path: root/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d9d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp
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+ Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "qgraphicswebview.h"
+#include "qwebframe.h"
+#include "qwebpage.h"
+#include "qwebpage_p.h"
+#include "QWebPageClient.h"
+#include <QtGui/QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QtGui/QGraphicsView>
+#include <QtGui/qapplication.h>
+#include <QtGui/qgraphicssceneevent.h>
+#include <QtGui/qstyleoption.h>
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+#include <QX11Info>
+class QGraphicsWebViewPrivate : public QWebPageClient {
+ QGraphicsWebViewPrivate(QGraphicsWebView* parent)
+ : q(parent)
+ , page(0)
+ , interactive(true)
+ , progress(1.0)
+ {}
+ virtual void scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect&);
+ virtual void update(const QRect& dirtyRect);
+ virtual QCursor cursor() const;
+ virtual void updateCursor(const QCursor& cursor);
+ virtual int screenNumber() const;
+ virtual WId winId() const;
+ void _q_doLoadProgress(int progress);
+ void _q_doLoadFinished(bool success);
+ void _q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString& message);
+ QGraphicsWebView* q;
+ QWebPage* page;
+ QString statusBarMessage;
+ bool interactive;
+ qreal progress;
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_doLoadProgress(int progress)
+ if (qFuzzyCompare(this->progress, qreal(progress / 100.)))
+ return;
+ this->progress = progress / 100.;
+ emit q->progressChanged(this->progress);
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_doLoadFinished(bool success)
+ // If the page had no title, still make sure it gets the signal
+ if (q->title().isEmpty())
+ emit q->urlChanged(q->url());
+ if (success)
+ emit q->loadFinished();
+ else
+ emit q->loadFailed();
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect& rectToScroll)
+ q->scroll(qreal(dx), qreal(dy), QRectF(rectToScroll));
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::update(const QRect & dirtyRect)
+ q->update(QRectF(dirtyRect));
+QCursor QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::cursor() const
+ return q->cursor();
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::updateCursor(const QCursor& cursor)
+ q->setCursor(cursor);
+int QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::screenNumber() const
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+ const QList<QGraphicsView*> views = q->scene()->views();
+ if (!views.isEmpty())
+ return>x11Info().screen();
+ return 0;
+WId QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::winId() const
+ const QList<QGraphicsView*> views = q->scene()->views();
+ if (!views.isEmpty())
+ return>winId();
+ return 0;
+void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString& s)
+ statusBarMessage = s;
+ emit q->statusChanged();
+ \class QGraphicsWebView
+ \brief The QGraphicsWebView class allows web content to be added to a GraphicsView.
+ \since 4.6
+ A WebGraphicsItem renders web content based on a URL or set data.
+ If the width and height of the item is not set, they will
+ dynamically adjust to a size appropriate for the content.
+ This width may be large (eg. 980) for typical online web pages.
+ Constructs an empty QGraphicsWebView with parent \a parent.
+ \sa load()
+QGraphicsWebView::QGraphicsWebView(QGraphicsItem* parent)
+ : QGraphicsWidget(parent)
+ , d(new QGraphicsWebViewPrivate(this))
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, true);
+ setAcceptHoverEvents(true);
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ Destroys the web graphicsitem.
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->d->view = 0;
+ if (d->page && d->page->parent() == this)
+ delete d->page;
+ delete d;
+ Returns a pointer to the underlying web page.
+ \sa setPage()
+QWebPage* QGraphicsWebView::page() const
+ if (!d->page) {
+ QGraphicsWebView* that = const_cast<QGraphicsWebView*>(this);
+ QWebPage* page = new QWebPage(that);
+ // Default to not having a background, in the case
+ // the page doesn't provide one.
+ QPalette palette = QApplication::palette();
+ palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor::fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ page->setPalette(palette);
+ that->setPage(page);
+ }
+ return d->page;
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget*)
+ page()->mainFrame()->render(painter, option->exposedRect.toRect());
+/*! \reimp
+bool QGraphicsWebView::sceneEvent(QEvent* event)
+ // Re-implemented in order to allows fixing event-related bugs in patch releases.
+ return QGraphicsWidget::sceneEvent(event);
+/*! \reimp
+bool QGraphicsWebView::event(QEvent* event)
+ // Re-implemented in order to allows fixing event-related bugs in patch releases.
