path: root/src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h b/src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h
index 2e194b7..d95339d 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h
+++ b/src/3rdparty/libpng/png.h
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
/* png.h - header file for PNG reference library
- * libpng version 1.2.29 - May 8, 2008
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
+ * libpng version 1.2.40 - September 10, 2009
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
* (Version 0.96 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
* (Version 0.88 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
+ * This code is released under the libpng license (See LICENSE, below)
+ *
* Authors and maintainers:
* libpng versions 0.71, May 1995, through 0.88, January 1996: Guy Schalnat
* libpng versions 0.89c, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997: Andreas Dilger
- * libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.2.29 - May 8, 2008: Glenn
+ * libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.2.40 - September 10, 2009: Glenn
* See also "Contributing Authors", below.
* Note about libpng version numbers:
@@ -192,6 +194,57 @@
* 1.2.29rc01 13 10229[.0]
* 1.0.35 10 10035[.0]
* 1.2.29 13 10229[.0]
+ * 1.0.37 10 10037[.0]
+ * 1.2.30beta01-04 13 10230[.0]
+ * 1.0.38rc01-08 10 10038[.0]
+ * 1.2.30rc01-08 13 10230[.0]
+ * 1.0.38 10 10038[.0]
+ * 1.2.30 13 10230[.0]
+ * 1.0.39rc01-03 10 10039[.0]
+ * 1.2.31rc01-03 13 10231[.0]
+ * 1.0.39 10 10039[.0]
+ * 1.2.31 13 10231[.0]
+ * 1.2.32beta01-02 13 10232[.0]
+ * 1.0.40rc01 10 10040[.0]
+ * 1.2.32rc01 13 10232[.0]
+ * 1.0.40 10 10040[.0]
+ * 1.2.32 13 10232[.0]
+ * 1.2.33beta01-02 13 10233[.0]
+ * 1.2.33rc01-02 13 10233[.0]
+ * 1.0.41rc01 10 10041[.0]
+ * 1.2.33 13 10233[.0]
+ * 1.0.41 10 10041[.0]
+ * 1.2.34beta01-07 13 10234[.0]
+ * 1.0.42rc01 10 10042[.0]
+ * 1.2.34rc01 13 10234[.0]
+ * 1.0.42 10 10042[.0]
+ * 1.2.34 13 10234[.0]
+ * 1.2.35beta01-03 13 10235[.0]
+ * 1.0.43rc01-02 10 10043[.0]
+ * 1.2.35rc01-02 13 10235[.0]
+ * 1.0.43 10 10043[.0]
+ * 1.2.35 13 10235[.0]
+ * 1.2.36beta01-05 13 10236[.0]
+ * 1.2.36rc01 13 10236[.0]
+ * 1.0.44 10 10044[.0]
+ * 1.2.36 13 10236[.0]
+ * 1.2.37beta01-03 13 10237[.0]
+ * 1.2.37rc01 13 10237[.0]
+ * 1.2.37 13 10237[.0]
+ * 1.2.45 10 10045[.0]
+ * 1.0.46 10 10046[.0]
+ * 1.2.38beta01 13 10238[.0]
+ * 1.2.38rc01-03 13 10238[.0]
+ * 1.0.47 10 10047[.0]
+ * 1.2.38 13 10238[.0]
+ * 1.2.39beta01-05 13 10239[.0]
+ * 1.2.39rc01 13 10239[.0]
+ * 1.0.48 10 10048[.0]
+ * 1.2.39 13 10239[.0]
+ * 1.2.40beta01 13 10240[.0]
+ * 1.2.40rc01 13 10240[.0]
+ * 1.0.49 10 10049[.0]
+ * 1.2.40 13 10240[.0]
* Henceforth the source version will match the shared-library major
* and minor numbers; the shared-library major version number will be
@@ -221,8 +274,10 @@
* If you modify libpng you may insert additional notices immediately following
* this sentence.
- * libpng versions 1.2.6, August 15, 2004, through 1.2.29, May 8, 2008, are
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006-2008 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are
+ * This code is released under the libpng license.
