine-nonparallel.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ If we added a third property (say, Red vs Blue), the total number of states
+ would double, to eight; and if we added a fourth property (say, Enclosed vs
+ Convertible), the total number of states would double again, to 16.
+ Using parallel states, the total number of states and transitions grows
+ linearly as we add more properties, instead of exponentially. Furthermore,
+ states can be added to or removed from the parallel state without affecting
+ any of their sibling states.
+ \img statemachine-parallel.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ To create a parallel state group, pass QState::ParallelStateGroup to the
+ QState constructor.
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState(QState::ParallelStateGroup);
+ // s11 and s12 will be entered in parallel
+ QState *s11 = new QState(s1);
+ QState *s12 = new QState(s1);
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Detecting that a Composite State has Finished
+ A child state can be final; when a final child state is entered, a
+ QStateFinishedEvent is generated for the parent state. You can use the
+ QStateFinishedTransition class to trigger a transition based on this event.
+ \img statemachine-finished.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ This is useful when you want to hide the internal details of a state;
+ i.e. the only thing the outside world should be able to do is enter the
+ state, and get a notification when the state has finished (i.e. when a final
+ child state has been entered).
+ */