path: root/src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp b/src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp
index b521d00..32d3eb4 100644
--- a/src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/fx/qfxrect.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "qfxrect.h"
#include "qfxrect_p.h"
+#include <QPainter>
@@ -251,17 +252,8 @@ QFxRect::QFxRect(QFxRectPrivate &dd, QFxItem *parent)
void QFxRect::doUpdate()
d->rectImage = QPixmap();
-#if defined(QFX_RENDER_OPENGL)
- Q_D(QFxRect);
- if (d->rectTexture) {
- d->rectTexture->release();
- d->rectTexture = 0;
- }
const int pw = d->pen && d->pen->isValid() ? d->pen->width() : 0;
@@ -340,7 +332,7 @@ void QFxRect::setGradient(QFxGradient *gradient)
This property holds the corner radius used to draw a rounded rect.
If radius is non-zero, the rect will be painted as a rounded rectangle, otherwise it will be
- painted as a normal rectangle. The same radius is used by all 4 corners; there is currently
+ painted as a normal rectangle. The same radius is used by all 4 corners; there is currently
no way to specify different radii for different corners.
@@ -361,25 +353,10 @@ void QFxRect::setRadius(qreal radius)
d->radius = radius;
d->rectImage = QPixmap();
-#elif defined(QFX_RENDER_OPENGL)
- if (d->rectTexture) {
- d->rectTexture->release();
- d->rectTexture = 0;
- }
-void QFxRect::dump(int depth)
- Q_D(QFxRect);
- QByteArray ba(depth * 4, ' ');
- qWarning() << ba.constData() << "QFxRect:" << d->color;
- QFxItem::dump(depth);
\qmlproperty color Rect::color
This property holds the color used to fill the rect.
@@ -412,15 +389,7 @@ void QFxRect::setColor(const QColor &c)
d->color = c;
d->rectImage = QPixmap();
-#if defined(QFX_RENDER_OPENGL)
- if (d->rectTexture) {
- d->rectTexture->release();
- d->rectTexture = 0;
- }
@@ -488,7 +457,6 @@ QColor QFxRectPrivate::getColor()
void QFxRect::generateRoundedRect()
@@ -535,72 +503,7 @@ void QFxRect::generateBorderedRect()
p.drawRect(QRectF(qreal(pw)/2, qreal(pw)/2, d->rectImage.width()-pw, d->rectImage.height()-pw));
-#elif defined(QFX_RENDER_OPENGL)
-void QFxRect::generateRoundedRect()
- Q_D(QFxRect);
- if (!d->rectTexture) {
- const int pw = d->pen && d->pen->isValid() ? d->pen->width() : 0;
- QString key = QString("QFxRect://r_%1_%2_%3_%4").arg(pw).arg(d->radius).arg((d->pen && d->pen->isValid())?d->pen->color().name():QString()).arg(d->;
- d->rectTexture = cachedTexture(key);
- if (!d->rectTexture) {
- QPixmap roundRect(d->radius*2 + 4 + pw*2, d->radius*2 + 4 + pw*2);
- roundRect.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QPainter p(&roundRect);
- p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
- if (d->pen && d->pen->isValid()) {
- QPen pn(QColor(pen()->color()), pen()->width());
- p.setPen(pn);
- } else {
- p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- }
- p.setBrush(d->color);
- if (pw%2)
- p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(qreal(pw)/2+1, qreal(pw)/2+1, roundRect.width()-(pw+1), roundRect.height()-(pw+1)), d->radius, d->radius);
- else
- p.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(qreal(pw)/2, qreal(pw)/2, roundRect.width()-pw, roundRect.height()-pw), d->radius, d->radius);
- d->rectTexture = cachedTexture(key, roundRect);
- }
- }
-void QFxRect::generateBorderedRect()
- Q_D(QFxRect);
- if (!d->rectTexture) {
- const int pw = d->pen && d->pen->isValid() ? d->pen->width() : 0;
- QString key = QString("QFxRect://b_%1_%2_%3_%4").arg(pw).arg(d->radius).arg((d->pen && d->pen->isValid())?d->pen->color().name():QString()).arg(d->;
- d->rectTexture = cachedTexture(key);
- if (!d->rectTexture) {
- QPixmap borderedRect(pw*2 + 4, pw*2 + 4);
- borderedRect.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QPainter p(&(borderedRect));