+ *
+ * libpng versions 1.2.6, August 15, 2004, through 1.2.40, September 10, 2009, are
+ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006-2009 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are
* distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.2.5
* with the following individual added to the list of Contributing Authors:
@@ -333,13 +388,13 @@
* Y2K compliance in libpng:
* =========================
- * May 8, 2008
+ * September 10, 2009
* Since the PNG Development group is an ad-hoc body, we can't make
* an official declaration.
* This is your unofficial assurance that libpng from version 0.71 and
- * upward through 1.2.29 are Y2K compliant. It is my belief that earlier
+ * upward through 1.2.40 are Y2K compliant. It is my belief that earlier
* versions were also Y2K compliant.
* Libpng only has three year fields. One is a 2-byte unsigned integer
@@ -395,9 +450,9 @@
/* Version information for png.h - this should match the version in png.c */
-#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING "1.2.29"
+#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING "1.2.40"
- " libpng version 1.2.29 - May 8, 2008\n"
+ " libpng version 1.2.40 - September 10, 2009\n"
@@ -405,9 +460,10 @@
/* These should match the first 3 components of PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING: */
/* This should match the numeric part of the final component of
- * PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, omitting any leading zero: */
+ * PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, omitting any leading zero:
+ */
@@ -417,7 +473,7 @@
/* Release-Specific Flags */
#define PNG_LIBPNG_BUILD_PATCH 8 /* Can be OR'ed with
@@ -432,15 +488,16 @@
* We must not include leading zeros.
* Versions 0.7 through 1.0.0 were in the range 0 to 100 here (only
* version 1.0.0 was mis-numbered 100 instead of 10000). From
- * version 1.0.1 it's xxyyzz, where x=major, y=minor, z=release */
-#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER 10229 /* 1.2.29 */
+ * version 1.0.1 it's xxyyzz, where x=major, y=minor, z=release
+ */
+#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER 10240 /* 1.2.40 */
-/* include the compression library's header */
+/* Include the compression library's header */
#include "zlib.h"
-/* include all user configurable info, including optional assembler routines */
+/* Include all user configurable info, including optional assembler routines */
#include "pngconf.h"
@@ -448,12 +505,12 @@
/* Ref MSDN: Private as priority over Special
* VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD File *was not* built using standard release
* procedures. If this value is given, the StringFileInfo block must
- * contain a PrivateBuild string.
+ * contain a PrivateBuild string.
* VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD File *was* built by the original company using
* standard release procedures but is a variation of the standard
* file of the same version number. If this value is given, the
- * StringFileInfo block must contain a SpecialBuild string.
+ * StringFileInfo block must contain a SpecialBuild string.
@@ -515,14 +572,14 @@ extern "C" {
#define png_write_status_ptr_NULL NULL
-/* variables declared in png.c - only it needs to define PNG_NO_EXTERN */
+/* Variables declared in png.c - only it needs to define PNG_NO_EXTERN */
#if !defined(PNG_NO_EXTERN) || defined(PNG_ALWAYS_EXTERN)
/* Version information for C files, stored in png.c. This had better match
* the version above.
PNG_EXPORT_VAR (PNG_CONST char) png_libpng_ver[18];
- /* need room for 99.99.99beta99z */
+ /* Need room for 99.99.99beta99z */
#define png_libpng_ver png_get_header_ver(NULL)
@@ -641,7 +698,8 @@ typedef png_text FAR * FAR * png_textpp;
/* Supported compression types for text in PNG files (tEXt, and zTXt).
- * The values of the PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_ defines should NOT be changed. */
+ * The values of the PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_ defines should NOT be changed.
