path: root/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl
index 504b705..67ce3802 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module window {
] DOMWindow {
// DOM Level 0
readonly attribute Screen screen;
- readonly attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity] History history;
+ readonly attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, JSCCustomGetter] History history;
attribute [Replaceable] BarInfo locationbar;
attribute [Replaceable] BarInfo menubar;
attribute [Replaceable] BarInfo personalbar;
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ module window {
attribute [Replaceable] BarInfo toolbar;
attribute [Replaceable] Navigator navigator;
attribute [Replaceable] Navigator clientInformation;
- attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, CustomSetter] Location location;
+ attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, JSCCustom, V8CustomSetter, V8DisallowShadowing] Location location;
+ attribute [Replaceable, CustomGetter] Event event;
+ readonly attribute [Custom] Crypto crypto;
DOMSelection getSelection();
@@ -66,6 +70,14 @@ module window {
void print();
void stop();
+ [Custom] DOMWindow open(in DOMString url,
+ in DOMString name,
+ in [Optional] DOMString options);
+ [Custom] DOMObject showModalDialog(in DOMString url,
+ in [Optional] DOMObject dialogArgs,
+ in [Optional] DOMString featureArgs);
void alert(in DOMString message);
boolean confirm(in DOMString message);
[ConvertNullStringTo=Null] DOMString prompt(in DOMString message,
@@ -110,19 +122,19 @@ module window {
attribute DOMString status;
attribute DOMString defaultStatus;
// This attribute is an alias of defaultStatus and is necessary for legacy uses.
attribute DOMString defaultstatus;
// Self referential attributes
attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGet] DOMWindow self;
- readonly attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity] DOMWindow window;
+ readonly attribute [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, V8DisallowShadowing] DOMWindow window;
attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGet] DOMWindow frames;
- attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGet] DOMWindow opener;
+ attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGet, V8CustomSetter] DOMWindow opener;
attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurity] DOMWindow parent;
- attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurity] DOMWindow top;
+ attribute [Replaceable, DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, V8DisallowShadowing, V8ReadOnly] DOMWindow top;
// DOM Level 2 AbstractView Interface
readonly attribute Document document;
@@ -136,15 +148,18 @@ module window {
in DOMString pseudoElement,
in [Optional] boolean authorOnly);
attribute [Replaceable] double devicePixelRatio;
+ WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(in Node node, in WebKitPoint p);
+ WebKitPoint webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(in Node node, in WebKitPoint p);
readonly attribute DOMApplicationCache applicationCache;
Database openDatabase(in DOMString name, in DOMString version, in DOMString displayName, in unsigned long estimatedSize)
readonly attribute Storage sessionStorage;
readonly attribute Storage localStorage;
@@ -157,12 +172,13 @@ module window {
// Timers
[Custom] long setTimeout(in TimeoutHandler handler, in long timeout);
+ // [Custom] long setTimeout(in TimeoutHandler handler, in long timeout, arguments...);
// [Custom] long setTimeout(in DOMString code, in long timeout);
- [Custom] void clearTimeout(in long handle);
+ void clearTimeout(in long handle);
[Custom] long setInterval(in TimeoutHandler handler, in long timeout);
+ // [Custom] long setInterval(in TimeoutHandler handler, in long timeout, arguments...);
// [Custom] long setInterval(in DOMString code, in long timeout);
- [Custom] void clearInterval(in long handle);
+ void clearInterval(in long handle);
// Base64
[Custom] DOMString atob(in DOMString string)
@@ -171,46 +187,99 @@ module window {
// Events
