diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/tools/completer/resources')
-rw-r--r-- | examples/tools/completer/resources/countries.txt | 241 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | examples/tools/completer/resources/wordlist.txt | 1486 |
2 files changed, 1727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/tools/completer/resources/countries.txt b/examples/tools/completer/resources/countries.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5854fbc --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tools/completer/resources/countries.txt @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +Afghanistan AF +Albania AL +Algeria DZ +American Samoa AS +Andorra AD +Angola AO +Anguilla AI +Antarctica AQ +Antigua And Barbuda AG +Argentina AR +Armenia AM +Aruba AW +Australia AU +Austria AT +Azerbaijan AZ +Bahamas BS +Bahrain BH +Bangladesh BD +Barbados BB +Belarus BY +Belgium BE +Belize BZ +Benin BJ +Bermuda BM +Bhutan BT +Bolivia BO +Bosnia And Herzegowina BA +Botswana BW +Bouvet Island BV +Brazil BR +British Indian Ocean Territory IO +British Virgin Islands VG +Brunei Darussalam BN +Bulgaria BG +Burkina Faso BF +Burundi BI +Cambodia KH +Cameroon CM +Canada CA +Cape Verde CV +Cayman Islands KY +Central African Republic CF +Chad TD +Chile CL +China CN +Christmas Island CX +Cocos Islands CC +Colombia CO +Comoros KM +Cook Islands CK +Costa Rica CR +Croatia HR +Cuba CU +Cyprus CY +Czech Republic CZ +Democratic Republic Of Congo CD +Democratic Republic Of Korea KP +Denmark DK +Djibouti DJ +Dominica DM +Dominican Republic DO +EastTimor TL +Ecuador EC +Egypt EG +El Salvador SV +Equatorial Guinea GQ +Eritrea ER +Estonia EE +Ethiopia ET +Falkland Islands FK +Faroe Islands FO +Fiji FJ +Finland FI +France FR +French Guiana GF +French Polynesia PF +French Southern Territories TF +Gabon GA +Gambia GM +Georgia GE +Germany DE +Ghana GH +Gibraltar GI +Greece GR +Greenland GL +Grenada GD +Guadeloupe GP +Guam GU +Guatemala GT +Guinea GN +Guinea Bissau GW +Guyana GY +Haiti HT +Heard And McDonald Islands HM +Honduras HN +Hong Kong HK +Hungary HU +Iceland IS +India IN +Indonesia ID +Iran IR +Iraq IQ +Ireland IE +Israel IL +Italy IT +Ivory Coast CI +Jamaica JM +Japan JP +Jordan JO +Kazakhstan KZ +Kenya KE +Kiribati KI +Kuwait KW +Kyrgyzstan KG +Lao LA +Latvia LV +Lebanon LB +Lesotho LS +Liberia LR +Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY +Liechtenstein LI +Lithuania LT +Luxembourg LU +Macau MO +Macedonia MK +Madagascar MG +Malawi MW +Malaysia MY +Maldives MV +Mali ML +Malta MT +Marshall Islands MH +Martinique MQ +Mauritania MR +Mauritius MU +Mayotte YT +Metropolitan France FX +Mexico MX +Micronesia FM +Moldova MD +Monaco MC +Mongolia MN +Montserrat MS +Morocco MA +Mozambique MZ +Myanmar MM +Namibia NA +Nauru NR +Nepal NP +Netherlands NL +Netherlands Antilles AN +New Caledonia NC +New Zealand NZ +Nicaragua NI +Niger NE +Nigeria NG +Niue NU +Norfolk Island NF +Northern Mariana Islands MP +Norway NO +Oman OM +Pakistan PK +Palau PW +Palestinian Territory PS +Panama PA +Papua New Guinea PG +Paraguay PY +Peoples Republic Of Congo CG +Peru PE +Philippines PH +Pitcairn PN +Poland PL +Portugal PT +Puerto Rico PR +Qatar QA +Republic Of Korea KR +Reunion RE +Romania RO +Russian Federation RU +Rwanda RW +Saint Kitts And Nevis KN +Samoa WS +San Marino SM +Sao Tome And Principe ST +Saudi Arabia SA +Senegal SN +Serbia And Montenegro CS +Seychelles SC +Sierra Leone SL +Singapore SG +Slovakia SK +Slovenia SI +Solomon Islands SB +Somalia SO +South Africa ZA +South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands GS +Spain ES +Sri Lanka LK +St Helena SH +St Lucia LC +St Pierre And Miquelon PM +St Vincent And The Grenadines VC +Sudan SD +Suriname SR +Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands SJ +Swaziland SZ +Sweden SE +Switzerland CH +Syrian Arab Republic SY +Taiwan TW +Tajikistan TJ +Tanzania TZ +Thailand TH +Togo TG +Tokelau TK +Tonga TO +Trinidad And Tobago TT +Tunisia TN +Turkey TR +Turkmenistan TM +Turks And Caicos Islands TC +Tuvalu TV +US Virgin Islands VI +Uganda UG +Ukraine UA +United Arab Emirates AE +United Kingdom GB +United States US +United States Minor Outlying Islands UM +Uruguay UY +Uzbekistan UZ +Vanuatu VU +Vatican City State VA +Venezuela VE +Viet Nam VN +Wallis And Futuna Islands WF +Western Sahara EH +Yemen YE +Yugoslavia YU +Zambia ZM +Zimbabwe ZW diff --git a/examples/tools/completer/resources/wordlist.txt b/examples/tools/completer/resources/wordlist.