+ */
@@ -668,7 +726,8 @@ typedef struct png_time_struct
typedef png_time FAR * png_timep;
typedef png_time FAR * FAR * png_timepp;
/* png_unknown_chunk is a structure to hold queued chunks for which there is
* no specific support. The idea is that we can use this to queue
* up private chunks for output even though the library doesn't actually
@@ -730,7 +789,7 @@ typedef png_unknown_chunk FAR * FAR * png_unknown_chunkpp;
typedef struct png_info_struct
- /* the following are necessary for every PNG file */
+ /* The following are necessary for every PNG file */
png_uint_32 width; /* width of image in pixels (from IHDR) */
png_uint_32 height; /* height of image in pixels (from IHDR) */
png_uint_32 valid; /* valid chunk data (see PNG_INFO_ below) */
@@ -903,8 +962,9 @@ defined(PNG_READ_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED)
png_uint_32 free_me; /* flags items libpng is responsible for freeing */
- /* storage for unknown chunks that the library doesn't recognize. */
+ /* Storage for unknown chunks that the library doesn't recognize. */
png_unknown_chunkp unknown_chunks;
png_size_t unknown_chunks_num;
@@ -919,7 +979,7 @@ defined(PNG_READ_BACKGROUND_SUPPORTED)
#if defined(PNG_sPLT_SUPPORTED)
- /* data on sPLT chunks (there may be more than one). */
+ /* Data on sPLT chunks (there may be more than one). */
png_sPLT_tp splt_palettes;
png_uint_32 splt_palettes_num;
@@ -1134,7 +1194,10 @@ typedef void (PNGAPI *png_unknown_chunk_ptr) PNGARG((png_structp));
#define PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ALPHA 0x0100 /* read and write */
#define PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ENDIAN 0x0200 /* read and write */
#define PNG_TRANSFORM_INVERT_ALPHA 0x0400 /* read and write */
-#define PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_FILLER 0x0800 /* WRITE only */
+#define PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_FILLER 0x0800 /* write only, deprecated */
+/* Added to libpng-1.2.34 */
+#define PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_FILLER_BEFORE 0x0800 /* write only */
+#define PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_FILLER_AFTER 0x1000 /* write only */
/* Flags for MNG supported features */
@@ -1204,7 +1267,7 @@ struct png_struct_def
png_uint_32 row_number; /* current row in interlace pass */
png_bytep prev_row; /* buffer to save previous (unfiltered) row */
png_bytep row_buf; /* buffer to save current (unfiltered) row */
png_bytep sub_row; /* buffer to save "sub" row when filtering */
png_bytep up_row; /* buffer to save "up" row when filtering */
png_bytep avg_row; /* buffer to save "avg" row when filtering */
@@ -1251,7 +1314,7 @@ struct png_struct_def
#endif /* PNG_bKGD_SUPPORTED */
- png_flush_ptr output_flush_fn;/* Function for flushing output */
+ png_flush_ptr output_flush_fn; /* Function for flushing output */
png_uint_32 flush_dist; /* how many rows apart to flush, 0 - no flush */
png_uint_32 flush_rows; /* number of rows written since last flush */
@@ -1349,7 +1412,7 @@ struct png_struct_def
/* New members added in libpng-1.0.6 */
- png_uint_32 free_me; /* flags items libpng is responsible for freeing */
+ png_uint_32 free_me; /* flags items libpng is responsible for freeing */
@@ -1357,7 +1420,7 @@ struct png_struct_def
png_user_chunk_ptr read_user_chunk_fn; /* user read chunk handler */
int num_chunk_list;
png_bytep chunk_list;
@@ -1375,7 +1438,7 @@ struct png_struct_def
-/* changed from png_byte to png_uint_32 at version 1.2.0 */
+/* Changed from png_byte to png_uint_32 at version 1.2.0 */
#ifdef PNG_1_0_X
png_byte mng_features_permitted;
@@ -1411,21 +1474,21 @@ struct png_struct_def
/* New members added in libpng-1.0.2 but first enabled by default in 1.2.0 */
- png_voidp mem_ptr; /* user supplied struct for mem functions */
- png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn; /* function for allocating memory */
- png_free_ptr free_fn; /* function for freeing memory */
+ png_voidp mem_ptr; /* user supplied struct for mem functions */
+ png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn; /* function for allocating memory */
+ png_free_ptr free_fn; /* function for freeing memory */
/* New member added in libpng-1.0.13 and 1.2.0 */
- png_bytep big_row_buf; /* buffer to save current (unfiltered) row */
+ png_bytep big_row_buf; /* buffer to save current (unfiltered) row */
/* The following three members were added at version 1.0.14 and 1.2.4 */
- png_bytep dither_sort; /* working sort array */
- png_bytep index_to_palette; /* where the original index currently is */
- /* in the palette */
- png_bytep palette_to_index; /* which original index points to this */
- /* palette color */
+ png_bytep dither_sort; /* working sort array */
+ png_bytep index_to_palette; /* where the original index currently is */
+ /* in the palette */
+ png_bytep palette_to_index; /* which original index points to this */
+ /* palette color */
/* New members added in libpng-1.0.16 and 1.2.6 */
@@ -1438,19 +1501,23 @@ struct png_struct_def
/* New member added in libpng-1.0.25 and 1.2.17 */
- /* storage for unknown chunk that the library doesn't recognize. */
+ /* Storage for unknown chunk that the library doesn't recognize. */
png_unknown_chunk unknown_chunk;
/* New members added in libpng-1.2.26 */
png_uint_32 old_big_row_buf_size, old_prev_row_size;
+/* New member added in libpng-1.2.30 */
+ png_charp chunkdata; /* buffer for reading chunk data */
/* This triggers a compiler error in png.c, if png.c and png.h
* do not agree upon the version number.
-typedef png_structp version_1_2_29;
