path: root/doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js b/doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js
index faa4ca4..47539d2 100755
--- a/doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js
+++ b/doc/src/template/scripts/functions.js
@@ -1,38 +1,57 @@
+// Removing search results
+function hideSearchResults() {
+/* hiding search results as the user clicks on the different categories */
+ $('#resultdialog').removeClass('active');
+ $("#resultlist").removeClass().addClass('all');
+ $("#resultlinks").removeClass().addClass('all');
+ $("#searchcount").removeClass().addClass('all');
+/* closing the searhc result dialog */
+$('#resultclose').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ hideSearchResults();
+$(document.body).click(function() {
/* START non link areas where cursor should change to pointing hand */
$('.t_button').mouseover(function() {
- /*document.getElementById('pointer';*/
/* END non link areas */
+/* Changing font size to smaller */
$('#smallA').click(function() {
- $('.content .heading,.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content p, .content li, .content table').css('font-size','smaller');
+ $('.mainContent .heading,.mainContent h1, .mainContent h2, .mainContent h3, .mainContent p, .mainContent li, .mainContent table').css('font-size','smaller');
+/* Reset font size */
$('#medA').click(function() {
- $('.content .heading').css('font','600 16px/1 Arial');
- $('.content h1').css('font','600 18px/1.2 Arial');
- $('.content h2').css('font','600 16px/1.2 Arial');
- $('.content h3').css('font','600 14px/1.2 Arial');
- $('.content p').css('font','13px/20px Verdana');
- $('.content li').css('font','400 13px/1 Verdana');
- $('.content li').css('line-height','14px');
- $('.content .toc li').css('font', 'normal 10px/1.2 Verdana');
- $('.content table').css('font','13px/1.2 Verdana');
- $('.content .heading').css('font','600 16px/1 Arial');
- $('.content .indexboxcont li').css('font','600 13px/1 Verdana');
+ $('.mainContent .heading').css('font','600 16px/1 Arial');
+ $('.mainContent h1').css('font','600 18px/1.2 Arial');
+ $('.mainContent h2').css('font','600 16px/1.2 Arial');
+ $('.mainContent h3').css('font','600 14px/1.2 Arial');
+ $('.mainContent p').css('font','13px/20px Verdana');
+ $('.mainContent li').css('font','400 13px/1 Verdana');
+ $('.mainContent li').css('line-height','14px');
+ $('.mainContent .toc li').css('font', 'normal 10px/1.2 Verdana');
+ $('.mainContent table').css('font','13px/1.2 Verdana');
+ $('.mainContent .heading').css('font','600 16px/1 Arial');
+ $('.mainContent .indexboxcont li').css('font','600 13px/1 Verdana');
+/* Changing font size to bigger */
$('#bigA').click(function() {
- $('.content .heading,.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content p, .content li, .content table').css('font-size','large');
- $('.content .heading,.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content p, .content li, .content table').css('line-height','25px');
+ $('.mainContent .heading,.mainContent h1, .mainContent h2, .mainContent h3, .mainContent p, .mainContent li, .mainContent table').css('font-size','large');
+ $('.mainContent .heading,.mainContent h1, .mainContent h2, .mainContent h3, .mainContent p, .mainContent li, .mainContent table').css('line-height','25px');
+/* Show page content after closing feedback box */
$('.feedclose').click(function() {
@@ -41,6 +60,7 @@ $('.feedclose').click(function() {
+/* Hide page content and show feedback box */
$('.feedback').click(function() {
@@ -48,131 +68,176 @@ $('.feedback').click(function() {
-var lookupCount = 0;
-var articleCount = 0;
-var exampleCount = 0;
-var qturl = ""; // change from "" to 0 so we can have relative links
+/* Default search URL */
+var qturl = "";
+/* The next function handles the response data (in xml) returned by the search engine */
+// Process data sent back from the server. The data is structured as a XML.
