path: root/qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp b/qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp
index d124b02..0da06af 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp
+++ b/qmake/generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ bool SymbianCommonGenerator::containsStartWithItem(const QChar &c, const QString
void SymbianCommonGenerator::removeSpecialCharacters(QString& str)
- // When modifying this method check also application_icon.prf
+ // When modifying this method check also symbianRemoveSpecialCharacters in symbian.conf
str.replace(QString("/"), QString("_"));
str.replace(QString("\\"), QString("_"));
str.replace(QString(" "), QString("_"));
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::removeSpecialCharacters(QString& str)
void SymbianCommonGenerator::removeEpocSpecialCharacters(QString& str)
- // When modifying this method check also application_icon.prf
+ // When modifying this method check also symbianRemoveSpecialCharacters in symbian.conf
str.replace(QString("-"), QString("_"));
str.replace(QString(":"), QString("_"));
str.replace(QString("."), QString("_"));
@@ -154,13 +154,8 @@ QString romPath(const QString& path)
void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocBuild)
QMakeProject *project = generator->project;
- QString pkgTarget = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET");
- if (pkgTarget.isEmpty())
- pkgTarget = project->first("TARGET");
- pkgTarget = generator->unescapeFilePath(pkgTarget);
- pkgTarget = removePathSeparators(pkgTarget);
QString pkgFilename = Option::output_dir + QLatin1Char('/') +
- QString("%1_template.pkg").arg(pkgTarget);
+ QString("%1_template.pkg").arg(fixedTarget);
QFile pkgFile(pkgFilename);
if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
@@ -169,7 +164,7 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
QString stubPkgFileName = Option::output_dir + QLatin1Char('/') +
- QString("%1_stub.pkg").arg(pkgTarget);
+ QString("%1_stub.pkg").arg(fixedTarget);
QFile stubPkgFile(stubPkgFileName);
if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
@@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
// Header info
QString wrapperPkgFilename = Option::output_dir + QLatin1Char('/') + QString("%1_installer.%2")
- .arg(pkgTarget).arg("pkg");
+ .arg(fixedTarget).arg("pkg");
QString headerComment = "; %1 generated by qmake at %2\n"
"; This file is generated by qmake and should not be modified by the user\n"
@@ -202,44 +197,71 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
tw << headerComment.arg(wrapperPkgFilename).arg(dateStr);
ts << headerComment.arg(stubPkgFileName).arg(dateStr);
- // Construct QStringList from pkg_prerules since we need search it before printed to file
- // Note: Though there can't be more than one language or header line, use stringlists
+ QStringList commonRawPreRules;
+ QStringList mainRawPreRules;
+ QStringList instRawPreRules;
+ QStringList stubRawPreRules;
+ // Though there can't be more than one language or header line, use stringlists
// in case user wants comments to go with the rules.
- QStringList rawPkgPreRules;
+ // Note that it makes no sense to have file specific language or header rules,
+ // except what is provided for installer header via "DEPLOYMENT.installer_header" variable,
+ // because stub and main headers should always match. Vendor rules are similarly limited to
+ // make code cleaner as it is unlikely anyone will want different vendor in different files.
QStringList languageRules;
QStringList headerRules;
- foreach(QString deploymentItem, project->values("DEPLOYMENT")) {
- foreach(QString pkgrulesItem, project->values(deploymentItem + ".pkg_prerules")) {
- QStringList pkgrulesValue = project->values(pkgrulesItem);
- // If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
- // This is convenience for defining single line mmp statements
- if (pkgrulesValue.isEmpty()) {
- if (pkgrulesItem.startsWith("&"))
- languageRules << pkgrulesItem;
- else if (pkgrulesItem.startsWith("#"))
- headerRules << pkgrulesItem;
- else
- rawPkgPreRules << pkgrulesItem;
- } else {
- if (containsStartWithItem('&', pkgrulesValue)) {
- foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
- languageRules << pkgrule;
- }
- } else if (containsStartWithItem('#', pkgrulesValue)) {
- foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
- headerRules << pkgrule;
- }
- } else {
- foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
- rawPkgPreRules << pkgrule;
- }
- }
- }
+ QStringList vendorRules;
+ QStringList commonRawPostRules;
+ QStringList mainRawPostRules;
+ QStringList instRawPostRules;