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onabort;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onblur;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onchange;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onclick;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener ondblclick;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onerror;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onfocus;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onkeydown;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onkeypress;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onkeyup;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onload;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmousedown;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmousemove;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmouseout;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmouseover;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmouseup;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onmousewheel;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onreset;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onresize;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onscroll;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onsearch;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onselect;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onsubmit;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onunload;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onbeforeunload;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onwebkitanimationstart;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onwebkitanimationiteration;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onwebkitanimationend;
- attribute [ProtectedListener] EventListener onwebkittransitionend;
+ attribute EventListener onabort;
+ attribute EventListener onbeforeunload;
+ attribute EventListener onblur;
+ attribute EventListener oncanplay;
+ attribute EventListener oncanplaythrough;
+ attribute EventListener onchange;
+ attribute EventListener onclick;
+ attribute EventListener oncontextmenu;
+ attribute EventListener ondblclick;
+ attribute EventListener ondrag;
+ attribute EventListener ondragend;
+ attribute EventListener ondragenter;
+ attribute EventListener ondragleave;
+ attribute EventListener ondragover;
+ attribute EventListener ondragstart;
+ attribute EventListener ondrop;
+ attribute EventListener ondurationchange;
+ attribute EventListener onemptied;
+ attribute EventListener onended;
+ attribute EventListener onerror;
+ attribute EventListener onfocus;
+ attribute EventListener oninput;
+ attribute EventListener onkeydown;
+ attribute EventListener onkeypress;
+ attribute EventListener onkeyup;
+ attribute EventListener onload;
+ attribute EventListener onloadeddata;
+ attribute EventListener onloadedmetadata;
+ attribute EventListener onloadstart;
+ attribute EventListener onmessage;
+ attribute EventListener onmousedown;
+ attribute EventListener onmousemove;
+ attribute EventListener onmouseout;
+ attribute EventListener onmouseover;
+ attribute EventListener onmouseup;
+ attribute EventListener onmousewheel;
+ attribute EventListener onoffline;
+ attribute EventListener ononline;
+ attribute EventListener onpause;
+ attribute EventListener onplay;
+ attribute EventListener onplaying;
+ attribute EventListener onprogress;
+ attribute EventListener onratechange;
+ attribute EventListener onresize;
+ attribute EventListener onscroll;
+ attribute EventListener onseeked;
+ attribute EventListener onseeking;
+ attribute EventListener onselect;
+ attribute EventListener onstalled;
+ attribute EventListener onstorage;
+ attribute EventListener onsubmit;
+ attribute EventListener onsuspend;
+ attribute EventListener ontimeupdate;
+ attribute EventListener onunload;
+ attribute EventListener onvolumechange;
+ attribute EventListener onwaiting;
+ // Not implemented yet.
+ // attribute EventListener onafterprint;
+ // attribute EventListener onbeforeprint;
+ // attribute EventListener ondataunavailable;
+ // attribute EventListener onformchange;
+ // attribute EventListener onforminput;
+ // attribute EventListener onhashchange;
+ // attribute EventListener oninvalid;
+ // attribute EventListener onpopstate;
+ // attribute EventListener onreadystatechange;
+ // attribute EventListener onredo;
+ // attribute EventListener onshow;
+ // attribute EventListener onundo;
+ // Webkit extensions
+ attribute EventListener onreset;
+ attribute EventListener onsearch;
+ attribute EventListener onwebkitanimationend;
+ attribute EventListener onwebkitanimationiteration;
+ attribute EventListener onwebkitanimationstart;
+ attribute EventListener onwebkittransitionend;
// EventTarget interface
- [Custom] void addEventListener(in DOMString type,
- in EventListener listener,
