path: root/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/declarative/qdeclarativewebview.cpp
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1 files changed, 1022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/declarative/qdeclarativewebview.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/declarative/qdeclarativewebview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a349bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/declarative/qdeclarativewebview.cpp
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+ Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "qdeclarativewebview_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QEvent>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtDeclarative/QDeclarativeContext>
+#include <QtDeclarative/QDeclarativeEngine>
+#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarative.h>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QPen>
+#include "qwebelement.h"
+#include "qwebframe.h"
+#include "qwebpage.h"
+#include "qwebsettings.h"
+class QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate {
+ QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate(QDeclarativeWebView* qq)
+ : q(qq)
+ , preferredwidth(0)
+ , preferredheight(0)
+ , progress(1.0)
+ , status(QDeclarativeWebView::Null)
+ , pending(PendingNone)
+ , newWindowComponent(0)
+ , newWindowParent(0)
+ , rendering(true)
+ {
+ }
+ QDeclarativeWebView* q;
+ QUrl url; // page url might be different if it has not loaded yet
+ GraphicsWebView* view;
+ int preferredwidth, preferredheight;
+ qreal progress;
+ QDeclarativeWebView::Status status;
+ QString statusText;
+ enum { PendingNone, PendingUrl, PendingHtml, PendingContent } pending;
+ QUrl pendingUrl;
+ QString pendingString;
+ QByteArray pendingData;
+ mutable QDeclarativeWebSettings settings;
+ QDeclarativeComponent* newWindowComponent;
+ QDeclarativeItem* newWindowParent;
+ static void windowObjectsAppend(QDeclarativeListProperty<QObject>* prop, QObject* o)
+ {
+ static_cast<QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate*>(prop->data)->windowObjects.append(o);
+ static_cast<QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate*>(prop->data)->updateWindowObjects();
+ }
+ void updateWindowObjects();
+ QObjectList windowObjects;
+ bool rendering;
+GraphicsWebView::GraphicsWebView(QDeclarativeWebView* parent)
+ : QGraphicsWebView(parent)
+ , parent(parent)
+ , pressTime(400)
+void GraphicsWebView::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ setFocus();
+ pressPoint = event->pos();
+ if (pressTime) {
+ pressTimer.start(pressTime, this);
+ parent->setKeepMouseGrab(false);
+ } else {
+ grabMouse();
+ parent->setKeepMouseGrab(true);
+ }
+ QGraphicsWebView::mousePressEvent(event);
+void GraphicsWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ QGraphicsWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ pressTimer.stop();
+ parent->setKeepMouseGrab(false);
+ ungrabMouse();
+void GraphicsWebView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ QMouseEvent* me = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, (event->pos() / parent->contentsScale()).toPoint(), event->button(), event->buttons(), 0);
+ emit doubleClick(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y());
+ delete me;
+void GraphicsWebView::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event)
+ if (event->timerId() == pressTimer.timerId()) {
+ pressTimer.stop();
+ grabMouse();
+ parent->setKeepMouseGrab(true);
+ }
+void GraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ if (pressTimer.isActive()) {
+ if ((event->pos() - pressPoint).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance())
+ pressTimer.stop();
+ }
+ if (parent->keepMouseGrab())
+ QGraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(event);
+ \qmlclass WebView QDeclarativeWebView
+ \since 4.7
+ \brief The WebView item allows you to add web content to a canvas.
+ \inherits Item
+ A WebView renders web content based on a URL.
+ This type is made available by importing the \c QtWebKit module:
+ \bold{import QtWebKit 1.0}
+ If the width and height of the item is not set, they will
+ dynamically adjust to a size appropriate for the content.
+ This width may be large for typical online web pages.
+ If the width or height is explictly set, the rendered website
+ will be clipped, not scaled, to fit into the set dimensions.
+ If the preferredWidth is set, the width will be this amount or larger,
+ usually laying out the web content to fit the preferredWidth.
+ \qml
+ import QtWebKit 1.0
+ WebView {
+ url: ""
+ preferredWidth: 490
+ preferredHeight: 400
+ scale: 0.5
+ smooth: false
+ smoothCache: true
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \image webview.png
+ The item includes no scrolling, scaling,
+ toolbars, etc., those must be implemented around WebView. See the WebBrowser example
+ for a demonstration of this.
+ When this item has keyboard focus, all keyboard input will be sent directly to the
+ web page within.
