path: root/examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml b/examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml
index 32483fa..efd0e10 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/listview/dynamic.qml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Rectangle {
ListModel {
id: fruitModel
ListElement {
name: "Apple"; cost: 2.45
attributes: [
@@ -51,12 +52,16 @@ Rectangle {
Component {
id: fruitDelegate
Item {
width: parent.width; height: 55
Column {
- id: moveButtons; x: 5; width: childrenRect.width; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- Image { source: "content/pics/go-up.png"
+ id: moveButtons
+ x: 5; width: childrenRect.width; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/go-up.png"
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: fruitModel.move(index,index-1,1) }
Image { source: "content/pics/go-down.png"
@@ -66,33 +71,63 @@ Rectangle {
Column {
anchors { right: itemButtons.left; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; left: moveButtons.right; leftMargin: 10 }
Text {
- id: label; font.bold: true; text: name; elide: Text.ElideRight; font.pixelSize: 15
- width: parent.width; color: "White"
+ id: label
+ width: parent.width
+ color: "White"
+ font.bold: true; font.pixelSize: 15
+ text: name; elide: Text.ElideRight
Row {
spacing: 5
- Repeater { model: attributes; Component { Text { text: description; color: "White" } } }
+ Repeater {
+ model: attributes
+ Component {
+ Text { text: description; color: "White" }
+ }
+ }
Row {
id: itemButtons
- anchors.right: removeButton.left; anchors.rightMargin: 35; spacing: 10
- width: childrenRect.width; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- Image { source: "content/pics/list-add.png"
- ClickAutoRepeating { id: clickUp; anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: fruitModel.setProperty(index,"cost",cost+0.25) }
- scale: clickUp.isPressed ? 0.9 : 1; transformOrigin: Item.Center
+ anchors { right: removeButton.left; rightMargin: 35; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
+ width: childrenRect.width
+ spacing: 10
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/list-add.png"
+ scale: clickUp.isPressed ? 0.9 : 1
+ transformOrigin: Item.Center
+ ClickAutoRepeating {
+ id: clickUp
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: fruitModel.setProperty(index, "cost", cost+0.25)
+ }
Text { id: costText; text: '$'+Number(cost).toFixed(2); font.pixelSize: 15; color: "White"; font.bold: true; }
- Image { source: "content/pics/list-remove.png"
- ClickAutoRepeating { id: clickDown; anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: fruitModel.setProperty(index,"cost",Math.max(0,cost-0.25)) }
- scale: clickDown.isPressed ? 0.9 : 1; transformOrigin: Item.Center
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/list-remove.png"
+ scale: clickDown.isPressed ? 0.9 : 1
+ transformOrigin: Item.Center
+ ClickAutoRepeating {
+ id: clickDown
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: fruitModel.setProperty(index, "cost", Math.max(0,cost-0.25))
+ }
Image {
- id: removeButton; source: "content/pics/archive-remove.png"
+ id: removeButton
anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; right: parent.right; rightMargin: 10 }
+ source: "content/pics/archive-remove.png"
MouseArea { anchors.fill:parent; onClicked: fruitModel.remove(index) }
@@ -100,60 +135,75 @@ Rectangle {
ListView {
id: view
- model: fruitModel; delegate: fruitDelegate
anchors { top:; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: }
+ model: fruitModel
+ delegate: fruitDelegate
// Attach scrollbar to the right edge of the view.
ScrollBar {
id: verticalScrollBar
+ width: 8; height: view.height; anchors.right: view.right
opacity: 0
orientation: "Vertical"
position: view.visibleArea.yPosition
pageSize: view.visibleArea.heightRatio
- width: 8
- height: view.height
- anchors.right: view.right
// Only show the scrollbar when the view is moving.
- states: [
- State {
- name: "ShowBars"; when: view.moving
- PropertyChanges { target: verticalScrollBar; opacity: 1 }
- }
- ]
- transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; duration: 400 } } ]
+ states: State {
+ name: "ShowBars"; when: view.moving
+ PropertyChanges { target: verticalScrollBar; opacity: 1 }
+ }
+ transitions: Transition {
+ NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; duration: 400 }
+ }
Row {
- x: 8; width: childrenRect.width
- height: childrenRect.height
+ id: buttons
+ x: 8; width: childrenRect.width; height: childrenRect.height
anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 8 }
spacing: 8
- id: buttons
- Image { source: "content/pics/archive-insert.png"
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/archive-insert.png"
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
"name":"Pizza Margarita",
"attributes":[{"description": "Cheese"},{"description": "Tomato"}]
- })
+ })
- Image { source: "content/pics/archive-insert.png"
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/archive-insert.png"
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: {
- fruitModel.insert(0,{
+ fruitModel.insert(0, {
"name":"Pizza Supreme",
"attributes":[{"description": "Cheese"},{"description": "Tomato"},{"description": "The Works"}]
- })
+ })
- Image { source: "content/pics/archive-remove.png"
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: fruitModel.clear() }
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/archive-remove.png"
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: fruitModel.clear()
+ }