+XML structure handled by function processNokiaData()
+<page> - container for each page returned
+<pageWords/> - contains keywords
+<pageTitle/> - contains page title/header content
+<pageUrl/> - contains page URL - URL relative to root
+<pageType> - contains page type - APIPage/Article/Example
function processNokiaData(response){
+/* fetch the responce from the server using page as the root element */
var propertyTags = response.getElementsByTagName('page');
- for (var i=0; i< propertyTags.length; i++) {
- var linkStart = "<li class=\"liveResult\"><a href='"+qturl+"";
- var linkEnd = "</a></li>";
- if(propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'APIPage'){
- lookupCount++;
- for (var j=0; j< propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageWords').length; j++){
- full_li_element = linkStart + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageUrl')[j].firstChild.nodeValue;
- full_li_element = full_li_element + "'>" + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageTitle')[0].firstChild.nodeValue + linkEnd;
- $('#ul001').append(full_li_element);
- $('#ul001 .defaultLink').css('display','none');
- }
- }
- if(propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'Article'){
- articleCount++;
- for (var j=0; j< propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageWords').length; j++){
- full_li_element = linkStart + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageUrl')[j].firstChild.nodeValue;
- full_li_element =full_li_element + "'>" + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageTitle')[0].firstChild.nodeValue + linkEnd ;
- $('#ul002').append(full_li_element);
- $('#ul002 .defaultLink').css('display','none');
- }
+ /* reset counters */
+ var apiCount = 0;
+ var articleCount = 0;
+ var exampleCount = 0;
+ var full_li_element;
+/* remove any old results */
+ $('#resultlist li').remove();
+ /* running through the elements in the xml structure */
+ for (var i=0; i<propertyTags.length; i++) {
+ /* for every element named pageWords*/
+ for (var j=0; j< propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageWords').length; j++) {
+ /* start a new list element */
+ full_li_element = '<li';
+ /* if the pageType element reads APIPage, add class name api */
+ if (propertyTags[j].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'APIPage') {
+ full_li_element += ' class="api"';
+ apiCount++;
+ }
+ /* if the pageType element reads Article, add class name article */
+ else if (propertyTags[j].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'Article') {
+ full_li_element += ' class="article"';
+ articleCount++;
+ }
+ /* if the pageType element reads Example, add class name example */
+ else if (propertyTags[j].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'Example') {
+ full_li_element += ' class="example"';
+ exampleCount++;
+ }
+ /* adding the link element*/
+ full_li_element += '><a href="'+qturl;
+ /* adding the URL attribute*/
+ full_li_element += propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageUrl')[j].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ /* adding the link title and closing the link and list elements */
+ full_li_element += '">' + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageWords')[0].firstChild.nodeValue + '</a></li>';
+ /* appending the list element to the #resultlist div*/
+ $('#resultlist').append(full_li_element);
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the result is not empty */
+ if (propertyTags.length > 0) {
+ /* add class name active to show the dialog */
+ $('#resultdialog').addClass('active');
+ /* setting number of hits*/
+ $('#resultcount').html(propertyTags.length);
+ $('#apicount').html(apiCount);
+ $('#articlecount').html(articleCount);
+ $('#examplecount').html(exampleCount);
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#pageType').addClass('red');
+ }
+ // Filtering results in display
+ $('p#resultlinks a').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // Displays API ref pages
+ if ( == "showapiresults") {
+ $("#resultlist").removeClass().addClass('api');
+ $("#resultlinks").removeClass().addClass('api');
+ $("#searchcount").removeClass().addClass('api');
+ }
+ // Displays Articles
+ else if ( == "showarticleresults") {
+ $("#resultlist").removeClass().addClass('article');
+ $("#resultlinks").removeClass().addClass('article');
+ $("#searchcount").removeClass().addClass('article');
+ }
+ // Displays Examples
+ if ( == "showexampleresults") {
+ $("#resultlist").removeClass().addClass('example');
+ $("#resultlinks").removeClass().addClass('example');
+ $("#searchcount").removeClass().addClass('example');
+ }
+ // Displays All
+ if ( == "showallresults") {
+ $("#resultlist").removeClass().addClass('all');
+ $("#resultlinks").removeClass().addClass('all');
+ $("#searchcount").removeClass().addClass('all');
- if(propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageType')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == 'Example'){