+ \internal
+ \class QDeclarativeWebView
+ \brief The QDeclarativeWebView class allows you to add web content to a QDeclarativeView.
+ A WebView renders web content base on a URL.
+ \image webview.png
+ The item includes no scrolling, scaling,
+ toolbars, etc., those must be implemented around WebView. See the WebBrowser example
+ for a demonstration of this.
+ A QDeclarativeWebView object can be instantiated in Qml using the tag \l WebView.
+QDeclarativeWebView::QDeclarativeWebView(QDeclarativeItem *parent) : QDeclarativeItem(parent)
+ init();
+ delete d;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::init()
+ d = new QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate(this);
+ QWebSettings::enablePersistentStorage();
+ setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, true);
+ setClip(true);
+ d->view = new GraphicsWebView(this);
+ d->view->setResizesToContents(true);
+ QWebPage* wp = new QDeclarativeWebPage(this);
+ setPage(wp);
+ connect(d->view, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), this, SLOT(updateDeclarativeWebViewSize()));
+ connect(d->view, SIGNAL(doubleClick(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(doubleClick(int, int)));
+ connect(d->view, SIGNAL(scaleChanged()), this, SIGNAL(contentsScaleChanged()));
+void QDeclarativeWebView::componentComplete()
+ QDeclarativeItem::componentComplete();
+ page()->setNetworkAccessManager(qmlEngine(this)->networkAccessManager());
+ switch (d->pending) {
+ case QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::PendingUrl:
+ setUrl(d->pendingUrl);
+ break;
+ case QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::PendingHtml:
+ setHtml(d->pendingString, d->pendingUrl);
+ break;
+ case QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::PendingContent:
+ setContent(d->pendingData, d->pendingString, d->pendingUrl);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ d->pending = QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::PendingNone;
+ d->updateWindowObjects();
+QDeclarativeWebView::Status QDeclarativeWebView::status() const
+ return d->status;
+ \qmlproperty real WebView::progress
+ This property holds the progress of loading the current URL, from 0 to 1.
+ If you just want to know when progress gets to 1, use
+ WebView::onLoadFinished() or WebView::onLoadFailed() instead.
+qreal QDeclarativeWebView::progress() const
+ return d->progress;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::doLoadStarted()
+ if (!d->url.isEmpty()) {
+ d->status = Loading;
+ emit statusChanged(d->status);
+ }
+ emit loadStarted();
+void QDeclarativeWebView::doLoadProgress(int p)
+ if (d->progress == p / 100.0)
+ return;
+ d->progress = p / 100.0;
+ emit progressChanged();
+void QDeclarativeWebView::pageUrlChanged()
+ updateContentsSize();
+ if ((d->url.isEmpty() && page()->mainFrame()->url() != QUrl(QLatin1String("about:blank")))
+ || (d->url != page()->mainFrame()->url() && !page()->mainFrame()->url().isEmpty()))
+ {
+ d->url = page()->mainFrame()->url();
+ if (d->url == QUrl(QLatin1String("about:blank")))
+ d->url = QUrl();
+ emit urlChanged();
+ }
+void QDeclarativeWebView::doLoadFinished(bool ok)
+ if (ok) {
+ d->status = d->url.isEmpty() ? Null : Ready;
+ emit loadFinished();
+ } else {
+ d->status = Error;
+ emit loadFailed();
+ }
+ emit statusChanged(d->status);
+ \qmlproperty url WebView::url
+ This property holds the URL to the page displayed in this item. It can be set,
+ but also can change spontaneously (eg. because of network redirection).
+ If the url is empty, the page is blank.
+ The url is always absolute (QML will resolve relative URL strings in the context
+ of the containing QML document).
+QUrl QDeclarativeWebView::url() const
+ return d->url;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setUrl(const QUrl& url)
+ if (url == d->url)
+ return;
+ if (isComponentComplete()) {
+ d->url = url;
+ updateContentsSize();
+ QUrl seturl = url;
+ if (seturl.isEmpty())
+ seturl = QUrl(QLatin1String("about:blank"));
+ Q_ASSERT(!seturl.isRelative());
+ page()->mainFrame()->load(seturl);
+ emit urlChanged();
+ } else {
+ d->pending = d->PendingUrl;
+ d->pendingUrl = url;
+ }
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::preferredWidth
+ This property holds the ideal width for displaying the current URL.
