path: root/src/dbus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dbus')
35 files changed, 1627 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/src/dbus/ b/src/dbus/
index 39adfe1..9ab3920 100644
--- a/src/dbus/
+++ b/src/dbus/
@@ -1,78 +1,87 @@
-QT = core xml
-CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
+QT = core \
+ xml
+CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
-contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus-linked) {
+contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus-linked) {
-unix {
+unix {
+ DBus \
+ module
+ QtXml
-win32 {
- LIBS += -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 -lnetapi32 -luser32
- CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -ldbus-1d
- else:LIBS += -ldbus-1
+win32 {
+ LIBS_PRIVATE += -lws2_32 \
+ -ladvapi32 \
+ -lnetapi32 \
+ -luser32
+ CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS_PRIVATE += -ldbus-1d
+ else:LIBS_PRIVATE += -ldbus-1
-PUB_HEADERS = qdbusargument.h \
- qdbusconnectioninterface.h \
- qdbusmacros.h \
- qdbuserror.h \
- qdbusextratypes.h \
- qdbusmessage.h \
- qdbusserver.h \
- qdbusconnection.h \
- qdbusabstractinterface.h \
- qdbusinterface.h \
- qdbusabstractadaptor.h \
- qdbusreply.h \
- qdbusmetatype.h \
- qdbuspendingcall.h \
- qdbuspendingreply.h \
- qdbuscontext.h
+PUB_HEADERS = qdbusargument.h \
+ qdbusconnectioninterface.h \
+ qdbusmacros.h \
+ qdbuserror.h \
+ qdbusextratypes.h \
+ qdbusmessage.h \
+ qdbusserver.h \
+ qdbusconnection.h \
+ qdbusabstractinterface.h \
+ qdbusinterface.h \
+ qdbusabstractadaptor.h \
+ qdbusreply.h \
+ qdbusmetatype.h \
+ qdbuspendingcall.h \
+ qdbuspendingreply.h \
+ qdbuscontext.h
- qdbusconnection_p.h qdbusmessage_p.h \
- qdbusinterface_p.h qdbusxmlparser_p.h qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h \
- qdbusargument_p.h qdbusutil_p.h qdbusabstractinterface_p.h \
- qdbuscontext_p.h qdbusthreaddebug_p.h qdbusintegrator_p.h \
- qdbuspendingcall_p.h qdbus_symbols_p.h
-SOURCES += qdbusconnection.cpp \
- qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp \
- qdbuserror.cpp \
- qdbusintegrator.cpp \
- qdbusmessage.cpp \
- qdbusserver.cpp \
- qdbusabstractinterface.cpp \
- qdbusinterface.cpp \
- qdbusxmlparser.cpp \
- qdbusutil.cpp \
- qdbusintrospection.cpp \
- qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp \
- qdbusthread.cpp \
- qdbusinternalfilters.cpp \
- qdbusmetaobject.cpp \
- qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp \
- qdbusmisc.cpp \
- qdbusargument.cpp \
- qdbusreply.cpp \
- qdbusmetatype.cpp \
- qdbusextratypes.cpp \
- qdbusmarshaller.cpp \
- qdbuscontext.cpp \
- qdbuspendingcall.cpp \
- qdbuspendingreply.cpp \
- qdbus_symbols.cpp
+ qdbusconnection_p.h \
+ qdbusmessage_p.h \
+ qdbusinterface_p.h \
+ qdbusxmlparser_p.h \
+ qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h \
+ qdbusargument_p.h \
+ qdbusutil_p.h \
+ qdbusabstractinterface_p.h \
+ qdbuscontext_p.h \
+ qdbusthreaddebug_p.h \
+ qdbusintegrator_p.h \
+ qdbuspendingcall_p.h \
+ qdbus_symbols_p.h \
+ qdbusservicewatcher.h
+SOURCES += qdbusconnection.cpp \
+ qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp \
+ qdbuserror.cpp \
+ qdbusintegrator.cpp \
+ qdbusmessage.cpp \
+ qdbusserver.cpp \
+ qdbusabstractinterface.cpp \
+ qdbusinterface.cpp \
+ qdbusxmlparser.cpp \
+ qdbusutil.cpp \
+ qdbusintrospection.cpp \
+ qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp \
+ qdbusinternalfilters.cpp \
+ qdbusmetaobject.cpp \
+ qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp \
+ qdbusmisc.cpp \
+ qdbusargument.cpp \
+ qdbusreply.cpp \
+ qdbusmetatype.cpp \
+ qdbusextratypes.cpp \
+ qdbusmarshaller.cpp \
+ qdbuscontext.cpp \
+ qdbuspendingcall.cpp \
+ qdbuspendingreply.cpp \
+ qdbus_symbols.cpp \
+ qdbusservicewatcher.cpp
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbus_symbols_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbus_symbols_p.h
index cdde45f..69c6ee4 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbus_symbols_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbus_symbols_p.h
@@ -353,10 +353,13 @@ DEFINEFUNC(dbus_bool_t , dbus_signature_validate_single, (const char *
DBusError *error),
(signature, error), return)
DEFINEFUNC(dbus_bool_t , dbus_type_is_basic, (int typecode),
- (typecode), return);
+ (typecode), return)
DEFINEFUNC(dbus_bool_t , dbus_type_is_fixed, (int typecode),
(typecode), return)
+/* dbus-thread.h */
+DEFINEFUNC(dbus_bool_t , dbus_threads_init_default, (), (), return)
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
index 6288786..35ce4fa 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void QDBusAdaptorConnector::polish()
void QDBusAdaptorConnector::relaySlot(void **argv)
- QObjectPrivate *d = static_cast<QObjectPrivate *>(d_ptr);
+ QObjectPrivate *d = static_cast<QObjectPrivate *>(;
relay(d->currentSender->sender, d->currentSender->signal, argv);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp
index 573349b..994da10 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "qdbusargument.h"
#include "qdbuspendingcall.h"
+#include "qdbusmessage_p.h"
#include "qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
#include "qdbusmetatype_p.h"
#include "qdbusutil_p.h"
@@ -52,99 +53,83 @@
+static QDBusError checkIfValid(const QString &service, const QString &path,
+ const QString &interface, bool isDynamic)
+ // We should be throwing exceptions here... oh well
+ QDBusError error;
+ // dynamic interfaces (QDBusInterface) can have empty interfaces, but not service and object paths
+ // non-dynamic is the opposite: service and object paths can be empty, but not the interface
+ if (!isDynamic) {
+ // use assertion here because this should never happen, at all
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!interface.isEmpty(), "QDBusAbstractInterface", "Interface name cannot be empty");
+ }
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkBusName(service, isDynamic ? QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed : QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
+ return error;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(path, isDynamic ? QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed : QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
+ return error;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
+ return error;
+ // no error
+ return QDBusError();
QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv,
const QString &p,
const QString &iface,
const QDBusConnection& con,
bool isDynamic)
- : connection(con), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface), isValid(true)
+ : connection(con), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface),
+ lastError(checkIfValid(serv, p, iface, isDynamic)),
+ isValid(!lastError.isValid())
- if (isDynamic) {
- // QDBusInterface: service and object path can't be empty, but interface can
-#if 0
- Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service),
- "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid service name");
- Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path),
- "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid object path given");
- Q_ASSERT_X(interface.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface),
- "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid interface name");
- if (!QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid service name"));
- isValid = false;
- } else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid object name given"));
- isValid = false;
- } else if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid interface name"));
- isValid = false;
- }
- } else {
- // all others: service and path can be empty here, but interface can't
-#if 0
- Q_ASSERT_X(service.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service),
- "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid service name");
- Q_ASSERT_X(path.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path),
- "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid object path given");
- Q_ASSERT_X(QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface),
- "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid interface class!");
- if (!service.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid service name"));
- isValid = false;
- } else if (!path.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid object path given"));
- isValid = false;
- } else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
- QLatin1String("Invalid interface class"));
- isValid = false;
- }
- }
if (!isValid)
if (!connection.isConnected()) {
lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
- isValid = false;
} else if (!service.isEmpty()) {
currentOwner = connectionPrivate()->getNameOwner(service); // verify the name owner
if (currentOwner.isEmpty()) {
- isValid = false;
lastError = connectionPrivate()->lastError;
-QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
+bool QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::canMakeCalls() const
+ // recheck only if we have a wildcard (i.e. empty) service or path
+ // if any are empty, set the error message according to QDBusUtil
+ if (service.isEmpty())
+ return QDBusUtil::checkBusName(service, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, &lastError);
+ if (path.isEmpty())
+ return QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(path, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, &lastError);
+ return true;
+void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp, QVariant &where) const
- if (!connection.isConnected()) // not connected
- return QVariant();
+ if (!isValid || !canMakeCalls()) { // can't make calls
+ where.clear();
+ return;
+ }
// is this metatype registered?
- int mid;
- const char *expectedSignature;
- if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType) {
- // We're asking to read a QVariant
- mid = qMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>();
- expectedSignature = "v";
- } else {
- mid = QMetaType::type(mp.typeName());
- expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(mid);
+ const char *expectedSignature = "";
+ if (mp.type() != 0xff) {
+ expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(where.userType());
if (expectedSignature == 0) {
qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface: type %s must be registered with QtDBus before it can be "
"used to read property %s.%s",
mp.typeName(), qPrintable(interface),;
- return QVariant();
+ lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed,
+ QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 cannot be handled")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(mp.typeName())));
+ where.clear();
+ return;
@@ -152,26 +137,33 @@ QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(;
QDBusMessage reply =, QDBus::Block);
if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
lastError = reply;
- return QVariant();
+ where.clear();
+ return;
if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
- return QVariant();
+ where.clear();
+ return;
QByteArray foundSignature;
const char *foundType = 0;
QVariant value = qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(reply.arguments().at(0)).variant();
- if (value.userType() == mid)
- return value; // simple match
+ if (value.userType() == where.userType() || mp.type() == 0xff
+ || (expectedSignature[0] == 'v' && expectedSignature[1] == '\0')) {
+ // simple match
+ where = value;
+ return;
+ }
if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>()) {
QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value);
@@ -179,14 +171,9 @@ QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
foundType = "user type";
foundSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1();
if (foundSignature == expectedSignature) {
- void *null = 0;
- QVariant result(mid, null);
- QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, mid,;
- if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
- // special case: QVariant
- return qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(result).variant();
- return result;
+ // signatures match, we can demarshall
+ QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, where.userType(),;
+ return;
} else {
foundType = value.typeName();
@@ -203,23 +190,28 @@ QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
- return QVariant();
+ where.clear();
+ return;
-void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value)
+bool QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value)
- if (!connection.isConnected()) // not connected
- return;
+ if (!isValid || !canMakeCalls()) // can't make calls
+ return false;
// send the value
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8( << qVariantFromValue(QDBusVariant(value));
QDBusMessage reply =, QDBus::Block);
- if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
+ if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
lastError = reply;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::_q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name,
@@ -230,10 +222,36 @@ void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::_q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name,
//qDebug() << "QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate serviceOwnerChanged" << name << oldOwner << newOwner;
if (name == service) {
currentOwner = newOwner;
- isValid = !newOwner.isEmpty();
+QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase::QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &d, QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(d, parent)
+int QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
+ int saved_id = _id;
+ _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
+ if (_id < 0)
+ return _id;
+ if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty || _c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
+ QMetaProperty mp = metaObject()->property(saved_id);
+ int &status = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(_a[2]);
+ QVariant &variant = *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(_a[1]);
+ if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
+ status = d_func()->setProperty(mp, variant) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ d_func()->property(mp, variant);
+ status = variant.isValid() ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ _id = -1;
+ }
+ return _id;
\class QDBusAbstractInterface
@@ -258,12 +276,20 @@ void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::_q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name,
This is the constructor called from QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface.
QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &d, QObject *parent)
- : QObject(d, parent)
+ : QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase(d, parent)
// keep track of the service owner
- if (d_func()->isValid)
- QObject::connect(d_func()->connectionPrivate(), SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
- this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ if (d.isValid &&
+ d.connection.isConnected()
+ && !d.service.isEmpty()
+ && !d.service.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':')))
+ d_func()->connection.connect(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS), // service
+ QString(), // path
+ QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS), // interface
+ QLatin1String("NameOwnerChanged"),
+ QStringList() << d.service,
+ QString(), // signature
+ this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
@@ -274,13 +300,21 @@ QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &d,
QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface(const QString &service, const QString &path,
const char *interface, const QDBusConnection &con,
QObject *parent)
- : QObject(*new QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(service, path, QString::fromLatin1(interface),
+ : QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase(*new QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(service, path, QString::fromLatin1(interface),
con, false), parent)
// keep track of the service owner
- if (d_func()->connection.isConnected())
- QObject::connect(d_func()->connectionPrivate(), SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
- this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ if (d_func()->isValid &&
+ d_func()->connection.isConnected()
+ && !service.isEmpty()
+ && !service.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':')))
+ d_func()->connection.connect(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS), // service
+ QString(), // path
+ QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS), // interface
+ QLatin1String("NameOwnerChanged"),
+ QStringList() << service,
+ QString(), //signature
+ this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
@@ -300,7 +334,7 @@ QDBusAbstractInterface::~QDBusAbstractInterface()
bool QDBusAbstractInterface::isValid() const
- return d_func()->isValid;
+ return !d_func()->currentOwner.isEmpty();
@@ -367,6 +401,9 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgumentList(QDBus::CallMode mode,
+ if (!d->isValid || !d->canMakeCalls())
+ return QDBusMessage::createError(d->lastError);
QString m = method;
// split out the signature from the method
int pos = method.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
@@ -397,6 +434,7 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgumentList(QDBus::CallMode mode,
// qDebug() << "QDBusAbstractInterface" << "Service" << service() << "Path:" << path();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), interface(), m);
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
QDBusMessage reply = d->, mode);
@@ -425,7 +463,11 @@ QDBusPendingCall QDBusAbstractInterface::asyncCallWithArgumentList(const QString
+ if (!d->isValid || !d->canMakeCalls())
+ return QDBusPendingCall::fromError(d->lastError);
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), interface(), method);
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
return d->connection.asyncCall(msg);
@@ -440,7 +482,8 @@ QDBusPendingCall QDBusAbstractInterface::asyncCallWithArgumentList(const QString
This function returns true if the queueing succeeds. It does
not indicate that the executed call succeeded. If it fails,
- the \a errorMethod is called.
+ the \a errorMethod is called. If the queueing failed, this
+ function returns false and no slot will be called.
The \a returnMethod must have as its parameters the types returned
by the function call. Optionally, it may have a QDBusMessage
@@ -453,22 +496,26 @@ QDBusPendingCall QDBusAbstractInterface::asyncCallWithArgumentList(const QString
bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback(const QString &method,
const QList<QVariant> &args,
QObject *receiver,
- const char *returnMethod,
+ const char *returnMethod,
const char *errorMethod)
+ if (!d->isValid || !d->canMakeCalls())
+ return false;
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(),
- path(),
- interface(),
- method);
+ path(),
+ interface(),
+ method);
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
d->lastError = 0;
return d->connection.callWithCallback(msg,
- receiver,
- returnMethod,
- errorMethod);
+ receiver,
+ returnMethod,
+ errorMethod);
@@ -492,7 +539,7 @@ bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback(const QString &method,
bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback(const QString &method,
const QList<QVariant> &args,
QObject *receiver,
- const char *slot)
+ const char *slot)
return callWithCallback(method, args, receiver, slot, 0);
@@ -503,17 +550,26 @@ bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback(const QString &method,
void QDBusAbstractInterface::connectNotify(const char *signal)
+ // someone connecting to one of our signals
+ Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
+ if (!d->isValid)
+ return;
// we end up recursing here, so optimise away
if (qstrcmp(signal + 1, "destroyed(QObject*)") == 0)
- // someone connecting to one of our signals
- Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
QDBusConnectionPrivate *conn = d->connectionPrivate();
- if (conn)
- conn->connectRelay(d->service, d->currentOwner, d->path, d->interface,
+ if (conn) {
+ // do we know what our owner is?
+ QString owner;
+ if (!d->service.isEmpty() && d->currentOwner.isNull())
+ owner = QLatin1String("");
+ else
+ owner = d->currentOwner;
+ conn->connectRelay(d->service, owner, d->path, d->interface,
this, signal);
+ }
@@ -524,6 +580,8 @@ void QDBusAbstractInterface::disconnectNotify(const char *signal)
// someone disconnecting from one of our signals
+ if (!d->isValid)
+ return;
QDBusConnectionPrivate *conn = d->connectionPrivate();
if (conn)
@@ -540,11 +598,7 @@ QVariant QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet(const char *propname) const
// assume this property exists and is readable
// we're only called from generated code anyways
- int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
- if (idx != -1)
- return d_func()->property(metaObject()->property(idx));
- qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
- return QVariant(); // error
+ return property(propname);
@@ -553,16 +607,7 @@ QVariant QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet(const char *propname) const
void QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value)
- Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
- // assume this property exists and is writeable
- // we're only called from generated code anyways
- int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
- if (idx != -1)
- d->setProperty(metaObject()->property(idx), value);
- else
- qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
+ setProperty(propname, value);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h
index 0f1b1f5..a05c95d 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h
@@ -61,7 +61,23 @@ class QDBusError;
class QDBusPendingCall;
class QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate;
-class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractInterface: public QObject
+class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase: public QObject
+ int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**);
+ QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &dd, QObject *parent);
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDBusAbstractInterface)
+class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractInterface:
+#ifdef Q_QDOC
+ public QObject
+ public QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
index cfa9c65..a5f4ce9 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
@@ -75,15 +75,19 @@ public:
QString path;
QString interface;
mutable QDBusError lastError;
+ // this is set during creation and never changed
+ // it can't be const because QDBusInterfacePrivate has one more check
bool isValid;
QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv, const QString &p,
const QString &iface, const QDBusConnection& con, bool dynamic);
virtual ~QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate() { }
+ bool canMakeCalls() const;
// these functions do not check if the property is valid
- QVariant property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const;
- void setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value);
+ void property(const QMetaProperty &mp, QVariant &where) const;
+ bool setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value);
// return conn's d pointer
inline QDBusConnectionPrivate *connectionPrivate() const
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusargument_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusargument_p.h
index 73dac7d..47c5e62 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusargument_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusargument_p.h
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public:
QDBusMarshaller *endCommon();
void open(QDBusMarshaller &sub, int code, const char *signature);
void close();
- void error();
+ void error(const QString &message);
bool appendVariantInternal(const QVariant &arg);
bool appendRegisteredType(const QVariant &arg);
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ public:
DBusMessageIter iterator;
QDBusMarshaller *parent;
QByteArray *ba;
+ QString errorString;
char closeCode;
bool ok;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.cpp
index bb0d06f..d7088ff 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.cpp
@@ -557,42 +557,61 @@ QDBusPendingCall QDBusConnection::asyncCall(const QDBusMessage &message, int tim
bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
- return connect(service, path, interface, name, QString(), receiver, slot);
+ return connect(service, path, interface, name, QStringList(), QString(), receiver, slot);
- Disconnects the signal specified by the \a service, \a path, \a interface and \a name parameters from
- the slot \a slot in object \a receiver. The arguments \a service and \a path can be empty,
- denoting a disconnection from all signals of the (\a interface, \a name) pair, from all remote
- applications.
+ \overload
- Returns true if the disconnection was successful.
+ Connects the signal to the slot \a slot in object \a
+ receiver. Unlike the previous connect() overload, this function
+ allows one to specify the parameter signature to be connected
+ using the \a signature variable. The function will then verify
+ that this signature can be delivered to the slot specified by \a
+ slot and return false otherwise.
+ Returns true if the connection was successful.
+ \note This function verifies that the signal signature matches the
+ slot's parameters, but it does not verify that the actual
+ signal exists with the given signature in the remote
+ service.
-bool QDBusConnection::disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
- const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
+bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
+ const QString &name, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
- return disconnect(service, path, interface, name, QString(), receiver, slot);
+ return connect(service, path, interface, name, QStringList(), signature, receiver, slot);
+ \since 4.6
Connects the signal to the slot \a slot in object \a
- receiver. Unlike the other connect() overload, this function
+ receiver. Unlike the previous connect() overload, this function
allows one to specify the parameter signature to be connected
using the \a signature variable. The function will then verify
that this signature can be delivered to the slot specified by \a
slot and return false otherwise.
+ The \a argumentMatch parameter lists the string parameters to be matched,
+ in sequential order. Note that, to match an empty string, you need to
+ pass a QString that is empty but not null (i.e., QString("")). A null
+ QString skips matching at that position.
+ Returns true if the connection was successful.
\note This function verifies that the signal signature matches the
slot's parameters, but it does not verify that the actual
signal exists with the given signature in the remote
bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
- const QString &name, const QString &signature,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
if (!receiver || !slot || !d || !d->connection)
return false;
if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface))
@@ -600,53 +619,57 @@ bool QDBusConnection::connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const
if (interface.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty())
return false;
- // check the slot
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook hook;
- QString key;
- QString name2 = name;
- if (name2.isNull())
- name2.detach();
QString owner = d->getNameOwner(service); // we don't care if the owner is empty
- hook.signature = signature; // it might get started later
- if (!d->prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, name, receiver, slot, 0, false))
- return false; // don't connect
- // avoid duplicating:
+ // it might get started later
QDBusWriteLocker locker(ConnectAction, d);
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::ConstIterator it = d->signalHooks.find(key);
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::ConstIterator end = d->signalHooks.constEnd();
- for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
- const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &entry = it.value();
- if (entry.service == hook.service &&
- entry.owner == hook.owner &&
- entry.path == hook.path &&
- entry.signature == hook.signature &&
- entry.obj == hook.obj &&
- entry.midx == hook.midx) {
- // no need to compare the parameters if it's the same slot
- return true; // already there
- }
- }
+ return d->connectSignal(service, owner, path, interface, name, argumentMatch, signature, receiver, slot);
+ Disconnects the signal specified by the \a service, \a path, \a interface
+ and \a name parameters from the slot \a slot in object \a receiver. The
+ arguments must be the same as passed to the connect() function.
- d->connectSignal(key, hook);
- return true;
+ Returns true if the disconnection was successful.
+bool QDBusConnection::disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
+ const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
+ return disconnect(service, path, interface, name, QStringList(), QString(), receiver, slot);
- Disconnects the signal from the slot \a slot in object \a
- receiver. Unlike the other disconnect() overload, this function
- allows one to specify the parameter signature to be disconnected
- using the \a signature variable. The function will then verify
- that this signature is connected to the slot specified by \a slot
- and return false otherwise.
+ Disconnects the signal specified by the \a service, \a path, \a
+ interface, \a name, and \a signature parameters from the slot \a slot in
+ object \a receiver. The arguments must be the same as passed to the
+ connect() function.
+ Returns true if the disconnection was successful.
bool QDBusConnection::disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
const QString &name, const QString &signature,
QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
+ return disconnect(service, path, interface, name, QStringList(), signature, receiver, slot);
+ \overload
+ \since 4.6
+ Disconnects the signal specified by the \a service, \a path, \a
+ interface, \a name, \a argumentMatch, and \a signature parameters from
+ the slot \a slot in object \a receiver. The arguments must be the same as
+ passed to the connect() function.
+ Returns true if the disconnection was successful.
