path: root/doc/src/tutorials
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3 files changed, 132 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook-fr.qdoc b/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook-fr.qdoc
index 2847f1b..512a404 100644
--- a/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook-fr.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook-fr.qdoc
@@ -239,13 +239,16 @@
\snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
- On construit un nouveau widget \c AddressBook sur le tas en utilisant le mot-clé
- \c new et en invoquant sa méthode \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} pour l'afficher.
+ On construit un nouveau widget \c AddressBook sur la pile et on invoque
+ sa méthode \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} pour l'afficher.
Cependant, le widget ne sera pas visible tant que la boucle d'évènements
n'aura pas été lancée. On démarre la boucle d'évènements en appelant la
méthode \l{QApplication::}{exec()} de l'application; le résultat renvoyé
par cette méthode est lui même utilisé comme valeur de retour pour la méthode
\c main().
+ On comprend maintenant pourquoi \c AddressBook a été créé sur la pile: à la fin
+ du programme, l'objet sort du scope de la fonction \c main() et tous ses widgets enfants
+ sont supprimés, assurant ainsi qu'il n'y aura pas de fuites de mémoire.
diff --git a/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook.qdoc b/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook.qdoc
index 9a1af85..465eb91 100644
--- a/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/tutorials/addressbook.qdoc
@@ -242,12 +242,15 @@
\snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
- We construct a new \c AddressBook widget on the heap using the \c new
- keyword and invoke its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function to display it.
+ We construct a new \c AddressBook widget on the stack and invoke
+ its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function to display it.
However, the widget will not be shown until the application's event loop
is started. We start the event loop by calling the application's
\l{QApplication::}{exec()} function; the result returned by this function
- is used as the return value from the \c main() function.
+ is used as the return value from the \c main() function. At this point,
+ it becomes apparent why we instanciated \c AddressBook on the stack: It
+ will now go out of scope. Therefore, \c AddressBook and all its child widgets
+ will be deleted, thus preventing memory leaks.
diff --git a/doc/src/tutorials/widgets-tutorial.qdoc b/doc/src/tutorials/widgets-tutorial.qdoc
index ead44af..1e89431 100644
--- a/doc/src/tutorials/widgets-tutorial.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/tutorials/widgets-tutorial.qdoc
@@ -41,11 +41,14 @@
\page widgets-tutorial.html
+ \startpage {index.html}{Qt Reference Documentation}
+ \nextpage {tutorials/widgets/toplevel}{Creating a Window}
\title Widgets Tutorial
\ingroup tutorials
- \brief This tutorial covers basic usage of widgets and layouts, showing how they are used to build GUI applications.
+ \brief This tutorial covers basic usage of widgets and layouts, showing how
+ they are used to build GUI applications.
\section1 Introduction
@@ -68,7 +71,60 @@
occupied by its parent. This means that, when a window is deleted, all
the widgets it contains are automatically deleted.
- \section1 Creating a Window
+ \section1 Writing a main Function
+ Many of the GUI examples in Qt follow the pattern of having a \c{main.cpp}
+ file containing code to initialize the application, and a number of other
+ source and header files containing the application logic and custom GUI
+ components.
+ A typical \c main() function, written in \c{main.cpp}, looks like this:
+ \quotefile doc/src/snippets/widgets-tutorial/template.cpp
+ We first construct a QApplication object which is configured using any
+ arguments passed in from the command line. After any widgets have been
+ created and shown, we call QApplication::exec() to start Qt's event loop.
+ Control passes to Qt until this function returns, at which point we return
+ the value we obtain from this function.
+ In each part of this tutorial, we provide an example that is written
+ entirely within a \c main() function. In more sophisticated examples, the
+ code to set up widgets and layouts is written in other parts of the
+ example. For example, the GUI for a main window may be set up in the
+ constructor of a QMainWindow subclass.
+ The \l{Qt Examples#Widgets}{Widgets examples} are a good place to look for
+ more complex and complete examples and applications.
+ \section1 Building Examples and Tutorials
+ If you obtained a binary package of Qt or compiled it yourself, the
+ examples described in this tutorial should already be ready to run.
+ However, if you may wish to modify them and recompile them, you need to
+ perform the following steps:
+ \list 1
+ \o At the command line, enter the directory containing the example you
+ wish to recompile.
+ \o Type \c qmake and press \key{Return}. If this doesn't work, make sure
+ that the executable is on your path, or enter its full location.
+ \o On Linux/Unix and Mac OS X, type \c make and press \key{Return};
+ on Windows with Visual Studio, type \c nmake and press \key{Return}.
+ \endlist
+ An executable file should have been created within the current directory.
+ On Windows, this file may be located within a \c debug or \c release
+ subdirectory. You can run this file to see the example code at work.
