path: root/doc/src
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26 files changed, 1334 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/animation.qdoc b/doc/src/animation.qdoc
index f8b6d4c..7a4e778 100644
--- a/doc/src/animation.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/animation.qdoc
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- \page animation.html
+ \page animation-overview.html
\title The Animation Framework
\ingroup architecture
\ingroup group_animation
@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@
We will in this section take a high-level look at the animation
framework's architecture and how it is used to animate Qt
- properties.
+ properties. The following diagram shows the most important classes
+ in the animation framework.
+ \image animations-architecture.png
The animation framework foundation consists of the base class
QAbstractAnimation, and its two subclasses QVariantAnimation and
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@
This code will move \c button from the top left corner of the
- screen to the position (250, 250).
+ screen to the position (250, 250) in 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
The example above will do a linear interpolation between the
start and end value. It is also possible to set values
@@ -162,7 +165,7 @@
that is not declared as a Qt property. The only requirement is
that this value has a setter. You can then subclass the class
containing the value and declare a property that uses this setter.
- Note that all Qt properties requires a getter, so you will need to
+ Note that each Qt property requires a getter, so you will need to
provide a getter yourself if this is not defined.
@@ -184,9 +187,9 @@
\section1 Animations and the Graphics View Framework
When you want to animate \l{QGraphicsItem}s, you also use
- QPropertyAnimation. But, unfortunetly, QGraphicsItem does not
- inherit QObject. A good solution is to subclass the graphics item
- you wish to animate. This class will then also inherit QObject.
+ QPropertyAnimation. However, QGraphicsItem does not inherit QObject.
+ A good solution is to subclass the graphics item you wish to animate.
+ This class will then also inherit QObject.
This way, QPropertyAnimation can be used for \l{QGraphicsItem}s.
The example below shows how this is done. Another possibility is
to inherit QGraphicsWidget, which already is a QObject.
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@
When using a \l{The State Machine Framework}{state machine}, we
have a special state, QAnimationState, that will play one or more
The QState::addAnimatedTransition() convenience function lets you
associate an animation to a state transition. The function will
create the QAnimationState for you, and insert it into the state
diff --git a/doc/src/diagrams/animations-architecture.svg b/doc/src/diagrams/animations-architecture.svg
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diff --git a/doc/src/examples-overview.qdoc b/doc/src/examples-overview.qdoc
index 549574d..92ccd4e 100644
--- a/doc/src/examples-overview.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/examples-overview.qdoc
@@ -319,6 +319,14 @@
from displaying Web pages within a Qt user interface to an implementation of
a basic function Web browser.
+ \section1 \l{Qt Examples#State Machine}{State Machine}
+ Qt provides a powerful hierchical finite state machine through the Qt State
+ Machine classes.
+ These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of implementing
+ Statecharts with Qt.
\section1 \l{Qt Examples#Qt for Embedded Linux}{Qt for Embedded Linux}
\l{Qt Examples#Qt for Embedded Linux}{\inlineimage qt-embedded-examples.png
diff --git a/doc/src/examples.qdoc b/doc/src/examples.qdoc
index 06d7727..6603390 100644
--- a/doc/src/examples.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/examples.qdoc
@@ -311,7 +311,12 @@
\section1 State Machine
+ \o \l{statemachine/eventtransitions}{Event Transitions}\raisedaster
+ \o \l{statemachine/factorial}{Factorial States}\raisedaster
+ \o \l{statemachine/pingpong}{Ping Pong States}\raisedaster
\o \l{statemachine/trafficlight}{Traffic Light}\raisedaster
+ \o \l{statemachine/twowaybutton}{Two-way Button}\raisedaster
+ \o \l{statemachine/tankgame}{Tank Game}\raisedaster
\section1 Threads
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/eventtransitions.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/eventtransitions.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b956bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/examples/eventtransitions.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+ \example statemachine/eventtransitions
+ \title Event Transitions Example
+ The Event Transitions example shows how to use event transitions, a
+ feature of \l{The State Machine Framework}.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 0
+ The \c Window class's constructors begins by creating a button.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 1
+ Two states, \c s1 and \c s2, are created; upon entry they will assign
+ "Outside" and "Inside" to the button's text, respectively.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 2
+ When the button receives an event of type QEvent::Enter and the state
+ machine is in state \c s1, the machine will transition to state \c s2.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 3
+ When the button receives an event of type QEvent::Leave and the state
+ machine is in state \c s2, the machine will transition back to state \c
+ s1.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 4
+ Next, the state \c s3 is created. \c s3 will be entered when the button
+ receives an event of type QEvent::MouseButtonPress and the state machine
+ is in state \c s2. When the button receives an event of type
+ QEvent::MouseButtonRelease and the state machine is in state \c s3, the
+ machine will transition back to state \c s2.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 5
+ Finally, the states are added to the machine as top-level states, the
+ initial state is set to be \c s1 ("Outside"), and the machine is started.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 6
+ The main() function constructs a Window object and shows it.