+bool QDBusConnection::disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
if (!receiver || !slot || !d || !d->connection)
return false;
if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface))
@@ -654,38 +677,8 @@ bool QDBusConnection::disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, co
if (interface.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty())
return false;
- // check the slot
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook hook;
- QString key;
- QString name2 = name;
- if (name2.isNull())
- name2.detach();
- QString owner = d->getNameOwner(service); // we don't care of owner is empty
- hook.signature = signature;
- if (!d->prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, name, receiver, slot, 0, false))
- return false; // don't disconnect
- // avoid duplicating:
QDBusWriteLocker locker(DisconnectAction, d);
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::Iterator it = d->signalHooks.find(key);
- QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::Iterator end = d->signalHooks.end();
- for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
- const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &entry = it.value();
- if (entry.service == hook.service &&
- entry.owner == hook.owner &&
- entry.path == hook.path &&
- entry.signature == hook.signature &&
- entry.obj == hook.obj &&
- entry.midx == hook.midx) {
- // no need to compare the parameters if it's the same slot
- d->disconnectSignal(it);
- return true; // it was there
- }
- }
- // the slot was not found
- return false;
+ return d->disconnectSignal(service, path, interface, name, argumentMatch, signature, receiver, slot);
@@ -1012,14 +1005,10 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::setBusService(const QDBusConnection &connection)
busService = new QDBusConnectionInterface(connection, this);
ref.deref(); // busService has increased the refcounting to us
// avoid cyclic refcounting
-// if (mode != PeerMode)
- QObject::connect(busService, SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
- this, SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(callWithCallbackFailed(QDBusError,QDBusMessage)),
busService, SIGNAL(callWithCallbackFailed(QDBusError,QDBusMessage)),
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.h b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.h
index 85fc7c2..82ae726 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection.h
@@ -132,15 +132,21 @@ public:
bool connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
- bool disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
- const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
bool connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
const QString &name, const QString& signature,
QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
+ bool connect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString& signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
+ bool disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
+ const QString &name, QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
bool disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
const QString &name, const QString& signature,
QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
+ bool disconnect(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString& signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
bool registerObject(const QString &path, QObject *object,
RegisterOptions options = ExportAdaptors);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h
index 228f227..b65e101 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ public:
QObject* obj;
int midx;
QList<int> params;
+ QStringList argumentMatch;
QByteArray matchRule;
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ public:
typedef QMultiHash<QString, SignalHook> SignalHookHash;
typedef QHash<QString, QDBusMetaObject* > MetaObjectHash;
typedef QHash<QByteArray, int> MatchRefCountHash;
+ typedef QHash<QString, int> WatchedServicesHash;
// public methods are entry points from other objects
@@ -175,8 +177,14 @@ public:
QDBusPendingCallPrivate *sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, int timeout = -1);
int sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
const char *returnMethod, const char *errorMethod, int timeout = -1);
+ bool connectSignal(const QString &service, const QString &owner, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
void connectSignal(const QString &key, const SignalHook &hook);
SignalHookHash::Iterator disconnectSignal(SignalHookHash::Iterator &it);
+ bool disconnectSignal(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString& interface,
+ const QString &name, const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot);
void registerObject(const ObjectTreeNode *node);
void connectRelay(const QString &service, const QString &currentOwner,
const QString &path, const QString &interface,
@@ -191,9 +199,6 @@ public:
QDBusMetaObject *findMetaObject(const QString &service, const QString &path,
const QString &interface, QDBusError &error);
- void registerService(const QString &serviceName);
- void unregisterService(const QString &serviceName);
void postEventToThread(int action, QObject *target, QEvent *event);
inline void serverConnection(const QDBusConnection &connection)
@@ -230,6 +235,8 @@ public slots:
void objectDestroyed(QObject *o);
void relaySignal(QObject *obj, const QMetaObject *, int signalId, const QVariantList &args);
void _q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
+ void registerService(const QString &serviceName);
+ void unregisterService(const QString &serviceName);
void serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
@@ -264,6 +271,7 @@ public:
QDBusError lastError;
QStringList serviceNames;
+ WatchedServicesHash watchedServiceNames;
SignalHookHash signalHooks;
MatchRefCountHash matchRefCounts;
ObjectTreeNode rootNode;
@@ -278,6 +286,7 @@ public:
static bool prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hook, QString &key,
const QString &service, const QString &owner,
const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &name,
+ const QStringList &argMatch,
QObject *receiver, const char *signal, int minMIdx,
bool buildSignature);
static DBusHandlerResult messageFilter(DBusConnection *, DBusMessage *, void *);
@@ -300,6 +309,8 @@ public:
extern int qDBusParametersForMethod(const QMetaMethod &mm, QList<int>& metaTypes);
extern int qDBusNameToTypeId(const char *name);
extern bool qDBusCheckAsyncTag(const char *tag);
+extern bool qDBusInterfaceInObject(QObject *obj, const QString &interface_name);
+extern QString qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(const QMetaObject *mo);
// in qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
extern QString qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node);
@@ -310,9 +321,6 @@ extern QDBusMessage qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNod
extern QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGetAll(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node,
const QDBusMessage &msg);
-// in qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
-extern QString qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(const QMetaObject *mo);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp
index 8670ed5..0f9a67f 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp
@@ -336,8 +336,14 @@ void QDBusConnectionInterface::connectNotify(const char *signalName)
else if (qstrcmp(signalName, SIGNAL(serviceUnregistered(QString))) == 0)
- else if (qstrcmp(signalName, SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString))) == 0)
+ else if (qstrcmp(signalName, SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString))) == 0) {
+ static bool warningPrinted = false;
+ if (!warningPrinted) {
+ qWarning("Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)");
+ warningPrinted = true;
+ }
+ }
@@ -388,6 +394,12 @@ void QDBusConnectionInterface::disconnectNotify(const char *signalName)
empty string, it means the name \a name has just been created; if
\a newOwner is empty, the name \a name has no current owner and is
no longer available.
+ \note connecting to this signal will make the application listen for and
+ receive every single service ownership change on the bus. Depending on
+ how many services are running, this make the application be activated to
+ receive more signals than it needs. To avoid this problem, use the
+ QDBusServiceWatcher class, which can listen for specific changes.
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h b/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
index feccd51..10c499c 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
QDBusContextPrivate *d_ptr;
+ friend class QDBusContextPrivate;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuserror.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbuserror.cpp
index ce6d8d5..5c2fa2b 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuserror.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuserror.cpp
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidSignature
// in the same order as KnownErrors!
@@ -116,12 +120,17 @@ static const char errorMessages_string[] =
+ "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidService\0"
+ "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath\0"
+ "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidInterface\0"
+ "com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember\0"
static const int errorMessages_indices[] = {
0, 6, 40, 76, 118, 153, 191, 231,
273, 313, 349, 384, 421, 461, 501, 540,
- 581, 617, 661, 705, 746, 0
+ 581, 617, 661, 705, 746, 787, 829, 874,
+ 918, 0
static const int errorMessages_count = sizeof errorMessages_indices /
@@ -216,8 +225,16 @@ static inline QDBusError::ErrorType get(const char *name)
\value UnknownInterface The interface is not known
\value InternalError An internal error occurred
(\c com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InternalError)
- \value UnknownObject The remote object could not be found.
+ \value InvalidObjectPath The object path provided is invalid.
+ \value InvalidService The service requested is invalid.
+ \value InvalidMember The member is invalid.
+ \value InvalidInterface The interface is invalid.
+ \value UnknownObject The remote object could not be found.
@@ -339,7 +356,7 @@ QString QDBusError::errorString(ErrorType error)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusError &msg)
- dbg.nospace() << "QDBusError(" << << ", " << msg.message() << ")";
+ dbg.nospace() << "QDBusError(" << << ", " << msg.message() << ')';
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuserror.h b/src/dbus/qdbuserror.h
index ddfecaa..d417268 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuserror.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuserror.h
@@ -81,10 +81,14 @@ public:
+ InvalidService,
+ InvalidObjectPath,
+ InvalidInterface,
+ InvalidMember,
#ifndef Q_QDOC
// don't use this one!
- LastErrorType = UnknownObject
+ LastErrorType = InvalidMember
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusextratypes.h b/src/dbus/qdbusextratypes.h
index c95537b..69dcc8a 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusextratypes.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusextratypes.h
@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ inline QDBusVariant::QDBusVariant(const QVariant &dBusVariant)
inline void QDBusVariant::setVariant(const QVariant &dBusVariant)
{ QVariant::operator=(dBusVariant); }
+inline bool operator==(const QDBusVariant &v1, const QDBusVariant &v2)
+{ return v1.variant() == v2.variant(); }
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp
index b551aa4..40febc4 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QThread *th)
dbg.nospace() << "QThread(ptr=" << (void*)th;
if (th && !th->objectName().isEmpty())
dbg.nospace() << ", name=" << th->objectName();
- dbg.nospace() << ")";
+ dbg.nospace() << ')';
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ static inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusConnectionPrivate *conn)
dbg.nospace() << "same thread";
dbg.nospace() << conn->thread();
- dbg.nospace() << ")";
+ dbg.nospace() << ')';
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ static void qDBusNewConnection(DBusServer *server, DBusConnection *connection, v
static QByteArray buildMatchRule(const QString &service, const QString & /*owner*/,
const QString &objectPath, const QString &interface,
- const QString &member, const QString & /*signature*/)
+ const QString &member, const QStringList &argMatch, const QString & /*signature*/)
QString result = QLatin1String("type='signal',");
QString keyValue = QLatin1String("%1='%2',");
@@ -406,6 +406,14 @@ static QByteArray buildMatchRule(const QString &service, const QString & /*owner
if (!member.isEmpty())
result += keyValue.arg(QLatin1String("member"), member);
+ // add the argument string-matching now
+ if (!argMatch.isEmpty()) {
+ keyValue = QLatin1String("arg%1='%2',");
+ for (int i = 0; i < argMatch.count(); ++i)
+ if (!
+ result += keyValue.arg(i).arg(;
+ }
result.chop(1); // remove ending comma
return result.toLatin1();
@@ -493,6 +501,11 @@ static QObject *findChildObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode *ro
return 0;
+static bool shouldWatchService(const QString &service)
+ return !service.isEmpty() && !service.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':'));
extern QDBUS_EXPORT void qDBusAddSpyHook(QDBusSpyHook);
void qDBusAddSpyHook(QDBusSpyHook hook)
@@ -565,7 +578,7 @@ static void huntAndEmit(DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *msg,
QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::DataList::ConstIterator it = haystack.children.constBegin();
QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode::DataList::ConstIterator end = haystack.children.constEnd();
for ( ; it != end; ++it)
- huntAndEmit(connection, msg, needle, *it, isScriptable, isAdaptor, path + QLatin1String("/") + it->name);
+ huntAndEmit(connection, msg, needle, *it, isScriptable, isAdaptor, path + QLatin1Char('/') + it->name);
if (needle == haystack.obj) {
// is this a signal we should relay?
