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+** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt WebKit module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
+** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+** met:
+** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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+** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor
+** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+** products derived from this software without specific prior written
+** permission.
+\page qtwebkit-guide-css.html
+\title QtWebKit Guide - Level 3 CSS
+\chapter Level 3 CSS
+This section of the \l{QtWebKit Guide} serves as an introduction to various
+Level 3 CSS features supported by QtWebKit:
+\o The \l{Media Queries} section discusses a simple client-based technique to
+present different interfaces and functionality from a single source of content
+to different classes of mobile device.
+\o The \l{Selectors} section concentrates on recently introduced syntax elements
+that make applying formatting and gathering DOM elements more flexible.
+\o The \l{Visual Effects} section surveys numerous formatting properties,
+including new color models and advanced WebKit effects.
+\o Finally, the \l{Dynamic CSS} section discusses 2D transforms, transitions,
+and keyframe animations.
+This section features links to numerous sample pages that demonstrate how
+various CSS3 features may be applied within a mobile interface. For best
+results, view these samples with a modern Webkit-based browser such as Apple
+Safari or Google Chrome. Resize the window in which the sample appears to
+roughly match the dimensions of a touch-screen mobile device.
+\section1 Media Queries
+CSS \e{media queries} extend \e{media types} with more detailed capabilities.
+Media queries offer a simple client-side mechanism to customize interfaces
+comprehensively via CSS.
+Media queries are especially useful when extending a body of content for
+presentation on mobile browsers. Prior to support for this feature, there were
+two basic approaches to provisioning mobile web content, both server-based:
+\o \e{Mobile-specific domains}. Content providers might provide a separate
+access points for default content at \c{}, with mobile content
+available at \c{} or \c{}. There might also be an
+additional \c{} access point targeted for higher-end
+touch-screen browsers.
+\o \e{Dynamic Server-based Adaptation}. In this case, there is a single access
+point, but the server sends different content, typically depending on the
+\e{User-Agent} header included in all browsers' HTTP requests.
+This approach may leverage databases of device characteristics such as
+\l{WURFL} or \l{DeviceAtlas}.
+This section describes how to provision CSS entirely on the mobile
+ \section2 Media Types and Media Queries
+ If you only want to serve interfaces for desktop browsers and low-end mobile
+ browsers, specify external CSS files within your HTML's \c{head} region
+ using media types:
+ \code
+ <link media="screen" href="/path/to/desktop.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <link media="handheld" href="/path/to/mobile.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ \endcode
+ The \c{media} attribute specifies different \e{types} of browser: \c{screen}
+ for large-screen desktop browsers, and \c{handheld} for mobile browsers.
+ Browsers identifying themselves as \c{handheld} are served the
+ \c{mobile.css} file, which should specify a dramatically simplified
+ mobile interface.
+ A problem arises, however, when the majority of higher-end touch browsers
+ identify themselves as the \c{screen} media type, to avoid being served
+ overly simplified content that is beneath their capabilities. The example
+ above serves a desktop-oriented design to later-generation mobile browsers.
+ To target a higher-end mobile design to these browsers, you need to specify
+ additional media \c{queries}:
+ \code
+ <link media="only screen and (min-device-width: 481px)" href="/path/to/desktop.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="/path/to/touch.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <link media="handheld" href="/path/to/mobile.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ \endcode
+ The first two lines specify any \c{screen}-typed browser whose window
+ is wider or narrower than 480 pixels.
+ Regions of content that are inappropriate for presentation within
+ either the touch-based or lower-end mobile design can then be easily
+ removed within the corresponding CSS files:
+ \code
+ .widget, .nested_nav, .sidebar, .video_ad, .related_items {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The following example demonstrates a simple message identifying your class
+ of browser, which appears dynamically based on CSS that is linked using
+ media types and media query syntax:
+ \l{mob_mediaquery}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_mob_mediaquery.png
+ }
+ \e{Click on the image to view the example live in a browser or click on the
+ following links to view the CSS files.}
+ \l{mq_desktop_css}{(Desktop CSS)}
+ \l{mq_touch_css}{(Touch-Screen CSS)}
+ \l{mq_mobile_css}{(Low-end Mobile CSS)}
+ The following example shows a skeletal interface that appears differently
+ based on the type of browser viewing it. The image below shows how it
+ appears when viewed on a touch-based browser, but a desktop browser renders
+ a more elaborate three-column layout:
+ \l{mob_layout}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_mob_layout.png
+ }
+ \l{mqlayout_desktop_css}{(Desktop CSS)}
+ \l{mqlayout_touch_css}{(Touch-Screen CSS)}
+ \l{mqlayout_mobile_css}{(Low-end Mobile CSS)}
+ When viewed with a desktop browser,
+ the page displays a typical desktop-style layout:
+ a main content column surrounded by navigation and sidebar columns,
+ with banner headers and footers that straddle the top and bottom of
+ the screen.
+ When viewed with a touch-based browser,
+ the sidebar element does not appear.
+ The main content extends to the full width of the screen,
+ while header and navigation elements share the top of the screen.
+ When viewed with other mobile browsers,
+ even the top of the screen is simplified to replace header information
+ with a simple icon.
+ Note that you can also use media queries to customize interfaces for
+ tablet devices such as the Apple iPad:
+ \code
+ <link rel="stylesheet" media="all and (min-device-width: 481px)
+ and (max-device-width: 1024px)" href="/path/to/ipad.css"/>
+ \endcode
+ \section2 In-line Media Queries
+ While it's generally good practice to keep CSS for different designs within
+ separate files, you can also consolidate them. The following example
+ provides a default san-serif font styling for \c{h1} elements, then
+ different sets of style sheets for three browser categories:
+ \code
+ h1 { font-family : Arial, sans-serif }
+ @media screen {
+ h1 { color: #00008B; }
+ }
+ @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
+ h1 { color: #00008B; font-size: medium; }
+ }
+ @media handheld {
+ h1 { font-size: medium; font-weight: bold }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Consolidating style sheets in this manner may reduce the number of separate
+ HTTP requests, help web designers to keep track of variations among designs,
+ and reduce style sheet properties defined redundantly in more than one file.