+typedef png_structp version_1_2_40;
typedef png_struct FAR * FAR * png_structpp;
@@ -1554,7 +1621,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
-/* read the information before the actual image data. */
+/* Read the information before the actual image data. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
@@ -1567,11 +1634,11 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(png_charp,png_convert_to_rfc1123)
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
/* "time.h" functions are not supported on WindowsCE */
-/* convert from a struct tm to png_time */
+/* Convert from a struct tm to png_time */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_convert_from_struct_tm) PNGARG((png_timep ptime,
struct tm FAR * ttime));
-/* convert from time_t to png_time. Uses gmtime() */
+/* Convert from time_t to png_time. Uses gmtime() */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_convert_from_time_t) PNGARG((png_timep ptime,
time_t ttime));
@@ -1691,7 +1758,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_background) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
#if defined(PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED)
-/* strip the second byte of information from a 16-bit depth file. */
+/* Strip the second byte of information from a 16-bit depth file. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_strip_16) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
@@ -1727,74 +1794,74 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_flush) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, int nrows));
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_flush) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* optional update palette with requested transformations */
+/* Optional update palette with requested transformations */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_start_read_image) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* optional call to update the users info structure */
+/* Optional call to update the users info structure */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_update_info) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
-/* read one or more rows of image data. */
+/* Read one or more rows of image data. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_rows) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytepp row, png_bytepp display_row, png_uint_32 num_rows));
-/* read a row of data. */
+/* Read a row of data. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_row) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep row,
png_bytep display_row));
-/* read the whole image into memory at once. */
+/* Read the whole image into memory at once. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_image) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytepp image));
-/* write a row of image data */
+/* Write a row of image data */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_row) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep row));
-/* write a few rows of image data */
+/* Write a few rows of image data */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_rows) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytepp row, png_uint_32 num_rows));
-/* write the image data */
+/* Write the image data */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_image) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytepp image));
-/* writes the end of the PNG file. */
+/* Writes the end of the PNG file. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_write_end) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
-/* read the end of the PNG file. */
+/* Read the end of the PNG file. */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_read_end) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
-/* free any memory associated with the png_info_struct */
+/* Free any memory associated with the png_info_struct */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_destroy_info_struct) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infopp info_ptr_ptr));
-/* free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
+/* Free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_destroy_read_struct) PNGARG((png_structpp
png_ptr_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr, png_infopp end_info_ptr_ptr));
-/* free all memory used by the read (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
+/* Free all memory used by the read (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
extern void png_read_destroy PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_infop end_info_ptr));
-/* free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
+/* Free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_destroy_write_struct)
PNGARG((png_structpp png_ptr_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr));
-/* free any memory used in png_ptr struct (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
+/* Free any memory used in png_ptr struct (old method - NOT DLL EXPORTED) */
extern void png_write_destroy PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* set the libpng method of handling chunk CRC errors */
+/* Set the libpng method of handling chunk CRC errors */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_crc_action) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
int crit_action, int ancil_action));
@@ -1822,7 +1889,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_crc_action) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
* header file (zlib.h) for an explination of the compression functions.