@@ -920,9 +933,11 @@ QDBusConnectionPrivate::QDBusConnectionPrivate(QObject *p)
- static const bool threads = qDBusInitThreads();
- static const int debugging = ::isDebugging = qgetenv("QDBUS_DEBUG").toInt();
+ static const bool threads = q_dbus_threads_init_default();
+ static const int debugging = qgetenv("QDBUS_DEBUG").toInt();
+ ::isDebugging = debugging;
+ Q_UNUSED(debugging)
if (debugging > 1)
@@ -932,9 +947,7 @@ QDBusConnectionPrivate::QDBusConnectionPrivate(QObject *p)
rootNode.flags = 0;
- connect(this, SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
- this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ watchedServiceNames[QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS)] = 1;
@@ -1143,10 +1156,14 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::relaySignal(QObject *obj, const QMetaObject *mo, in
QDBusReadLocker locker(RelaySignalAction, this);
QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(QLatin1String("/"), interface,
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(message, true);
- DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message);
+ QDBusError error;
+ DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message, &error);
if (!msg) {
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: Could not emit signal %s.%s", qPrintable(interface), memberName.constData());
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: Could not emit signal %s.%s: %s", qPrintable(interface), memberName.constData(),
+ qPrintable(error.message()));
+ lastError = error;
@@ -1160,11 +1177,7 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::relaySignal(QObject *obj, const QMetaObject *mo, in
void QDBusConnectionPrivate::_q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name,
const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
- if (oldOwner == baseService)
- unregisterService(name);
- if (newOwner == baseService)
- registerService(name);
+ Q_UNUSED(oldOwner);
QDBusWriteLocker locker(UpdateSignalHookOwnerAction, this);
QMutableHashIterator<QString, SignalHook> it(signalHooks);
@@ -1190,6 +1203,7 @@ int QDBusConnectionPrivate::findSlot(QObject* obj, const QByteArray &normalizedN
bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hook, QString &key,
const QString &service, const QString &owner,
const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &name,
+ const QStringList &argMatch,
QObject *receiver, const char *signal, int minMIdx,
bool buildSignature)
@@ -1209,6 +1223,7 @@ bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hoo
hook.owner = owner; // we don't care if the service has an owner yet
hook.path = path;
hook.obj = receiver;
+ hook.argumentMatch = argMatch;
// build the D-Bus signal name and signature
// This should not happen for QDBusConnection::connect, use buildSignature here, since
@@ -1230,7 +1245,7 @@ bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::prepareHook(QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &hoo
hook.signature += QLatin1String( QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature( ) );
- hook.matchRule = buildMatchRule(service, owner, path, interface, mname, hook.signature);
+ hook.matchRule = buildMatchRule(service, owner, path, interface, mname, argMatch, hook.signature);
return true; // connect to this signal
@@ -1359,12 +1374,8 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateObject(ObjectTreeNode &node, const QDBusMes
// try the object itself:
if (node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots|QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableSlots)) {
bool interfaceFound = true;
- if (!msg.interface().isEmpty()) {
- // check if the interface name matches anything in the class hierarchy
- const QMetaObject *mo = node.obj->metaObject();
- for ( ; !interfaceFound && mo != &QObject::staticMetaObject; mo = mo->superClass())
- interfaceFound = msg.interface() == qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(mo);
- }
+ if (!msg.interface().isEmpty())
+ interfaceFound = qDBusInterfaceInObject(node.obj, msg.interface());
if (interfaceFound) {
if (!activateCall(node.obj, node.flags, msg))
@@ -1477,7 +1488,7 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleSignal(const QString &key, const QDBusMessage
//qDBusDebug() << signalHooks.keys();
for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
const SignalHook &hook = it.value();
- if (!hook.owner.isEmpty() && hook.owner != msg.service())
+ if (!hook.owner.isNull() && hook.owner != msg.service())
if (!hook.path.isEmpty() && hook.path != msg.path())
@@ -1485,6 +1496,24 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::handleSignal(const QString &key, const QDBusMessage
if (hook.signature.isEmpty() && !hook.signature.isNull() && !msg.signature().isEmpty())
+ if (!hook.argumentMatch.isEmpty()) {
+ const QVariantList arguments = msg.arguments();
+ if (hook.argumentMatch.size() > arguments.size())
+ continue;
+ bool matched = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < hook.argumentMatch.size(); ++i) {
+ const QString &param =;
+ if (param.isNull())
+ continue; // don't try to match against this
+ if (param ==
+ continue; // matched
+ matched = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!matched)
+ continue;
+ }
activateSignal(hook, msg);
@@ -1619,9 +1648,16 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::setConnection(DBusConnection *dbc, const QDBusError
baseService = QString::fromUtf8(service);
} else {
- qWarning("QDBusConnectionPrivate::SetConnection: Unable to get base service");
+ qWarning("QDBusConnectionPrivate::setConnection: Unable to get base service");
+ QString busService = QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS);
+ connectSignal(busService, QString(), QString(), QString(), QLatin1String("NameAcquired"), QStringList(), QString(),
+ this, SLOT(registerService(QString)));
+ connectSignal(busService, QString(), QString(), QString(), QLatin1String("NameLost"), QStringList(), QString(),
+ this, SLOT(unregisterService(QString)));
q_dbus_connection_add_filter(connection, qDBusSignalFilter, this, 0);
//qDebug("base service: %s", service);
@@ -1702,21 +1738,26 @@ int QDBusConnectionPrivate::send(const QDBusMessage& message)
return -1; // don't send; the reply will be retrieved by the caller
// through the d_ptr->localReply link
- DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message);
+ QDBusError error;
+ DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message, &error);
if (!msg) {
if (message.type() == QDBusMessage::MethodCallMessage)
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\"",
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\": %s",
qPrintable(message.service()), qPrintable(message.path()),
- qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()));
+ qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()),
+ qPrintable(error.message()));
else if (message.type() == QDBusMessage::SignalMessage)
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\"",
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\": %s",
qPrintable(message.path()), qPrintable(message.interface()),
- qPrintable(message.member()));
+ qPrintable(message.member()),
+ qPrintable(error.message()));
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send %s message to service \"%s\"",
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send %s message to service \"%s\": %s",
message.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage ? "reply" :
message.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage ? "error" :
- "invalid", qPrintable(message.service()));
+ "invalid", qPrintable(message.service()),
+ qPrintable(error.message()));
+ lastError = error;
return 0;
@@ -1743,12 +1784,15 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message,
return sendWithReplyLocal(message);
if (!QCoreApplication::instance() || sendMode == QDBus::Block) {
- DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message);
+ QDBusError err;
+ DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message, &err);
if (!msg) {
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\"",
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\": %s",
qPrintable(message.service()), qPrintable(message.path()),
- qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()));
- return QDBusMessage();
+ qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()),
+ qPrintable(err.message()));
+ lastError = err;
+ return QDBusMessage::createError(err);
qDBusDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "sending message (blocking):" << message;
@@ -1758,9 +1802,8 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message,
if (!!error) {
- QDBusError qe = error;
- lastError = qe;
- return QDBusMessage::createError(qe);
+ lastError = err = error;
+ return QDBusMessage::createError(err);
QDBusMessage amsg = QDBusMessagePrivate::fromDBusMessage(reply);
@@ -1770,16 +1813,17 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReply(const QDBusMessage &message,
return amsg;
} else { // use the event loop
QDBusPendingCallPrivate *pcall = sendWithReplyAsync(message, timeout);
- if (!pcall)
- return QDBusMessage();
+ Q_ASSERT(pcall);
- pcall->watcherHelper = new QDBusPendingCallWatcherHelper;
- QEventLoop loop;
- loop.connect(pcall->watcherHelper, SIGNAL(reply(QDBusMessage)), SLOT(quit()));
- loop.connect(pcall->watcherHelper, SIGNAL(error(QDBusError,QDBusMessage)), SLOT(quit()));
+ if (pcall->replyMessage.type() != QDBusMessage::InvalidMessage) {
+ pcall->watcherHelper = new QDBusPendingCallWatcherHelper;
+ QEventLoop loop;
+ loop.connect(pcall->watcherHelper, SIGNAL(reply(QDBusMessage)), SLOT(quit()));
+ loop.connect(pcall->watcherHelper, SIGNAL(error(QDBusError,QDBusMessage)), SLOT(quit()));
- // enter the event loop and wait for a reply
- loop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
+ // enter the event loop and wait for a reply
+ loop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
+ }
QDBusMessage reply = pcall->replyMessage;
lastError = reply; // set or clear error
@@ -1835,20 +1879,25 @@ QDBusPendingCallPrivate *QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusM
return pcall;
- DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message);
+ checkThread();
+ QDBusPendingCallPrivate *pcall = new QDBusPendingCallPrivate;
+ pcall->sentMessage = message;
+ pcall->ref = 0;
+ QDBusError error;
+ DBusMessage *msg = QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(message, &error);
if (!msg) {
- qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\"",
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%s\" path \"%s\" interface \"%s\" member \"%s\": %s",
qPrintable(message.service()), qPrintable(message.path()),
- qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()));
- return 0;
+ qPrintable(message.interface()), qPrintable(message.member()),
+ qPrintable(error.message()));
+ pcall->replyMessage = QDBusMessage::createError(error);
+ lastError = error;
+ return pcall;
- checkThread();
qDBusDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "sending message (async):" << message;
DBusPendingCall *pending = 0;
- QDBusPendingCallPrivate *pcall = new QDBusPendingCallPrivate;
- pcall->sentMessage = message;
- pcall->ref = 0;
QDBusDispatchLocker locker(SendWithReplyAsyncAction, this);
if (q_dbus_connection_send_with_reply(connection, msg, &pending, timeout)) {
@@ -1862,14 +1911,14 @@ QDBusPendingCallPrivate *QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusM
return pcall;
} else {
// we're probably disconnected at this point
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected, QLatin1String("Not connected to server"));
+ lastError = error = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected, QLatin1String("Not connected to server"));
} else {
- lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::NoMemory, QLatin1String("Out of memory"));
+ lastError = error = QDBusError(QDBusError::NoMemory, QLatin1String("Out of memory"));
- pcall->replyMessage = QDBusMessage::createError(lastError);
+ pcall->replyMessage = QDBusMessage::createError(error);
return pcall;
@@ -1878,8 +1927,7 @@ int QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObj
int timeout)
QDBusPendingCallPrivate *pcall = sendWithReplyAsync(message, timeout);
- if (!pcall)
- return 0;
+ Q_ASSERT(pcall);
// has it already finished (dispatched locally)?
if (pcall->replyMessage.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
@@ -1920,11 +1968,47 @@ int QDBusConnectionPrivate::sendWithReplyAsync(const QDBusMessage &message, QObj
return 1;
+bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal(const QString &service, const QString &owner,
+ const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &name,
+ const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
+ // check the slot
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook hook;
+ QString key;
+ QString name2 = name;
+ if (name2.isNull())
+ name2.detach();
+ hook.signature = signature;
+ if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, name, argumentMatch, receiver, slot, 0, false))
+ return false; // don't connect
+ // avoid duplicating:
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::ConstIterator it = signalHooks.find(key);
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::ConstIterator end = signalHooks.constEnd();
+ for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
+ const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &entry = it.value();
+ if (entry.service == hook.service &&
+ entry.owner == hook.owner &&
+ entry.path == hook.path &&
+ entry.signature == hook.signature &&
+ entry.obj == hook.obj &&
+ entry.midx == hook.midx) {
+ // no need to compare the parameters if it's the same slot
+ return true; // already there
+ }
+ }
+ connectSignal(key, hook);
+ return true;
void QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal(const QString &key, const SignalHook &hook)
signalHooks.insertMulti(key, hook);
connect(hook.obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(objectDestroyed(QObject*)),
- Qt::DirectConnection);
+ Qt::ConnectionType(Qt::DirectConnection | Qt::UniqueConnection));
MatchRefCountHash::iterator it = matchRefCounts.find(hook.matchRule);
@@ -1947,15 +2031,81 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal(const QString &key, const SignalHook
qPrintable(, qPrintable(qerror.message()));
+ } else {
+ // Successfully connected the signal
+ // Do we need to watch for this name?