+ if (d->page) {
+#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400
+ } else if (event->type() == QEvent::CursorChange) {
+ // An unsetCursor will set the cursor to Qt::ArrowCursor.
+ // Thus this cursor change might be a QWidget::unsetCursor()
+ // If this is not the case and it came from WebCore, the
+ // QWebPageClient already has set its cursor internally
+ // to Qt::ArrowCursor, so updating the cursor is always
+ // right, as it falls back to the last cursor set by
+ // WebCore.
+ // FIXME: Add a QEvent::CursorUnset or similar to Qt.
+ if (cursor().shape() == Qt::ArrowCursor)
+ d->resetCursor();
+ }
+ return QGraphicsWidget::event(event);
+ Makes \a page the new web page of the web graphicsitem.
+ The parent QObject of the provided page remains the owner
+ of the object. If the current document is a child of the web
+ view, it will be deleted.
+ \sa page()
+void QGraphicsWebView::setPage(QWebPage* page)
+ if (d->page == page)
+ return;
+ if (d->page) {
+ d->page->d->client = 0; // unset the page client
+ if (d->page->parent() == this)
+ delete d->page;
+ else
+ d->page->disconnect(this);
+ }
+ d->page = page;
+ if (!d->page)
+ return;
+ d->page->d->client = d; // set the page client
+ QSize size = geometry().size().toSize();
+ page->setViewportSize(size);
+ QWebFrame* mainFrame = d->page->mainFrame();
+ connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&)));
+ connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(iconChanged()),
+ this, SIGNAL(iconChanged()));
+ connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&)));
+ connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadStarted()),
+ this, SIGNAL(loadStarted()));
+ connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
+ this, SLOT(_q_doLoadProgress(int)));
+ connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(_q_doLoadFinished(bool)));
+ connect(d->page, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(_q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString&)));
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::url
+ \brief the url of the web page currently viewed
+ Setting this property clears the view and loads the URL.
+ By default, this property contains an empty, invalid URL.
+ \sa load(), urlChanged()
+void QGraphicsWebView::setUrl(const QUrl &url)
+ page()->mainFrame()->setUrl(url);
+QUrl QGraphicsWebView::url() const
+ if (d->page)
+ return d->page->mainFrame()->url();
+ return QUrl();
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::title
+ \brief the title of the web page currently viewed
+ By default, this property contains an empty string.
+ \sa titleChanged()
+QString QGraphicsWebView::title() const
+ if (d->page)
+ return d->page->mainFrame()->title();
+ return QString();
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::icon
+ \brief the icon associated with the web page currently viewed
+ By default, this property contains a null icon.
+ \sa iconChanged(), QWebSettings::iconForUrl()
+QIcon QGraphicsWebView::icon() const
+ if (d->page)
+ return d->page->mainFrame()->icon();
+ return QIcon();
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::zoomFactor
+ \since 4.5
+ \brief the zoom factor for the view
+void QGraphicsWebView::setZoomFactor(qreal factor)
+ if (factor == page()->mainFrame()->zoomFactor())
+ return;
+ page()->mainFrame()->setZoomFactor(factor);
+ emit zoomFactorChanged();
+qreal QGraphicsWebView::zoomFactor() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->zoomFactor();
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::updateGeometry()
+ QGraphicsWidget::updateGeometry();
+ if (!d->page)
+ return;
+ QSize size = geometry().size().toSize();
+ d->page->setViewportSize(size);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::setGeometry(const QRectF& rect)
+ QGraphicsWidget::setGeometry(rect);
+ if (!d->page)
+ return;
+ // NOTE: call geometry() as setGeometry ensures that
+ // the geometry is within legal bounds (minimumSize, maximumSize)
+ QSize size = geometry().size().toSize();
+ d->page->setViewportSize(size);
+ \brief The load status message associated to the web graphicsitem
+ Provides the latest status message set during the load of a URL.
+ Commonly shown by Status Bar widgets.
+ \sa statusChanged()
+QString QGraphicsWebView::status() const
+ return d->statusBarMessage;
+ Convenience slot that stops loading the document.
+ \sa reload(), loadFinished()
+void QGraphicsWebView::stop()
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Stop);
+ Convenience slot that loads the previous document in the list of documents
+ built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no previous document.