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/factorial.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/factorial.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a72e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/examples/factorial.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+ \example statemachine/factorial
+ \title Factorial States Example
+ The Factorial States example shows how to use \l{The State Machine
+ Framework} to calculate the factorial of an integer.
+ The statechart for calculating the factorial looks as follows:
+ \img factorial-example.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ In other words, the state machine calculates the factorial of 6 and prints
+ the result.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 0
+ The Factorial class is used to hold the data of the computation, \c x and
+ \c fac. It also provides a signal that's emitted whenever the value of \c
+ x changes.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 1
+ The FactorialLoopTransition class implements the guard (\c x > 1) and
+ calculations (\c fac = \c x * \c fac; \c x = \c x - 1) of the factorial
+ loop.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 2
+ The FactorialDoneTransition class implements the guard (\c x <= 1) that
+ terminates the factorial computation. It also prints the final result to
+ standard output.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 3
+ The application's main() function first creates the application object, a
+ Factorial object and a state machine.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 4
+ The \c compute state is created, and the initial values of \c x and \c fac
+ are defined. A FactorialLoopTransition object is created and added to the
+ state.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 5
+ A final state, \c done, is created, and a FactorialDoneTransition object
+ is created with \c done as its target state. The transition is then added
+ to the \c compute state.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 6
+ The machine's initial state is set to be the \c compute state. We connect
+ the QStateMachine::finished() signal to the QCoreApplication::quit() slot,
+ so the application will quit when the state machine's work is
+ done. Finally, the state machine is started, and the application's event
+ loop is entered.
+ */
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/pingpong.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/pingpong.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040e429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/examples/pingpong.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** met:
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+ \example statemachine/pingpong
+ \title Ping Pong States Example
+ The Ping Pong States example shows how to use parallel states together
+ with custom events and transitions in \l{The State Machine Framework}.
+ This example implements a statechart where two states communicate by
+ posting events to the state machine. The state chart looks as follows:
+ \img pingpong-example.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ The \c pinger and \c ponger states are parallel states, i.e. they are
+ entered simultaneously and will take transitions independently of
+ eachother.
+ The \c pinger state will post the first \c ping event upon entry; the \c
+ ponger state will respond by posting a \c pong event; this will cause the
+ \c pinger state to post a new \c ping event; and so on.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 0
+ Two custom events are defined, \c PingEvent and \c PongEvent.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 1
+ The \c Pinger class defines a state that posts a \c PingEvent to the state
+ machine when the state is entered.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 2
+ The \c PingTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by
+ events of type \c PingEvent, and that posts a \c PongEvent (with a delay
+ of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is
+ triggered.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 3
+ The \c PongTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by
+ events of type \c PongEvent, and that posts a \c PingEvent (with a delay
+ of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is
+ triggered.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 4
+ The main() function begins by creating a state machine and a parallel
+ state group.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 5
+ Next, the \c pinger and \c ponger states are created, with the parallel
+ state group as their parent state. Note that the transitions are \e
+ targetless. When such a transition is triggered, the source state won't be
+ exited and re-entered; only the transition's onTransition() function will
+ be called, and the state machine's configuration will remain the same,
+ which is precisely what we want in this case.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 6
+ Finally, the group is added to the state machine, the machine is started,
+ and the application event loop is entered.