+ if (shouldWatchService(hook.service)) {
+ WatchedServicesHash::Iterator it = watchedServiceNames.find(hook.service);
+ if (it != watchedServiceNames.end()) {
+ // already watching
+ ++it.value();
+ } else {
+ // we need to watch for this service changing
+ QString dbusServerService = QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS);
+ connectSignal(dbusServerService, dbusServerService, QString(), QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS),
+ QLatin1String("NameOwnerChanged"), QStringList() << hook.service, QString(),
+ this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ }
+ }
+bool QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectSignal(const QString &service,
+ const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &name,
+ const QStringList &argumentMatch, const QString &signature,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
+ // check the slot
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook hook;
+ QString key;
+ QString name2 = name;
+ if (name2.isNull())
+ name2.detach();
+ hook.signature = signature;
+ if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, QString(), path, interface, name, argumentMatch, receiver, slot, 0, false))
+ return false; // don't disconnect
+ // avoid duplicating:
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::Iterator it = signalHooks.find(key);
+ QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHookHash::Iterator end = signalHooks.end();
+ for ( ; it != end && it.key() == key; ++it) {
+ const QDBusConnectionPrivate::SignalHook &entry = it.value();
+ if (entry.service == hook.service &&
+ //entry.owner == hook.owner &&
+ entry.path == hook.path &&
+ entry.signature == hook.signature &&
+ entry.obj == hook.obj &&
+ entry.midx == hook.midx) {
+ // no need to compare the parameters if it's the same slot
+ disconnectSignal(it);
+ return true; // it was there
+ }
+ }
+ // the slot was not found
+ return false;
QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectSignal(SignalHookHash::Iterator &it)
const SignalHook &hook = it.value();
+ WatchedServicesHash::Iterator sit = watchedServiceNames.find(hook.service);
+ if (sit != watchedServiceNames.end()) {
+ if (sit.value() == 1) {
+ watchedServiceNames.erase(sit);
+ QString dbusServerService = QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS);
+ disconnectSignal(dbusServerService, QString(), QLatin1String(DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS),
+ QLatin1String("NameOwnerChanged"), QStringList() << hook.service, QString(),
+ this, SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ } else {
+ --sit.value();
+ }
+ }
bool erase = false;
MatchRefCountHash::iterator i = matchRefCounts.find(hook.matchRule);
if (i == matchRefCounts.end()) {
@@ -2014,7 +2164,7 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectRelay(const QString &service, const QString
SignalHook hook;
QString key;
- if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, QString(), receiver, signal,
+ if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, QString(), QStringList(), receiver, signal,
QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject.methodCount(), true))
return; // don't connect
@@ -2046,7 +2196,7 @@ void QDBusConnectionPrivate::disconnectRelay(const QString &service, const QStri
SignalHook hook;
QString key;
- if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, QString(), receiver, signal,
+ if (!prepareHook(hook, key, service, owner, path, interface, QString(), QStringList(), receiver, signal,
QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject.methodCount(), true))
return; // don't connect
@@ -2081,6 +2231,7 @@ QString QDBusConnectionPrivate::getNameOwner(const QString& serviceName)
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QLatin1String(DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS),
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
msg << serviceName;
QDBusMessage reply = sendWithReply(msg, QDBus::Block);
if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
@@ -2104,6 +2255,7 @@ QDBusConnectionPrivate::findMetaObject(const QString &service, const QString &pa
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
+ QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
QDBusMessage reply = sendWithReply(msg, QDBus::Block);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusinterface.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusinterface.cpp
index 84dc303..d0a693f 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusinterface.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusinterface.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,102 @@
+static void copyArgument(void *to, int id, const QVariant &arg)
+ if (id == arg.userType()) {
+ switch (id) {
+ case QVariant::Bool:
+ *reinterpret_cast<bool *>(to) = arg.toBool();
+ return;
+ case QMetaType::UChar:
+ *reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(to) = arg.value<uchar>();
+ return;
+ case QMetaType::Short:
+ *reinterpret_cast<short *>(to) = arg.value<short>();
+ return;
+ case QMetaType::UShort:
+ *reinterpret_cast<ushort *>(to) = arg.value<ushort>();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::Int:
+ *reinterpret_cast<int *>(to) = arg.toInt();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::UInt:
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint *>(to) = arg.toUInt();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::LongLong:
+ *reinterpret_cast<qlonglong *>(to) = arg.toLongLong();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::ULongLong:
+ *reinterpret_cast<qulonglong *>(to) = arg.toULongLong();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::Double:
+ *reinterpret_cast<double *>(to) = arg.toDouble();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::String:
+ *reinterpret_cast<QString *>(to) = arg.toString();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::ByteArray:
+ *reinterpret_cast<QByteArray *>(to) = arg.toByteArray();
+ return;
+ case QVariant::StringList:
+ *reinterpret_cast<QStringList *>(to) = arg.toStringList();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (id == QDBusMetaTypeId::variant) {
+ *reinterpret_cast<QDBusVariant *>(to) = arg.value<QDBusVariant>();
+ return;
+ } else if (id == QDBusMetaTypeId::objectpath) {
+ *reinterpret_cast<QDBusObjectPath *>(to) = arg.value<QDBusObjectPath>();
+ return;
+ } else if (id == QDBusMetaTypeId::signature) {
+ *reinterpret_cast<QDBusSignature *>(to) = arg.value<QDBusSignature>();
+ return;
+ }
+ // those above are the only types possible
+ // the demarshaller code doesn't demarshall anything else
+ qFatal("Found a decoded basic type in a D-Bus reply that shouldn't be there");
+ }
+ // if we got here, it's either an un-dermarshalled type or a mismatch
+ if (arg.userType() != QDBusMetaTypeId::argument) {
+ // it's a mismatch
+ //qWarning?
+ return;
+ }
+ // is this type registered?
+ const char *userSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(id);
+ if (!userSignature || !*userSignature) {
+ // type not registered
+ //qWarning?
+ return;
+ }
+ // is it the same signature?
+ QDBusArgument dbarg = arg.value<QDBusArgument>();
+ if (dbarg.currentSignature() != QLatin1String(userSignature)) {
+ // not the same signature, another mismatch
+ //qWarning?
+ return;
+ }
+ // we can demarshall
+ QDBusMetaType::demarshall(dbarg, id, to);
QDBusInterfacePrivate::QDBusInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv, const QString &p,
const QString &iface, const QDBusConnection &con)
: QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(serv, p, iface, con, true), metaObject(0)
@@ -61,7 +157,9 @@ QDBusInterfacePrivate::QDBusInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv, const QString
if (!metaObject) {
// creation failed, somehow
- isValid = false;
+ // most common causes are that the service doesn't exist or doesn't support introspection
+ // those are not fatal errors, so we continue working
if (!lastError.isValid())
lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InternalError, QLatin1String("Unknown error"));
@@ -136,7 +234,7 @@ QDBusInterface::~QDBusInterface()
const QMetaObject *QDBusInterface::metaObject() const
- return d_func()->isValid ? d_func()->metaObject : &QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject;
+ return d_func()->metaObject ? d_func()->metaObject : &QDBusAbstractInterface::staticMetaObject;
@@ -186,45 +284,39 @@ int QDBusInterfacePrivate::metacall(QMetaObject::Call c, int id, void **argv)
// we will assume that the input arguments were passed correctly
QVariantList args;
- for (int i = 1; i <= inputTypesCount; ++i)
+ int i = 1;
+ for ( ; i <= inputTypesCount; ++i)
args << QVariant(inputTypes[i], argv[i]);
// make the call
- QPointer<QDBusInterface> qq = q;
QDBusMessage reply = q->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::Block, methodName, args);
- args.clear();
- // we ignore return values
+ if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
+ // attempt to demarshall the return values
+ args = reply.arguments();
+ QVariantList::ConstIterator it = args.constBegin();
+ const int *outputTypes = metaObject->outputTypesForMethod(id);
+ int outputTypesCount = *outputTypes++;
+ if (*mm.typeName()) {
+ // this method has a return type
+ if (argv[0] && it != args.constEnd())
+ copyArgument(argv[0], *outputTypes++, *it);
- // access to "this" or to "q" below this point must check for "qq"
- // we may have been deleted!
+ // skip this argument even if we didn't copy it
+ --outputTypesCount;
+ ++it;
+ }
- if (!qq.isNull())
- lastError = reply;
+ for (int j = 0; j < outputTypesCount && it != args.constEnd(); ++i, ++j, ++it) {
+ copyArgument(argv[i], outputTypes[j], *it);
+ }
+ }
// done
+ lastError = reply;
return -1;
- } else if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {
- // Qt doesn't support non-readable properties
- // we have to re-check
- QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset());
- if (!mp.isReadable())
- return -1; // don't read
- QVariant *value = reinterpret_cast<QVariant*>(argv[1]);
- argv[1] = 0;
- *value = property(mp);
- return -1; // handled, error or not
- } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
- // QMetaProperty::write has already checked that we're writable
- // it has also checked that the type is right
- QVariant *value = reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(argv[1]);
- QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset());
- setProperty(mp, *value);
- return -1;
return id;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
index dd0243b..acd04d3 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#include "qdbusextratypes.h"
#include "qdbusmessage.h"
#include "qdbusmetatype.h"
+#include "qdbusmetatype_p.h"
#include "qdbusmessage_p.h"
#include "qdbusutil_p.h"
@@ -177,14 +178,25 @@ QString qDBusIntrospectObject(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node
// implement the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
-static QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name)
+static inline QDBusMessage interfaceNotFoundError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name)
- return msg.createErrorReply(QLatin1String(DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS),
+ return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::UnknownInterface,
QString::fromLatin1("Interface %1 was not found in object %2")
+static inline QDBusMessage
+propertyNotFoundError(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name, const QByteArray &property_name)
+ return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs,
+ QString::fromLatin1("Property %1%2%3 was not found in object %4")
+ .arg(interface_name,
+ QString::fromLatin1(interface_name.isEmpty() ? "" : "."),
+ QString::fromLatin1(property_name),
+ msg.path()));
QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node,
const QDBusMessage &msg)
@@ -198,6 +210,7 @@ QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node
QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector;
QVariant value;
+ bool interfaceFound = false;
if (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors &&
(connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(node.obj))) {
@@ -217,31 +230,122 @@ QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node
QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
- if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface))
+ if (it != connector->adaptors.constEnd() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface)) {
+ interfaceFound = true;
value = it->adaptor->property(property_name);
+ }
- if (!value.isValid() && node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties |
- QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) {
+ if (!interfaceFound && !value.isValid()
+ && node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties |
+ QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) {
// try the object itself
- int pidx = node.obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name);
- if (pidx != -1) {
- QMetaProperty mp = node.obj->metaObject()->property(pidx);
- if ((mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties)) ||
- (!mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)))
- value =;
+ if (!interface_name.isEmpty())
+ interfaceFound = qDBusInterfaceInObject(node.obj, interface_name);
+ if (interfaceFound) {
+ int pidx = node.obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name);
+ if (pidx != -1) {
+ QMetaProperty mp = node.obj->metaObject()->property(pidx);
+ if ((mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties)) ||
+ (!mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)))
+ value =;
+ }
if (!value.isValid()) {
// the property was not found
- return qDBusPropertyError(msg, interface_name);
+ if (!interfaceFound)
+ return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name);
+ return propertyNotFoundError(msg, interface_name, property_name);
return msg.createReply(qVariantFromValue(QDBusVariant(value)));
+enum PropertyWriteResult {
+ PropertyWriteSuccess = 0,
+ PropertyNotFound,
+ PropertyTypeMismatch,
+ PropertyWriteFailed
+static QDBusMessage propertyWriteReply(const QDBusMessage &msg, const QString &interface_name,
+ const QByteArray &property_name, int status)
+ switch (status) {
+ case PropertyNotFound:
+ return propertyNotFoundError(msg, interface_name, property_name);
+ case PropertyTypeMismatch:
+ return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs,
+ QString::fromLatin1("Invalid arguments for writing to property %1%2%3")
+ .arg(interface_name,
+ QString::fromLatin1(interface_name.isEmpty() ? "" : "."),
+ QString::fromLatin1(property_name)));
+ case PropertyWriteFailed:
+ return msg.createErrorReply(QDBusError::InternalError,
+ QString::fromLatin1("Internal error"));
+ case PropertyWriteSuccess:
+ return msg.createReply();
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, "", "Should not be reached");
+ return QDBusMessage();
+static int writeProperty(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &property_name, QVariant value,
+ int propFlags = QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties)
+ const QMetaObject *mo = obj->metaObject();
+ int pidx = mo->indexOfProperty(property_name);
+ if (pidx == -1) {
+ // this object has no property by that name
+ return PropertyNotFound;
+ }
+ QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(pidx);
+ // check if this property is exported
+ bool isScriptable = mp.isScriptable();
+ if (!(propFlags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties) && isScriptable)
+ return PropertyNotFound;
+ if (!(propFlags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties) && !isScriptable)
+ return PropertyNotFound;
+ // we found our property
+ // do we have the right type?
+ int id = mp.type();
+ if (id == QVariant::UserType) {
+ // dynamic type
+ id = qDBusNameToTypeId(mp.typeName());
+ if (id == -1) {
+ // type not registered?