-/* set the filtering method(s) used by libpng. Currently, the only valid
+/* Set the filtering method(s) used by libpng. Currently, the only valid
* value for "method" is 0.
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_filter) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, int method,
@@ -1950,6 +2017,11 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(png_voidp,png_get_error_ptr) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
* If buffered output is not used, then output_flush_fn can be set to NULL.
* If PNG_WRITE_FLUSH_SUPPORTED is not defined at libpng compile time
* output_flush_fn will be ignored (and thus can be NULL).
+ * It is probably a mistake to use NULL for output_flush_fn if
+ * write_data_fn is not also NULL unless you have built libpng with
+ * PNG_WRITE_FLUSH_SUPPORTED undefined, because in this case libpng's
+ * default flush function, which uses the standard *FILE structure, will
+ * be used.
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_write_fn) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_voidp io_ptr, png_rw_ptr write_data_fn, png_flush_ptr output_flush_fn));
@@ -2014,15 +2086,15 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_progressive_read_fn) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_progressive_info_ptr info_fn, png_progressive_row_ptr row_fn,
png_progressive_end_ptr end_fn));
-/* returns the user pointer associated with the push read functions */
+/* Returns the user pointer associated with the push read functions */
extern PNG_EXPORT(png_voidp,png_get_progressive_ptr)
PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* function to be called when data becomes available */
+/* Function to be called when data becomes available */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_process_data) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_bytep buffer, png_size_t buffer_size));
-/* function that combines rows. Not very much different than the
+/* Function that combines rows. Not very much different than the
* png_combine_row() call. Is this even used?????
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_progressive_combine_row) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
@@ -2040,7 +2112,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(png_voidp,png_malloc_warn) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_uint_32 size));
-/* frees a pointer allocated by png_malloc() */
+/* Frees a pointer allocated by png_malloc() */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_free) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp ptr));
#if defined(PNG_1_0_X)
@@ -2057,11 +2129,12 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_free_data) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 free_me, int num));
/* Reassign responsibility for freeing existing data, whether allocated
- * by libpng or by the application */
+ * by libpng or by the application
+ */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_data_freer) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, int freer, png_uint_32 mask));
-/* assignments for png_data_freer */
+/* Assignments for png_data_freer */
@@ -2145,11 +2218,13 @@ png_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns row_pointers, which is an array of pointers to scanlines that was
-returned from png_read_png(). */
+ * returned from png_read_png().
+ */
extern PNG_EXPORT(png_bytepp,png_get_rows) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
/* Set row_pointers, which is an array of pointers to scanlines for use
-by png_write_png(). */
+ * by png_write_png().
+ */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_rows) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_bytepp row_pointers));
@@ -2450,8 +2525,8 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_sCAL_s) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
-/* provide a list of chunks and how they are to be handled, if the built-in
+/* Provide a list of chunks and how they are to be handled, if the built-in
handling or default unknown chunk handling is not desired. Any chunks not
listed will be handled in the default manner. The IHDR and IEND chunks
must not be listed.
@@ -2462,6 +2537,10 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_sCAL_s) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_set_keep_unknown_chunks) PNGARG((png_structp
png_ptr, int keep, png_bytep chunk_list, int num_chunks));
+PNG_EXPORT(int,png_handle_as_unknown) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep
+ chunk_name));
extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_set_unknown_chunks) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_unknown_chunkp unknowns, int num_unknowns));
extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_set_unknown_chunk_location)
@@ -2469,14 +2548,11 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_set_unknown_chunk_location)
extern PNG_EXPORT(png_uint_32,png_get_unknown_chunks) PNGARG((png_structp
png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_unknown_chunkpp entries));
-PNG_EXPORT(int,png_handle_as_unknown) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep
- chunk_name));
/* Png_free_data() will turn off the "valid" flag for anything it frees.