+ */
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/tankgame.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/tankgame.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3e0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/examples/tankgame.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** met:
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+ \example statemachine/tankgame
+ \title Tank Game Example
+ The Tank Game example is part of the in \l{The State Machine Framework}. It shows how to use
+ parallel states to implement artificial intelligence controllers that run in parallel, and error
+ states to handle run-time errors in parts of the state graph created by external plugins.
+ \image tankgame-example.png
+ In this example we write a simple game. The application runs a state machine with two main
+ states: A "stopped" state and a "running" state. The user can load plugins from the disk by
+ selecting the "Add tank" menu item.
+ When the "Add tank" menu item is selected, the "plugins" subdirectory in the example's
+ directory is searched for compatible plugins. If any are found, they will be listed in a
+ dialog box created using QInputDialog::getItem().
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ If the user selects a plugin, the application will construct a TankItem object, which inherits
+ from QGraphicsItem and QObject, and which implements an agreed-upon interface using the
+ meta-object mechanism.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/tankitem.h 0
+ The tank item will be passed to the plugin's create() function. This will in turn return a
+ QState object which is expected to implement an artificial intelligence which controls the
+ tank and attempts to destroy other tanks it detects.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ Each returned QState object becomes a descendant of a \c region in the "running" state, which is
+ defined as a parallel state. This means that entering the "running" state will cause each of the
+ plugged-in QState objects to be entered simultaneously, allowing the tanks to run independently
+ of each other.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ The maximum number of tanks on the map is four, and when this number is reached, the
+ "Add tank" menu item should be disabled. This is implemented by giving the "stopped" state two
+ children which define whether the map is full or not.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ To make sure that we go into the correct child state when returning from the "running" state
+ (if the "Stop game" menu item is selected while the game is running) we also give the "stopped"
+ state a history state which we make the initial state of "stopped" state.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ Since part of the state graph is defined by external plugins, we have no way of controlling
+ whether they contain errors. By default, run-time errors are handled in the state machine by
+ entering a top level state which prints out an error message and never exits. If we were to
+ use this default behavior, a run-time error in any of the plugins would cause the "running"
+ state to exit, and thus all the other tanks to stop running as well. A better solution would
+ be if the broken plugin was disabled and the rest of the tanks allowed to continue as before.
+ This is done by setting the error state of the plugin's top-most state to a special error state
+ defined specifically for the plugin in question.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/tankgame/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ If a run-time error occurs in \c pluginState or any of its descendants, the state machine will
+ search the hierarchy of ancestors until it finds a state whose error state is different from
+ \c null. (Note that if we are worried that a plugin could inadvertedly be overriding our
+ error state, we could search the descendants of \c pluginState and verify that their error
+ states are set to \c null before accepting the plugin.)
+ The specialized \c errorState sets the "enabled" property of the tank item in question to false,
+ causing it to be painted with a red cross over it to indicate that it is no longer running.
+ Since the error state is a child of the same region in the parallel "running" state as
+ \c pluginState, it will not exit the "running" state, and the other tanks will continue running
+ without disruption.
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/trafficlight.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/trafficlight.qdoc
index 16ee8ad..ae62127 100644
--- a/doc/src/examples/trafficlight.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/examples/trafficlight.qdoc
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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@@ -26,30 +56,41 @@
\snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 0
The LightWidget class represents a single light of the traffic light. It
- provides a setOn() function to turn the light on or off. It paints itself
- in the color that's passed to the constructor.
+ provides an \c on property and two slots, turnOn() and turnOff(), to turn
+ the light on and off, respectively. The widget paints itself in the color
+ that's passed to the constructor.