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: Unable to handle unregistered datatype '%s' for property '%s::%s'",
+ mp.typeName(), mo->className(), property_name.constData());
+ return PropertyWriteFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (id != 0xff && value.userType() == QDBusMetaTypeId::argument) {
+ // we have to demarshall before writing
+ void *null = 0;
+ QVariant other(id, null);
+ if (!QDBusMetaType::demarshall(qVariantValue<QDBusArgument>(value), id, {
+ qWarning("QDBusConnection: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with QtDBus. "
+ "Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
+ mp.typeName(), id);
+ return PropertyWriteFailed;
+ }
+ value = other;
+ }
+ // the property type here should match
+ return mp.write(obj, value) ? PropertyWriteSuccess : PropertyWriteFailed;
QDBusMessage qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node,
const QDBusMessage &msg)
@@ -263,38 +367,39 @@ QDBusMessage qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node
if (interface_name.isEmpty()) {
for (QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it = connector->adaptors.constBegin(),
end = connector->adaptors.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
- const QMetaObject *mo = it->adaptor->metaObject();
- int pidx = mo->indexOfProperty(property_name);
- if (pidx != -1) {
- mo->property(pidx).write(it->adaptor, value);
- return msg.createReply();
- }
+ int status = writeProperty(it->adaptor, property_name, value);
+ if (status == PropertyNotFound)
+ continue;
+ return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, status);
} else {
QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
- if (it != connector->adaptors.end() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface))
- if (it->adaptor->setProperty(property_name, value))
- return msg.createReply();
+ if (it != connector->adaptors.end() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface)) {
+ return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name,
+ writeProperty(it->adaptor, property_name, value));
+ }
if (node.flags & (QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties |
QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)) {
// try the object itself
- int pidx = node.obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name);
- if (pidx != -1) {
- QMetaProperty mp = node.obj->metaObject()->property(pidx);
- if ((mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableProperties)) ||
- (!mp.isScriptable() && (node.flags & QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableProperties)))
- if (mp.write(node.obj, value))
- return msg.createReply();
+ bool interfaceFound = true;
+ if (!interface_name.isEmpty())
+ interfaceFound = qDBusInterfaceInObject(node.obj, interface_name);
+ if (interfaceFound) {
+ return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name,
+ writeProperty(node.obj, property_name, value, node.flags));
- // the property was not found or not written to
- return qDBusPropertyError(msg, interface_name);
+ // the property was not found
+ if (!interface_name.isEmpty())
+ return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name);
+ return propertyWriteReply(msg, interface_name, property_name, PropertyNotFound);
// unite two QVariantMaps, but don't generate duplicate keys
@@ -385,7 +490,7 @@ QDBusMessage qDBusPropertyGetAll(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &n
if (!interfaceFound && !interface_name.isEmpty()) {
// the interface was not found
- return qDBusPropertyError(msg, interface_name);
+ return interfaceNotFoundError(msg, interface_name);
return msg.createReply(qVariantFromValue(result));
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmarshaller.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusmarshaller.cpp
index f381b27..d732ad0 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmarshaller.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmarshaller.cpp
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ inline void QDBusMarshaller::append(const QDBusObjectPath &arg)
QByteArray data = arg.path().toUtf8();
if (!ba && data.isEmpty())
- error();
+ error(QLatin1String("Invalid object path passed in arguments"));
const char *cdata = data.constData();
qIterAppend(&iterator, ba, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &cdata);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ inline void QDBusMarshaller::append(const QDBusSignature &arg)
QByteArray data = arg.signature().toUtf8();
if (!ba && data.isEmpty())
- error();
+ error(QLatin1String("Invalid signature passed in arguments"));
const char *cdata = data.constData();
qIterAppend(&iterator, ba, DBUS_TYPE_SIGNATURE, &cdata);
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ inline bool QDBusMarshaller::append(const QDBusVariant &arg)
QVariant::Type id = QVariant::Type(value.userType());
if (id == QVariant::Invalid) {
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: cannot add a null QDBusVariant");
- error();
+ error(QLatin1String("Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments"));
return false;
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ inline bool QDBusMarshaller::append(const QDBusVariant &arg)
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. "
"Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
QVariant::typeToName( id ), id);
- error();
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 passed in arguments")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QVariant::typeToName(id))));
return false;
@@ -220,7 +221,8 @@ inline QDBusMarshaller *QDBusMarshaller::beginArray(int id)
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. "
"Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(id) ), id);
- error();
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 passed in arguments")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(id)))));
return this;
@@ -234,22 +236,26 @@ inline QDBusMarshaller *QDBusMarshaller::beginMap(int kid, int vid)
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. "
"Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(kid) ), kid);
- error();
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 passed in arguments")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(kid)))));
return this;
if (ksignature[1] != 0 || !q_dbus_type_is_basic(*ksignature)) {
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type '%s' (%d) cannot be used as the key type in a D-BUS map.",
QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(kid) ), kid);
- error();
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Type %1 passed in arguments cannot be used as a key in a map")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(kid)))));
return this;
const char *vsignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature( QVariant::Type(vid) );
if (!vsignature) {
+ const char *typeName = QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(vid));
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. "
"Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
- QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(vid) ), vid);
- error();
+ typeName, vid);
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 passed in arguments")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(typeName)));
return this;
@@ -328,11 +334,13 @@ void QDBusMarshaller::close()
-void QDBusMarshaller::error()
+void QDBusMarshaller::error(const QString &msg)
ok = false;
if (parent)
- parent->error();
+ parent->error(msg);
+ else
+ errorString = msg;
bool QDBusMarshaller::appendVariantInternal(const QVariant &arg)
@@ -340,7 +348,7 @@ bool QDBusMarshaller::appendVariantInternal(const QVariant &arg)
int id = arg.userType();
if (id == QVariant::Invalid) {
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant");
- error();
+ error(QLatin1String("Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments"));
return false;
@@ -371,7 +379,8 @@ bool QDBusMarshaller::appendVariantInternal(const QVariant &arg)
qWarning("QDBusMarshaller: type `%s' (%d) is not registered with D-BUS. "
"Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it",
QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type(id) ), id);
- error();
+ error(QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 passed in arguments")
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(id)))));
return false;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp
index 4e2eb58..4f1950b 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ static inline const char *data(const QByteArray &arr)
: msg(0), reply(0), type(DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID),
- timeout(-1), localReply(0), ref(1), delayedReply(false), localMessage(false)
+ timeout(-1), localReply(0), ref(1), delayedReply(false), localMessage(false),
+ parametersValidated(false)
@@ -94,11 +95,17 @@ QString QDBusMessage::errorMessage() const
Constructs a DBusMessage object from this object. The returned value must be de-referenced
with q_dbus_message_unref.
+ The \a error object is set to indicate the error if anything went wrong with the
+ marshalling. Usually, this error message will be placed in the reply, as if the call failed.
+ The \a error pointer must not be null.
-DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
+DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message, QDBusError *error)
- if (!qdbus_loadLibDBus())
+ if (!qdbus_loadLibDBus()) {
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed, QLatin1String("Could not open lidbus-1 library"));
return 0;
+ }
DBusMessage *msg = 0;
const QDBusMessagePrivate *d_ptr = message.d_ptr;
@@ -108,10 +115,19 @@ DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
//qDebug() << "QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage" << "message is invalid";
- // only interface can be empty
- if (d_ptr->service.isEmpty() || d_ptr->path.isEmpty() || d_ptr->name.isEmpty())
- break;
- msg = q_dbus_message_new_method_call(d_ptr->service.toUtf8(), d_ptr->path.toUtf8(),
+ // only service and interface can be empty -> path and name must not be empty
+ if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated) {
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkBusName(d_ptr->service, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(d_ptr->path, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(d_ptr->interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkMemberName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error, "method"))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ msg = q_dbus_message_new_method_call(data(d_ptr->service.toUtf8()), d_ptr->path.toUtf8(),
data(d_ptr->interface.toUtf8()), d_ptr->name.toUtf8());
@@ -123,8 +139,10 @@ DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
// error name can't be empty
- if (d_ptr->name.isEmpty())
- break;
+ if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated
+ && !QDBusUtil::checkErrorName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
msg = q_dbus_message_new(DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
q_dbus_message_set_error_name(msg, d_ptr->name.toUtf8());
if (!d_ptr->localMessage) {
@@ -134,8 +152,15 @@ DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
// nothing can be empty here
- if (d_ptr->path.isEmpty() || d_ptr->interface.isEmpty() || d_ptr->name.isEmpty())
- break;
+ if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated) {
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(d_ptr->path, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(d_ptr->interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
+ return 0;
+ if (!QDBusUtil::checkMemberName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error, "method"))
+ return 0;
+ }
msg = q_dbus_message_new_signal(d_ptr->path.toUtf8(), d_ptr->interface.toUtf8(),
@@ -143,16 +168,11 @@ DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
-#if 0
- DBusError err;
- q_dbus_error_init(&err);
- if (q_dbus_error_is_set(&err)) {
- QDBusError qe(&err);
- qDebug() << "QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage" << qe;
- }
- if (!msg)
- return 0;
+ // if we got here, the parameters validated
+ // and since the message parameters cannot be changed once the message is created
+ // we can record this fact
+ d_ptr->parametersValidated = true;
QDBusMarshaller marshaller;
QVariantList::ConstIterator it = d_ptr->arguments.constBegin();
@@ -170,6 +190,7 @@ DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message)
// not ok;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed, QLatin1String("Marshalling failed: ") + marshaller.errorString);
return 0;
@@ -247,7 +268,13 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusMessagePrivate::makeLocal(const QDBusConnectionPrivate &conn,
// yes, we are
// we must marshall and demarshall again so as to create QDBusArgument
// entries for the complex types
- DBusMessage *message = toDBusMessage(asSent);
+ QDBusError error;
+ DBusMessage *message = toDBusMessage(asSent, &error);
+ if (!message) {
+ // failed to marshall, so it's a call error
+ return QDBusMessage::createError(error);
+ }
q_dbus_message_set_sender(message, conn.baseService.toUtf8());
QDBusMessage retval = fromDBusMessage(message);
@@ -466,6 +493,13 @@ QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::createErrorReply(const QString name, const QString &m
Constructs a new DBus reply message for the error type \a type using
the message \a msg. Returns the DBus message.
+QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::createErrorReply(QDBusError::ErrorType atype, const QString &amsg) const
+ QDBusMessage msg = createErrorReply(QDBusError::errorString(atype), amsg);
+ msg.d_ptr->parametersValidated = true;
+ return msg;
Constructs an empty, invalid QDBusMessage object.
@@ -673,7 +707,7 @@ QDBusMessage::MessageType QDBusMessage::type() const
\sa QDBusConnection::send()
-QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QDBusMessage::MessageType t)
+static QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, QDBusMessage::MessageType t)
switch (t)
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.h b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.h
index e9047a3..01260b4 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.h
@@ -87,8 +87,9 @@ public:
QDBusMessage createErrorReply(const QString name, const QString &msg) const;
inline QDBusMessage createErrorReply(const QDBusError &err) const
{ return createErrorReply(, err.message()); }
- inline QDBusMessage createErrorReply(QDBusError::ErrorType type, const QString &msg) const;
+ QDBusMessage createErrorReply(QDBusError::ErrorType type, const QString &msg) const;
+ // there are no setters; if this changes, see qdbusmessage_p.h
QString service() const;
QString path() const;
QString interface() const;
@@ -113,9 +114,6 @@ private:
QDBusMessagePrivate *d_ptr;
-inline QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::createErrorReply(QDBusError::ErrorType atype, const QString &amsg) const
-{ return createErrorReply(QDBusError::errorString(atype), amsg); }
QDBUS_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QDBusMessage &);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h
index 88e796b..908295d 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include <qatomic.h>
#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qdbusmessage.h>
struct DBusMessage;
@@ -69,7 +70,11 @@ public:
QList<QVariant> arguments;
+ // the following parameters are "const": they are not changed after the constructors
+ // the parametersValidated member below controls whether they've been validated already
QString service, path, interface, name, message, signature;
DBusMessage *msg;
DBusMessage *reply;
int type;
@@ -79,8 +84,12 @@ public:
mutable uint delayedReply : 1;
uint localMessage : 1;
+ mutable uint parametersValidated : 1;
+ static void setParametersValidated(QDBusMessage &msg, bool enable)
+ { msg.d_ptr->parametersValidated = enable; }
- static DBusMessage *toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message);
+ static DBusMessage *toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message, QDBusError *error);
static QDBusMessage fromDBusMessage(DBusMessage *dmsg);
static bool isLocal(const QDBusMessage &msg);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp
index 9206051..951e14a 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ QDBusMetaObject *QDBusMetaObject::createMetaObject(const QString &interface, con
// mark as an error
error = QDBusError(QDBusError::UnknownInterface,
- QString( QLatin1String("Interface '%1' was not found") )
+ QString::fromLatin1("Interface '%1' was not found")
return 0;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmisc.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusmisc.cpp
index ef1cea8..b654da1 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmisc.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmisc.cpp
@@ -41,12 +41,14 @@
#include <string.h>
+#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
#include "qdbusutil_p.h"
#include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
#include "qdbusmetatype_p.h"
+#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h" // for QCLASSINFO_DBUS_*
@@ -73,6 +75,51 @@ int qDBusNameToTypeId(const char *name)
return id;
+QString qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(const QMetaObject *mo)
+ QString interface;
+ int idx = mo->indexOfClassInfo(QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE);
+ if (idx >= mo->classInfoOffset()) {
+ interface = QLatin1String(mo->classInfo(idx).value());
+ } else {
+ interface = QLatin1String(mo->className());
+ interface.replace(QLatin1String("::"), QLatin1String("."));
+ if (interface.startsWith(QLatin1String("QDBus"))) {
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.QtDBus."));
+ } else if (interface.startsWith(QLatin1Char('Q')) &&
+ interface.length() >= 2 && {
+ // assume it's Qt
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.Qt."));
+ } else if (!QCoreApplication::instance()||
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName().isEmpty()) {
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1String("local."));
+ } else {
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName());
+ QStringList domainName =
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->organizationDomain().split(QLatin1Char('.'),
+ QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ if (domainName.isEmpty())
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1String("local."));
+ else
+ for (int i = 0; i < domainName.count(); ++i)
+ interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(;
+ }
+ }
+ return interface;
+bool qDBusInterfaceInObject(QObject *obj, const QString &interface_name)
+ const QMetaObject *mo = obj->metaObject();
+ for ( ; mo != &QObject::staticMetaObject; mo = mo->superClass())
+ if (interface_name == qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(mo))
+ return true;
+ return false;
// calculates the metatypes for the method
// the slot must have the parameters in the following form:
// - zero or more value or const-ref parameters of any kind
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.cpp
index d10179e..ef50b04 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.cpp
@@ -409,6 +409,44 @@ bool QDBusPendingCall::setReplyCallback(QObject *target, const char *member)
+ \since 4.6
+ Creates a QDBusPendingCall object based on the error condition
+ \a error. The resulting pending call object will be in the
+ "finished" state and QDBusPendingReply::isError() will return true.