- If you need to turn it off for a chunk that your application has freed,
- you can use png_set_invalid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_CHNK); */
+ * If you need to turn it off for a chunk that your application has freed,
+ * you can use png_set_invalid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_CHNK);
+ */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_set_invalid) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, int mask));
@@ -2502,34 +2578,90 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void, png_write_png) PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
#if !defined(PNG_DEBUG_FILE) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <crtdbg.h>
#if (PNG_DEBUG > 1)
-#define png_debug(l,m) _RPT0(_CRT_WARN,m)
-#define png_debug1(l,m,p1) _RPT1(_CRT_WARN,m,p1)
-#define png_debug2(l,m,p1,p2) _RPT2(_CRT_WARN,m,p1,p2)
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+# define _DEBUG
+#ifndef png_debug
+#define png_debug(l,m) _RPT0(_CRT_WARN,m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE)
+#ifndef png_debug1
+#define png_debug1(l,m,p1) _RPT1(_CRT_WARN,m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE,p1)
+#ifndef png_debug2
+#define png_debug2(l,m,p1,p2) _RPT2(_CRT_WARN,m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE,p1,p2)
#else /* PNG_DEBUG_FILE || !_MSC_VER */
#define PNG_DEBUG_FILE stderr
#endif /* PNG_DEBUG_FILE */
#if (PNG_DEBUG > 1)
-#define png_debug(l,m) \
-{ \
- int num_tabs=l; \
- fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
- (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":"")))); \
-#define png_debug1(l,m,p1) \
-{ \
- int num_tabs=l; \
- fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
- (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))),p1); \
-#define png_debug2(l,m,p1,p2) \
-{ \
- int num_tabs=l; \
- fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
- (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))),p1,p2); \
+/* Note: ["%s"m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE] probably does not work on non-ISO
+ * compilers.
+ */
+# ifdef __STDC__
+# ifndef png_debug
+# define png_debug(l,m) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":"")))); \
+ }
+# endif
+# ifndef png_debug1
+# define png_debug1(l,m,p1) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))),p1); \
+ }
+# endif
+# ifndef png_debug2
+# define png_debug2(l,m,p1,p2) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,"%s"m PNG_STRING_NEWLINE,(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))),p1,p2); \
+ }
+# endif
+# else /* __STDC __ */
+# ifndef png_debug
+# define png_debug(l,m) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ char format[256]; \
+ snprintf(format,256,"%s%s%s",(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))), \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,format); \
+ }
+# endif
+# ifndef png_debug1
+# define png_debug1(l,m,p1) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ char format[256]; \
+ snprintf(format,256,"%s%s%s",(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))), \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,format,p1); \
+ }
+# endif
+# ifndef png_debug2
+# define png_debug2(l,m,p1,p2) \
+ { \
+ int num_tabs=l; \
+ char format[256]; \
+ snprintf(format,256,"%s%s%s",(num_tabs==1 ? "\t" : \
+ (num_tabs==2 ? "\t\t":(num_tabs>2 ? "\t\t\t":""))), \
+ fprintf(PNG_DEBUG_FILE,format,p1,p2); \
+ }
+# endif
+# endif /* __STDC __ */
#endif /* (PNG_DEBUG > 1) */
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#endif /* (PNG_DEBUG > 0) */
#endif /* PNG_DEBUG */
@@ -2624,17 +2756,17 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_mmx_thresholds)
#if !defined(PNG_1_0_X)
/* png.c, pnggccrd.c, or pngvcrd.c */
extern PNG_EXPORT(int,png_mmx_support) PNGARG((void));
+#endif /* PNG_1_0_X */
/* Strip the prepended error numbers ("#nnn ") from error and warning
- * messages before passing them to the error or warning handler. */
+ * messages before passing them to the error or warning handler.