+ \section2 Media Queries via JavaScript
+ Browsers that support media queries also support APIs to test them from
+ within JavaScript. Browsers based on QtWebKit use the \c{matchMedia} API.
+ Some other browsers use a slightly different (and older) \c{styleMedia} API,
+ which itself used to be called the \c{media} API. Each can be called from
+ the \c{window} object. The following function accounts for all three cases:
+ \code
+ function matchesMediaQuery(query) {
+ if (!!window.matchMedia)
+ return window.matchMedia(query).matches;
+ if (!!window.styleMedia && !!window.styleMedia.matchMedium)
+ return window.styleMedia.matchMedium(query);
+ if (!! &&
+ return;
+ return false;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The \c{query} argument corresponds to the media query string used to
+ activate the CSS. For example, the following higher-level function tests
+ whether the browser matches design categories provided simple labels such as
+ \c{desktop}, \c{touch}, or \c{mobile}:
+ \code
+ function isDesign(str) {
+ var design;
+ if (matchesMediaQuery('only screen and (min-device-width: 481px)')) {
+ design = 'desktop';
+ }
+ else if (matchesMediaQuery('only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)')) {
+ design = 'touch';
+ }
+ else if (matchesMediaQuery('handheld')) {
+ design = 'mobile';
+ }
+ return str == design;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ You can then use the test whenever there is a need to assign functionality
+ for a specific design. The following gathers a series of images and assigns
+ different panel-viewing functions for \c{desktop} and \c{touch} designs,
+ with no functionality assigned to the lower-end \c{mobile} design:
+ \code
+ var imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img.panel");
+ for ( var i = 0, len = imgs.length ; i < len ; i++ ) {
+ el = imgs[i];
+ if ( isDesign("desktop") ) {
+ imgs[i].addEventListener("mouseover", showHoverPanel);
+ imgs[i].addEventListener("mouseout", hideHoverPanel);
+ }
+ else if ( isDesign("touch") ) {
+ imgs[i].addEventListener("click", showTouchPanel);
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The following example uses this technique to produce a simple message,
+ dynamically generated by JavaScript,
+ that corresponds to the message generated by CSS:
+ \l{mob_condjs}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_mob_condjs.png
+ }
+ \l{mob_condjs_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{mob_condjs_js}{(JavaScript)}
+\section1 Selectors
+Level 3 CSS provides many useful new \e{selectors} that make it easier to apply
+formatting to page elements. In addition, the \l{Selectors API} makes DOM
+elements accessible using the same CSS expressions you use to apply formatting
+to them. The following show alternate ways to access elements:
+var element = document.getElementById('map');
+var element = document.querySelector('#map');
+var elements = document.getElementByClassName('active');
+var elements = document.querySelectorAll('ul >');
+This section provides examples of how different kinds of Level 3
+selectors might be applied when formatting mobile interfaces.
+ \section2 Attribute Matching
+ It is often useful to offer visual hints marking different kinds of link.
+ Users might want to know the difference between a link to a page on the same
+ website and one on an external site. Links to non-HTML file types might pose
+ special challenges to mobile users. Alternately, mobile users might get
+ special benefit from telephone links.
+ You can automate this by using the CSS attribute prefix and suffix matching
+ selectors. The following uses \c{^=} to mark external HTTP links, email,
+ SMS, and telephone links, by inserting an icon after the text of the link:
+ \code
+ a[href^="http://"]:after, a[href^="https://"]:after
+ { content : url(icon/external.png); }
+ a[href^="mailto:"]:after { content : url(icon/email.png); }
+ a[href^="sms:"]:after { content : url(icon/sms.png); }
+ a[href^="tel:"]:after { content : url(icon/tel.gif); }
+ \endcode
+ The following uses \c{$=} to identify various file types by common suffixes:
+ \code
+ a[href$=".doc"]:after { content : url(icon/ms_word.gif) }
+ a[href$=".ppt"]:after { content : url(icon/powerpoint.gif) }
+ a[href$=".rss"]:after, a[href$=".xml"]:after
+ { content : url(icon/feed.gif) }
+ a[href$=".pdf"]:after { content : url(icon/pdf.jpg) }
+ a[href$=".xls"]:after { content : url(icon/excel.jpg) }
+ \endcode
+ You can also use \c{*=} to freely match substrings within any attribute
+ value. The following might distinguish links to a site's blog area based on
+ how the URL is organized:
+ \code
+ a[href*="/blog/"]:after { content : url(icon/blog.jpg )}
+ \endcode
+ The following example demonstrates links identified by dynamically generated
+ icons:
+ \l{layout_link-fmt}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_layout_link-fmt.png
+ }
+ \l{layout_link-fmt_css}{(CSS)}
+ \section2 Form Input State
+ The \c{:checked} dynamic class allows you to style radio and checkbox inputs
+ based on their selection state:
+ \code
+ input[type=radio],
+ input[type=checkbox]
+ { text-align : right }
+ input[type=radio]:checked,
+ input[type=checkbox]:checked
+ { text-align : left }
+ \endcode
+ This enables the following mobile-friendly interface, which converts small
+ radio and check boxes to much more accessible toggle buttons:
+ \l{form_toggler}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_form_toggler.png
+ }
+ \l{form_toggler_css}{(CSS)}
+ Using the dynamic \c{:checked} CSS class, the \c{text-align} property
+ toggles from \c{left} to \c{right} depending on whether the \c{input} is
+ checked or not. Note that to display button text, dynamic classes can be
+ chained together to form complex expressions:
+ \c{input[type=radio]:checked:before}.
+ The example also relies on the \c{-webkit-appearance} property, which allows
+ you to override the default visual presentation of specialized interface
+ elements such as radio and checkbox inputs.