+int QDeclarativeWebView::preferredWidth() const
+ return d->preferredwidth;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setPreferredWidth(int width)
+ if (d->preferredwidth == width)
+ return;
+ d->preferredwidth = width;
+ updateContentsSize();
+ emit preferredWidthChanged();
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::preferredHeight
+ This property holds the ideal height for displaying the current URL.
+ This only affects the area zoomed by heuristicZoom().
+int QDeclarativeWebView::preferredHeight() const
+ return d->preferredheight;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setPreferredHeight(int height)
+ if (d->preferredheight == height)
+ return;
+ d->preferredheight = height;
+ updateContentsSize();
+ emit preferredHeightChanged();
+ \qmlmethod bool WebView::evaluateJavaScript(string)
+ Evaluates the \a scriptSource JavaScript inside the context of the
+ main web frame, and returns the result of the last executed statement.
+ Note that this JavaScript does \e not have any access to QML objects
+ except as made available as windowObjects.
+QVariant QDeclarativeWebView::evaluateJavaScript(const QString& scriptSource)
+ return this->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(scriptSource);
+void QDeclarativeWebView::updateDeclarativeWebViewSize()
+ QSizeF size = d->view->geometry().size() * contentsScale();
+ setImplicitWidth(size.width());
+ setImplicitHeight(size.height());
+void QDeclarativeWebView::initialLayout()
+ // nothing useful to do at this point
+void QDeclarativeWebView::updateContentsSize()
+ if (page()) {
+ page()->setPreferredContentsSize(QSize(
+ d->preferredwidth>0 ? d->preferredwidth : width(),
+ d->preferredheight>0 ? d->preferredheight : height()));
+ }
+void QDeclarativeWebView::geometryChanged(const QRectF& newGeometry, const QRectF& oldGeometry)
+ QWebPage* webPage = page();
+ if (newGeometry.size() != oldGeometry.size() && webPage) {
+ QSize contentSize = webPage->preferredContentsSize();
+ if (widthValid())
+ contentSize.setWidth(width());
+ if (heightValid())
+ contentSize.setHeight(height());
+ if (contentSize != webPage->preferredContentsSize())
+ webPage->setPreferredContentsSize(contentSize);
+ }
+ QDeclarativeItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
+ \qmlproperty list<object> WebView::javaScriptWindowObjects
+ A list of QML objects to expose to the web page.
+ Each object will be added as a property of the web frame's window object. The
+ property name is controlled by the value of \c WebView.windowObjectName
+ attached property.
+ Exposing QML objects to a web page allows JavaScript executing in the web
+ page itself to communicate with QML, by reading and writing properties and
+ by calling methods of the exposed QML objects.
+ This example shows how to call into a QML method using a window object.
+ \qml
+ WebView {
+ javaScriptWindowObjects: QtObject {
+ WebView.windowObjectName: "qml"
+ function qmlCall() {
+ console.log("This call is in QML!");
+ }
+ }
+ html: "<script>console.log(\"This is in WebKit!\"); window.qml.qmlCall();</script>"
+ }
+ \endqml
+ The output of the example will be:
+ \code
+ This is in WebKit!
+ This call is in QML!
+ \endcode
+ If Javascript is not enabled for the page, then this property does nothing.
+QDeclarativeListProperty<QObject> QDeclarativeWebView::javaScriptWindowObjects()
+ return QDeclarativeListProperty<QObject>(this, d, &QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::windowObjectsAppend);
+QDeclarativeWebViewAttached* QDeclarativeWebView::qmlAttachedProperties(QObject* o)
+ return new QDeclarativeWebViewAttached(o);
+void QDeclarativeWebViewPrivate::updateWindowObjects()
+ if (!q->isComponentCompletePublic() || !q->page())
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < windowObjects.count(); ++i) {
+ QObject* object =;
+ QDeclarativeWebViewAttached* attached = static_cast<QDeclarativeWebViewAttached *>(qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QDeclarativeWebView>(object));
+ if (attached && !attached->windowObjectName().isEmpty())
+ q->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(attached->windowObjectName(), object);
+ }
+bool QDeclarativeWebView::renderingEnabled() const
+ return d->rendering;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setRenderingEnabled(bool enabled)
+ if (d->rendering == enabled)
+ return;
+ d->rendering = enabled;
+ emit renderingEnabledChanged();
+ d->view->setTiledBackingStoreFrozen(!enabled);
+ \qmlsignal WebView::onDoubleClick(clickx, clicky)
+ The WebView does not pass double-click events to the web engine, but rather
+ emits this signals.