+ \sa fromCompletedCall()
+QDBusPendingCall QDBusPendingCall::fromError(const QDBusError &error)
+ return fromCompletedCall(QDBusMessage::createError(error));
+ \since 4.6
+ Creates a QDBusPendingCall object based on the message \a msg.
+ The message must be of type QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage or
+ QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage (that is, a message that is typical
+ of a completed call).
+ This function is useful for code that requires simulating a pending
+ call, but that has already finished.
+ \sa fromError()
+QDBusPendingCall QDBusPendingCall::fromCompletedCall(const QDBusMessage &msg)
+ QDBusPendingCallPrivate *d = 0;
+ if (msg.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage ||
+ msg.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
+ d = new QDBusPendingCallPrivate;
+ d->replyMessage = msg;
+ d->connection = 0;
+ }
+ return QDBusPendingCall(d);
class QDBusPendingCallWatcherPrivate: public QObjectPrivate
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h
index 554445e..f6c073b 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ public:
QDBusMessage reply() const;
+ static QDBusPendingCall fromError(const QDBusError &error);
+ static QDBusPendingCall fromCompletedCall(const QDBusMessage &message);
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QDBusPendingCallPrivate> d;
friend class QDBusPendingCallPrivate;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall_p.h
index 2c40758..f97a2ad 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall_p.h
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
+class QDBusPendingCall;
class QDBusPendingCallWatcher;
class QDBusPendingCallWatcherHelper;
class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
@@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ public:
void waitForFinished();
void setMetaTypes(int count, const int *types);
void checkReceivedSignature();
+ static QDBusPendingCall fromMessage(const QDBusMessage &msg);
class QDBusPendingCallWatcherHelper: public QObject
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusserver.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusserver.cpp
index e028940..d4e90f6 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusserver.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusserver.cpp
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ QDBusServer::QDBusServer(const QString &address, QObject *parent)
if (address.isEmpty())
- QObject::connect(d, SIGNAL(newServerConnection(const QDBusConnection &)),
- this, SIGNAL(newConnection(const QDBusConnection &)));
+ QObject::connect(d, SIGNAL(newServerConnection(QDBusConnection)),
+ this, SIGNAL(newConnection(QDBusConnection)));
// server = q_dbus_server_listen( "unix:tmpdir=/tmp", &error);
QDBusErrorInternal error;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4328558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtDBus module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qdbusservicewatcher.h"
+#include "qdbusconnection.h"
+#include "qdbus_symbols_p.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <private/qobject_p.h>
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QString, signalName, (QLatin1String("NameOwnerChanged")))
+class QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate: public QObjectPrivate
+ Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDBusServiceWatcher)
+ QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate(const QDBusConnection &c, QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchMode wm)
+ : connection(c), watchMode(wm)
+ {
+ }
+ QStringList servicesWatched;
+ QDBusConnection connection;
+ QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchMode watchMode;
+ void _q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
+ void setConnection(const QStringList &services, const QDBusConnection &c, QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchMode watchMode);
+ QStringList matchArgsForService(const QString &service);
+ void addService(const QString &service);
+ void removeService(const QString &service);
+void QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate::_q_serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &service, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
+ Q_Q(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ emit q->serviceOwnerChanged(service, oldOwner, newOwner);
+ if (oldOwner.isEmpty())
+ emit q->serviceRegistered(service);
+ else if (newOwner.isEmpty())
+ emit q->serviceUnregistered(service);
+void QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate::setConnection(const QStringList &s, const QDBusConnection &c, QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchMode wm)
+ if (connection.isConnected()) {
+ // remove older rules
+ foreach (const QString &s, servicesWatched)
+ removeService(s);
+ }
+ connection = c;
+ watchMode = wm;
+ servicesWatched = s;
+ if (connection.isConnected()) {
+ // add new rules
+ foreach (const QString &s, servicesWatched)
+ addService(s);
+ }
+QStringList QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate::matchArgsForService(const QString &service)
+ QStringList matchArgs;
+ matchArgs << service;
+ switch (watchMode) {
+ case QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForOwnerChange:
+ break;
+ case QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForRegistration:
+ matchArgs << QString::fromLatin1("", 0);
+ break;
+ case QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForUnregistration:
+ matchArgs << QString() << QString::fromLatin1("", 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return matchArgs;
+void QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate::addService(const QString &service)
+ QStringList matchArgs = matchArgsForService(service);
+ connection.connect(*busService(), QString(), *busInterface(), *signalName(),
+ matchArgs, QString(), q_func(),
+ SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+void QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate::removeService(const QString &service)
+ QStringList matchArgs = matchArgsForService(service);
+ connection.disconnect(*busService(), QString(), *busInterface(), *signalName(),
+ matchArgs, QString(), q_func(),
+ SLOT(_q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
+ \class QDBusServiceWatcher
+ \since 4.6
+ \inmodule QtDBus
+ \brief The QDBusServiceWatcher class allows the user to watch for a bus service change.
+ A QDBusServiceWatcher object can be used to notify the application about
+ an ownership change of a service name on the bus. It has three watch
+ modes:
+ \list
+ \o Watching for service registration only.
+ \o Watching for service unregistration only.
+ \o Watching for any kind of service ownership change (the default mode).
+ \endlist
+ Besides being created or deleted, services may change owners without a
+ unregister/register operation happening. So the serviceRegistered()
+ and serviceUnregistered() signals may not be emitted if that
+ happens.
+ This class is more efficient than using the
+ QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged() signal because it allows
+ one to receive only the signals for which the class is interested in.
+ \sa QDBusConnection
+ \enum QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchModeFlag
+ QDBusServiceWatcher supports three different watch modes, which are configured by this flag:
+ \value WatchForRegistration watch for service registration only, ignoring
+ any signals related to other service ownership change.
+ \value WatchForUnregistration watch for service unregistration only,
+ ignoring any signals related to other service ownership change.
+ \value WatchForOwnerChange watch for any kind of service ownership
+ change.
+ \property QDBusServiceWatcher::watchMode
+ The \c watchMode property holds the current watch mode for this
+ QDBusServiceWatcher object. The default value for this property is
+ QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForOwnershipChange.
+ \property QDBusServiceWatcher::watchedServices
+ The \c servicesWatched property holds the list of services watched.
+ Note that modifying this list with setServicesWatched() is an expensive
+ operation. If you can, prefer to change it by way of addWatchedService()
+ and removeWatchedService().
+ \fn void QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceRegistered(const QString &serviceName)
+ This signal is emitted whenever this object detects that the service \a
+ serviceName became available on the bus.
+ \sa serviceUnregistered(), serviceOwnerChanged()
+ \fn void QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceUnregistered(const QString &serviceName)
+ This signal is emitted whenever this object detects that the service \a
+ serviceName was unregistered from the bus and is no longer available.
+ \sa serviceRegistered(), serviceOwnerChanged()
+ \fn void QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &serviceName, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
+ This signal is emitted whenever this object detects that there was a
+ service ownership change relating to the \a serviceName service. The \a
+ oldOwner parameter contains the old owner name and \a newOwner is the new
+ owner. Both \a oldOwner and \a newOwner are unique connection names.
+ Note that this signal is also emitted whenever the \a serviceName service
+ was registered or unregistered. If it was registered, \a oldOwner will
+ contain an empty string, whereas if it was unregistered, \a newOwner will
+ contain an empty string.
+ If you need only to find out if the service is registered or unregistered
+ only, without being notified that the ownership changed, consider using
+ the specific modes for those operations. This class is more efficient if
+ you use the more specific modes.
+ \sa serviceRegistered(), serviceUnregistered()
+ Creates a QDBusServiceWatcher object. Note that until you set a
+ connection with setConnection(), this object will not emit any signals.
+ The \a parent parameter is passed to QObject to set the parent of this
+ object.
+QDBusServiceWatcher::QDBusServiceWatcher(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(*new QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate(QDBusConnection(QString()), WatchForOwnerChange), parent)
+ Creates a QDBusServiceWatcher object and attaches it to the \a connection
+ connection. Also, this function immediately starts watching for \a
+ watchMode changes to service \a service.
+ The \a parent parameter is passed to QObject to set the parent of this
+ object.
+QDBusServiceWatcher::QDBusServiceWatcher(const QString &service, const QDBusConnection &connection, WatchMode watchMode, QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(*new QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate(connection, watchMode), parent)
+ d_func()->setConnection(QStringList() << service, connection, watchMode);
+ Destroys the QDBusServiceWatcher object and releases any resources
+ associated with it.
+ Returns the list of D-Bus services that are being watched.
+ \sa setWatchedServices()
+QStringList QDBusServiceWatcher::watchedServices() const
+ return d_func()->servicesWatched;
+ Sets the list of D-Bus services being watched to be \a services.
+ Note that setting the entire list means removing all previous rules for
+ watching services and adding new ones. This is an expensive operation and
+ should be avoided, if possible. Instead, use addWatchedService() and
+ removeWatchedService() if you can to manipulate entries in the list.
+void QDBusServiceWatcher::setWatchedServices(const QStringList &services)
+ Q_D(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ if (services == d->servicesWatched)
+ return;
+ d->setConnection(services, d->connection, d->watchMode);
+ Adds \a newService to the list of services to be watched by this object.
+ This function is more efficient than setWatchedServices() and should be
+ used whenever possible to add services.
+void QDBusServiceWatcher::addWatchedService(const QString &newService)
+ Q_D(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ if (d->servicesWatched.contains(newService))
+ return;
+ d->addService(newService);
+ d->servicesWatched << newService;
+ Removes the \a service from the list of services being watched by this
+ object. Note that D-Bus notifications are asynchronous, so there may
+ still be signals pending delivery about \a service. Those signals will
+ still be emitted whenever the D-Bus messages are processed.
+ This function returns true if any services were removed.