+ The following example provides alternate styling for radio and checkbox
+ inputs, presenting them as tappable buttons:
+ \l{form_tapper}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_form_tapper.png
+ }
+ \l{form_tapper_css}{(CSS)}
+ Form elements may also be re-styled based on whether they are \c{:enabled}
+ or \c{:disabled}. In addition, the \c{:focus} dynamic class allows you to
+ style text form inputs or other editable content regions that users have
+ currently selected for editing.
+ \section2 Navigational Selectors
+ Elements within a page that are the target of navigation can receive
+ distinct styling using the \c{:target} dynamic class. The act of navigating
+ to an element can alter its appearance, or even determine if it is to appear
+ at all.
+ The following example relies on anchor navigation to display successive rows
+ of a table within a mobile interface:
+ \l{layout_tbl-keyhole}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_layout_tbl-keyhole.png
+ }
+ \l{layout_tbl-keyhole_css}{(CSS)}
+ While the example relies on table-related tags, they are re-styled with
+ block formatting to confine each row of information within the screen. Each
+ row features links to other rows, triggering their display. Other links
+ navigate away from the table, which suppresses its display altogether. This
+ is the main CSS driving the interface:
+ \code
+ .mobile > tbody > tr { display : none }
+ .mobile > tbody > tr:target { display : block }
+ \endcode
+ The same technique may be used to display or dismiss optional interface
+ elements such as panels, simply by providing navigation links to them within
+ the page.
+ \section2 Indirect Sibling Selector
+ The Level 2 \c{+} selector allows you to style elements that immediately
+ follow other specified elements. For example, the following refers to a
+ paragraph that immediately follows a heading at the same level of markup:
+ \code
+ h1 + p { font-weight: bold }
+ \endcode
+ In contrast, the Level 3 \c{~} indirect sibling selector allows you to style
+ any subsequent element at the same level within the markup. The following
+ example styles any element that follows an \c{h2} that is classed
+ \c{pullquote}:
+ \code
+ h2 ~ .pullquote { font-size: 90% }
+ \endcode
+ \note Webkit-based browsers do not yet allow you to style
+ elements dynamically via indirect sibling selectors.
+ \section2 Positional Selectors
+ Various dynamic classes allow you to style elements depending on their
+ position with a series of elements: either elements of the same type, or
+ other child elements of the same parent. The following example aligns a
+ series of icons to a grid:
+ \l{css3_sel-nth}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_sel-nth.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_sel-nth_css}{(CSS)}
+ Columns are specified with the \c{:nth-of-type()} selector, which accepts
+ numeric expressions as arguments. The following selectors refer to every
+ fourth \c{img} element, but offset by a specified number:
+ \code
+ img { position: absolute }
+ img:nth-of-type(4n-3) { left: 2% }
+ img:nth-of-type(4n-2) { left: 27% }
+ img:nth-of-type(4n-1) { left: 52% }
+ img:nth-of-type(4n-0) { left: 77% }
+ \endcode
+ Alternately, keywords \c{odd} and \c{even} correspond to \c{2n-1} and \c{2n}
+ expressions. These are useful, for example, when styling table rows with
+ alternating background colors.
+ Rows are represented as the number of the element within the series, plus a
+ fixed number. Each selector redefines the previous selector's upper range
+ of values:
+ \code
+ img:nth-of-type(n) { top: 5% }
+ img:nth-of-type(n+5) { top: 20% }
+ img:nth-of-type(n+9) { top: 35% }
+ img:nth-of-type(n+13) { top: 50% }
+ img:nth-of-type(n+17) { top: 65% }
+ img:nth-of-type(n+21) { top: 80% }
+ \endcode
+ Level 3 CSS defines the following positional selectors:
+ \list
+ \o \c{:first-child}, \c{:last-child}, and \c{:only-child} refer to the first
+ or last child element within a series, or when it is the only one.
+ \o \c{:first-of-type}, \c{:last-of-type}, and \c{:only-of-type} refer to the
+ first or last specified element within a series, or when it is the only one.
+ \o \c{:nth-first-child()} and \c{:nth-last-child()} refer to the specified
+ child element positioned from the start or end of the series.
+ \o \c{:nth-first-of-type()} and \c{:nth-last-of-type()} refer to the
+ specified element positioned from the start or end of the series.
+ \o \c{:nth-of-type()} refers to any series of specified elements.
+ \o \c{:nth-child()} refers to any series of child elements.
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Other Selectors
+ Level 3 CSS specifies several other potentially useful dynamic
+ classes that can be added to selectors:
+ \list
+ \o \c{:empty} refers to an element that contains no child elements,
+ including text nodes.
+ \o \c{:root} is a markup-independent way to refer to elements that are
+ postioned at the root of the document,
+ in most cases the \c{html} tag.
+ \o The \c{:not()} dynamic class allows you to narrow a range of
+ selectors.
+ This may be more useful when gathering elements via the Selectors API.
+ For example,
+ the following JavaScript gathers form inputs,
+ but not including submit buttons:
+ \code
+ var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input:not([type=submit])");
+ \endcode
+ \endlist
+\section1 Visual Effects
+QtWebKit supports numerous Level 3 CSS visual features. This section briefly
+demonstrates how many of these recently available visual features may be used to
+refine mobile web designs.
+These more advanced CSS3 effects tend to be available only on the latest
+generation of mobile browsers. Still, it is safe to use them, even if the design
+degrades somewhat for devices that don't support them. When a browser
+encounters CSS properties or values it can't interpret, it simply ignores them.
+Designers can respond by providing fallback options to allow for \e{graceful
+degradation}. For example, the following CSS specifies a plain gray background
+in case the browser does not support gradients:
+background: #aaaaaa;
+background: -webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom,
+ from(#777777), color-stop(50%,#dddddd), to(#777777) );
+Note that many of the CSS properties discussed in this section were implemented
+relatively recently, and vendors of browser rendering engines (such as WebKit)
+may still be in the process of testing and standardizing their behavior. These
+property names feature \e{vendor prefixes} such as \c{-webkit-} for WebKit,
+\c{-moz-} for Mozilla, and \c{-o-} for Opera.