+ QStringList stubRawPostRules;
+ QStringList failList; // Used for detecting incorrect usage
+ QString emptySuffix;
+ QString mainSuffix(".main");
+ QString instSuffix(".installer");
+ QString stubSuffix(".stub");
+ foreach(QString item, project->values("DEPLOYMENT")) {
+ parsePreRules(item, emptySuffix, &commonRawPreRules, &languageRules, &headerRules, &vendorRules);
+ parsePreRules(item, mainSuffix, &mainRawPreRules, &failList, &failList, &failList);
+ parsePreRules(item, instSuffix, &instRawPreRules, &failList, &failList, &failList);
+ parsePreRules(item, stubSuffix, &stubRawPreRules, &failList, &failList, &failList);
+ parsePostRules(item, emptySuffix, &commonRawPostRules);
+ parsePostRules(item, mainSuffix, &mainRawPostRules);
+ parsePostRules(item, instSuffix, &instRawPostRules);
+ parsePostRules(item, stubSuffix, &stubRawPostRules);
+ }
+ if (!failList.isEmpty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Custom language, header, or vendor definitions are not "
+ "supported by file specific pkg_prerules.* variables.\n"
+ "Use plain pkg_prerules and/or DEPLOYMENT.installer_header for customizing "
+ "these items.\n");
+ }
+ foreach(QString item, commonRawPreRules) {
+ if (item.startsWith("(")) {
+ // Only regular pkg file should have package dependencies
+ mainRawPreRules << item;
+ } else if (item.startsWith("[")) {
+ // stub pkg file should not have platform dependencies
+ mainRawPreRules << item;
+ instRawPreRules << item;
+ } else {
+ mainRawPreRules << item;
+ instRawPreRules << item;
+ stubRawPreRules << item;
- // Apply some defaults if specific data does not exist in PKG pre-rules
+ // Currently common postrules only go to main
+ mainRawPostRules << commonRawPostRules;
+ // Apply some defaults if specific data does not exist in PKG pre-rules
if (languageRules.isEmpty()) {
// language, (*** hardcoded to english atm, should be parsed from TRANSLATIONS)
languageRules << "; Language\n&EN\n\n";
@@ -275,6 +297,20 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
if (success)
applicationVersion = QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(major).arg(minor).arg(patch);
+ // Append package build version number if it is set
+ QString pkgBuildVersion = project->first("DEPLOYMENT.pkg_build_version");
+ if (!pkgBuildVersion.isEmpty()) {
+ success = false;
+ uint build = pkgBuildVersion.toUInt(&success);
+ if (success && build < 100) {
+ if (pkgBuildVersion.size() == 1)
+ pkgBuildVersion.prepend(QLatin1Char('0'));
+ applicationVersion.append(pkgBuildVersion);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Invalid DEPLOYMENT.pkg_build_version (%s), must be a number between 0 - 99\n", qPrintable(pkgBuildVersion));
+ }
+ }
// Package header
QString sisHeader = "; SIS header: name, uid, version\n#{\"%1\"},(%2),%3\n\n";
QString visualTarget = generator->escapeFilePath(project->first("TARGET"));
@@ -297,49 +333,38 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
ts << headerRules.join("\n") << endl;
- // Localized vendor name
- QString vendorName;
- if (!containsStartWithItem('%', rawPkgPreRules)) {
- vendorName += "; Localised Vendor name\n%{\"Vendor\"}\n\n";
+ // Vendor name
+ if (!containsStartWithItem('%', vendorRules)) {
+ vendorRules << "; Default localized vendor name\n%{\"Vendor\"}\n\n";
- // Unique vendor name
- if (!containsStartWithItem(':', rawPkgPreRules)) {
- vendorName += "; Unique Vendor name\n:\"Vendor\"\n\n";
+ if (!containsStartWithItem(':', vendorRules)) {
+ vendorRules << "; Default unique vendor name\n:\"Vendor\"\n\n";
- t << vendorName;
- tw << vendorName;
- ts << vendorName;
+ t << vendorRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ tw << vendorRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ ts << vendorRules.join("\n") << endl;
// PKG pre-rules - these are added before actual file installations i.e. SIS package body
- if (rawPkgPreRules.size()) {
- QString comment = "\n; Manual PKG pre-rules from PRO files\n";
+ QString comment = "\n; Manual PKG pre-rules from PRO files\n";
+ if (mainRawPreRules.size()) {
t << comment;
+ t << mainRawPreRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ }
+ if (instRawPreRules.size()) {
tw << comment;
+ tw << instRawPreRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ }
+ if (stubRawPreRules.size()) {
ts << comment;
- foreach(QString item, rawPkgPreRules) {
- // Only regular pkg file should have package dependencies
- if (item.startsWith("(")) {
- t << item << endl;
- }
- // stub pkg file should not have platform dependencies
- else if (item.startsWith("[")) {
- t << item << endl;
- tw << item << endl;
- }
- else {
- t << item << endl;
- ts << item << endl;