- \snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 2
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 1
The TrafficLightWidget class represents the visual part of the traffic
- light; it's a widget that contains three lights, and provides accessor
- functions for these.
+ light; it's a widget that contains three lights arranged vertically, and
+ provides accessor functions for these.
- \snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 1
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 2
- The LightState class represents a state that turns a light on when the
- state is entered, and off when the state is exited. The class is a timer,
- and as we shall see the timeout is used to transition from one LightState
- to another.
+ The createLightState() function creates a state that turns a light on when
+ the state is entered, and off when the state is exited. The state uses a
+ timer, and as we shall see the timeout is used to transition from one
+ LightState to another. Here is the statechart for the light state:
+ \img trafficlight-example1.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
\snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 3
- The TrafficLight class combines the TrafficLightWidget with control flow
- based on the LightState class. The state graph has four states:
- red-to-yellow, yellow-to-green, green-to-yellow and yellow-to-red. The
- initial state is red-to-yellow; when the state's timer times out, the
- state machine transitions to yellow-to-green. The same process repeats
- through the other states.
+ The TrafficLight class combines the TrafficLightWidget with a state
+ machine. The state graph has four states: red-to-yellow, yellow-to-green,
+ green-to-yellow and yellow-to-red. The initial state is red-to-yellow;
+ when the state's timer times out, the state machine transitions to
+ yellow-to-green. The same process repeats through the other states.
+ This is what the statechart looks like:
+ \img trafficlight-example2.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
\snippet examples/statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 4
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87de2e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/examples/twowaybutton.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
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+ \example statemachine/twowaybutton
+ \title Two-way Button Example
+ The Two-way button example shows how to use \l{The State Machine
+ Framework} to implement a simple state machine that toggles the current
+ state when a button is clicked.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 0
+ The application's main() function begins by constructing the application
+ object, a button and a state machine.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 1
+ The state machine has two states; \c on and \c off. When either state is
+ entered, the text of the button will be set accordingly.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 2
+ When the state machine is in the \c off state and the button is clicked,
+ it will transition to the \c on state; when the state machine is in the \c
+ on state and the button is clicked, it will transition to the \c off
+ state.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 3
+ The states are added to the state machine; they become top-level (sibling)
+ states.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 4
+ The initial state is \c off; this is the state the state machine will
+ immediately transition to once the state machine is started.
+ \snippet examples/statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 5
+ Finally, the button is resized and made visible, and the application event
+ loop is entered.
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--- a/doc/src/groups.qdoc
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- \group animations
+ \group animation
\ingroup groups
\title Animation Framework
\brief Classes for animations, states and transitions.
These classes provide a framework for creating both simple and complex
- animations. The Animation Framework also provides states and animated
+ animations. \l{The Animation Framework} also provides states and animated
transitions, making it easy to create animated stateful forms.
diff --git a/doc/src/images/animations-architecture.png b/doc/src/images/animations-architecture.png
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/doc/src/images/animations-architecture.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fb1cc6
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+++ b/doc/src/images/factorial-example.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af707e4
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+++ b/doc/src/images/pingpong-example.png
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index cd66478..7f51cae 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-button-history.png
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index 60360d1..762ac14 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-button-nested.png
+++ b/doc/src/images/statemachine-button-nested.png
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index 75d9e53..10102bd 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-button.png
+++ b/doc/src/images/statemachine-button.png
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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index 802621e..0ac081d 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-finished.png
+++ b/doc/src/images/statemachine-finished.png
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index 1fe60d8..f9850a7 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-nonparallel.png
+++ b/doc/src/images/statemachine-nonparallel.png
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index 1868792..a65c297 100644
--- a/doc/src/images/statemachine-parallel.png
+++ b/doc/src/images/statemachine-parallel.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e17e30
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+++ b/doc/src/images/tankgame-example.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8c7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/images/trafficlight-example1.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12e4db
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+++ b/doc/src/images/trafficlight-example2.png
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index 60ae815..5a89f4d 100644
--- a/doc/src/statemachine.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/statemachine.qdoc
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
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@@ -13,6 +43,7 @@
\page statemachine-api.html
\title The State Machine Framework
\brief An overview of the State Machine framework for constructing and executing state graphs.