+bool QDBusServiceWatcher::removeWatchedService(const QString &service)
+ Q_D(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ d->removeService(service);
+ return d->servicesWatched.removeOne(service);
+QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchMode QDBusServiceWatcher::watchMode() const
+ return d_func()->watchMode;
+void QDBusServiceWatcher::setWatchMode(WatchMode mode)
+ Q_D(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ if (mode == d->watchMode)
+ return;
+ d->setConnection(d->servicesWatched, d->connection, mode);
+ Returns the QDBusConnection that this object is attached to.
+ \sa setConnection()
+QDBusConnection QDBusServiceWatcher::connection() const
+ return d_func()->connection;
+ Sets the D-Bus connection that this object is attached to be \a
+ connection. All services watched will be transferred to this connection.
+ Note that QDBusConnection objects are reference counted:
+ QDBusServiceWatcher will keep a reference for this connection while it
+ exists. The connection is not closed until the reference count drops to
+ zero, so this will ensure that any notifications are received while this
+ QDBusServiceWatcher object exists.
+ \sa connection()
+void QDBusServiceWatcher::setConnection(const QDBusConnection &connection)
+ Q_D(QDBusServiceWatcher);
+ if ( == d->
+ return;
+ d->setConnection(d->servicesWatched, connection, d->watchMode);
+#include "moc_qdbusservicewatcher.cpp"
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.h b/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a968a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusservicewatcher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtDBus module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
+#include <QtDBus/qdbusmacros.h>
+class QDBusConnection;
+class QDBusServiceWatcherPrivate;
+class QDBUS_EXPORT QDBusServiceWatcher: public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(QStringList watchedServices READ watchedServices WRITE setWatchedServices)
+ Q_PROPERTY(WatchMode watchMode READ watchMode WRITE setWatchMode)
+ enum WatchModeFlag {
+ WatchForRegistration = 0x01,
+ WatchForUnregistration = 0x02,
+ WatchForOwnerChange = 0x03
+ };
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(WatchMode, WatchModeFlag)
+ explicit QDBusServiceWatcher(QObject *parent = 0);
+ QDBusServiceWatcher(const QString &service, const QDBusConnection &connection,
+ WatchMode watchMode = WatchForOwnerChange, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QDBusServiceWatcher();
+ QStringList watchedServices() const;
+ void setWatchedServices(const QStringList &services);
+ void addWatchedService(const QString &newService);
+ bool removeWatchedService(const QString &service);
+ WatchMode watchMode() const;
+ void setWatchMode(WatchMode mode);
+ QDBusConnection connection() const;
+ void setConnection(const QDBusConnection &connection);
+ void serviceRegistered(const QString &service);
+ void serviceUnregistered(const QString &service);
+ void serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &service, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
+ Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString))
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDBusServiceWatcher)
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDBusServiceWatcher)
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusthread.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusthread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e180b1..0000000
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusthread.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the QtDBus module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
-#include <QtCore/qwaitcondition.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <qdbus_symbols_p.h>
-static DBusMutex* mutex_new()
- return reinterpret_cast<DBusMutex *>(new QMutex(QMutex::NonRecursive));
-#if 0
-static DBusMutex* recursive_mutex_new()
- return reinterpret_cast<DBusMutex *>(new QMutex(QMutex::Recursive));
-static void mutex_free(DBusMutex *mutex)
- delete reinterpret_cast<QMutex *>(mutex);
-static dbus_bool_t mutex_lock(DBusMutex *mutex)
- reinterpret_cast<QMutex *>(mutex)->lock();
- return true;
-static dbus_bool_t mutex_unlock(DBusMutex *mutex)
- reinterpret_cast<QMutex *>(mutex)->unlock();
- return true;
-static DBusCondVar* condvar_new()
- return reinterpret_cast<DBusCondVar *>(new QWaitCondition);
-static void condvar_free(DBusCondVar *cond)
- delete reinterpret_cast<QWaitCondition *>(cond);
-static void condvar_wait(DBusCondVar *cond, DBusMutex *mutex)
- reinterpret_cast<QWaitCondition *>(cond)->wait(reinterpret_cast<QMutex *>(mutex));
-static dbus_bool_t condvar_wait_timeout(DBusCondVar *cond, DBusMutex *mutex, int msec)
- return reinterpret_cast<QWaitCondition *>(cond)->wait(reinterpret_cast<QMutex *>(mutex), msec);
-static void condvar_wake_one(DBusCondVar *cond)
- reinterpret_cast<QWaitCondition *>(cond)->wakeOne();
-static void condvar_wake_all(DBusCondVar *cond)
- reinterpret_cast<QWaitCondition *>(cond)->wakeAll();
-bool qDBusInitThreads()
- // ### Disable the recursive mutex functions.
- static DBusThreadFunctions fcn = {
-#if 0
- mutex_new,
- mutex_free,
- mutex_lock,
- mutex_unlock,
- condvar_new,
- condvar_free,
- condvar_wait,
- condvar_wait_timeout,
- condvar_wake_one,
- condvar_wake_all,
-#if 0
- recursive_mutex_new,
- mutex_free,
- mutex_lock,
- mutex_unlock,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0
- };
-#if !defined QT_LINKED_LIBDBUS
- void (*threads_init_default)() = (void (*)())qdbus_resolve_conditionally("dbus_threads_init_default");
- void (*threads_init)(DBusThreadFunctions *) = (void (*)(DBusThreadFunctions*))qdbus_resolve_conditionally("dbus_threads_init");
- if (threads_init_default)
- threads_init_default();
- else if (threads_init)
- threads_init(&fcn);
- else
- return false;
- return true;
- dbus_threads_init(&fcn);
- return true;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h
index 826d313..2e144e1 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ enum ThreadAction {
RemoveWatchAction = 61,
ToggleWatchAction = 62,
SocketReadAction = 63,
- SocketWriteAction = 64,
+ SocketWriteAction = 64
struct QDBusLockerBase
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusutil.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusutil.cpp
index 32f1da0..bf5a739 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusutil.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusutil.cpp
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ static bool variantToString(const QVariant &arg, QString &out)
int argType = arg.userType();
if (argType == QVariant::StringList) {
- out += QLatin1String("{");
+ out += QLatin1Char('{');
QStringList list = arg.toStringList();
foreach (QString item, list)
out += QLatin1Char('\"') + item + QLatin1String("\", ");
if (!list.isEmpty())
- out += QLatin1String("}");
+ out += QLatin1Char('}');
} else if (argType == QVariant::ByteArray) {
- out += QLatin1String("{");
+ out += QLatin1Char('{');
QByteArray list = arg.toByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) {
out += QString::number(;
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ static bool variantToString(const QVariant &arg, QString &out)
if (!list.isEmpty())
- out += QLatin1String("}");
+ out += QLatin1Char('}');
} else if (argType == QVariant::List) {
- out += QLatin1String("{");
+ out += QLatin1Char('{');
QList<QVariant> list = arg.toList();
foreach (QVariant item, list) {
if (!variantToString(item, out))
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static bool variantToString(const QVariant &arg, QString &out)
if (!list.isEmpty())
- out += QLatin1String("}");
+ out += QLatin1Char('}');
} else if (argType == QMetaType::Char || argType == QMetaType::Short || argType == QMetaType::Int
|| argType == QMetaType::Long || argType == QMetaType::LongLong) {
out += QString::number(arg.toLongLong());
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static bool variantToString(const QVariant &arg, QString &out)
return false;
out += QLatin1Char(']');
} else if (arg.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
- out += QLatin1String("\"") + arg.toString() + QLatin1String("\"");
+ out += QLatin1Char('\"') + arg.toString() + QLatin1Char('\"');
} else {
out += QLatin1Char('[');
out += QLatin1String(arg.typeName());
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ bool argToString(const QDBusArgument &busArg, QString &out)
if (elementType != QDBusArgument::BasicType && elementType != QDBusArgument::VariantType
&& elementType != QDBusArgument::MapEntryType)
- out += QLatin1String("]");
+ out += QLatin1Char(']');
return true;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusutil_p.h b/src/dbus/qdbusutil_p.h
index 0a50082..7c91dbb 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusutil_p.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusutil_p.h
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
#include <QtDBus/qdbusmacros.h>
+#include <QtDBus/qdbuserror.h>
@@ -83,6 +84,73 @@ namespace QDBusUtil
QDBUS_EXPORT bool isValidSingleSignature(const QString &signature);
QDBUS_EXPORT QString argumentToString(const QVariant &variant);
+ enum AllowEmptyFlag {
+ EmptyAllowed,
+ EmptyNotAllowed
+ };
+ inline bool checkInterfaceName(const QString &name, AllowEmptyFlag empty, QDBusError *error)
+ {
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ if (empty == EmptyAllowed) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidInterface, QLatin1String("Interface name cannot be empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isValidInterfaceName(name)) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidInterface, QString::fromLatin1("Invalid interface class: %1").arg(name));
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool checkBusName(const QString &name, AllowEmptyFlag empty, QDBusError *error)
+ {
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ if (empty == EmptyAllowed) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidService, QLatin1String("Service name cannot be empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isValidBusName(name)) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidService, QString::fromLatin1("Invalid service name: %1").arg(name));
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool checkObjectPath(const QString &path, AllowEmptyFlag empty, QDBusError *error)
+ {
+ if (path.isEmpty()) {
+ if (empty == EmptyAllowed) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidObjectPath, QLatin1String("Object path cannot be empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isValidObjectPath(path)) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidObjectPath, QString::fromLatin1("Invalid object path: %1").arg(path));
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool checkMemberName(const QString &name, AllowEmptyFlag empty, QDBusError *error, const char *nameType = 0)
+ {
+ if (!nameType) nameType = "member";
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ if (empty == EmptyAllowed) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidMember, QLatin1String(nameType) + QLatin1String(" name cannot be empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isValidMemberName(name)) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidMember, QString::fromLatin1("Invalid %1 name: %2")
+ .arg(QString::fromLatin1(nameType), name));
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool checkErrorName(const QString &name, AllowEmptyFlag empty, QDBusError *error)
+ {
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ if (empty == EmptyAllowed) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidInterface, QLatin1String("Error name cannot be empty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isValidErrorName(name)) return true;
+ *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidInterface, QString::fromLatin1("Invalid error name: %1").arg(name));
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
index dd94a57..380b949 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusxmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
-#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ static QString generateInterfaceXml(const QMetaObject *mo, int flags, int method
const char *typeName = QVariant::typeToName( QVariant::Type( );
xml += QString::fromLatin1(" <annotation name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.%1%2\" value=\"%3\"/>\n")
.arg(isOutput ? QLatin1String("Out") : QLatin1String("In"))
- .arg(isOutput ? j - inputCount : j - 1)
+ .arg(isOutput && !isSignal ? j - inputCount : j - 1)
@@ -232,42 +231,6 @@ static QString generateInterfaceXml(const QMetaObject *mo, int flags, int method
return retval;
-QString qDBusInterfaceFromMetaObject(const QMetaObject *mo)
- QString interface;
- int idx = mo->indexOfClassInfo(QCLASSINFO_DBUS_INTERFACE);
- if (idx >= mo->classInfoOffset()) {
- interface = QLatin1String(mo->classInfo(idx).value());
- } else {
- interface = QLatin1String(mo->className());
- interface.replace(QLatin1String("::"), QLatin1String("."));
- if (interface.startsWith(QLatin1String("QDBus"))) {
- interface.prepend(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.QtDBus."));
- } else if (interface.startsWith(QLatin1Char('Q')) &&
- interface.length() >= 2 && {
- // assume it's Qt
- interface.prepend(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.Qt."));
- } else if (!QCoreApplication::instance()||
- QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName().isEmpty()) {
- interface.prepend(QLatin1String("local."));
- } else {
- interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName());
- QStringList domainName =
- QCoreApplication::instance()->organizationDomain().split(QLatin1Char('.'),
- QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- if (domainName.isEmpty())
- interface.prepend(QLatin1String("local."));
- else
- for (int i = 0; i < domainName.count(); ++i)
- interface.prepend(QLatin1Char('.')).prepend(;
- }
- }
- return interface;
- }
QString qDBusGenerateMetaObjectXml(QString interface, const QMetaObject *mo,
const QMetaObject *base, int flags)