+ [Custom] void addEventListener(in DOMString type,
+ in EventListener listener,
in boolean useCapture);
- [Custom] void removeEventListener(in DOMString type,
- in EventListener listener,
+ [Custom] void removeEventListener(in DOMString type,
+ in EventListener listener,
in boolean useCapture);
- // FIXME: Implement dispatchEvent
+ boolean dispatchEvent(in Event evt)
+ raises(EventException);
+ [V8Custom=DOMWindowNOP] void captureEvents(/*in long eventFlags*/);
+ [V8Custom=DOMWindowNOP] void releaseEvents(/*in long eventFlags*/);
// Global constructors
attribute StyleSheetConstructor StyleSheet;
attribute CSSStyleSheetConstructor CSSStyleSheet;
@@ -330,6 +399,9 @@ module window {
attribute HTMLCollectionConstructor HTMLCollection;
+ attribute [CustomGetter] HTMLImageElementConstructor Image; // Usable with new operator
+ attribute [CustomGetter] HTMLOptionElementConstructor Option; // Usable with new operator
attribute CanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor CanvasRenderingContext2D;
attribute TextMetricsConstructor TextMetrics;
@@ -350,9 +422,9 @@ module window {
attribute WebKitCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor WebKitCSSKeyframeRule;
attribute WebKitCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor WebKitCSSKeyframesRule;
- attribute MessagePortConstructor MessagePort;
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] WebKitCSSMatrixConstructor WebKitCSSMatrix; // Usable with the new operator
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] WebKitPointConstructor WebKitPoint; // Usable with new the operator
attribute ClipboardConstructor Clipboard;
@@ -370,32 +442,50 @@ module window {
attribute DOMParserConstructor DOMParser;
attribute XMLSerializerConstructor XMLSerializer;
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] XMLHttpRequestConstructor XMLHttpRequest; // Usable with the new operator
attribute XMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor XMLHttpRequestUpload;
attribute XMLHttpRequestExceptionConstructor XMLHttpRequestException;
+#if defined(ENABLE_XSLT) && ENABLE_XSLT
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] XSLTProcessorConstructor XSLTProcessor; // Usable with the new operator
+ attribute MessagePortConstructor MessagePort;
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] MessageChannelConstructor MessageChannel; // Usable with the new operator
+ attribute [JSCCustomGetter] WorkerConstructor Worker; // Usable with the new operator
attribute PluginConstructor Plugin;
attribute PluginArrayConstructor PluginArray;
attribute MimeTypeConstructor MimeType;
attribute MimeTypeArrayConstructor MimeTypeArray;
+ attribute ClientRectConstructor ClientRect;
+ attribute ClientRectListConstructor ClientRectList;
attribute StorageConstructor Storage;
attribute StorageEventConstructor StorageEvent;
+ attribute [CustomGetter,Conditional=VIDEO] HTMLAudioElementConstructor Audio; // Usable with the new operator
attribute [Conditional=VIDEO] HTMLAudioElementConstructor HTMLAudioElement;
attribute [Conditional=VIDEO] HTMLMediaElementConstructor HTMLMediaElement;
attribute [Conditional=VIDEO] HTMLVideoElementConstructor HTMLVideoElement;
attribute [Conditional=VIDEO] MediaErrorConstructor MediaError;
attribute XPathEvaluatorConstructor XPathEvaluator;
attribute XPathResultConstructor XPathResult;
attribute XPathExceptionConstructor XPathException;
+#if defined(ENABLE_SVG) && ENABLE_SVG
attribute SVGAngleConstructor SVGAngle;
attribute SVGColorConstructor SVGColor;
// attribute SVGCSSRuleConstructor SVGCSSRule;
@@ -412,9 +502,8 @@ module window {
attribute SVGTransformConstructor SVGTransform;
attribute SVGUnitTypesConstructor SVGUnitTypes;
// attribute SVGZoomAndPanConstructor SVGZoomAndPan;
attribute SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement;
attribute SVGFEBlendElementConstructor SVGFEBlendElement;
attribute SVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor SVGFEColorMatrixElement;
@@ -424,8 +513,14 @@ module window {
// attribute SVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor SVGFEMorphologyElement;
attribute SVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor SVGFETurbulenceElement;
#endif // defined(LANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT)
+#if defined(V8_BINDING) && V8_BINDING
+ // window.toString() requires special handling in V8
+ [V8DoNotCheckSignature, DoNotCheckDomainSecurity, Custom, DontEnum] DOMString toString();
+#endif // defined(V8_BINDING)