+ */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_strip_error_numbers) PNGARG((png_structp
png_ptr, png_uint_32 strip_mode));
-#endif /* PNG_1_0_X */
/* Added at libpng-1.2.6 */
extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_set_user_limits) PNGARG((png_structp
@@ -2645,7 +2777,10 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(png_uint_32,png_get_user_height_max) PNGARG((png_structp
-/* Maintainer: Put new public prototypes here ^, in libpng.3, and project defs */
+/* Maintainer: Put new public prototypes here ^, in libpng.3, and in
+ * project defs
+ */
/* With these routines we avoid an integer divide, which will be slower on
@@ -2674,7 +2809,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(png_uint_32,png_get_user_height_max) PNGARG((png_structp
(png_uint_32)(alpha)) + (png_uint_32)32768L); \
(composite) = (png_uint_16)((temp + (temp >> 16)) >> 16); }
-#else /* standard method using integer division */
+#else /* Standard method using integer division */
# define png_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) \
(composite) = (png_byte)(((png_uint_16)(fg) * (png_uint_16)(alpha) + \
@@ -2757,7 +2892,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_save_uint_16)
#define PNG_HAVE_CHUNK_AFTER_IDAT 0x2000 /* Have another chunk after IDAT */
-/* flags for the transformations the PNG library does on the image data */
+/* Flags for the transformations the PNG library does on the image data */
#define PNG_BGR 0x0001
#define PNG_INTERLACE 0x0002
#define PNG_PACK 0x0004
@@ -2791,7 +2926,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_save_uint_16)
/* 0x20000000L unused */
/* 0x40000000L unused */
-/* flags for png_create_struct */
+/* Flags for png_create_struct */
#define PNG_STRUCT_PNG 0x0001
#define PNG_STRUCT_INFO 0x0002
@@ -2801,7 +2936,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_save_uint_16)
#define PNG_COST_SHIFT 3
-/* flags for the png_ptr->flags rather than declaring a byte for each one */
+/* Flags for the png_ptr->flags rather than declaring a byte for each one */
@@ -2843,7 +2978,7 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_save_uint_16)
-/* save typing and make code easier to understand */
+/* Save typing and make code easier to understand */
#define PNG_COLOR_DIST(c1, c2) (abs((int)((c1).red) - (int)((c2).red)) + \
abs((int)((c1).green) - (int)((c2).green)) + \
@@ -2856,15 +2991,16 @@ extern PNG_EXPORT(void,png_save_uint_16)
(( ((width) * ((png_uint_32)(pixel_bits))) + 7) >> 3) )
/* PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE returns true if value is outside the range
- ideal-delta..ideal+delta. Each argument is evaluated twice.
- "ideal" and "delta" should be constants, normally simple
- integers, "value" a variable. Added to libpng-1.2.6 JB */
+ * ideal-delta..ideal+delta. Each argument is evaluated twice.
+ * "ideal" and "delta" should be constants, normally simple
+ * integers, "value" a variable. Added to libpng-1.2.6 JB
+ */
#define PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(value, ideal, delta) \
( (value) < (ideal)-(delta) || (value) > (ideal)+(delta) )
-/* variables declared in png.c - only it needs to define PNG_NO_EXTERN */
+/* Variables declared in png.c - only it needs to define PNG_NO_EXTERN */
#if !defined(PNG_NO_EXTERN) || defined(PNG_ALWAYS_EXTERN)
-/* place to hold the signature string for a PNG file. */
+/* Place to hold the signature string for a PNG file. */
PNG_EXPORT_VAR (PNG_CONST png_byte FARDATA) png_sig[8];
@@ -2983,7 +3119,8 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_zfree PNGARG((voidpf png_ptr, voidpf ptr));
/* Next four functions are used internally as callbacks. PNGAPI is required
- * but not PNG_EXPORT. PNGAPI added at libpng version 1.2.3. */
+ * but not PNG_EXPORT. PNGAPI added at libpng version 1.2.3.