+ \ingroup architecture
@@ -33,10 +64,10 @@
The State Machine framework provides an API and execution model that can be
used to effectively embed the elements and semantics of statecharts in Qt
- applications. The framework integrates tightly with Qt's existing event
- system and meta-object system; for example, transitions between states can
- be triggered by signals, and states can be configured to set properties and
- invoke methods on QObjects.
+ applications. The framework integrates tightly with Qt's meta-object system;
+ for example, transitions between states can be triggered by signals, and
+ states can be configured to set properties and invoke methods on QObjects.
+ Qt's event system is used to drive the state machines.
\section1 A Simple State Machine
@@ -52,34 +83,49 @@
The following snippet shows the code needed to create such a state machine.
+ First, we create the state machine and states:
QStateMachine machine;
QState *s1 = new QState();
QState *s2 = new QState();
QState *s3 = new QState();
+ \endcode
+ Then, we create the transitions by using the QState::addTransition()
+ function:
+ \code
s1->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s2);
s2->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s3);
s3->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s1);
+ \endcode
+ Next, we add the states to the machine and set the machine's initial state:
+ \code
+ \endcode
+ Finally, we start the state machine:
+ \code
- Once the state machine has been set up, you need to start it by calling
- QStateMachine::start(). The state machine executes asynchronously, i.e. it
- becomes part of your application's event loop.
+ The state machine executes asynchronously, i.e. it becomes part of your
+ application's event loop.
+ \section1 Doing Useful Work on State Entry and Exit
- The above state machine is perfectly fine, but it doesn't \e do anything; it
- merely transitions from one state to another. The QState::assignProperty()
- function can be used to have a state set a property of a QObject when the
- state is entered. In the following snippet, the value that should be
- assigned to a QLabel's text property is specified for each state:
+ The above state machine merely transitions from one state to another, it
+ doesn't perform any operations. The QState::assignProperty() function can be
+ used to have a state set a property of a QObject when the state is
+ entered. In the following snippet, the value that should be assigned to a
+ QLabel's text property is specified for each state:
s1->assignProperty(label, "text", "In state s1");
@@ -90,20 +136,32 @@
When any of the states is entered, the label's text will be changed
- The QActionState::entered() signal is emitted when the state is entered. In the
+ The QState::entered() signal is emitted when the state is entered, and the
+ QState::exited() signal is emitted when the state is exited. In the
following snippet, the button's showMaximized() slot will be called when
- state \c s3 is entered:
+ state \c s3 is entered, and the button's showMinimized() slot will be called
+ when \c s3 is exited:
QObject::connect(s3, SIGNAL(entered()), button, SLOT(showMaximized()));
+ QObject::connect(s3, SIGNAL(exited()), button, SLOT(showMinimized()));
- \section1 Sharing Transitions By Grouping States
+ Custom states can reimplement QAbstractState::onEntry() and
+ QAbstractState::onExit().
+ \section1 State Machines That Finish
The state machine defined in the previous section never finishes. In order
for a state machine to be able to finish, it needs to have a top-level \e
- final state. When the state machine enters a top-level final state, the
- machine will emit the finished() signal and halt.
+ final state (QFinalState object). When the state machine enters a top-level
+ final state, the machine will emit the QStateMachine::finished() signal and
+ halt.
+ All you need to do to introduce a final state in the graph is create a
+ QFinalState object and use it as the target of one or more transitions.
+ \section1 Sharing Transitions By Grouping States
Assume we wanted the user to be able to quit the application at any time by
clicking a Quit button. In order to achieve this, we need to create a final
@@ -165,6 +223,9 @@
s12>addTransition(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), s12);
+ A transition can have any state as its target, i.e. the target state does
+ not have to be on the same level in the state hierarchy as the source state.