+It may be possible to extend CSS properties to these various browsers by
+providing vendor-specific syntax. The following example shows how to extend the
+\c{border-image} property to the Opera browser or Mozilla-based Fennec or the
+Maemo Browser for Nokia N900. It also shows the property's final name following
+the process of standardization:
+-webkit-border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 stretch stretch;
+-moz-border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 stretch stretch;
+-o-border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 stretch stretch;
+border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 stretch stretch;
+In some cases, there are slight variations in the syntax each vendor expects as
+property values.
+ \section2 Specifying Color and Opacity
+ Prior to CSS3, there were three options when specifying color values: named
+ colors, hexadecimal color values, or RGB values. CSS3 provides additional
+ ways to specify colors:
+ \list
+ \o \e{HSL}. Colors defined with the HSL model specify the \e{hue} as a
+ radial or degree coordinate, then its \e{saturation} and \e{luminence}
+ as percentages. The following example specifies red and green values:
+ \code
+ background: hsl(0 , 100%, 60%);
+ background: hsl(128, 75% , 33%);
+ \endcode
+ \o \e{HSLA}.
+ Same as HSL,
+ but specifying an additional decimal \e{alpha} value that
+ corresponds to opacity.
+ The following specifies a fully opaque red,
+ followed by a partial transparency:
+ \code
+ background: hsla(0, 100%, 60%, 1.0);
+ background: hsla(0, 100%, 60%, 0.5);
+ \endcode
+ \o \e{RGBA}.
+ Same as RGB,
+ but specifying an additional decimal \e{alpha} value that
+ corresponds to opacity.
+ The following the same transition from opaque to transparent as shown
+ above:
+ \code
+ background: rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 1.0);
+ background: rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.5);
+ \endcode
+ \endlist
+ With the addition of opacity to color definitions, you can now also specify
+ \c{transparent} as a color name. Note that while RGBA and HSLA options are
+ now available, you can still use the familiar \c{opacity} property
+ independently of color definitions.
+ \section2 Rounded Corners
+ In addition to removing harsh edges, rounded corners often help distinguish
+ active items from static background elements. Rounded corners are
+ implemented using the \c{border-radius} property. The following rounds off
+ an edge to the same extent that interior elements are offset:
+ \code
+ .rounded {
+ border-radius : 1em;
+ padding : 1em;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The following example demonstrates how rounded corners can enhance a mobile
+ design, by marking the start and end of large regions of content, such as a
+ list of links:
+ \l{layout_link-fmt}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_layout_link-fmt.png
+ }
+ \l{layout_link-fmt_css}{(CSS)}
+ The greater the measurement applied to an element's \c{border-radius}, the
+ more dramatically rounded are its corners. For example, applying a
+ \c{border-radius} that is half an element's overall dimensions results in a
+ circle:
+ \code
+ .circle {
+ width : 4em;
+ height : 4em;
+ border-radius : 2em;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ You can also set each corner individually, and specify a pair of values to
+ achieve oval-shaped borders:
+ \code
+ border-top-left-radius : 2em/1em;
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Border Images
+ Border images allow you to apply customized marquee effects, as in the
+ following example:
+ \l{css3_border-img}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_border-img.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_border-img_css}{(CSS)}
+ In this case, the image stretches to fit an element's dimensions:
+ \code
+ -webkit-border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 stretch stretch;
+ \endcode
+ As is true of the \c{border} property, a single numeric argument specifies
+ the width of the border as a whole, or up to four values to modify the width
+ of each side.
+ Any border image you specify substitutes some or all of an element's normal
+ border. The \c{border-image} and \c{border-corner-image} each collectively
+ represent four more specific properties.
+ For \c{border-image}, these properties are:
+ \list
+ \o \c{border-top-image}
+ \o \c{border-right-image}
+ \o \c{border-bottom-image}
+ \o \c{border-left-image}
+ \endlist
+ For \c{border-corner-image}, these properties are:
+ \list
+ \o \c{border-top-left-image}
+ \o \c{border-top-right-image}
+ \o \c{border-bottom-right-image}
+ \o \c{border-bottom-left-image}
+ \endlist
+ The \c{border-image} property specifies a single image for all four edge
+ borders. The \c{border-corner-image} property specifies an image for all
+ four corner borders. To specify images individually for any of the edge or
+ corner borders, use any of the eight individual properties.
+ When specifying any border edge or corner image values:
+ \list
+ \o A \c{stretch} value stretches one image to fill the element border area,
+ as shown in the example above.
+ \o A \c{repeat} value repeats one image until it fills the element border
+ area and clips any overflow, for example:
+ \code
+ -webkit-border-image : url(img/border-frame.gif) 10 repeat repeat;
+ \endcode
+ In this case the first \c{repeat} applies to top and bottom edge borders,
+ and the second applies to left and right edge borders.
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Backgrounds
+ CSS3 allows you to specify more than one background image at a time.
+ The following example shows an accordion-style tabbed interface:
+ \l{css3_backgrounds}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_backgrounds.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_backgrounds_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{css3_backgrounds_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ By default, tabs display a single icon image, but when selected feature an
+ additional gradient background image. The following CSS shows how both icon
+ and background can receive their own series of specifications, affecting
+ their offset or whether each image repeats:
+ \code
+ background-image : url(img/select.png) , url(img/gradient.jpg);
+ background-repeat : no-repeat , repeat-x;
+ background-position : 12px 12px , 0 0;
+ \endcode
+ In addition, you may set the \c{background-size} property to \c{contain} to
+ scale images to the size of the containing element. (Level 2 CSS allowed
+ only specific measurements or percentages of the image's size.)