+ \qmlmethod bool WebView::heuristicZoom(clickX,clickY,maxzoom)
+ Finds a zoom that:
+ \list
+ \i shows a whole item
+ \i includes (\a clickX, \a clickY)
+ \i fits into the preferredWidth and preferredHeight
+ \i zooms by no more than \a maxZoom
+ \i is more than 10% above the current zoom
+ \endlist
+ If such a zoom exists, emits zoomTo(zoom,centerX,centerY) and returns true; otherwise,
+ no signal is emitted and returns false.
+bool QDeclarativeWebView::heuristicZoom(int clickX, int clickY, qreal maxZoom)
+ if (contentsScale() >= maxZoom / scale())
+ return false;
+ qreal ozf = contentsScale();
+ QRect showArea = elementAreaAt(clickX, clickY, d->preferredwidth / maxZoom, d->preferredheight / maxZoom);
+ qreal z = qMin(qreal(d->preferredwidth) / showArea.width(), qreal(d->preferredheight) / showArea.height());
+ if (z > maxZoom / scale())
+ z = maxZoom / scale();
+ if (z / ozf > 1.2) {
+ QRectF r(showArea.left() * z, * z, showArea.width() * z, showArea.height() * z);
+ emit zoomTo(z, r.x() + r.width() / 2, r.y() + r.height() / 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::pressGrabTime
+ The number of milliseconds the user must press before the WebView
+ starts passing move events through to the web engine (rather than
+ letting other QML elements such as a Flickable take them).
+ Defaults to 400ms. Set to 0 to always grab and pass move events to
+ the web engine.
+int QDeclarativeWebView::pressGrabTime() const
+ return d->view->pressTime;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setPressGrabTime(int millis)
+ if (d->view->pressTime == millis)
+ return;
+ d->view->pressTime = millis;
+ emit pressGrabTimeChanged();
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACTION
+ \qmlproperty action WebView::back
+ This property holds the action for causing the previous URL in the history to be displayed.
+QAction* QDeclarativeWebView::backAction() const
+ return page()->action(QWebPage::Back);
+ \qmlproperty action WebView::forward
+ This property holds the action for causing the next URL in the history to be displayed.
+QAction* QDeclarativeWebView::forwardAction() const
+ return page()->action(QWebPage::Forward);
+ \qmlproperty action WebView::reload
+ This property holds the action for reloading with the current URL
+QAction* QDeclarativeWebView::reloadAction() const
+ return page()->action(QWebPage::Reload);
+ \qmlproperty action WebView::stop
+ This property holds the action for stopping loading with the current URL
+QAction* QDeclarativeWebView::stopAction() const
+ return page()->action(QWebPage::Stop);
+#endif // QT_NO_ACTION
+ \qmlproperty real WebView::title
+ This property holds the title of the web page currently viewed
+ By default, this property contains an empty string.
+QString QDeclarativeWebView::title() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->title();
+ \qmlproperty pixmap WebView::icon
+ This property holds the icon associated with the web page currently viewed
+QPixmap QDeclarativeWebView::icon() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->icon().pixmap(QSize(256, 256));
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::statusText
+ This property is the current status suggested by the current web page. In a web browser,
+ such status is often shown in some kind of status bar.
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setStatusText(const QString& text)
+ d->statusText = text;
+ emit statusTextChanged();
+void QDeclarativeWebView::windowObjectCleared()
+ d->updateWindowObjects();
+QString QDeclarativeWebView::statusText() const
+ return d->statusText;
+QWebPage* QDeclarativeWebView::page() const
+ return d->view->page();
+// The QObject interface to settings().
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.standardFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.fixedFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.serifFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.sansSerifFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.cursiveFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::settings.fantasyFontFamily
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::settings.minimumFontSize
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::settings.minimumLogicalFontSize
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::settings.defaultFontSize
+ \qmlproperty int WebView::settings.defaultFixedFontSize
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.autoLoadImages
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.javascriptEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.javaEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.pluginsEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.privateBrowsingEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.javascriptCanOpenWindows
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.javascriptCanAccessClipboard
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.developerExtrasEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.linksIncludedInFocusChain
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.zoomTextOnly
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.printElementBackgrounds
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.offlineStorageDatabaseEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.localStorageDatabaseEnabled
+ \qmlproperty bool WebView::settings.localContentCanAccessRemoteUrls
+ These properties give access to the settings controlling the web view.