- exampleCount++;
- for (var j=0; j< propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageWords').length; j++){
- full_li_element = linkStart + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageUrl')[j].firstChild.nodeValue;
- full_li_element =full_li_element + "'>" + propertyTags[i].getElementsByTagName('pageTitle')[0].firstChild.nodeValue + linkEnd ;
- $('#ul003').append(full_li_element);
- $('#ul003 .defaultLink').css('display','none');
- }
- }
- if(i==propertyTags.length){$('#pageType').removeClass('loading');}
- }
- if(lookupCount > 0){$('#ul001 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul001').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult hit\">Found ' + lookupCount + ' hits</li>');$('#ul001 li').css('display','block');$('.sidebar .search form input').removeClass('loading');}
- if(articleCount > 0){$('#ul002 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul002').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult hit\">Found ' + articleCount + ' hits</li>');$('#ul002 li').css('display','block');}
- if(exampleCount > 0){$('#ul003 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul003').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult hit\">Found ' + articleCount + ' hits</li>');$('#ul003 li').css('display','block');}
- if(lookupCount == 0){$('#ul001 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul001').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult noMatch\">Found no result</li>');$('#ul001 li').css('display','block');$('.sidebar .search form input').removeClass('loading');}
- if(articleCount == 0){$('#ul002 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul002').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult noMatch\">Found no result</li>');$('#ul002 li').css('display','block');}
- if(exampleCount == 0){$('#ul003 .menuAlert').remove();$('#ul003').prepend('<li class=\"menuAlert liveResult noMatch\">Found no result</li>');$('#ul003 li').css('display','block');}
- // reset count variables;
- lookupCount=0;
- articleCount = 0;
- exampleCount = 0;
+ });
//build regular expression object to find empty string or any number of blank
var blankRE=/^\s*$/;
function CheckEmptyAndLoadList()
+ /* Start Extracting information for feedback and adding this to the feedback form */
var pageUrl = window.location.href;
var pageVal = $('title').html();
+ $('#pageType').removeClass('red');
$('#feedform').append('<input id="feedUrl" name="feedUrl" value="'+pageUrl+'" style="display:none;">');
$('#feedform').append('<input id="pageVal" name="pageVal" value="'+pageVal+'" style="display:none;">');
- $('.liveResult').remove();
- $('.defaultLink').css('display','block');
+ /* End Extracting information for feedback and adding this to the feedback form */
+ /* extracts search query */
var value = document.getElementById('pageType').value;
+ /* if the search is less than three chars long remove class names and remove elements from old search*/
if((blankRE.test(value)) || (value.length < 3))
- //empty inputbox
- // load default li elements into the ul if empty
- // loadAllList(); // replaced
- $('.defaultLink').css('display','block');
- // $('.liveResult').css('display','none');
- }else{
- $('.defaultLink').css('display','none');
+ $('#resultdialog').removeClass('active');
+ $('#resultlist li').remove();
- $('body').addClass('offline');
- $('body').removeClass('offline');
- });
- */
-// Loads on doc ready
+// Loads on doc ready - prepares search
$(document).ready(function () {
- //alert(pageUrl);
- //$('#pageUrl').attr('foo',pageUrl);
+ /* fetch page title*/
var pageTitle = $('title').html();
+ /* getting content from search box */
var currentString = $('#pageType').val() ;
+ /* if the search box is not empty run CheckEmptyAndLoadList*/
if(currentString.length < 1){
- $('.defaultLink').css('display','block');
+ /* on key-up in the search box execute the following */
$('#pageType').keyup(function () {
+ /* extract the search box content */
var searchString = $('#pageType').val() ;
+ /* if the string is less than three characters */
if ((searchString == null) || (searchString.length < 3)) {
+ /* remove classes and elements*/
- $('.liveResult').remove();
+ /* run CheckEmptyAndLoadList */
- // debug$('.content').prepend('<li>too short or blank</li>'); // debug
+ /* if timer checks out */
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ /* add loading image by adding loading class */
- $('.list ul').prepend('<li class="menuAlert searching">Searching...</li>');
+ /* run the actual search */
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
url: 'http://' + + '/nokiasearch/GetDataServlet',
@@ -180,15 +245,14 @@ else
type: 'post',
success: function (response, textStatus) {
- $('.liveResult').remove();
+ /* on success remove loading img */
- $('.list ul').prepend('<li class="menuAlert searching">Searching...</li>');
- }, 500);
+ }, 500); /* timer set to 500 ms */
- });
+ }); \ No newline at end of file