+ \section2 Text Shadow and Stroke
+ Shadows can be applied to text. As the following example shows, text shadows
+ may interfere with the legibility of text, and are seldom appropriate unless
+ they're used for large, sans-serif display headings:
+ \l{css3_text-shadow}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_text-shadow.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_text-shadow_css}{(CSS)}
+ In addition to the shadow's color, the property accepts two measurements to
+ represent its offset from the text, while the third specifies the extent to
+ which the shadow is blurred:
+ \code
+ h1,h2,h3,h4 { text-shadow : 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em #aaaaaa; }
+ \endcode
+ CSS3 also allows you to apply a different colored fill to characters,
+ suitable mainly for larger display type or subtle animations:
+ \l{css3_text-stroke}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_text-stroke.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_text-stroke_css}{(CSS)}
+ In the following CSS, \c{-webkit-text-fill-color} is synonymous with the
+ standard \c{color} property:
+ \code
+ -webkit-text-stroke-color : #000000;
+ -webkit-text-stroke-width : 1px;
+ -webkit-text-fill-color : purple;
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Text Overflow
+ Web developers are familiar with the \c{overflow} property, which can be
+ used to hide content that exceeds an element's dimensions, or else to make
+ it accessible via scrolling. CSS3 specifies an additional \c{text-overflow}
+ property that allows you to add ellipses as a suffix to any text that
+ overflows the element, to indicate the presence of additional text.
+ The following example shows how the \c{text-overflow} property allows you to
+ present user-selectable links to expanded regions of text within a page:
+ \l{css3_text-overflow}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_text-overflow.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_text-overflow_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{css3_text-overflow_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ Use the \c{text-overflow} property in conjunction with \c{overflow} and
+ \c{white-space}:
+ \code
+ text-overflow : ellipsis;
+ overflow : hidden;
+ white-space : nowrap;
+ \endcode
+ For \c{text-overflow} to work, the element's \c{white-space} must be set to
+ \c{nowrap}, overriding the default \c{normal} value. This prevents words
+ from wrapping onto another line as is standard behavior outside the \c{pre}
+ tag, and forces text past the right edge of the element.
+ (The element's \c{text-overflow} may specify both \c{ellipsis} and
+ \c{ellipsis-word}, the latter of which is not as widely implemented.)
+ \section2 Custom Scrollbars
+ In general, scrollable elements should be avoided wherever possible within
+ mobile interfaces. Drag gestures already allow users to scroll windows
+ vertically, and narrow mobile screens are not suitable for overly wide
+ content.
+ In cases where content can only be viewed within a scrolling window,
+ scrollbars can be reformatted to make them more accessible to mobile users.
+ The following example presents a block of code within a touch-enabled mobile
+ interface:
+ \l{css3_scroll}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_scroll.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_scroll_css}{(CSS)}
+ This interface uses standard scrollbars, but their appearance is enhanced
+ using low-level \e{pseudo-element} CSS classes that refer to individual
+ components within the scrollbar.
+ Simply by invoking the following CSS selector, you disable scrollbars'
+ default appearance:
+ \code
+ pre::-webkit-scrollbar { height : 3em }
+ \endcode
+ In this case, the specified property increases the scrollbar's default
+ \c{height} to make it easier for mobile users to tap it with their fingers.
+ Each additional scrollbar component must then be explicitly defined,
+ otherwise it does not render. The following CSS provides custom styling for
+ the horizontal panning buttons:
+ \code
+ ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:increment {
+ background-image : url(img/arrow_right.png);
+ background-size : contain;
+ background-repeat : no-repeat;
+ width : 3em;
+ height : 3em;
+ }
+ ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:decrement {
+ background-image : url(img/arrow_left.png);
+ background-size : contain;
+ background-repeat : no-repeat;
+ width : 3em;
+ height : 3em;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ In this case, the scrollbar region between the two navigation icons is still
+ active, but not obviously so since its visual formatting has been
+ overridden. The simpler set of controls is far more suitable for a mobile
+ interface.
+ Webkit provides pseudo-elements for the following components:
+ \list
+ \o \c{scrollbar} refers to scrollbar as a whole. Additional dynamic classes
+ can be appended to specify \c{:vertical} and \c{:horizontal} scrollbars. The
+ \c{:corner-present} dynamic class activates when both scrollbars are
+ present.
+ \o \c{scrollbar-button} refers to incremental navigation buttons. Each
+ button can be styled separately with \c{:increment} and \c{:decrement}
+ dynamic classes.
+ \o \c{scrollbar-thumb} refers to the scrollbar's slider control.
+ \o \c{scrollbar-track} refers to the active navigation region between
+ buttons.
+ \o \c{scrollbar-track-piece} refers to each portion of the track on either
+ side of the thumb control. These can be styled separately using \c{:start}
+ and \c{:end} dynamic classes.
+ \o \c{scrollbar-corner} refers to the corner where scrollbar tracks meet.
+ The \c{resizer} pseudo-element also refers to this corner, but for resizable
+ elements such as \c{textarea}.
+ \o The \c{:double-button} and \c{:single-button} dynamic classes refer to
+ whether incrementor and decrementors are paired together redundantly at each
+ end of the track, while \c{:no-button} refers to whether they display at
+ all.
+ \endlist
+ \bold{See Also:}
+ \l{}{Surfin' Safari:
+ Styling Scrollbars}
+ \section2 Gradients
+ Gradients provide a graduated shading effect that can add subtle texture to
+ background elements, and can provide buttons a three-dimensional, beveled
+ appearance. Explicit support for gradients means there's no longer a need to
+ implement them as repeating background images.
+ Specify gradients using CSS properties such as the following:
+ \code
+ background: #aaaaaa;
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom,
+ from(#dddddd), to(#777777) );
+ \endcode
+ Note the pair of \c{background} statements. The first specifies a monochrome
+ fallback color for browsers that do not support gradients.
+ The function specifies a simple \c{linear} gradient from the top to the
+ bottom of the element, shifting from a light to a darker gray.
+ The following example shows how this gradient can be applied to a background
+ element:
+ \l{css3_gradientBack}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_gradientBack.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_gradientBack_css}{(CSS)}
+ Gradients cannot be applied to the \c{body} element. Instead, they are here
+ applied to an element that covers the background.