- tw << item << endl;
- }
- }
- t << endl;
- ts << endl;
- tw << endl;
+ ts << stubRawPreRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ t << endl;
+ tw << endl;
+ ts << endl;
// Begin Manufacturer block
if (!project->values("DEPLOYMENT.manufacturers").isEmpty()) {
QString manufacturerStr("IF ");
@@ -465,21 +490,19 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
ts << endl;
// PKG post-rules - these are added after actual file installations i.e. SIS package body
- t << "; Manual PKG post-rules from PRO files" << endl;
- foreach(QString deploymentItem, project->values("DEPLOYMENT")) {
- foreach(QString pkgrulesItem, project->values(deploymentItem + ".pkg_postrules")) {
- QStringList pkgrulesValue = project->values(pkgrulesItem);
- // If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
- // This is convenience for defining single line statements
- if (pkgrulesValue.isEmpty()) {
- t << pkgrulesItem << endl;
- } else {
- foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
- t << pkgrule << endl;
- }
- }
- t << endl;
- }
+ comment = "; Manual PKG post-rules from PRO files\n";
+ if (mainRawPostRules.size()) {
+ t << comment;
+ t << mainRawPostRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ }
+ if (instRawPostRules.size()) {
+ tw << comment;
+ tw << instRawPostRules.join("\n") << endl;
+ }
+ if (stubRawPostRules.size()) {
+ ts << comment;
+ ts << stubRawPostRules.join("\n") << endl;
// Close Manufacturer block
@@ -521,7 +544,7 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::generatePkgFile(const QString &iconFile, bool epocB
// Wrapped files deployment
QString currentPath = qmake_getpwd();
- QString sisName = QString("%1.sis").arg(pkgTarget);
+ QString sisName = QString("%1.sis").arg(fixedTarget);
twf << "\"" << currentPath << "/" << sisName << "\" - \"c:\\private\\2002CCCE\\import\\" << sisName << "\"" << endl;
QString bootStrapPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PrefixPath);
@@ -538,7 +561,7 @@ QString SymbianCommonGenerator::removePathSeparators(QString &file)
if (QDir::separator().unicode() != '/')
ret.replace(QDir::separator(), QLatin1Char('/'));
- if (ret.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) > 0)
+ if (ret.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) >= 0)
ret.remove(0, ret.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1);
return ret;
@@ -1021,3 +1044,66 @@ void SymbianCommonGenerator::fillQt2S60LangMapTable()
qt2S60LangMapTable.insert("ny", "SC"); //Chewa //
+void SymbianCommonGenerator::parsePreRules(const QString &deploymentVariable,
+ const QString &variableSuffix,
+ QStringList *rawRuleList,
+ QStringList *languageRuleList,
+ QStringList *headerRuleList,
+ QStringList *vendorRuleList)
+ QMakeProject *project = generator->project;
+ foreach(QString pkgrulesItem, project->values(deploymentVariable + ".pkg_prerules" + variableSuffix)) {
+ QStringList pkgrulesValue = project->values(pkgrulesItem);
+ // If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
+ // This is convenience for defining single line statements
+ if (pkgrulesValue.isEmpty()) {
+ if (pkgrulesItem.startsWith("&"))
+ *languageRuleList << pkgrulesItem;
+ else if (pkgrulesItem.startsWith("#"))
+ *headerRuleList << pkgrulesItem;
+ else if (pkgrulesItem.startsWith("%") || pkgrulesItem.startsWith(":"))
+ *vendorRuleList << pkgrulesItem;
+ else
+ *rawRuleList << pkgrulesItem;
+ } else {
+ if (containsStartWithItem('&', pkgrulesValue)) {
+ foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
+ *languageRuleList << pkgrule;
+ }
+ } else if (containsStartWithItem('#', pkgrulesValue)) {
+ foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
+ *headerRuleList << pkgrule;
+ }
+ } else if (containsStartWithItem('%', pkgrulesValue)
+ || containsStartWithItem(':', pkgrulesValue)) {
+ foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
+ *vendorRuleList << pkgrule;
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
+ *rawRuleList << pkgrule;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SymbianCommonGenerator::parsePostRules(const QString &deploymentVariable,
+ const QString &variableSuffix,
+ QStringList *rawRuleList)
+ QMakeProject *project = generator->project;
+ foreach(QString pkgrulesItem, project->values(deploymentVariable + ".pkg_postrules" + variableSuffix)) {
+ QStringList pkgrulesValue = project->values(pkgrulesItem);
+ // If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
+ // This is convenience for defining single line statements
+ if (pkgrulesValue.isEmpty()) {
+ *rawRuleList << pkgrulesItem;
+ } else {
+ foreach(QString pkgrule, pkgrulesValue) {
+ *rawRuleList << pkgrule;
+ }
+ }
+ }