+ See QWebSettings for details of these properties.
+ \qml
+ WebView {
+ settings.pluginsEnabled: true
+ settings.standardFontFamily: "Arial"
+ ...
+ }
+ \endqml
+QDeclarativeWebSettings* QDeclarativeWebView::settingsObject() const
+ d->settings.s = page()->settings();
+ return &d->settings;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setPage(QWebPage* page)
+ if (d->view->page() == page)
+ return;
+ d->view->setPage(page);
+ updateContentsSize();
+ page->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ page->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SLOT(pageUrlChanged()));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(iconChanged()));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(iconChanged()), this, SIGNAL(iconChanged()));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(initialLayoutCompleted()), this, SLOT(initialLayout()));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(contentsSizeChanged(QSize)), this, SIGNAL(contentsSizeChanged(QSize)));
+ connect(page, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(doLoadStarted()));
+ connect(page, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(doLoadProgress(int)));
+ connect(page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(doLoadFinished(bool)));
+ connect(page, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(setStatusText(QString)));
+ connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), this, SLOT(windowObjectCleared()));
+ page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::TiledBackingStoreEnabled, true);
+ \qmlsignal WebView::onLoadStarted()
+ This handler is called when the web engine begins loading
+ a page. Later, WebView::onLoadFinished() or WebView::onLoadFailed()
+ will be emitted.
+ \qmlsignal WebView::onLoadFinished()
+ This handler is called when the web engine \e successfully
+ finishes loading a page, including any component content
+ (WebView::onLoadFailed() will be emitted otherwise).
+ \sa progress
+ \qmlsignal WebView::onLoadFailed()
+ This handler is called when the web engine fails loading
+ a page or any component content
+ (WebView::onLoadFinished() will be emitted on success).
+void QDeclarativeWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest& request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray& body)
+ page()->mainFrame()->load(request, operation, body);
+QString QDeclarativeWebView::html() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->toHtml();
+ \qmlproperty string WebView::html
+ This property holds HTML text set directly
+ The html property can be set as a string.
+ \qml
+ WebView {
+ html: "<p>This is <b>HTML</b>."
+ }
+ \endqml
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setHtml(const QString& html, const QUrl& baseUrl)
+ updateContentsSize();
+ if (isComponentComplete())
+ page()->mainFrame()->setHtml(html, baseUrl);
+ else {
+ d->pending = d->PendingHtml;
+ d->pendingUrl = baseUrl;
+ d->pendingString = html;
+ }
+ emit htmlChanged();
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setContent(const QByteArray& data, const QString& mimeType, const QUrl& baseUrl)
+ updateContentsSize();
+ if (isComponentComplete())
+ page()->mainFrame()->setContent(data, mimeType, qmlContext(this)->resolvedUrl(baseUrl));
+ else {
+ d->pending = d->PendingContent;
+ d->pendingUrl = baseUrl;
+ d->pendingString = mimeType;
+ d->pendingData = data;
+ }
+QWebHistory* QDeclarativeWebView::history() const
+ return page()->history();
+QWebSettings* QDeclarativeWebView::settings() const
+ return page()->settings();
+QDeclarativeWebView* QDeclarativeWebView::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case QWebPage::WebBrowserWindow: {
+ if (!d->newWindowComponent && d->newWindowParent)
+ qWarning("WebView::newWindowComponent not set - WebView::newWindowParent ignored");
+ else if (d->newWindowComponent && !d->newWindowParent)
+ qWarning("WebView::newWindowParent not set - WebView::newWindowComponent ignored");
+ else if (d->newWindowComponent && d->newWindowParent) {
+ QDeclarativeWebView* webview = 0;
+ QDeclarativeContext* windowContext = new QDeclarativeContext(qmlContext(this));
+ QObject* newObject = d->newWindowComponent->create(windowContext);
+ if (newObject) {
+ windowContext->setParent(newObject);
+ QDeclarativeItem* item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeItem *>(newObject);
+ if (!item)
+ delete newObject;
+ else {
+ webview = item->findChild<QDeclarativeWebView*>();
+ if (!webview)
+ delete item;
+ else {
+ newObject->setParent(d->newWindowParent);
+ static_cast<QGraphicsObject*>(item)->setParentItem(d->newWindowParent);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ delete windowContext;
+ return webview;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case QWebPage::WebModalDialog: {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ \qmlproperty component WebView::newWindowComponent
+ This property holds the component to use for new windows.