+ You can specify more than one gradient for the same element. The following
+ shifts from a dark to a light gray halfway down the element, then back to
+ dark:
+ \code
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom,
+ from(#777777), color-stop(50%, #dddddd), to(#777777) );
+ \endcode
+ Here is how the additional \c{color-stop} appears when applied to the same
+ background element:
+ \l{css3_gradientBackStop}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_gradientBackStop.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_gradientBackStop_css}{(CSS)}
+ Gradients can also provide a textured, three-dimensional appearance for
+ buttons. In the following example, the gradient is inverted and darkened
+ when each button is pressed:
+ \l{css3_gradientButton}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_gradientButton.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_gradientButton_css}{(CSS)}
+ In addition to linear gradients, CSS3 also specifies \bold{radial} gradients
+ that emanate from a single point. The following example demonstrates a
+ colorful radial gradient used to mark where users touch the screen:
+ \l{css3_grad-radial}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_grad-radial.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_grad-radial_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{css3_grad-radial_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ The syntax is slightly different than for linear gradients. The first two
+ comma-separated arguments after the \c{radial} statement specify the
+ coordinates of the inner circle, and its radius. The next two arguments
+ specify the coordinates and radius of the outer circle:
+ \code
+ background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 90 120, 5, 100 130, 48,
+ from(#777777), color-stop(50%, #dddddd), to(#777777) );
+ \endcode
+ The use of \c{from}, \c{to} values and \c{color-stop} in radial gradients
+ are the same as for linear gradients.
+ \section2 Reflections
+ Reflections offer a mirror-like effect which, in the following example, adds
+ a sense of weight to headings and images:
+ \l{css3_reflect}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_reflect.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_reflect_css}{(CSS)}
+ The property's syntax specifies the edge of the element at which to reflect,
+ the offset, and an overlay color. In this case, the color is a gradient,
+ which causes the reflection to gradually fade:
+ \code
+ -webkit-box-reflect : below -0.25em -webkit-gradient(linear, center
+ top, center bottom, from(transparent), color-stop(0.25,
+ transparent), to(black));
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Masks
+ Masks offer a way to modify an image by overlaying either another image, or
+ a gradient. The following example shows a series of thumbnail images that
+ appear faded at their bottom edge until selected:
+ \l{css3_mask-grad}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_mask-grad.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_mask-grad_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{css3_mask-grad_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ The gradient's opacity shifts from \c 1 to \c 0, an effect that translates
+ to the image:
+ \code
+ -webkit-mask-box-image : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left
+ bottom, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)));
+ \endcode
+ The following example demonstrates an image used as a mask to frame another
+ image:
+ \l{css3_mask-img}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_mask-img.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_mask-img_css}{(CSS)}
+ Separately, the component images look like these:
+ \inlineimage webkit-guide/mask0.png
+ \inlineimage webkit-guide/mask1.png
+ The syntax is the same for border images, and allows you to stretch one
+ image over the other:
+ \code
+ -webkit-mask-box-image : url(img/mask.png) 5% stretch;
+ \endcode
+\section1 Dynamic CSS
+Animations help enhance touch-based mobile interfaces in many ways. They help
+ease transitions from one display state to another that might otherwise appear
+jarring. They help provide a sense of navigational orientation. They also often
+simulate tactile feedback as users' touches result in a tangible visual effect.
+Overall, they add a sense of vibrancy that increases users' engagement with the
+content on display.
+Support by QtWebKit for HTML5 allows you to choose from among several flavors of
+web-based animation: Canvas, SVG, and Level 3 CSS. Web developers may also be
+familiar with lower-level JavaScript-based animation techniques, which form the
+basis of many popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and Prototype. This
+section focuses on CSS-based animations, since they are more appropriate to
+integrate throughout a web design, without the additional overhead JavaScript
+libraries require. Like Adobe Flash, SVG and Canvas offer more specialized,
+low-level graphics frameworks whose animation features are more appropriate for
+generating standalone effects.
+This section demonstrates animation techniques by offering a series of examples
+that apply to common mobile design tasks. While some of these tasks are
+addressed by existing JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery and Prototype, the
+examples provided here illustrate some CSS-only alternatives.
+ \section2 CSS Animation Concepts
+ Level 3 CSS introduces three distinct concepts that are relevant when
+ crafting dynamic effects, which are discussed in the following sections:
+ \list
+ \o \e{Transforms} offer a series of manipulations to screen elements. By
+ themselves, transforms present only static visual effects, but they become
+ especially useful as part of dynamic transitions and animations. Simple
+ transforms are two-dimensional, with three-dimensional transforms gaining
+ gradual support.
+ \o \e{Transitions} entail a graduated shift from one explicit display
+ state to another. Transitional shifts apply to any CSS property that
+ specifies numeric or color values.
+ \o \e{Animations} offer more complex sequences of transitions that can
+ specify many intermediate display states. Unlike simple transitions,
+ animations can also be initiated more freely.
+ \endlist
+ \section2 2D Transforms
+ Transforms allow you to freely displace box elements from where they would
+ ordinarily appear. Several transform functions are available, allowing you
+ to \e{scale}, \e{rotate}, \e{skew}, or \e{translate} (move) objects.
+ The \c{translate} function moves an element from its default location, and
+ accepts \c{x} and \c{y} measurements as arguments. The following moves an
+ element off the right edge of the screen:
+ \code
+ -webkit-transform: translate(120%, 0);
+ \endcode
+ Alternately, \c{translateX} and \c{translateY} functions allow you to
+ specify each axis independently. This moves the element off the top of the
+ screen:
+ \code
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0.0) translateY(-120%);
+ \endcode
+ Scale transforms allow you enlarge or shrink an element, with the scale
+ expressed as a decimal. By itself, \c{scale} modifies height and width
+ proportionately, but the alternative \c{scaleX} and \c{scaleY} functions
+ allow you to constrain scaling to a single axis.
