path: root/examples/declarative/tutorials/contacts/Final/contacts.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/declarative/tutorials/contacts/Final/contacts.qml')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/declarative/tutorials/contacts/Final/contacts.qml b/examples/declarative/tutorials/contacts/Final/contacts.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0d6d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/declarative/tutorials/contacts/Final/contacts.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<Rect id="contacts"
+ width="240"
+ height="320"
+ color="black">
+ <properties>
+ <Property name="mode" value="list"/>
+ <Property name="mouseGrabbed" value="false"/>
+ </properties>
+ <resources>
+ <SqlConnection id="contactDatabase" name="qmlConnection" driver="QSQLITE" databaseName="../shared/contacts.sqlite"/>
+ <SqlQuery id="contactList" connection="{contactDatabase}">
+ <query>SELECT recid AS contactid, label, email, phone FROM contacts WHERE lower(label) LIKE lower(:searchTerm) ORDER BY label, recid</query>
+ <bindings>
+ <SqlBind name=":searchTerm" value="{searchBar.text + '%' }"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </SqlQuery>
+ <Component id="contactDelegate">
+ <Item id="wrapper"
+ x="0"
+ width="{ListView.view.width}"
+ height="34">
+ <Text id="label"
+ x="40" y="12"
+ width="{parent.width-30}"
+ text="{model.label}"
+ color="white"
+ font.bold="true">
+ <children>
+ <MouseRegion
+ anchors.fill="{parent}">
+ <onClicked>
+ Details.qml = 'Contact.qml';
+ wrapper.state='opened';
+ contacts.mode = 'edit';
+ </onClicked>
+ </MouseRegion>
+ </children>
+ </Text>
+ <Item id="Details"
+ anchors.fill="{wrapper}"
+ opacity="0">
+ <Bind target="{Details.qmlItem}" property="contactid" value="{model.contactid}"/>
+ <Bind target="{Details.qmlItem}" property="label" value="{model.label}"/>
+ <Bind target="{Details.qmlItem}" property="phone" value="{}"/>
+ <Bind target="{Details.qmlItem}" property="email" value="{}"/>
+ </Item>
+ <states>
+ <State name='opened'>
+ <SetProperty target="{wrapper}" property="height" value="{contactListView.height}"/>
+ <SetProperty target="{contactListView}" property="yPosition" value="{wrapper.y}"/>
+ <SetProperty target="{contactListView}" property="locked" value="1"/>
+ <SetProperty target="{label}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
+ <SetProperty target="{Details}" property="opacity" value="1"/>
+ </State>
+ </states>
+ <transitions>
+ <Transition>
+ <NumericAnimation duration="500" properties="yPosition,height,opacity"/>
+ </Transition>
+ </transitions>
+ <Connection sender="{cancelEditButton}" signal="clicked()">
+ if (wrapper.state == 'opened' &amp;&amp; !contacts.mouseGrabbed) {
+ wrapper.state = '';
+ contacts.mode = 'list';
+ }
+ </Connection>
+ <Connection sender="{confirmEditButton}" signal="clicked()">
+ if (wrapper.state == 'opened' &amp;&amp; !contacts.mouseGrabbed) {
+ print('confirm and close edit');
+ Details.qmlItem.update.emit();
+ wrapper.state = '';
+ contacts.mode = 'list';
+ contactList.exec();
+ }
+ </Connection>
+ </Item>
+ </Component>
+ </resources>
+ <Button id="newContactButton"
+"{}" anchors.topMargin="5"
+ anchors.right="{parent.right}" anchors.rightMargin="5"
+ icon="../shared/pics/new.png"
+ onClicked="newContactItem.label = ''; = ''; = ''; contacts.mode = 'new'"
+ opacity="{contacts.mode == 'list' ? 1 : 0}"/>
+ <Button id="confirmEditButton"
+"{}" anchors.topMargin="5"
+ anchors.left="{parent.left}" anchors.leftMargin="5"
+ icon="../shared/pics/ok.png"
+ opacity="{contacts.mode == 'list' || contacts.mouseGrabbed ? 0 : 1}"/>
+ <Button id="cancelEditButton"
+"{}" anchors.topMargin="5"
+ anchors.right="{parent.right}" anchors.rightMargin="5"
+ icon="../shared/pics/cancel.png"
+ opacity="{contacts.mode == 'list' || contacts.mouseGrabbed ? 0 : 1}"/>
+ <ListView id="contactListView"
+ anchors.left="{parent.left}"
+ anchors.right="{parent.right}"
+ anchors.bottom="{searchBarWrapper.bottom}"
+ clip="true"
+ model="{contactList}"
+ delegate="{contactDelegate}"
+ focus="{contacts.mode != 'list'}"/>
+ <Contact id="newContactItem"
+ anchors.fill="{contactListView}"
+ opacity="0"/>
+ <Connection sender="{confirmEditButton}" signal="clicked()">
+ if (contacts.mode == 'new' &amp;&amp; contacts.mouseGrabbed != 'true') {
+ newContactItem.insert.emit();
+ contacts.mode = 'list';
+ contactList.exec();
+ }
+ </Connection>
+ <Connection sender="{cancelEditButton}" signal="clicked()">
+ if (contacts.mode == 'new' &amp;&amp; contacts.mouseGrabbed != 'true') {
+ contacts.mode = 'list';
+ }
+ </Connection>
+ <FocusRealm id="searchBarWrapper"
+ height="30"
+ anchors.bottom="{parent.bottom}"
+ anchors.left="{parent.left}" anchors.right="{parent.right}"
+ anchors.bottomMargin="0"
+ focus="{contacts.mode == 'list'}">
+ <SearchBar id="searchBar" anchors.fill="{parent}"/>
+ <states>
+ <State name="searchHidden" when="{searchBar.text == '' || contacts.mode != 'list'}">
+ <SetProperty target="{searchBarWrapper.anchors}" property="bottomMargin" value="-30"/>
+ </State>
+ </states>
+ <transitions>
+ <Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
+ <NumericAnimation property="bottomMargin" duration="250"/>
+ </Transition>
+ </transitions>
+ </FocusRealm>
+ <states>
+ <State name="editNewState" when="{contacts.mode == 'new'}">
+ <SetProperty target="{contactListView}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
+ <SetProperty target="{newContactItem}" property="opacity" value="1"/>
+ </State>
+ </states>
+ <transitions>
+ <Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
+ <NumericAnimation property="opacity" duration="500"/>
+ </Transition>
+ </transitions>