\section1 Using History States to Save and Restore the Current State
Imagine that we wanted to add an "interrupt" mechanism to the example
@@ -251,19 +312,334 @@
QState *s12 = new QState(s1);
+ When a parallel state group is entered, all its child states will be
+ simultaneously entered. Transitions within the individual child states
+ operate normally. However, any of the child states may take a transition
+ outside the parent state. When this happens, the parent state and all of its
+ child states are exited.
\section1 Detecting that a Composite State has Finished
- A child state can be final; when a final child state is entered, the parent
- state emits the QState::finished() signal.
+ A child state can be final (a QFinalState object); when a final child state
+ is entered, the parent state emits the QState::finished() signal. The
+ following diagram shows a composite state \c s1 which does some processing
+ before entering a final state:
\img statemachine-finished.png
\caption This is a caption
- This is useful when you want to hide the internal details of a state;
- i.e. the only thing the outside world should be able to do is enter the
- state, and get a notification when the state has finished (i.e. when a final
- child state has been entered).
+ When \c s1 's final state is entered, \c s1 will automatically emit
+ finished(). We use a signal transition to cause this event to trigger a
+ state change:
+ \code
+ s1->addTransition(s1, SIGNAL(finished()), s2);
+ \endcode
+ Using final states in composite states is useful when you want to hide the
+ internal details of a composite state; i.e. the only thing the outside world
+ should be able to do is enter the state, and get a notification when the
+ state has completed its work. This is a very powerful abstraction and
+ encapsulation mechanism when building complex (deeply nested) state
+ machines. (In the above example, you could of course create a transition
+ directly from \c s1 's \c done state rather than relying on \c s1 's
+ finished() signal, but with the consequence that implementation details of
+ \c s1 are exposed and depended on).
+ For parallel state groups, the QState::finished() signal is emitted when \e
+ all the child states have entered final states.
+ \section1 Events, Transitions and Guards
+ A QStateMachine runs its own event loop. For signal transitions
+ (QSignalTransition objects), QStateMachine automatically posts a
+ QSignalEvent to itself when it intercepts the corresponding signal;
+ similarly, for QObject event transitions (QEventTransition objects) a
+ QWrappedEvent is posted.
+ You can post your own events to the state machine using
+ QStateMachine::postEvent().
+ When posting a custom event to the state machine, you typically also have
+ one or more custom transitions that can be triggered from events of that
+ type. To create such a transition, you subclass QAbstractTransition and
+ reimplement QAbstractTransition::eventTest(), where you check if an event
+ matches your event type (and optionally other criteria, e.g. attributes of
+ the event object).
+ Here we define our own custom event type, \c StringEvent, for posting
+ strings to the state machine:
+ \code
+ struct StringEvent : public QEvent
+ {
+ StringEvent(const QString &val)
+ : QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+1)),
+ value(val) {}
+ QString value;
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Next, we define a transition that only triggers when the event's string
+ matches a particular string (a \e guarded transition):
+ \code
+ class StringTransition : public QAbstractTransition
+ {
+ public:
+ StringTransition(const QString &value)
+ : m_value(value) {}
+ protected:
+ virtual bool eventTest(QEvent *e) const
+ {
+ if (e->type() != QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+1)) // StringEvent
+ return false;
+ StringEvent *se = static_cast<StringEvent*>(e);
+ return (m_value == se->value);
+ }
+ virtual void onTransition(QEvent *) {}
+ private:
+ QString m_value;
+ };
+ \endcode
+ In the eventTest() reimplementation, we first check if the event type is the
+ desired one; if so, we cast the event to a StringEvent and perform the
+ string comparison.