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e598a19 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tools/completer/resources/wordlist.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1486 @@ +A4 +able +about +above +absence +absolutely +abstract +access +according +accumulated +achieve +achieving +activity +acts +actual +actually +add +added +adding +addition +additionally +additions +addresses +adjust +adjustments +advanced +advice +after +afterwards +again +agenda +aim +algorithm +all +allocated +allow +allowed +allowing +allows +along +alpha +already +also +alternative +alternatively +although +American +an +and +announced +annoy +another +answer +answers +any +anything +anyway +apart +API +appear +appears +appendices +appendix +appends +application +applications +apply +approach +approaches +appropriate +Arabic +arbitrary +are +areas +ARGB +argument +arguments +around +arrangements +arrive +arrived +Arthur +article +articles +as +asked +aspects +assume +at +attachment +attempt +attempting +attend +attendees +attributes +authors +auto-detect +auto-detecting +availability +available +avoid +away +back +background +backgrounds +bandwidth +bandwidths +Barcelona +base +based +basic +basically +basics +be +because +been +before +behave +behavior +behind +being +below +benefits +Berkeley +between +bit +bits +bitwise +black +blended +blending +blends +block +blue +BMP +body +bold +booking +bool +Boston +both +bottom +box +boxes +braces +break +breaks +broad +browsers +buffer +buffers +build +builds +built +bundled +burdens +busy +but +by +bypass +bypassing +bytes +calendar +call +called +calling +calls +Cambridge +can +canonical +canonicalised +cap +capabilities +capacity +caption +card +care +case +cast +catch +causing +centre +certain +challenges +chance +change +changes +changing +channel +channels +chapter +char +chart +charts +check +checks +Chicago +chit-chat +chosen +chunk +circle +citation +city +claim +class +classes +clause +clauses +clear +clearing +client +clients +close +closed +co-author +code +colon +color +color-coded +colorize +colorizer +colors +colour +column +columns +combine +combined +combines +combining +comes +command +commands +comment +common +communicate +community +compiled +complement +complete +completely +completeness +completes +completion +complex +compliant +component +components +compositing +composition +compression +computation +computer +concepts +conclusion +concurrent +configurable +congested +congestion +connect +connected +connection +connections +cons +consider +consisting +consists +construct +constructed +constructing +constructor +constructs +consume +contact +contain +containing +contains +contents +contents +continue +continued +contributors +control +controlled +controller +controller +controlling +controls +controls +conventions +cook +cooperation +copy +copyright +core +cores +corollary +correct +correctly +corresponding +could +couple +coworkers +CPU +create +creates +creating +cross-platform +crucial +cultures +current +currently +custom +customized +cut +data +database +datasets +datum +day +days +deal +dealing +decide +decouple +decoupled +deeply +def +default +define +defines +definition +definitions +delegate +delete +demo +demonstrate +demonstrations +deployed +describe +describes +design +desktop +desktops +destination +destinations +destructor +details +detect +determine +determines +developer +developers +development +developments +device +devices +diagram +dialogs +dictionary +did +difference +differences +different +differs +digital +direct +direct +directions +directly +directory +discuss +display +displaying +displays +distribute +distribution +disturbing +divide +do +documentation +documents +does +done +down +downLimit +download +downloaded +downloading +draw +drawing +drawn +drop +drop-in +Duff +during +DVD +dynamic +dynamically +dynamics +each +earlier +easily +editing +editors +education +effect +effectively +effects +either +ellipse +ellipses +elliptical +else +email +e-mail +embedded +emit +emits +empty +enable +enables +encapsulates +enclose +end +endnote +endnotes +end-user +engineer +engineering +English +enjoys +enough +ensure +ensures +entails +enter +entire +entitled +entries +entry +environment +erases +error +errors +especially +established +etc. +Europe +even +evenly +event +events +eventually +every +everyone +example +examples +except +exception +excessive +exclusive +existing +exists +expand +expected +expense +export +exposes +extend +extended +extending +extensible +extension +external +extra +extract +faces +facilities +factory +fade +failure +fairness +falls +false +family +fashion +fast +faster +features +February +feedback +feel +fetch +fetching +few +fields +figure +figures +file +file name +files +filled +filler +final +finally +find +fine +finish +finished +first +flow +fly +focus +followed +following +font +foot +footnote +footnotes +for +form +format +formats +format-specific +forms +formula +formulas +forum +found +framework +France +from +front +full +fully +function +functionality +function-based +functions +future +gain +games +gap +general +generic +Germany +get +gill +give +given +gives +giving +global +go +goes +got +gradient +gradient-filled +graph +graphical +graphics +gray +great +greatly +green +grey +group +growing +gui +GUI +hack +had +half +Hamburg +hand +handing +handle +handler +handlers +handles +handling +happens +hardware +harmonica +has +have +having +he +head +header +headers +hear +height +help +helper +here +high +high-complexity +high-level +highlight +highly +hints +his +hold +holder +holding +hole +home +horizontal +host +hosting +hours +Houston +how +however +huge +hyphen +ID +idea +ideally +if +Illinois +illustrate +illustrated +illustrates +image +images +impact +implement +implementation +implementations +implemented +implementing +implements +import +important +improvements +in +include +included +includes +including +inclusion +incoming +inconvenient +indent +index +indicate +inexpensively +influence +info +information +ingenious +inherits +initial +initially +inner +input +inspired +install +installs +instance +instead +instructs +integer +integers +integration +intended +intensive +interest +interests +interface +interfaces +interfere +internal +interval +into +intriguing +intro +introduce +introduced +invalid +invented +inverse +invocation +involved +Irish +irregular +is +ISO +ISPs +issue +issues +it +items +iterate +its +itself +job +join +JPEG +jungle +just +Karaoke +keep +keeping +key +kind +king +known +label +labels +landscape +language +large +last +later +latest +lawn +layout +lead +leader +leaders +lean +leaves +leaving +left +lemma +length +less +let +level +levels +libraries +library +lies +like +likely +limit +limiting +limits +line +linear +lines +linewidth +link +linked +linking +Linux +list +lists +little +lives +load +loading +loads +located +location +locations +logo +long +longer +look +looked +looking +looks +lookup +lookups +loop +lout +low +lower-case +low-level +macro +made +magazine +magic +main +major +make +makes +making +manage +managed +managing +mandatory +manipulate +manipulation +manner +many +map +maps +March +margin +mask +masking +Massachusetts +match +mathematical +maximum +may +means +meet +member +members +memory +merged +method +might +milliseconds +minimize +minimum +minor +mix +MNG +mode +model +models +modes +modified +module +moments +monitored +monthly +more +most +mostly +move +much +multitude +Munich +must +name +named +names +necessary +need +needed +needs +network +new +news +newsletter +next +nicely +no +none +non-Qt +non-trivial +non-zero +normally +Norway +not +note +notes +nothing +notifies +notify +now +null +number +numbered +numbering +numbers +Nydalen +object +objects +obtain +obtaining +odd +of +off +office +offset +offsets +often +old +on +once +one +ones +online +only +on-screen +onto +opacity +opaque +open +opens +operates +operating +operation +operations +operator +opportunity +opposed +optimize +option +optionally +options +or +OR +order +ordinary +original +originally +Oslo +other +otherwise +our +out +outer +outgoing +output +outside +over +overcoming +overrides +overview +own +owner +owners +pace +Pacific +package +packages +packets +page +pages +paint +painted +painting +paragraph +paragraphs +parameters +parent +Paris +parse +part +partial +partially +particular +partners +parts +party +passed +passing +patches +path +pattern +patterns +pause +PDF +peek +pending +perform +performed +performs +permission +permutations +personal +pick +pie +pipe +pixel +pixels +place +places +planning +platform-independent +platforms +play +players +playing +please +pleasing +plugin +plugin-enabled +plugins +plus +PNG +pointer +pop +popular +populates +porter +Porter +portrait +possibility +possible +potential +potentially +power +powers +preceded +presence +present +prevent +prevents +previous +previously +primarily +primary +primitives +printed +printing +prior +probably +problem +process +processes +processing +produce +produced +produces +products +programming +programs +project +projects +proof +proper +properly +properties +property +proposed +proposition +pros +protocols +proud +provide +provided +provides +provision +proxy +public +published +punch +punches +pursuing +put +Qt +Qtopia +Qt-related +quality +quarter +quarterly +queried +queries +query +question +questions +radial +ragged +range +rate +rate-controlled +rates +rather +ratio +raw +read +reader +reading +reads +ready +real +realistic +really +real-time +received +recent +recognized +recommended +recompile +rectangle +rectangular +red +redistribute +reducing +reference +references +reflect +regardless +regional +register +registered +registration +reimplement +reimplementation +reimplemented +release +released +releases +reliable +rely +remains +remember +removed +removes +repeatedly +replace +report +represent +represented +represents +reproduced +requested +require +required +requires +resetting +resides +resolve +respective +respectively +response +rest +restart +result +resulting +resume +return +returning +returns +reuse +revealing +rich +riches +right +roadshow +role +Roman +round-trip +router +routers +rule +run +runner +runners +running +runs +run-time +sake +sales +salespeople +same +sample +San Jose +save +saved +saves +say +scalable +scale +scanline +scanline-level +scene +scenes +schedule +school +script +seam +seamless +search +searches +searching +second +seconds +section +sections +security +see +seen +selection +seminar +seminars +sending +separated +separates +series +service +services +set +setting +setup +seven +seventh +several +shade +shadow +shape +shares +shaves +shine +shorter +should +show +shown +shows +side +signal +signals +signature +significantly +similar +similarily +similarly +simple +simplest +simplified +simplifying +simply +simulate +simultaneous +since +single +size +sizes +slightly +slope +slot +slowing +small +smaller +so +socket +sockets +software +solutions +solved +some +soon +sort +sorting +source +sources +south +space +special +specialized +specific +specifically +specification +specifications +specified +specify +speed +spend +split +SQL +standard +standards +start +starts +starve +state +states +static +steady +stealing +step +still +stop +stopwatch +store +stored +stores +straightforward +stream +string +strings +structure +structured +strut +style +styles +styling +subclass +subclassing +subdirectory +subsection +subsections +succeeds +success +successful +successfully +such +suggestion +suggestions +suitable +support +supported +supports +suppose +supposes +sure +switch +switches +symbol +symbols +synonyms +system +systems +table +tables +tags +take +takes +tap +target +targets +TCP +team +technically-focused +technique +technology +template +templates +Texas +text +than +that +the +their +them +then +theorem +there +these +they +thickness +thin +third +this +those +three +throttling +through +tightly +time +timer +times +tiny +tips +title +titles +to +together +too +top +torrent +total +tour +trademarks +traffic +training +transaction +transfer +transferred +transferring +transfers +translucency +translucent +transparency +transparent +travel +traveled +Trolltech +true +try +turn +twice +two +type +typed +typical +typically +unable +under +underlying +understanding +undoes +unique +united +unlike +unpack +unsigned +until +untouched +up +update +updated +updates +upload +uploading +uploads +up-to-date +us +use +used +useful +user +user-friendly +users +uses +using +usual +usually +valid +value +values +variable +variation +variety +various +vector +venturing +verifying +versa +version +versions +vertical +very +via +vice +virtual +visual +void +VP +waiting +Wales +want +wants +was +way +ways +we +web +website +well +were +what +when +whenever +where +whether +which +while +whistle +white +who +whole +why +widget +widgets +width +widths +will +window +windows +wish +with +without +word +words +work +working +works +would +wrap +wrapper +write +writes +writing +writings +written +X +X11 +XOR +year +years +yes +you +your +zero |