+ \sa forward()
+void QGraphicsWebView::back()
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Back);
+ Convenience slot that loads the next document in the list of documents
+ built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no next document.
+ \sa back()
+void QGraphicsWebView::forward()
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Forward);
+ Reloads the current document.
+ \sa stop(), loadStarted()
+void QGraphicsWebView::reload()
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Reload);
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::progress
+ \brief the progress of loading the current URL, from 0 to 1.
+qreal QGraphicsWebView::progress() const
+ return d->progress;
+ Loads the specified \a url and displays it.
+ \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new \a url.
+ \sa setUrl(), url(), urlChanged()
+void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QUrl& url)
+ page()->mainFrame()->load(url);
+ \fn void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest &request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray &body)
+ Loads a network request, \a request, using the method specified in \a operation.
+ \a body is optional and is only used for POST operations.
+ \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new url.
+ \sa url(), urlChanged()
+void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest& request,
+ QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation,
+ const QByteArray& body)
+ page()->mainFrame()->load(request, operation, body);
+ Sets the content of the web graphicsitem to the specified \a html.
+ External objects such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML
+ document are located relative to \a baseUrl.
+ The \a html is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.
+ When using this method, WebKit assumes that external resources such as
+ JavaScript programs or style sheets are encoded in UTF-8 unless otherwise
+ specified. For example, the encoding of an external script can be specified
+ through the charset attribute of the HTML script tag. Alternatively, the
+ encoding can also be specified by the web server.
+ \sa load(), setContent(), QWebFrame::toHtml()
+void QGraphicsWebView::setHtml(const QString& html, const QUrl& baseUrl)
+ page()->mainFrame()->setHtml(html, baseUrl);
+QString QGraphicsWebView::toHtml() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->toHtml();
+ Sets the content of the web graphicsitem to the specified content \a data. If the \a mimeType argument
+ is empty it is currently assumed that the content is HTML but in future versions we may introduce
+ auto-detection.
+ External objects referenced in the content are located relative to \a baseUrl.
+ The \a data is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.
+ \sa load(), setHtml(), QWebFrame::toHtml()
+void QGraphicsWebView::setContent(const QByteArray& data, const QString& mimeType, const QUrl& baseUrl)
+ page()->mainFrame()->setContent(data, mimeType, baseUrl);
+ Returns a pointer to the view's history of navigated web pages.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 0
+QWebHistory* QGraphicsWebView::history() const
+ return page()->history();
+ \property QGraphicsWebView::interactive
+ \brief controls whether the item responds to mouse and key events.
+bool QGraphicsWebView::isInteractive() const
+ return d->interactive;
+void QGraphicsWebView::setInteractive(bool allowed)
+ if (d->interactive == allowed)
+ return;
+ d->interactive = allowed;
+ emit interactivityChanged();
+ Returns a pointer to the view/page specific settings object.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 1
+ \sa QWebSettings::globalSettings()
+QWebSettings* QGraphicsWebView::settings() const
+ return page()->settings();
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ QMouseEvent me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove,
+ ev->pos().toPoint(), Qt::NoButton,
+ Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+ d->page->setView(ev->widget());
+ d->page->event(&me);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* ev)
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::mouseDoubleClickEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page)
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::keyPressEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page)
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::keyReleaseEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* ev)
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ else
+ QGraphicsItem::focusInEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* ev)
+ if (d->page)
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ else
+ QGraphicsItem::focusOutEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+bool QGraphicsWebView::focusNextPrevChild(bool next)
+ if (d->page)
+ return d->page->focusNextPrevChild(next);
+ return QGraphicsWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev)
+ //if (d->page)
+ // d->page->event(ev);
+ //Just remove this line below when the code above is working
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsWidget::dragLeaveEvent(ev);
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsWidget::dragMoveEvent(ev);
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsWidget::dropEvent(ev);
+ Q_UNUSED(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* ev)
+ if (d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page) {
+ const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted();
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ ev->setAccepted(accepted);
+ }
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::wheelEvent(ev);
+/*! \reimp
+void QGraphicsWebView::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent* ev)
+ if (d->interactive && d->page)
+ d->page->event(ev);
+ if (!ev->isAccepted())
+ QGraphicsItem::inputMethodEvent(ev);
+#include "moc_qgraphicswebview.cpp"