+ */
PNG_EXTERN void PNGAPI png_default_read_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep data, png_size_t length));
@@ -3026,8 +3163,8 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_crc_read PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep buf,
/* Decompress data in a chunk that uses compression */
#if defined(PNG_zTXt_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED) || \
-PNG_EXTERN png_charp png_decompress_chunk PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
- int comp_type, png_charp chunkdata, png_size_t chunklength,
+PNG_EXTERN void png_decompress_chunk PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
+ int comp_type, png_size_t chunklength,
png_size_t prefix_length, png_size_t *data_length));
@@ -3048,10 +3185,10 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_calculate_crc PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep ptr,
PNG_EXTERN void png_flush PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* simple function to write the signature */
+/* Simple function to write the signature */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_sig PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* write various chunks */
+/* Write various chunks */
/* Write the IHDR chunk, and update the png_struct with the necessary
* information.
@@ -3203,12 +3340,12 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_write_start_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_build_gamma_table PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* combine a row of data, dealing with alpha, etc. if requested */
+/* Combine a row of data, dealing with alpha, etc. if requested */
PNG_EXTERN void png_combine_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep row,
int mask));
-/* expand an interlaced row */
+/* Expand an interlaced row */
/* OLD pre-1.0.9 interface:
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_interlace PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
png_bytep row, int pass, png_uint_32 transformations));
@@ -3219,12 +3356,12 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_interlace PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
/* GRR TO DO (2.0 or whenever): simplify other internal calling interfaces */
-/* grab pixels out of a row for an interlaced pass */
+/* Grab pixels out of a row for an interlaced pass */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_interlace PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
png_bytep row, int pass));
-/* unfilter a row */
+/* Unfilter a row */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_filter_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_row_infop row_info, png_bytep row, png_bytep prev_row, int filter));
@@ -3235,16 +3372,16 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_write_find_filter PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
/* Write out the filtered row. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_write_filtered_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep filtered_row));
-/* finish a row while reading, dealing with interlacing passes, etc. */
+/* Finish a row while reading, dealing with interlacing passes, etc. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_finish_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* initialize the row buffers, etc. */
+/* Initialize the row buffers, etc. */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_start_row PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
-/* optional call to update the users info structure */
+/* Optional call to update the users info structure */
PNG_EXTERN void png_read_transform_info PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr));
-/* these are the functions that do the transformations */
+/* These are the functions that do the transformations */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_filler PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
png_bytep row, png_uint_32 filler, png_uint_32 flags));
@@ -3366,7 +3503,7 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_do_expand PNGARG((png_row_infop row_info,
* then calls the appropriate callback for the chunk if it is valid.
-/* decode the IHDR chunk */
+/* Decode the IHDR chunk */
PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_IHDR PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_uint_32 length));
PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_PLTE PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
@@ -3465,7 +3602,7 @@ PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_unknown PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
PNG_EXTERN void png_check_chunk_name PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep chunk_name));
-/* handle the transformations for reading and writing */
+/* Handle the transformations for reading and writing */
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_read_transformations PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXTERN void png_do_write_transformations PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
@@ -3556,6 +3693,26 @@ png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 *res_x, png_uint_32 *res_y, int *unit_type));
#endif /* PNG_pHYs_SUPPORTED */
+/* Read the chunk header (length + type name) */
+PNG_EXTERN png_uint_32 png_read_chunk_header PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr));
+/* Added at libpng version 1.2.34 */
+#if defined(PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED)
+PNG_EXTERN int png_check_cHRM_fixed PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_fixed_point int_white_x, png_fixed_point int_white_y,
+ png_fixed_point int_red_x, png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point
+ int_green_x, png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
+ png_fixed_point int_blue_y));
+#if defined(PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED)
+#if !defined(PNG_NO_CHECK_cHRM)
+/* Added at libpng version 1.2.34 */
+PNG_EXTERN void png_64bit_product (long v1, long v2, unsigned long *hi_product,
+ unsigned long *lo_product);
/* Maintainer: Put new private prototypes here ^ and in libpngpf.3 */
#endif /* PNG_INTERNAL */
@@ -3565,5 +3722,5 @@ png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 *res_x, png_uint_32 *res_y, int *unit_type));
-/* do not put anything past this line */
+/* Do not put anything past this line */
#endif /* PNG_H */