- p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
- if (d->pen && d->pen->isValid()) {
- QPen pn(QColor(pen()->color()), pen()->width());
- pn.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin);
- p.setPen(pn);
- } else {
- p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- }
- p.setBrush(d->color);
- if (pw%2)
- p.drawRect(QRectF(qreal(pw)/2+1, qreal(pw)/2+1, borderedRect.width()-(pw+1), borderedRect.height()-(pw+1)));
- else
- p.drawRect(QRectF(qreal(pw)/2, qreal(pw)/2, borderedRect.width()-pw, borderedRect.height()-pw));
- d->rectTexture = cachedTexture(key, borderedRect);
- }
- }
void QFxRect::paintContents(QPainter &p)
@@ -689,7 +592,7 @@ void QFxRect::drawRect(QPainter &p)
if (yMiddles)
p.drawPixmap(QRect(width()-xOffset+pw/2, yOffset-pw/2, xOffset, height() - ySide + pw), d->rectImage,
QRect(d->rectImage.width()-xOffset, d->rectImage.height()/2, xOffset, 1));
- // Lower left
+ // Lower left
p.drawPixmap(QPoint(-pw/2, height() - yOffset + pw/2), d->rectImage, QRect(0, d->rectImage.height() - yOffset, xOffset, yOffset));
// Lower Middle
@@ -701,258 +604,5 @@ void QFxRect::drawRect(QPainter &p)
QRect(d->rectImage.width()-xOffset, d->rectImage.height() - yOffset, xOffset, yOffset));
-#if defined(QFX_RENDER_OPENGL2)
-#include "glbasicshaders.h"
-void QFxRect::paintGLContents(GLPainter &p)
- Q_D(QFxRect);
- if (d->radius == 0 && (!d->pen || !d->pen->isValid())) {
- if (d->gradient) {
- float widthV = width();
- float heightV = height();
- GLfloat vertices[] = { 0, heightV,
- widthV, heightV,
- 0, 0,
- widthV, 0 };
- int count = d->gradient->stops()->size();
- GLfloat colors[count*8];
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 8) {
- QFxGradientStop *g = d->gradient->stops()->at(i);
- QColor c = g->color();
- colors[i] = c.redF(); colors[i+4] = colors[i];
- colors[i+1] = c.greenF(); colors[i+5] = colors[i+1];
- colors[i+2] = c.blueF(); colors[i+6] = colors[i+2];
- colors[i+3] = c.alphaF() * p.activeOpacity; colors[i+7] = colors[i+3];
- }
- p.invalidate();
- ColorShader *shader = basicShaders()->color();
- shader->enable();
- shader->setTransform(p.activeTransform);
- shader->setAttributeArray(ColorShader::Vertices, vertices, 2);
- shader->setAttributeArray(ColorShader::Colors, colors, 4);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, count*2);
- shader->disableAttributeArray(ColorShader::Vertices);
- shader->disableAttributeArray(ColorShader::Colors);
- } else {
- p.fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()), d->getColor());
- }
- } else {
- qreal offset = 0;
- qreal pw = d->pen && d->pen->isValid() ? d->pen->width() : 0.0;
- if (d->radius > 0) {
- generateRoundedRect();
- offset = d->radius + pw+1.5;
- } else {
- generateBorderedRect();
- offset = pw+1.5;
- }
- QGLShaderProgram *shader = p.useTextureShader();
- float texWidth = d->rectTexture->width();
- float texHeight = d->rectTexture->height();
- if (!texWidth || !texHeight)
- return;
- float widthV = qreal(width())+pw/2;
- float heightV = qreal(height())+pw/2;
- float xOffset = offset;
- bool xMiddles = true;
- if (xOffset*2 > width()+pw) {
- xMiddles = false;
- xOffset = (width()+pw)/2;
- }
- float yOffset = offset;
- bool yMiddles = true;
- if (yOffset*2 > height()+pw) {
- yMiddles = false;
- yOffset = (height()+pw)/2;
- }
- float texleft = xOffset / texWidth;
- float imgleft = xOffset-pw/2;
- float texright = (texWidth-xOffset) / texWidth;
- float imgright = widthV - xOffset;
- float textop = yOffset / texHeight;
- float imgtop = yOffset-pw/2;
- float texbottom = (texHeight-yOffset) / texHeight;
- float imgbottom = heightV - yOffset;
- //Bug 231768: Inappropriate interpolation was occuring on 3x3 textures