+ The following animation demonstrates a \c{translate} function, which moves
+ the element from off the screen, followed by series of \c{scale},
+ \c{scaleX}, and \c{scaleY} functions:
+ \l{anim_demo-scale}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_demo-scale.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_demo-scale_css}{(CSS)}
+ By default, transforms originate from the center of the element, but you can
+ specify any edge using the \c{-webkit-transform-origin} property. The
+ following reduces an element to 75% of its original size, while keeping it
+ at its original bottom edge:
+ \code
+ -webkit-transform : scale(0.75);
+ -webkit-transform-origin : bottom;
+ \endcode
+ The following example uses this scale transform to shrink icons that are
+ assigned to in-line links, with icons aligning to the text's baseline:
+ \l{layout_link-fmt}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_layout_link-fmt.png
+ }
+ \l{layout_link-fmt_css}{(CSS)}
+ The \c{rotate} function accepts degree or radian arguments, with negative
+ arguments specifying counter-clockwise motion. The following animation
+ demonstrates two rotations: the first clockwise around the element's center
+ point, and the second counter-clockwise around the top left corner:
+ \l{anim_demo-rotate}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_demo-rotate.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_demo-rotate_css}{(CSS)}
+ The \c{skew} function also accepts positive or negative degree arguments,
+ specifying the extent to which to modify the bottom left corner's 90-degree
+ angle. The \c{skew} and \c{skewX} functions shift the element horizontally,
+ but the alternative \c{skewY} function shifts the element vertically. The
+ following animation demonstrates a \c{skewX} followed by a \c{skewY}:
+ \l{anim_demo-skew}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_demo-skew.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_demo-skew_css}{(CSS)}
+ In the following example, a variety of transforms make a set of three
+ navigational tab icons appear to be part of a cube:
+ \l{anim_tabbedSkew}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_tabbedSkew.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_tabbedSkew_css}{(CSS)}
+ The example also implements the tab icons as internal links that activate
+ display of content using the \c{:target} dynamic class. See the
+ \l{Navigational Selectors} section for more information.
+ Note that transforms can include any combination of the functions described
+ above:
+ \code
+ nav > a:nth-of-type(3) {
+ background-image : url(img/S_google.jpg);
+ -webkit-transform : rotate(-60deg) skew(-30deg) translate(1.7em, 0em);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Transitions
+ Transitions allow you to gradually shift from one defined CSS state to
+ another. Any CSS property expressed as a numeric or color value (including a
+ color name or hex value) can be transitioned between two style sheets.
+ Properties such as \c{display} that have discrete sets of named values, such
+ as the \c{display} property's \c{block} or \c{none} values, cannot be
+ transitioned. In cases where named values translate internally to numeric
+ values, such as the \c{border-width} property's \c{thin} and \c{thick}
+ values, they can be transitioned.
+ The following example shows a series of transitions from a collapsed icon
+ state to an expanded panel:
+ \l{anim_panel}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_panel.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_panel_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{anim_panel_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ Each style sheet specifies a different \c{max-width} value, and each
+ accompanying transition, defined separately for each state, allows the value
+ to shift over the course of half of a second:
+ \code
+ nav.expanded {
+ max-width : 95%;
+ -webkit-transition : max-width 0.5s ease-in-out;
+ }
+ nav.collapsed {
+ max-width : 10%;
+ -webkit-transition : max-width 0.5s ease-in-out;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ That shorthand syntax can be expanded to several different properties:
+ \code
+ nav.expanded {
+ max-width : 95%;
+ -webkit-transition-property : max-width;
+ -webkit-transition-duration : 0.5s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function : ease-in-out;
+ }
+ nav.collapsed {
+ max-width : 10%;
+ -webkit-transition-property : max-width;
+ -webkit-transition-duration : 0.5s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function : ease-in-out;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Available transition functions include \c{linear}, \c{ease-in},
+ \c{ease-out}, \c{ease-in-out} and \c{cubic-bezier}.
+ Note that the \c{max-width} properties in both style sheets both use
+ percentages to specify measurements. Transitions may not work properly if
+ you shift from one unit to another.
+ The example above specifies an additional set of transitions affecting the
+ icons nested within the navigation panel:
+ \code
+ nav.expanded > .option {
+ opacity : 1;
+ -webkit-transform : scale(1.0);
+ -webkit-transition : all 0.5s linear;
+ }
+ nav.collapsed > .option {
+ opacity : 0;
+ -webkit-transform : scale(0.0);
+ -webkit-transition : all 0.5s linear;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The shifting \c{scale} transform makes icons appear to zoom in to fill the
+ space, while \c{opacity} makes them fade in. Specifying \c{all} as the
+ transition property applies to any valid property that differs between the
+ two states.
+ These nested transitions execute at the same time as those assigned to the
+ parent \c{nav} element. The combined effect appears to be a single
+ transition.
+ \section2 Transitional Sequences
+ The prior example showed a single transition, but transitions can also be
+ run in sequence to form more complex animations. The following example
+ demonstrates an embedded navigation panel that, when pressed, expands
+ horizontally, then vertically to reveal numerous navigation options:
+ \l{anim_accord}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_accord.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_accord_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{anim_accord_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ The style sheets specify separate, comma-separated transitions for \c{width}
+ and \c{height} properties:
+ \code
+ #accordion.expanded {
+ width: 80%;
+ height: 90%;
+ -webkit-transition:
+ width 0.5s ease-in-out 0.0s,
+ height 0.5s ease-in-out 0.5s
+ ;
+ }
+ #accordion.collapsed {
+ width: 10%;
+ height: 7%;
+ -webkit-transition:
+ height 0.5s ease-in-out 0.0s,
+ width 0.5s ease-in-out 0.5s
+ ;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Each transition's additional time measurement specifies a delay. The
+ long-form syntax may make this clearer:
+ \code
+ #accordion.expanded {
+ width: 80%;
+ height: 90%;
+ -webkit-transition-property : width , height;
+ -webkit-transition-duration : 0.5s , 0.5s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function : ease-in-out , ease-in-out;
+ -webkit-transition-delay : 0.0s , 0.5s;
+ }
+ #accordion.collapsed {
+ width : 10%;
+ height : 7%;
+ -webkit-transition-property : height , width;
+ -webkit-transition-duration : 0.5s , 0.5s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function : ease-in-out , ease-in-out;
+ -webkit-transition-delay : 0.0s , 0.5s;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The shift to the \c{expanded} state involves two transitions, each of which
+ lasts half a second and relies on the same \c{ease-in-out} function. The
+ first takes place immediately and affects the \c{width} property. The
+ second, affecting the \c{height} property, takes place after a delay that
+ matches the first transition's duration. The reverse transition is much the
+ same, only the \c{height} property transitions before the \c{width} to
+ reverse the effect.