+ The following is a statechart that uses the custom event and transition:
+ \img statemachine-customevents.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ Here's what the implementation of the statechart looks like:
+ \code
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ QFinalState *done = new QFinalState();
+ StringTransition *t1 = new StringTransition("Hello");
+ t1->setTargetState(s2);
+ s1->addTransition(t1);
+ StringTransition *t2 = new StringTransition("world");
+ t2->setTargetState(done);
+ s2->addTransition(t2);
+ machine.addState(s1);
+ machine.addState(s2);
+ machine.addState(done);
+ machine.setInitialState(s1);
+ \endcode
+ Once the machine is started, we can post events to it.
+ \code
+ machine.postEvent(new StringEvent("Hello"));
+ machine.postEvent(new StringEvent("world"));
+ \endcode
+ An event that is not handled by any relevant transition will be silently
+ consumed by the state machine. It can be useful to group states and provide
+ a default handling of such events; for example, as illustrated in the
+ following statechart:
+ \img statemachine-customevents2.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
- */
+ For deeply nested statecharts, you can add such "fallback" transitions at
+ the level of granularity that's most appropriate.
+ \section1 Using Restore Policy To Automatically Restore Properties
+ In some state machines it can be useful to focus the attention on assigning properties in states,
+ not on restoring them when the state is no longer active. If you know that a property should
+ always be restored to its initial value when the machine enters a state that does not explicitly
+ give the property a value, you can set the global restore policy to
+ QStateMachine::RestoreProperties.
+ \code
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ machine.setGlobalRestorePolicy(QStateMachine::RestoreProperties);
+ \endcode
+ When this restore policy is set, the machine will automatically restore all properties. If it
+ enters a state where a given property is not set, it will first search the hierarchy of ancestors
+ to see if the property is defined there. If it is, the property will be restored to the value
+ defined by the closest ancestor. If not, it will be restored to its initial value (i.e. the
+ value of the property before any property assignments in states were executed.)
+ Take the following code:
+ \code
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ machine.setGlobalRestorePolicy(QStateMachine::RestoreProperties);
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ s1->assignProperty(object, "fooBar", 1.0);
+ machine.addState(s1);
+ machine.setInitialState(s1);
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ machine.addState(s2);
+ \endcode
+ Lets say the property \c fooBar is 0.0 when the machine starts. When the machine is in state
+ \c s1, the property will be 1.0, since the state explicitly assigns this value to it. When the
+ machine is in state \c s2, no value is explicitly defined for the property, so it will implicitly
+ be restored to 0.0.
+ If we are using nested states, the parent defines a value for the property which is inherited by
+ all descendants that do not explicitly assign a value to the property.
+ \code
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ machine.setGlobalRestorePolicy(QStateMachine::RestoreProperties);
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ s1->assignProperty(object, "fooBar", 1.0);
+ machine.addState(s1);
+ machine.setInitialState(s1);
+ QState *s2 = new QState(s1);
+ s2->assignProperty(object, "fooBar", 2.0);
+ s1->setInitialState(s2);
+ QState *s3 = new QState(s1);
+ \endcode
+ Here \c s1 has two children: \c s2 and \c s3. When \c s2 is entered, the property \c fooBar
+ will have the value 2.0, since this is explicitly defined for the state. When the machine is in
+ state \c s3, no value is defined for the state, but \c s1 defines the property to be 1.0, so this
+ is the value that will be assigned to \c fooBar.
+ \section1 Animating Property Assignments
+ The State Machine API connects with the Animation API in Qt to allow automatically animating
+ properties as they are assigned in states.
+ Say we have the following code:
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ s1->assignProperty(button, "geometry", QRectF(0, 0, 50, 50));
+ s2->assignProperty(button, "geometry", QRectF(0, 0, 100, 100));
+ s1->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s2);
+ \endcode
+ Here we define two states of a user interface. In \c s1 the \c button is small, and in \c s2
+ it is bigger. If we click the button to transition from \c s1 to \c s2, the geometry of the button
+ will be set immediately when a given state has been entered. If we want the transition to be
+ smooth, however, all we need to do is make a QPropertyAnimation and add this to the transition
+ object.