- if (offset==1)
- texleft=texright=textop=texbottom=0.5;
- texleft *= d->rectTexture->glWidth();
- texright *= d->rectTexture->glWidth();
- textop *= d->rectTexture->glHeight();
- texbottom *= d->rectTexture->glHeight();
- float vert1[] = { -pw/2, -pw/2,
- -pw/2, imgtop,
- imgleft, -pw/2,
- -pw/2, imgtop,
- imgleft, -pw/2,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- imgleft, -pw/2,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- imgright, -pw/2,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- imgright, -pw/2,
- imgright, imgtop,
- imgright, -pw/2,
- imgright, imgtop,
- widthV, -pw/2,
- imgright, imgtop,
- widthV, -pw/2,
- widthV, imgtop,
- -pw/2, heightV,
- -pw/2, imgbottom,
- imgleft, heightV,
- -pw/2, imgbottom,
- imgleft, heightV,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgleft, heightV,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgright, heightV,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgright, heightV,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- imgright, heightV,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- widthV, heightV,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- widthV, heightV,
- widthV, imgbottom,
- -pw/2, imgtop,
- -pw/2, imgbottom,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- -pw/2, imgbottom,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgleft, imgtop,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgright, imgtop,
- imgleft, imgbottom,
- imgright, imgtop,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- imgright, imgtop,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- widthV, imgtop,
- imgright, imgbottom,
- widthV, imgtop,
- widthV, imgbottom };
- float tex1[] = { 0, 0,
- 0, textop,
- texleft, 0,
- 0, textop,
- texleft, 0,
- texleft, textop,
- texleft, 0,
- texleft, textop,
- texright, 0,
- texleft, textop,
- texright, 0,
- texright, textop,
- texright, 0,
- texright, textop,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), 0,
- texright, textop,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), 0,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), textop,
- 0, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- 0, texbottom,
- texleft, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- 0, texbottom,
- texleft, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texleft, texbottom,
- texleft, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texleft, texbottom,
- texright, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texleft, texbottom,
- texright, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texright, texbottom,
- texright, d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texright, texbottom,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- texright, texbottom,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), d->rectTexture->glHeight(),
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), texbottom,
- 0, textop,
- 0, texbottom,
- texleft, textop,
- 0, texbottom,
- texleft, textop,
- texleft, texbottom,
- texleft, textop,
- texleft, texbottom,
- texright, textop,
- texleft, texbottom,
- texright, textop,
- texright, texbottom,
- texright, textop,
- texright, texbottom,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), textop,
- texright, texbottom,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), textop,
- d->rectTexture->glWidth(), texbottom };
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, d->rectTexture->texture());
- shader->setAttributeArray(SingleTextureShader::Vertices, vert1, 2);
- shader->setAttributeArray(SingleTextureShader::TextureCoords, tex1, 2);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36 + (yMiddles?18:0));
- }