+ \page widgets-tutorial-toplevel.html
+ \contentspage {Widgets Tutorial}{Contents}
+ \previouspage {Widgets Tutorial}
+ \nextpage {Widgets Tutorial - Child Widgets}
+ \example tutorials/widgets/toplevel
+ \title Widgets Tutorial - Creating a Window
If a widget is created without a parent, it is treated as a window, or
\e{top-level widget}, when it is shown. Since it has no parent object to
@@ -82,7 +138,7 @@
<table align="left" width="100%">
<tr class="qt-code"><td>
- \snippet snippets/widgets-tutorial/toplevel/main.cpp create, resize and show
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/toplevel/main.cpp main program
\raw HTML
</td><td align="right">
@@ -92,15 +148,28 @@
- We can add a child widget to this window by passing \c window as the
- parent to its constructor. In this case, we add a button to the window
- and place it in a specific location:
+ To create a real GUI, we need to place widgets inside the window. To do
+ this, we pass a QWidget instance to a widget's constructor, as we will
+ demonstrate in the next part of this tutorial.
+ \page widgets-tutorial-childwidget.html
+ \contentspage {Widgets Tutorial}{Contents}
+ \previouspage {Widgets Tutorial - Creating a Window}
+ \nextpage {Widgets Tutorial - Using Layouts}
+ \example tutorials/widgets/childwidget
+ \title Widgets Tutorial - Child Widgets
+ We can add a child widget to the window created in the previous example by
+ passing \c window as the parent to its constructor. In this case, we add a
+ button to the window and place it in a specific location:
\raw HTML
<table align="left" width="100%">
<tr class="qt-code"><td>
- \snippet snippets/widgets-tutorial/childwidget/main.cpp create, position and show
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/childwidget/main.cpp main program
\raw HTML
</td><td align="right">
@@ -112,9 +181,16 @@
The button is now a child of the window and will be deleted when the
window is destroyed. Note that hiding or closing the window does not
- automatically destroy it.
+ automatically destroy it. It will be destroyed when the example exits.
- \section1 Using Layouts
+ \page widgets-tutorial-windowlayout.html
+ \contentspage {Widgets Tutorial}{Contents}
+ \previouspage {Widgets Tutorial - Child Widgets}
+ \nextpage {Widgets Tutorial - Nested Layouts}
+ \example tutorials/widgets/windowlayout
+ \title Widgets Tutorial - Using Layouts
Usually, child widgets are arranged inside a window using layout objects
rather than by specifying positions and sizes explicitly. Here, we
@@ -125,7 +201,7 @@
<table align="left" width="100%">
<tr class="qt-code"><td>
- \snippet snippets/widgets-tutorial/windowlayout/main.cpp create, lay out widgets and show
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/windowlayout/main.cpp main program
\raw HTML
</td><td align="right">
@@ -149,17 +225,31 @@
manage the label and line edit and set the layout on the window, both the
widgets and the layout itself are ''reparented'' to become children of
the window.
+ \page widgets-tutorial-nestedlayouts.html
+ \contentspage {Widgets Tutorial}{Contents}
+ \previouspage {Widgets Tutorial - Using Layouts}
+ \example tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts
+ \title Widgets Tutorial - Nested Layouts
Just as widgets can contain other widgets, layouts can be used to provide
different levels of grouping for widgets. Here, we want to display a
label alongside a line edit at the top of a window, above a table view
showing the results of a query.
+ We achieve this by creating two layouts: \c{queryLayout} is a QHBoxLayout
+ that contains QLabel and QLineEdit widgets placed side-by-side;
+ \c{mainLayout} is a QVBoxLayout that contains \c{queryLayout} and a
+ QTableView arranged vertically.
\raw HTML
<table align="left" width="100%">
<tr class="qt-code"><td>
- \snippet snippets/widgets-tutorial/nestedlayouts/main.cpp create, lay out widgets and show
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp first part
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp last part
\raw HTML
</td><td align="right">
@@ -169,6 +259,26 @@
+ Note that we call the \c{mainLayout}'s \l{QBoxLayout::}{addLayout()}
+ function to insert the \c{queryLayout} above the \c{resultView} table.
+ We have omitted the code that sets up the model containing the data shown
+ by the QTableView widget, \c resultView. For completeness, we show this below.
As well as QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout, Qt also provides QGridLayout
and QFormLayout classes to help with more complex user interfaces.
+ These can be seen if you run \l{Qt Designer}.
+ \section1 Setting up the Model
+ In the code above, we did not show where the table's data came from
+ because we wanted to concentrate on the use of layouts. Here, we see
+ that the model holds a number of items corresponding to rows, each of
+ which is set up to contain data for two columns.
+ \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp set up the model
+ The use of models and views is covered in the
+ \l{Qt Examples#Item Views}{item view examples} and in the
+ \l{Model/View Programming} overview.