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ s1->assignProperty(button, "geometry", QRectF(0, 0, 50, 50));
+ s2->assignProperty(button, "geometry", QRectF(0, 0, 100, 100));
+ QSignalTransition *transition = s1->addTransition(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), s2);
+ transition->addAnimation(new QPropertyAnimation(button, "geometry"));
+ \endcode
+ Adding an animation for the property in question means that the property assignment will no
+ longer take immediate effect when the state has been entered. Instead, the animation will start
+ playing when the state has been entered and smoothly animate the property assignment. Since we
+ do not set the start value or end value of the animation, these will be set implicitly. The
+ start value of the animation will be the property's current value when the animation starts, and
+ the end value will be set based on the property assignments defined for the state.
+ If the global restore policy of the state machine is set to QStateMachine::RestoreProperties,
+ it is possible to also add animations for the property restorations.
+ \section1 Detecting That All Properties Have Been Set In A State
+ When animations are used to assign properties, a state no longer defines the exact values that a
+ property will have when the machine is in the given state. While the animation is running, the
+ property can potentially have any value, depending on the animation.
+ In some cases, it can be useful to be able to detect when the property has actually been assigned
+ the value defined by a state. For this, we can use the state's polished() signal.
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ s1->assignProperty(button, "geometry", QRectF(0, 0, 50, 50));
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ s1->addTransition(s1, SIGNAL(polished()), s2);
+ \endcode
+ The machine will be in state \c s1 until the \c geometry property has been set. Then it will
+ immediately transition into \c s2. If the transition into \c s1 has an animation for the \c
+ geometry property, then the machine will stay in \c s1 until the animation has finished. If there
+ is no animation, it will simply set the property and immediately enter state \c s2.
+ Either way, when the machine is in state \c s2, the property \c geometry has been assigned the
+ defined value.
+ If the global restore policy is set to QStateMachine::RestoreProperties, the state will not emit
+ the polished() signal until these have been executed as well.
+ \section1 What happens if a state is exited before the animation has finished
+ If a state has property assignments, and the transition into the state has animations for the
+ properties, the state can potentially be exited before the properties have been assigned to the
+ values defines by the state. This is true in particular when there are transitions out from the
+ state that do not depend on the state being polished, as described in the previous section.
+ The State Machine API guarantees that a property assigned by the state machine either:
+ \list
+ \o Has a value explicitly assigned to the property.
+ \o Is currently being animated into a value explicitly assigned to the property.
+ \endlist
+ When a state is exited prior to the animation finishing, the behavior of the state machine depends
+ on the target state of the transition. If the target state explicitly assigns a value to the
+ property, no additional action will be taken. The property will be assigned the value defined by
+ the target state.
+ If the target state does not assign any value to the property, there are two
+ options: By default, the property will be assigned the value defined by the state it is leaving
+ (the value it would have been assigned if the animation had been permitted to finish playing.) If
+ a global restore policy is set, however, this will take precedence, and the property will be
+ restored as usual.
+ \section1 Default Animations
+ As described earlier, you can add animations to transitions to make sure property assignments
+ in the target state are animated. If you want a specific animation to be used for a given property
+ regardless of which transition is taken, you can add it as a default animation to the state
+ machine. This is in particular useful when the properties assigned (or restored) by specific
+ states is not known when the machine is constructed.
+ \code
+ QState *s1 = new QState();
+ QState *s2 = new QState();
+ s2->assignProperty(object, "fooBar", 2.0);
+ s1->addTransition(s2);
+ QStateMachine machine;
+ machine.setInitialState(s1);
+ machine.addDefaultAnimation(new QPropertyAnimation(object, "fooBar"));
+ \endcode
+ When the machine is in state \c s2, the machine will play the default animation for the
+ property \c fooBar since this property is assigned by \c s2.
+ Note that animations explicitly set on transitions will take precedence over any default
+ animation for the given property.