+ The component must have a WebView somewhere in its structure.
+ When the web engine requests a new window, it will be an instance of
+ this component.
+ The parent of the new window is set by newWindowParent. It must be set.
+QDeclarativeComponent* QDeclarativeWebView::newWindowComponent() const
+ return d->newWindowComponent;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setNewWindowComponent(QDeclarativeComponent* newWindow)
+ if (newWindow == d->newWindowComponent)
+ return;
+ d->newWindowComponent = newWindow;
+ emit newWindowComponentChanged();
+ \qmlproperty item WebView::newWindowParent
+ The parent item for new windows.
+ \sa newWindowComponent
+QDeclarativeItem* QDeclarativeWebView::newWindowParent() const
+ return d->newWindowParent;
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setNewWindowParent(QDeclarativeItem* parent)
+ if (parent == d->newWindowParent)
+ return;
+ if (d->newWindowParent && parent) {
+ QList<QGraphicsItem *> children = d->newWindowParent->childItems();
+ for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i)
+ }
+ d->newWindowParent = parent;
+ emit newWindowParentChanged();
+QSize QDeclarativeWebView::contentsSize() const
+ return page()->mainFrame()->contentsSize() * contentsScale();
+qreal QDeclarativeWebView::contentsScale() const
+ return d->view->scale();
+void QDeclarativeWebView::setContentsScale(qreal scale)
+ if (scale == d->view->scale())
+ return;
+ d->view->setScale(scale);
+ updateDeclarativeWebViewSize();
+ emit contentsScaleChanged();
+ Returns the area of the largest element at position (\a x,\a y) that is no larger
+ than \a maxWidth by \a maxHeight pixels.
+ May return an area larger in the case when no smaller element is at the position.
+QRect QDeclarativeWebView::elementAreaAt(int x, int y, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) const
+ QWebHitTestResult hit = page()->mainFrame()->hitTestContent(QPoint(x, y));
+ QRect hitRect = hit.boundingRect();
+ QWebElement element = hit.enclosingBlockElement();
+ if (maxWidth <= 0)
+ maxWidth = INT_MAX;
+ if (maxHeight <= 0)
+ maxHeight = INT_MAX;
+ while (!element.parent().isNull() && element.geometry().width() <= maxWidth && element.geometry().height() <= maxHeight) {
+ hitRect = element.geometry();
+ element = element.parent();
+ }
+ return hitRect;
+ \internal
+ \class QDeclarativeWebPage
+ \brief The QDeclarativeWebPage class is a QWebPage that can create QML plugins.
+ \sa QDeclarativeWebView
+QDeclarativeWebPage::QDeclarativeWebPage(QDeclarativeWebView* parent) :
+ QWebPage(parent)
+QString QDeclarativeWebPage::chooseFile(QWebFrame* originatingFrame, const QString& oldFile)
+ // Not supported (it's modal)
+ Q_UNUSED(originatingFrame)
+ Q_UNUSED(oldFile)
+ return oldFile;
+ \qmlsignal WebView::onAlert(message)
+ The handler is called when the web engine sends a JavaScript alert. The \a message is the text
+ to be displayed in the alert to the user.
+void QDeclarativeWebPage::javaScriptAlert(QWebFrame* originatingFrame, const QString& msg)
+ Q_UNUSED(originatingFrame)
+ emit viewItem()->alert(msg);
+bool QDeclarativeWebPage::javaScriptConfirm(QWebFrame* originatingFrame, const QString& msg)
+ // Not supported (it's modal)
+ Q_UNUSED(originatingFrame)
+ Q_UNUSED(msg)
+ return false;
+bool QDeclarativeWebPage::javaScriptPrompt(QWebFrame* originatingFrame, const QString& msg, const QString& defaultValue, QString* result)
+ // Not supported (it's modal)
+ Q_UNUSED(originatingFrame)
+ Q_UNUSED(msg)
+ Q_UNUSED(defaultValue)
+ Q_UNUSED(result)
+ return false;
+QDeclarativeWebView* QDeclarativeWebPage::viewItem()
+ return static_cast<QDeclarativeWebView*>(parent());
+QWebPage* QDeclarativeWebPage::createWindow(WebWindowType type)
+ QDeclarativeWebView* newView = viewItem()->createWindow(type);
+ if (newView)
+ return newView->page();
+ return 0;