+ In addition to the navigation element's sequence of transitions, nested
+ accordion-style animations activate when users expand top-level headings.
+ Subheadings are revealed using a \c{scaleY} transform, which makes them
+ appear as if they are flipping upwards.
+ The following example shows a photo gallery interface that uses the same
+ techniques. (Size the window to emulate a smaller mobile screen.)
+ \l{anim_gallery}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_gallery.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_gallery_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{anim_gallery_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ The main interface uses simple transitions affecting \c{opacity}, along with
+ \c{scale} and \c{translate} transforms, which combined make queued images
+ appear dimmer, smaller, and horizontally offset from the main image.
+ A separate sequence of transitions activates when users tap selected images.
+ The first transition uses a \c{scaleX} transform to flip the image towards
+ the center. The second then flips out a panel featuring details on the
+ photo. When users navigate away to adjacent photos, the panel automatically
+ flips back to its original state as it is moved to the side.
+ Another example shows an interface featuring a simple list of items:
+ \l{anim_skew}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_skew.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_skew_css}{(CSS)}
+ \l{anim_skew_js}{(JavaScript)}
+ When dismissed, items are wiped off the screen using a \c{skew} transform
+ that provides the illusion of speed. Remaining items move upwards to fill
+ the space vacated by items that have been removed.
+ This example uses the same technique of sequential transitions. The first
+ transition applies to the combined \c{translate}/\c{skew} transform. The
+ second, delayed transition modifies the \c{top} property to align remaining
+ items to a grid.
+ Note that for items to reposition themselves in this example, a vertical
+ grid must be explicitly specified. You can only apply transitions between
+ properties you explicitly define and activate, not between values the
+ browser assigns internally to automatically position elements relative to
+ each other.
+ \section2 Keyframe Animations
+ The previous section showed how you can chain sequences of transitions to
+ produce complex effects. Animations also allow you to define many
+ intermediary interface states, but using a far simpler syntax, and not
+ assigned to transitions between CSS states.
+ The following example shows a simple animation of icons that pulse when
+ selected:
+ \l{anim_pulse}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_pulse.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_pulse_css}{(CSS)}
+ It uses the following CSS, shown here in both abbreviated and long form:
+ \code
+ nav > a:target { -webkit-animation : pulse 1s infinite; }
+ nav > a:target {
+ -webkit-animation-name : pulse;
+ -webkit-animation-duration : 1s;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count : infinite;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ You supply a \c{name} for the animation that corresponds to a
+ \c{keyframes} rule defined separately within your CSS:
+ \code
+ @-webkit-keyframes pulse {
+ 0% { opacity : 1.0 }
+ 50% { opacity : 0.7 }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Percentages mark new animation states within the course of the animation,
+ and behave much like CSS selectors. In this case, the animation shifts
+ between two separate states over the course of a second: opaque and slightly
+ dimmed. With its \c{iteration-count} set to \c{infinite} rather than a set
+ number, the animation only stops when the link is no longer selected.
+ The following example demonstrates a popular mobile design pattern
+ implemented with CSS. Navigation to nested subheads appears to wipe to the
+ right, while navigating upwards in the hierarchy appears to wipe to the
+ left:
+ \l{anim_slide1}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_anim_slide1.png
+ }
+ \l{anim_slide_css}{(CSS)}
+ It relies on keyframes rules such as the following, which define a simple
+ start and end state:
+ \code
+ @-webkit-keyframes slide_in {
+ from {
+ left : 80%;
+ right : -80%;
+ }
+ to {
+ left : 0em;
+ right : 0em;
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Unlike a transition, the animation is triggered immediately when the page
+ loads, but only if the target of navigation is an anchor whose ID is
+ \c{in} or \c{out}. If you navigate to the page itself, no animation
+ occurs.
+ The following example uses a keyframe animation to scroll through banner
+ options at the top of the screen:
+ \l{css3_multicol}{\inlineimage webkit-guide/scr_css3_multicol.png
+ }
+ \l{css3_multicol_css}{(CSS)}
+ The animation defines a set of rapid shifts alternating with long static
+ phases. It modifies the left offset of an element that is five times the
+ width of the window.
+ \code
+ @-webkit-keyframes banner_scroll {
+ 0% { left : 0%; }
+ 18% { left : 0%; }
+ 20% { left : -100%; }
+ 38% { left : -100%; }
+ 40% { left : -200%; }
+ 58% { left : -200%; }
+ 60% { left : -300%; }
+ 78% { left : -300%; }
+ 80% { left : -400%; }
+ 95% { left : -400%; }
+ 100% { left : 0%; }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Finally, the demonstrations of \l{anim_demo-rotate}{rotate},
+ \l{anim_demo-scale}{scale}, and \l{anim_demo-skew}{skew} 2D transforms that
+ opened this section all rely on separate keyframe animations to slide in and
+ manipulate a series of panels. Separate \c{-webkit-animation-delay} settings
+ for each panel control the sequence of each presentation.
+\o \l{QtWebKit Guide} -back to the main page
+\example webkit/webkit-guide
+\title QtWebKit Guide Files
+This is a listing of \l{QtWebKit Guide} code.
+\note The links to the HTML5 code is found within the guide.